Towards Early Prototyping of Services based on Open Transport Data:
A Feasibility Study
Nicolas Ferry, Aida Omerovic and Marit Kjøsnes Natvig
SINTEF, Norway
Service Prototyping, Open Transport Data, DevOps.
Data under open licenses and in reusable formats, often referred to as ”open data”, is increasingly being
made accessible by both public and private actors. Government institutions, municipalities, private companies
and entrepreneurs are among the stakeholders either having visions of new open data-based services, or just
looking for new ideas on potential innovations based on open data. It is, however, in both cases, often unclear
to the service developers how the open data actually can be utilized. A main reason is that the data needs
to be retrieved from multiple sources, understood, quality checked and processed. While gaining insights on
possible services that can be created on the top of open data, a service developer has to undergo an iterative
”trying and failing” exercise of service prototyping. In order to be practically feasible, such a process needs
to be agile and efficient. Open data from the transport sector is used as a case. The open transport data are
characterized by many challenges common for open data in general, but also a few specific ones. One of those
challenges is the need for combining (often real-time) data from rather many sources in order to create a new
service. In this paper we propose an agile approach to early service prototyping and we try out the approach
on an open transport data service. Finally, we propose the priorities for future work towards a comprehensive
approach for agile prototyping of open transport data-based services.
During the past several years, increasingly many pri-
vate and public actors all over the world have been
actively releasing data under open licenses and often
in reusable formats (Barometer, 2015). The goal is to
foster creation of new and innovative digital services.
The innovation and economic potential is becoming
more and more visible, as documented by a European
study (Carrara et al., 2015), thus attracting govern-
ments, municipalities, companies and entrepreneurs
to take part in the ecosystem of the data provision and
creation of innovations on the top of open data. Once
the data are released and announced through a pub-
lic catalogue, a developer needs to understand its for-
mat and content, evaluate its quality and then (at least
partially) create a new service through several itera-
tions. This process is necessary in order to try out the
ideas and evaluate feasibility of the envisioned ser-
vice. Such a creative process of “trying and failing”
to develop new services needs to be highly agile and
efficient. The process is however slowed down since
the data openly available online frequently consist of
rather unstructured information (Kim et al., 2014),
which makes service prototyping difficult and expen-
sive (Rusu et al., 2013). It is also a challenge that
the quality of the dataset descriptions and the meta
data announced might not be good enough to give
the developer the information needed (Martin et al.,
2013)(Beno et al., 2017).
Some tools and methods facilitating open data-
based service prototyping do exist. The Linked Data
Stack (Auer et al., 2012) is a software stack con-
sisting of a number of loosely coupled tools, each
capable of performing certain sets of operations on
linked data, such as data extraction, storage, query-
ing, linking, classification, and search. The LinDA
project (Hasapis et al., 2014) developed a set of tools
for linked data publishing, packaged into the LinDA
Workbench. In the cases of both Linked Data Stack
and LinDA, the complexity of provisioning resources
and managing the web application rests on the service
developer who must install the tools and maintain the
infrastructure. The COMSODE project (P. Hane
2015) provided a set of software tools and method-
ology for open data processing and publishing. COS-
MODE is not available as an online service, but rather
as a set of tools that need to be individually man-
Ferry, N., Omerovic, A. and Natvig, M.
Towards Early Prototyping of Services based on Open Transport Data: A Feasibility Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0007675402570262
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
aged, which implies additional burden on the devel-
oper. Datalift (Scharffe et al., 2012) is a software
framework for linked data publishing. It is consid-
ered as an ”expert tool” (Scharffe et al., 2012). For
example, it comes with no GUI to support data pub-
lishers in the data publication process. The Linked
Data AppStore (Roman et al., 2014) is a Software-as-
a-Service platform prototype for data integration on
the web. Common for the mentioned tools and ap-
proaches is that they either only partially cover the
prototyping process, or that they are too extensive and
therefore unfit for a DevOps-driven agile approach.
We have through the research and innovation
project Open Transport Data, which gathers some of
the major public and private actors from the transport
sector in Norway, addressed service prototyping in
the context of open data from the transport domain.
The following list includes the main challenges that a
developer faces when prototyping services on the top
of open data:
Discovery of relevant datasets through metadata
search and visualisation of datasets to better un-
derstand the data content. Public catalogues and
data portals are still not comprehensive and meta-
data for describing the contents are only to a lim-
ited degree standardized and available.
Understanding and using varying application pro-
gramming interfaces (APIs) for data retrieval.
Even though API description standards exist (e.g.,
OpenAPI), they are not commonly used, and APIs
are not documented in a standardised way.
Combining multiple sources of open data, in order
to create value added services. Travel planners
will for example need information on addresses,
stop points, route plans and position data from
several transport service operators, maps, etc.
Accessing real-time data from IoT and sensors.
The amount of such data will increase, and new
services will use real-time data streams on, for ex-
ample, the conditions at locations and the move-
ment of people, vehicles and goods.
Handling of large volumes of data, which is pos-
sibly unstructured.
Handling proprietary data formats. For example,
standards exists for data on public transport, but
for other transport types (e.g., car sharing, city
bikes, ride sharing) there are no standards, and
proprietary data formats are used.
Understanding the data. In many cases, domain
knowledge is required in order to sufficiently un-
derstand the data contents. This is a challenge
due to lack of documentation and metadata, as de-
scribed above.
Clearly, these characteristics impose requirements
to the approach followed for prototyping the services
based on open transport data. Our goal is that a ser-
vice developer (e.g., an entrepreneur with limited pro-
gramming background) can incrementally explore the
possibilities and ideas while creating a service proto-
type. To that end, the approach has to be highly iter-
ative, comprehensible to non-expert developers and
cost-efficient. To the best of our knowledge, there
is currently no approach which sufficiently meets the
above mentioned needs and challenges. In particular,
the existing approaches fail to be sufficiently agile,
scalable and comprehensible in order to fit for grad-
ual prototyping through consolidation of many data
sources through multiple iterations.
In this position paper we propose an initial agile
approach to early service prototyping based on open
transport data. The approach is novel in the sense that
it is data-centric and focuses on how to develop an
idea into a prototype rather than how to implement
a solution. The approach is motivated by the above
listed challenges as well as experiences gained from
applying the data which has been harvested into an
open catalogue by the Open Transport Data project.
We exemplify our approach on an open transport data
service and discuss the lessons learned so far. We
also outline a roadmap for the forthcoming research
towards a comprehensive approach for agile prototyp-
ing of open transport data-based services.
Section 2 gives an overview of the approach. Sec-
tion 3 exemplifies the approach by prototyping a ser-
vice based on real-life open transport data, and Sec-
tion 4 summarizes the lessons learned in this trial and
discusses the threats to validity of the results. We also
propose the priorities for future work which aims to
provide a comprehensive approach for agile prototyp-
ing of open transport data-based services.
In this section we introduce our approach for the iter-
ative prototyping of services based on open data. We
propose the prototyping process for the development
of services based on open transport data, as depicted
in Figure 1 . Firstly, service developers need to search
for the relevant data sets. Open data is typically re-
leased in a domain-dependent way when it comes to
use of terminology and data structures. However, as
stated in (Noy and Brickley, 2017): “it can be difficult
to determine not only the source of the dataset that
has the information that you are looking for, but also
the veracity or provenance of that information”. In
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
particular, datasets typically lack proper description
and meta-data. Due to its open nature, the data is not
prepared for a specific application and can be used in
many different contexts which were not necessarily
anticipated at release time.
Secondly, when data is found, developers need to
access and understand the data. In many cases, only
looking at the documentation of the data (when avail-
able) is not enough as documentation typically fails to
represent aspects such as data missing, data accuracy,
etc. As a result, in order to properly understand the
data, developers need to manipulate and test it.
From this stage, the developer can identify the
potential usage area for the data that enables new
added value services. Once the capabilities of such
service are identified, and before its implementation,
the developers need to prepare the data (e.g., pre-
processing, cleaning).
In case additional data is required to deliver the
service with the desired capabilities, developers can
enter a new prototyping process. If not, the proto-
type can then be used in other stages of the product
life cycle such as code and deployment stages, for in-
stance when part of its implementation needs to be re-
developed to meet the production requirements (e.g.,
specific framework needs to be used), or to the testing
Figure 1: Data oriented early prototyping process.
The details of each of the steps of the iterative ap-
proach depicted in Figure 1 are described in the fol-
1. Search Data: The aim of this task is to identify
the data sources and the datasets which the forth-
coming prototyping iteration will be based upon.
Catalogue, data repositories, and search engines
can help finding the relevant datasets.
2. Access and Understand Data: This process
consists first in understanding how the identified
datasets or data streams can be accessed, second
in actually accessing the data, and finally in look-
ing at different samples of the data in order to
properly understand its contents, structure, etc.
These activities are often done in an ad-hoc man-
ner as the APIs to retrieve data are typically not
following API description standards.
3. Identify Added Value: This step requires look-
ing into the details of the data in order to under-
stand its contents and to identify which parts of it
are relevant for our service. It is important at this
stage to evaluate several samples of data in order
to establish the overall quality of the data - e.g.,
data accuracy and the missing data.
4. Specify Capabilities: At this stage, the developer
can start specifying the features that will be of-
fered by the prototype. This activity will be af-
fected by the availability of data and its identified
added value.
5. Prepare Data: This stage consists in managing
and preparing the data for further analysis and
processing as part of the service business logic.
This includes the following activities: data char-
acterization, data organization, data filtering, re-
structuring and compression. At the end of this
stage, the data should be ready to be consumed by
the business logic of the service. In addition, it
should fit its needs and requirements.
6. Prototype Service: This stage consists in the ac-
tual development, delivery and deployment of a
prototype that implements the business logic of
the service specified at step 4.
7. Identify Missing Data: At the end of a proto-
typing iteration, once a new set of features have
been added, the developer identifies which fea-
tures should be added to the prototype in the forth-
coming iteration, as well as which data are re-
The cycle may be followed in several iterations,
and terminates when a desired service prototype is in
place, or when a stage fails in a manner that makes it
impossible to proceed.
We tried out our approach in the context of the X
project, where we developed a service aiming at (i)
counting all the ongoing deviations within the public
transport (e.g., tram delays, problems with a bus) and
(ii) the average number of deviations over a week. In
the following we detail the activities we performed in
each of the step of our approach. The scope of the trial
were open data available for the public transportation
within the city of Oslo, Norway.
Towards Early Prototyping of Services based on Open Transport Data: A Feasibility Study
1. Search Data: We first searched for data in the
Open Transport Data CKAN catalogue (see Fig-
ure 2) using “transport” and “Oslo” as keywords
but we could not find relevant data. By contrast,
when using the “Ruter” keyword (Ruter is the
public transport authority for Oslo), we found the
API of a “route planning” service.
Figure 2: Open Transport Data CKAN.
2. Access and Understand Data: We first selected
the Ruter Sirisx API
which allowed us to re-
trieve, for one stop (i.e., buses, tram, and sub-
way stops), the list of ongoing deviations in all the
lines using this stop. It is exposed as a REST API
and can be accessed using classical tools such as
“curl” or a “REST console”. However, the API is
little documented and we identified that we could
not use directly this service as it requires as in-
put a JSON object containing the identifier of the
stop of interest. We thus searched again in the
catalogue for another API providing such infor-
mation, and we selected the Ruter Reise API
it provides details about all the public transporta-
tion stops in Oslo, regardless of the transporta-
tion mode. We verified that the information be-
tween the two services was matching semantically
- i.e., we stored identifiers of a few stops from the
Ruter Reise API service and thereafter we called
the Sirisx API using these identifiers.
3. Identify Added Value: We analyzed the data
from both the Ruter Reise and the Sirisx APIs.
We could easily find the relevant information and
in general the data was accurate even though the
textual description of a deviation was sometimes
incomplete or missing.
4. Specify Capabilities: Using these APIs we could
retrieve and provide users with live information
about the deviations associated to one or several
stops. We also decided to retrieve and store this
information on a regular basis to compute the av-
erage number of deviations over a week in the
whole city.
5. Prepare Data: We prepared the data in two ways.
First, by filtering it to only manipulate the part rel-
evant for our service. Second, we prepared the
data for further analysis. The data from the Reise
API describing the stops was obtained in the form
of a JSON object stringified. Unfortunately, the
JSON obtained was not properly formatted as it
used single quotes instead of doubles. In addi-
tion, some Norwegian language characters where
not properly encoded. We thus implemented a
mechanism to fix this issue before transforming
the string into a proper JSON object.
6. Prototype Service: We implemented our service
using the Node-RED platform
, an open source
project by IBM that uses a visual dataflow pro-
gramming model for building applications and
services. Using Node-RED, an application takes
the form of a set of nodes (i.e., software compo-
nents) wired with links that are encapsulated in a
flow. A flow can easily be exposed as a service
using specific Node-RED nodes. Thanks to the
large community behind Node-RED, a large set
of nodes are available off-the-shelf and for free,
making it easy to implement new applications and
services. We had to implement specific nodes for
accessing the two APIs and for computing the av-
erage number of deviation over a week
. The final
flow is depicted in Figure 3
7. Identify Missing Data: We did not find it nec-
essary to implement this step in the trial, as the
prototype already covered the intended function-
This section first summarizes the challenges we faced
during the trial and thereafter discusses the threats to
validity and reliability of the results.
4.1 Lessons Learned from the Trial
As already presented in Section 2, searching the most
relevant datasets or data sources for building a spe-
cific service is challenging due to the lack of meta-
data about (i) the datasets (or data sources) and (ii)
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Figure 3: Data preparation using Node-RED.
the semantic overlaps between different datasets (or
data sources). For example, it would be interesting to
link datasets by means of automatic annotations with
keywords that would form a domain specific ontology
(Jiang and Li, 2019).
During our trial, in addition to these challenges,
we first observed that many catalogues of datasets
(and data sources) are available on the web, but it was
difficult to make sure that we were using the best can-
didate. In particular, in terms of tooling, there may be
a need for a cross-catalogue search engine (i.e., an en-
gine enabling searching on multiple catalogues). Sim-
ilarly, once we selected our datasets or data sources,
it was impossible to assess if these were the best can-
didates. However, in this case, it is worth noting that
our agile approach, where we can start over again af-
ter trying to use the dataset, helps assessing the qual-
ity and value of different data sources.
Identifying the value of the datasets is also chal-
lenging as it can be difficult to evaluate the quality
of the data. For instance, when dealing with large
datasets or data streams, it is difficult to identify if
some data is missing. As an example, in a large
dataset with data recorded every second for a few
months, it might be difficult to check if a few days
or hours of recordings are missing. More generally,
information about the reliability of a data source is
typically not provided.
The preparation of the data does not necessarily
involve complicated tasks. However, after a few steps
of manipulation, it can be difficult to actually under-
stand the status of the data being manipulated (i.e.,
structure, format, or even the actual content of the
data). In such a case, tools providing a means to
visualize the data after each manipulation, would be
highly beneficial. This applies not only to datasets but
also to data streams.
Our approach is meant to be used during the pro-
totyping phase of the overall life-cycle management
of a service. However, it appears that this prototyp-
ing phase, by itself, would benefit from using clas-
sical tools for the continuous and agile development
and operation of services. For instance, once a pro-
totype has been implemented, it typically has to be
deployed and tested in an sandbox environment. Sim-
ilarly, more advanced prototypes could undergo a ca-
nary testing - i.e., routing a subset of users or requests
to the prototype. A deep analysis of how our approach
fits within the main Agile and DevOps processes, is
4.2 Threats to Validity and Reliability
The validity of the results depends to a large extent
on how well the threats to validity and reliability have
been handled. This section discusses the essential as-
pects of such threats in our context.
In terms of validity, our example is only to a lim-
ited degree representative for the contexts intended
to be within the scope of our approach. The trial
has, however, given strong indications of feasibility
of the approach. No particular customizations of the
approach were needed for the trial. Thus, we have
reason to believe that it should be possible to reapply
our approach on new services.
Reliability is concerned with demonstrating that
Towards Early Prototyping of Services based on Open Transport Data: A Feasibility Study
the empirical research can be repeated with the same
results. Of course, a trial like the one we have con-
ducted can not give solid repeatable evidence. There
are several contextual factors influencing what hap-
pens, particularly the choices made by the researchers
during the service development. As our main goal has
been to propose an initial approach and test its feasi-
bility through the example, performance evaluation of
the approach was not addressed.
It is, in terms of evaluation, also a weakness that
the researchers who tried out the approach also par-
ticipated in design of the approach. As such, it is also
a threat to reliability of the evaluation results, as we
cannot know to what degree another service developer
would have obtained the same results.
We need to further evaluate the approach in more
realistic settings. There is also a need for a baseline
for comparing this approach with the alternative ones,
in order to assess its characteristics such as usability,
usefulness and cost-effectiveness. It should be a part
of the future work. Further empirical evaluation is
also needed for assessing scalability of our approach
with respect to complexity and size of the services to
be developed.
Overall, we have drawn useful experiences from
developing and instantiating the approach in the ex-
ample. Although the mentioned threats to validity and
reliability are present in the study, we argue that the
results indicate feasibility and suggest strengths and
weaknesses of the approach.
In this paper we propose an approach to early and con-
tinuous service prototyping based on open data We
have also tried out the approach on an open transport
data service. The results indicate feasibility and sug-
gest strengths and weaknesses of the approach. In
particular we argue for an iterative ”trying and fail-
ing” approach, as developers building services on top
of open data typically need to play and understand the
data while implementing a service. For this, automa-
tion should also be provided, in particular to facilitate
the access to the data. Automation would also sup-
port deployment of the mechanisms and tools for (i)
the prototyping and (ii) the execution of the prototype
This work has been funded by the Open Trans-
port Data Project under Norwegian Research Council
grant no. 257153 and by the H2020 programme under
grant agreement no 780351 (ENACT).
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CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science