The Role of Family Communication in Child Education
Dini Safitri, Rayni Delya Hafni, Aisya, and Nada Syifafasya
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Family Communication, Education, Children.
Abstract: Interwoven family communication is very important in determining the child’s education. Unfortunately,
many families are less attentive to the communicaton and interaction patterns. The purpose of this research
is to find out the problems in family communications in child education. This reseach uses a variable of
family communication factors that have four dimensions, namely communication source, message, media,
and receiver. This research methodology is quantitative with a type of descriptive research. The population
and samples amounted to 34 people who were elementary school students. The results of this study show
that there is less in the family communication factors performed by their families. This is seen on the lowest
mean, which is a message with a science indicator.
According to Kharuddin in Ammang, et al. (2017),
the family is the most important primary group in
society. Historically, families were formed from
limited organizational units, and had a minimum
size, especially on the parties, who initially held a
Families are small groups who play an important
role in influencing the mindset of a child. In
families, the child will be educated, cared for, and
built a social construction. In terms of building a
mindset and others, there needs to be a
According to Ika in Safitri(2017), the pattern of
communication and interaction that is carried out in
a family, has an influence on the development and
formation of mental health in children. One of them
is the pattern of parents in facing and resolving
issues. The pattern will be handed down to the child
through modelling.
A child with a golden parent will tend to have a
similar trait to his or her parents. They also tend to
be a pencezes. Meanwhile, children who have
aggressive parents, will tend to have aggressive
perliaku too (Sari,, 2010).
The pattern of behavior above, will directly
affect the mindset and behavior of children.
Likewise, with the thought of a child about the
importance of education and school, will be greatly
influenced by the family. Therefore, communication
within the family should be observed, ranging from
the way to communicate, the frequency of
communication, and what is communicated will
affect the child's education (Fithria, 2011).
This communication is instrumental in
conveying a message and what the message will be
to be interpreted by the child. Reviewed from the
scope of education, the family is the first
environment for child education (Novrinda et al.,
Statistical data from Kemdikbud, in the year
2017/2018 there are elementary school children who
drop out of school in Indonesia. This is certainly
based on communication families the child which is
one of their drivers for dropouts (Watuliu, 2015).
Communication is fundamental to human life.
Communication becomes a basis for the
establishment of a society or community that is
integrated with information. Each individual in the
community, sharing information with each other to
achieve a common goal(Sudjipto, 2017).
Communication is also understood as a form of
interaction, that is, the process of causation or aksi-
reaksi that turns the direction. Where, this
communication involves communicator as a
message presenter, both verbal and nonverbal to the
communicator. The communfishes then respond
actively, dynamically, and reciprocally to verbal and
non-verbal responses. Thus, the interaction between
parents and children greatly determines the basis for
a child's supply. In order to grow the child's growth
Safitri, D., Hafni, R., Aisya, . and Syifafasya, N.
The Role of Family Communication in Child Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0010018002700273
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industr y 4.0, pages 270-273
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
process is assured and lasts optimally, the family
must meet the basic needs of children, namely
attention and compassion (Hyoscyamina, 2011).
The attention and compassion given to the child
is included in the communication. It is
communication that occurs among family members
in both verbal and nonverbal forms. Communication
in a family has two principles, effective
communication and ineffective communication. The
effectiveness of family communications is intended
to deliver a relatively clear message that has an
understanding of the meaning of the message
(Sambuaga, 2104).
In this study, we used a Newcomb model
introduced by Theodore M Newcomb. This theory
aims to introduce the role of communication in
social relations (society) and to maintain social
balance in social systems. The consentration of the
Newcomb theory is on social communication
purposes, showing all communication as a means of
maintaining the relationship between people. This
theory is commonly called the "ABX" Newcomb
communication Model because it works in a
triangular format or an "ABX" system:
A – Sender
B – Receiver
X – Matter Of Concern
It is a model of the intentional two-person
(interpersonal) communicative action because in
Newcomb models, communication is a common and
effective way that allows people to orient themselves
to their environment.
This is another way to say that we are gaining
social and psychological support for the orientation
we do. If the B we value is rated X in the same way
as ours, we tend to believe in our orientation more.
So we communicate with the people we value about
objects, events, people and ideas (all including X)
that are important for us to reach an agreement or a
coorientation, or use the term Newcomb, symmetry.
Asymmetry is part of the Newcomb model when
people "agree to disagree".
ABX Newcomb's communication model is a
social psychology communication model that seeks
to understand communication as a means in which
everyone can maintain their balance of relationships.
Essentially things are balanced through persuasive
communication that is trust, attitude, and something
that is important to a person. Also according to the
theory this model develops that the role of
communication between individuals in a relationship
is very important, with the demonstrated
interconnectedness and interest between two people
connected by A X B.
Communication using objects or discussion. This
is to maintain a balance of social relationships that
occur between two individuals.
When the balance of relationships is interrupted,
it certainly uses communication to rerenew the
relationship. According to Newcomb, the simplest
form of communication situation is described by the
situation where Mr. A talked to Mr. B about
something that is labeled X. This Model is also
known as balance theory.
Based on the background and literature study
above, it can be formulated the problem as follows
how the role of family communication on child
education. As well as the formulation of the
problem, the purpose of writing is to analyse and
find answers to problems in family communication
to children's education.
The research methods used in this study are
quantitative and descriptive methods. According to
Sugiono (2014:7) A descriptive method is
interpreted as a study that intends to expose the data
by analyzing the data obtained so as to obtain a clear
picture of the method that emphasizes on the aspect
of the measurement objectively To social
phenomena, quantitative research was processed and
analyzed by statistics. The type of research method
used in this research is research surveys where the
data will be taken from a predetermined sample.
Then the data is studied and is taken into conclusion
of the relationship between the relevant variables in
the research process. The population in this study is
elementary school students with a sample age of 7-
13 years. The communication that happens should
be considered, because the family environment is the
beginning of child learning. Especially when the
children are in the learning period and many want to
In this study, the author will conduct research on
26 – 30 June 2019. This research is done by
spreading the questionnaire with the respondent who
has determined the criteria. The author also only
conducts research within that time and will not
conduct research at any other time to compare.
The descriptive method aims to expose situations
and events. A descriptive method is to seek or
examine the relationship between variables.
Descriptive research studies the problems of society
and certain situations including relationships,
The Role of Family Communication in Child Education
activities, attitudes, views and ongoing processes
and influences of a phenomenon. The purpose of
descriptive research is to make descriptions,
depictions or paintings systematically, factual and
accurate as well as the facts, traits and relationships
between the phenomena investigated (Rakhmat,
The factors of communication in the family are
very important, because the family is the initial
environment of learning children. Then according to
Cangara (2013). There are dimensions, i.e.
communication sources, messages, media, and
receivers with the indicators to be measured are:
1. Information sender
2. Science
3. Entertainment
4. Information
5. Advice
6. The Five Senses
7. Message Goals
8. Message effects.
We conduct research on the role of family
communications on child education to learn and
analyse and find answers to issues in family
communication to children's education. The
following is the result of this research findings
presented in the Table 1.
Table 1: Mean per dimension.
No Dimension Mean
1 Communication sources 3,2
2 Message 3,1
3 Media 3,3
4 Receivers 3,17
Based on the Table 1, it can be crossed that the
highest mean value is in the third dimension of the
medium, and the lowest dimension is in the second
dimension of the message. We conduct research on
the role of family communications on child
education to learn and analyse and find answers to
issues in family communication to children's
education he media dimension is the highest
dimension. According to the average respondent's
response, the communication that is happening face
to face on their family is maximal. Whereas message
dimensions get the lowest mean value. The average
respondent's response tends to indicate that the
communication does not contain educational
elements. The following is a table per indicator:
Table 2: Mean per indicator.
No Indicator Mean
1 Information Sender 3,2
2 Science 3,01
3 Entertaiment 3,085
4 Information 3,26
5 Advice 3,09
6 The Five Senses 3,335
7 Message Goals 3,02
8 Message effects 3,32
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the highest
mean on the five senses indicator, and the lowest
mean per-indicator is on the science indicator. Table
above the data processing results 16 statements, 8
indicators, 4 dimensions, and 34 statement. Based on
the mean per-indicator diagram, it can be seen that
the highest mean being on an indicator using the five
senses is the highest indicator, this indicates that the
respondent's family is maximized in delivering the
information using the five senses. While the lowest
mean is at the lowest indicators of science, it shows
that the respondent's family has not maximized
information about science.
Communication is important in life, we may not be
able to communicate either intentionally or
unintentionally. So, the communication that happens
in a family is not the same as other family
communications. Each family has its own
communication pattern. Communication in the
family is very important because there is openness
between parents and children. This research consists
of 4 dimensions, namely communication source,
message, media, and receiver.
The highest-value dimension is owned by the
media, with the average respondent strongly agreed.
This shows that communication that happens face-
to-face on their family is maximal. This dimension
has one indicator, namely five senses.
The first indicator, the five senses face-front. On
this indicator the average respondent replied very
agree because their family has been maximal in
communicating through the media face to face.
The lowest Mean is on the science indicator, this
shows that the respondent's family has not
maximally conveyed information about science.
Family communication should be carried out as
the four dimensions exist on the family
communication factors. Following these standards,
will make an improvement in the good relationships
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
of a family, and also improve the quality of
children's education.
Thank to FIS UNJ who has sponsored this research.
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The Role of Family Communication in Child Education