The Utilization of Organic Waste into Fermented Goat Fodder in
Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency
Saleha Hannum, Yurnaliza and Mayang Sari Yeanny
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords : Organic Waste, Fermented Goat Fodder, Tanjung Rejo Village
Abstract : Community service activities with the title of The Utilization of Organic Waste into Fermented Goat Fodder
in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency will be held in May - November 2019.The purpose of this
community service is to utilize organic waste into fermented goat fodder in Tanjung Rejo village.Organic
waste such as straw, banana tree and others can be converted into fermented goat fodder which is
economical, nutritious and environmentally friendly.The specific target of this community service is that the
fermented goat fodder produced can be stored for a long time with good quality.The method used is a
combination of counselling, training, hands-on practice and work evaluation.The procedures of making
fermented goat fodder are as follows; (1) Chop straw or banana tree using a chopper machine, this stage
serves to make the fermentation process easier. (2) Prepare the place of manufacture, can use tarpaulins,
large plastic or large barrels (3). Dissolve sugar or sugar cane with water plus SOC-HCS probiotic solution.
(4) Enter the straw, husk and bran at the place of preparation that has been prepared previously. (5) Flush all
materials that have been arranged evenly in the place of manufacture with a solution of sugar and SOC-HCS
that had been dissolved with water. (6) Mix all ingredients evenly. (7) After everything has been stirred
evenly, then cover the place of manufacture with a tarp or with anything, make sure to be airtight. (8) Wait
for 1 - 14 days. The fermented fodder that you have made from straw will be ready or if the fermentation
feed is made using a banana tree, it can be faster.All products produced can be used for their own needs or
sold according to the needs of the people of Tanjung Rejo village, especially the Tanjung Rejo goat breeders
Data from the University of Sumatera Utara-
Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and
Animal Health (2017) showed that the population of
goats in Sumatera Utara in 2017 amounted to
920,620 heads, goat slaughtered amounted to 25,807
and goat meat production amounted to 157,687 tons.
High demand for goat meat is one of the promising
and profitable business alternatives that can be relied
upon as a source of family income.
Most people in the village of Tanjung Rejo work
as breeders. Breeders raise chickens, ducks, goats
and cattle. Breeders in the village of Tanjung Rejo
also gained a small amount of knowledge about
breeding. Livestock products can only meet their
daily needs because the production process of
raising livestock requires a large cost, especially
feed, hence breeders borrow money first to
moneylenders for the production process.
In Tanjung Rejo village, breeders, especially
goat breeders, always have difficulty in preparing
feed for the livestock, especially in the dry season,
while organic waste such as straw, and the banana
stem is not used, most of them leave it. Only a small
portion uses it as feed and this feed must be used up
as soon as possible so as not to cause odour.Besides,
organic waste is very annoying if thrown away and
just leave it like trash. With the utilization of organic
waste as fermented animal feed for fattening is
economical, high nutritional value and
environmentally friendly.
Fermented feed is economically very useful
because the composition is mixed in the feed and
can be stored for a long time. Usually, breeders mix
their rations for goats, but fermented feed for
fattening is already equipped with quality goat
Hannum, S., Yurnaliza, . and Yeanny, M.
The Utilization of Organic Waste into Fermented Goat Fodder in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010200200002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 427-430
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
fodder. Fermented food is also environmentally
friendly because it utilizes organic waste to its full
potential and does not become garbage while
preserving the environment.
Feed management is very dependent on the feed
given to livestock. Nutrient content contained in
feed must be really considered to get the desired
production results (Eka et al, 2019).An important
factor influencing the Increase Body Weight (IBW)
is feed consumption, the higher the amount of feed
consumed by livestock, the higher the rate of
growth.IBW can occur if livestock are able to
convert feed substances that are absorbed into
livestock products such as fat and meat after their
basic needs are met (Alim, 2014)
Based on this situation, the community service
team carried out community service in Tanjung Rejo
village, Percut Sei Tuan Subdistrict, Deli Serdang
Regency with the village community, especially the
goat breeders, this community service was done to
improve human resources (HR) by utilizing organic
waste into fermented goat feed in Tanjung Rejo
The method used in this activity was a combination
of counselling, training, hands-on practice and work
evaluation. This activity was supported by the
village chief and his officials will play a role in
helping this implementation by giving permission
and contacting the community groups of goat
breeders. The benefits obtained will increase the
knowledge of human resources in terms of the
utilization of organic waste as fermented feed.
Breeder groups act as objects of the organic
waste utilization to goat fermentation feed. The
benefits obtained by breeders will increase
knowledge, save the environment from waste and
will ultimately help the economy and will improve
their living standards.
In this community service group of breeders can
cooperate in making fermented feed for fattening
goats, because breeders need these products. In
making feed is very easy, practical, economical, and
inexpensive, only requires a little time and anyone
can do it.Besides, the ingredients are available in the
community and a very appropriate alternative to
overcome the scarcity and rising of animal feed.
Working methods of goat fodder can be seen as
2.1 Data Collecting Methods
The data collection method was done by:
1. Interview: By taking primary data through
interviewing some local community.
2. Field Observation: Field observations were
carried out with the community.
3. Library Research
Library research was conducted to complete the
information obtained regarding the manufacture and
application of fermented feed hence it is made
2.2 Approach Method
This method was carried out by way of counselling,
training, and direct practice to the surrounding
community on how to make and implement the
method of making goat fermentation feed.It is
intended that the surrounding community can reduce
the expenditure of excess funds to provide animal
feed, as this animal feed is healthier and has a high
nutritional value and is environmentally friendly.
2.3 Implementation Methods
Tools and ingredients for making goat fermented
Chopping tool or you can use a machete
Tarpaulin, large plastic or large cask
Straw or banana stem
Drops of sugar or sugar cane
Probiotic supplements, (we recommend
using SOC-HCS probiotics)
Rice bran or bran
Steps of making goat fermentation feed:
Chop straw or banana stem by using a
chopping tool, this stage serves to make the
fermentation process easier.
Prepare a place for manufacture, you can
use a tarpaulin, large plastic or you can use
a large barrel.
Dissolve sugar or sugar cane with water
plus SOC-HCS probiotic solution.
Put the straw, bran and rice bran in the
place for manufacture that
has been
prepared previously.
Flush all ingredients that have been
arranged evenly in the place for
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
manufacture with a solution of sugar and
SOC-HCS that had been dissolved with
Stir all ingredients until evenly distributed.
After everything has been stirred evenly,
then close the place for manufacture with a
tarp or with anything. Make sure it is
airtight. .
After everything is closed tightly (airtight)
the fermentation process is underway now
you just have to wait for 1 - 14 days, then
fermented feed made from straw will soon
be ready, or if the manufacture of
fermented feed using banana stem, it can be
After the fermented feed, you have made is
ready, now you can give your livestock (goats) the
fermented feed, but it is better if the fermented feed
is aerated in advance for about 15 minutes after then
you can give the fermented feed to the goat.
The characteristics of the ready-made fermented
There is an increase in temperature
There is a change in color
Become weathered/soft
How to feed the fermented feed to goats:
1. If you are going to feed fermented feed to
animals (for example goats), then the
fermented straw must be aerated first before
being given to animals.
2. As long as the fermented feed is not
directly exposed to the sun or not directly
exposed to rain, the SOC fermented animal
feed can last for years.
Figure 1. Fermented Goat Fodder
This activity was carried out by a combination of
counseling, training, hands-on practice and work
evaluation. This activity was supported by the
village chief and his officials will play a role in
helping this implementation by giving permission
and contacting the Tanjung Rejo village community
group.While the benefits obtained will increase the
knowledge of human resources in terms of the
utilization of organic waste into goat fodder for the
interests of the Tanjung Rejo village community.
Figure 2. Theory presented by team (left) and practiced by
team and community (right).
Organic waste used such as banana stem, straw
and others. A fermented straw feed can increase
crude protein content by 4.88% from 4.01% to
9.09%, and reduce crude fiber by 6.32% from
24.76% to 18.44% (Basuni, 2010).The process of
paddy straw fermentation was carried out to increase
its nutritional value, causing the preference for goats
(Syamsu, 2006).
Goat feed mostly consists of forage, grass and
foliage. For adult goats, it takes about six kg of
forage/head/day. For normal growth, feed
ingredients given to livestock must contain protein,
energy, minerals, and vitamins, according to the
needs of the animals that eat them (Cullison, 1979).
Livestock nutrient needs are influenced by several
factors including growth rate, body size,
environment, heredity, disease, species, carcass fat
amount, ration nutrient balance and its deficiencies
(Williamson & Payne. 1993).Producing livestock
that achieves optimal production, the feed provided
must be sufficient for the substances needed such as
carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and
water and in accordance with the needs of livestock.
Ruminant animal protein and energy requirements
depend on several factors including life weight,
body weight gain, and feed composition (Soeparno
The main target of breeders is to provide
fermented feed to livestock hence when storing
fermented feed that is available in large quantities
can last in a long time without reducing the nutrient
content in the feed. Hence this is very helpful for
goat breeders in providing forage (fiber) during the
The Utilization of Organic Waste into Fermented Goat Fodder in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang Regency
dry season and is hampered by rain during the rainy
season in finding green food for goat.
The benefits of this activity are to increase
knowledge (HR) in making fermented feed, one of
the most appropriate alternatives to overcome the
scarcity and rising feed prices and the environment
becomes more sustainable.The community service
activities were related to Village Officials such as
the Village Chief and his staff, who are very
supportive of this activity. Support in licensing and
providing a place for counselling and training on the
utilization of organic waste into fermented feed in
the village of Tanjung Rejo.
The evaluation was carried out by monitoring the
village of Tanjung Rejo to find out what obstacles
were occurring. Furthermore, the next monitoring
was done via telephone to continue to communicate
with the Tanjung Rejo village community regarding
the utilization of organic waste into fermented goat
Figure 3. The team who conducted the social engangement
from USU and communities at Tanjung Rejo
Based on the community service activities regarding
the Utilization of Organic Waste into Fermented
Goat Fodder in Tanjung Rejo Village, Deli Serdang
Regency , the following conclusions can be drawn:
Utilization of organic waste can be
converted into fermented goat fodder.
Utilization of organic waste can provide
economic and ecological value.
There is good collaboration between USU
and the community in Tanjung Rejo
village, Deli Serdang Regency.
This article can be successfully conducted with the
assistance and contribution from many parties. We
would like to thank to the Rector of USU for
finantial support by Mono Tahun Social
Engagement Non PNBP 2019 and all participants
who have helped the implementation of this
Community Service.
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IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)