Implementation of the KB Village Program in Achieving Quality Families
in Percut Sei Tuan Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesian
Nurman Achmad
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: KB Village, Quality Families.
Abstract: The direction of development today certainly does not merely lead to physical development alone, Mrst more
than that overall human development. Starting from the economic aspects, education, technological
development, increased access to health, an increase in available infrastructure and an increase in income and
prosperity of the community. In accordance with the mandate of Law 52/2009, one of the concrete
manifestations in human development is through the Formation of the KB Village. The KB Village program
is one of the government programs in the Nawacita development priority agenda as part of strengthening the
KKBPK program. This research was conducted in Percut Village, Percut Sei District, Deli Serdang Regency,
North Sumatra. The author takes in Percut Village because of the author's interest in seeing how the
implementation of the KB Village program run in Percut Village. By using data collection tools in the form
of interviews, observations and distribution of research questionnaires carried out. Furthermore, the results of
the study illustrate how the KB Village program implemented in Percut Village, as a poverty alleviation
program, apparently cannot do much in Percut Village.
The program to reduce the amount of poverty is the
duty and ideals of the country to achieve a prosperous
society. The development carried out by the
government is a strategy in increasing the welfare of
the community, namely through improving economic
infrastructure such as building roads, bridges,
markets and other facilities, building degrees and
community participation through improving
education and health.
However, the main obstacles faced are almost all
the same, which generally comes from population
problems. Starting from the high infant mortality rate,
and mothers giving birth, the low awareness of the
community about reproductive rights, as well as the
still high rate of population growth, which is not
comparable to the carrying capacity of the
environment. Population growth is now increasingly
becoming a big problem in Indonesia compared to
other countries, population growth will affect various
aspects of life both economically and socially,
especially improving the quality of life or the quality
of the population in human resources coupled with
the large number of uncontrolled population.
Population dynamics or changes tend to the growth
and increase of population on a regular basis,
population growth is the development of the
population of an area or country. Based on the 2015
inter-census population survey (Supas) the
population of Indonesia in 2019 is projected to reach
266.91 million. By sex, the number consisted of 134
million men and 132.89 million women (Badan Pusat
Statistik, 2015).
Policies in Indonesia to reduce the fertility rate to
improve family welfare are carried out through the
Family Planning Program. With the issuance of
Presidential Decree No. 8 of 1970, a National Family
Planning Coordinating Board, abbreviated BKKBN,
was formed. One of the Family Planning Programs is
the prevention of population problems, which is an
integrated part of achieving national development
programs and aims to participate in creating
economic, spiritual, social and cultural welfare.
Family Planning Program in essence aims to increase
awareness and community participation through
maturing the age of marriage, birth arrangements and
fostering family resilience that will contribute to
increasing family welfare in order to create a happy,
prosperous small family.
Furthermore, to reduce the population and at the
same time to improve the welfare of the community,
Achmad, N.
Implementation of the KB Village Program in Achieving Quality Families in Percut Sei Tuan Deli Serdang Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010018903170322
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 317-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the government through the BKKBN created the KB
Village program. The KB Village was launched by
the President of the Republic of Indonesia (Ir. Joko
Widodo) in January 2016. The background for the
formation of the KB Village was formed, there are a
number of things behind it, namely: (1) The KB
program no longer resounds and sounds echoed like
in the Order era New, (2) to improve the quality of
life of the community at the village level or equivalent
through the KKBPK program and the development of
related sectors in order to create quality small
families, (3) strengthening the KKBPK program that
is managed and organized from, by and for the
community, (4) realizing Indonesia's development
ideals contained in Nawacita (Nine Ideals) especially
the 3rd priority agenda namely "Starting development
from the periphery by strengthening regions and
villages within the framework of a unitary state" and
the 5th Priority Agenda, namely "Improving the
quality of life of Indonesian people", (5 ) raise and
revive the family planning program to welcome the
achievement of the demographic bonus that is
predicted to occur in the future a year 2010-2030. In
general, the purpose of the establishment of the KB
Village is to improve the quality of life of the
community at the village level or equivalent through
the KKBPK program and the development of other
related sectors in the context of creating quality small
2.1 Definition of Family
The family is defined as a form of social structure in
which also applies an institution. The structure of a
family is father, mother, and child. Activities that
occur in the family are governed by certain rules
which the rules that apply in the family are different
from the rules that apply in other families. However,
these rules are generally in accordance with the
institutions that apply to the community concerned.
Thus a nuclear family is a social structure consisting
of fathers, mothers and children, each of which has its
own function and role. Where one of the roles and
functions of the family and members in the family is
In community life there are three (3) family forms,
namely First, the nuclear family or family consisting
of a father, mother and unmarried child. In the nuclear
family the influence of social interaction is still very
thick because there is no division of affection or
affection, both from the husband to his wife and
parents to children. Second, an extended family
consisting of grandfather, grandmother, brother-in-
law, uncle, grandchildren and so on. In this family the
division of love will increase and parents' giving to
children will decrease. The three polygamus families,
which consist of several nuclear families led by a
family head, in this family the influence of interaction
has faded seen from the division of love has expanded
because in this case a father will give affection to
some wives and some children from several wives
who he married. So it will cause jealousy because of
the division of husband's love for his wife and father
for children. Usually in this family conflicts will
easily occur due to jealousy, especially a husband or
father who is unfair in giving love.
The family plays an important role in developing
welfare, care and basic education for family members
(Fahrudin, 2005). In all societies, the responsibility
for caring for, caring for and caring for children is
borne by the family institution (Nock, 1992). In line
with social change, the family has also experienced a
drastic change. The family is no longer the only safe
institution in providing protection and socialization to
family members. Family institutions are increasingly
critical and beset by various social problems.
Modernization of society has an impact on the
formation of new social values regarding family
institutions. Simon (1996) said humans at this time
began to emphasize individualism (individualistic)
and too much emphasis on the economy
(economistic). In this context, many people think that
the family is no different than just a stopover and no
longer a place to give birth, educate and establish
relations with their generation of heirs.
Based on Government Regulation of the Republic
of Indonesia Number 87 Year 2014 it is said that a
qualified family is a family formed based on a legal
marriage, and is characterized by being prosperous,
healthy, advanced, independent, having an ideal
number of children, forward-looking, responsible,
harmonious and piety to God the Almighty.
2.2 The Theory of Family
Based on Government Regulation No. 87 of 2014
concerning Development of Population and Family
Development, Family Planning and Family
Information Systems. It is stated that the family
function as referred to in paragraph (1) includes:
a. religious function;
b. social cultural function;
c. love function;
d. protection function;
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
e. reproduction function;
f. socialization and education function;
g. economic function; and
h. environmental fostering function.
There are many models or theories about family
functioning but very few explanations regarding the
size of family functioning. Walsh (1982) provides a
comprehensive assessment model of normal family
processes. According to him, family normality can be
seen in four ways, namely; health or absence of
pathology, ideal or optimal vision of family
functioning, average statistics, normal processes
including family life cycles. When Beavers and
Hampson (1990) developed a model of family
functioning using the concepts of style and
competence. The competency dimension is used to
assess globally the quality of health or family
competence which is applied to several dimensions
and sub-dimensions, among others;
1. Family Structure, including authority/power,
coalition Parents closeness
2. Family Mythology, including belief and
perception of family
3. Negotiation, including relation to solve the
4. Autonomy, including expressing expression,
responsibility and transparency/openness
5. Influence, including feeling range, mood andtone
of voice, conflict and empathy.
Dunst, Trivette and Deal (1988) suggest several
indicators of the functioning of family institutions,
1. Family values are values that are shared and
practiced by all family members.
2. Family skills view the ability of the family and its
members to survive in various situations they
3. The pattern of interaction refers to the ability of
the family and its members to build and develop
patterns of social interaction both within the
family and outside the family.
2.3 Family Planning (KB)
Family Planning, according to WHO (World Health
Organization) is an action that helps individuals or
married couples to: (1) avoid unwanted births, (2) get
desirable births, (3) set intervals between births, (4)
control the time of birth in relation to husband and
wife's age , (5) determine the number of children in
the family (Hartanto, 2004).
Family planning is an effort to increase awareness
and community participation through maturing the
age of marriage, birth control, fostering family
resilience, increasing family welfare to realize a
happy and prosperous small family (Juliantoro,
Family Planning is an effort to create a quality
family through promotion, protection, and assistance
in realizing reproductive rights as well as providing
services, arrangements and support needed to form a
family with an ideal marriage age, regulating the
number, distance, and ideal age for childbearing. ,
regulate pregnancy and foster children's endurance
and well-being (BKKBN, 2015).
2.4 Family Planning (KB) Village,
Government Programs in
Managing Welfare
The KB Village was launched by the President of
the Republic of Indonesia (Ir. Joko Widodo) in
January 2016. The background for the formation of
the KB Village was formed, there are a number of
things behind it, namely: (1) The KB program no
longer resounds and sounds echoed like in the Order
era New, (2) to improve the quality of life of the
community at the village level or equivalent through
the KKBPK program and the development of related
sectors in order to create quality small families, (3)
strengthening the KKBPK program that is managed
and organized from, by and for the community, (4)
realizing Indonesia's development ideals contained in
Nawacita especially the 3rd priority agenda namely
"Starting development from the periphery by
strengthening regions and villages within the
framework of a unitary state" and the 5th Priority
Agenda, namely "Improving the quality of life of
Indonesian people", (5 ) raise and revive the family
planning program to welcome the achievement of the
demographic bonus that is predicted to occur in the
future a year 2010-2030. In general, the purpose of
the establishment of the KB Village is to improve the
quality of life of the community at the village level or
its equivalent through the KKBPK program and the
development of other related sectors in order to create
quality small families. In achieving its goal there are
4 attention that become the program, namely: 1). To
bring the service of KKBPK, 2). Strengthening 8
family functions, 3). Active participation of the
community, 4). Integrated cross-sector development.
This research is a descriptive analytic study using a
mix method approach to get quality families through
Implementation of the KB Village Program in Achieving Quality Families in Percut Sei Tuan Deli Serdang Regency
the study of family functions. This research was
conducted in Percut Village, Percut Sei District, Deli
Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. The writer took in
Percut Village, Percut Sei Tuan District because of
the writer's interest in seeing how the Implementation
of the KB Kampung Program in Percut Village,
Percut Sei Tuan District. In addition, according to
information obtained by the author from BKKBN,
one of the villages that implemented the KB village
program was Percut Village.
To collect data in this study, it was carried out
with in-depth interviews. Interviews were conducted
with the staff of the North Sumatra BKKBN Head and
the Family Planning Field Officer (PLKB) of Percut
Sei Tuan Village and the community.
In the presentation of the data the results of the
interview were presented using a software called EZ-
text. This software is useful in helping researchers to
create a matrix of the questions used.
4.1 The Perception of Ideal Family
The ideal family is everyone's dream, so parents
should strive to make the family happy as the smallest
unit in society. If the family is naturally happy to give
birth to a prosperous society and to stick to the value
of Pancasila. To keep the family away from
abandonment is the obligation of all families, both
parents and children. The person closest to the child
is the father and the mother, if the mother is
responsible for the treatment, then the father is
responsible for finding the life of his child. The father
is only obligated to provide a biological child during
a biological child in conditions that require life, he is
not obliged to provide for his child who has wealth to
sustain himself. A father who is capable but does not
provide for his son when his child in need, can be
forced by a judge or imprisoned until he is willing to
fulfill his obligations. But at our community Kokoro
to the tightest it is. Imprison parents for not being able
to fulfill or give the breadth of decent livelihood.
Disputes despite the disputes of parents and children
to the legal line, more to criminal Tindakan. For
example, violence in a family is done by one of the
family members.
4.2 The Implementation of Family
Planning (KB) Village towards the
Strengthening of Family Function
Mrs. Yanti considered that the presence of the KB
village in this village was very good because
according to her, this KB village could increase the
knowledge, skills and awareness of mothers and
family members in fostering the development of
toddlers, balanced growth of children and
adolescents, and empowering the elderly to improve
their welfare. Public Health Center (Puskesmas or
posyandu) provide various health facilities such as
immunization, provision of vitamins, weighing
infants to determine the child's development. In this
Dusun, there are activities that are made for the
elderly such as morning gymnastics, and provision of
groceries. And for teenagers, there are activities such
as mutual cooperation and recitation activities.
According to Mrs. Yanti, the facilities provided in
KB Village are adequate, such as free contraception,
a posyandu that is conducted once a month. In
addition there is also counseling conducted by the
Health Extension Workers such as Midwives and
similar institutions to increase community knowledge
about family planning. This counseling does not run
The existence of the KB Village program in this
Dusun makes family functions more optimal.
Whether it's the function of affection (affection), the
function of religion, the function of protection, the
function of socio-culture, the function of
reproduction, the function of socialization and
education, the function of economics, and the
function of formation.
Mrs.Yanti herself is a spiral contraceptive user
who is paired at the village health center. The change
that was felt by Mrs.Yanti herself since the existence
of the KB village was that health was increasing, and
parents were increasingly encouraged to improve the
education of children and parents. And in the
experience of Mrs.Yanti who already has 3 children,
the mother always brings her toddler to the posyandu
and sends her children to early children Education
program (PAUD) and continues to provide
educational facilities to her children. With the
existence of this KB village, hopefully this program
will continue to run well so that it can improve the
quality of health from infants to the elderly.
Mrs. Supini is a midwife who is directly
responsible for implementing family planning. Supini
said that the KB program has been running for 2
years. Before being placed in Dusun XIV Percut
Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Regency, he was placed in Bagan. However, the KB
Village program is not going well because the people
who refuse are limited in their number of children.
According to him, the village program of Dusun
XIV, went well and the community was enthusiastic
and supported this program. The program that was
running was also well scheduled, 2 weeks before the
arrival of the KB Mobile, Mrs. Supini would deliver
it to the community to attend. However, specific
programs do not yet exist, there are only basic
programs such as contraception, for other counseling
is still not running.
The family planning program that runs also
cannot be separated from permission from her
husband. Before running program, the wife will ask
for approval from her husband. Fortunately, in Dusun
XIV, all husbands are very supportive. Family
planning programs are still limited in practice because
men feel they do not need this program. For men, this
program is more effective for women only. However,
Dusun XIV men actively participated in every
counseling that was held.
Teenagers in Dusun XIV are also enthusiastic in
participating in counseling. No teenagers get married
early, the average age of married couples is over the
age of 20 years. He hopes that there are no couples
who get married early, aka not yet entering the mature
age to get married. This will also support the birth rate
to decrease.
Mrs. Atut is a resident who uses contraception
Mrst does not always follow counseling. According
to Atut herself, she agreed with the presence of the
KB village because they could get health facilities.
This mother always takes her child to the posyandu
when she was a toddler. The existence of the KB
Village program in this Dusun makes family
functions more optimal. Whether it's the function of
affection (affection), the function of religion, the
function of protection, the function of socio-culture,
the function of reproduction, the function of
socialization and education, the function of
economics, and the function of formation. He felt the
positive impact of the KB village program.
Mrs Suyatni is one of the KB post guards. This is
also supported by Mrs Suyatni's house factor which is
only adjacent to the KB Kampung Pos location. Mrs
Suyatni, who usually cleans the KB Village post and
reminds the public of the counseling that will be
carried out.
According to Mrs. Suyatni, the movers of the KB
Village were students. The student in question is also
a Flores student who is conducting research in the
Mangrove KB village. Mrs. Suyatni explained that
the KB Village Post was still in the expanding stage.
The post is also not utilized properly because if there
is counseling, it will be carried out at the midwife's
house. The KB village post was instead used as a
place for community gatherings for events.
Counseling programs are also sometimes
implemented at the Posyandu of Percut Village. The
tools available are also already available on the KB
KB mobile Service and sometimes from the Public
Health Center (puskesmas).
According to Meter and Horn Policy implementation
is actions carried out by individuals or groups of
government and private that are directed to achieve
the goals set in previous policy decisions (Subarsono,
AG. 2005).
Running the KB Village program needs to involve
many parties, the article is that it is an easy task that
can be done alone. The number of people involved in
this program is on the one hand a positive value, on
the other hand it can bring up the negative side if the
potential is not well-integrated and well managed.
There needs to be a strong and compact team that can
unite all the potential to unleash sectoral egos which
is still very common.
However, to improve the implementation of the
KB Village program, the most important thing is to
strengthen the commitment or political will of policy
makers at various levels from the Regional
Government to the Village Government to provide
total support for each planned program. In addition,
eliminating sectoral egos is an important key to the
success of the KB Village program, because the
implementation of this program is not solely the
responsibility of the population office but is related to
Health, Education, Economy, Community
Empowerment to the provision of infrastructure.
Cross-sectoral development and partnerships involve
the roles of various parties such as the private sector,
providers and other stakeholders (Raikhani,,
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