The Benefits of Massage on Subjective Physiological Complaints in
the Second Semester Students of IKOR FIK Universitas Negeri
Fentje Welliam Langitan
, Cindy Ranti Rantung
Department of Health and Recreation Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Department of Sports Education, Universitas Negeri Manado, Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Massaging, Subjective Physiological, IKOR.
Abstract: From the fact of field observation both physical education teachers and coaches do not understand the importance
of the implementation of massage for warming up and cooling down dynamically, in one activity or sport and
exercise activities at that time. Moreover, athletes were massaged at the rest period or the next round. They
found massage to be a beneficial role for the recovery and physical condition, injury prevention. This
formulation of the research problem is whether the benefits of massaging on the lack of physiological
complaint in the second-semester students of IKOR FIK. The method in this study is a quasi-experimental
design with one group pretest-posttest design. Data analysis techniques used to test the hypothesis in this
study is the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Based on data collection and data
processing, it can be concluded that
massaging can be benefits to the decline of subjective, physiological
complaints in the second-semester
students of IKOR FIK Universitas Negeri Manado.
Massaging is one of the most effective ways to assist in
the athlete coaching process. Massaging is a massage
activity with hands on the surface of the body to help
facilitate the circulation of blood and fluids (Delaxtrat,
2013). Its implementation is by the form of massage,
polishing, anxiety and beating on blood surface of skin
and muscle correctly. However, massage can cause
excitement in the nerve ducts located in the entire body
tissue to cause a reaction, resulting in muscle and joint
movement, and help the process of metabolism in the
body. More than that, massage is useful for the
maintenance of the body and reduce fatigue only and
naturally in sports.
Massaging is an effort that is used as an active
break during exercise in volleyball, basketball and
other sports (Zadkhosh, Joseph, 2018). Even
massaging is done to stimulate the body to produce
heat naturally needed for athletes who do not warm
up enough in avoiding injury. In the implementation
of massaging, it needs to be considered in particular
areas as a massage area. So that massage is done
useful and brings a positive effect for the body
(Giovanelli, 2018). Massaging is only performed on
specific body parts such as a javelin thrower that
allows the thrower not to continue his work due to
illness. So massage should only be done in times of
need (Langitan, 2012). According to Hardianto
(1993), "massage can prevent injury by applying an
electric appliance, the water sprays or by the
manipulation with hand massage". The benefits of
massaging for body tissue consist of four parts are:
first, the benefits of massaging to the neural network;
second, the benefits of massaging to skin tissue; third,
the benefits of massaging to muscle tissue, and
finally, the benefits of massaging to the circulatory
system (Jung, 2000).
Furthermore, according to (Rahim, 1988) massaging
may be used for: a) hygienic massage, b) therapeutic
massage (c) massage in joint injury and massage in the
treatment of muscle and tendon injury. In reality, both
physical education teachers and trainers still do not
understand the importance of the implementation of
massage as a substitute for dynamic warning and
dynamic calling down, in one activity or sport or
exercise activities at
that time—moreover, an athlete
who is playing a game or a race. Trainers do not
perform massage while at rest to enter in the next set
or round their role; the role is beneficial for the
recovery of the condition and physical, injury
prevention. Based on the above facts, researchers feel
interested in examining the benefits of massaging to
Welliam Langitan, F. and Ranti Rantung, C.
The Benefits of Massage on Subjective Physiological Complaints in the Second Semester Students of IKOR FIK Universitas Negeri Manado.
DOI: 10.5220/0010622200002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 207-210
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the lack of subjective, physiological complaints in the
second-semester students of IKOR FIK UNIMA.
This problem is as follows: is there the benefits of
massaging to the lack of subjective, physiological
complaints on the students FIK UNIMA. So the
purpose of the study is to find out whether there is a
contribution massaging to the lack of physiological
complaints in the second-semester students of IKOR
The method used in this research is quasi-
experimental by highlighting the effect of the
implementation of massaging to the lack of
subjective, physiological complaints with the design
of one group pre-test post-test only design. The
implementation of research in FIK UNIMA and the
implementation time is done for two months. The
population in this study is the second-semester
students of IKOR FIK UNIMA, while the sample of
this study amounted to 15 people taken by random of
the existing population (Notoadmodjo, 2002).
The experimental method is activities planned and
carried out by researchers to collect data that is related
to the hypothesis. For a more specific experimental
research design (Table 1), the authors used a
randomized pre-test and post-test control group
research model (Wijaya, 2000).
Table 1: Research design.
Treatment Post-test
T1: The experimental group is given treatment
T2: Control group that is not given treatment
01ex: Initial test of the experimental group given
01c: Final test of the control group that was not given
X: Treat the experimental group
02ex: Final test of the experimental group given
02c: Final test of the control group that is not given
The instrument in this study was carried out with
questionnaire entries or using Nordic Body Map
questionnaire (Mautang, 2002).
With the implementation as follows: a person is
given a 12-minute running treatment on the track, and
then data on complaints of muscle aches are collected
using Nordic Body Map. After three days, the person
was told to run for 12 minutes and given a massage
and fill in complaints about muscle aches.
Data analysis techniques in this study, namely
before being analyzed is a prerequisite test that is by
testing normality and homogeneity, using t-test based
on observations with a significance level = 0.05
single group pattern in equation (1).
: The average experimental group : Average
control group
Sd: Combined standard deviation value
n1: Number of sample experimental groups
n2: Number of sample control groups
According to Sudjana (1986), test homogeneity
uses the F test equation (2).
𝑀𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠
𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠
The test statistic used is the Liliefors test by
calculating the Zi, F (zi), and deviation F (zi) -S (zi)
values. Where is the value: Zi: Liliefors test; X:
Subjective, physiological complaints : Average
value; and Sd: Standard deviation.
The hypothesis tested to the truth in this research is
the benefits of massaging to subjective, physiological
complaints in the second-semester students of IKOR
As the acceptance and rejection criteria of the
above hypothesis are as follows:
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
- Accept H0 if T ≥ Tα
- Reject H0 if T < Tα
The test is done with a significant level of 0.01
with degrees of free n: 15 so that the critical value is
obtained = 20. The critical value is used as a
comparison tool to the value of T, the comparison
between T and (critical value) indicates that the
observational value of T is smaller of T table is 0 <20
then H0 is rejected, and HA is accepted. It means that
there are the benefits of massaging physiological
sympathy to the second-semester students of IKOR
The measurement results on the subjective,
physiological complaint experiment group of the
second-semester students of IKOR FIK UNIMA can
be seen in table 2.
Table 2: Results of the subjective, physiological complaints
experiment group.
No Pre-test Post-test
1. 50 58
2. 49 56
3. 46 54
4. 48 58
5. 41 49
6. 47 56
7. 42 51
8. 55 63
9. 43 52
10. 52 62
Pre-test (O1) = 473; = 47,3 Sd = 4,4733
Post-test (O
2) = 559; = 55,9 Sd = 4,5570
Furthermore, the results of subjective,
physiological complaints in the control group are
shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Results of the subjective, physiological complaints
control group.
No Pres-test Post-test
1. 44 48
2. 43 45
3. 48 51
4. 50 53
5. 49 52
6. 46 48
7. 52 55
8. 44 47
9. 41 44
10. 47 49
Pre-test (O1) = 464; = 46,4 Sd = 3,4384
Post-test (O2) = 492; = 49,2 Sd = 3,5213
Furthermore, the results of individual, physiological
complaints difference both in the pre-test and post-test
experimental groups and the difference in subjective,
physiological complaints both in the pre-test and post-
test control groups are showed in table 4.
Table 4: Difference in subjective, physiological complaints
experiment and control group.
No Experiment Control
(X1) (X2)
1. 8 4
2. 7 2
3. 8 3
4. 10 3
5. 8 3
6. 9 2
7. 9 3
8. 8 3
9. 9 3
10. 10 2
The results of the analysis of the normality of the
data using the Liliefors test statistic showed that the
samples drawn from both groups, both the
experimental group and the control group came from
the population with a normal distribution (Table 4).
Likewise in the homogeneity test where the two
sample groups showed homogeneous or equal
variance, this means that the two sample groups
before receiving different treatments have the same
initial ability so that if there is or occurs a change
solely because of the treatment factor, in this case, is
the treatment with the benefits of massage.
Based on the results of the data presentation, it
can be seen that the conditions before or pre-test and
post-test conditions of the two groups showed
differences in the numbers obtained in the complaints
of objective physiology in the second-semester
students of IKOR FIK UNIMA (table 5). These
results show that the conditions before or pre-test of
the two groups did not show significant differences,
but the conditions after or post-test the two groups
showed a significant difference, where for the post-
test scores the experimental group gained more than
the acquisition of numbers in control. These scores
show that massaging contribution given for two
months with a frequency of three times week training
can have a significant effect, especially for increasing
subjective, physiological complaints in the second-
semester students of IKOR FIK UNIMA.
The Benefits of Massage on Subjective Physiological Complaints in the Second Semester Students of IKOR FIK Universitas Negeri Manado
Table 5: The results of the difference between pre-test and
post-test Experimental group and control group.
Experiment Control
(X1) (X2)
n1 = 10 n2 = 10
∑X1 = 86 ∑X2 = 28
X1 = 8,6 X2 = 2,8
Sd1 = 0,9661 Sd2 = 0,6324
= 0,9333 Sd2
= 0,9324
n: Number of Samples
∑X: Total Value in Both Groups
: Average value Sd: Standard Deviation
Sd2: Nature Standard Deviation (variance)
Liliefors test is one of the normality tests used to
test whether the sample comes from a population that
is typically distributed (tables 6 and 7).
Table 6: Calculation of group normality test experiment.
Xi Zi F(zi) S(zi) F(zi)-S(zi)
41 1,41 0,0792 0,1 0,0207
42 -1,18 0,119 0,2 0,081
43 -0,96 0,1685 0,3 0,1315
46 -0,29 0,3859 0,4 0,0141
47 -0,07 0,4721 0,5 0,0279
48 -0,16 0,5636 0,6 0,0464
49 0,38 0,648 0,7 0,052
50 0,6 0,7257 0,8 0,0743
52 1,05 0,8931 0,9 0,0069
55 1,72 0,9573 1 0,0427
The results showed that the calculation of the t-test
statistical analysis results Tob = 7.17> Ttab = 2.110.
Therefore, Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted which
states that the average subjective, physiological
complaints in the second-semester students of IKOR
FIK UNIMA in the experimental group were given by
contribution massaging has a more significant increase
than the average subjective, physiological complaints in
the second-semester students of IKOR FIK UNIMA in
the control group (Mohamadyari, 2018).
This study shows that there are the benefits of
the contribution of massaging to subjective,
physiological complaints in the second-semester
students of IKOR FIK UNIMA.
Table 7: Group Normality Testing Control.
Xi Zi F
41 -1,57 0,0582 0,1 0,0418
43 -0,98 0,1635 0,2 0,0365
44 -0,69 0,2451 0,3 0,1549
44 -0,69 0,2451 0,4 0,1549
46 -0,11 0,4562 0,5 0,0438
47 0,17 0,5675 0,6 0,0325
48 0,46 0,6772 0,7 0,0228
49 0,75 0,7734 0,8 0,0266
50 1,07 0,8577 0,9 0,0423
52 1,62 0,9474 1 0,0526
Based on the results of research that has been proven
testing of data based on the variables measured, it can
be concluded that there is the benefits of massaging
on subjective, physiological complaints in the
second-semester students of IKOR FIK UNIMA.
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ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”