Analysis the Relationship of Sociodemography and Knowledge of
Diabetics Mellitus on the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence
Sorimuda Sarumpaet
, Evawany Aritonang
and Syarifah
Department of Epidemiology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Community Nutrition, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Health Education and Behavioural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Patients DM, Sociodemography, Risk of Pulmonary TB.
Abstract: Indonesia ranks second highest with the highest number of TB incidents in the world, 391 per 100,000
inhabitants (WHO, 2017). International Diabetes Federation (2012) reported that DM sufferers risk 2.5
times to develop into pulmonary TB than those who do not DM. Research objectives to analyze the
relationship of sociodemography and knowledge on the risk of Pulmonary TB. The study was case control
and location of the research in 6 Puskesmas Medan city (Sering, Glugur Darat, PB Selayang, Sunggal,
Medan Deli and Simpang Limun). Case samples are DM sufferers with Pulmonary TB and control samples
are the DM sufferers who are following the TB treatment program in the health center, respectively 54 for
case samples and control. Data was analyzed by chi-square test. The results showed no relationship between
age (p = 0.163), gender (p = 0.120), education (p = 0,234), occupation (p = 0,167), knowledge (p = 0,846)
on the pulmonary TB incidence in DM sufferers.
According to WHO (2013), TB disease is the second
leading cause of death that has infected 9.4 million
people and killed 1.7 million people worldwide each
year. Indonesia ranks second highest with the
highest number of TB incident cases in the world, at
391 per 100,000 population (WHO, 2017). There
were 22,627 TB sufferers in North Sumatra Province
in 2013.
Based on Rachmawati (2015) in the clinic of
internal medicine Prof. Dr. Soerojo Magelang, the
average fasting blood sugar level 75.3% is bad and
postprandial sugar level 90.5% is also bad. All
patients did not regularly check HbA1c levels.
Patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are more at
risk of suffering from pulmonary TB than without
DM. Hyperglycemia in people with DM causes
impaired neutrophil and monocyte function which
affects chemostactic function, phagocytosis and
decreased bacterial killing power. According to
Reis-Santos et al. (2013), decreased immunologic
response in a person will facilitate the development
of infectious diseases including Mycobacterium
Based on Magee's research (2011) shows that in
countries with a high DM prevalence, it is also
followed by a high TB prevalence. This has an
impact on the increasing health burden. The
International Diabetes Federation (2012) reports that
people with DM are at a higher risk for developing
pulmonary TB than those without DM, which is 2.5
Based on data from the Central General Hospital
(RSUP) of H. Adam Malik Medan, it is known that
the number of people with type 2 diabetes have
complications of pulmonary TB hospitalization in
2017 was 124 people.
So far there has been no research that explains
the risk of pulmonary TB in patients with DM in
puskesmas (health center). For that we need to know
the factors that influence the risk of pulmonary TB
in people with DM.
This study is a longitudinal observational study with
case-control design. Cases were DM patients with
pulmonary TB while controls were DM patients
Sarumpaet, S., Aritonang, E. and Syarifah, .
Analysis the Relationship of Sociodemography and Knowledge of Diabetics Mellitus on the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence.
DOI: 10.5220/0010014202180221
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 218-221
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
without pulmonary TB. The population of all adult
DM sufferers (18 years old) registered at the
Puskesmas Sering, Glugur Darat, PB Selayang,
Sunggal, Medan Deli and Simpang Limun. The case
population was all DM patients with pulmonary TB,
while the control population was all DM patients
without pulmonary TB.
Case samples are DM patients with pulmonary
TB who are currently attending a TB treatment
program/who have recovered and are registered at
the Puskesmas Sering, Glugur Darat, PB Selayang.
Sunggal, Medan Deli and Simpang Limun. The
control sample was DM sufferers who were taking
medication and were recorded at the health center.
The sample size was calculated with following
values based on a study: confidence level = 90%,
power (1-β) = 80%, case control ratio = 1:1, odds
ratio = 3.19, obtained 108 samples, 54 each for case
and control samples. Data collection techniques
conducted interviews using a questionnaire that has
been tested for validity and reliabilityand visited
each patient's house according to the address
recorded at the puskesmas.
The analysis was carried out using univariate
analysis by presenting frequency distribution data of
proportions from cases and controls. Bivariate
analysis performed a chi-square test to assess the
degree of significance (p) and OR to determine the
influence of independent variables on the dependent
Based on the results of the study, the risk factors for
pulmonary tuberculosis in diabetics can be seen on
the Table 1. The proportion of respondents aged 60
years is higher in the case group as much as 70.4%
and the control group as much as 55.6%, while
respondents aged >60 years in the case group as
much as 29.6% and the control group as much as
44.4%. Based on the results of the statistical test
analysis p value = 0.163, which means there is no
influence of age on the incidence of pulmonary TB
in patients with DM. This is in line with Lusiani
(2017) research who examined the risk factors for
manifestation of pulmonary TB in patients with type
2 DM in Surabaya in 2017 stating that there was no
significant effect between age on the incidence of
pulmonary TB in DM patients (p=1,0).
The results of this study indicate that
transmission of pulmonary TB can be at risk in the
age group 60 years or>60 years in people with DM.
This is in accordance with the nature of pulmonary
TB which can be transmitted directly from sputum
of TB patients with Acid Fast Bacilli Positive
(AFB+) by spreading TB germs into the air in the
form of sputum droplets (droplet nuclei). Based on
data from the Ministry of Health (2018), it is found
that pulmonary TB sufferers occur in all age groups
ranging from infants to the elderly.
Table 1: Relationship of sociodemography on the incidence of pulmonary TB in patients with DM.
Respondent Status
OR (90% CI)
Case Control
f % F %
60 38 70,4 30 55,6
>60 16 29,6 24 44,4
Male 28 51,9 19 35,2
Female 26 48,1 35 64,8
Low 17 31,5 24 44,4
High 37 68,5 30 55,6
Not working 29 53,7 37 29
Working 25 46,3 17 25
Total 54 100 54 100
Analysis the Relationship of Sociodemography and Knowledge of Diabetics Mellitus on the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence
By sex, know that the proportion of respondents
based on male sex is higher in the case group by
51.9% and in the control group by 35.2% while
female respondents tend to be low in the case group
by 48.1% and high in the control group by 64.8%.
Based on the results of the statistical test analysis,
the value of p=0.120 means that there is no influence
of sex on the incidence of pulmonary TB in patients
with DM. The results of this study are in line with
the study of Nasr et al. (2016) in Egypt stating that
there was no significant effect of sex on the
incidence of pulmonary TB in DM patients (p=0.86).
The results of this study indicate that pulmonary TB
is an infectious disease that can attack anyone
without knowing the sex and have the same
opportunity in people with DM.
Based on education it can be seen that the
proportion of respondents with higher education is
higher in the case group by 68.5% and in the control
group by 55.6%, while respondents with low
education in the case group by 31.5% and in the
control group by 44.4%. Based on the results of the
statistical analysis test p value = 0.234 which means
there is no influence between education on the
incidence of pulmonary TB in patients with DM.
This is in line with the research of Hapsari (2017)
who conducted a study in Tambaksari District,
Surabaya, which stated that there was no
relationship of education on the incidence of
pulmonary TB in patients with DM (p = 0.608).
This is different from the results of
Juwatiningsih's research (2013), which states that the
variable that influences the risk of pulmonary TB
infection in patients with DM is the level of
education (OR = 203,83)with a p value <0.05. Based
on work, it can be seen that the proportion of
respondents not working in the case group was
53.7% and in the control group was 68.5%, while
the respondents who worked in the case group were
46.3% and in the control group by 31.5%. Based on
the results of the statistical analysis test, the value of
p=0.167 means that there is no relationship of work
on the incidence of pulmonary TB in patients with
DM. This is different from the study of Hapsari
(2017) which states that there is a work effect on the
incidence of pulmonary TB in patients with type 2
DM (p = 0.022) and DM patients who do not work
have a risk of 3,297 suffering from pulmonary TB
compared with patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
who work . Work is a measure of socioeconomic
level and a person's health problems, because work
is a source of income that affects a person's
socioeconomic and nutritional status. Fulfillment of
nutrition that is not good allows the condition of a
person's body will be vulnerable to disease and
reduce the body's immune status. In poor
environmental conditions, a person with poor
nutritional status will be vulnerable to contracting
infectious diseases, especially pulmonary
tuberculosis. Whereas in this study the work had no
effect on the occurrence of TB in patients with DM,
possibly because the respondents were those seeking
treatment at the puskesmas using BPJS so that they
were in the socioeconomic group and relatively
homogeneous nutritional status both in cases and
From the Table 2; the proportion of respondents
with low knowledge in the case group is 40.7% and
in the control group is 44.4%, while respondents
who are knowledgeable in the case group are 59.3%
and in the control group are 55.6%.
Based on the results of the statistical test analysis
p value = 0.846 which means there is no influence
between knowledge on the incidence of pulmonary
TB in patients with DM. This shows that between
high and low knowledge have the same chance of
TB occurrence. In this study respondents who suffer
from DM are patients who seek treatment at the
Health Center where they get the same information
from puskesmas staff about the knowledge and risk
of TB that can arise due to suffering from DM.
Table 2: Relationship of knowledge on the incidence of pulmonary TB in patients with DM.
Respondent Status
(90% CI)
Case Control
f % f %
0, 85
Low 22 40,7 24 44,4
High 32 59,3 30 55,6
Total 54 100 54 100
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
The results showed that there was no gender
relationship on the incidence of pulmonary TB in
DM patients (p = 0.120), there was no effect of
education on the incidence of pulmonary TB in DM
patients (p = 0.234), there was no occupational
relationship on the incidence of pulmonary TB in
DM patients (p=0.167), there was no relationship of
knowledge on the incidence of pulmonary TB in
patients with DM (p = 0.84).
Thanks to the Research Institute of Universitas
Sumatera Utara who has given the research fund
with the contract number: 4167/UN 5.1.
R/PPM/2019 dated 01 April 2019.
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risiko tuberkulosis pada penderita DM tipe 2, Jurnal
Berkala Epidemiologi, 5(2), 185-194.
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Analysis the Relationship of Sociodemography and Knowledge of Diabetics Mellitus on the Pulmonary Tuberculosis Incidence