Collaborative Management of Medan City Waste
and Deli Serdang Regency in the Mebidangro Concept
Hatta Ridho and Tonny Pangihutan Situmorang
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Institutional Management, Waste Management, Collaborative Management.
Abstract: Waste management is a challenge for many cities in Indonesia, including Medan. It is because of the
increase in waste, the burden on the city budget as a result of the high costs associated with its management,
the lack of understanding of diversity, the factors that influence the various stages of waste management and
solutions enable the entire waste handling system in Medan to be immediately implemented in the form of
policy. This research is a qualitative research with a critical paradigm. The purpose of this study is to
determine the behavior of stakeholders who have role in the waste management process and analyze the
factors that influence the challenges of waste management in Medan. Data is collected from structured
interviews with relevant professionals, field observations, books and scientific journals. The findings of this
study that challenge the management of waste management in Medan City are collaboration between
stakeholders in handling through institutional collaboration in the concept of Mebidangro institutional.
Inter-regional cooperation strategies are now a
leading program in many regions of the world. Not
only in developed countries but also developing
countries that are developing in an effort to get out
of the problems they face. The policy argument
based on the inter-regional cooperation presented is
that collaboration is very relevant and capable to
improve regional competitiveness in the conditions
of the global economic order (Parsons, 2005).
The role of Inter-Regional Cooperation (KAD) in
increasing regional competitiveness is in terms of
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of
resource management, including in terms of policy
levels related to investment, marketing and regional
promotion (Chul, 2016).
Waste problem is an actual problem faced by
many regions in various regions in Indonesia
including Medan City. This problem arises by
increasing population, technological advances and
transportation in urban areas which is directly
proportional to the increasing amount of waste
produced (Ferronato et al., 2017). This is a
consequence of Medan city as the most efficient and
effective location for productive activities related to
industry, transportation and other activities. The
problem has a bad effect because of the negative
impacts caused, such as; environmental damage,
pollution of clean water sources, flooding to various
diseases that are born (Dunn, 1998).
According to data from the Medan City
Sanitation Office in 2018, the amount of waste in
Medan in the last 3 (three) years continued to
increase, namely in 2016 the amount of waste was
1,595 tons per day, in 2017 amounted to 1,675 tons
every day and year 2018 of 2,000 tons per day
(Badan Pusat Statisitik Medan, 2018).
Based on Presidential Regulation No. 62 of
2011, the administrative areas of Medan City, Binjai
City, Deli Serdang Regency and parts of the Karo
District (Mebidangro) have been designated as one
of the National Strategic Areas (KSN). KSN itself is
an area whose spatial planning becomes a national
development priority, both in terms of economic,
social, cultural, environmental and other aspects
(Ismail, 2000).
Related to rubbish in Medan City is a
comprehensive problem that can be resolved through
the collaboration of Medan City Government and
Deli Serdang Regency Government in the
Mebidangro scheme, which until now has not been
effectively and efficiently implemented. Previously
there were 2 (two) locations that were used as
landfills (TPA) in the city of Medan, namely the
landfill TPA in the North Medan location and the
Ridho, H. and Situmorang, T.
Collaborative Management of Medan City Waste and Deli Serdang Regency in the Mebidangro Concept.
DOI: 10.5220/0010013201550159
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 155-159
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
TPA Namo Bintang in the village of Yet Bintang,
Pancur Batu District, Deli Serdang Regency.
However, until now the existing landfill site is still
not functioning optimally. This is due to the limited
area of landfills which also affect the technical
operational management and waste disposal
The impact of uncontrolled waste management in
Medan has begun to be felt by the community, such
as; the narrowing of the river basin (DAS), pollution
of water sources and flooding in the city of Medan.
This means that the collaboration of waste
management between Medan City Government and
Deli Serdang Regency Government in the
Mebidangro secretariat is something urgent to be
implemented. Because territorially, Medan City
borders and divides Deli Serdang Regency directly.
Moreover, large rivers in the city of Medan are
experiencing damage and a source of problems for
the community due to the accumulation of waste,
such as; Denai River, Babura River and Deli River
when viewed upstream and downstream watershed
are in Deli Serdang Regency.
The extent of the governor's authority as a
representative of the central government is expected
to be much cleaner, more effective, efficient and can
provide maximum public services for the
community, including in the case of implementation
of inter-regional cooperation (Mebidangro). The
complexity of the issue of governance in North
Sumatra Province illustrates that the meaning of
cooperation between regions should be carried out
with a comprehensive approach covering all
elements, planned, measurable, participatory,
sustainable implementative, and taking into account
the principles of cooperation.
This research is based on the problem of the poor
implementation of the Mebidangro RTRW in 4
Cities/Regencies in the Province of North Sumatra.
The research" Collaborative management of Medan
City Waste and Deli Serdang Regency in the
Mebidangro Concept" very well conducted in an
effort to overcome the waste problem in Medan.
This research method is qualitative with a critical
paradigm by conducting direct interviews with
informants, observations, interviews, journals, books
and documents related to Mebidangro.
Determination of informants as sources of data in
this study is determined on research subjects who
have the knowledge and experience needed by
researchers according to then expressing their
experience related to research needs. Data collected
from initial observation, pre-research to direct
interviews with informants in government,
academics to practitioners in perfecting research.
3.1 KSN Mebidangro Priority
Law Number 26 Year 2007 regarding Spatial
Planning related to strategic areas is an important
part of national development. The reason is that
there are activities that have a great influence on
spatial planning in the surrounding area, other
activities in the same field and activities in other
fields, and/or improving the welfare of the
community. Strategic area arrangements are
included in both the 2015-2019 National Medium-
Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the National
Spatial Planning (RTRWN) and are intended to
reduce regional development disparities between
Western Indonesia and Eastern Indonesia. In
addition, the determination of strategic areas also
aims to improve competitiveness. There are several
factors that need to be improved in order to support
the competitiveness of an area, namely
infrastructure, innovation, technology and workforce
competence. The support of logistics systems,
infrastructure, policies, regulations, spatial and
regional management, and the national
transportation system needs to be considered
comprehensively, including to increase the
competitiveness of a strategic area (Shazwin and
Nakagoshi, 2010).
Policy of the central and regional governments
are also needs to be synchronized so that they don't
obstruct or overlap one another. The availability of
infrastructure and connectivity in the transportation
and logistics system is one of the supporters. The
main regulation in the Mebidangro area concept is
Perpres No. 62 of 2011 concerning Spatial Planning
for Urban Areas of Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang and
Karo (Mebidangro) with 6 aspects; policy, physical,
economic, infrastructure, socio-cultural and
3.2 Waste Management Collaboration
in Medan City in the Mebidangro
Empirically the process of collecting and
transporting waste in Medan uses two ways: first, it
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
is carried out from a source of waste generation
(household waste) collected and transported by a
garbage cart/rickshaw to the TPS that has been
provided after it is transported using an Arm roll
truck to a Final Disposal Site (TPA). Then, secondly,
from the source of the generation (household waste,
shops, the rest of the construction, the market) is
transported using a Tipper truck directly to the Final
Disposal Site (TPA).
In the early situation the Medan City Sanitation
Department conducted garbage collection from each
source on the streets of the protocol using direct
transport. As for the road that cannot be passed
directly by the transporter to the residential areas, it
is done by using a garbage cart or a garbage tricycle.
This activity is carried out twice a day, morning and
Table 3: Number of garbage carriers in Medan City 2018.
No. Type of Carrier Number of
1 Truck Container 16
2 Truck Arm Roll 15
3 Dump Truck 2
4 L300 Pick Up 10
5 Tipper Truck 200
6 Concrete Truck 33
7 Road Sweeper Bil Up 5
8 Road Sweeper Car Body 7
9 Toilet Trucks 13
10 Feces Trucks 11
11 Trucks Sosialization 1
12 Water Tank Trucks 3
13 Heavy Equipment 22
14 Trash Can 276
Total 576
Source: Medan City Sanitation Office 2019
Functionally, Medan City has 2 (two) landfills
(TPA) which are TPA Terjun which is located in
Medan Marelan District with an area of
approximately 14 Ha and TPA Namo Bintang
located in Pancur Batu District, Deli Serdang with
an area of 25 Ha. However, operationally the only
landfill that operates is TPA Falls which holds all
the garbage from 21 sub-districts in the city of
Medan. TPA's garbage landfill is operated from the
beginning using an open dumping system. The
current constraint related to the problem of garbage
at the site is not yet optimal.
This is due to the overall lack of adequate heavy
equipment so that for processing and for the
destruction of waste while waste production from
time to time has increased which is expected in the
next few years the TPA Falls will not be able to
accommodate the increasing volume of waste given
the technology and the equipment used today is not
optimal and there are no regulations on the joint
management system with the Deli Serdang Regency
This cooperation is related to the sorting of waste
carried out after the garbage arrived at the final
disposal site whether it will be reprocessed using
technology or just dumped. The sorted waste is in
the form of plastic from mineral drink bottles and
used aluminum cans or rubbish that has economic
value and can be sold quickly. The number of
scavengers who use waste at the final disposal site is
relatively small. These scavengers are indigenous
people who have a place to live around the final
disposal site (Olbering, 2002).
Cooperation in waste management
Strategic steps to resolve this problem are as
stated by observers of regional autonomy,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Muhammad Arifin
"In order for the Medan garbage problem to be
resolved, coordination efforts are commanded by
the North Sumatra Provincial Government in
accordance with the authority granted by Law
Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional
Government. Article 91 to Article 93 regulates the
authority of the Governor as the representative of
the central government, including the task to
provide guidance and supervision of the
implementation of co-administration tasks in the
Regency / City, conduct monitoring, evaluation
and supervision, evaluate the Regional Budget,
can cancel Local Regulations and give approval to
the regency / city regional regulation, as well as
impose sanctions on regents / mayors."
In the condition of coordination between Medan
City Government and Deli Serdang Regency
Government is stagnant, according to Arifin it is
important to establish a new institution under the
coordination of the North Sumatra Provincial
Government in implementing the KSN Mebidangro,
including in handling cross-regency/city waste.
A synergistic and conducive collaboration format
can be formulated by placing the Medan City waste
problem as a cross-regency/City problem, thus
requiring the North Sumatra Provincial Government
to intervene. According to the Head of North
Sumatra Provincial Government Administration
Bureau for Meydina Arhan, the North Sumatra
Provincial Government has started to initiate the
growth of cooperation forums between regencies /
cities through the holding of District / City
Government Apparatus Coordination Meeting on
Collaborative Management of Medan City Waste and Deli Serdang Regency in the Mebidangro Concept
24-26 June 2018 by presenting speakers from the
Ministry of Home Affairs, Professor University of
North Sumatra and the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry (KADIN-Indonesia Chamber of
Commerce). Regarding the collaboration format,
there are various choices of regional cooperation
models that can be considered. According to
Muhammad Arifin Nasution:
"To determine the right collaboration format, there
are several choices. It can be in the form of a Joint
Secretariat (Sekber) like in Kartamantul
(Yogyakarta-Sleman-Bantul), it can also be in the
form of Regional Management such as in
Barlingmascakeb in Central Java and Jonjok Batur
on Lombok Island, or other forms. The important
thing is that the initiation steps for cooperation
must be started immediately and so on intensified
and even institutionalized through Regional
Regulations, so that not only the problem of waste
can be solved but also other problems such as
health services, environmental balance,
transportation and spatial planning ".
Alternative solutions outside collaboration and
cooperation between regions are also worth
considering. However, when alluding to alternative
solutions in the form of privatization of waste
management, Medan City Sanitation Department
Operational Head said:
"There have been several prospective foreign
investors who have conducted a survey to look at
investment opportunities in the waste sector in
Medan, including from Japan, South Korea and
China, but afterwards we did not receive news
about the (follow-up) from them, so we can only
guess what factors caused potential investors to
postpone their investment in the field of waste in
the city of Medan."
The uncertainty situation regarding waste
management opportunities through foreign
investment schemes is certainly not a wise choice to
be followed up, therefore Arifin argues that the most
logical concrete steps should be taken to prepare as
soon as possible the formation of institutions that
facilitate the implementation of collaboration and
cooperation between regions.
Furthermore, in an effort to complete and perfect
the Mebidangro Inter Regional Cooperation Agency
(BKAD). In the future, an Integrated Management
Institution will be established as a model of inter-
regional cooperation that is managed jointly between
the regional government members and professional
parties under the auspices of the Province of North
In the Integrated Management Institution model,
the main activities that are collaborated are managed
by the City/Regency member SKPD, while the
professional party chosen by the member regional
head through afit and proper test istasked with
coordinating between member regions.
Institutionally Integrated is managed by the Deputy
Governor of North Sumatra, the City/Regency
Secretary, Assistant I, Tata praja, Government
Section, and Bappeda. The main function of the
Integrated Management Institution is to assist
coordination, facilitation, mediation, monitoring and
evaluation as well as operational implementation in
the framework of implementing cooperation. The
focus of cooperation in the field of providing basic
facilities and infrastructure as well as solving the
problem of waste (depends on local needs).
The source of funding for the Integrated
Management Institution comes from the post of the
grant, the post of program activities from each
SKPD of the City/Regency in North Sumatra, the
donor agency and the benefits obtained from the
joint work project. This means that the problem of
waste in Medan can become an institutional priority
sector which is the focus of cooperation between the
two regions, including the issue of the impact that
garbage might present; cooperation in clean water,
roads, transportation, drainage, waste water and
solid waste and spatial planning. In implementation,
this collaboration model has almost the same
constraints as the BKAD institutional model,
because the implementers are mostly from the
bureaucracy, making it less flexible in its
implementation and sometimes distrust from each of
its member regions namely Medan City and Deli
Serdang Regency.
Cooperation policies between local governments,
especially Medan City and Deli Serdang Regency
also need to be synchronized so that they do not
obstruct or overlap policy. The availability of
infrastructure and connectivity in the transportation
and logistics system is one of the supporters. The
main regulation in the Mebidangro area concept is
Perpres No. 62 of 2011 concerning Spatial Planning
for Urban Areas of Medan, Binjai, Deli Serdang and
Karo (Mebidangro).
In the Integrated Management Institute model,
the main activity that is collaborated is related to
waste management in Medan City in collaboration
with Deli Serdang Regency. This specifically must
lead to more efficient and effective goals which in
the future will be in the form of regulations
governing cooperation agreements in the agreed
development fields that contain what fields are
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
cooperated, who are the actors of the collaboration,
rights and obligations of each of the cooperating
parties. , the sanctions mechanism for violating the
agreement, allocation of funding sources and the
deadline for the agreement to be carried out. With
this kind of regulatory framework, it is expected to
guarantee the certainty of cooperation activities and
the results that will be achieved. In the future, with
the formation of the Inter-Regional Cooperation
Agency (BKAD) Mebidangro the need for strong
interaction and integration in the Mebidangro region
must support development, that is, each region must
be able to make a positive contribution that is
complementary to each other.
Badan Pusat Statistik Medan. 2018. Medan dalam angka.
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Chul, Y.J., et al.,2016. Medical waste management in
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Dunn, W.N., 1998.Analisa kebijakan publik, Gadjah Mada
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Ferronato, N., et al., 2017. Waste mismanagement in
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Parsons, W.E., 2005. Public policy: Pengantar teori dan
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Shazwin, M.T., Nakagoshi, N., 2010. Sustainable waste
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Collaborative Management of Medan City Waste and Deli Serdang Regency in the Mebidangro Concept