Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME
Awareness about Cybersecurity
Christophe Ponsard, Jeremy Grandclaudon and S
ebastien Bal
CETIC Research Centre, Charleroi, Belgium
Cybersecurity, Awareness, SME, Quiz, Assessment.
Small and Medium Enterprises, like most companies, have become highly dependent on digital technology
for running their business. Such companies are also increasingly targeted by cyberattacks while their level of
protection, capability of reaction and recovery are low. The initial step to take them along the path of increasing
their level of cybersecurity and resilience is to raise awareness. Achieving this step successfully is not an easy
task and requires dealing mainly with human factors. This paper surveys a number of approaches and reports
about our own experience with an cybersecurity awareness program targeting Belgian SMEs. Based on this,
we propose some lessons learned and guidelines.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a ma-
jor role in the worldwide economy by generating be-
tween 50 and 60% of the total value added (Muller
et al., 2015). SMEs are highly flexible and innova-
tive but also show a low adherence to procedures and
standards. In addition, their need for competitive-
ness makes them big adopters of digital technologies,
which increases their exposure to cyberattacks. At the
same time, their high focus on their business diverts
their attention from those resulting threats or maybe
they just think they are not worth being attacked. This
statement is, however, not any more valid nowadays,
when a vast majority of attacks are currently target-
ing SMEs. For example, in the UK, a survey reported
than more than 60% of SMEs where attacked in 2017,
especially from ransomware (Ashford, 2017). Un-
fortunately, more than half of the hacked SMEs are
not able to recover and are going bankrupt within six
month after the attack (NCSA, 2018).
It is now well-known that technological tools can-
not guarantee alone the security of a IT system. This
also requires to collaborate with the employees inside
their organisation. Hence, cybersecurity awareness
must be considered and tailored for both employees
and their organisation. It can be defined as the degree
or extent to which every member of staff understands
the importance of IT security, the levels of IT security
appropriate to the organisation, and their individual
security responsibilities (ISF, 2002).
Figure 1: Attitude, Behaviour and Cognition dimensions of
cybersecurity awareness (SBDC, 2018).
Human beings are complex, and their behaviour
is quite influenced by organisational norms and habits
through the pressure of their peers, even despite their
knowledge. For example, even if people are told to
use strong password and not reuse them, they may
not behave like that. While the strength can be en-
forced at creation time, the reuse only relies on the
people and potentially expose the company through
personal social networks. To deal with this, awareness
must not only rely on knowledge or cognitive aspects
only (i.e. teachable and verifiable aspects) but also
attitudes (i.e. feelings and emotions in relation to se-
curity activities) and behaviours (i.e. actual/intended
activities and risk-taking actions directly or indirectly
impacting security), as depicted in Figure 1.
The context of our work is the deployment of
a programme aiming to help Belgian SMEs to bet-
ter protect themselves against cybersecurity threats.
In a previous paper, we have aligned our work with
Ponsard, C., Grandclaudon, J. and Bal, S.
Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity.
DOI: 10.5220/0007574305580563
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 558-563
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
other European initiative and sketched its global or-
ganisation (Ponsard et al., 2018). The programme it-
self will be carried out by authorised security experts.
However, a prerequisite is precisely to raise the SME
awareness in cybersecurity, so they will join the pro-
gramme. This paper reports about our learning path to
setup a cybersecurity awareness programme and our
experience so far in deploying it in our area.
This paper is structured in the following way
which is also representative of the logical steps we
followed. Although our research centre knows quite
well how SMEs behave, we studied more carefully
what to expect from them w.r.t. cybersecurity. This
is reported in Section 2. Section 3 gives our sur-
vey of different methods and supporting material that
have been developed over time and on which we re-
lied. Section 4 details how we designed and deployed
our programme. Section 5 reports about our lessons
learned so far. Finally, Section 6 concludes and dis-
cusses some next steps.
This section reviews some reports carried out over the
past few years in various areas to show the global state
and evolution of the awareness of SMEs are about cy-
bersecurity threats.
A survey made in 2014 among UK SMEs revealed
interesting facts about how SMEs deal with cyberse-
curity, especially about their perception and aware-
ness (Osborn et al., 2015). Only 21% of SMEs have
shown a low awareness about basic security guide-
lines, 39% have actually done a global risk analy-
sis which included cybersecurity, and 48% keep the
company’s risk analysis, policies and backups up-to-
date. The main reported barrier is the cost for im-
plementing cybersecurity solutions and standards be-
cause they are designed for bigger companies.
In 2016, a survey was carried out by the Zurich In-
surance Group across 2,600 SMEs across 13 countries
in Europe, the Americas and Asia Pacific (Zurich IG,
2016). It reported an interesting evolution about the
fact of how SMEs think they are protected by their
size: they were 17% believing that in 2015 and only
10% in 2016. It also revealed that theft of customer
data and reputation damage are the most feared conse-
quences of cyberattacks. Globally only 5% of SMEs
have confidence in their cybersecurity measures. The
less aware region of the globe seems to be South
America, while it is improving quickly in some parts
of Asia.
A recent survey carried out in North America by
the Better Business Bureau also revealed an increase
in the awareness to cyberthreats, including the use of
proactive security steps (BBB, 2017). The awareness
could be ranked between 76% (for fishing) to 93%
(larger variety of threats).
The bottom line is that most SMEs seem to have
a good and even increasing level of awareness. How-
ever, when looking at attack statistics, they still fail
to make it effective. A first explanation is that secu-
rity measures are perceived as too complex, time con-
suming and requiring a high level of technical knowl-
edge regarding IT systems. Another reason is the dif-
ficulty to transition from a step of initial awareness
to the emergence of an internal cybersecurity culture,
because of the lack of resources (money, time, exper-
tise). They are also weak at deploying policies and
defining responsibilities (S
anchez et al., 2010).
This section reviews some interesting instruments for
raising SME awareness about cybersecurity. They
can be used alone or in combination, in the scope of
a campaign which is detailed in first place. Several
tools are then listed from most introductory to more
advanced ones.
3.1 Awareness Campaigns
Any awareness campaign or programme requires a
global strategy that can be defined through the fol-
lowing steps:
clearly defining the awareness goal, target and
means to be used
developing and deploying the necessary material
implementing and monitoring the effectiveness of
the programme
To be effective, the programme must reach its
goals in a measurable way. This can be defined in
terms of the three key dimensions exposed in the in-
troduction: attitude, behaviour and cognition. Partial
indicators can also be defined for the different instru-
ments detailed hereafter. As each instrument is ex-
pected to be built on top of the result of the previous,
one can expect some increased effect of their combi-
nation. This will be experimented in Section 4 and
discussed in Section 5.
Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity
3.2 General Information and Guides
General information is provided by cybersecurity por-
tals that are often proposed by an organisation sup-
porting the improvement of cybersecurity at different
levels: European, national or more local/dedicated se-
curity coalitions. At European level, October was se-
lected as the month for cybersecurity, with a specific
web site that is always available (ECSM, 2018). An
example of national portal targeting the general public
is the Belgian (SafeOnWeb, 2018).
Guides aims at providing SMEs with an overview
of basic and more advanced cybersecurity measures.
Although the implementation depends on specific
risks, quick checklists of generic security controls can
be provided and are documented by several guides
for SMEs, like in Belgium (CCB, 2016), in Germany
(BSI, 2018) or in the US (NCSA, 2018).
3.3 Personae
Personae are archetypal descriptions of users that em-
body their goals (Cooper, 1999). Their focus on typi-
cal fictional business users helps in elaborating spe-
cific user aspects that may be missed by other ap-
proaches based on generic roles. Related to cyberse-
curity, personae can be useful for associating specific
threats, vulnerabilities or risks in their environment
(Ki-Aries and Faily, 2017). The strong identification
can be used both for designing and in communication
material. At design time, it helps the trainer to project
into the end-user mind. As communication support, it
allows the end-user to identify with a persona, espe-
cially in terms of attitudes and behaviours.
Figure 2: Personae for various SME profiles.
Figure 2 shows an example of awareness raising
web-site proposed in Michigan State, with the support
of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBDC,
2018). It relies on about 10 personae including end
users (e.g. a coffee shop owner, a manufacturer and
a plumber) with a good coverage of racial and gender
diversity. Those have specific goals related to their
business. There are also some ”villains” that helps in
putting some face and motivation behind threats that
are most of the time invisible and faceless.
3.4 Quizzes
A quiz is a game or light form of assessment used in
education and awareness. They are often organised
as a series of multiple-choice questions usually over
a well-defined topic which enable automated correc-
tion and support. They are also easy to deploy on-line
on a website or as mobile applications. Those char-
acteristics make the quiz an interesting tool to pro-
pose in a campaign after some introductory material,
so the targeted audience can engage in a first round
of assessment usually anonymously and in an enter-
taining way. Quizzes generally also provide educa-
tional support to help correct wrong answer but also
good ones by educating on the topic covered. They
can also provide a summary and compare the score
w.r.t. global statistics. After completing a quiz, a user
might be more aware of the need to learn more and be
helped. Pointers and contacts are typically proposed
Figure 3: SafeOnWeb Digital Health Quiz.
Many cybersecurity quizzes are elaborated with
the above spirit. A representative illustration is the
SafeOnWeb Belgian campaign which includes two
quizzes (SBDC, 2018). One is specifically dedicated
to phishing based on different scenarios (email, social
networks), while the other, depicted on Figure 3 is
proposing to evaluate its Digital Health Index (DHI)
based on questions covering updates, backups, fishing
and anti-virus. The result is aggregated by categories
and globally under the form of a DIH between 0 and
10 which is positioned against the distribution of all
collected DIH as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: SafeOnWeb Quiz result analysis.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Other examples of interesting quizzes are the
Network and Information Security Quiz (ECSM,
2018) or another one developed by Lockheed (Lock-
heed Martin, 2018), both proposed in the context of
2018 European Cyber Security Month.
3.5 Assessments and Audits
Assessment are more advanced and structured form of
evaluation. In opposition to quizzes which can be par-
tial or even random, they cover a whole field at a cer-
tain level of detail. They can take a more or less form
of audit when performed by a third-party expert in the
field. However, like quizzes, it is also possible to pro-
pose a lighter and automated form of self-assessment
generally based on a dedicated website. The later can
be used as introduction for the former.
Figure 5: Cyber Essentials self assessment (UK Gov.,
In the area of SME cybersecurity, several initia-
tives across Europe propose methods including free
self-assessment and/or more advanced assessments
(Ponsard et al., 2018). Some examples are the Cyber
Essentials in the UK (UK Gov., 2016) or Vertrauen
durch Siecherhiet in Germany (VDS, 2017). Self-
assessments can be quite simple multiple choices as
depicted in Figure 5 or more elaborated and involve
personae such Small Business Big Threats (SBDC,
2018). Full assessments which cover classical secu-
rity controls are paid-for but with usually some sup-
port e.g. by the local authorities.
3.6 Training, Courses and Tool Support
At this level, basic awareness is already reached but
more specific actions can be taken using on site train-
ing by experts but those can be costly. An alternative
is to rely on MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses)
which are free and with largely accessible in terms of
prerequisites. An example of very successful MOOC
is the French SecNumacad
emie (ANSSI, 2017).
A few specific tools can be recommended to sup-
port raising awareness like password strength check-
ers, web-site vulnerability scanners, phishing simula-
4.1 Context and Goals
The target of the cybersecurity campaign is SMEs.
The goal is to raise awareness about the importance
of deploying adequate cybersecurity measures both at
technical and human levels w.r.t. the high impact an
attack could have on their business. The awareness
programme is supported by the regional authorities
with the goal to encourage many SMEs to engage in
security audits and improvement through a validated
network of security experts. SMEs can benefit from
specific funding for this, like the UK CyberEssentials
4.2 Program Design
In order to have a good understanding of the current
situation and make sure to have support of the existing
actors in the cybersecurity area, Specific actions were
carried out over a period of roughly one year:
with the end users SMEs mainly through relay or-
ganisation like incubators for starters, usually re-
lying a lot on IT and through sectoral organisa-
tion, dealing with a large variety of SMEs ranging
from single person to 100+ people with a dedi-
cated IT department.
with security experts through a local cybersecurity
cluster, typically with quarterly meetings.
Although the programme is still in ramp-up phase,
different instruments among those exposed in the pre-
vious sections were developed and are already used
like personae, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), a
quiz and a self-assessment questionnaire. The rest of
this section details them.
4.3 FAQ and Personae
In order to identify with each type of organisation, a
first step was to try to identify or anticipate a list of
questions that would be asked given their concerns
and try to provide a good answer from their perspec-
tive. The result is also naturally split in small topics
that are easy to understand and can be later used for
communication purposes.
Examples of questions from the end users are:
why should I ask to be checked ?
what assurance do I have about being secure ?
how much does it cost ?
can I put this forward to my client or prospects ?
Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity
Examples of questions from security experts are:
what is the process/cost to join the programme ?
what check-list of controls should be enforced ?
how much can I bill an SME ?
Personae were introduced in a second stage,
mainly to segment the wide variety of SMEs. So,
we introduced a persona familiar with IT technology
from a startup but with little concern about cybersecu-
rity when launching its Minimal Viable Product. An-
other persona is a bigger SME active internationally
with a low-tech manager that relies on different IT
subcontractors with no idea of how well the business
infrastructure is protected against cyber threats.
4.4 Quiz and Awareness Event
A quiz was developed initially as a support for a cy-
bersecurity awareness event in the construction sector.
The quiz is composed of a set of questions covering
the three key dimensions presented previously:
attitude and behaviour: in situations like manag-
ing password, performing backups, updates, etc.
knowledge: more technical questions about key
concepts either theoretical like electronic signa-
ture or practical like WIFI protection, what makes
a good password, names of recent major attacks.
Figure 6: Mobile App.
The quiz can be configured with a variable num-
ber of questions and was deployed both online us-
ing (LimeSurvey, 2017) and as a mobile application
(see Figure 6). To keep the rules simple, questions
have multiple choices with only one correct answer.
However, some questions are formulated negatively
or can involve a final choice covering previous pos-
sibilities. Those where initially developed for sup-
porting a cybersecurity awareness event. The mobile
app, although still in beta version due to its limited
feedback, is also available on the Play Store (Ponsard,
4.5 Self-assessment Questionnaire
In order to encourage SMEs to engage into a cyber-
security improvement process, we developed a self-
assessment questionnaire based on the 20 controls of
(CIS, 2016) and using (LimeSurvey, 2017). We re-
visited the grouping into categories based on priority
criteria matching some typical SME profiles (through
the associated persona). For very small companies
relying on general purpose tools, web/email/WIFI as-
pects are considered first with lower priority on ac-
cess control. Some organisational issues forming the
last part of CIS are also considered much earlier to
start growing a cybersecurity culture. The result is
depicted in Figure 7 and gives a good idea of what
needs to be covered against what is already done.
Figure 7: Self-assessment summary.
Although our campaign is still on-going, the feedback
collected so far shows a pretty good level of aware-
ness in our SMEs. During workshop sessions mix-
ing a dozen of SMEs active in the construction do-
main, all the participants scored above the 80% in the
quiz with a short cybersecurity reminder. Most SMEs
were keen to share their experience, including nega-
tive ones (e.g. ransomware with no/corrupted back-
ups). All SMEs had been well informed about GDPR
and its connection with IT security by their federa-
tion. The positive impact of the GDPR on cybersecu-
rity was also reported, with a 50% increase in requests
in some consulting companies.
Our experience is that awareness must be able to
rely on bigger initiatives that have a good dynamics,
for example the European Cyber Security Month was
relayed a lot in national campaigns through emails
and social networks (ECSM, 2018). The support of
a wider organisation in which the SME is actively in-
volved is really an ideal, especially if it can be or-
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ganised with pairs. In our case the workshop co-
organised with the construction federation was a suc-
cess in terms of interactions and experience sharing.
Campaigns must combine both passive channels to
reach a wide audience but also active events where
SMEs can actively engage. Such events should also
evolve to avoid the pitfall of annual tick-box exercises
that can just worsen the attitude.
So far, we did not explicitly use personae to reach
the SMEs but relied on a FAQ which is regularly up-
dated to cope with new issues. Our FAQ is mostly
textual but have started to design visuals to make it
more appealing, e.g. to explain some key milestones
to progress in maturity.
Designing the quiz is an interesting and non-trivial
exercise: questions must be clear, have a good techni-
cal coverage but also address attitude and behaviour.
Our current version does not provide explanation nor
introductory material because they were respectively
provided through posters and a debriefing. Posters
also revealed interesting to make available to SMEs
for display in their premises. A minor technical point
is that for animating workshops, we preferred the mo-
bile application over the web version because of its
better usability and reliability (off-line mode).
To summarise, people are a major weakness in cy-
bersecurity, but when engaged and correctly trained,
they can become the first line of defence against at-
tackers. In this paper, we reported about our on-going
experience in conducting an awareness process in the
light of existing instruments. Although this report is
still partial and hard to quantify, we believe our feed-
back can be useful for others engaged in cybersecurity
awareness. On the qualitative level, our current feel-
ing is that techniques are complementary and needs
to be combined to have a good global effectiveness.
Web tools and awareness events can initiate the pro-
cess which can then rely on more specific tools to
match the SME profile, risks and level of maturity.
Our next steps will be to set up a complete portal
and refine the self-assessment with other IT experts,
especially to make the transition with their work.
This research was partly supported by Digital Wallo-
nia and the DIGITRANS project (grant nr. 7618). We
thanks Infopole and the companies of the cybersecu-
rity cluster.
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Survey and Lessons Learned on Raising SME Awareness about Cybersecurity