Performance Measurement Barriers of Specialist Doctors
in General Government Hospitals in Medan City
Zulfendri, Juanita and Arfah Mardiana Lubis
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Performance Measurement Barriers, Specialist Doctors, General Government Hospital, Medan City.
Abstract: Performance measurements if implemented properly can be an effective tool for improving the performance
of specialist’s doctors. The previous research showed there are barriers in the implementation of doctors’
performance measurements in private hospitals in Medan City. However, some barriers are felt by the
specialist doctors in general government hospital in Medan City. This qualitative research uses in-depth
interviews as data collection and then analyzed by thematic analysis. Informants in this research are 16
specialist doctors. The results showed that the specialist doctors felt that the medical services they received
were less suitable to the number of patients they handled since the financial section is less transparent about
the number of patients paid out regarding to the performance measurement of specialist doctors. They also
did not know how the performance measurement process was carried out. Therefore, it can be concluded that
the barriers perceived by specialist doctors in government hospitals in Medan City particularly in the
performance measurement of specialist doctors are non-transparency and miscommunication between the
specialist doctors with the human resource department as well as the financial section about the performance
measurement system of specialist doctors.
According to the Constitution of the Republic
Indonesia year 1945 and Pancasila, health is a Human
Right. In the Law of the Republic Indonesia number
36 year 2009 about Health and Law of the Republic
Indonesia number 29 year 2004 about Medical
Practice, explains that “health is a healthy condition,
physically, mentally, spiritually and socially which
enables every person to live productively social and
economic”, which must be realized in the form of
health services. The essence of health service delivery
is the organization of medical practice (Undang-
Undang Republik Indonesia Number 36 Year 2009).
However, according to Romadhon (2006) which
proves Leape's opinion, compared to other industries,
the errors are most prevalent in the healthcare
industry. Based on research from the National Health
Service (NHS), it is estimated that there have been 25
medical negligence in every medical negligence
reported (Alim, Musakkir, and Irwansyah, 2013). In
the United States, in the 1970s, the number of medical
malpractice cases increased threefold compared to
previous years and Thesisituation continued to
increase until in the 1990s (Dokter Anak Indonesia,
2013). Research in the United States shows that local
doctors are less able to communicate effectively with
patients and the lack of collaboration between
personal doctors and consultants (Aditama, 2003).
Even these complaints to doctors happened in
Indonesia. According to Wibisono (2013), citing the
opinion of the Chairman of the Indonesian
Association of Specialist Surgical Specialists, from
2006 to 2012, there were 98 cases of medical
negligence/malpractice that occurred by specialists
throughout Indonesia. The city that has the most
complaints is in Jakarta, Bandung, Tangerang, and
Medan (Adisasmito, et al., 2010; Panggabean, 2014).
Based on the result of Humairah (2014) interview
with the Chairman of the Association of Indonesian
Pediatricians of North Sumatra, communication
between doctors and patients in Medan city is not
maximal, so is the coordination of fellow doctors in
Medan City. These resulted in many
misunderstandings, causing the patient's family to
protest which eventually led to malpractice
These cases indicate the poor performance of
specialist doctors in Medan, in providing health
services. Therefore, to know the performance of
Zulfendri, ., Juanita, . and Lubis, A.
Performance Measurement Barriers of Specialist Doctors in General Government Hospitals in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010014502320236
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 232-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
specialist doctor in the actual hospital, it is necessary
to measure the performance of specialist doctor at the
hospital. In addition to knowing the performance of
specialist doctor in the actual hospital, the
measurement of the performance of specialist doctor
in hospital also important to spur the specialist doctor
to continue or to improve specialist doctor’s
performance. Performance measurement is one of the
fundamental functions of the existing medical
committee in the hospital. If implemented properly,
performance measurement can be an effective tool for
improving the performance, productivity and
development of specialist doctors. For the specialist
doctors themselves, the measurement is one way to
know the results of the effort as their contribution to
the continuity of the hospital (Wijayanti and
Wimbarti, 2012; Sulistyawan, Wurijanto, and
Subiyantoro, 2013; Koeswanto, 2016).
However, from the results of Lubis and Nasution
(2017) research that conducted interviews with
medical committees in private general hospitals
around Medan City, there were several barriers in
doctor performance measurement in the private
general hospitals around Medan City, the doctors
themselves do not support the performance
measurement system, the medical committee does not
monitor well the performance measurement system,
and doctors are less likely to be measured. This is
contrary to the opinions of Moorhead and Griffin
(2013) and Aamodt (2016), citing Bernardin and
Beatty, that the performance measurement system is
a process of measuring employee behavior with
measurements and comparisons with predefined
standards, documenting the results, communicating
the results to the employees, and the results of the
performance measurement are requested approval
from the employees in the performance measurement
sheet. When viewed from the definition of the
performance measurement system above, that the
performance measurement should be communicated
to the measured person, then the hospital
management that does not communicate its
performance measurement, it can be said that the
hospital did not conduct a performance measurement.
Based on the opinion of Romadhon (2006), no
performance measurement is one example of system
failure in health care organization that can cause
medical error.
This is accordance with the results of Zulfendri
(2014) study, the absence of doctor’s performance
measurement in private general hospitals around
Medan City, meaning that the role of Medical
Committee in private general hospitals around Medan
City is not optimal. This is contrary to the Regulation
Minister of Health in Republic Indonesia (Peraturan
Menteri kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2011)
Number 755/Menkes/Per/IV/2011 about the
organization of medical committee in hospital. Under
this regulation, the medical committee of each
hospital is required to verify the validity of a person's
competence evidence, even though a medical staff
has obtained a specialist degree from the concerned
medical college (credential).
However, it is not known whether these barriers
occur also in general government hospital in Medan
City or there are other barriers that are felt by
specialist doctors who are in government hospitals in
Medan City. Therefore, this research aims to
determine the barriers perceived by specialist doctors
in government hospitals in Medan City about the
performance measurement of specialist doctor, so that
the government hospitals in Medan City can improve
specialist doctor performance measurement
effectiveness and efficiency.
The research aims to know the barriers of
performance measurement of specialist doctors in
general government hospital of Medan City, so this
qualitative research uses in-depth interviews to 16
specialist doctors which are in 16 SMF as data
collection. The data obtained are then analyzed by
thematic analysis. The research was conducted from
May to November 2017.
From the results of interviews with 16 specialist
doctors in general government hospital of Medan
city, performance measurement has been done with
the online system. The process and the result of
performance measurement can be seen by superiors
and specialist doctor themselves. This result is
different from Lubis and Nasution (2016; 2017)
study. From the research in private general hospitals
around Medan City, performance measurement
hasn’t been done with the online system. They still
use paper stuffed manually.
The purpose of performance measurement of
specialist doctor in general government hospital
Medan city is to determine the remuneration / medical
service (Pay for Performance / P2) which is directly
sent to each specialist doctor's account. This is in
accordance with the opinion of Aamodt (2016) that
Performance Measurement Barriers of Specialist Doctors in General Government Hospitals in Medan City
performance measurement should be clear about its
purpose, and one of them is salary increases. This
result is similar to Lubis and Nasution's (2016; 2017)
study. From they’re research in private general
hospitals around Medan City the purpose of
performance measurement is to see the potential of
the doctors, monitor, evaluate and ensure the
performance of the doctors whether it is in
accordance with the operational standard of the
procedure or not, so it can give a decision whether the
doctor gets a salary increase or not.
The appropriate amount of remuneration is critical
to the improvement of the specialist doctor’s
performance. This is consistent with the results of
Alhamidah, Adenan, and Pujianti (2016) studies
indicating that there is a significant relationship
between rewards on performance and doctor
satisfaction. Even from the results of research
Kurniadi (2012), compensation has a very strong
influence on performance.
Performance measurement of specialist doctor in
general government hospital Medan city is done once
a month. This is in accordance with the opinion of
Aamodt (2016) that performance measurement
should be done once in 6 months so that the medical
committee or specialist doctor measured more
quickly improve the specialist doctor’s performance.
This result is different from Lubis and Nasution
(2016; 2017) study. From they’re research time
measurement is done once every 4 months, once
every 6 months or 1 year.
There are four components of a specialist's
performance measurement of specialist doctor in
general government hospital Medan city, namely the
quantity of work (target number of patients treated),
the quality of work, behavior and additional activities
of the presence. These four components are arranged
using ratings of graphic rating scale or behavioral
checklists. There is weighting in every rank. In the
opinion of Aamodt (2016), these four components fall
into the Goal-focused and Trait-focused performance
The quantity of work made by the specialist
doctor himself and see whether at the end of the
month has reached the target or not, the quality of
work, behavior and additional activities of the
presence, measured by the medical committee as
supervisor of the performance of specialist doctor in
the hospital. This is in accordance with the opinion of
Aamodt (2016) that who can be an appraiser is a
superior and specialist doctor himself. This result is
different from Lubis and Nasution (2016; 2017)
study. From they’re research the appraiser iswho is
appointed by the medical committee that is the
superior or co-worker of the measured doctors.
From the results of deep interviews with 16
specialist doctors in general government hospital
Medan city, the doctor can’t refuse the performance
measurement system, because if the performance
measurement is not performed, the specialist doctor
will not receive his medical remuneration/medical
service. This result is different from Lubis and
Nasutions (2017) study. From they’re research
doctors are less likely to be measured and do not
support the performance measurement system.
However, from deep interviews with 16 specialist
doctors in general government hospital Medan city,
there are some specialist doctors felt that he was not
included in the targeting of the number of patients
treated, so the doctor feels the target number of
patients treated by one specialist with another
specialist does not meet the standards. There is also a
specialist who feels that the remuneration/ medical
service he received were less suitable for the number
of patients he was working with. There are even
specialist doctors who do not know how the process
and results of the doctor's performance measurement.
There is also a specialist doctors, although the feeling
of acceptable remuneration/ medical service is
inconsistent with the number of patients treated, the
specialist accepts voluntarily and assumes his work is
a devotion to society and worship with God.
From the results of deep interviews it can be
concluded that the barriers perceived by specialist
doctors in government hospitals in Medan City about
the performance measurement of specialist doctor are
non-transparency and miscommunication between
the specialist doctor itself, with the Human Resources
department (HR department) as well as the financial
section of the system performance measurement of
specialist doctors. From the results of Silaban, Lubis
and Salmah (2013; 2015), as well as the results of
Lubis and Nasution (2017) study, non-transparency
and miscommunication of these performance
measurement results not only in specialist doctor at
government hospitals in Medan, but also in doctors
and nurses in private public hospitals and midwives
in maternal and child hospitals around Medan City.
Based on the opinion of Wijayanti and Wimbarti
(2012), satisfaction in the process of measurement
and involvement and employee participation in
determining the measurement factors and the process
of making the measurement system can improve the
perception of procedural justice which can also
minimize the measurement bias. Specialist doctors
should know the results of their performance
measurement, because with feedback can improve the
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
quality of the performance of the specialist doctors.
However, these can happen if the specialist doctors
accept and assume that the performance measurement
is a source of information that can help them to
improve their performance. These can happen if
every specialist doctors is informed of the results of
their performance measurement as well as followed
by explanations of the measurement results and how
to improve their performance (Giesbers et a.l, 2014).
From the results of the above research and discussion,
it can be concluded that the barriers perceived by
specialist doctors in government hospitals in Medan
City about the performance measurement of specialist
doctor are non-transparency and miscommunication
between the specialist doctor itself, with the HR
department as well as the financial section of the
system performance measurement of a specialist
Therefore, all sections related to performance
measurement, such as medical committee, HR
department, finance section and specialist doctor
themselves must provide time to sit together, to
explain the overall performance management
process, then the calculation of medical services from
performance measurement results, and more recently
determine the target number of patients treated in
each specialist doctor. After the measurement, a
specialist should be aware of the results of the
specialist doctor’s performance measurement by
means of the medical committee should be able to
provide time and choose a neutral, special place, and
there is no limit table between the medical committee,
the HR department, the finance department and the
specialist, although performance measurement results
can already be viewed online. The medical committee
should prepare for an interview by reviewing the
results of an existing performance measurement and
the reasons for the performance measurement. Firstly
a specialist doctor should see that the feedback
provided comes from a credible source. This is
important to be done so those specialist doctors are
satisfied with the performance measurement process
that has been done. Another important thing is to let
a specialist doctor discuss his thoughts and feelings
and set performance goals for future goals.
Thanks to Universitas Sumtera Utara which has
funded this research (TALENTA University of
Sumatera Utara) through Non PNBP fund for Fiscal
Year 2017.
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