Adapting YOLO Network for Ball and Player Detection
Matija Burić
, Miran Pobar
and Marina Ivašić-Kos
Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d., SIT Rijeka, Kumičićeva 13, Rijeka, Croatia
Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
Keywords: Object Detector, Convolutional Neural Networks, YOLO, Sports, Handball.
Abstract: In this paper, we consider the task of detecting the players and sports balls in real-world handball images, as
a building block for action recognition. Detecting the ball is still a challenge because it is a very small object
that takes only a few pixels in the image but carries a lot of information relevant to the interpretation of scenes.
Balls can vary greatly regarding color and appearance due to various distances to the camera and motion blur.
Occlusion is also present, especially as handball players carry the ball in their hands during the game and it is
understood that the player with the ball is a key player for the current action. Handball players are located at
different distances from the camera, often occluded and have a posture that differs from ordinary activities
for which most object detectors are commonly learned. We compare the performance of 6 models based on
the YOLOv2 object detector, trained on an image dataset of publicly available sports images and images from
custom handball recordings. The performance of a person and ball detection is measured on the whole dataset
and the custom part regarding mean average precision metric.
Object detection belongs to computer vision research
field with the goal of classifying certain objects in
images and providing their exact position. Many
machine learning algorithms have been successfully
applied through the last few decades for detection of
objects such as human faces (Viola and Jones, 2001)
or full human figures (Navneet and Triggs, 2005).
Lately, the most widely used techniques for object
detection are based on convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) such as Mask R-CNN (He et al., 2017) based
on the R-CNN family (Girshick, 2015) (Shaoqing and
et al, 2015), SSD (Liu and et al., 2016), R-fcn (Dai et
al., 2016) etc. However, there is no universal solution
for detection for all types of objects, but rather the
choice depends on the task which needs to be
Some CNNs perform faster than others, usually at
the expense of accuracy, while some provide more
information than just the bounding box around the
desired object but are more complex and require more
In this paper, we consider the task of detecting the
players and sports balls in real-world handball
images, which is essential for further research of
action recognition in handball sports footages (Pobar
and Ivašić-Kos, in Press).
Based on the previous results (Burić et al., 2018)
and (Burić et al., in Press), we decided to use
variations of the YOLO network (Redmon et al.,
2016). The pre-trained YOLO network gave
satisfactory results on the person detection task on the
test handball dataset.
However, the ball detection proved problematic.
In a typical team sport, including handball, the ball is
a small and fast-moving object that typically occupies
only a very small part of a frame, yet carries a lot of
information important for the interpretation of the
The balls themselves can vary greatly regarding
color and appearance in the images due to various
distances to the camera and motion blur, yet the
commonness of their shape makes it easy to confuse
c, M., Pobar, M. and Ivaši
c-Kos, M.
Adapting YOLO Network for Ball and Player Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0007582008450851
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2019), pages 845-851
ISBN: 978-989-758-351-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
similarly shaped objects for sports balls, e.g., lamps
or player's heads.
Occlusion of already small objects is also present,
especially since handball players carry the ball in
their hands during the game.
Handball players themselves take positions and
posture that are not common to people who walk, sit,
or do the usual actions for which most models for
detection or classification are commonly learned.
Also, when detecting players in the field, there is a
problem of occlusion, different distance from the
camera, different color of sportswear that sometimes
do not differ from the background and a lighting
For these reasons, the experiment in this paper
deals with testing the various YOLO based models
and network training scenarios using different
datasets to improve the sports ball and player
detection results on handball images.
In the next section, the Yolo object detector will
be described. In Section 3, the experimental setup
covering the used dataset, the prepared environment,
and the modification of each model is presented. The
results are presented in Section 4, followed by the
Yolo stands for “You Only Look Once” which
describes an approach used by a single-stage network
architecture that predicts the class probabilities along
with corresponding bounding boxes in a single stage,
as shown in Figure 1.
In the original Yolo model, the network
architecture has 24 convolutional layers plus two
additional fully connected layers.
The convolutional layers perform feature
extraction, and the fully connected layers calculate
the bounding boxes predictions and probabilities.
The bounding box predictions and class
probabilities are associated with grid cells so that if
an object occupies more than one cell, the center cell
will be designated to be the holder of prediction for a
particular object.
In the training phase, when a bounding box
prediction holds no object the associated confidence
value is zero, and if it holds an object and detection
should occur, the confidence represents the
intersection-over-union (IOU) score of prediction and
ground truth (GT) boxes.
Figure 1: YOLO detection pipeline: the image is divided
into S x S grid where the bounding boxes are
simultaneously predicted with confidence and class
probability for a final decision (Redmon et al., 2016).
There have been few versions of YOLO since it
was first announced, the latest release being YoloV3
(Redmon, 2018). However, in order to preserve
consistency with the previous experiments (Burić et
al., 2017) (Burić et al., in Press), the YoloV2 version
(Farhadi and Redmon, 2017) will be used as the
starting point here.
YoloV2 differs from the original architecture by
five convolution layers which were replaced with
max-pooling layers.
Also, the fully connected layers are no longer
present in the YoloV2.
To adjust the bounding boxes, YoloV2 uses
predefined anchor boxes instead of the proposal box
coordinates predicted by each cell in the earlier
To define the anchor boxes, YoloV2 uses k-means
clustering in a training set of GT bounding boxes
where boxes translations are relative to a grid cell.
In the experiment, we compare the performance of 6
models based on the YOLOv2 network, trained on an
image dataset comprising publicly available sports
images and images from custom handball recordings.
The performance of person and sports ball
detection is measured on the whole dataset and on the
custom part specifically to get an estimate which
model would be most appropriate for further research
covering action recognition in handball.
The evaluation is based on the mean average
precision (mAP) criteria like the one used in the
PASCAL VOC 2012 competition (Everingham, et
al., 2010).
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
3.1 Datasets
The datasets used for training and testing the
detectors can be divided into two parts.
The first, custom part of the dataset, was acquired
from indoor and outdoor footage of handball practice
and competition. The recordings were made by the
authors of this paper during one week in handball
school without additional scene preparation or player
instruction to preserve real-world conditions. The
subjects in the images are mainly youngsters with
accompanying coaches, handling multiple sports ball
objects. The recordings were done using GoPro
cameras positioned at 1.5 m height at the border of
the filed or from the spectator’s viewpoint
approximately 3.5 m high and 10 m away from the
filed limit. Artificial lighting was present during
indoor activities with some sunlight through
windows. Outdoor scenes were taken during daytime
with clear sky or with almost no clouds. From the 751
videos, at 1920x1080 (full HD) resolution and 30
frames per second, 394 training and 27 validating
images were selected for training the models. The ball
objects came in a variety of colors, and so did the
players clothing mainly used for everyday sports
The second, public part of the dataset was used
to avoid overfitting and to prepare the model for
detection in other sports. It consists of 1445 training
and 13 test images of variable sizes from 174 x174 up
to 5184 x 3456 with 1 to many ball occurrences on
each. This part was gathered in part using an internet
search engine and in part from publicly available
COCO datasets (Lin et al, 2014). Here, the balls are
not exclusive to handball sport and are of different
sizes and colors. The persons in the images also take
different positions and are dressed differently.
The complete dataset has 1837 images with over
3500 ball objects.
3.2 Models
The description of the tested models is given below.
Since the goal of detecting sports balls requires the
possibility of discerning small and distant objects in
images, the input resolution was increased to
1024x1024 pixels in all models except the first two,
where the original input size of 608 x 608 pixels was
used. This was done since the ball objects in a large
number of source full HD images take up just a few
pixels, and the resizing of images to 608x608
resolution can make such objects invisible or almost
An additional change was made to some classes
models need to detect. Since object detection in sports
action doesn’t require classes like a teddy bear and
fire hydrant, models were trained solely on the ball
and person classes. All other classes are not
considered in this experiment. This affects Mean
Average Precision (mAP) which will be used in
metrics of how successful the models are.
Our reference model, further marked as Y, is the
pre-trained YOLOv2 model with 608 x 608 input
image size with weights pre-trained on the COCO
dataset and no additional training by the authors of
this paper. The pre-trained model contains the person
and sports ball among other classes from the COCO
The model (Y+) is the pre-trained model Y fine-
tuned on the 394 images from the custom part of the
dataset. The training of this model has proven to be
unstable, so only a limited number of epochs was
performed. Since the same dataset, consisting of large
images (up to 5184 x 3456) with small annotated
objects (few pixels high/width), was applied in
training without problems to the subsequent models
with higher input resolution, it can be concluded that
already small objects get too small when resized
ending up in error.
The third model (YB) was trained using transfer
learning, on both public custom parts of the dataset,
1837 images in total, training only for the ball class.
In this and subsequent models in this experiment, the
input image resolution was increased to 1024 x 1024
from 608 x 608 of the original model.
The YBP model included both ball and person
classes and was trained using transfer learning. It was
trained for approximately 80 epochs on both custom
and public parts of the dataset.
In the YPB+ model, the custom dataset was
doubled using flipped images and flipped
annotations. The YPB model was fine-tuned with ten
epochs to achieve this result.
For the sixth model (YPBF) it was decided to
include all images so far, public, custom and flipped
custom dataset. Since flipped custom images were
mirrored around Y axes, it was decided to try flipping
images around X axes as well which results in
unnatural sky-ground and upside-down human
All of the models were trained and then tested in
the same environment, consisting of a PC equipped
with a 12 core E5-2680v3 CPU and one GeForce
GTX TITAN X GPU with 12GB of memory, with
Debian Linux operating system. Additional
programming was done in Python programming
Adapting YOLO Network for Ball and Player Detection
Figure 2: Typical convergence of moving average loss
during neural network training.
The models were trained to at least 20 epochs
except for the model Y+ which was unstable during
training. First, few dozen steps were trained with
higher learning rate to reduce the time it takes to
converge and after that for more reliable training
learning rate was lowered. A typical graph of training
loss can be seen in Figure 2.
Transfer learning (Cook et al., 2013) was used to
avoid training the models from the beginning. As the
foundation, YoloV2 weights pre-trained on COCO
dataset were used in all models. Because the COCO
dataset incorporates a huge number of classes among
which is sports ball, the features fused in pre-trained
weights already possess basic information about ball
The detection speed of all models don’t differ
significantly, and although the environment is
suitable for the detection speed test, this aspect was
not considered in detail.
Figure 3: Visual representation of IoU criteria.
Figure 4: The precision-recall curve for model Y and ball
detection. AP is the shaded area under the curve.
Average Precision (AP) will be used to evaluate the
performance of the models. To calculate the AP, the
result of the detection for each model is compared to
the ground truth considering that the IoU should be
equal to or greater than 50% (Figure 3). It is measured
for each detected object and considered true positive
if an object wasn’t detected yet to avoid multiple
detections of the same object. Based on these criteria,
the precision-recall curve is calculated for every
class, in this case – person and ball. AP is finally
computed as an occupying area underneath the curve.
An example of the case of model Y and ball
detection on is shown in Figure 4. To get the mAP
value, mean of AP value of all classes is calculated.
Table 1. shows the mAP and class AP scores for
all tested models on the whole and the custom
(handball) part of the dataset.
Table 1: Class AP and mAP results of tested models (%).
Whole dataset Custom dataset
Model Ball
mAP Ball
Y 10.71 48.74 29.73 0.94 43.47 22.20
Y+ 10.33 52.99 31.66 0.94 31.45 16.20
YPB 8.78
62.89 35.84
YPB+ 10.8 57.9 34.35
54.18 33.22 7.15 59.50 33.32
The reference model Y performed well for near
objects, especially persons, but it had difficulties with
ball objects, both near and distant. It performed better
on the public part of the dataset than on custom
images, especially so for the ball class, for which it
achieves AP of less than 1% on the custom dataset.
The Y+ model, which was fine-tuned with
additional examples of sports ball and person classes,
had slightly better detection of the person object, but
the majority of distant objects were still undetected.
ICPRAM 2019 - 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: Example of the confused human head for a ball
with YB model.
The YB model was trained and tested only for the
sports ball class, and it had increased input image
size. As was expected, the model performed better on
distant objects, however, the detection of ball object
on the public part of the dataset was severely
degraded with many false positive detections of ball
objects on human figur
es (Figure 5). This suggests that the person class
should be included in the training set even when the
goal is the only detection of balls.
The YPB model was trained on both person and
ball class, and the performance has significantly
improved in comparison to the YB+ model.
This model had the best score for person detection
among all models tested so far, both considering only
the custom part of the dataset and on average for the
whole dataset. Ball detection has significantly
improved for distant objects and on the custom
dataset in comparison with Y and Y+, from 0.94% to
7.34%, even though the average score on the whole
dataset dropped slightly. At this point, the results
were improved enough in comparison to the base
model to be acceptable for continuing research for
action recognition in handball.
A simple data augmentation technique of using
horizontally flipped images was employed for
training the YBP+ model. Since manual annotation of
images is a tedious and time-consuming process,
requiring hours of human labor, this action has proven
to be rewarding because it further improved ball
detection. By fine-tuning the YPB model with flipped
images, YPB+ model outperformed all other models
for ball detection on both parts of the dataset. An
example is shown in Figure 6. The final tested model
included vertically flipped images in the training set,
which further improved ball detection on average,
with some degradation for the person class in
comparison with the YPB+ model (Figure 8). This
outcome was expected since ball objects are round
and vertically flipping the image doesn't produce
unnatural results, as it does for human figures. The
results on the custom dataset have not improved,
It can be noticed that there is a huge gap between
TP detection on public and custom test dataset for
most models.
This gap narrows with YPB+ and YPBF models,
where detection on the public dataset didn't degrade,
so these models can more easily be applied to other
sports besides handball.
Figure 6: Comparison of YPBF (up) and fine-tuned pretrained Yolo (down) model. Green squares show detection with IoU
> 50%. Red squares show FP.
Adapting YOLO Network for Ball and Player Detection
Figure 7: Two ball objects are detected using YPB+ (up)
opposite to Y+ model (down), which also has difficulty
detecting a person in the bottom right corner.
Occluded objects have proven difficult for all
tested models, but YPB+ and YPBF models show
better results on near and far occluded objects
compared to Y and Y+.
In this work, we have tested several models derived
from the baseline YOLO model for the task of sports
ball and person detection.
The best results for person detection regarding
mAP were achieved with the YPB model, which was
trained on additional examples for both ball and
person class and had an increased input image size.
The best score for ball detection was achieved
with the model YPBF, which was also trained with
flipped images of the same examples.
All models considered in this paper use low-level
knowledge inherited from pre-trained publicly
available weights. In such a way a time needed for
training is drastically reduced in comparison with
training the models from scratch, with the additional
benefit of shared knowledge about low-level features
trained on the large quantity of input data.
Simple modifications of input training data, in this
case mirroring of images, has proven to be quite
Figure 8: Person detection degraded when images flipped
by x-axes are used with YPBF model (down).
useful and cost-effective. More training images could
be generated by performing partial rotation or scaling
in the future. The YPB+ and YPBF models tested in
this paper provide a better solution than the basic
model for use in a sports action recognition
framework. To the task of action recognition, ball and
person objects need to be detected precisely as
possible. Also, some other kind of information such
as object tracking can be used in future work to
improve both ball and player detection.
Croatian Science Foundation fully supports this
research under the project IP-2016-06-8345
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Adapting YOLO Network for Ball and Player Detection