The Influence of Sociodemography and Nutritional Knowledge of
Mothers on Stunting in Kampung KB, Medan City
Evawany Aritonang, Sorimuda Sarumpaet and Albiner Siagian
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Stunting, Sociodemography, Nutritional Knowledge of Mothers.
Abstract: The WHO (2018) said in 2017 by 22.2% (150.8 million) children under five has stunted. Based on basic
health survey (Kemenkes RI 2013), the stunting prevalence in Indonesia amounted to 30.8%. The objective
of research was analyzed the influence of sociodemography and maternal nutritional knowledge on stunting.
The type of design was cross sectional study. The study was conducted in Kampung KB of Medan Marelan
and Medan Belawan sub district in Medan. The population was all infants recorded in Kampung KB. The
samples were taken proportionally as simple random 104 samples. Data was analyzed by chi-square test.
The proportion based on the highest age in the 20-35 year group amounted to 72.1%, higher education
(above Senior High School) of 52.8%, mother not working at 86.5%. The results showed that there was no
significant influence between maternal age and stunting (p= 0,752). Although in the case there is no
influence maternal age on stunting but the risk of greater stunting incidence in mothers whose reproduction
age was not ideal. There is no influence between mother's education on stunting (p = 1). This is because
higher levels of education do not mean that mothers have good knowledge of good nutrients. There is no
influence on the work of mothers on stunting (p= 0,174). This is because the parenting pattern is not
determined by the mother's work but the contribution of time given by mothers to children. There is a
significant influence between mother's knowledge of nutrition on stunting (p = 0.001).
Stunting is a major nutritional problem facing
Indonesia. Based on nutritional status data for the
past three years, short has the highest prevalence
compared to nutritional problems such as
malnutrition, height, and fat. National health
problems are Stunting, Pulmonary TB, and
Immunization. Stunting is a problem that grows in
children under five because of malnutrition so that
the child is too short compared to his age. Stunting is
only seen after the baby has been removed for 2
years. Short toddlers (stunted) and very short stunted
(very stunted) are toddlers with body length or tall
bodies according to the 2006 WHO-MGRS standard,
z-scores less than -2SD are categorized as short
toddlers and z-scores less -3SD are categorized as
very short.
Based on data from the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Health 2017 stated that more than 22.2%
or around 150.8 million children under five were
stunted. While at the Asian level, Indonesia is the
country with the fifth highest stunting prevalence.
Based on the results of Riskesdas in 2013, there
were 37.2% of children under five who were
stunted. Of these, 19.2% were short children and
18% were very short. The lowest prevalence is in
Riau Islands, DI Yogyakarta, DKI Jakarta and East
Kalimantan <30% and the highest prevalence >50%
in East Nusa Tenggara (Kemenkes RI, 2013).
Stunting in North Sumatra Province in 2017
based on the results of Nutrition Status Monitoring
(PSG) obtained a prevalence of 28.4%, which means
an increase of 4% from the situation in 2016
(24.4%). PSG results in 2017 there are 22 districts/
cities in North Sumatra which have a prevalence of
short under-fives above the provincial prevalence.
The highest prevalence is West Nias Regency by
47.5% followed by North Nias Regency by 41.6%
(Sekretariat Wakil Presiden RI, 2017).
Based on the Medan City Health Profile in 2016,
the number of children under five who experienced
stunting in 2015 was 29.6% (Dinas Kesehatan Kota
Medan, 2016). Areas with high risk for stunting
occurrences are areas where the level of community
income is low and the number of children is large.
Aritonang, E., Sarumpaet, S. and Siagian, A.
The Influence of Sociodemography and Nutritional Knowledge of Mothers on Stunting in Kampung KB, Medan City.
DOI: 10.5220/0010012901390143
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastr ucture in
Revolution Industr y 4.0, pages 139-143
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
KB Village is an area where the number of pre-
Prosperous Families (KS) and KS-1 (poor) is above
average and the number of KB participants is below
the average achievement of KB participants at the
village/ subdistrict level. The purpose of establishing
a KB village is to improve the degree of public
health including the nutritional status of children
under five.
Stunting problems illustrate the existence of
chronic nutritional problems, influenced by the
condition of the mother/prospective mother, the
fetus, and infancy/toddler, including illnesses
suffered during infancy. Therefore, improvement
efforts must include efforts to prevent and reduce
interference directly (specific nutrition
interventions) as well as efforts to prevent and
reduce indirect interference (sensitive nutrition
interventions). Specific nutrition intervention efforts
focused on the First 1,000 Days of Life (HPK)
group, namely pregnant women, nursing mothers
and children 0-23 months. Sensitive nutrition
interventions are contributions from other sectors
such as food security, availability of clean water,
sanitation, poverty, education, social, etc.
Research Ni'mah, et al. (2015) about the factors
that influence the incidence of stunting in infants in
the working area of the Tanah Kali Kedinding
Health Center, Surabaya. Variable length of low
birth babies (OR = 4,091; CI = 1,162-14,397),
toddlers not exclusive breastfeeding (OR = 4,643; CI
= 1,328-16,223), maternal knowledge about
malnutrition (OR = 3,387; CI = 1,410-10,658) , low
family income (OR = 3,250; CI = 1,150-9,187) and
low maternal education (OR = 3,378; CI = 1,246-
9,157) are factors that influence the incidence of
Stunting in infants with p values <0.05. Based on
Aridiyah's research (2014) about the factors that
influence the incidence of Stunting in children under
five in rural and urban areas in Jember Regency.
The specific objectives of this study are as
1. To analyze the influence of sociodemography
(age, education, occupation) on Stunting events.
2. To analyze the effect of mother's knowledge on
the Stunting incident
This research model is an observational study with a
cross sectional design in which the free and bound
variables are measured once at the same time. The
population of this study were all children under five
years old who were registered in KB Village,
namely Environment VII, VIII, IX of Payah Pasir
Sub-District, Medan Marelan District and
Environment V and IX of Sicanang Sub-District,
Medan Belawan District. The sample was a number
of children under five years old who were registered
in KB Village, namely Environment VII, VIII, IX of
Payah Pasir Village, Medan Marelan District and
Environment V and IX Sicanang Village, Medan
Belawan District. The number of samples in this
study was 104. Respondents were mothers of
children under five who were registered in KB
Village, namely Environment VII, VIII, IX, Payah
Pasir Sub-District, Medan Marelan District and
Environment V and IX Sicanang Sub-District,
Medan Belawan District. The sampling technique
was carried out by proportionally with simple
random sampling taken from the data of children
under five years old who were registered in KB
Village, namely Environment VII, VIII, IX, Payah
Pasir Sub-District, Medan Marelan Sub-District and
Environment V and IX, Sicanang Sub-District,
Medan Belawan District. Data collection techniques
were carried out interviews using a questionnaire
that has been tested and tested for validity and
reliability testing. Data analysis technique was done
by using Univariate Analysis to present data on the
frequency distribution of proportions from cases and
controls and Bivariate Analysis performed a chi-
square test to assess the degree of significance (p)
and PR to determine the magnitude of the influence
of the independent variable on the dependent
3.1 Univariate Analysis
Based on the research conducted in Medan KB
Village, the distribution of the proportion of
respondents found in the Table 1. It can be seen that
the distribution of the proportion of respondents by
age is highest in the age group of 20-35 years which
is 72.1% (74 people) and the lowest in the age
group> 35 years which is 27.9% (29 people). The
distribution of proportions based on the highest
education in high school graduates was 43.3% (45
people) and the lowest at the Diploma level was
3.8% (4 people). Based on the results of categorizing
education, it was found that the proportion of
respondents with high education was 52.8% (55
people) and the proportion of respondents with low
education was 47.1% (49 people). Based on work
the highest proportion of respondents in mothers
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
who did not work was 86.5% (90 people) and
followed by entrepreneurial work 9.6% (10 people)
then laborers were 3.8% (4 people).
Table 1: Distribution of proportion of respondents by
sociodemography in KB Village in Medan City.
Characteristics f %
>35 29 27,9
20-25 74 72,1
Primary school 19 18,3
Junior high school 30 28,8
Senior high school 45 43,3
Diploma 4 3,8
Bachelor 6 5,8
Education Category
Low (SMP) 49 47,1
High (>SMP) 55 52,8
Not Working 90 86,5
Working 4 3,8
Entrepreneur 10 9,6
Total 104 100
3.2 Bivariate Analysis
Based on the results of research conducted obtained
factor analysis that affects the incidence of stunting
in toddlers in the Medan City KB Village as stated
on Table 2.
Based on Table 2, it can be seen that the
proportion of mothers who have Stunting children in
the> 35 years age group is 55.2% and the lowest in
the 20-35 years age group is 49.3%. From the results
of the statistical test analysis, the value of p = 0.752
was obtained, which means there was no influence
between maternal age on the incidence of stunting in
KB Kampung Medan City. This is in line with
Agustiningrum's (2016) study which states that there
is no relationship between maternal age and the
incidence of stunting. The results of this study are
also in line with research conducted by Astuti (2016)
which states that there is no relationship between
maternal age and the incidence of stunting. Based on
the table above it can be concluded that the reason
why there is no relationship between maternal age
and the incidence of stunting in the KB City
Kampung Medan because the majority of
respondents are mothers of reproductive age and no
respondents under the age of 20 years. The risk of
stunting is greater in women under the age of 20
years and above 35 years, this is because the age
below 20 years is an adolescent age that is still
immature in terms of reproductive health, mental,
and economic while mothers aged over 35 years are
nearing age menopause where the condition of the
egg has decreased. Based on research by Irwansyah
et al (2016) states that there is a relationship between
maternal age under 20 years with the incidence of
stunting with a risk of 2.62 times greater.
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that the
proportion of mothers with high education has
stunting children at 50.9% and mothers with low
education have stunting children at 51%. From the
results of the statistical test analysis, it was obtained
that the value of p = 1, which means there is no
influence between maternal education on the
incidence of stunting in KB Kampung Medan City.
This is in line with the results of Amin and Julia's
research (2014) which states that there is no
influence of maternal education on the incidence of
Stunting with a value of p = 0.5. The same thing
with the results of Candra's (2013) study stated that
there was no effect of maternal education on the
incidence of stunting with a p value = 0.27.
However, the results of this study differ from the
research of Lestari, et al. (2018) which states that
there is a relationship between maternal education
and the incidence of stunting. It can be concluded
that a high level of education of the mother does not
guarantee that the child will be protected from
malnutrition because a high level of education does
not mean that the mother has good knowledge about
good nutrition. Thus education is not a risk factor for
stunting in children under five in the Medan City KB
Table 2. Effects of maternal age on stunting events in KB Village Medan City.
Toddler Status
RP(95%Cl) p
Normal Total
f % f % f %
>35 16 55,2 13 44,8 29 100
20-35 37 49,3 38 50,7 75 100
The Influence of Sociodemography and Nutritional Knowledge of Mothers on Stunting in Kampung KB, Medan City
Table 3. Effects of mother's education on the stunting incident in KB Village Medan City.
Toddler Status
PR(95% CI) p
Normal Total
f % f % f %
Low 25 51 24 49 49 100
High 28 50,9 27 49,1 55 100
Table 4. Effect of Mother's work on stunting occurrence in KB Village Medan City.
Toddler status
PR (95% CI) P
Normal Total
f % f % f %
Working 10 71,4 4 28,6 14 100
Not Working 43 47,8 47 52,2 90 100
Table 5. Effects of mother's knowledge on stunting events in KB Village Medan City.
Toddler status
PR (95% CI) P
Normal Total
f % f % f %
Low 35 68,6 16 31,4 51 100
Hign 18 34 35 66 53 100
Based on Table 4 it can be seen that mothers who
work have a proportion of stunting children by
71.4% and mothers who do not work have 47.8%
stunting children. Based on the results of the
statistical test analysis, the value of p = 0.174 is
obtained, which means there is no influence of the
work of the mother on the stunting incident in the
KB Kampung Medan. This is in line with research
by Rukmana et al (2016) which states that there is
no relationship between maternal work and the
incidence of stunting (p = 0.89). Similar results from
research conducted by Halik et al. (2018) found that
there was no relationship between maternal work
and the incidence of Stunting (p = 0.181). From the
results of the study of Aridiyah et al. (2015) who
conducted research on the factors influencing the
incidence of stunting in rural and urban areas it was
found that there was no significant relationship to
the incidence of Stunting in children under five
between in villages and cities. But the results of this
study contradict Wahdah's research (2015) which
states that there is a relationship between maternal
work and the incidence of stunting (p = 0.032).
In this study the majority of respondents were
mothers who did not work, so mothers who did not
work generally had more time to pay attention to
their children's health. However, mothers who have
lots of time but do not provide good parenting to
their children, the risk of stunting will tend to occur
in infants. It can be concluded that mother's work is
not the only factor in the occurrence of stunting in
Kampung KB Medan City.
Based on Table 5 above it can be seen that
mothers with low knowledge tend to have a
proportion of stunting children at 68.6% and
respondents who have high knowledge have a
proportion of stunting children at 34%. Based on the
results of the statistical test analysis, it was found
that the value of p = 0.001, which means there is a
significant influence between the mother's
knowledge of the stunting incident in the Medan KB
Village. In addition, a PR value of 2,021 (95% CI:
1,329-3,072) shows that mothers with low
knowledge have a risk of having Stunting 2 times
greater than mothers with high knowledge. This is in
line with the results of Ni'mah and Nadhiroh's
research. (2015) states that there is a relationship
between maternal knowledge and the incidence of
stunting in infants with p = 0.015 and OR = 3.877
(95% CI: 1,410-10,658).
Based on this it can be concluded that the
mother's knowledge about good nutrition in
preventing stunting in the KB City Kampung Medan
is still lacking. This has an impact on children's
parenting in providing food with nutrients that fit the
child's needs. Mother's knowledge in feeding
children is a factor that determines a mother to
behave to provide appropriate food for her child.
Based on research Rahmayana (2014) states that
there is a relationship between child parenting
(feeding practices, psychosocial stimulation,
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
hygiene/ hygiene practices, environmental sanitation
and health service utilization) with stunting events.
1. There is no relationship between age, education,
mother's occupation with the occurrence of
stunting in KB Kampung Medan City
2. There is a significant influence between the
mother's knowledge of the stunting incident in
the Medan City KB Village
Thanks to the Talent Research Institute of North
Sumatera University who has given the research
fund with the contract number: 4167/UN 5.1.
R/PPM/2019 dated 01 April 2019.
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The Influence of Sociodemography and Nutritional Knowledge of Mothers on Stunting in Kampung KB, Medan City