Analysis of Parenting in the Question Level Perspective in Student of
Universitas Riau Kepulauan
Wilda Fasim Hasibuan and Nurhaty Purnama Sari
Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau Kepulauan,
Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Parenting Style, Deep Learning, Higher Order Thinking, Questions Level, Habit
Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of parenting and asking level of the student biology
education in teacher training faculty Riau Island University. Method in this research is mixed-method that
used side by side approach. The first, quantitative will be used and the second, the researcher could observe
and interview. The effect of parental style is not seen in students’ asking levels evidenced by the results of
the multinomial logistic regression test a-sig = 0.207. Qualitative research results are presented after
quantitative results. 81.25 % of students receive authoritarian parenting, and 18.25 % authoritative. The
temporary conclusion is that the habit of asking questions is formed from childhood. Precisely, the
authoritarian parenting styles received by almost all respondents made them reluctant to ask questions in
class. Because when they were little they were only asked to obey orders without commenting anything.
However, this research had a weaknesses, the scale should be given with each parenting pattern so that
maximum results are obtained, and observations in class discussions are conducted in the long term and in
several classes so that the observations are more accurate.
The problems of teaching and learning in Indonesia
are very diverse. Some of them are teacher- centered
learning and student curiosity is low. Speaking of
student curiosity, the most dominant problem was
that students had no desire and interest to ask
questions after completing the presentation and
listen to the lecturer’s explanation(Hasibuan, 2015)
After several studies, it turns out that curiosity
emerged and began to develop in infancy. When the
infant starts to want to achieve something, grabs
what is in front of him and learns to get what he is
interested in. curiosity is also associated with how a
human explores and adapts to his world. On the
other hand, curiosity is the basis of human behavior
including thirst and hunger. Curiosity is alike natural
human tendency and will develop according to its
age. Curiosity is a power that drives humans to
behave in certain ways so it is difficult to be
reshaped if it passed its development phase (Baxter
and Switzky, 2017).
In previous studies, it was said that curiosity is
associated with boredom in learning and this
boredom will be directly proportional to the decline
in academic achievement. And do not want to be
involved in lectures in class. In different studies it
was reported that the quality and interaction of
parent and child relationships determined student
achievement in school (Hardy et al., 2017; Hesari
and Hejazi, 2011; Hunter et al., 2016; León et al.,
2018). The interaction and quality of the child’s and
parent’s relationship are summarized in the
parenting patterns that parent do. Parenting is
considered important in the development of behavior
and can predict children’s success in the future.
However, the opposite is happening, parent in
Indonesia especially in the Batam want their
children at the age of toddlers to sit, be quiet and
obey all the commands of their parents. This resulted
in adulthood where there is no sense of curiosity,
self-efficacy, self-regulation, desired self-concept
embedded. The role of parent in infancy and toddlers
is to build closeness so that they can form the basic
behaviors that theirchildren need. A child will
develop himself depending on the comfort and
closeness found in his parents (Hasibuan and
Ekowati, 2016; Thomson and Jaque, 2017).
Not being involved in class is one of the
indications of the mismatch of parenting that was
Hasibuan, W. and Sari, N.
Analysis of Parenting in the Question Level Perspective in Student of Universitas Riau Kepulauan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010181300002775
In Proceedings of the 1st International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath 2019), pages 331-335
ISBN: 978-989-758-556-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
given during childhood. This scene is very common
in the Riau Kepulauan University, especially in the
Biology Education department. The inactivity of
student in the classroom is a big question mark.
Moreover, their passivity occurs in human anatomy
and physiology courses. Which this course is
theoretically and practically very interesting, but
rarely, do the questions appear in class. The Purpose
of this study was to find and find out the problems of
parenting and the level of asking students. And the
contribution of research is to explore the internal
problems of the university and can be used as a
reference for forming problem solving designs in the
following research.
1.1. Parenting Literature Review
Parenting pattern consists of four types, the first is
the authoritarian type characterized by rigid parents,
children must obey parents, control the child with
height and warmth and closeness at the lowest level.
The middle type of parenting is authoritative which
it is a balance between control and the warmth that
children receive from their parents. The third type is
called permissive that warmth is at the highest level
while child control is lacking. The last type is
neglectful; the characteristic of parents like this is
that they don’t care about children, in the other
words, abandoning a child. The parenting style
concept had been found by Baumrind. The few
decade research of Baumrind found three styles of
parenting such as authoritarian, authoritative and
permissive. Recently research discovered last style is
neglectful. Many researcher observed authoritative
style had a lot of advantageous, beneficial and strong
to develop children. Fundamental of authoritative
parenting styles are warmth and control. Warmth is
defined which parents considerate, sympathetic,
humane an aware to their physiological and
psychological needs. Control is described that
parents concern and engage to manage their
behavior children and adjust to the family goal,
normal attitude and have self-control (Williams and
Wahler, 2010)
1.2. Taxonomy Bloom
Meanwhile, to analyze the level of asking students
used Bloom Taxonomy. The first level of this theory
is revision, memorization, repeating and duplicating.
The next step is to explain the idea or concept of the
material or idea. Then, use abstracts to solve a
problem. The fourth level is to make connectivity
between ideas or materials. The fifth stage can
criticize one thing with credible data and the last one
produces an idea and can develop it (Armstrong,
2.1 Research Framework
Figure 1: Research Framework
2.2 Research Samples
The samples in this study were 16 biology students
in human anatomy and physiology courses. They are
sampled because the subjects ask very less even
though they are very interesting. This course studies
about itself but not many students ask questions.
2.3 Measurement of Variables
Measuring the perspective of parenting used a scale
developed by (Erlina, 2016) in her thesis with a tittle
parenting as a predictor of emotional intelligence in
2.4 Research Analysis
Research analysis is divided into two forms. The
first, analysis used statistics with multinomial
regression logistic test. And the second analysis used
narrative analysis as a contextualize model that can
be used as a method in psychology to understand
human actions. Because narrative analysis puts
forward the meaning of a story in a specific context.
This approach is also integrated with the effect of
time, place of storytelling and audience which are
used as a unified analysis in narrative (Frost, 2011).
2.5 Research Method
This study uses a mixed-method in which each
method has their strengths and weakness. The aim is
how the limitations of one research method can be
covered by another research method. The continued
statement why the mixed-method was chosen is
because in the parenting style and the level of asking
students there is quantitative and qualitative data in
IMC-SciMath 2019 - The International MIPAnet Conference on Science and Mathematics (IMC-SciMath)
which if one is chosen there will be an imbalance.
Some characteristics of mixed-method are the data
and the analysis includes both, there are procedures,
that are a bit rigid, for example there must be
sample, source of information and data analysis step.
Mixed design method in research is convergent
parallel. The convergent mixed methods approach is
probably the most familiar of the basic and advanced
mixed method strategies. In this approach, a
researcher collects both quantitative and qualitative
data, analyzes them separately and then compares
the results to see if the findings confirm or
disconfirm each other (Creswell, 2014).
3.1 Descriptive Statistic
Before examining the finding we shall provide a
more detailed description of our sample.
Table 1: Mean, standard Deviation, and minimum and
maximum scores of the variable
o Variable Mean SD Max Min
1 Parenting
295.94 28.110 239 330
As table 1 shows the mean, standard deviation,
minimum and maximum score for parenting style.
3.2 Bloom’s Classification
Table 2: Sample and Bloom’s Classification
No Initial Name Bloom’s
1 Bibah C4
2 Ovani C1
3 Salwa C4
C C4
asution C4
6 DM C1
7 Frisca C4
8 SL C4
9 JMR C4
10 DC C4
11 HS C4
12 PS C4
13 Hambowo C4
14 WY C1
15 Romidha
16 L Sara
ih C4
Bloom’s classification is obtained by observation 4-
5 times in course human anatomy and physiology.
Observed what they asked and the question are then
analyzed according to the Bloom Theory. There
were 12 students with C4 asking levels and 4
students with C1 asking levels.
3.3 The Logistic Multinomial
We applied a logistic multinomial regression to
investigate whether there is an effect of parenting on
the level of asking students. Multinomial logistic
was used because data of Bloom’ taxonomy is
Table 3: Logistic multinomial regression
Effect Model
df Sig
17.995 17.995 14 0.207
Using logistic multinomial regression would to
determine effect parenting on the asking level of
student. Logistic multinomial regression is used
because one variable data was nominal. Result of
this research, there is no effect of parenting on the
level of asking students. It will be identified by sig
0.207. Accurately, level of asking student is not
associated to parenting perspective.
An interesting founding is that almost all
respondents received authoritarian parenting from
childhood to adolescence. Two respondents who
care with authoritative style and both are orphans,
the other father died when the respondent was in
womb and the other died before the respondent
entered elementary school. However, parenting
styles was change after respondent going to puberty.
The change is because parents are confused
about how to deal with adolescent behavioral
problems, for example: going out at night and
hanging out with friends until the wee hours of the
morning, smoking, fighting and shouting when
scolded by parents.
The average father never invited to discuss about
school, the future and others. He stayed more at
home. Work and earn money is the father’s duty,
and the one who takes care about children is a
mother. There were 4 respondents who were not
Analysis of Parenting in the Question Level Perspective in Student of Universitas Riau Kepulauan
taken care of by parents until entering high school.
All four respondents were taken care of by other
families, especially grandmothers because their
parents divorced. Precisely, toddler to adolescent
was a grim period for the four respondents.
It should be noted, lower of asking level was
affected by self-esteem and self-autonomy. Earlier
research reported lower sense of autonomy in
adolescents contribute to low self-esteem, which
contributes in turn to adolescents identification with
peer group who violate social norms and increases
the likelihood that they will espouse norm-violating
attitudes and behavior. Previous study likely
reported self-esteem fully mediated the relationship
between social support and academic achievement
and social exhaustion (Hesari and Hejazi, 2011; Li et
al., 2018).
Other studies said, to achieve C6 in taxonomy
Bloom requires deep learning. Then deep learning
should be collaborated with technology enhanced
learning environment (TEL) which is now very easy
to obtain. Recent research concludes that self-system
need to be developed to elaborate problem-solving
skills and design a combined problem-solving
solution that admit the critics and suggestion
(Demetriou et al., 2019; Lee and Choi, 2017).
We would answer about parenting and question
level. We found that parenting is positively related
to parent-adolescent interaction. It is known that the
positive parent-adolescent relationship that is built
will have an impact on quality of life (QOL) and
partially reduced the level of smartphone use
disorder (SUD). On the other hand, poor parent-
child relationship enhanced SUD and has an effect
on QOL. We know that almost all respondents did
not have a good relationship with their parents as a
child. They grow by themselves without being
unhappy with parent. Four of respondent were not
taken care of by their children childhood (Gao et al.,
It was found in the respondents that their parents
were never satisfied and proud of the result they had
achieved. This is consistent with previous studies
that reported that a majority of older adults
expressed dissatisfaction with their children
achievement in both occupation and finances while
expressions of satisfaction were found in education,
health, relationship and spirituality(Olawa and
Idemudia, 2019).
Parents have direct genetic influences on
children’s temperament and personality. In addition,
passive gene-environment correlations mean that
parenting practices, as well as the choices parents
make in shaping their child’s environment, are
influenced by shared genetic characteristics. Most of
the respondents were raised by the type of
authoritarian parents. Only three respondents
claimed to be cared for with parents who would
listen and discuss with them. The rest they must
obey the commands of their parents. Must not
oppose or express his opinion personally. Even
though the rules are all related to themselves (Anaya
and Pérez-Edgar, 2019)
The temporary conclusion is that the habit of
asking questions is formed from childhood.
Precisely, the authoritarian parenting styles received
by almost all respondents made them reluctant to ask
questions in class. Because when they were little
they were only asked to obey orders without
commenting anything. However, this research had a
weaknesses, the scale should be given with each
parenting pattern so that maximum results are
obtained, and observations in class discussions are
conducted in the long term and in several classes so
that the observations are more accurate.
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Differ. 104, 230–237.
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Hasibuan, W.F., Ekowati, B., 2016. Parenting Style as A
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Analysis of Parenting in the Question Level Perspective in Student of Universitas Riau Kepulauan