Dealing with the Port Impacts to Ensure the Sustainability of
Port-cities Development by Employing Integrated Policy: A Case
Study about Land Use in Semarang City
Muhammad Irfani
, Harry Geerlings
and Peter Scholten
Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Technology Centre for Port Infrastructure and Coastal Dynamics, Agency for the Assessment and Application of
Technology (BPPT), Jl. Grafika 2 Sekip, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Port Impacts, Port-city, Sustainable Development, Integrated Policy-Making, Land Use, Semarang.
Abstract: The role of port-cities has increased along with increase in the function of ports as the backbone of global
economy in distributing logistics throughout the world. Port development has positive as well as negative
impacts on the growth of port-city. There are positive impacts in economic and social aspects, while
negative impacts affect on aspects of land use, transport and environment. Semarang is a major port-city in
Indonesia that takes advantage of positive impacts and deals with negative impacts. The aim of this research
is defining the role of integrated policy-making in responding to port impacts, to achieve sustainable port-
city development in Semarang. The design of this research is a case study using qualitative data analysis
with the use of Atlas.ti-8 software for the coding process. Fieldwork had been conducted in 2018 for 2.5
months by observation and semi-structured in-depth interviews. This paper focuses on land use policy-
making process in responding to port impacts on the city. The results indicate inter-territorial integration in
complexity of authorities, horizontal integration through formation of cross-sector ad hoc team, vertical
integration through provincial- national review, civil society involvement through public consultation and
land use policy responses to port impacts.
Port cities have a crucial role in economic
development by facilitating national and
international trade. In the era of globalization, the
role of port-cities has increased along with increase
in the crucial function of ports as the backbone of
the global economy in distributing logistics
throughout the world. Lately there have been many
conveniences for various business sectors to gain
opportunities in order to reach international markets
so that it will increase trade among countries that are
based on the sea logistics system. Moreover,
improved technologies that support trade such as e-
commerce also increase the volume of international
trade for goods that must be sent physically using
sea transportation (Terzi, 2011). The port is the
centre of a sea transportation network that facilitates
trade among countries and supports international
supply chains with volume of goods distribution
reaching nearly 80 percent of international trade
with an increasing trend during 2015-2018
(UNCTAD, 2016, UNCTAD, 2018).
Port-cities accommodate two main functions that
occur in the coastal areas such as trade and port
activities. Other functions of the use of coastal areas
such as for housing, industry, recreation are also the
responsibility of the port-cities. To ensure
sustainability, the cities have to be managed
thoroughly and integrated (Clark, 1994).
Port and city have a close relationship of origin,
from a historical point of view. Some trading
activities in a coastal area form a simple trade node
as a natural entrance to facilitate loading / unloading
and shipping of goods using ships, which then
developed into a port. During the growth, these port
activities eventually had positive impacts on
Irfani, M., Geerlings, H. and Scholten, P.
Dealing with the Port Impacts to Ensure the Sustainability of Port-cities Development by Employing Integrated Policy: A Case Study about Land Use in Semarang City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010059901610172
In Proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management (ISOCEEN 2019), pages 161-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-516-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
economic growth and social development of the
surrounding port area, which was then able to
generate a small town around the port. In its
development, this small city grew into a major port-
city. Then, as negative impacts from the growing
port activities, city has to deal with various problems
such as land use issues, traffic congestion and
environmental degradation (OECD, 2014).
Semarang, as a major port-city in Indonesia,
benefits from positive impacts but has to bear the
brunt negative impacts from port activities.
Semarang City was selected as a case study because
Semarang, as the capital of the province of Central
Java, has a strategic location. This city is located on
the northern coast of the island of Java in the middle
of the province so it is easily accessible from all
directions. Semarang City plays a crucial role in the
growth of the province through logistics distribution
sector as the port is the main entrance for
distribution of goods to and from the province of
Central Java. Semarang port has the potential to be
developed because it has a large hinterland area
consisting of 35 regencies/cities, so it should be
planned and managed in an integrated approach to
be sustainable.
Semarang has a long history as a port-city. The
history of Semarang begins with the emergence of
trading activities at the edge of the Semarang river
(called Kali Semarang). These trading activities
form trade nodes that continued to develop into a
major port-city. Subsequently Semarang became the
provincial capital of Java during the colonial period,
in 1775. The role of Semarang as a port-city began
to escalate when the Dutch colonial authority
determined Semarang as the centre of the Northeast
Coast of Java in the 18
century (Knaap, 2015).
The research is concerned about the impact of
implementation of integrated policies in the field of
land use, transportation and environment that must
be taken into consideration by the main stakeholders
of Semarang Port-city. It is imperative that both pros
and cons of port development be considered to
ensure sustainable development. The key
stakeholders are the Government of Semarang City
as the local government, Harbourmaster and Port
Authority (KSOP) as the authority of the port and
Pelindo III as the port operator in the Port of
This paper was written, as a part of the research,
which will focus on the implementation of integrated
policies in land use aspects, particularly response to
port impacts, within the framework of the integrated
policy towards sustainable development in
Semarang Port-city. The paper begins with an
elaboration of the conceptual frameworks of
integrated policies in ports, port-cities and
sustainable development in section 2. Then sections
3 and 4 will discuss methodology and findings
respectively, which is followed by conclusions in
section 5.
Conceptual frameworks are the model that describes
relationships about several relevant theoretical
building blocks, particularly those related to port
development, port impacts on port cities, and
sustainable development as well as integrated policy.
The implementation of integrated policies in port-
cities is an emphasis in the research, especially in
relation to policies in the field of land use,
transportation and the environment in responding to
the positive and negative impacts of port
development. Integrated policy acts as a catalyst that
is expected to assist and accelerate port-city to
achieve sustainable development. The research on
the application of integrated policies in port-cities,
mainly in the fields of land use, transportation and
environment in responding to the positive and
negative impacts of ports is expected to be a new
contribution in policy-making process in port-cities
in general. Port-cities in Indonesia, in particular, are
expected to be able to implement this conceptual
framework model in policy-making, specifically in
the fields of land use, transportation and the
In addition, this conceptual framework model
was created to guide the research in answering the
research question such as: how integrated policy-
making can contribute to the sustainable
development of port and port-city relationship, in the
case of Semarang Port-city. Moreover, this model
also seeks to answer the following sub-research
1) How can be understood about the relationship
between port and port-city?
2) How can the role of sustainable development in
the port and port-city relationship be understood
and operationalized, in the case of Semarang
3) What is the role of integrated policy-making in
achieving sustainable development in Semarang
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
2.1 Relationship between Port and City
The conceptual frameworks start from relationship
between port and its city. This sub section is a
response to the first sub research question namely
relationship between port and city. Alderton (2008),
Talley (2009) and, Stopford (Stopford, 2009)
describe port in the similar tone that port is an
interface between ship and sea which is equipped
with facilities for ship berths as well as maintenance,
and equipped with several equipment for moving
goods from ship to land and vice versa. In addition,
there are terminal facilities for the movement of
goods and people.
Most ports are located around cities to facilitate
access to sellers, buyers, factories and manufacturers
(Merk, 2018), so that there is a close historical
relationship between ports and cities. In general,
many cities flourish and thrive from ports. Many
cities begin as inter-regional trade nodes that use
ports as natural gateways and use the sea as
interconnected regions. Further development of
these trades encourage small towns to grow and
develop into cities that further grow into major
cities. That is the origin of port-cities.
During its development, relationship between
ports and cities are mutually influenced. The
development of ports will affect the growth of port-
cities, and the growth of port-cities will affect ports
development. The conceptual frameworks of this
research only emphasize on port development
impacts on the port-cities growth.
2.2 Impacts of Port Development to
In general, the activities of ports development have
two major influences on port-cities growth. This sub
section is still a response to the first sub research
question namely relationship between port and city.
The first impacts are considered as positive
impacts, which subsequently transformed into port-
related benefits of port-cities. These advantages
consist of several dimensions in terms of economic
and social development. These positive impacts tend
to be spread out to surrounding cities. It means that
the cities around the port-cities can also benefit from
these positive impacts. Ports may contribute crucial
advantages in economic development in coastal
areas through job creations, generate tax (Miller,
2017), generate more revenue (Bichou and Gray,
2005), both directly and indirectly (Ferrari; Percoco,
et al., 2010), as well as stimulating new business
opportunities (Talley, 2009). Ports also deliver
significant contribution for economic development
in hinterland areas because ports connect sea and
land by using ships for transportation (Dwarakish
and Salim, 2015). These activities generate first
contribution of ports to cities namely cargo handling
business. It is one of the earliest economic activities
that acts as a driver to local jobs creation, tax
revenues and other indirect economic activities
(Xiao and Lam, 2017). The impact on social aspect
could change local society life due to relocation of
villages for port expansion, change in lifestyle,
formation of slum areas, effect on tradition and
culture and disturbance in the beach recreation areas.
(OECD, 2014). Moreover, relocation and
resettlement of local society may elicit some
changes in population composition regarding racial
issues between minority-majority groups and
distribution of population related with age
composition (Xiao and Lam, 2017).
The second major impact is considered as
negative impacts of ports which consequently
converted into port-related problems of port-cities.
Those disadvantages affect several aspects such as
land use, transport, and environment. Usually, these
negative impacts tend to be localized inside the port-
cities. The typical requirement of modern ports is the
need for a very wide space so ports cover relatively
large area of land in the cities. Usually, high density
of work and effects of agglomeration are believed as
the reasons of the growth of urban economy and this
effect only occur in the port areas. The impacts of
ports in term of urban economic development
influence the surrounding ports areas only, (OECD,
2014) so that it makes land use in the area around
the port become increasingly dense and complicated.
Then port activities multiply traffic density that
leads to traffic congestion particularly caused by
traffic of hinterland to and from ports areas (OECD,
2014). Environmental degradation around the port is
due to port activities such as air pollution sourced
from ships engines, cargo-handling and port
equipment, engines of railroad locomotives and
trucks (Talley, 2009). Oil spills are the significant
cause of water pollution at ports, even from normal
or accidental activities. Most of the oil spills come
from vessel movement, loading/unloading of oil
tankers, leakages and the operation of ballast water
(OECD, 2014). Moreover, untreated vessels ballast
water, waste disposal of vessels, antifouling paints in
vessels and dredging activities are the cause of water
pollution in the port area (Talley, 2009). Other
source of environmental pollution is soil
contamination from oil spills and chemicals on the
ground (Miola; Paccagnan, et al., 2009). The
Dealing with the Port Impacts to Ensure the Sustainability of Port-cities Development by Employing Integrated Policy: A Case Study about
Land Use in Semarang City
disturbance created by vessels and port equipment
during cargo handling. Trains, trucks, and other
maintenances activities are the other sources of noise
pollution in port areas. This continuous noise may
cause sleep disturbance (OECD, 2014).
2.3 Sustainable Development of
Sustainable development term was introduced by the
United Nations World Commission on Environment
and Development in its report in 1987 namely Our
Common Future” (United Nations, 1987). This sub
section is a response to the second sub research
question namely the role of sustainable development
in relationship between port and city. Diesendorf
(2000) reveals that sustainability is for the long term
and establishes moral value of fairness and balance
between current and upcoming generations. In
addition, United Nations (United Nations, 1997)
implements the definition of sustainable
development and its three dimensions in the
description of development in the Agenda for
Development as follows: “Development is one of the
main priorities of the United Nations. Development
is a multidimensional undertaking to achieve a
higher quality of life for all people. Economic
development, social development and environmental
protection are interdependent and mutually
reinforcing components of sustainable
development.” In 2015, UN established the “2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development” that includes
“17 Sustainable Development Goals” (United
Nations, 2015).
In dealing with several impacts of ports, either
positive or negative, port-cities need to employ
sustainable development concept to maintain
sustainability of their roles in the globalization
period as the frontline. This conceptual framework
will focus on typical aspects of sustainable
development such as economic and social as well as
environmental aspects. All these dimensions will
deal with port-related benefits and port-related
problems of port-cities comprehensively.
2.4 Integrated Policy in Sustainable of
Port-city Development
Several port-related benefits and port-related
problems of port-cities will be addressed by
implementation of integrated policy to achieve
sustainable development (see Figure 1). This sub
section is a response to the third sub research
question namely the role of integrated policy-
making in achieving sustainable development in
port-city. An integrated policy is crucial for port-
cities in dealing with the interaction between ports
and port-cities, since they are closely interconnected
and support each other so that port-cities have to
ensure the implementation of policy integration
among economic, social and environment aspects
which are important for sustainable development
(UN-ESCAP, 2015). These sustainable
developments of port-cities will sustain the leading
roles of port-cities in the globalization age as
integrated parts of worldwide supply chain system of
logistic (OECD and ITF, 2009, Merk and
Notteboom, 2015). Integration is the key of
sustainable development. Geerlings and Stead
(Geerlings and Stead, 2003) emphasize that the
integration is significant for sustainable
development, particularly in land use fields and
transport, as well as environmental aspect. It is a
valuable approach of development of cross-sectors
by crossing border and even across generations.
Every decision should concern the prospective
influences on the environment, the society and
economical effect in the future (Strange and Bayley,
Figure 1: The model of conceptual frameworks for
integrated policy in sustainable of port-cities development.
Policy integration sequence (Geerlings and
Stead, 2003, Strange and Bayley, 2008),(Meijers,
2004) can be described as follows: co-operation
which involves dialogue and information, each
organization works concurrently to realize their-own
targets so that output is efficient sectoral policy.
Social aspect
Port benefits:
a. economic
. social
Port problems:
a. land use
b. transport
c. environment
Port-city growth
Port development
Positive impacts
Negative impacts
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
Then coordination (similar policy term with
consistency and coherence) includes co-operation as
well as openness to prevent conflicts. Mutual
decisions may be not the same as their original
outcomes. Policy coordination is more far-attaining
than co-operation. The output is adjusting sectoral
policies that are mutually enforcing and consistent.
Lastly, integration or joined-up policy, which
involves co-operation elements such as dialogue,
discussion and information; includes co-ordination
elements such as clear and transparent concept to
prevent conflicts; and contains joint working, as
efforts to build synergies among policies and use
similar objectives to formulate policy. Policy
integration is better than co-ordination with one joint
policy as the new output related to sectors.
Furthermore policy integration can be
distinguished (Geerlings and Stead, 2003) as
follows: vertical integration (among various levels
of government), horizontal integration (among
various sectors or professions inside an
organization), inter-territorial integration (among
different authority with common interests such as
resources and infrastructure), and intra-sectoral
integration (combining among various sections or
professions in a department and among fields of
In conclusion, as illustrated in figure 1, the role
of policy integration is as the catalyst to assist and
accelerate port-city in policy-making proses
particularly in the fields of land use, transportation
and environment in responding to the positive and
negative impacts of port to the city in order to reach
sustainable development. The implementation of
integrated policies in policy-making process of port-
city, mainly in the fields of land use, transportation
and environment in responding to positive and
negative impacts of ports is expected to be a new
contribution in policy-making proses in port-cities in
The research design is a case study. Semarang is
selected as a case study because this city is one of
the three big port-cities on the Java Island in
Indonesia, which has a history as a port-city. The
data collection stage had been carried out in order to
get appropriate and sufficient data, as a basis for
observing and understanding the phenomena in the
real-world context in depth and specifically, in order
to analyse the policy-making process, particularly in
the field of land use, transportation and environment
in Semarang Port-city. This study employs
qualitative data collection, both for secondary data
sources and primary data sources.
The collection of secondary data provides the
preliminary overview about the profile of each
stakeholder, the government policies in the three
fields mentioned above and other related regulations
before carrying out the fieldwork. Moreover, the
secondary data can also enrich the process of
making questions for semi-structured in-depth
interviews at the primary data collection stage.
Secondary data were obtained through contact
persons in each city government agency in the form
of data archives such as reports, minute of meetings
and academic script during the policy-making
process. Furthermore, planning and policy
documents as well as related regulations, within the
scope of the city government, provincial government
and even the central government were obtained
through internet-based search.
The collection of primary data delivers
qualitative data, which is the main source of this
research, in the form of semi-structured in-depth
interviews and direct observation that are recorded
by using digital recorder and by making several
notes. The fieldwork was conducted in early October
until mid-December 2018 in Semarang Port-city.
Direct observation during fieldwork provides visual
conformation of the phenomena, which takes place
naturally. Then, this can enrich the interview process
with the triangulation approach. Semi-structured in-
depth interviews were conducted using a list of
open-ended questions as a guide. The list is an
implementation of the conceptual frameworks,
which is a derivation of related theory building
blocks. In general, this list contains questions
anticipated to answer the main research question,
namely how integrated policy-making can contribute
to the sustainable development of port and port-city
relationship, in the case of Semarang port-city.
Moreover, those questions are also supposed to
answer the sub-research questions as follows:
1) How can be understood about the relationship
between port and port-city?
2) How can the role of sustainable development in
the port and port-city relationship be understood
and operationalized, in the case of Semarang
3) What is the role of integrated policy-making in
achieving sustainable development in Semarang
Interviews were conducted with the official
representative of each of the relevant stakeholders.
Dealing with the Port Impacts to Ensure the Sustainability of Port-cities Development by Employing Integrated Policy: A Case Study about
Land Use in Semarang City
The main stakeholder is Semarang City Government
as the holder of the local government authority such
as the Mayor, Regional Development Planning
Agency, City Spatial Planning Office,
Transportation Office, Public Works Office, as well
as Environmental Office. Other chief stakeholders
are the Office of Harbourmaster and Port Authority
(KSOP) as the port authority holder and Pelindo III
as the port operator holder. In addition, interviews
were also conducted with other stakeholders
involved in the policy-making process, such as
Semarang City Regional People's Representative
Council (DPRD II/City Council), academics,
experts, professionals, business associations,
professional associations, non-governmental
organizations, communities, journalists, heads of
sub-districts in the port area, and heads of RWs/RTs
(the smallest informal unit of society), informal
leaders also residents around the port area. The
respondents are expected to have sufficient capacity,
knowledge and authority regarding the policy-
making process in the field of land use,
transportation and environment in Semarang Port-
In order to meet the appropriate persons, formal
procedures were carried out to contact each
representative of above mentioned relevant
stakeholders. Each of these stakeholders or agencies
would then give recommendations about the
appropriate persons to contact who are directly
involved in policy-making process or who currently
have the authority in policy-making. The
respondents were generally top level and middle
level officers who were at least the first level
officers, and several retired top and middle level
officers who were directly involved in the policy-
making process. The appropriate respondent
representative of each of the above stakeholders
were located using snowball sampling technique by
asking for recommendations from active officers, so
that all representative of each stakeholder are
represented by at least one qualified respondent.
All data were processed by using Qualitative
Data Analysis method. All recorded interviews were
transcribed from voice data to written data.
Furthermore, coding process was carried out using
Atlas.ti-8 software by incorporating all interview
transcript data, interview notes and secondary data
such as policy documents, regulations and minute of
meetings. The coding process, by using a deductive
approach, began with organizing indicators obtained
from the conceptual framework. The indicators serve
as a preliminary guideline in the coding process.
Data were grouped according to their similarity to
each other, then the groups were given names as
new sub-indicators that still have relevance to their
existing indicators. Furthermore, when the
similarities of the groups did not have relevance to
the existing indicators or sub-indicators as contained
in the conceptual framework, new indicators and
sub-indicators would emerge. After that, all the
results of coding process were arranged in the matrix
form so that the composition and relationship among
the indicators and sub-indicators are clearly visible.
Based on the results of the coding process, the
interview data from various respondents with similar
indicators or sub-indicators were compared and
analysed with the documents from secondary data
such as policy documents, regulations and minute of
meetings. Elaboration of this analysis process to
ensure the relationship and consistency between
indicators and sub-indicators contained in the
conceptual framework in answering the main
research question along with sub-research questions.
4.1 The Challenge of Inter-territorial
Integration in the Complexity of
There is a complexity of authorities in the
relationship between the port and the city among the
main stakeholders in Semarang City. In this port-
city, there are three main stakeholders namely the
city government, the port authority and the port
operator. These main stakeholders have significantly
affected the relationship between the port and the
city. In general, the relationships among the key
stakeholders in the Semarang Port-city can be
described in figure 2.
The first main stakeholder is Semarang City
Government, as the authority holder of the local
government of the city. The City Government is
equipped with agencies and offices that generally
represent each sector. This research only focuses on
agencies from the Semarang City Government
which are related to policies in the fields of land use,
transportation and environment. Agency and offices
that have the primary role are the Mayor, Regional
Development Planning Agency, City Spatial
Planning Office, Transportation Office and
Environment Office. The city government has
authority over the area of Semarang City in the form
of regional autonomy, while the mayor is elected
directly by the citizens of the city through regional
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
elections held every five years. Regional
Development Planning Agency is a body that has a
coordinative nature among the sectors, while City
Spatial Planning Office, Transportation Office and
Environmental Office are the bodies that deal with
the related sectors. All of these agency and offices
are responsible to the Mayor.
Figure 2: The complexity of authorities among the main
stakeholders in Semarang Port-city.
The second main stakeholder is the Office of the
Harbourmaster and Port Authority (KSOP), as the
authority holder of the port in Semarang City. KSOP
is the office that is responsible to the Ministry of
Transportation through the Director General of Sea
Transportation, so structurally this office is part of
the Central Government. KSOP has authority over
the port area in Semarang City.
The third main stakeholder is Pelindo III, as a
port operator in the port of Tanjung Emas in
Semarang City. Pelindo III is a state-owned
enterprise that is responsible to the Ministry of
State-Owned Enterprises, so that this company is
organically part of the Central Government. As a
business entity, Pelindo III is a port operator in the
form of a Port Business Entity (BUP). In addition to
running its business, Pelindo III has Land
Management Rights (HPL) granted by the Central
Government to the Tanjung Emas Port Working
Area, in Semarang City.
The complexity of authorities among the main
stakeholders occurs because there are differences in
command lines and responsibilities of each of the
main stakeholders (see figure 2). In general, in daily
operational activities, both KSOP and Pelindo III
have to comply with all applicable policies and
regulations, both at the central, provincial and
regional levels. Pelindo III, as a port operator is fully
responsible to the Ministry of State-Owned
Enterprises in terms of corporate and financial
responsibilities, but Pelindo III has to also comply
with all regulations set by the Ministry of
Transportation through the KSOP as port authority
in terms of shipping safety. Whereas as a
stakeholder who has an interest in Semarang City,
Pelindo III has to also comply with applicable local
regulations at the city or provincial level. KSOP, as
the port authority, is directly responsible to the
Ministry of Transportation. Besides that, KSOP and
Pelindo III, as a port operator, work together in
maintaining the safety of shipping and complying
with local regulations set by the Mayor or the
Semarang City Government as the owner of
authority in Semarang City area must also comply
with all regulations set by both the central
government and the provincial government. As an
autonomous region, Semarang City Government has
the right to issue Regional Regulations, together
with Semarang City Regional People's
Representative Council (DPRD II / City Council).
Policy in the field of land use is regulated in the
Semarang City Regional Regulation on Regional
Spatial Planning (RTRW). Since a while ago, the
port area has been considered as the area of the
central government that seems to have special
autonomy, so that Semarang City Government
cannot regulate land use within the port area.
The complexity of authorities among main
stakeholders is a major challenge in implementing
integrated policy in Semarang Port-city particularly
in the fields of land use, transportation and
environment. This is because port is an area that has
major impacts on the city, not only positive impacts
on economic and social development but also
negative impacts on land use, transportation and
environmental aspects. This paper only focuses on
aspects of land use. In land use zoning, as stipulated
in Semarang City Regional Spatial Plan, land use
within the port area is only set as a transportation
facility, in general, without further description
related to land use in detail of the zoning of the
transportation facility. This is because Semarang
City Government does not have authority to regulate
Ministry of Transportation through
Director General of Sea Transportation
of State Owned Enter
Central Government Level
City/Regency Government Level
Area of Semarang City
Semarang City Government
City Spatial
(Pelindo III)
rt Ar
Dealing with the Port Impacts to Ensure the Sustainability of Port-cities Development by Employing Integrated Policy: A Case Study about
Land Use in Semarang City
within the port area, only KSOP, as the port
authority holder, has the right to regulate zoning
within the port area.
Port, in carrying out its activities, has to make a
Port Master Plan for future development. In the
process of making the Port Master Plan, the KSOP
has to obtain approval and recommendations from
the Mayor. This is actually a good opportunity as a
starting point for the City Government to be
involved in land use planning within the port area,
together with the port authority, so that the negative
impacts of the port from land use aspects can be
anticipated such as slum dwelling around the port
area and mixed land use for zoning as warehousing
and residential areas. However, this is not easy to
execute because there is no mandatory for the Port
Authority to implement all the recommendations of
the Mayor. The recommendations are implemented
within the authority of the KSOP as the port
authority holder. When the Port Master Plan is
finished and determined by a Ministerial Decree, the
Port Master Plan must be fully accommodated in the
city land use plan in the future because it already has
the legal force in the form of a ministerial decree.
Inter-territorial integration, which is an
integration between different authorities with
common interests such as resources and
infrastructure, cannot be executed optimally among
Semarang City Government, KSOP and Pelindo III.
The main reason is that each stakeholder has
different vertical responsibilities and has the
respective authority over their respective territories.
However, at least there have been efforts to carry out
inter-territorial integration, even within the limits of
their respective authority. There have been efforts
from the port authority to request approval and
recommendations from the Mayor in the process of
making the Port Master Plan. Likewise, Semarang
City Government employs cooperation and
coordination with KSOP and Pelindo III by adopting
the Port Master Plan entirely into Semarang City
Regional Spatial Plan. This decision was taken with
the consideration that the master plan regulates
within the port area that the city government does
not have the authority to regulate the land use within
port area. Communication among competent related
parties has begun even though it still uses formal
communication and time consuming in the process
of coordination and integration because each party
has to consolidate internally according to their
respective authorities and responsibilities.
4.2 Horizontal Integration through the
Formation of Cross-sector Ad-hoc
The land use policy in Semarang City is contained in
the Semarang City Regional Spatial Plan which is
determined based on the Semarang City Regional
Regulation number 14 of 2011 regarding Semarang
City Regional Spatial Plan for 2011-2031.
In the policy-making process, City Government
forms a technical team which is an ad hoc cross-
sector team with the Regional Development
Planning Agency as the leading institution because
this body has a horizontal coordinating function
among the sectors under the city government. This
technical team works for a duration of one fiscal
year with the main task of policies-making in the
field of spatial planning. This land use policy
concerns almost all sectors in Semarang City that
requires space as the place to carry out its activities.
The technical team essentially requires bureaucrats
as member, who have proficiency, capability and in-
depth knowledge related to policies in their
respective sectors, so that they can represent the
policies of each sector they represent. With the team
members who meet the requirements, the
discussions are expected be valuable to yield prompt
and qualified decisions. The members of this
technical team consist of sectors whose activities are
closely related to spatial requirements, such as the
Regional Development Planning Agency as the
coordinator, the City Spatial Planning Office, the
Transportation Office, the Environmental Office, the
Agriculture Office, the Housing and Settlement Area
Office, and Public Works Office, as well as Land
Office. The technical team is in charge of drafting
concepts with the assistance of a consultant team,
which has been selected through an auction process
with the task of assisting the process of collecting
data and providing updates on regulations related to
spatial planning.
The horizontal integration process begins when
the technical team works intensively in formulating
policies which are realized through intensive weekly
meetings. There are two types of meetings to build
two-way communication such as plenary meeting
and certain sectors meeting. Plenary meeting tend to
use formal communication while certain sectors
meeting mostly use informal communication apart
from formal communication. At this stage,
horizontal and intra-sectoral integration occurs
among members of the Technical Team, who
represent various city government sectors.
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
Sectoral egos are phenomena that arise when
discussing policy formulation related to sector
priorities, for instance when discussing zoning for
housing. The agriculture office is insistent and
adamant to maintain total amount of sustainable rice
fields that has to be maintained in Semarang City, as
a mandate from the Ministry of Agriculture through
the provincial government. In another perspective,
the Housing and Settlement Area Office proposes to
increase the area for housing because the need for
new residential areas always increases every year.
This dynamic ends with the emergence of a common
understanding that the purpose of the spatial
planning policy is for the common goal, namely the
development of Semarang City as a whole.
However, it is cross-sectoral, so that it will not be
able to please all sectors. Fortunately, after
calculating in more detail, the need for additional
areas for housing can be met while maintaining the
amount of land area for sustainable rice fields.
4.3 Civil Society Involvement through
Public Consultation
After the policy-making process in the land use
sector is complete, the next step is to conduct public
consultations. This process is carried out with the
aim of socializing with the community and at the
same time to collect community aspirations. This
consultation process is mandatory by the regulations
for a minimum of two times. The public
consultations that have been carried out more than
twice uses two approaches. The first approach is
territorial based, namely by holding meetings in
each sub-district attended by village heads, informal
leaders, communities and non-governmental
organizations. The second approach uses the focus
group discussion method on certain segments of
society such as academics, experts, professionals,
business associations, and professional associations.
In the first approach, which is regional-based, the
public consultations tend to be a formality, because
it is held in a short time without giving much time
for the communities to learn more about the draft
material on land use policy. Usually the material
given to participants at the beginning of the event is
in the form of an executive summary, so there is not
enough time for participants to study deeply. In
addition, generally people still do not have sufficient
knowledge and capacity in understanding spatial
planning so that their questions and aspirations tend
to be normative, qualitative and pragmatic, for
instance the questions are related to micro problems
such as clogged drains and damaged road within a
residential complex. Spatial planning delivers
beyond than small matters.
In the second approach, which is based on certain
segments of society, the public consultations tend to
be of higher quality because most of the participants
have the capacity to understand spatial policy and
many have interest in commercial use of space.
4.4 Vertical Integration through
Provincial and National Review
After completing the technocracy process in the
technical team, the next process is political process.
This political process involves Semarang City
Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD II)
or City Council in discussing Draft of Regional
Regulation concerning Semarang City Regional
Spatial Plan. At this stage, there is lot of input from
the members of the city council in voicing the
aspirations of their constituents, related to various
issues such as economic, social and environmental
issues, including the emergence of aspirations from
the business sector. The dynamics during this
discussion process are the involvement of the public,
which is indirectly represented to the members of
the city council involved. When the political process
with the city council was completed, then the draft
was approved by the city council in a plenary
session. Next step is the application for the
Governor's approval letter.
In this stage, vertical integration appears when
there is a review of Semarang City Regional Spatial
Plan from a policy perspective at the provincial level,
such as in the form of maintaining the amount of land
for sustainable paddy fields. This vertical integration
process tends to use formal communication and is
time consuming. After the provincial policy of the
province is accommodated, then the governor's
approval letter is issued. Then the vertical process
needs to request for approval from the Ministry of
Public Works to be aligned with various national
policies. Then, as the last vertical integration process,
the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs was
requested before being stipulated as a Semarang City
Regional Regulation Number 14 of 2011 concerning
Semarang City Regional Spatial Planning for 2011-
4.5 Policy Responses in the Field of
Land Use to Port Impacts
The city government has not yet made a specific
study or assessment on the response to the positive
and negative impacts of the port on the development
Dealing with the Port Impacts to Ensure the Sustainability of Port-cities Development by Employing Integrated Policy: A Case Study about
Land Use in Semarang City
of Semarang City comprehensively. Semarang City
Government also has not yet specifically counted the
responses to positive and negative impacts of port on
city development, as the main consideration in the
policy-making particularly in the field of land use in
Semarang Port-city.
However, there have been efforts from Semarang
City Government to pay attention to the influence of
port on the city development, although partially.
This can be seen in the change in land use zoning in
the area around the port. The existing condition is
zoning for residential areas, while the zoning plan
for the area around the port is mostly used for
warehousing and mixed functions consisting of
residential areas, trade and services.
In general, the main stakeholders in the port-city
such as Semarang City Government, the Office of
the Harbourmaster and the Port Authority (KSOP) as
well as Pelindo III, realize that in carrying out their
duties, they have to cooperate, coordinate, and even
integrate with each other, who often differ in
authority and perspective. Semarang City, which is
one of the major port cities in Indonesia, faces
several challenges in carrying out the process of
integration in the policy-making, particularly in the
field of land use. These main stakeholders have
made a number of collaborative, coordinated and
integrated efforts in the policy-making process,
within their respective authorities, particularly in the
field of land use to achieve a common goal, namely
for the future development of Semarang City.
The complexity of authorities is a significant
challenge in conducting inter-territorial integration
where each major stakeholder cannot break through
the differences in authority and structure of
responsibilities in policy-making in the field of land
use. So what has been done is optimally integrating
within each authority. In making the Port Master
Plan, the Harbourmaster and the Port Authority
(KSOP) requests approval and recommendations
from the Mayor, which is mandatory based on
regulations. On the other hand, in the process of
making Semarang City Regional Spatial Plan, the
technical team also made an integrated effort by
discussing and accommodating the Port Master Plan
into Semarang City Regional Spatial Plan on the
land that was intended specifically for the port.
Furthermore, the city government made some
adjustments in response to the presence of port in the
area, such as changing the designation around the
port area for warehousing, trading and service
functions. In this inter-territorial integration, among
related stakeholders tend to use formal
communication approach. This process is time-
consuming because each party must adjust according
to their respective regulations and authorities.
Horizontal integration occurs among several
bodies under the authority of Semarang City
Government. The formation of a technical team,
which is an ad hoc cross-sectoral team, is a strategy
to reduce sectoral egos that emerge from each sector.
This sectoral ego arises because each of these
sectors must meet the provisions of the relevant
Technical Ministry. In general, the problems of
sectoral egos can be overcome by the technical team.
Each sector understands the main shared goals under
the authority of Semarang City Government. This
integration process uses two kinds of
communication approaches such as formal
communication and informal communication.
However, the informal approach for communication
is more often used. Each member of the technical
team already knew each other well. Interpersonal
interactions among the members of technical team
are caused by several things, among others, due to
the mutation process between agencies and offices in
the scope of Semarang City Government on a
regular basis. This mutation process could be due to
promotion or rotation process. With this mutation
process, people can get to know each other
personally. In addition, because most of the agencies
and offices are located in the same office complex,
the process of social interaction leads them to get to
know each other well. Getting to know each other
personally and egalitarian attitude among the
members of the technical team makes this technical
team solid and makes it easier and faster in solving
problems that arise between sectors, including the
emergence of sectoral egos. This horizontal
integration process is an effort of city government to
carry out a bottom-up approach in policy-making by
accommodating the aspirations of each sector within
the city government based on applicable regulations,
including involving the participation of civil society
by conducting public consultations during the
policy-making process.
Vertical integration occurs when the review
processes are carried out, by both the provincial
government and central government, to ensure that
programs from the province and the central
government are accommodated in the Semarang
City Regional Spatial Plan. This integration process
uses a formal communication approach. This process
is time consuming because each level of government
ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management
has to ensure that their respective policies are
accommodated. This vertical integration process is
an attempt by the government to carry out a top-
down approach in policy-making, because when
provincial and central government policies are not
accommodated by the city government, Semarang
City Regional Spatial Plan cannot be ratified.
The involvement of civil society is possible in
the policy-making process through public
consultation, because this is mandatory by the
regulations, at least two times. The public
consultations were carried out more than twice
during the land use policy-making process. Although
in practice, the aspirations of civil society could not
all be accommodated because of differences in the
capabilities of the communities in understanding
spatial planning. In addition, regulations regarding
spatial policy-making are also a tool used to filter all
public aspirations. This public consultation process
is an attempt by city government to involve civil
society participation in policy-making process, even
though the accommodations of these aspirations still
have to refer to the relevant regulations.
In the policy-making process in the field of land
use, the city government has not yet considered a
specific study or assessment on the responses of the
city government to the positive and negative impacts
of the port on city development in the future.
However, there have been efforts to respond to the
existence of port by changing zoning of land use in
the area around the port, from residential areas to
zoning for warehousing and mixed functions
consisting of residential areas, trade and services.
With this zoning change, it will support the port's
operational activities and at the same time be able to
utilize the positive impacts of the port, particularly
in the economic development of Semarang City.
Muhammad Irfani has received a Ph.D. scholarship
from the Program for Research and Innovation in
Science and Technology (RISET-Pro) -World Bank
Loan No. 8245-ID, Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education of Republic of
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