The Role of Community Empowerment: Norms and Obligation in the
Development of Tourism on Bunaken Island
Jufrina Mandulangi
, Benny Irwan Towoliu
and Treesje Lusje Runtuwene
Department of Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Manado, Manado, Indonesia
Department of Tourism, Politeknik Negeri Manado, Manado, Indonesia
Department of Accounting, Politeknik Negeri Manado, Manado, Indonesia
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Norms and Obligation, Tourism Development.
Abstract: The success of a tourist destination cannot be separated from the role of the local community involved in it.
However, sometimes people are only used as spectators, and cannot get benefit from tourism. The success
of Bunaken as a National Marine Park, which is known among world diving lovers is inseparable from the
role of local communities who support and maintain this tourist destination. The purpose of this study was
to analyse the role of the norm and obligation-based community empowerment in the development of
tourism on Bunaken Island. The case study methods carried out were observation, interviews and
documentation directly in the field. The data source is the selected informants in the snowball model.
Empirical findings show that community empowerment has developed as ethical norms that have to be
broken down to be part of wisdom, while this is still constrained due to the lack of knowledge of the local
community. Since community empowerment is an ongoing process, it is hoped that this will be overcome.
Development of tourist destinations is inseparable
from the role of local communities involved in it.
Destinations can be established if indigenous
elements contribute to them. However, a
compilation of no support from the community will
not be developed (Chen, & Raab, 2012). Many cases
that occur at this time which occurred at the
beginning of developing well from the local
community, but in the midst of the conflict there was
a trip, the destination expansion declined, no more
tourists visited, the infrastructure was damaged/left
there was nothing to see and repair and dispose of.
There are also goals that initially developed but
remained stagnant because people did not need to
know what, how to consolidate and translate.
Because in some phases people oppose and do not
care anymore, depending on apathy, this will
eventually die.
The success of the destination requires the
involvement of the community because the
community is the legitimate owner of natural
potential. Without community involvement,
whatever objectives might be there, the destination
will not develop well. The fact is that the community
is very empowered in tourism development (Saufi et
al. 2014). At present, the empowerment of local
communities in developing countries is still lacking,
because the pattern of comfort is still more than
natural and economic capital such as technology and
management. Many local wisdoms that are owned
by the general public are marginalised, in that it is
social capital as a basic building called the
North Sulawesi has considerable tourism
potential, namely marine tourism. One of the most
famous tourist destinations in the world is diving
tourism, which lies in the Bunaken National Park
Region. The development of the tourism industry in
the region has launched work opportunities that lead
to improving the welfare of local communities. In
the framework of social-based community
empowerment it is necessary to study the social
capital in the community on Bunaken Island which
is the main door of Bunaken National Park and also
as a centre for the development of the tourism
industry. How to involve the parties in the
empowerment and development activities that have
been carried out and what types of empowerment of
local communities as well as the interests of
coordination between the parties involved in
Mandulangi, J., Irwan Towoliu, B. and Lusje Runtuwene, T.
The Role of Community Empowerment: Norms and Obligation in the Development of Tourism on Bunaken Island.
DOI: 10.5220/0010686800002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 451-457
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
empowering the community on Bunaken Island are
the main concerns. Based on researchers’
observation, one of the aspects of local community
empowerment, which often runs optimally in the
community on Bunaken Island, is the empowerment
of social capital norms and obligations. Indeed, this
aspect has been carried out, but not maximally, so it
needs to be improved. For example, norms of
business in the scope of a tourism business where
the rules are enforced may not sell similar souvenir
items, and then the guide should remind tourists not
to fish in the core zone (conservation), while the
obligation, for example, every community who earns
a living on the beach must be involved in beach
cleaning activities. These aspects seem simple, but
they have a devastating effect on the development of
tourism on Bunaken Island. The aim of the study
was to examine the process of empowering local
communities based on social capital (norms and
obligations) in the context of tourism development
on the Bunaken island.
Community Empowerment Based on Social Capital
Empowerment emphasises that people will acquire
sufficient skills, knowledge and power to influence
their lives and other people’s lives of concern,
(Parsons et al., 1994). Meanwhile, community
empowerment is an economic development concept
that summarises social values. Etymologically,
social capital has an understanding of capital owned
by the community in community empowerment.
This capital is a combination of something material
and non-material. Material has meant about
ownership related to financial assets owned, while
non-material tangible capital has mutual trust and
gathering system (togetherness system) in a society,
(Bessette et al., 1957).
Furthermore, it is said that social capital is
mainly related to the values of a network (social
network) that binds certain people (who usually have
certain similarities, such as the similarity of work,
residence, ethnicity, religion and so on) and are
bridging between different people, with a norm of
reciprocity. Social capital places more emphasis on
group potential and patterns between individuals in a
group and between groups with space for attention
to social networks, norms, values and beliefs to
others who are born to group members and become
group norms. The essence of social capital is how
the ability of people in an ethnic group to work
together to build a network to achieve the goals
expected together by forming a unified whole and
interconnected with one another, can influence both
individually and in groups in the community itself.
2.1 Norms & Obligation
Norms, mean: standards, models, patterns,
examples, leading examples, which will or should be
followed (Neufeldt 1988). Thus, the norm is a
standard or model, a pattern, an example that leads a
person or a community group, where the norm must
be followed or implemented. As social capital,
norms are a standard or model that must be followed
or exemplified by society, because those norms will
lead them to behave according to what the
community should do. Fukuyama formulates social
capital by referring to “informal norms that support
cooperation between individuals and capabilities that
arise from the prevalence of trust in a society or in
certain parts of society. Social capital can facilitate
economic expansion to a greater extent if supported
by a broad radius of trust. Whereas Putnam
formulates social capital by referring to the
characteristics of social organisations, such as
networks, norms, and beliefs that facilitate
coordination of cooperation for something whose
benefits can be shared (mutual benefits). Social
capital in the form of horizontal community
structures (which later gave birth to horizontal
associations) plays an important role in supporting
economic progress.
Norms consist of understandings, values, hopes
and goals that are believed and carried out jointly by
a group of people. Norms can be derived from
religion, moral guidelines, and secular standards as
well as professional codes of ethics. Norms are built
and developed based on the history of past
cooperation and applied to support the climate of
cooperation. Norms can be pre-conditions or
products of social trust. Norms in social capital can
be said as a set of rules that are expected to be
obeyed and followed by the community in a
particular social entity. These rules are usually
institutionalised, not written but understood as a
determinant of good behaviour patterns in the
context of social relations so that there are social
sanctions given if they violate. Social norms will
determine the strength of relationships between
individuals because it stimulates social cohesiveness
that has a positive impact on community
development. Therefore, social norms are referred to
as one of social capital.
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
Whereas the obligation is interpreted as an
obligation, or a contract that is binding, a promise, a
moral responsibility; a task that is officially or
socially charged / forced; something which someone
is bound to do according to a contract, promise,
moral responsibility; a binding force of a contract or
promise, and so on; a condition or fact of
circumstances owing to another person or the
kindness of others, or services received; a kindness
or service; legally constitutes an agreement or task
in which a person is obliged to be legally bound to
pay for or perform services or benefit others; or ties,
contracts or approval documents. Neufeldt, (1988)
mention a bond or obligation is something that binds
a person or a society to do as a necessity of moral
responsibility both formal obligations and social
obligations. Social capital describes everything that
makes society allied to achieve a common goal on
the basis of togetherness, and in it is bound by
values and norms that grow and are obeyed,
(Dasgupta, & Serageldin, 1999). The dimensions of
social capital are inherent in the structure of social
relations and social networks in a society that creates
a variety of social obligations, creates a climate of
mutual trust, brings channels of information, and
sets norms, and social sanctions for members the
community (Colleta, & Cullen, 2000).
This research is in the qualitative form, using a case
study method. The technique of collecting research
samples is to use “Snowball Sampling. This is done
because the small number of data sources has not
been able to provide complete data, so looking for
someone else who can be used as a data source,
(Sugyono, 2006). The research informants included:
Manado City Tourism Office, Environment Agency,
Manado City Marine and Fisheries Service, North
Sulawesi Provincial Social Service, Manado Public
Works Service, Bunaken National Park Office,
Local Tourism Entrepreneurs Association, Bunaken
Community Care Forum and Local Communities. In
the process of collecting data, the researchers use
structured interviews using written questions
(interview guides) that are given to informants to
work on their own within the time limit specified by
the researcher as well as using and focused
interviews or in-depth interviews, with data analysis
procedures based on interactive modes, which is
carried out continuously which includes three stages,
namely: (1) data reduction; (2) data display and (3)
conclusion drawing.
Based on the results of the study, information was
obtained about the process of empowering local
communities based on social capital; norms and
obligations in developing tourism potential in
Bunaken Island which has been reduced and verified
as follows:
4.1 Norms
The government programs of socialisation,
counselling, and fostering of community
empowerment in terms of norms, namely about the
norms of business organisations, relations between
business organisations and tourism. The government
has socialised, fostered, directed, guided and
regulated the behaviour of the community both
individually and in groups in accordance with
prevailing norms as agreed upon to be followed
from the results of the deliberations and consensus
together. The government is also assisted by
religious leaders, so that community behaviour is in
accordance with religious norms.
Constraints faced are group
members/communities who careless and often
ignore them. The consequence is that members who
do not comply with business norms are enforced, the
members of this business will be excluded from the
business organisation so that there is always regular
monitoring and evaluation.
The impact of empowerment from the norm
aspect on the community of Bunaken Island is the
increasingly visible cohesiveness in individual and
group relations in the Bunaken community. In
addition, it has an impact on cleanliness, and the
development of the tourism potential of Bunaken
Island, as well as the increasing economic
community as a result of the community both
individually and in groups adhering to the prevailing
norms.The result of empowerment on the norm
aspect is that the community of Bunaken Island
knows, and develops in the knowledge of prevailing
norms, becomes skilled in carrying out norms,
develops in a positive attitude towards norms,
increasingly has the capacity as a society that lives
according to the norm.
4.2 Obligations
The government programmed outreach, counselling
and guidance as well as implementing community
empowerment in terms of obligations; namely about
the obligations of the community, in relation to
The Role of Community Empowerment: Norms and Obligation in the Development of Tourism on Bunaken Island
business organisations, empowerment and tourism
programs, including obligations to the government
(payment of levies, taxes), social groups (social
work in the form of SEA, social donations), and
business organisations (attending meeting, sharing
mutual benefits). Relevant government agencies and
non-governmental organisations (NGOs) alternately
conduct socialisation and counselling.
It was found that some people were reluctant to
pay retribution for activities or programs managed
by the Local Tourism Entrepreneurs Association.
The attitude of the community is a barrier to the
smooth running of the work of the Local Tourism
Entrepreneurs Association. There are also people
who are reluctant to carry out theCoastal
Cleaning” (Sapu Laut) activities, namely
cooperation activities in mutual cooperation in sea
cleaning. The attitude of the community often
hampers the smooth running of the sea. Some people
are reluctant to carry out these obligations.
The impact of this empowerment is that public
awareness to improve hygiene has increased as a
result of empowering aspects of obligations, training
has increased as a result of the empowerment of
aspects of obligations, Bunaken Marine Park
concerns have increased as a result of
empowerment, economic improvement as a result of
obligation empowerment, and cohesiveness. In
addition to regional cash as an impact of obligation
The results of empowerment are knowledge, skills,
attitudes of the community about the obligation to
pay retribution, taxes, conduct social services, attend
meetings for members of business organisations,
implement and become marine cleaners in the
Bunaken National Park Area.
5.1 Norm
In the perspective of empowerment, the government
programs socialisation, then counselling, training,
but is further developed by directing, guiding and
regulating community behaviour in accordance with
applicable norms. This is an empowerment strategy
step in the formal legality approach. Community
empowerment is in terms of norms; i,e the norms of
business organisations, relations between business
organisations and tourism.
According to Putnam, social capital refers to
relationships between individuals, social networks
and norms of trustworthiness and mutual relations
that emerge from them. Thus, existing norms and
births of society are social capital that shape and
regulate people’s behaviour and in turn, give birth to
networking and trust.
In the perspective of human capital, the people
of Bunaken Island know the prevailing norms,
become skilled in carrying out norms, develop a
positive attitude towards norms, and behave
increasingly normatively, have more capacity as a
society that lives according to the norm. So, the
government develops knowledge and attitudes about
norms, so that people behave normatively because it
appears that the attitude of the community develops
to become more positive towards the prevailing
norms, the norms that the government empowers the
local community in the Development of Tourism
Potential on Bunaken Island are applicable norms
including business norms, norms relating to
community empowerment activities, social norms /
social life, and religious norms. For example, in a
business norm, it is not permitted to sell the same
type of sale as that of other people in the same
Dasgupta, & Serageldin, (1999) social capital
describes everything that makes society allied to
achieve a common goal on the basis of togetherness,
and it is bound by values and norms that grow and
obey. In order to empower local communities, the
guidance of existing norms is needed. The
implication of norm building in society is shown by
Colleta, & Cullen, (2000) opinion, that social capital
is inherent in the structure of social relations and
social networks in a society that creates a variety of
social obligations, creates a climate of mutual trust,
brings information channels, and sets norms, and
social sanctions for members of the community.
Thus, it is clear that community behaviour needs
to be regulated by norms that are in accordance with
the situation and conditions of the local community,
how the arrangement requires individual and
specific approaches according to the life context of
the community. The government does not work
alone but involves elements in society, such as
NGOs and religious leaders. This was revealed from
the findings of research data and observations of
researchers, as stated by the informants.
Similarly, the capacity of the community to
develop in terms of norms both in terms of carrying
out business individually or in groups and in
carrying out daily life, especially in the context of
developing tourism potential. In the social capital
perspective, the process of community
empowerment in the norm aspects involves relevant
agencies and NGOs in an effort to work together. In
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
this case, the government also empowers NGOs
involved in community empowerment. As one of the
pillars of social capital, the norms must grow in
people’s behaviour, especially the norms that apply
in the community concerned so as to produce trust as
belonging to the community itself.
According to Fukuyama (t,t), social capital
consists of three parameters, i.e., trust, norms and
networks. Trust is an expectation that grows in a
society that is shown by the existence of honest,
orderly behaviour, and cooperation based on shared
norms. Social trust is an application of this
understanding. Colleta and Cullen, (2000) mention;
there are three pillars of social capital owned by a
community group that needs to be empowered and
developed, in various activities whose results can be
used as adhesive and unifying communities in the
rules agreed upon in the organisation that enable
community members to gain access to resources.
Social capital has an important component, which
active involvement and social trust that are outlined
in three critical pillars, I,e: (1) Trust, (2) Social
Networking, (3) Social Norms.
Community empowerment-based on social
capital in norms has an impact on the cohesiveness
of society that is getting stronger, both in individual,
group and business group relationships. In the
tourism perspective, norms must be developed so
that normative behaviour appears, not just shows
clutter. The order caused by normative behaviour
will give respect to other people’s respect for society
and respect the existing order, especially tourism on
the island of Bunaken. In addition, it has an impact
on cleanliness, and the development of the tourism
potential of Bunaken Island. In the framework of
developing economic aspects, norms must be upheld
for the achievement of empowerment goals,
especially by those people who increase
economically, their tourism potential is regularly
organised because their society behaves according to
the prevailing norms.
Implementation of norms consistently, especially
business norms, will have an impact on the strength
of the economic system in society. Conversely, if the
community does not learn consistently and is firm in
carrying out the norms, then the fragility of the
economic system occurs, and it will cause
difficulties for the community itself to develop its
economy. According to the research conducted by
Pontoh (t,t), related to the context of empowering
fishing communities, social capital in the form of
norms (trust, reciprocity), and other social norms
will become an adhesive tool for relations and
interactions in society. His research results support
this research, confirming that, social capital norms
much help the community in terms of the tightness
of relations and order in the social order, even
tourism potential can be developed.
5.2 Obligations
In the perspective of government empowerment
program socialisation, then counselling, training on
community obligations is a standard pattern of
empowering the local community of Bunaken
Island. Obligations as one of the pillars of social
capital, intended in community empowerment, are
not just for people fulfil their obligations, but as
learning in order to increase participation and
concern for togetherness in community, nation, state,
and environmental preservation, especially the
potential of tourism in the Bunaken National Park
which incidentally is the environment and source of
life of the people on the island of Bunaken.
The government and NGOs program realise
empowerment programs by socialising, conducting
counselling, and training skills on government
obligations (payment of levies, taxes), social groups
(for example, social work, social contributions), and
business organisations (for example, attending a
meeting, sharing mutual benefits). Government
agencies take turns in socialising. In reality, there
are obstacles which are common ones in the
empowerment process, which is the attitude of some
people who are reluctant to fulfil their obligations.
But empowerment carried out has had a significant
impact and results in terms of behaviour fulfilling
the demands of obligations both in relation to the
government, business organisations, as well as local
In the human capital perspective, empowerment
carried out by the government has developed the
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities of the
community. People have become more aware of
their responsibilities as citizens who must take
responsibility for taking part in the development and
maintenance of the environment, citizens who must
fulfil the obligation to contribute to the development
of the nation and state through paying taxes, both
individually and in groups.
In the social capital perspective, the
empowerment of social capital-based obligations to
the community of Bunaken Island is one of the
empowerment approaches that is effective and has a
good impact on the life of the community itself,
because fulfilling the obligations that must be
fulfilled by the community has a positive impact and
benefits to the community itself.
The Role of Community Empowerment: Norms and Obligation in the Development of Tourism on Bunaken Island
The critical implication of empowering social
capital in the element of obligations is that the
dimensions of social capital are inherent in the
structure of social relations and social networks in a
society that creates various social obligations,
creates a climate of mutual trust, brings information
channels, and sets norms, and social sanctions for
members of the community, Colleta and Cullen,
Empowerment in perspective, Tourism-based
social capital empowerment obligations to the
community, must be developed so that obedient and
responsible behaviour becomes a daily behaviour of
the community. Such behaviour clearly impacts on
the development and maintenance of tourism
potential. Because if the people of Bunaken Island
behave obediently and are responsible for their
obligations, then Bunaken Island as a tourist
attraction will be maintained, maintained cleaned,
and in turn the impact of such behaviour is that trust
develops, Bunaken Island itself will still be
preserved, and provide benefits to the people of
Bunaken and the world of tourism in general.
In the perspective of economic development,
social capital-based obligations of the community
must also be developed, so that respectful and
responsible behaviour becomes a daily behaviour of
the community. Because by fulfilling the obligations
of the government, such as paying taxes from the
sale/business, the regional cash increases so that the
government can continue the process of
empowerment with funding from the regional
treasury. Fulfilling sea hygiene obligations that are
carried out simultaneously with the sale of marine
waste, it can increase the income level of the
community. Thus, the economic value of
empowerment becomes significant.
Under the research of Coleman, (1990), fulfilling
the obligations in community empowerment will
later help increase community economic
empowerment to become fairness. This research
supports Supriaty’s (2012) research, where the
economic development of the community of
Bunaken Island is inseparable from empowerment
carried out by the government, where the element of
bonds is one of the elements of empowered social
capital. If any should be placed before the references
section without numbering
Empowerment of local communities in Bunaken
Island is a government effort to realise
empowerment programs in coastal / island
communities with low economic status, as well as
closely related to efforts to develop tourism potential
on the island. This empowerment has a dual
purpose, i.e. increasing the economic standard and
developing tourism potential. Norms are one of the
three main pillars of social capital (the other two are
networking and trust). In empowering the local
community of Bunaken Island, these norms are in
addition to the norms of the government, norms of
business organisations, traditional norms of society
that are mutually agreed upon in consultation. The
implementation of norms has had an impact on the
regularity and increased economic capacity of the
people of Bunaken Island. Thus, improving
normative behaviour is essential in order to
empower the community, especially the poor and
low educated. Because people who live in this level
have a tendency to be less obedient to the norm
because they try to get out of economic difficulties.
The result of this empowerment is the development
of community human capital in terms of knowledge,
skills, abilities, attitudes, and capacities. Similarly,
social capital is related to the development of the
norms of the community. The tourism potential is
growing, like the economy of the community. Even
though there are still obstacles, because
empowerment is an ongoing process, it is hoped that
the obstacles that occur can be overcome.
The government also empowers the local
community of Bunaken island based on social
capital obligations is an effort to foster and develop
compliance behaviour, loyalty and responsibility of
the community. Community obligations include
obligations to the government, and business
organisations. The empowerment of social capital
has built community trust of NGOs and the
government to continue the empowerment process
for the people of Bunaken Island. The result of this
empowerment is the development of community
human capital deals with knowledge, skills, abilities,
attitudes, and capacities. Likewise, social capital in
terms of developing obligations of the community.
The tourism potential is also growing, like the
economy of the community. Even though there are
still obstacles, because empowerment is an ongoing
process, it is hoped that the obstacles that occur can
be overcome
The author highly appreciated to the State Polytechnic of
Manado which funded this research
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
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The Role of Community Empowerment: Norms and Obligation in the Development of Tourism on Bunaken Island