Development of Learning Media Template and Its Instruction for
Citizenship Education
, Andi Suhardiyanto
and Yan Amal Abdilah
Faculty of Social Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Bestari Edutech, Jambi,Indonesia
Keywords: Citizenship Education, Learning Media, Instructional Technology.
Abstract: Citizenship education teachers are required to be able to develop their own learning media because the
government and learning media developer are more focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM). Unfortunately, development of learning media is not easy and requires a long time.
This Research and Development aims to develop a template and its modification instructions. With this
template, teachers can more easily and quickly develop learning media that is in line with their needs and
characteristics of citizenship education. The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and
Evaluation) research model was used in this study. The Analysis phase has been carried out in previous
study. This research conducted at the Design to Evaluation phase. In Semarang city of Indonesia, 40
Citizenship education teachers and 2 experts in the field of instructional media filled out 1-5-scale
questionnaires related to the quality of this research product. Respectively, the teachers and experts gave
good score by average rating of 4.26 and 3.6 on the aspect of visual, 4.35 and 3.9 on the aspect of content,
4.55 and 4.4 on the aspect of navigation, and 4.2 and 4.0 on the aspect of ease of modification
Citizenship Education as a value-based education
emphasizes the realization of good citizens, who
have holistic competence in knowledge, skills and
traits based on national character (Nurdin, 2015).
UNESCO identified three learner attributes in
relation to global citizenship education, which refer
to the traits and qualities that global citizenship
education aims to develop in learners. These are:
informed and critically literate; socially connected
and respectful of diversity; ethically responsible and
engaged. Global citizenship education requires
skilled educators who have a good understanding of
transformative and participatory teaching and
learning. The main role of the educator is to be a
guide and facilitator, encouraging learners to engage
in critical inquiry and supporting the development of
knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that promote
positive personal and social change. However, in
many contexts, educators have limited experience of
such approaches (UNESCO, 2015).
Therefore, it is recommended for teachers to
provide variety learning resources and media for
students. Unfortunately, finding learning media for
citizenship education is quite harder than that for
other subjects. For example, Ministry of Education
in Indonesia has an annual project of developing up
to 60 mobile learning applications, but only zero to
two of them are designed for citizenship education.
This shows the need of citizenship education
teachers to develop their own learning media which
in line with the characteristics of citizenship
education, especially that promote cooperative
1.1 Teacher for Learning Media
In the previous research, most of citizenship
education teachers stated that theyhave facility and
ability to develop learning media, but are lacking of
time to do it (see Figure 1). This was the main
reason of developing media template. With this
media template, teachers of citizenship education do
not need to develop learning media from zero,
cutting the time of development. They just need to
input their learning material, encouragement to
cooperative learning, and assessment. They need no
worry about thousands lines of programming code
and compatibility of learning media with various
Tijan, ., Suhardiyanto, A. and Abdilah, Y.
Development of Learning Media Template and Its Instruction for Citizenship Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010021303470350
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 347-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: The difficulties faced by teachers in developing
learning media.
1.2 Teacher Perception of Citizenship
Education Learning Media
The teachers believe that learning media should be
developed in accordance with students
characteristic. Many reasearch findings stated that
student characteristics account the most in academic
achievement compared to teachers and school
(Detterman, 2016). Furthermore, students’
intelligent or cognitive ability, such as cognitive
development and initial knowledge, account the
most of academic achievement attributable to other
characteristics (see Table 1).
Language used in learning media should be
easily understood by students, conform national
language standard, and usecommunicative language
style. Instructional messagethat use conversation
style “you” and “I” rather than relying solely on
third-person constructions willincreases the learner’s
feeling of social presence and than increase their
motivational commitment to active cognitive
processing (Mayer, 2009). Thus, improve their
learning achievement.
The teachers explained a list of menu should be
included in learning media, such as Media Identity,
Guide, Learning Material, Task, and Evaluation. The
content of learning material includes Introduction,
Apperception, Bridging to Main Material, Main
Material, Ice Breaker, and Closing Statement.
Besides, the teachers expected learning media to
promote active and cooperative learning, especially
peer discussion. Beyond that, teachers prefer cheap
and easy to use learning media.
1.3 Design of Citizenship Education
Learning Media
Based on findings mentioned, the learning media
template was developed using Construct 2.
Construct is an HTML5-based 2D editor. It is
intended primarily for non-programmers, enabling
fast development of learning mediain drag-and-drop
mode using visual editors and behavior-based logic
systems. Construct's unique block-based approach is
a simple and exciting way to start designing games.
There's no need to learn the syntax of complicated
programming languages. Each block is a list of
conditions on the left. When those conditions are
met, it performs the actions on the right. Learning
media developed by Construct can be publised in
any device, such as Mobile and Desktop devices.
The media template featured to present
information in the form of visual (picture and
animation), audio (music and sound), or audio-visual
(video). It is expected for teachers to include actual
and contextual contents like local news.Contextual
teaching helps to promote authentic learning and
increases students’ success by allowing them to
make connections betweenthe content they are
learning to the life contexts in which that content
could be used as they construct knowledge (Hudson
and Whisler, 2007).
Table 1: Basic characteristics of learning media needed by civic education teachers.
Adjustment to Civic Education
Adjustment to Students’ Characteristics Additional
Supporting active learning 100% Adjusted to students competencies 53.8% Cheap 61.5%
Helping achievment of
84.6% Adjusted to students interests 46.2% Easy to use 61.5%
Attracting students’ attention
and enthusiasm
76.9% Adjusted to students needs 84.6% Easy to get 61.5%
Contextual 84.6%
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Special menu for cooperative task would be the
main focus in the media template. Within
cooperative situations, individuals seek outcomes
that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all
other group members (Johnson and Johnson, 2016).
This showed the value of mutual cooperation,
gotong royong slogan of Indonesia.
This reasearch and development used ADDIE
reseach model which consists of five phases, such as
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation,
and Evaluation. ADDIE model is one of the most
common models used in the instructional design
field a guide to producing an effective design. This
model is an approach that helps instructional
designers, any content’s developer, or even teachers
to create an efficient, effective teaching design by
applying the processes of the ADDIE model on any
instructional product (Aldoobie, 2015).
The Analysis phase has been done in a previous
research. This research continued for the next four
phases. The Design and Development stages were
conducted 3 months to develop Citizenship
Education Media Template. During the
Implementation stage, the media template was given
to 40 teachers of Citizenship Education in
Semarang. They were asked to develop their own
media using the template. After that, the teachers
and 2 expert of Instructional Multimedia were asked
to fill out 1-5-scale questionnaires related to the
quality of this research product. These questionaires
were used as evaluation and guidance for product
Data collection was carried out by distributing
questionnaires to be filled by 40 citizenship
education teachers and two experts in instructional
media. The questionnaires consist of four aspects,
such as visual, content, navigation and
modification.Overall, the media template quality is
good with average score of 4.34 by teachers and
3.98 by experts.
Table 2: Media template and its instruction score by
teachers and experts.
Aspect Teachers Experts
Visual 4.26 3.60
Content 4.35 3.90
Navigation 4.55 4.40
Modification 4.20 4.00
Average Score 4.34 3,98
3.1 Visual Aspect
This aspect consists of design, layout, colour, and
legibility. The average grades of this aspect are 4.26
(teachers) and 3.6 (experts). This result states that
the template and instruction quality are good. One
expert gave a score of 2 for legibility and design of
instruction. Thus, revision was conducted for the
3.2 Content Aspect
This aspect consists of media identity, guidance,
learning material, assignment, and interactive
evaluation. The average grades of this aspect are
4.35 (teachers) and 3.9 (experts). This result states
that the template and instruction quality are good.
One expert gave a score of 2 for media identity.
Thus, revision was conducted on that page.
3.3 Navigation Aspect
This aspect consists of navigation layout, style,
visibility and ease of use. The average grades of this
aspect are 4.55 (teachers) and 4.4 (experts). This
result states that the template and instruction quality
are very good. One expert suggested adding visual
navigation (next and previous button), previously
only swipe to go, fordesktop version. Using button is
way easier navigation for devices without touch
3.4 Modification Aspect
This aspect assess the ease of modificating media
template to be a ready used learning media. The
modification consists of programm code and visual
content such aslearning material and evaluation. The
average grades of this aspect are 4.2 (teachers) and 4
(experts). This result states that the template and
instruction quality are good.
Development of Learning Media Template and Its Instruction for Citizenship Education
This Research and Development aims to helps
teachers developing learning media by developing a
template and its modification instructions using
ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation and Evaluation) research model.The
result showed thatlearning media template
developed by the researcher is in accordance with
the teacher's needs. Regardless of its good quality,
some small revision need to be made. Media
template modification instructionrevision became
the main focus before product publication to
citizenship education teachers. In revised version,
researchers added minor changes to the
mediatemplate by adding next and previous buttons
and correcting writing errors (typo).
The media template content is complete and in
accordance with the characteristics of citizenship
education and teachers needs. And, media templates
are proven to be easy for teachers to modify. So as
to reduce the limitations of teachers related to time
and funds for the development of learning media.
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Hudson, C.C., Whisler, V.R., 2007. Contextual teaching
and learning for practitioners. International Multi-
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Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R., 2016. Cooperative learning
and teaching citizenship in democracies. International
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Mayer, R.E., 2009. Multimedia learning, Cambridge
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UNESCO, 2015. Global citizenship education: Topics and
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ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3