Influence of Waters in Silvofishery Ponds on Wonorejo Mangroves
That Contaminated by Heavy Metals Pb, Cd, and Cu toward
Aquaculture Animals
Nirmalasari Idha Wijaya, Rendi Febrianto Sanjaya and Nuhman
Department of Oceanography, Hang Tuah University, Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 150, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Silvofishery Ponds, Heavy Metal, Toxicity, Milkfish, Wonorejo.
Abstract: Wonorejo silvofishery ponds obtained fresh water from two rivers, namely Jagir River and Afour River which
flow through the city of Surabaya before entering Wonorejo mangroves area. The white shrimp and milkfish
that have been cultivated in silvofishery pond often fail to be harvested. Preliminary observations found that
Pb content in Wonorejo ponds reached 0.082 ppm. The purpose of this study is to determine the toxicity of
waters in the Wonorejo silvofishery ponds that contaminated with heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Cu) toward
Chanos chanos and Penaeus merquiensis. The results of the tests revealed that the concentrations of Pb, Cd,
and Cu in R. Avour were 0.284; 0.0380; and 0.017 ppm respectively. On the other hand, the concentration of
Pb in the pond water is 0.304; 0.047; and 0.024 ppm. Laboratory test shows that milkfish can survive in the
condition where water is contaminated by heavy metals until the concentration increases ten times from the
concentration of metals in nature, as long as the other environmental parameters are appropiate. Meanwhile,
white shrimp cannot survive more than two days in these conditions.
Mangrove Wonorejo is part of mangrove ecosystem
located on the shore of Pamurbaya (East coast of
Surabaya). Currently, the Wonorejo mangrove is
utilized by the community for the cultivation of
traditional ponds with shrimp and milkfish
commodities. Wonorejo Mangrove which is the
conservation area of Surabaya City government is
also managed for Mangrove ecotourism and
Mangrove Information Center (MIC). One form of
mangrove conservation management from MIC is
Mangrove Pond (Silvofishery Pond).
Silvofishery pond is utilized for the cultivation of
milkfish and shrimp by the management of MIC. In
2017 and 2018, there were also conducted a test of
silvofishery cultivation of mangrove crabs for the
research of the Ministry of Research, Technology and
Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia
(Ristekdikti) at the site. But the harvest was not good
enough because the death rate was still high. It was
suspected that this high death was caused by the
quality of water in the Wonorejo Mangrove Pond
which was low and polluted by the heavy metals. This
reason was delivered because the cultivated biota in
other farms were also experiencing mass death at the
same time. The results of observations in previous
studies showed that the average of heavy metals in the
waters of the Wonorejo Mangrove Pond was above
the quality standard of marine-life living needs. The
highest heavy metal level was in cadmium elements.
The heavy metal concentration of the Wonorejo
mangrove pond water in the measurement of July
2018 resulted; Hg at 0.004 mg/l, Cd at 0,087 mg/l,
and Pb at 0,022 mg/l. This heavy metal concentration
led to the death of more than 50% of cultivated biota
at the time. The regulation governing the quality
threshold for marine life is the decree of the Minister
of Environment No. 51 year 2004 about the quality
standards for marine life, which are Hg at 0,001 mg/l,
Cd at 0,001 mg/l, and Pb at 0,008 mg/l.
To find out whether this heavy metal content is
always that high in the waters of Mangrove Pond
Wonorejo and whether this heavy metal is indeed
triggering the death of biota cultivation, it is
considered necessary to conduct the toxicity test on
cultivate biota in the Wonorejo Mangrove Pond,
which are milkfish (Chanos chanos) and local white
prawn (Penaeus merguensis). The purpose of this
research is to know the level of water toxicity in the
Wijaya, N., Sanjaya, R. and Nuhman, .
Influence of Waters in Silvofishery Ponds on Wonorejo Mangroves That Contaminated by Heavy Metals Pb, Cd, and Cu toward Aquaculture Animals.
DOI: 10.5220/0010061602070211
In Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management (ISOCEEN 2019), pages 207-211
ISBN: 978-989-758-516-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Wonorejo Mangrove Pond that is contaminated with
heavy metals against cultivation biota in the pond.
The method used in this research was an experimental
method using milkfish (Chanos chanos), and local
white prawns (Penaeus Sp.) as tested biota. Water
from the Wonorejo Mangrove Pond and the Avour
channel was used as a medium to create a test
2.1 Time and Location
University Fishery Cultivation Laboratory, on May-
June 2019 during the beginning of the dry season.
Thus, the surface water discharge (run off) has begun
to thinning and slightly diluted by rainwater. Location
of the research was in the Wonorejo Mangrove
Silvofishery Pond, by taking 3 points of observation
station (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Location of Wonorejo Mangrove Pond.
Table 1: Tools and Materials Used during Research.
No Tools and Material Specification
1 Aquariums sized 30 cm x 25 cm
x 20 cm
2 Aerator Out of gas 3L/min
3 Pond water Clear water from
silvofishery ponds
4 Sea water Clear water from
Wonorejo Beach
5 Cu solution
6 Cd solution
7 Pb Solution
8 Milk fishes Chanos chanos
9 Prawns Penaeus Sp.
2.2 Research Plan
Job descriptions on this study include sampling,
research preparation, toxic testing, processing and
data analysis. The parameters of the heavy metals
analyzed were Pb, Cd and Cu using the method
of Atomic Absorption Spectrofometry (AAS).
The tools and materials used in this research as shown
in Table 1.
There were 12 aquariums (5 aquariums for 5
variations of concentration, 1 aquarium for control
and experiments performed for 2 types of biota
cultivation), 12 pieces of aerator (each aquarium was
always given sufficient aeration. Each aquarium was
filled with test water as much as 8 litres.
The experiment was conducted against 4-
weeksold milkfish (C. chanos) with 6-7 cm length,
and local white shrimp (Penaeus Sp.) with 5-6 cm
length and the age of them were approximately 2
months. Milkfish seedlings were obtained from fish
breeding in Gresik, while white shrimps were
obtained from the pond in Wonorejo area. Each
aquarium was filled by 8 tested biotas.
The stage of the toxicity test implementation for
cultivated biota was done by maintaining tested biota
in the water from the Wonorejo Mangrove
Silvofishery Pond with variations of concentration
made. The treatment of this experiment was carried
out with 6 variations of concentration in pond water
dilution; 100% (8 litres of Silvofishery pond water),
75% (6 litres of pond water and 2 litres of seawater +
enriched by Pb solution), 75% (6 litres of pond water
and 2 litres of seawater + enriched by Cd solution),
75% (6 litres of pond water and 2 litres of seawater +
enriched by Cu solution), 50% (4 litres of silvofishery
pond water and 4 litres of seawater), and 25% (2 litres
of silvofishery pond water and 6 litres of seawater).
The method used to determine the toxin level was
determined by the amount of death of the tested biota,
at the 24th hour and the 48th hour.
3.1 Distribution of Heavy Metals in the
Waters of Wonorejo Silvofishery
Results of laboratory analysis on the heavy metal
contents of Pb, Cu, and Cd in the waters and the
sediment of the Wonorejo Silvofishery Pond are
presented in Figure 2.
From the results of water analysis in several
locations in the Wonorejo pond, it is apparent that the
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
contents of three types of metals (Pb, Cd, and Cu)
have metallic contents that exceed the quality
standards of water for marine life when compared to
the appendix III of the Ministry of Environment
decree No. 51 year 2004. The results of measurement
at the Wonorejo Pond are; the content of Pb is 0.304
ppm (NAB 0.008 ppm); Cd is 0.047 ppm (NAB 0.008
ppm), and Cu is 0.024 ppm, (NAB 0.001 ppm). NAB
is the quality default threshold value. The average
content of all three types of metals can be seen in
Table 2.
Figure 2: Distribution of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, and Cu) in
Wonorejo Pond.
When compared between metal types, Pb has
higher value which is 0.2923 in water samples and
0.3637 in sediment samples rather than Cd and Cu.
While Cu is the lowest one than Pb and Cd whether
in water and sediment samples. Metallic content on
sediment samples shows the higher yield rather than
on water samples.
Table 2: Average metals concentration at Wonorejo
Avarage Stdev
value of
Lead (Pb) water 0.2923 0.0104
sediment 0.3637 0.0133
water 0.0423 0.0045
sediment 0.074 0.0125
water 0.0203 0.0035
sediment 0.0277 0.0061
The metal content of the Wonorejo mangrove on
all stations shows that those have exceeded the
quality default threshold of marine-life living needs
according to appendix III of the Ministry of
Environment decree No. 51 year 2004 on the quality
default of seawater for marine biota. The content of
Pb (lead) has been 36 times compared to standardized
quality standards. Cd (Cadmium) has even reached 42
3.2 Influence of Heavy Metals against
the Mortality of Cultivated Animals
Pond water with the condition of the metal
concentration as presented above was then used to
test the toxicity of the cultivated milkfish and shrimp.
Six variations of concentration in silvofishery
pond water dilution for test water is as presented in
Table 3.
Table 3: Pond water quality used as test water.
From the results of the water pond testing for the
milkfish and shrimp protection, it is known that
milkfish have not been found dead up to the 48
of observation time, on all concentrations of tested
metals. While at the 24th hour observation time of
shrimps, almost all prawns have been found 100%
dead, except those on controls and Cd enrichment
which are being dead yet. But at the 48
hour of
observation time, all shrimp biota were found 100%
Based on the results of this observation, it is seen
that the milkfish have a higher tolerance ability to the
Influence of Waters in Silvofishery Ponds on Wonorejo Mangroves That Contaminated by Heavy Metals Pb, Cd, and Cu toward Aquaculture
polluted waters rather than shrimps. The results of
this observation are in accordance with the conditions
in the silvofishery cultivation field in Wonorejo
Mangrove. Pond farmer also stated that they often
failed to harvest shrimp, while they succeeded to
harvest milkfish sometimes.
3.3 Metal Content on Tested Biota
Tested biota which succeeded to live until the 5
of subsequent testing were brought to metal level
testing in its flesh. In this research, because the
prawns were all dead at the 24th and the 48th hour,
then the test of metal content was only done on
milkfish. The test results of metal levels (Pb, Cd, and
Cu) in milkfish are presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Graph of heavy metal content in milkfish meat in
test water with different concentrations.
The test result shows that the accumulation of
metal in the milkfish meat will increase as the
increase of metal concentration in the test water. Even
in the metal-enriched test water, the accumulation of
heavy metals in milkfish meat has a quite high
On concentration of test water without heavy
metal enrichment, the highest metal level in milkfish
meat is the lead metal type (Pb), following by
Cadmium metal (Cd) and copper (Cu). The Pb metal
content of milkfish that is maintained on the test water
(100% of the water pond with concentration of Pb
0,292 ppm) is 0.117 ppm.
3.4 Metal Contain on Milkfish Flesh in
Wonorejo Ponds
Wonorejo ponds were found that some biotas in there
like milkfish, crabs, etc containing heavy metals. It’s
because the ponds itself got fresh water supplied by
Avour river which is along of this river there are many
industries and factories that suspected pollute this
river by its waste. It’s proven by this Table 4.
Based on the table above, we could see that Pb
contain in all of the point research was bigger than the
others. It’s because so many activities industry are
using Pb as their material. Automatically, the waste
of their industry contain heavy metals like Pb. This
waste suspected pollute the Avour river which is the
main of supplier fresh water for tradisional ponds and
silvofishery ponds in its around. Basically, this metal
was accumulated into the body of aquaculture
animals there especially the
milkfish itself.
The research of Napitu (2010) show that the
highest metal concentrations of Pb in the estuary of
Blanakan River at 0.1445 ppm, while the Pb
accumulation in milkfish amounted to 0.1962 ppm.
Pb metal accumulation in milkfish body is higher than
the concentration in the water. Pb accumulation in
milkfish that cultivated in Blanakan Subang pond
reaches 6,6 μg/kg, Heriyanto (2011).
Meanwhile in this study, the accumulation of Pb
metal in Milkfish was still under the concentration of
the Pb metal in the test water, allegedly because the
time was only briefly exposed that for two days.
The content of Hg in Milkfish that live in ordinary
ponds contains Hg 49 times higher than in mangrove
forests and for shrimps can reach as high as twice
Gunawan (2008).
The content of Cu is the lowest in mangrove of
Wonorejo, however Cu is an essential metal for
aquatic animals that is beneficial in the formation of
Haemosianin blood system and in enzymatic aquatic
animals (Darmono 2001). Metal Cu needed marine
organisms as enzyme cofactors for the growth and
development of his life. But if the amount of Cu in the
body is excess, it will turn into toxins for the body
(Palar, 2004).
Table 4: Metal contain on milkfish flesh.
When compared with the regulation of the
Agency for Drug Control and Food No. 5 year 2018
about the maximum limit of heavy metal
contamination in processed food, it is said that Pb
metal is 0.20 mg/kg and Cd metal is 0.10 mg/kg.
Then, Pb content in milkfish that live in the Mangrove
pond water is still under the maximum threshold. Or
it can be said that it is still safe to consume.
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
Similarly, the content of cadmium (Cd) and
copper (Cu) on milkfish flesh reaches the highest of
0.075 and 0.043 respectively, which is still below the
maximum limit of Cd and Cu for food. So, it is still
safe to consume.
In milkfish that are kept in pond water enriched with
Pb, Cd, and Cu with a concentration of 0.25 ppm, it
indicates the presence of higher metal concentrations
in milkfish meat; Pb reaches 1.02 ppm; Cd reaches
0.82 ppm; and Cu reaches 0.79 ppm. This
concentration is still below the maximum limit for
food as well. However, if food containing metals with
such content is consumed continuously, it should be
asked whether it has an impact on health or not.
Surely, it requires further research.
The type of metals that pollute the water of the
Wonorejo Mangrove Pond is the lead metal (Pb) with
its highest concentration of 0.304 ppm, Cd metal with
its highest one of 0.047 ppm, and Cd metal with its
highest of 0.024 ppm. The metal concentration in
sediment is higher than in the water pond. Pb, Cd and
Cu metal pollutants in this concentration does not
affect to the milkfish, as long as other environmental
parameters are appropiate. But it caused more than
50% of shrimp deaths in the
24th hour.
A thousand thanks to the Rector of Hang Tuah
University of Surabaya for the support by giving the
Internal Research Fund to implement this research.
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Influence of Waters in Silvofishery Ponds on Wonorejo Mangroves That Contaminated by Heavy Metals Pb, Cd, and Cu toward Aquaculture