Implementation of Program for the Acceleration of Region
Development in the Outer Environment in Medan City
Muhammad Ardian
and Arief Marizki Purba
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Implementation, Acceleration Development, The Region.
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the implementation of the Medan Outer Ring Acceleration Program in the
Medan Tuntungan District and to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors. The method used is a
descriptive with a qualitative approach. The focus of research determined includes: road construction, health
sector development, education sector development, economic development, supervision, and coordination
among implementers. The results showed that the implementation of the accelerated development program
for the outer ring region in Medan Tuntungan District was effective and was able to add and improve several
facilities and infrastructures. Although the development has not been optimal, the actions taken by the Medan
Tuntungan subdistrict government has brought a better change, and made the atmosphere and environment of
the people safer and more comfortable. Factors that support the development of infrastructure in the District
of Medan Tuntungan include support of all citizens to government policies through proposals submitted to
the Government of Medan City regarding the need for accelerating regional development. Factors hampering
infrastructure development in this subdistrict are the lack of public awareness of the use and maintenance of
infrastructure provided by the government and the limited regional budget for infrastructure development.
Before construction is carried out, systematic,
directed and integrated steps called planning are
needed. The existence of planning in a development,
especially in the sphere of government is to realize
the objectives of the state. National development
planning is regulated in Law No. 25 of 2004
concerning the national development planning
system (SPPN). National development is carried out
based on democracy with the principles of
togetherness, justice, sustainability, environmental
insight, and independence by maintaining a balance
of progress and national unity. Development planning
is directed, integrated, comprehensive, and
responsive to change.
In implementing the development planning that
has been made, the central government cannot run
alone, it requires cooperation and coordination with
the regions given the vast geographical area of
Indonesia. Law No. 32 of 2004 concerning regional
government, opened up opportunities for regions to
be able to run regional government independently.
This makes the region more focused in developing the
region in the context of prospering the local
community. Local governments are required to make
regional development plans that are in accordance
with the vision and mission of the elected regional
head and refer to the national development plan. Thus
it is expected that there will be integration, synergy,
and harmonious relations between the central and
regional government plans.
The success of development is the result of
successful planning, the success of regional
autonomy can be seen from development, namely
development from all aspects. Fulfillment of
infrastructure development such as the availability of
access roads with good conditions, can facilitate
social and economic activities and can illustrate how
development in the area. Problems then arise when
there is a development gap between the center and the
region, as well as one region with other regions.
The lack of local government attention to the
condition of the community makes the level of
community welfare in the regions after regional
autonomy not developed because the community only
follows what is instructed by the government without
knowing the benefits and impacts of the results of
activities. The decrease in the level of community
welfare has an impact on increasing unemployment
Ardian, M. and Purba, A.
Implementation of Program for the Acceleration of Region Development in the Outer Environment in Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010013701810190
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 181-190
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that makes the inability to compete in looking for
work, increasing poverty that makes the inability of
people to meet their basic needs of life, and the
inability to participate in government activities.
Acceleration is an effort to accelerate an activity with
a plan that is carried out to improve the quality of life
of the community. The acceleration must be
accompanied by systematic steps to increase
community empowerment so that people do not
return to poverty.
Medan City is one of the major cities in Indonesia
which is also in the spotlight of the government in
terms of its development, be it development in the
social, economic, political, and cultural fields. In its
Development Plan, Medan City has implemented a
Development Acceleration Program that not only
relies on Development in the urban center area, but
also accelerated development in the outer ring
area/outer part of Medan City. This was done in order
to equalize Medan City Development, both in the
social, economic, political and cultural fields.
The acceleration of development in the outer ring
area of Medan City is carried out by the Medan City
Government in order to equalize development in all
Medan city areas, one of which is the Medan Tuntung
District. Medan Tuntung sub-district is one of the
sub-districts in the border area of Medan City and
Deli Serdang Regency. There are several cases of
problems that occur in Medan Tuntung, this can be
seen from some complaints from Medan Tuntung
residents. Medan Tuntung residents complained
about poor road infrastructure, poorly maintained
drainage, as well as clean water channels in their
neighborhood. Regarding the bureaucracy in the
management of KTP, KK, government assistance
related to land certificates and others were also
The purpose of this study was to describe how the
Implementation of the Medan City Acceleration Area
Development Acceleration Program in the District of
Medan Tuntung and to determine the factors
supporting and inhibiting the acceleration of
Implementation comes from English, which is to
implement, which means to implement. In simple
terms implementation can be interpreted as
implementation or application. Browne and
Wildavsky (Usman, 2008: 7) suggest that
"implementation is the expansion of activities that
adjust to each other". Implementation is an action or
implementation of a plan that has been prepared in a
mature and detailed manner. Implementation is
usually done after planning is considered perfect.
According to the opinion of Webster (in Wahab,
2004: 23) Implementation is the provision of means
to carry out something that has an impact or effect on
something. Something that is done to have an impact
or effect can be in the form of laws, government
regulations, judicial decisions and policies made by
government institutions in the life of the state.
According to the opinion of Syaukani (2004),
implementation is a series of activities in order to
deliver policies to the public so that the policies can
bring the expected results. The series of activities
include, Firstly, the preparation of a set of advanced
regulations which are interpretations of the policy.
Second, prepare resources to drive implementation
activities including facilities and infrastructure,
financial resources and of course the determination of
who is responsible for carrying out these policies.
Third, how to deliver policies concretely to the
Surmayadi stated that there were three important
elements in the implementation process, namely: (1)
the existence of a program or policy that was
implemented (2) the target group ie the community
groups that were targeted and determined to receive
benefits from the program, changes or improvements
(3) the implementing element (Implementer) both
organizations and individuals are responsible for
obtaining implementation and oversight of the
implementation process (Sigarlaki, 2017: 67).
The use of the term implementation was first used
by Arold Lawswell (in Purwanto, 2012: 17). As the
scientist who first developed the study of public
policy, Lawswell discussed an approach he called the
Policy Process Approach. According to him, in order
for scientists to get a good understanding of what the
meaning of public policy really is, public policy must
be broken down into several parts as stages, namely:
agenda-setting, formulation, legitimacy,
implementation, evaluation, reformulation and
termination. From this cycle it is clearly seen that
implementation is only part or one of the stages of a
large process of how a public policy is formulated.
As a further process after a program is formulated
in the form of a decision by the actors is how the
program is implemented. Implementation is
interactive from the process of activities that precede
it. This means that the formulation of policies and
their implementation are interrelated with one
another. Based on this understanding, the technical or
management aspects (in an organization) are a means
to realize the goals set in public policy. The process
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
of implementing a new policy can begin when policy
objectives have been set, implementation programs
have been created, and funds have been allocated for
the achievement of these policy objectives (Herman
et al., 2014).
Meanwhile, van Meter and van Horn (in Winarno,
2002) limit the implementation of policies as actions
taken by individuals or groups of government or
private that are directed to achieve the goals set in the
previous policy decisions . these actions include
efforts for previous policies. These actions include
efforts to convert decisions into operational actions
within a certain period of time as well as in order to
continue efforts to achieve major and minor changes
determined by the decision policy decisions.
Policy Implementation According to Carl. J.
Friedrich public policy is a direction of action
proposed to a person, group, or government in an
environment with obstacles and opportunities, which
are expected to meet and overcome these obstacles in
order to achieve an ideal or realize a will as well as
specific goals.
Put simply according to Koryati et al. (2004)
regarding the implementation of policies can be seen
as a process of implementing policy decisions,
usually in the form of laws, government regulations,
judicial decisions, executive orders, or presidential
instructions. According to the opinion of Wibawa, et
al. (1994), policy implementation is the manifestation
of decisions regarding fundamental policies, usually
contained in a law but.
Development is usually inherent in the context of
the study of a change, development here is defined as
a form of change that is planned; each person or group
of people will certainly expect changes that have a
better shape or even perfect than the previous
situation; to realize this expectation certainly must
require a plan. Development planning is felt more as
a more rational and orderly effort for the development
of undeveloped or newly developing societies.
Development is a process of transformation that
in the course of time is marked by structural changes,
namely changes in the basis of economic activity and
in the economic structure of the community
concerned (Sanusi, 2004). Development According
to the opinion of Kartasasmita, in essence is from and
for all people. Thus, in an effort to achieve the
intended development goals must involve and in turn
be enjoyed by all levels of society. This demand
actually coincides with the concept of sustainable
development (Herman et al., 2014).
Implementation of Infrastructure Development in
the framework of Regional Development
Acceleration can be demonstrated in the form of road
infrastructure development, health infrastructure,
educational infrastructure, and economic
infrastructure (Herman, et al, 2014).
Infrastructure is infrastructure as physical facilities
that are developed or needed by public agencies in
transportation, water supply, electricity, and other
services to facilitate economic and social goals.
The infrastructure system is the main supporter of
social functions and economic systems in people's
daily lives. Infrastructure systems can be defined as
basic facilities or structures, equipment, installations
that are built and needed for the functioning of social
systems and economic systems (Kodoatie, 2003).
Grigg and Fontane (2000) explained that
infrastructure is a physical system that provides
transportation, roads, irrigation or irrigation,
buildings and other public facilities, which are needed
to meet basic human needs both social and economic
needs. This understanding refers to infrastructure as a
system. Where infrastructure in a system are parts in
the form of facilities and infrastructure that are
inseparable from one another. The infrastructure itself
in a system supports the social system and the
economic system as well as being a link with the
environmental system. The availability of
infrastructure has an impact on social systems and
economic systems that exist in the community.
Therefore, infrastructure needs to be understood as
the basis for making policies.
Infrastructure development in a system supports
the activities that exist in a space. Infrastructure is a
container as well as a catalyst in a development. The
availability of infrastructure increases people's access
to resources so that it can increase efficiency and
productivity leading to the economic development of
a region or region. Therefore it is important how the
engineering system and infrastructure management
can be directed to support the economic development
of a region. Infrastructure engineering and
management systems affect the land use system
which ultimately builds an activity.
The government through presidential regulation
number 42 of 2005 concerning the acceleration of
infrastructure provision committees whose provision
is regulated by the government, namely:
transportation infrastructure, road infrastructure,
drinking water and sanitation infrastructure,
electricity infrastructure, telematics infrastructure.
The infrastructure classification above can be
categorized as basic infrastructure Because it is
needed by the wider community, it needs to be
regulated by the government
In Law No. 38 of 2004 stated that the road as a
means of transportation is an important element in
Implementation of Program for the Acceleration of Region Development in the Outer Environment in Medan City
stimulating and anticipating economic growth that
occurs. In agrarian societies, roads are used to market
agricultural products. Whereas the World Bank
(2007) states that incentives for farmers (prices and
inputs) are useless if there are physical obstacles and
high economic costs for transportation of goods.
The development of road infrastructure will also
contribute to the growth of new areas by increasing
the volume of traffic. Poor and poor road
infrastructure will hinder the allocation of resources,
industrial development, distribution of factors of
production, goods and services, which in turn will
affect income. Road infrastructure is very important
for economic and social growth and only roads in
good condition can facilitate this mobility, so this
study for infrastructure indicators uses long lanes in
good condition. This is to illustrate how much
government performance in terms of infrastructure to
facilitate the mobilization of goods / services in order
to improve the welfare of the community.
Road infrastructure as a transportation
infrastructure plays a role in economic growth so that
the production and distribution process will be more
efficient. Poor road infrastructure development will
hamper the allocation of resources, industrial
development, distribution of factors of production,
goods and services, which in turn will affect income.
Ikhsan (2004) stated that:
"The highway will affect variable costs and fixed
costs. If infrastructure must be built by the private
sector, the costs will increase significantly and
cause the cost of entry for an economic activity to
become very expensive so that economic activities
cannot be realized due to lack of infrastructure."
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
health as a condition of physical, mental and social
well-being, and not merely being free of disease and
physical weakness. Economically, a healthy society
will produce a healthy workforce and is an important
input for economic growth. Countries that have low
levels of health and education face greater challenges
to achieving sustainable growth compared to
countries with better levels of health and education.
According to the opinion of Yuliati (2011), the
level of public health that affects the age of labor
productivity which can affect the output of goods /
services, increase wages and ultimately affect the
welfare of the community. A healthy society will
have an impact on improving the welfare of the
population as a whole. This indicator is also used by
the government as a sub-indicator of regional
potential indicators on the requirements for passing
DOB candidates into DOBs.
Health services through hospitals and health
centers and other health services are expected to
improve the quality of health that reaches the entire
community to achieve equitable health development.
The development of health infrastructure, both in
quantity and quality, will encourage an increase in the
quality of human resources, which is an input factor
for sustainable economic growth (Krismanti, 2009).
The education sector is an important part of public
service. In the National Medium-Term Development
Plan (RPJMN) 2004-2009, it is mentioned that the
problems in the field of education in Indonesia
include education service facilities, especially for
junior secondary and higher levels of education which
are not yet available equally, as well as the
availability of educators that are inadequate both in
quantity and quality. Regional expansion allows the
government to improve the distribution of
educational facilities both at basic and advanced
levels as well as improve the availability of adequate
teaching staff through the role of local government.
With a shorter span of control and a more equitable
fiscal allocation it should be the basis for improving
education services in each region, particularly the
pemekaran region (Bappenas in collaboration with
UNDP, 2007).
There are several reasons why education is very
important in efforts to improve the welfare of society.
First, in a microeconomic perspective, education
increases the human capital inherent in the workforce,
which will increase labor productivity. Secondly,
education will increase the innovation capacity of an
economy, new knowledge of technology will drive
growth. Third, education facilitates and disseminates
the knowledge needed to understand and implement
new information found by others, this encourages
growth (Bappenas, 2007).
Drainage is an arch or water channel on the
surface or under the ground, whether formed
naturally or made in humans in Indonesian, drainage
can refer to trenches on the surface of the ground or
underground sewer drainage plays an important role
to regulate water supply for flood prevention.
Drainage means to drain, drain, dispose, or divert
water. Generally, drainage is defined as a series of
water structures. Which serves to reduce or remove
excess water from an area or land, so that land can be
used optimally. Drainage can also be interpreted as an
effort to control groundwater quality in relation to
sanitation (Suripin, 2004).
In Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial
Planning, a region is a space that constitutes a
geographical unit and all elements related to it whose
boundaries and systems are determined based on
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
administrative and/or functional aspects. According
to the opinion of Rustiadi, Saefulhakim, and Panuju
(2009) a region can be defined as a geographical unit
with certain specific boundaries where the regional
components interact with one another functionally.
So that boundaries are not always physical and exact
but are often dynamic. Regional components include
natural biophysical components, artificial resources
(infrastructure), human and institutional forms. Thus
the term region emphasizes the interaction between
humans and other resources that are within a certain
geographical unit boundaries (Nugroho, 2012: 95).
The concept of the area according to Hagget, Cliff
and Frey (in Rustiadi, et al., 2009) regarding the
typology of the region, classifies the concept of the
region into three categories, namely: 1) homogeneous
region (uniform/ omogenous region), 2) nodal region
(nodal region), and 3) planning area (planning region
or programming region). In line with these
classifications, according to Glason (in Tarigan,
2010) based on the economic progress phase,
classifying regions/regions into:
1. The first phase is the formal area regarding
uniformity/homogeneity. A formal region is a
geographical area that is uniform according to
certain criteria, such as the physical state of
geography, economy, social and politics.
2. The second phase is the functional area with
regard to functional coherence and
interdependence, the interrelationship between
the parts in the region. Sometimes it is also called
the nodal region or polarized region and consists
of heterogeneous units, such as rural cities that
are functionally interrelated.
3. The third phase is the area of planning that shows
the coherence or unity of economic decisions.
The method used is a descriptive research method
with a qualitative approach. Qualitative research
methods are research procedures that produce
descriptive data in the form of words (can be spoken
for religious, social, cultural, philosophical research),
notes relating to the meaning, value and
understanding of Bogdan and Biklen in Kaelan (2012:
5) .
This form of research consists of a review of the
literature relating to the Implementation of the Medan
Outer Ring Acceleration Program and a field study to
examine the factors that support and inhibit the
Medan Outer Ring Acceleration Area Program, in
this case the Medan Tuntungan District.
The field study is aimed at examining the
implementation of the Medan Outer City
Acceleration Area Development Acceleration
Program, especially in the Medan Tuntungan District,
by identifying issues related to its Community
Empowerment Policy, Community Education
Degrees, Socio-Economic as reviewed by the
Political Perspective of Development.
The focus of the research is the focus of the focus
on the essence of the research to be conducted, so the
focus of the research in this study is the
Implementation of the Infrastructure Development
Acceleration Program in Medan Tuntungan District.
This research was conducted in Medan Tuntungan
District, Medan.
As for the informants in this study consisted of
key informants, namely the Medan Tuntungan
District Head. The main informants, namely Staff/
Apparatus in the Medan District Head Office, and
additional informants, namely Community Leaders.
Data collection techniques used in this study were
Interview, Observation, Literature Study, and
Documentation Study.
The data analysis technique used in this research
is a qualitative data analysis technique. Data analysis
is carried out interactively and continues
continuously until complete, until the data is
saturated. Activities in data analysis after data
collection include data reduction, data display and
data verification (Sugiyono, 2013).
The model of policy implementation examined by
Merilee S Grindel in Subarsono (2008: 92), sees that
the success of implementation is assessed from two
aspects, namely the Content of Policy or the Context
of Policy or the policy environment. The indicators to
see the success of the policy in terms of the contents
of the policy are (1) The extent to which the interests
of the target groups or target groups contained in the
policy content; (2) the types of benefits received by
the target groups; (3) The extent of desired changes
in a policy: (4) Is the location of a program
appropriate; (5) Whether a policy has specified the
implementor in detail and (6) Whether a program is
supported by adequate resources. While indicators of
the policy environment are seen from: (1) How much
power, interests and strategies possessed by the actors
involved in policy implementation; (2)
Characteristics of institutions and regimes in power;
(3) The level of compliance and responsiveness of the
target group.
Implementation of Program for the Acceleration of Region Development in the Outer Environment in Medan City
At the stage of public policy, the implementation
of public policy is an important stage and must be
passed in order to achieve results from a policy.
Public policy implementation is the implementation
or execution of a policy issued by the government in
the form of laws and regulations so that the objectives
of the public policy will be achieved if passed through
the stages of implementation or implementation. At
this stage of implementation, of course variables will
be found that affect the success or failure of a policy
implementation which in other policy
implementations will greatly assist in the
improvement and refinement of the stages of policy
implementation in the future.
In order to expedite the implementation of
government tasks and community activities need to
be supported by adequate infrastructure development.
One of them is the construction of road infrastructure
and facilities. Because with adequate road facilities,
undoubtedly the implementation of government tasks
and community interests can be carried out
effectively. On the other hand it can facilitate the
accessibility of residents in all forms of activities that
involve the life of the community.
Roads are very vital infrastructure to support the
smoothness of transportation facilities as well as
driving the community's economy and as an arterial
pathway for local transportation, because it is proper
for the construction of road and bridge facilities to
receive greater attention, so that people's expectations
for easy access can be realized. In accordance with its
function, the condition of the road greatly influences
the smooth relations between the kelurahans, as well
as between sub-districts.
Based on observers in the field, most of the roads
in the District of Medan Tuntungan have decent or
good conditions. This is also in accordance with a
statement from Mr. Topan Obaja Putra Ginting,
S.STP, MSP as the Head of Medan Tuntungan
District Head who said:
"The condition of road infrastructure in Medan
Tuntungan sub-district is mostly in good condition.
As in Kelurahan Kemenangan Tani, Kelurahan
Mangga, Lau Cih, Simalingkar B. All of the road
conditions I think are good enough. You can check
and see for yourself. But I also can not dismiss that
there are also some roads in the District of Medan
Tuntungan still in unfit conditions. As the Head of
Medan Tuntungan, I always try to coordinate and
make every effort so that our road can be repaired
The statement received the same response from
Optima Manalu, S. Sos as Head of Facilities and
Infrastructure of Medan Tuntungan District District
who said that:
"Road Infrastructure, especially those in Medan
Tuntungan, are mostly in good condition. But there
are some roads that are still potholes and are
damaged. His condition is not too bad I think. And
the District Government of Medan Tuntungan will
always continue to improve the construction and
improvement of roads, so that the community can
carry out activities without having to be disturbed
by road damage.”
Both statements received the same response from
Mr. Adi Manik, as Community Leader of Tanjung
Selamat Sub-District, Medan Tuntungan Sub-District
who said that:
"Some of the Roads in Tanjung Selamat are already
pretty good. It can be seen from the road
improvements made which mostly make the roads
in the tanjung Selamat village get better.”
The same statement also emerged from Mr. Manik
Ginting, as the Community Leader of the Victory of
Farmers in the District of Medan Tuntungan said that:
"If the Road in Kelurahan Victory of Farmers is
almost evenly distributed, it is already good. So that
if we walk by vehicle it feels that way ... I see that in
this Kelurahan the road is quite good. Good asphalt
Based on these statements, it can be explained that
most of the roads in the Medan Tuntungan sub-
district are in relatively good condition. So that the
road that is always used by the community as a means
of support in community life activities is much more
comfortable to pass, both for walking users and users
of motorized vehicles or cars.
Policies or programs in terms of construction or
improvement of road infrastructure continue to be
carried out by the Medan Tuntungan District
government in order to improve services to the
community. Based on the above conclusions, the
theoretical implications according to Abdul Wahab
(1997) and also Mazmanian Sabatier (1981) have
been realized according to those stipulated in public
policy, namely the policy implementation process
begins when the policy objectives have been
determined, the implementation programs have been
created, and funds have been allocated for the
achievement of these policy objectives.
Education is one of the government programs that
must be continuously improved because bearing in
mind that the success of development that is being
and will continue to be carried out cannot be
separated from the influence of the quality of human
resources, both within the government body and the
community itself. Infrastructure development in the
field of education is the policy of the Medan City
Government as set out in the Regional Medium-Term
Program Plan (RPJMD) for 2016 – 2021. Serious
attention by the Medan City Government is not only
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
on building construction, teaching facilities, but also
the quality of teaching staff/teachers in order to
produce quality education.
The existence of the development of educational
infrastructure aims to strive for students in the area of
Medan Tuntungan District to get the widest
opportunity to attend quality education and teaching,
so that the development of educational infrastructure
is directed to build and complement existing
educational facilities. Also supported by efforts to
increase the number of teachers, both PNS and
Honorary status because without the support of
teaching staff, it will hamper the teaching and
learning process, so that the existence of
infrastructure development in the field of education
receives great attention in creating quality human
resources and increasing the expected teaching
qualifications in advancing education in Medan
Tuntungan District.
Medan Tuntungan Subdistrict is a Subdistrict that
has adequate educational facilities or infrastructure.
This can be seen from various schoolS; PAUD, TK,
SD, SMP, SMA, and academy/campus located in the
district of Medan Tuntungan District.
School is a very important thing for human life. In
the absence of schools, the quality of education in
Indonesia is disrupted. School is an institution that is
used for learning activities for educators and is a place
to give and receive lessons in accordance with their
fields. Schools become one of the places to educate
children with the intention to provide the knowledge
provided so that they are able to become useful
humans for the nation and also the country.
Facilities and infrastructure are one of the
necessary and very important educational resources
that are well managed and are an inseparable part of
education management. Such as buildings, land,
administrative equipment to the facilities used
directly in the teaching and learning process in class.
Educational facilities and infrastructure as well as one
of the elements of educational management that has
an important role in the teaching and learning process,
educational facilities are things that should not be
ignored. Educational facilities and infrastructure are
also used to facilitate students' understanding of the
material delivered by using appropriate educational
facilities and infrastructure in teaching and learning
programs to be more effective and efficient. With the
facilities and infrastructure
Simply according to Lineberry's theory that the
implementation process includes all actions between
the policy statement (formulation) and its actual
impact. The implementation process has elements to
define implementation responsibilities, describe
objectives, coordinate resources and allocate
resources for impact perfection or to achieve goals.
The development of health infrastructure has an
important position to support the implementation of
an effective government, because with adequate
health infrastructure the health of the organizers of
the state/government and the community will be
guaranteed. Therefore it is fitting if it gets more
attention from the government. so that the level of
public health and state/government administrators
can carry out their duties more effectively. However
the development of health infrastructure is very
urgent to improve public health. Because it is
appropriate if health infrastructure is built according
to the needs of the community so that it can be
accessed easily, cheaply and with quality.
Health infrastructure that we have known include
Public Hospitals, Community Health Centers,
Supporting Community Health Centers, and Clinics.
Medan Tuntungan Subdistrict has several health
infrastructures, among them the UPT Puskesmas
Tuntungan located in the Victory of Farmers.
UPT Puskesmas Tuntungan is a health
infrastructure in Medan Tuntungan District. This
facility is often used by the Tuntungan community for
medical check-ups or medical treatment. This is in
accordance with a statement from Mr. Topan Obaja
Putra Ginting, S.STP, MSP as the Head of Medan
Tuntungan District Head who said:
“Puskesmas Tuntungan is a health facility owned
by Medan Tuntungan District. I judge the
Puskesmas Tuntungan to have adequate
infrastructure. Health services provided by
Puskesmas Tuntungan to the Tuntungan
community have been very good. As the Camat, I
continue to coordinate with the Mayor through the
Department of Health to always pay attention to
development in the field of health through good
health services and the development of adequate
health facilities.
This is in accordance with the statement of Mr.
Manik Ginting as a community leader of Medan
Tuntungan Ministry of Victory of Farms that said:
“Health services provided by employees or medical
staff at the Puskesmas Tuntungan I think are very
good. Lots of people use this health facility.
Whether it's for checking health conditions,
treatment, child immunization, etc. This is always
done at the Tuntungan Health Center.”
Based on these statements, it can be explained that
the Puskesmas Tuntungan really provided good
health services. In addition, the health facilities are
sufficient. Existing infrastructure in the UPT
Puskesmas Tuntungan is good enough.
The existence of infrastructure development in the
health sector shows that infrastructure is available,
Implementation of Program for the Acceleration of Region Development in the Outer Environment in Medan City
but it is still a bit lacking accompanied by facilities
and medical personnel who are competent in their
respective fields. The sub-district government has
coordinated with the vertical agencies in charge
related to the limited resources of the apparatus each
year in finding solutions related to problems faced to
equip technical personnel. With this good
coordination, it contributes to support the smooth
running of health services to the community in Medan
Tuntungan District.
Development in the economic field in the context
of achieving the level of community welfare is always
continuously improved. Economic development is
not only by creating a regulatory system that regulates
economic centers and trade is carried out, but also
must be supported by the availability of an economic
infrastructure that is able to support the trade process
itself, especially in society so that the community's
economy can be carried out as well as possible.
Realizing that the development of economic
facilities is very much needed by the community and
economic actors in their area, the Medan Tuntungan
District Government has outlined a formulation in a
work program in creating economic and trade centers
as well as traditional markets that are able to increase
people's economic activities. This emphasis on
shifting centers or markets is because it is terrorically
stated that the existence of trade or market centers
will be able to invite the gathering of trade and
industrial businesses, as well as a variety of
commodities, so that the market will become a
growing economic center.
Based on field observations conducted by
researchers showed that the traditional market
conditions in the Mangga Village are very good.
Economic infrastructure development by the Medan
Tuntungan District Government has been very good.
This is evidenced by the supervision or construction
of market infrastructure that is always done.
Comfortable traditional markets will certainly be able
to improve the economy and income of the people of
Medan Tuntungan District. Rows of shopping
buildings that are also in the Mango Village show that
there is an increase in development in terms of
economic support infrastructure.
In addition to shopping buildings, in Medan
Tuntungan District there are also many people who
open shops or are usually called stalls or stalls in
which sell groceries and some other merchandise
needed by the community in general.
The existence of this infrastructure development
has enormous benefits for the community in
empowering the community's economy. It also shows
that the implementation of economic infrastructure is
going well in terms of bottom-up planning and is a
tangible manifestation in accordance with the vision
of Medan Tuntungan District in order to realize
excellent, professional and credible service towards
the field of fortune that is serving, friendly, beautiful,
safe, and harmonious (MeRIAH).
Factors that support the acceleration of
development in the District of Medan Tuntungan
1) Support of all citizens towards government
policies through proposals submitted to the City
Government regarding the need for infrastructure
development in the District of Medan Tuntung, in
the context of accelerating regional development.
2) The ability of the Medan Tuntung District Head
to approach the leadership of the vertical
organization of the City Government and
coordinate with several leaders of related
3) Law Number 33 of 2004 concerning financial
balance between the central government and
regional governments. Based on the policy,
Medan City can carry out infrastructure
development in various sub-districts, including
Medan Tuntung Sub-District in the framework of
equitable regional development.
4) A safe and harmonious condition of the
community environment so that infrastructure
development in the District of Medan Tuntung
can be carried out properly.
Factors that hinder the acceleration of
development in the District of Medan Tuntungan
1) Lack of public awareness of the use and
maintenance of infrastructure provided by the
government, so that conditions are easily
damaged. Such as the use of vehicles that have a
burden that exceeds the maximum transport limit.
2) Limited regional budget for infrastructure
development such as road construction,
education, health and the economic sector, so that
accelerated regional development cannot be
The funding factor is often late so that
development projects are often stalled so that they
do not reach the time target of the development.
Based on the results of research conducted with
the title “Implementation Of Program For The
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Acceleration Of Region Development In The Outer
Environment In Medan City” it can be concluded that
the existence of infrastructure development in the
Medan Tuntungan District of Medan is implemented
quite effectively and is able to add and improve some
facilities and infrastructure, not only road
infrastructure, health infrastructure, educational
infrastructure, but also increase economic
infrastructure. Although the infrastructure
development carried out in the Medan Tuntungan
sub-district area has not been optimal, the actions
taken by the Medan Tuntungan sub-district
government have brought a better change, and made
the atmosphere and environment of the people safer
and more comfortable. Factors that support
infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan
Subdistrict include the support of all citizens towards
government policies through proposals submitted to
the City Government regarding the need for
infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan
Subdistrict, in the context of accelerating regional
development, the ability of the Medan Tuntungan
District Head to approach the leadership of the
organization. vertical of the City government and
coordination with several related institutional leaders,
Law Number 33 of 2004 concerning financial balance
between the central government and regional
governments and the safe and harmonious condition
of the community environment so that infrastructure
development in the Medan Tuntungan District can be
carried out properly. Factors that hamper
infrastructure development in Medan Tuntungan
Subdistrict are the lack of public awareness of the use
and maintenance of infrastructure provided by the
government, so that conditions are easily damaged.
Such as the use of vehicles that have a burden that
exceeds the maximum transport limit, the limited
regional budget for infrastructure development such
as road construction, education, health and the
economic sector, so that the acceleration of regional
development cannot be actualized, and funding
factors are often late so often projects development
stalled so that it does not reach the target time of the
Based on the results of research that has been
done, the suggestion from the author is that the people
of Medan Tuntungan District must be more aware of
the use and maintenance of infrastructure that has
been provided and built by the government. So that
the infrastructure that has been built can have good
conditions. Such as the use of vehicles that have a
burden that exceeds the maximum transport limit.
And the budget allocated for development can be
increased, so that the acceleration of development can
be realized properly.
Thank you to the Research Institute of the Universitas
Sumatera Utara with the Contract Number: 4167 /
UN5.1.R / PPM / 2019, dated April 1, 2019 for
providing research funding so that this research can
be carried out and published.
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