Analysis of the Behavior of WBP to Terminate the Pulmonary TB
Transmission Chain in Medan and Lubuk Pakam Prison
Lina Tarigan, R. Kintoko Rochadi and Syarifah
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Keywords: Behaviour, Termination of TB Transmission Chain, WBP.
Abstract: Indonesia still holds the 2nd place in terms of the number of TB patients in the world. The prevalence of
pulmonary TB in prisons is estimated to be 3 times higher than the general population. According to the report
from the Department of Law and Human Rights of Sumatera Utara Province, from 2009 to 2011, the number
of new pulmonary TB cases among the residents of prison/correctional facility tended to increase every year,
an increase of an average of 7.2%. A research on the behavior of Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan (WBP) is
carried out to terminate the TB transmission (sputum, coughing, smoking, wearing masks, sleeping history
and smoking) behavior. The type of this research is cross-sectional with the entire population of WBP in
Medan and Lubuk Pakam Prison. The data collection is performed by interview using a questionnaire. The
data analysis is conducted by univariate and bivariate. The results show there is a relationship of knowledge
with cough behavior (p = 0.011) and wearing mask behavior (p = 0.011), there is a relationship between
attitude and sleeping in one room behavior (p = 0.032). There is no relationship between knowledge and
attitude with smoking behavior and throwing sputum behavior.
Tuberculosis is still one of the public health problems
in Indonesia. Tuberculosis is an infectious disease
caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria
which mostly attacks the productive age groups and
those who come from the weak economic groups. The
number of TB cases in Indonesia is around 5% of the
total TB patients in the world. The incidence of
pulmonary TB is still high in the community;
Indonesia still ranks second in the world with the
highest number of patients. Reportedly, there are 1
million cases of pulmonary TB or 399 cases per
100,000 populations (WHO, 2016). The prevalence
of pulmonary TB in prisons is estimated to be 3 times
higher than the general population (Direktorat
Jenderal Pemasyarakatan Kementerian Hukum dan
HAM RI, 2012). A report from the Department of
Law and Human Rights of Sumatera Utara Province
states that from 2009 to 2011, the number of new
pulmonary TB cases among the residents of prison /
correctional facility tended to increase every year, an
increase of an average of 7.2% (Direktorat Jenderal
Pemasyarakatan Departemen Hukum dan Hak Asasi
Manusia RI, 2016).
The majority of UPT Correctional Facilities
residents exceed the capacity and do not have special
infectious care rooms. This causes discomfort,
inadequate environmental sanitation, increasing the
susceptibility of transmission of various diseases,
especially TB amongst the WBP and prisoners.
Tuberculosis become the number four disease and the
second largest cause of death in UPT Correctional
Facilities according to the data of the Directorate
General of Corrections in 2014 (Kemenkumham dan
Kemenkes RI, 2015).
The quarterly data of the UPT Correctional
Facilities in 2014 showed 3,623 of suspected TB and
734 of TB patients. The cure rate among new MDR
TB patients is 41% in 2012 and 38% and 48% in 2013
and 2014, respectively. In 2014, there are 21 narcotics
prisons and 5 general prisons which functioned as
rehabilitation prisons for narcotics cases with 1,073
HIV patients in UPT Correctional Facilities in
Indonesia (Kemenkumham dan Kemenkes RI, 2015).
The high number of WBP and injecting drug users
(IDU) and the increase in people with Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in several UPT
Correctional Facilities will increase the number of
morbidity and deaths due to TB (Kemenkumham dan
Kemenkes RI, 2015).
Tarigan, L., Rochadi, R. and Syarifah, .
Analysis of the Behavior of WBP to Terminate the Pulmonary TB Transmission Chain in Medan and Lubuk Pakam Prison.
DOI: 10.5220/0010013601760180
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 176-180
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In accordance with the data from the Directorate
General of Corrections (Directorate General of PAS),
in 2011 from all reports of all correctional facilities
and prisons in Indonesia it is found there are 11% of
TB cases from the suspected TB examined (911 /
7,972) and 66 people (0.8%) passed away due to TB.
Other data from the Directorate General of PAS in
2011 report that TB ranks 4th out of 10 of the most
diseases suffered by prisoners and is the second
leading cause of death after HIV-AIDS (Direktorat
Jenderal Pemasyarakatan Kementrian Hukum dan
H.A.M RI, 2014).
The occurrence of TB in prisons is usually
reported to be much higher than the average level
reported in the general population. TB has been
reported as the most common cause of death in
prisons located in the country, even the risk of TB
infection will be 100 times greater in prisons than in
the community, due to prisons in Indonesia often
exceeds its capacity and is overcrowded, with
inadequate infrastructure and ineffective
environmental and sanitation measures (WHO,
2002). In addition, the behavior of WBP, namely
prisoners also play a role in the transmission of
pulmonary TB. The intended behavior is attitude,
knowledge, sexual behavior, and drug use.
Prisoners are a special group that has a high risk of
TB, the TB matter in prisons are expected to be high
due to the condition of the prison facilitates the spread
of TB infection due to the duration and repeated
exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis as a result of
late detection of cases, lack of isolation space (special
space for suspected TB) , inaccurate treatment of
infectious TB cases, high turnover of prisoners or
detainees through inter-prison transfers, free prisoners
and recidivists, poor ventilation and lack of direct
sunlight and poor sanitation hygiene (Departemen
Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia, 2008).
The study is conducted in Medan and Lubuk Pakam
Prison. Using a cross-sectional study design that
examines the relationship of knowledge and attitudes
toward the behavior of terminating pulmonary TB
transmission (coughing, expectoration, wearing
masks, smoking and sharing a room). The population
is all WBP with pulmonary TB in Medan and Lubuk
Pakam Prison. Data collection is carried out by
interviews using questionnaires. The size of the
sample is the number population of 59 respondents.
Data analysis is performed by univariate and chi-
square test, variables with p <0.05 are stated to have
a relationship.
3.1 Cough Behaviour
As seen on the Table 1, the proportion of respondents'
knowledge with bad cough behavior is greater with
low knowledge (43.3%) than high knowledge
(10.3%), but inversely the proportional to
respondents with good cough behavior, the high
knowledge is higher (89.7%) compared to low
knowledge (56.7%). But in contrast, a good attitude
is higher than poor attitude toward bad and good
cough behavior. Based on the chi-square test, there is
a significant relationship between knowledge and
cough behavior (p = 0.001), while attitude does not
have a significant relationship with cough behavior (p
= 0.0683).
Table 1: The relationship of knowledge and attitudes with cough behavior.
Cough Behavior
Bad Good
f % f % f %
Low 13 43.3 17 56.7 30 100
0.011 6.627 1.640-26.777
High 3 10.3 26 89.7 29 100
Good 12 30 28 70 40 100
0.683 1.607 0.441-5.680
Poor 4 21.1 15 78.9 19 100
Based on the result, knowledge has an influence
on the cough behavior of WBP, the higher the
knowledge of WBP, the better the cough behavior.
This is in line with research performed by Agustina
(2017) in Surabaya, which obtained p-value = 0.018
which means there is a difference in knowledge in the
family who live together. Lack of knowledge and
access to information causes a person to have limited
knowledge about the dangers of unhealthy behavior
so there is less motivation to adopt healthy behavior.
Analysis of the Behavior of WBP to Terminate the Pulmonary TB Transmission Chain in Medan and Lubuk Pakam Prison
For example, those who are less exposed to warnings
about smoking, poor eating habits, and lack of
exercise are likely not to understand the potential of
long-term danger of unhealthy behavior.
3.2 Sputum Disposal Behavior
Based on the Table 2, the proportion of high
knowledge is greater than low knowledge in WBP
with bad sputum disposal behavior, while WBP with
good sputum behavior, the proportion of low
knowledge is greater than high knowledge. Compared
with attitude, bad sputum removal behavior is
relatively the same, while good sputum removal
behavior is higher than bad attitude. Based on the chi-
square test, there is no significant relationship
between knowledge and attitudes toward sputum
removal behavior.
Although the result shows that there is no
significant relationship, however, there are
significant differences, therefore it could be
concluded that the better the attitude of a person, the
better their sputum removal behaviour.
3.3 Smoking Behavior
As shown in the Table 3, the proportion of knowledge
on smoking and non-smoking behavior is relatively
the same, whereas, in attitudes, the proportion of good
attitudes is greater than the poor attitudes. Based on
the chi-square test, it is found that there is no
significant relationship between knowledge (p =
0.905) and attitude (p = 0.653) with smoking
Based on the result of the study, the fact that
knowledge does not affect smoking behavior can be
caused by various things, the majority of WBP are
smokers so that it can affect the actions of other WBP,
despite having high knowledge but because the
environment encourages smoking, the non-smoking
WBP eventually becomes smokers.
Table 2: Relationship of knowledge and attitudes with sputum disposal behavior.
Sputum Disposal Behavior
p RP 95 %CI
Bad Good
f % f % f %
Low 4 13.3 26 86.7 30 100 0.465 0.484 0.125-1.871
High 7 24.1 22 75.9 29 100
Good 6 31.6 13 68.4 19 100 0.149 0.310 0.081-1.190
Poor 5 12.5 35 87.5 40 100
Table 3: The Relationship of knowledge and attitudes with smoking behavior.
Smoking Behaviour
p RP 95% CI
f % f % f %
Low 13 43.3 17 56.7 30 100
0.905 0.819
High 14 48.3 15 51.7 29 100
Good 10 52.6 9 47.4 19 100 0.653 0.665 0.222-1.993
Poor 17 42.5 23 57.5 40 100
3.4 Mask Wearing Behavior
Based on the Table 4, the proportion of low
knowledge (43.3%) is greater than high knowledge
(10.3%) in the behavior of not wearing mask,
inversely the proportional of the behavior of wearing
mask, the proportion of high knowledge (89.7%) is
greater than low knowledge (56.7%), the value of p
on the square-test = 0.01 which means there is a
significant relationship between knowledge and the
use of masks. The proportion of good attitudes is
higher than poor attitudes. Based on the square-test,
attitude does not have a significant relationship with
the use of masks (p = 0.683).
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
This result is in line with Yuliastuti (2014) on their
study in Rumkital Dr. Ramelan Surabaya, the study
obtained a value of p = 0.001 on knowledge, means
there is an influence of knowledge about TB with the
use of masks. Information exposure will result in more
knowledge than people who have not been exposed to
the information. The respondents’ environment that
supports information exposure will support TB
prevention. Good knowledge will influence the
prevention of pulmonary TB transmission behavior,
one of which is the behavior of wearing masks.
Knowledge is one important factor that is very
necessary in developing themselves, because the
higher the knowledge, the easier it is to develop and
receive information that comes from outside.
3.5 Sharing a Room Behavior
As seen on the Table 5, the proportion of high
knowledge is greater than low knowledge in WBP
with sharing a room behavior at risk, whereas WBP
who is not at risk, low knowledge is greater than high
knowledge, this shows knowledge has no influence in
determining behavior. Furthermore, based on the chi-
square test, the value of p = 0.152 is obtained,
meaning there is no relationship between knowledge
with sharing a room behavior and other factors that
cause a lot of high knowledge but have a risk because
of the placement in one room unintentionally with
patients with pulmonary TB. Although, previously
the patient is isolated despite having high knowledge
but due to regulations they finally have to share the
same room with patients with pulmonary TB.
The proportion of good attitudes is equally higher
at risk and non-risk WBP. The value of p = 0.032,
which means there is a significant relationship
between attitude and sharing a room behavior.
Knowledge is one of the factors that influence a
person's attitude. The higher the knowledge
possessed, the more it will contribute to the formation
of a good attitude. The formation of attitudes cannot
be separated from the factors that influence it such as
personal experience, culture, other people who are
considered important, the mass media, and emotional
factors of the individual. From the result, it is noted
that most of the attitudes and knowledge on WBP
included in both categories. Thus, it can be seen that
the action of wearing a mask for people who are not
infected with pulmonary TB will be better on WBP
who are behaving well.
Based on a study of Herdayati & Rosalina (2013),
it is obtained a value of p = <0.0001 which means
there is a relationship between the presence of TB
people in detention with TB transmission in prison.
The presence of TB patients in detention rooms used
to describe the number of AFB + in the environment
is known to be significantly related whereas people
who live in a room with TB patients have a risk of
14,802 times higher.
Table 4: The Relationship of knowledge and attitudes with mask wearing behavior.
Mask Wearing
RP 95% CI
No Yes
f % f % f %
13 43.3 17 56.7 30 100
6.627 1.640-26.777
High 3 10.3 26 89.7 29 100
Good 4 21.1 15 78.9 19 100 0.68
1.607 0.441-5.860
Poor 12 30 28 70 40 100
Table 5: Relationship of knowledge and attitudes with sharing a room behavior.
Sharing a Room
RP 95% CI
Risk No-Risk
f % f % f %
Low 9 30 21 70 30 100
0.152 2.500 0.859-7.273
High 15 51.7 14 48.3 29 100
Good 12 63.2 7 36.8 19 100
0.032 4.000 1.265-12.653
Poor 12 30 28 70 40 100
Analysis of the Behavior of WBP to Terminate the Pulmonary TB Transmission Chain in Medan and Lubuk Pakam Prison
There is a relationship between knowledge and cough
behavior (p = 0.01) and mask wearing behavior (p =
0.01). There is a relationship between attitudes with
sharing a behavior (p = 0.03). There is no relationship
between knowledge with smoking behavior (p =
0.90), sputum disposal behavior (p = 0.46) and
sharing a room behavior (p = 0 , 12). There is no
relationship between attitude and coughing behavior
(p = 0.68), sputum disposal behavior (p = 0.14),
smoking behavior (p = 0.65), mask wearing behavior
(p = 0.68).
Thank you to the TALENTA Research Institute,
Universitas Sumatera Utara for providing the
research funding with contract number: 4167 /
UN5.1.R / PPM / 2019. April 1, 2019.
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(1), 85-94. Retrieved from
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