Dominant Factors of the Knowledge Competency of Vocational High
School Students According to the Need of Construction Services
Rolly R. Oroh
Faculty of Engineering, Manado State University, Indonesia
Keywords: Relevance of Student Knowledge, Vocational Education, Construction Services, Concrete Construction,
Shallow Foundation Construction, Students Knowledge Competency.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to find out the dominant factors of the knowledge competency of Vocational
High School (VHS) students in carrying out shallow foundation construction work that was under the needs
of construction services. Respondents of this study were VHS students in North Sulawesi Province,
Indonesia. The instrument of this research is a test instrument on work knowledge competencies given to
students as respondents, with three work indicators, namely preparation of locations, preparation of
foundation profiles, and implementation of foundation construction work. Data analysis using factor
analysis techniques with the principal component analysis method and the rotation process used the varimax
method. The results of this study indicate that there are two dominant factors in students' knowledge
competency in carrying out shallow foundation construction work that fits the needs of construction
services. The first factor is the knowledge factor of the technical specifications of the foundation, and the
second factor is the knowledge factor of the foundation pair profile. The contribution of this study is to
show data as a result of research on the dominant factors of work knowledge competency of VHS students
who have conformity with the needs of construction services.
Data on Indonesian workforce as of August 2018
shows that the open unemployment rate according to
education is dominated by graduates of Vocational
High Schools (VHS), which are 11.24% or 7 million
of the total open unemployment (BPS RI, 2018).
Furthermore, the 2018 data on employment in the
construction sector requires 8.3 million people, and
of that amount around 80% or 6.64 million people
should be filled by VHS graduates, and only around
20% or 1.66 million people are filled by college
graduates as experts (Kementerian PUPR, 2019).
Data on labour requirements in the construction
work sector shows that there are great opportunities
for students as VHS graduates to be absorbed in all
fields of construction work. VHS students are
prepared to become job executors, including
construction work. VHS students are prepared to
have adequate work knowledge competency
standards in carrying out work according to their
field of expertise. This is in accordance with the aim
of organizing VHS to become schools that prepare
students to become graduates who are ready to work.
But it becomes a question mark why many VHS
graduates are still unemployed. This is due to the
fact that VHS graduates as job seekers do not yet
have work competencies that are in accordance with
the needs of the construction service industry
(Kementerian PUPR, 2019). The work competency
that must be possessed by students as prospective
vocational graduates is a combination of several
aspects. Knowledge is one of the important aspects
needed to show one's competence (Maclean and
Wilson, 2009).
Knowledge competency is defined as the ability
of vocational students who have factual, conceptual,
procedural, and metacognitive knowledge in science,
technology, art, and culture with insight into
humanity, nationality, statehood and civilization
related to the causes and effects of phenomena and
events (Permendikbud, 2013). Knowledge is one of
the dimensions of competency formation for each
individual to do a particular job according to his
field of expertise. Knowledge is the foundation
needed by competence. Knowledge becomes the
central dimension of a competency that is combined
with the dimensions of the skills and experience that
Oroh, R.
Dominant Factors of the Knowledge Competency of Vocational High School Students According to the Need of Construction Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0010036400002967
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE 2019) - Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable 4.0 Industry, pages 117-121
ISBN: 978-989-758-530-2; ISSN: 2184-9870
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a person needs to perform a particular task (Weinert,
1999; Succar et al., 2013). This means that
knowledge can be a basis for someone to be able to
adapt to work. Knowledge can also be a basis for
someone to take the initiative in every job.
Knowledge can be the basis of one's understanding
in order to be able to understand the world of work.
Work knowledge given to students in schools is
still considered not appropriate or not relevant to the
needs of the construction services industry. Some of
the competencies of knowledge provided through
subjects in schools have not fully accommodated all
the needs of work knowledge competencies in the
implementation of construction services.
Competencies given at Vocational Schools in
Indonesia, their relevance to the needs of the
industrial world tend to below. Some vocational
program fields fall into the irrelevant category
(Safitri et al., 2012). The suitability or relevance of
vocational education with the needs of the workforce
has not been maximized. The mismatch between the
world of work and the quality of vocational school
graduates is one of the factors that drives the low
absorption of vocational graduates in the
implementation of construction services. The
purpose of this study was to find out the dominant
factors of knowledge competency of VHS students
in shallow foundation construction work according
to the needs of construction services. The
contribution of this research is to show the data as a
result of research on the dominant factors of work
knowledge competence of vocational students who
have conformity with the needs of construction
Construction services businesses in North
Sulawesi continue to show the dynamics of
development, along with efforts to develop
infrastructure in various fields. A fact that took place
in North Sulawesi in the implementation of
construction services was in desperate need of
labour, but still more was imported from outside
North Sulawesi (Wowor et al., 2013). This is
important because in North Sulawesi Province there
are several relatively new districts, which are
continuously developing infrastructure as
community service facilities, as well as the
dynamics of housing development that is so rapid in
order to meet the needs of the community. The need
for labour in construction projects in North Sulawesi
continued to increase essential to support the success
of the construction business (Tumelap et al., 2014;
Wowor et al., 2013). Thus the need for vocational
graduates in North Sulawesi is an important and
urgent matter for vocational education in producing
workers who have competencies relevant to the
needs of construction businesses, to meet the needs
of North Sulawesi and not imported from outside the
2.1 Research Design
This study uses a descriptive quantitative research
approach, where quantitative data is obtained
through the test instrument was given to
respondents. The instrument was developed from the
results of focus group discussion (FGD) with the
actors of construction services and adjusted with the
Indonesian National Work Competency Standards
(SKKNI) and the Indonesian Qualifications
Framework (KKNI).
2.2 Population, Sample and
The respondents of this study were Vocational High
School students, Building Engineering Programs.
They are taking VHS students as respondents,
intended to obtain data about the dominant factors of
student work knowledge competencies that students
have gained through the learning process in school.
Students used as respondents are students who have
finished taking productive learning programs. The
VHS population in North Sulawesi is in a large area,
so only 4 VHS are taken from 3 regencies or cities.
The number of student respondents was 52 people
obtained through random sampling techniques using
the formula from Yamane (Singh and Masuku,
2014; Israel, 2012). Furthermore, respondents in the
element of construction services are representatives
of 5 construction service companies listed in the
LPJK (Construction Services Development Board)
of North Sulawesi, who carry out construction work
in the North Sulawesi and surrounding provinces.
Respondents from construction service actors are
intended to get a description of the data on the needs
of workforce of VHS graduates with relevant work
knowledge competencies.
2.3 Data Collection
This research data was obtained through test
instruments given to respondents. The provision of
test instruments is given by giving directly to
respondents at school. Furthermore, the test
ICVHE 2019 - The International Conference of Vocational Higher Education (ICVHE) “Empowering Human Capital Towards Sustainable
4.0 Industry”
instrument was collected and continued with the
tabulation of data to assess the achievement score of
each item in the test instrument on each indicator of
work knowledge competence.
2.4 Research Instruments
The need of students knowledge competency from
the construction services is illustrated in the research
instrument with three work indicators in
construction work, namely preparation of locations,
preparation of foundation profiles, and
implementation of foundation construction work.
Each work indicators has several items in the work
description that are developed based on the FGD
results with the actors of construction services but
also adjusted to the SKKNI for VHS students
2.5 Analysis of Research Data
The data analysis in this study used factor analysis
techniques, with the principal component analysis
method, and the varimax method was used for the
rotation process. The stages and procedures for
calculation in factor analysis, namely: calculating
the correlation matrix, factor extraction and factor
rotation (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2014; Widarjono,
2015). Before the analysis was carried out, the
results of the research data were processed and
tabulated from the research instrument with scores
of the research respondents, in the form of data on
the achievement of each work knowledge indicator
Student work knowledge competency data is
obtained through written test instruments on the
dimensions of shallow foundation work where the
dimensions of the shallow foundation work are
measured by three indicators, namely; the
preparation of the location; preparation of the
foundation profile; and execution of the foundation
construction work.
Furthermore, the research data is analyzed using
factor analysis techniques with the principal
component analysis method, and the varimax
method is used for the rotation process. According to
the factor analysis procedure, the analysis is carried
out in three stages. Namely, the first stage calculates
the correlation matrix, the second stage calculates
factor extraction, and the third stage calculates the
factor to calculate or look for factors that can
optimize the relationship between the instrument
components. In the process of data processing to
find out how the instrument components in the
knowledge variable can explain the factors formed,
the values of communal and eigenvalue are used.
Based on research data analysis with factor
analysis techniques, obtained eigenvalue through
factor rotation, then formed two dominant factors of
student work knowledge competence, with details
for the first factor has an eigenvalue of 3.088 and the
second factor has eigenvalue 1.174. These factors
are the first factor is the technical specification of
shallow foundation, with details of work is making
soil excavation according to work drawings,
choosing the size of river stone as one of the
ingredients for making foundation pairs, and
determining river stone foundation as a kind of
shallow foundation. The second factor is the work
factor of shallow foundation pair profile, with work
details is to make bow plank as a guess board for
benchmarking soil excavation, making profile pairs
as a benchmark for location and position of the
foundation, and determining the location of the
measurement points for excavation.
The results revealed that the work knowledge
competence of foundation construction that had been
obtained by students in Vocational High School, it
turns out that its suitability was dominated by two
main factors, namely the knowledge factor of the
technical specifications of the foundation and the
knowledge factor of the foundation pair profile. The
level of good work knowledge about foundation
work, it is important to attempt to understand each
work in accordance with existing work
competencies. So that with good work knowledge
competencies, it will be able to lead to good
construction work patterns. Knowledge becomes
important for the workforce in ensuring the accuracy
and success of construction work and can understand
the relationship between various parts of the work
(Elfaki and Alatawi, 2015). Knowledge aspect is
important in understanding the situation and
characteristics of work in the field of engineering
construction (Zhu and Zhang, 2012). Thus, it can be
stated that competency expertise in aspects of work
knowledge is important in understanding the
implementation of work and carrying out
construction work, especially shallow foundation
construction work.
The importance of knowledge for every
workforce such as students who are prepared to
become skilled labor or implementing personnel, is
the basis for understanding work according to work
competencies. This is in line with Maclean and
Wilson (2009) that knowledge is the basic or
Dominant Factors of the Knowledge Competency of Vocational High School Students According to the Need of Construction Services
important standard needed to demonstrate
competence. The competency knowledge is needed
to work in certain jobs according to the field of work
expertise (Kehinde and Adewuyi, 2015). This study
shows that vocational students who have gone
through the vocational learning process will get the
provision of work knowledge competencies that are
following the standards of the construction service
industry. Because, vocational education is always
and should follow the dynamics of developing
existing work standards (Akkerman and Bakker,
2012), student competence will be of good quality if
developed through vocational education such as in
the workplace (Aarkrog, 2006). Knowledge
competencies obtained from vocational education
are a reflection of work experience from the school
environment (Rauner et al., 2013). Thus, work
knowledge becomes an important element for every
workforce to be able to work in a workplace well
according to their expertise.
The work knowledge competence of shallow
foundation construction that has been obtained by
students from vocational high schools, it turns out
that the level of conformity is dominated by two
main factors, namely the knowledge factor of the
technical specifications of the foundation and the
knowledge factor of the foundation pair profile. The
dominant factors of student work knowledge
competency, obtained from three work indicators,
namely: (a) location preparation; (b) preparation of
foundation profiles; and (c) implementation of
foundation construction work.
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Dominant Factors of the Knowledge Competency of Vocational High School Students According to the Need of Construction Services