Interpersonal Communication Health Officer in Free Medical Service
Activities at the Health Sciences Department Laboratory
, Hardika Widi Satria
, and Aditya Denny Pratama
Social and humanities Department, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia
Health Sciences Department, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Health Communication, Health Services, Interpersonal Communication
Abstract: Health services are needed by women and men, both young people and the elderly. Even people who look
healthy need to do medical treatment, especially to check the level of health and the possibility of serious
illnesses that have not yet shown by symptoms. The role of health workers in creating effective interpersonal
communication with users of medical services can affect the outcome of health services. Cadres and health
staff of the Laboratory Health Sciences Department, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia
invite the public to care about their health. The earlier a disease is detected, the faster help can be given. In
this way, the disease does not proceed to a more severe stage, while preventing more complicated help. This
study aims to describe interpersonal communication of health personnel in community service free medical
services activities. The research method is qualitative. Informants are visitors to medical treatment activities,
the cadres and the health workers. Data collection using in-depth interviews and participant observation. Data
analysis was performed using content analysis. The results of the study are the perspective of interpersonal
health communication power with visitors to do the treatment services and characterised by perceptions of
the communication style of officers. The Health Sciences Cluster Laboratory needs to hold applicative
interpersonal communication training for health workers to improve the quality of the treatment services.
Health communication is an evolving field that has
shifted from an emphasis on health education towards
behaviour and social change.
There is evidence that
communication can be a useful tool, if utilised in a
planned and integrated strategy, to make a significant
difference to the behaviours of individuals and
populations on several health issues (Goldsteina et al.,
There are several identifications of the main
dimensions of service quality that prioritises
customer satisfaction, including means of
communication, empathy, responsiveness and
responsiveness or access to provide services to
customers quickly (Ilutagaol, 2012). One form of
health effort that seeks to bring health service access
closer to the community is to foster the development
of health services aimed at providing convenience to
the public in obtaining essential health services.
The implementation of health services in the
health sciences laboratory is based on one of the noble
values of the tri dharma of higher education, namely
community service. Physiotherapy laboratory has a
driving force, the frontline and the closest to the
community who have an essential role in monitoring
public health. There are still often complaints about
health services such as health workers who are not
friendly, rigid, fussy, lack of smile as a picture of
patients who are still attached to the implementation
of health services which proves that the health
services provided by medical and health workers have
not provided optimal satisfaction for patients. It
should be noted that the behaviour and
communication style of health workers can have
important implications for the community. People
tend to show greater satisfaction with health workers
who allow them to talk, give time to listen, provide an
explanation of the disease and treatment that must be
done, and show concern, compared to health workers
who apply otherwise. The higher satisfaction felt by
the community, tends to be followed by meetings that
take place continuously and become routine with
health workers so that the satisfaction of health care
workers is directly proportional to compliance with
the advice and advice of health workers.
Naldo, ., Widi Satria, H. and Denny Pratama, A.
Interpersonal Communication Health Officer in Free Medical Service Activities at the Health Sciences Department Laboratory.
DOI: 10.5220/0010169100002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 135-140
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The testing of physiotherapy health services in
the physiotherapy labs aims to provide useful and
superior contributions to the community through
community service activities and fostering
partnerships with various health service institutions,
hospitals, related educational institutions, both
domestically and abroad, and professional association
organisations. The main objective of the
physiotherapy laboratory for the community is to be
able to provide services by developing, maintaining
and restoring bodily movements and functions
throughout the life span by using manual handling,
increased motion, equipment (physical,
electrotherapy and mechanical), functional training,
as well as communication and education.
Physiotherapy is a form of health service aimed
at individuals and/or groups to develop maintaining
and restoring bodily movements and functions
throughout the life cycle using manual handling,
increased motion, equipment (physical,
electrotherapy and mechanical), communication
function training (Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan,
2001). According to the Indonesian Ministry of
Health Physiotherapy is a health service aimed at
individuals and /or groups to develop, maintain, and
restore motion and function throughout the life cycle
using physical modalities, physical agents,
mechanical, motion and communication.
West Java is one of the primary sources of grain
production and main rice granaries in Indonesia, but
ironically there are still sub-districts in the poor
category. Referring to data released by the Central
Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2019, Jonggol is one of the
regions in West Java that has a low Human
Development Index (HDI) of only 64.94. This
situation has an impact on human quality and low
public health due to the lack of public awareness of
the importance of health awareness.
The purpose of this study is to describe the
interpersonal communication style of health workers
with the community and cadres, determine the
perceptions of patients, cadres and community
leaders on interpersonal communication of health
workers and the barriers and effectiveness of
communication in community service activities in
physiotherapy laboratories.
Communication is central to the delivery of health
care and the promotion of well-being. Health
communication efforts have to capture the attention
actively and personally engage health care
participants to influence health decisions and
behaviours (Kreps and Neuhauser, 2013).
Communication is a family of knowledge that
intersects with other kinds of family. In the context of
communication research, it is essential to deliver
health messages to the public. Through this context,
health issues that enter the private sphere become a
challenge for health practitioners, so communication
techniques are needed that can embrace patients so
that changes in attitudes and behaviour in dealing
with health problems.
While more health care consumers and providers
now understand that communication is a central
social process in the provision of health care delivery
and the promotion of public health, many do not
always recognise that effective communication is a
complex and fragile human process that demands
strategic design, careful monitoring, and responsive
adaptation (Kreps and Neuhauser, 2010).
A paradigm
shift in research on performance and health
communication, moving away from individual-
focused behaviour change communication, and
toward a culture-centred approach that considers
community participation concerning broader social
and structural issues (McConnell, 2016).
In the point of view of communication science,
the relationship between health workers and patients
is included in interpersonal communication, or for
therapeutic health communication. Therapeutic
communication includes interpersonal
communication with a starting point for mutual
understanding between officers and patients. The
fundamental problem of this communication is the
existence of mutual needs between health workers
and patients so that it can be categorised into
interpersonal communication between doctors and
patients, doctors help, and patients receive help
(Manoppo et al., 2014).
Mediated communication—in the context of
journalism, advertising, public relations, and strategic
communication—is an effective mechanism for
detecting, responding to, preventing, and controlling
global health concerns (McConnell, 2016).
Interpersonal communication is the most appropriate
choice to overcome problems in the local scope.
Communication is qualitative, more intimate, and
persuasive., a key person is needed to convey to the
audience because it will produce extraordinary
effects. In this study, the critical person is a health
expert and medical staff to answer health issues that
are needed by the community.
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
The study used a descriptive study design with a
qualitative approach. The location was at the Cinta
Kasih Heesu Foundation in West Java in November
2018. The research respondents were visitors of the
trial of free health services in the physiotherapy
laboratory that received health services, health
workers as responsible. The respondent’s criteria are
intensive integration with free health service
activities and willing to be interviewed.
Data collection techniques were carried out with
participant observation methods. Researchers
observed ongoing health service activities in the free
health service of physiotherapy laboratory. In-depth
interviews for visitors, health workers, and
community leaders and Focus Group Discussion
(FGD) ) were conducted. Information regarding the
health workers communication with visitors in the
physiotherapy laboratory while providing health
service is explored. Data is processed and analysed
using content analysis.
The target of the activity is in the middle to lower
classes under the care of the Heesu Love Foundation.
The Laboratory of Physiotherapy in the Health
Sciences Group of the Vocational Education Program
UI in collaboration with the Hermina Hospital Group
provides free health services for the underprivileged.
The activity was carried out in November 2018 at the
Heesu Love Foundation in West Java starting at 08:00
to 16:00 WIB.
Physiotherapy is one part of the health sciences
that has areas in the field of Promotive (promotion),
Preventive (prevention), Curative (treatment), and
Rehabilitative (Rehabilitation). The Physiotherapy
Laboratory is one of the laboratories of the health
sciences family which is used to facilitate the synergy
between theory and practice, where the scope is
designed to meet practicum standards for pediatric
physiotherapy, musculoskeletal physiotherapy,
neuromuscular physiotherapy, and cardiopulmonary
Respondents in this study were 51 visitors to the
free trial activities of physiotherapy health services in
the physiotherapy laboratory in November 2018 Age
of informants, 92% women and 8% men with an age
range of 57% over 50 years, 23 % of ages 41-50 years,
16% aged 31-40 years, and 4% under 30 years. In this
case, the majority of middle-aged women can be
grouped into focus in research discussions. The
informant’s education level is 69% of elementary
school graduates and 31% of junior high schools with
76% professions becoming a housewife and 14%
becoming workers with the remaining 10% being
farmers, factory workers. The low level of education
makes the majority of middle-aged women choose to
work to take care of the household (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Respondent Profile.
Complaints of informants varied, 35% of
informants felt complaints in the lower body such as
legs, ankles, calves, knees and thighs, then 22% in the
head or neck and 20% in the upper body such as
shoulders, arms, elbows, hands, fingers stomach,
stomach and back. The most frequent cause for
respondents felt was 40% had joint pain such as knee
pain or shoulder pain, 20% had headaches, 8% had
muscle stiffness, aches, or muscle cramps and 7% had
back pain. After observing the complaints of patients
visiting health services, it can be said that awareness
of the importance of health is still low because 63%
of respondents have not participated in the national
health insurance program (JKN) by the Badan
Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan (BPJS)
from the government. Respondents still rely on free
health check services whose time is not determined.
This situation can be seen from the 59% of
respondents who have taken a free health check
before (Figure 2).
Figure 2: The Health Condition of The Respondent.
Interpersonal Communication Health Officer in Free Medical Service Activities at the Health Sciences Department Laboratory
The community health centres (PUSKESMAS)
is a favourite place for respondents to check their
health in the event of a health problem. These
findings can be seen from the respondents’ health
checkpoints which are 55% health centres, 31%
health clinics, and 14% hospitals. The period for
respondents to examine their health within one year
is 35% more than twice per year, 31% once per year,
and 10% twice a year. Ironically, there are still people
who are ignorant of their health condition. This result
can be seen from the data that 24% of respondents in
the past year have never conducted a personal health
check (Figure 3).
Figure 3. The Health Care of The Respondent
From the data, the author has obtained the
general picture of the lower classes who are still
ignorant of the importance of health care. This result
could be considered as the condition where the
community were minimally exposed to the
importance of health care. Low education level is also
one of the factors that influence the level of public
awareness of the importance of health care. Even
though the government facilitate the community for
health insurance such as JKN and BPJS, there are still
many people who have not benefited from the
government program. There needs to be a personal
and persuasive approach to encourage people to be
more concerned about maintaining health because, in
a healthy body, there is a strong soul and will increase
the productivity of the community itself.
The enthusiasm of the community for free
medication is very high. It can be seen from 49% of
respondents conducting a general examination.
General tests carried out on men and women include
blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate,
respiratory rate or other standard checks. In addition,
51% of respondents utilise all facilities in the
activities of free health services such as blood
pressure checks, blood sugar, physiotherapy services,
counselling services etc. The health team makes
every effort to serve the community in dealing with
patient complaints, 100% of patients consider health
workers friendly, hygienic health examination
conditions and satisfactory health services.
The results found a visitor respondent expressed
a positive perception of the communication of health
workers. Positive perceptions are indicated by
respondents’ expressions stating that health workers
speak kindly. 61% of respondents said they were
delighted with the implementation of the health
service program, and 31% said they were quite
satisfied. The attitude of health workers who respond
well to the community when giving an opinion gets a
positive response that health workers can be good
listeners at the time of counselling and are perceived
as friends who are willing to listen to complaints
about patient health problems. In general, patients’
perceptions of health workers are excellent. Every
health service activity of the officers always provides
counselling to the community using persuasive
language, and according to the respondents, it affects
the increasing awareness of the community to
implement a healthy lifestyle.
Figure 4. Documentation of Health Service Activities
Awareness of health is increasing. The findings
of this study are similar to Sugianto’s research (2010)
in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the
Caring Public Health Center (Puskesmas) in
Bandung. The author found that regarding patient
responses to interpersonal communication of health
workers when providing counselling, the climate
during counselling and time are given for medical
attention at the time counselling felt according to
patient expectations and patients assess the message
of health workers in greeting information quite
clearly and according to patient needs (Sugianto,
According to Rachmat (2003) “perception is a
personal / client’s view of an event. Perception is one
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
of the factors that influence interpersonal
communication. Perception is influenced by
experience, motivation and personality”. In
interpersonal communication, one’s personality is
essential. If we like someone will tend to see
everything related to it, positive.
On the other hand, if we do not like it, we will
see everything negatively. Thus it can be understood
that someone who has an attractive personality for
others will make it easier to give opinions and
attitudes to the person and vice versa. If people like
each other, they will develop pleasant and effective
communication. People will feel happy and
comfortable if they are among people they like.
Instead, it will feel tense and uneasy when being
among people who are not liked and want to end it
(Rakhmat, 2003).
Positive perceptions that have been formed for
health workers are friendly and speak a friendly
language. This fact, of course, makes the distance
between the community and health workers
increasingly close. While in the health profession,
communication becomes more meaningful because it
is the primary method of implementing health
promotion. For this reason, health workers need
special abilities that include skills, intellectual,
technical and interpersonal, which is reflected in the
‘caring’ behaviour in communicating with patients.
The emergence of a positive public perception in the
communication style of health workers can be a
trigger for the delivery of health messages that can
produce changes in community behaviour.
The community believes that free health services
provided by health workers at free health service
activities are of the same quality and have the same
quality as health checks at health centres or paid
examinations (Non-BPJS). The positive response of
the community also gives confidence that this activity
is very beneficial for the community, not only in
terms of health services but also in terms of health
education. While health workers believe that when
providing health counselling, the community
responds positively. The advice given is carried out
by the patient so that the health problems faced by the
patient will bring about change. However, besides
that, health workers also think that there is a need for
attention from the government or the local health
office related to the condition of public health
awareness. To resolve this problem, the community
believes that the government must help the
community in meeting basic needs.
The conclusion can be drawn from respondents
that when communicating officers must understand
the condition of the community. Officers must also
care and pay attention to things that are considered
small when communicating such as gestures, eye
contact and facial expressions. According to Anwar
(2002), 11 eye contact, facial expressions and body
posture are three things that must be considered for
effective communication. Feelings of pleasure when
communicating will be reflected in the face because
the face is a mirror of individual personality. Facial
expressions express thoughts that are passing through
a person. All emotions and various kinds of human
behaviour are expressed in different emotions that are
reflected on the face. So when communicating show
expression that the communicator is interested in the
patient’s conversation material.
The starting point of interpersonal
communication is that mutual understanding between
health workers and patients through the relationship
between health workers and patients will have an
impact on improving health, preventing and healing
illness, and restoring health. A practical
understanding of interpersonal communication is an
attitude change. In order for the health service process
to be effective, health workers must be skilled in
interpersonal therapeutic communication with
patients. Health services are not only oriented
towards medical techniques but are also skilled in
communication. Communication-oriented services
are beneficial for patients in overcoming health
problems they face and can foster confidence and
hope to take action following their lives (Taufik,
The communication style of health workers in the
free health service trial activities in the physiotherapy
laboratory generates a positive perception of the
respondents of health services. Interaction is a barrier
to communication between health workers and
patients in health care activities. All respondents
agreed that the success of communication would
influence changes in community behaviour so that it
will have a good impact on society.
The habits, customs and culture of the local
community and then routinely conduct
communication training for health workers to
improve the quality of health services. It is expected
that health workers who will be placed in an area need
to be equipped with information about local health
problems. It is hoped that community leaders will
actively participate in overseeing the development of
health services and provide input and information to
the local health officials regarding the
implementation of health service activities.
Meanwhile, health workers are expected to improve
their attitudes and use friendly language in
communicating with patients.
Interpersonal Communication Health Officer in Free Medical Service Activities at the Health Sciences Department Laboratory
I would like to show gratitude to the co-authors
(Hardika Widi Satria and Aditya Denny Pratama) for
sharing their pearls of wisdom and knowledge with
me during the making of this research. I am also
immensely grateful to Program Pendidikan Vokasi UI
for funding the publication of this research. Any
errors and imperfections in this research and should
not tarnish the reputations of these esteemed persons
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ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”