Threat Modeling and Attack Simulations of Connected Vehicles:
A Research Outlook
Wenjun Xiong, Fredrik Krantz and Robert Lagerstr
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Security Architecture, Design Analysis, Threat Awareness, Vulnerability Analysis.
Modern vehicles are dependent on software, and are often connected to the Internet or other external services,
which makes them vulnerable to various attacks. To improve security for Internet facing systems, holistic
threat modeling is becoming a common way to proactively make decisions and design for security. One
approach that has not been commonly implemented is to enhance the threat models with probabilistic attack
simulations. That is, incorporating security intelligence, attack types, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures
to get objective security metrics and risk assessments. This combination has been shown efficient in other
disciplines, e.g. energy and banking. However, it has so far been fairly unexplored in the vehicle domain.
This position paper reviews previous research in the field, and implements a vehicle threat model using a tool
called securiCAD, based on which future research requirements for connected vehicle attack simulations are
also derived. The main findings are: 1) not much work has been done in the combined area of connected
vehicles and threat modeling with attack simulations, 2) initial tests show that the approach is useful, 3) more
research in vehicle specific attacks and countermeasures is needed in order to provide more accurate simulation
results, and 4) a more tailored metamodel is needed for the vehicle domain.
Modern vehicles are often coupled with cellular con-
nections to the Internet, and they contain more than a
hundred Electronic Control Units (ECUs) that control
brakes, airbags, parts of the engine, and so forth. This
combination of ECUs, sensors, and network buses
creates a computerized system. The most commonly
used network in a vehicle is called Controller Area
Network (CAN), and there have been several known
ways to breach into this network (Currie, 2017). Vehi-
cles seem to be vulnerable to exploits in several ways
(just as other systems are), but a malicious actor get-
ting access to vital ECUs can have dire safety conse-
quences. Vulnerabilities have been reported numer-
ous times, and one famous example is when Miller
and Valasek acquired remote control of a 2014 Jeep
Cherokee (Miller and Valasek, 2015).
One way to improve security in these Internet con-
nected systems is to use advanced tools to model and
analyze them, we are then able to know what parts of
the network are the most vulnerable ones, and how
they can be secured. Holistic threat modeling has be-
come a very common way to work with proactive cy-
ber security and security by design, e.g. taking into
account software, data, infrastructure, processes, and
the most recent trend in threat modeling is to couple
it with attack simulations, to provide probabilistic
measures to security, e.g. Time-To-Compromise
(TTC) (Johnson et al., 2016c; Johnson et al., 2018).
This fairly new approach has been used successfully
in other domains like energy (Vernotte et al., 2018;
Korman et al., 2017). However, as far as we know, it
has not been developed or tested for connected vehi-
cles. Thus, we aim to explore and answer the research
questions: 1) Can holistic threat modeling and attack
simulations be used for connected vehicles? 2) What
future research needs to be done in order for it to be
efficient and successful?
A software called securiCAD is used in this work.
It is a threat modeling and risk management tool in
which the user is able to model e.g. a home Local
Area Network (LAN) or a large corporate network.
Then security measures are assigned to different ob-
jects, and the built in simulation engine is used to
show the probability of different attacks succeeding.
Some attack types that can be simulated are Denial
of Service (DoS), device compromise, and replay at-
tacks (Ekstedt et al., 2015; Korman et al., 2016).
Our literature review and practical tests using se-
curiCAD show that threat modeling and attack simu-
lations for vehicles is promising, while some aspects
need to be further considered in future research in or-
der for it be efficient and successful.
Xiong, W., Krantz, F. and Lagerström, R.
Threat Modeling and Attack Simulations of Connected Vehicles: A Research Outlook.
DOI: 10.5220/0007412104790486
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2019), pages 479-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-359-9
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
This section is divided into four parts, first we de-
scribe the internal network of connected vehicles,
then the core work in vehicle security, after which
recent trends in threat modeling and attack simula-
tions are described, and finally the intersection be-
tween threat modeling and vehicles.
2.1 In-vehicle Network
In 2014, Miller and Valasek did a survey of attack
surfaces on several automotive models (Miller and
Valasek, 2014), and the most famous one is the 2014
Jeep Cherokee. We will continue to use this vehi-
cle model as a running example. Besides, a typical
in-vehicle network is shown in (Miller and Valasek,
The internal network of a 2014 Jeep Cherokee
consists of two CAN buses (CAN-C, CAN IHS) and
one LIN (Local Interconnect Network) bus. The CAN
protocol applied by this vehicle is called CAN-FD
, which is an extension of the original CAN proto-
col, and allows for larger payloads and decreased la-
tency. Moreover, it has a larger packet size and allows
for some security implementations e.g. message au-
thentication (Islinger et al., 2017). LIN is designed
to complement CAN. Apart from these, MOST (Me-
dia Oriented Systems Transport) and FlexRay are also
commonly used by vehicle network protocols, how-
ever, they are losing support. Overall, these network
technologies create a data communication channel be-
tween different ECUs in a vehicle.
The software used on these ECUs is either made
entirely by the Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEMs), or applies existing architecture standards,
e.g. AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AU-
). AUTOSAR is a standardized software
framework for vehicles and it offers a multi-level se-
curity architecture among others.
2.2 Vehicle Security
Previously, vehicle OEMs did not consider cyber at-
tacks that much, since an attack was only possible if
an attacker had physical access to the vehicle. How-
ever, as modern vehicles have multiple wireless con-
nections to outside networks and devices (e.g. blue-
tooth, Internet), attacks are dramatically increasing.
Possible security mechanisms to secure vehicles
internal communications were addressed by (HoliSec,
2017), which include message authentication codes
(MAC) for traffic integrity, firewalls both for external
traffic and for internal traffic implemented in gateway
ECUs, use of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) to
detect unusual activities on the networks, and certifi-
cates for identification of various devices. Security
mechanisms were also addressed by (Buttigieg et al.,
2017) to mitigate the threats on assets, which include
access control, packet filter firewall, message authen-
tication, etc.
2.3 Threat Modeling and Attack
The work by (Shostack, 2014) and the Microsoft
Threat Modeling tool
are commonly used in this
area. However, they are mainly used for designing
one secure software application, and not considering
the system holistically, e.g. taking into account soft-
ware, data, infrastructure, processes, etc. In (Williams
and Yuan, 2015), the authors studied the usefulness of
the Microsoft Threat Modeling tool and could show
that the participants ”improved their work on threat
modeling with the tool compared with not using the
Another way of working with threat modeling is to
use attack (and defense) trees or attack graphs (Salter
et al., 1998; Saini et al., 2008; Kordy et al., 2010).
Although attack graphs are widely accepted and used,
there are plenty of known problems. For instance, as
stated in (Ou et al., 2006), ”previous work on attack
graphs has not provided an account of the scalability
of the graph generating process, and there is often a
lack of logical formalism in the representation of at-
tack graphs, which results in the attack graph being
difficult to use and understand by human beings”.
As a response to the known problems in holistic
threat modeling and using attack graphs for quanti-
tative simulation, some approaches have been pro-
posed, for example, pwnPr3d (Johnson et al., 2016d;
Vernotte et al., 2017) and MAL (the Meta Attack Lan-
guage) (Johnson et al., 2018) both focused on proba-
bilistic measures.
2.4 Vehicle Threat Modeling
Threat modeling is a process that can be used to ana-
lyze potential attacks and threats. The work by (Kara-
hasanovic et al., 2017) adapted two threat model-
ing methods from the computer industry, TARA and
STRIDE, to fit the needs of the automotive industry.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Also, the work by (Ma and Schmittner, 2016) pro-
posed a ”practical and efficient” approach to threat
modeling to better fit the automotive systems. How-
ever, they have so far done a proof-of-concept im-
plementation of their approach without further vali-
The process for automotive threat modeling pro-
posed by (Park et al., 2018) starts with first defining
automotive security use cases, then identifying assets
and threats by using the STRIDE method, and finally
rating risks and evaluating the threat level and impact
level against the found threats. Besides, for assessing
exploitability risks of vehicular on-board networks,
the work by (Salfer and Eckert, 2018) automatically
generated and analyzed attack graphs, which could
aid vehicle development by automatically re-checking
the architecture for attack combinations.
Furthermore, some research concentrated on de-
signing security architectures related to vehicle secu-
rity, e.g. Sancus (Noorman et al., 2013; Noorman
et al., 2017), Vulcan (Van Bulck et al., 2017), SeP-
CAR (Symeonidis et al., 2017) and ITU-T X.1373
When it comes to vehicle modeling and analysis, the
first thing is to understand the internal network of a
vehicle, and the main assets in it. As current threat
modeling tools are more focused on architecture, and
lacking of attack analysis, this section will be done
with securiCAD, for both a generalized model and the
2014 Jeep Cherokee model. It can automatically gen-
erate probabilistic attack graphs from a given system
specification (e.g. connected vehicles), which serves
as inference engine that produces predictive security
analysis results from the vehicle model.
3.1 Creating the Threat Model
The threat model of a connected vehicle can be built
by using drag-and-drop functionality on pre-defined
objects, and these objects will be assigned certain
properties and pre-defined attacks. For example, for
Network, there are DoS attack, ARP cache poisoning
attack, compromise attack, etc. Moreover, each
object has a selection of security implementations,
which can be set as enabled, disabled or probability-
Generalized Model. The generalized model of a ve-
hicle’s internal network is shown in Figure 1, which
contains two CAN networks (Schweppe, 2012). Note
that there are small markers on each object, which in-
dicate other objects are connected to it.
Figure 1: A generalized model of a vehicle’s internal net-
work by securiCAD.
In securiCAD, a Host is described as a kernel of
an operating system, and is used to represent PCs or
servers (Foreseeti, 2018), thus, it can be used to repre-
sent ECU. Besides, a SoftwareProduct is connected
to each Host (not shown in Figure 1, but can be seen
when double-click ECU), and here it represents AU-
TOSAR, as AUTOSAR is open-source and becoming
a world standard for automotive embedded software.
In Figure 1, all ECUs have their specific names ac-
cording to a real car. The two CAN-FD Network
also have specific names, which are Drivetrain and
Chassi/safety control. Besides, a Router named
GatewayECU is connected to a Firewall and four
. Among the four networks, there are
two CAN-FD networks, an administrative network
(required by securiCAD), and Internet (is available
through the use of a Connectivity Control Unit at-
tached to the gateway, which is not represented by an
object in the model).
A Firewall has two security measurements,
Enabled and KnownRuleSet (if the firewall ruleset
is known to the modeler and configured properly).
The default settings are enabled and KnownRuleSet
is set as probability = 0.5, as no public information
is available about how manufacturers configure their
firewalls on Gateway ECUs.
Threat Modeling and Attack Simulations of Connected Vehicles: A Research Outlook
In order to model the broadcast behavior of
the CAN network, ECUs are connected to a CAN-
FD Network. Besides, Network has security mea-
surements including DNSSec, PortSecurity and
StaticARPTables that are TCP/IP related, but CAN-
FD itself has no security measurements enabled.
In this generalized model, Service and Client
can be connected to ECU, but an ECU do not require
both of them. To be more specific, an ECU will be
connected to Client only when it is required to send
data to other ECUs. For example, the Driving Assis-
tance ECU is without control over any electrical de-
vices, and aims to calculate for the driving assistance
functions based on input and send output to ECUs that
handles driving functions. Both Service and Client
have a security measurement called Patched and is
enabled. Also, SoftwareProduct is connected to
them, which means all Service and Client applied
AUTOSAR standard.
Moreover, Dataflow is connected to CAN-FD
Network, and is also connected to Service and
Client, which represents the communication be-
tween Service and Client. The communication de-
notes how much access that Service and Client
have to commands and function calls in the operat-
ing system and kernel. The setting applied the most
secure option, as no information was found about how
much access does a service on an ECU in AUTOSAR
Similarly, a Protocol is connected to Dataflow,
which gives options to choose different security im-
plementations to apply on the communication over
the CAN-FD networks, and the security measure-
ments available on Protocol are Authenticated,
Encrypted and Nonce. Here, Authenticated is sup-
ported by CAN-FD Network and enabled, while the
other two are disabled.
Furthermore, an Attacker is added to the threat
model to make it complete. The Attacker is con-
nected to the object where an attack start at. In this
case we consider Internet as unsafe, therefore the
Attacker is connected to the Internet Network with
the connection type Compromise.
Overall, the security settings related to the model
in Figure 1 are as follows:
The security settings of Host:
- ASLR: Address Space Layout Randomization
(ASLR) fortifies against buffer overflow attacks;
is disabled; because it is not implemented in AU-
TOSAR classic, but is available on the adaptive
- AntiMalware: detects, removes and deters mal-
ware attacks; is disabled; because it is not imple-
- DEP: Data Excecution Prevention (DEP) defends
against buffer overflow, by making memory areas
non-excecutionable; is disabled; because it is not
implemented in AUTOSAR classic, but is avail-
able on the adaptive platform.
- Hardened: represents the procedures where un-
used services, ports and hardware outlets are dis-
abled; is unset; because no information is avail-
- HostFirewall: a firewall controls whether
dataflow is blocked or allowed between hosts; is
unset; because no information is available.
- Patched: it means the host has the latest security
updates; is enabled; because Internet connection
gives improved software support and patch avail-
- StaticARPTables: means mapping IP address
to MAC address to avoid spoofing; is disabled; be-
cause this measurement is with Ethernet network,
not a CAN network.
The security settings of SoftwareProduct:
- HasVendorSupport: means whether the
software product is supported and has access
to patches; is enabled; because the model has
an Internet connection and is assumed to be
- NoPatchableVulnerability: means whether
the software product has no patchable vulnerabili-
ties; is unset; because no information is available.
- NoUnPatchableVulnerability: means
whether the software product has no unpatchable
vulnerabilities; is unset; because no information
is available.
- SafeLanguages: means the software product
is developed in languages that perform checking
to reduce the risk of buffer overflow; is unset;
because no information is available.
- Scrutinized: whether the software has been
thoroughly tested and checked for vulnerabilities;
is unset; because no information is available.
- SecretBinary: whether there is an access to
the binary by an attacker who can then detect
vulnerabilities; is unset; because no information
is available.
- SecretSource: whether the source code is a
secret source; is disabled; because AUTOSAR is
an open-source.
- StaticCodeAnalysis: whether there is a code
analysis tool to find vulnerabilities and bugs; is
unset; because no information is available.
Firewall connected to GatewayECU has
KnownRuleSet enabled, and its probability is set
to 0.5.
The security settings of Network are disabled.
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Service and Client connected to ECU have
Patched enabled.
Dataflow connected to Network has
Authenticated enabled.
2014 Jeep Cherokee Model. According to the topol-
ogy by (Miller and Valasek, 2014), Figure 2 is created
and shows the threat model of 2014 Jeep Cherokees’s
internal network, with some changes on the general-
ized model (Figure 1). Here, CAN networks are used
instead of CAN-FD networks (Miller and Valasek,
2015), so Authenticated is disabled from the secu-
rity settings of its network Protocol. The Firewall
connected to Radio ECU is enabled, even though only
one open port is accessible. But the open ports found
by Miller and Valasek can be represented by disabling
Hardened setting of ECU.
Figure 2: Internal network model of 2014 Jeep Cherokee by
3.2 Running the Attack Simulations
Generalized Model. To conduct attack simulations,
the attack consequence (from 0 to 10, while 10 indi-
cates the most severity) is also required to set for each
object. For Engine control, Transmission and Brake
control ECU, the consequence of a compromise attack
is set to 10, because a compromise and an access to
these ECUs and services could lead to fatal road ac-
cidents. For CAN-FD Network, the consequence of
a DoS attack is set to 9, because a DOS attack can
shut down the access to ECUs of the network, and it
will not lead to fatal road accidents compared to the
formal one.
By running securiCAD attack simulations, the risk
assessment is shown in Figure 3(a), and all attacks are
considered to be of High risk. To show the consequen-
(a) Firewall enabled.
(b) Firewall disabled.
Figure 3: Risk matrix from simulations performed on the
generalized model.
ce if the Firewall connected to GatewayECU is dis-
abled, that all attacks are considered in the Critical
zone (shown in Figure 3(b)). The result shows that
Firewall is the most important object to secure the
The simulation results also show the attack path
of an attack, which is aggregated by attack graphs to
model the composition of vulnerabilities found in a
system. For example, the attack steps for a DoS attack
on the Drivetrain network is shown in Figure 4, with
the Firewall enabled and FirewallKnownRuleSet
set as probability=0.5.
Figure 4: Attack path of a DoS attack on a CAN-FD net-
In Figure 4, the measurements that can be made to
further improve security is shown by a green circle.
In this case, it is related to FirewallKnownRuleSet.
If it is set as 1.0, there would be 0 risk for all attacks.
2014 Jeep Cherokee Model. In order to simulate the
attack consequences of the Jeep model, the settings
Threat Modeling and Attack Simulations of Connected Vehicles: A Research Outlook
Consequence of a compromise attack on Radio
ECU is set to 3, which is used as a reference to
see how much probability lowers after the initial
entry of the network.
Consequence of a compromise attack on Braking
system ECU is set to 10.
Consequence of a DoS attack on CAN-C Network
is set to 10.
Consequence of a replay attack on CAN-C
Network is set to 10, which represents the ac-
tual attack made by Miller and Valasek (Miller
and Valasek, 2015) where they to send commands
over the network unhindered.
Figure 5: Attack path of the Jeep replay attack.
Figure 5 indicates the attack path of a replay at-
tack on CAN-C Network, and the unknown service
indicates the D-bus service accessed in an actual at-
tack by (Miller and Valasek, 2015), they looked at
a service (reflected by UnknownService in Figure 5)
connected to D-bus, and discovered that D-bus was
running as root, which helps them got access rights to
connected systems and hacked the vehicle remotely.
Just before the replay attack step, the attack paths are
divided into Compromise path and ARPCachePoison-
ing path, while the compromise path is more likely to
happen as ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is not
applied in CAN network.
Besides, several security measurements that could
be implemented are shown by the green circles, and
most of them are related to Radio ECU. Moreover,
Hardened setting of Radio ECU is the most important,
as it allows the attack to happen in the first place.
Furthermore, TTC is a measure of the effort ex-
pended by an attacker for a successful attack assum-
ing effort is expended uniformly. The attacker will
then take the shortest path, i.e. the least time con-
suming way to the end node. The TTC of the replay
attack can be seen in Figure 6, which indicates how
many days it takes to reach a certain risk probability.
In this case, a replay attack takes 21 days and has a
50% probability to compromise the vehicle.
Figure 6: TTC of the Jeep replay attack.
The overall attack simulation results show that the
modeled vehicles are not fully secure. According to
the risk matrix, a firewall is the most important ob-
ject to secure in this network. Also, the attack path
shows what other security measurements that can be
Holistic threat modeling and quantitative attack sim-
ulations of Internet connected vehicles seems promis-
ing, which allows a holistic identification and ranking
of all the security related threats that are most likely to
affect the systems. However, future work requires to
be done in order for it to become efficient and useful.
A metamodel describes the fundamental assets
and their associations of systems (e.g. connected ve-
hicles). Thus, the threat modeling metamodel needs
to be tailored (Lagerstr
om et al., 2009) to fit the in-
ternal architecture of them, as most threat modeling
metamodels today are created for office IT or similar
systems, and they only reflect parts of a vehicle sys-
The set of attack types and associated counter-
measures (defenses) related to each asset in a vehi-
cle needs to be further explored and validated. Some
attacks are known for web applications or Windows-
based systems, but they might not be relevant for ve-
hicles (Checkoway et al., 2011; V
alja et al., 2017).
Also, there might be certain attacks only possible
on vehicle systems. When it comes to countermea-
sures, a vehicle has certain limitations on its perfor-
mance, cost and functionality that do not appear in
other larger systems.
Quantitative measures of security (e.g. TTC
or Time between vulnerability disclosure (TBVD)
(Johnson et al., 2016a)) require quantitative inputs in
order to provide reasonable and useful output. Al-
though it has been done for other system types, vehi-
cle specific statistical studies relating attacks and de-
fenses quantitatively (and probabilistic) are still need
ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
to be done. This can be realized through hacking ex-
ercises or experts.
Another important step is to validate and test the
approach with case studies by modeling vehicles and
iteratively enhancing the approach, a similar work has
been done in the energy domain (Blom et al., 2016).
Currently, the proposed approaches have focused
on automating the attack graph generation and thus
reducing modeling efforts significantly. However,
modeling holistic systems with many components can
still be time-consuming and error-prone, thus, the ap-
proach needs to get aid in decreasing the model in-
stantiation effort (N
arman et al., 2009). This can
be achieved by automatic modeling (Holm et al.,
2014; V
alja et al., 2015) and using reference ar-
chitecture models (Korman et al., 2016; Vernotte
et al., 2018), however, neither of these has been tested
within the vehicle domain. To enhance the precision,
it could also be useful to couple this approach with
databases containing known vulnerabilities (Johnson
et al., 2016b; Lagerstr
om et al., 2017a).
Once the modeling is done with a higher degree
of automation, and the security analysis is done auto-
matically using the attack simulations, the final step
of designing a more secure architecture remains to be
done (Lagerstr
om et al., 2017b).
This position paper first addresses the security issues
on Internet connected vehicles. Then threat modeling
and attack simulations are conducted through an ad-
vanced tool named securiCAD, for both a generalized
vehicle model and a 2014 Jeep Cherokee. The simu-
lation results show that this tool is useful in modeling
a vehicle’s internal network.
This work also has its limitations, for example, the
Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication is out
of the scope, and some security mechanisms have not
been implemented in the threat modeling metamodel,
which influences the scope of the attack simulations.
Future work includes providing more accurate
simulation results for vehicle-specific attacks and
countermeasures. Moreover, a more tailored meta-
model for vehicle is needed, which include more se-
curity mechanisms like access control, data privacy
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ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy