Reproducing Symmetry Breaking in Exit Choice under Emergency
Evacuation Situation using Response Threshold Model
Akira Tsurushima
SECOM CO., LTD., Intelligent Systems Laboratory,
8-10-16 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan
Response Threshold Model, Exit Choice, Evacuation, Herd Behavior.
When people evacuate from a room with two identical exits, it is known that these exits are often unequally
used, with evacuees gathering at one of them. This inappropriate and irrational behavior sometimes results
in serious loss of life. In this paper, this symmetry breaking in exit choice is discussed from the viewpoint
of herding, a cognitive bias in humans during disaster evacuations. The aim of this paper is to show that
the origin of symmetry breaking in exit choice is simple herd behavior, whereas many models in the literature
consider the exit choice decisions either as panic or rational behavior. The evacuation decision model, based on
the response threshold model in biology, is presented to reproduce human herd behavior. Simulation with the
evacuation decision model shows that almost all agents gather at one exit at some frequency, despite individual
agents choosing the exit randomly.
The choice of exits is a crucial factor in emergency
evacuations. The wrong choice will cause inefficient
evacuations which are possible to result in serious loss
of life. Much work have been done investigating hu-
man exit choice in evacuations. Some of these works
point to symmetry breaking in exit choice (Elliott and
Smith, 1993; Helbing et al., 2002).
Symmetry breaking in exit choice is a phe-
nomenon observed when people evacuate from a
room with two identical exits, in which the exits are
often unequally used and evacuees gather at one of
them. These behaviors result in the inefficient use of
exits, increasing the total evacuation time. This inef-
ficient use of exits is not necessarily limited to panic
situations. It was observed that, even in an evacuation
drill conducted at the New National Theater in Tokyo
(Onishi et al., 2015), with incorrect routing of the peo-
ple at the front, all subsequent people followed, re-
sulted in inappropriate evacuation.
Many researchers consider herd behavior, one of
the most representative and important cognitive biases
in disaster evacuations, to be an underlying mech-
anism of symmetry breaking in exit choice (Hel-
bing et al., 2000; Altshuler et al., 2005; Pan, 2006;
Lovreglio et al., 2014b). Herd behavior, which is
caused by the mental tendency to decide one’s behav-
ior based on the behavior of others, has been observed
in many evacuations including the Three Mile Is-
land nuclear power plan accident (Cutter and Barnes,
1982) and football stadium disasters in the United
Kingdom (Elliott and Smith, 1993). It has been stud-
ied extensively in numerous fields and is also known
as crowd behavior, conformity bias, peer effect, band-
wagon effect and majority syncing bias (Henrich and
Boyd, 1998; Dyer et al., 2008; Raafat et al., 2009).
Numerous models have been proposed to repre-
sent exit choice in evacuations. However, many of
these models consider the major cause of symme-
try breaking in exit choice to be either panic (Hel-
bing et al., 2000) or rational behaviors (Lovreglio
et al., 2016b). The aim of this paper is to show
that symmetry breaking in exit choice can be repro-
duced by simple herd behaviors. A method is pro-
posed to reproduce symmetry breaking in evacuation
through two exits with the use of the evacuation de-
cision model which represents herd behavior in hu-
mans (Tsurushima, 2018a). The evacuation decision
model is based on the response threshold model in bi-
ology. Furthermore, the model does not incorporate
predefined rules or scenarios nor assumes the ratio of
individualistic and herd behaviors in advance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 shows the models of exit choice in
the literature. Section 3 discusses herd behavior from
Tsurushima, A.
Reproducing Symmetry Breaking in Exit Choice under Emergency Evacuation Situation using Response Threshold Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0007256000310041
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2019), pages 31-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-350-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the viewpoint of leaders and followers. Section 4 in-
troduces the response threshold model and Section 5
presents the evacuation decision model. The simula-
tion model of exit choice is stated in Section 6 and
the simulation results are analyzed in Section 7. The
discussion and the conclusion are given in Section 8
and Section 9, respectively.
Numerous studies for exit choice in evacuations have
been conducted since Helbing et al. (2000). Evac-
uation experiments with human subjects were con-
ducted to investigate several features of human exit
choice behaviors (Kobes et al., 2010; Fridolf et al.,
2013) and a database containing evacuation data in-
cluding exit choice was developed (Shi et al., 2009).
It was also reported that symmetry breaking in emer-
gencies occurs not only in humans but also in ants
(Altshuler et al., 2005; Ji et al., 2017) and mice (Sa-
loma et al., 2003).
Multi-agent simulations and cell automaton mod-
els have been used to study efficient evacuations in
disaster situations. Many models to reproduce human
exit choice in evacuations have been proposed by sev-
eral authors and these models can be categorized into
the following five classes.
Rule based Model
Agents in this class have predefined rules, scenarios,
or sequences of actions, and their choice of exits is
made by these rules. One example of such a rule is “if
an agent detects two exits and its uncertainty level is
high, then the agent pursues the exit that has the most
crowds” (Pan et al., 2005) . These rules are built by
surveys conducted at target sites and some literature
(Augustijn-Beckers et al., 2010), or based on theo-
ries such as Cialdini’s social proof theory (Pan, 2006),
the OCC(Ortony, Clore and Collins) model (Sharpan-
skykh and Treur, 2010; Zia et al., 2011), etc. The
choice of rules are arbitrary made by designers though
there is no widely accepted general way of choosing
these rules.
Cell Automaton Model
The cell automaton (CA) model represents collective
behaviors of evacuees using a two dimensional matrix
with simple rules. This model can efficiently repro-
duce dynamics of self-organization phenomena such
as jamming, clogging, oscillation and so on. The re-
lation between evacuation time and exit width or door
separation was studied using the CA model (Perez
et al., 2002). The floor field model was also used
to analyze herd behaviors by varying the length be-
tween two exits (Kirchner and Schadschneider, 2002)
and in environments with multiple exits and obsta-
cles (Huang and Guo, 2008). One of the strengths
of the CA model is its high computational efficiency
since the model itself is simple and abstract. How-
ever, none of the above was able to reproduce the
symmetry breaking in exit choice.
Social Force Model
Helbing et al. (2000) introduced the phenomenon
of inefficient use of alternative exits in evacuations.
They conducted simulations of evacuation from a
room with multiple exits filled with smoke using the
social force model (Helbing et al., 2000; Helbing
et al., 2002). They showed that some mixture of indi-
vidualistic and herd behaviors is more efficient than
purely individualistic or herd behaviors. However,
in their simulations, the relation between exit choice
and evacuation efficiency is unclear. What they have
shown is the efficiency of finding unknown exits in in-
visible environments, not the evacuation efficiency of
choosing alternative exits. The agents in their model
do not choose exits in any meaningful way since, in
the social force model, the desired direction of an
agent is predetermined via input to the model.
Game Theory based Model
Some models assume the existence of a utility func-
tion in an agent, with the agent behaving to maximize
its utility. In the game theory based model, agents in-
teract with each other and try to achieve Nash equilib-
rium for the game in order to maximize mutual utili-
ties. In (Lo et al., 2006) the choice of exits was formu-
lated as a non-cooperative game, and the mixed strat-
egy solution of the game was analyzed. In exit choice
experiments using ants, the number of ants escaping
from different exits was found to be equal to the ratio
between the widths of the exits; and this finding was
analyzed from the viewpoint of Nash equilibrium (Ji
et al., 2017).
Discrete Choice Model
The discrete choice model assumes that agents make
exit choices decisions based on a finite set of attributes
associated with the exit alternatives. The utility func-
tion of an agent consists of two terms: the first part
is the expected value of the perceived utility derived
from the attributes, and the second term is its random
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
residual from the real value. A mixed logit model
or multinomial logit model is often used to formu-
late the utility function, and data collected from hu-
man subjects are applied to estimate its coefficients.
For example, Lovreglio et al. uses the following fac-
tors to formulate the utility function (Lovreglio et al.,
Number of evacuees close to the exits
Flow of evacuees through the exits
Number of evacuees close to the decision maker
towards one of the exits
Smoke near the exits
Evacuation lights above the exits
Distance of the decision maker from the exit
The relation between evacuation time and exit choice
strategies (e.g, least distance, least travel time, hive,
vision field) was studied using multinomial logit mod-
els and an internet survey (Duives and Mahmas-
sani, 2012). Paper-based surveys and face-to-face in-
terviews have been conducted using the SP-off-RP
method to formulate the exit choice behaviors us-
ing multinomial logit models and mixed logit mod-
els (Haghani et al., 2014). The difference between
behavioral features of emergency and non-emergency
egress was analyzed using a mixed logit model and
face-to-face interviews (Haghani and Sarvi, 2016).
Online surveys using video simulations were con-
ducted to formulate a mixed logit model (Lovreglio
et al., 2014a; Lovreglio et al., 2014b). In (Lovreglio
et al., 2016a) the effect of the presence of smoke and
emergency lighting was analyzed using online sur-
veys with virtual reality and a mixed logit model.
Utility-based models (e.g. game theory-based
models and discrete choice models) consider the exit
choice decisions as rational behaviors, whereas other
models consider them as the result of panic or irra-
tional behaviors (Lovreglio et al., 2016b). The major
limitation of utility based approaches is the assump-
tion that decisions in emergency evacuations can be
obtained through surveys and interviews. This is be-
cause it is difficult to reproduce the imminent situ-
ation of real evacuations, and subjects are only able
to respond to questionnaires based on conscious deci-
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to re-
produce the symmetry breakage in exit choice. Our
approach, which is able to reproduce herd behaviors
in evacuations, is based on the response threshold
model in biology. It shows that symmetry breaking in
exit choice can be reproduced without assuming any
decision making process including rules, scenarios, or
utilities. In this approach, the symmetry breaking in
exit choice emerges as the result of herd behaviors,
even though agents choose the exit randomly.
Raafat et al. (Raafat et al., 2009) defined herding as
“the alignment of thoughts or behaviors of individu-
als in a group (herd) through local interactions rather
than centralized coordination. According to this def-
inition, each individual is affected by other individu-
als in some way when determining its own behavior.
However, there must at least be one individual that be-
haves through its own intentions and affects the oth-
ers, otherwise no one would be able to act.
Thus it is reasonable to assume that a herd consists
of leaders and followers, where the leaders determine
their behaviors through their own intentions and the
followers determine their behaviors through the be-
havior of other leaders or followers. In addition, no
individual shall affect or be affected by all the mem-
bers of the group.
This leads to several questions. How is a leader or
follower determined? Is there an appropriate ratio of
leaders to followers? Are the roles of the leaders and
followers fixed, or do they change dynamically? If
they change, what rules affect those changes? The an-
swers to these questions are not obvious, especially if
a privileged and centralized control mechanism does
not exist. This can be called the leader and follower
If the leader and follower problem is focused on
evacuation, where a room with a single exit is filled
with randomly distributed agents, the goal would be
to evacuate all the agents from the room. A leader will
be intent on leaving the room and be able to adjust its
behaviors accordingly, so clearly it is able to leave the
room. On the other hand, a follower determines its
own behavior through the behavior of others, regard-
less of its own intention. In this case, a follower will
move toward the exit if many agents move, but will
stay put if they do not. Thus it is unclear whether a
follower will be able to leave the room.
Two simulation experiments
were conducted to
investigate the nature of the leader and follower prob-
lem. The aim of these experiments is to show that
simple rules of assigning the role of leaders and fol-
lowers are inadequate to reproduce evacuation behav-
iors. In these experiments, 200 agents are distributed
NetLogo 6.0.2 (Wilensky, 1999) is used to implement
the models presented in this paper.
Reproducing Symmetry Breaking in Exit Choice under Emergency Evacuation Situation using Response Threshold Model
Figure 1: The leader and follower simulations. a) Experiment 1 or 2 - Initial state, b) Experiment 1 - Terminal state, c)
Experiment 2 - State near the end of the experiment (Thin lines following agents indicate their trails).
in a room (33 × 33 units) with an exit (Figure 1a). A
leader agent (white) moves toward the exit but a fol-
lower agent (gray) randomly chooses an agent in its
vicinity and mimics its movement.
Experiment 1
In experiment 1, 10% of the agents are randomly se-
lected as the leaders and the remaining agents are fol-
lowers. The roles of the leader and follower are fixed
during simulation.
Figure 1b shows the terminal state of experiment
1. All leaders and some followers have evacuated but
most of the followers are still in the room. Since they
are all followers, they cannot move through their own
intention, and thus all of them are unable to move.
This is because most followers choose to follow other
followers, but only some follow leaders. Chains of
followers who do not have a leader will not be able to
exit under these conditions. Only followers following
a leader will be able to exit.
It is obvious that the assumptions of experiment 1
are not suitable as a solution to the leader and follower
Experiment 2
In experiment 2, 10% of agents are chosen as lead-
ers as in experiment 1, but the roles of the leaders
and followers dynamically change during the simula-
tion. Therefore, an agent acts as a leader at certain
moments, but acts as a follower at other times. Only
the ratio of the leaders and followers is constant.
At the end of the simulation, all agents have left
the room. Thus experiment 2 may be a candidate so-
lution of the leader and follower problem. However,
as shown in Figure 1c, some unnatural and wasteful
movements (e.g. oscillating back and forth between
the two walls) of the followers are observed just be-
fore the end of the simulation. Such unnatural move-
ments can be avoided by increasing the ratio of lead-
ers, but it is not obvious what ratio is appropriate.
Also, the assumption that the ratio of the leaders and
followers is always constant is unrealistic.
Derek Sivers pointed out the importance of the
first follower in his famous talk at TED2010 and said
“the first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a
. This implies that there is no leader without
any follower, and vice versa. Therefore, leader and
follower is a mutual dependence relation since the ex-
istence of one can only be supported by the existence
of the other.
From the above, we conclude that
the roles of leaders and followers should change
over time
the assumption that the ratio of leaders to follow-
ers is constant is unrealistic.
leaders and followers is a mutual dependence re-
Hasegawa et al. (2016) showed a similar kind of
mutual relation between hardworking ants and lazy
ants using the response threshold model. There
was a negative correlation between hardworking and
lazy workers. Lazy workers automatically replaced
hardworking but resting workers in processing tasks
when the number of hardworking workers decreased
(Hasegawa et al., 2016). Therefore, the existence of
inactive workers is only supported by the existence of
2 sivers how to start
a movement
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
active workers, and vice versa. To take these points
into account, the response threshold model, which is
an ideal model to represent this kind of mutual rela-
tionship, is adopted as a model for human herd behav-
iors in evacuation situations.
The response threshold model (Bonabeau et al., 1996)
is well known in biology and ecology as a model
for division of labor in eusocial organisms. It is
also known as an efficient distributed algorithm to
solve task allocation problems (Bonabeau et al., 1997)
and has a variety of applications in engineering in-
cluding the coordination of multiple robots (Castello
et al., 2016; Krieger et al., 2000), efficient coverage
of distributed mobile sensor networks (Low et al.,
2004), and distributed allocation of multi-agent sys-
tems (Agassounon and Martinoli, 2002).
The response threshold model consists of agents
with response thresholds θ and an environment with
task-related stimuli s. An agent responds to the stim-
uli and engages in a task if s exceeds its θ. The in-
tensity of s will increase if the task is not performed
sufficiently and will decrease if a sufficient number
of agents are engaged in the task. An agent i has a
random variable X representing its mental state. The
agent is active if X = 1, and inactive if X = 0. The
probability P
that an agent will be active per unit time
(X = 0 X = 1) =
+ θ
, (1)
and inactive per unit time is:
(X = 1 X = 0) = ε, (2)
where ε is a constant probability with which an active
agent gives up task performance. The intensity of s
per unit time is given by:
s(t + 1) = s(t) + δ α
, (3)
where δ is the increase of the stimulus per unit time, α
is a scale factor of the efficiency of task performance,
c is the number of agents engaging in the task, and C
is the total number of agents.
In this paper, the evacuation decision model (Tsu-
rushima, 2018a), based on the response threshold
model, which reproduced the evacuation behaviors
observed at the Great East Japan Earthquake (Tsu-
rushima, 2018b), is adopted to study symmetry break-
ing in exit choice in evacuations.
By designating the task to be performed as remov-
ing all agents from the room, the evacuation decision
model can be applied for solving the leader and fol-
lower problem in order to represent human herd be-
haviors. The environment (the room) has a risk value
r which represents the level of objective risks in the
environment, and an agent has risk perception param-
eter µ which represents an individual’s risk sensitivity.
In contrast to the model (equation 3) discussed in
Section 4, each agent in this model has its own stimu-
lus s
which is the local estimate of the stimulus s in-
stead of the global stimulus of the environment. The
stimulus of the agent i is defined as:
(t + 1) = max{s
(t) +
δ α(1 R)F, 0}, (4)
δ is the increase of the stimulus per unit of time
δ =
δ if r > 0
0 otherwise,
α is a scale factor of the stimulus. R is the risk per-
ception which is the function of r:
R(r) =
1 + e
, (6)
where g is the activation gain which determines the
slope of the sigmoid function. F is the task progress
function, the local estimate of task performance:
F(n) =
1 n/N
n < N
0 otherwise,
where n is the number of agents in the vicinity, and
is the maximum number of agents in the vicinity.
Each agent has a visibility of 120 degrees and a sight
distance of five units toward the west direction. This
range is considered the vicinity of an agent.
We assumed a rectangular room (40 × 128 units) with
four walls in the directions north, east, south, and west
clockwise from the top, with two exits at the west end
of the room, where the north and south exits are lo-
cated at the top left and bottom left, respectively (Fig-
ure 2). As shown in Figure 2, there are 600 agents
initially distributed in the middle of the room in a rect-
angular shape (14 × 96 units) and start moving to the
west according to the risk level r.
Reproducing Symmetry Breaking in Exit Choice under Emergency Evacuation Situation using Response Threshold Model
Figure 2: The initial screen of the simulation.
Algorithm 1: Follower’s action (X = 0).
V the set of agents in the vicinity
the number of agents not moving in V
the number of agents moving in V
if v
> v
M a set of the moving agents in the vicinity
the number of agents with d = north in M
the number of agents with d = south in M
the number of agents with d = undecided
in M
if e
is the maximum then
d north
face to the north exit
else if e
is the maximum then
d south
face to the south exit
else if e
is the maximum then
d undecided
face to the west
end if
take one step forward
do nothing
end if
The northern and southern sections of the room
are initially left empty at the beginning of the simu-
lation because each agent will choose either north or
south direction later (the initial choice of the direction
is set to undecided). The gray vertical line at 48
(G-line) indicates the position where an agent must
decide to go to the northern or southern exit, if its di-
rection is not determined by herd behavior (X = 0).
This decision is only made if the mental state of the
agent is a leader (X = 1); and the choice of north or
south is made at random (choose north with probabil-
ity 0.5). Assuming d = undecided and X = 0 as initial
settings, an agent will perform Algorithm 1 if it is a
Figure 3: The exit choice simulation.
Algorithm 2: Leader’s action (X = 1).
cx the X-coordinate of the current position
gx the X-coordinate of G-line
if cx gx and d = undecided then
randValue randomly select a value [0,1]
if randValue < 0.5 then
d north
face to the north exit
d south
face to the south exit
end if
face to the west
end if
take one step forward
follower (X = 0) or Algorithm 2 if it is a leader (X =
1). An agent executes Algorithm 1 or Algorithm 2
every unit of time.
Thus the follower may determine its direction
even though it has not yet crossed G-line. The param-
eters of the evacuation decision model are assumed to
be ε = 0.8, δ = 0.5, α = 1.2, N
= 10, and g = 1.0.
As shown in Figure 3, in many cases, the agents are
equally divided between north and south exits. De-
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Symmetry breaking in the exit choice simulation. Notice the arc when agents choose the same exit.
Figure 5: The frequency of H.
spite the fact that each agent randomly chooses north
or south, most agents will automatically head toward
the closer exit.
Sometimes almost all agents happen to choose the
same direction and gather at one exit (Figure 4). In
this figure, the decisions of the white agents, which
move to the south direction, propagate far to the east
from G-line (the arc in the figure). This kind of behav-
ior is commonly observed when many agents choose
the same direction.
The entropy of the agents that select north or south
can be expressed by the following equation:
H = r
) r
), (8)
where r
is the ratio of the agents heading north and
is the ratio of the agents heading south at the end
of the simulation. The range of H is H [0.0,1.0].
The ratios of the agents moving north and south are
Figure 6: The distribution of D with different probabilities.
equal if H = 1.0, and all the agents moving toward
the same direction if H = 0.0. The frequency of H
over 180 simulations is shown in Figure 5. Although
the frequency is small, the phenomenon where most
of the agents gathered at a single exit was observed.
Figure 6 shows how the difference between the
number of agents choosing north and south (D) varies
with the probability to choose the north exit. For
example, D = 600 means all agents evacuated from
the north and D = 600 means all agents evacuated
from the south. The figure shows that most agents
may happen to gather at the opposite (south) exit even
though leaders chose the north exit with a probability
greater than 0.5. For instance, there was a case where
the leaders chose north with probability 0.6, but 586
agents (97.7%) gathered at the south exit.
The value of ε and the position of G-line are major
factors that affect the value of H. Figure 7 shows the
Reproducing Symmetry Breaking in Exit Choice under Emergency Evacuation Situation using Response Threshold Model
Figure 7: Relationship between ε and H over 50 simula-
Figure 8: Relationship between position of G-line and H
over 50 simulations.
results of simulations varying the value of ε from 0.1
to 0.9. The values of H in each simulation are shown
in Figure 7 (small circles on dotted lines). The means
of 50 simulations with different ε are shown by the
broken line and the standard deviations are shown by
the dotted line. In Figure 7, the symmetry breakings
are only observed when ε is greater than 0.5 and the
means of H tends to decrease as the values of ε in-
crease. This implies that the greater chances of herd
behavior results in the symmetry breakings.
Figure 8 shows the results of simulations where
the position of G-line was moved from -48 to +48.
In Figure 8, the X-axis shows the position of G-
line. The G-lines in Figure 3 and Figure 4 are located
at -48, and the center of the room is at 0. The val-
ues of H in each simulation are shown in Figure 8
(small circles on dotted lines). The means of 50 sim-
ulations with different G-line positions are shown by
the broken line and the standard deviations are shown
by the dotted line. This clearly shows that the mean of
H tends to decrease as the position of G-line shifts to
east, meaning that an earlier decision results in the un-
even use of two exits. An earlier decision implies that
Figure 9: Correlation of arc length of agents and H.
the agents have more chances to be affected by others
because all agents move in the same direction and the
traveling time of an agent moving along with others
who have already chosen their direction increases.
The long arc of white agents in Figure 4 shows
that when symmetry breaking happens, many agents
have already made decisions well before G-line. The
results of 180 simulations in which the position of G-
line is set to -48 are given in Figure 9. This shows the
correlation of the values of H and the maximum dis-
tances between G-line and the positions of decisions
made by the agents (X-axis). The correlation coeffi-
cient of 0.6715 suggests that a longer arc will result
in a smaller H.
In Figure 9, a few samples with long arcs and large
H values are observed, whereas no samples with short
arcs and small H value is observed. This suggest that
the long arc of agents may be an important factor in
symmetry breaking in the exit choice problem.
Lovreglio et al. (2016b) stated that the evacuation de-
cision of choosing the most crowded exit can be the
result of a rational decision making process instead
of an “irrational-panic” decision (Lovreglio et al.,
2016b). In our exit choice simulation, the evacua-
tion decision model shows that even though an agent
selects exits randomly, with some frequency we can
observe almost all agents gathering at one exit. This
shows that symmetry breaking in exit choice during
evacuation can be the result of simple herd behavior,
ICAART 2019 - 11th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
disregarding any rational decision making processes.
The fact that the same phenomenon can be observed
in experiments using organisms without intelligence
such as ants and mice (Altshuler et al., 2005; Ji et al.,
2017; Saloma et al., 2003) also supports our result.
Furthermore, our results also show that herd behavior
is a major factor of this phenomenon and that the arc
length of agents, indicating early decision making, es-
pecially affects the occurrence of symmetry breaking
in the exit choice.
The evacuation decision model only deals with
cognitive or psychological factors such as decision,
perception, and bias; physical factors such as colli-
sion, clogging, and disturbance are not considered at
all. An agent can simply pass through other agents,
even though they are positioned in front of it. It is
worth noting that the symmetry breaking in evacua-
tion occurs despite disregarding physical factors.
The evacuation decision model is a bio-inspired
distributed task allocation algorithm based on the re-
sponse threshold model. The model itself is simple,
simply switching between two mental states, X = 0
and X = 1, in some probabilistic manner. What to do
in these states is not stated and is open to the user,
giving broad generality to the model. In the case of
the exit choice simulation, we chose Algorithm 1 and
Algorithm 2 for X = 0 and X = 1, respectively. The
evacuation decision model only represents the cogni-
tive bias in evacuation, but for actual evacuation sce-
narios, the consideration of physical factors is neces-
sary; and, especially in the case of human evacuation,
higher cognitive functions such as choosing the short-
est route are also very important to consider.
The generality of the evacuation decision model
allows these factors to be easily incorporated. The
higher cognitive model can be incorporated in the
state X = 1, which shows intentional decision mak-
ing. By assuming the output as a movement vector,
the evacuation decision model can be employed eas-
ily in conjunction with a physical pedestrian dynam-
ics model such as Helbing’s social force model. The
evacuation decision model can be viewed as a plat-
form that separates a higher cognitive function and a
physical model, and then naturally connects these two
by introducing the layer of cognitive bias.
The evacuation decision model, based on the response
threshold model in biology, represents human herd
behavior in evacuation situations. The exit choice
simulation with the evacuation decision model shows
that almost all evacuees gather at one exit at a non-
negligible frequency even though they choose exits
randomly. The results show that exit choice decision
can be the result of simple herd behaviors disregard-
ing any rational decision. The simulation also showed
the relation between these inappropriate uses of exits
and earlier decision making.
The author is grateful to Robert Ramirez, Yoshikazu
Shinoda, and Kei Marukawa for their helpful com-
ments and suggestions.
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