Violations and Administrative Disputes Completion
in the Local Election: A Case Study of Crossing a Candidate Pair
of JR Saragih-Ance Selian Candidates in 2018 North Sumatra
Tonny P. Situmorang, Anwar Saragih and Ian Pasaribu
Faculty of Social and Political Science,Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Administrative Violations, Local Election Disputes, Administrative Completeness.
Abstract: Problems of violations and administrative disputes often occur in every election in Indonesia. This study
examines the case of the crossing of a candidate pair of JR Saragih and Ance Selian by the General Election
Commission (KPU) in the 2018 North Sumatra Pilkada. This study aims to empirically describe the
administrative violations and dispute between candidate pairs in the process of organizing democracy. This
research is a qualitative case study research with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews,
observations and documents related to purposive sampling technique. While data analysis in this study uses
descriptive qualitative methods of data analysis and interactive models, namely interactive model data
analysis, which begins with the process of collecting data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. From
the results of the study, it was obtained that the determination of the status of the candidate pair of JR
Saragih-Ance Selian by the General Election Commission (KPU) to be ineligible (TMS) had met the
administrative stages. This was based on the election law because JR Saragih did not attach the legalization
of the high school diploma. Furthermore, administrative violations developed into criminal violations
because JR Saragih was proven to attach legalization and fake signatures.
Implementation of direct local elections is
substantially understood and constructed to be an
important and inseparable part of the ideals of
reform in the political field related to
decentralization in order to strengthen the guarantee
of people's political sovereignty in the regions.
Empirically, the direct elections that have taken
place since 2005 to date have provided many
important experiences and lessons in the journey of
democracy in Indonesia (Ardiantoro, 2017).
On March 18, 2015, President Jokowi has passed
two laws related to simultaneous local elections,
namely in Law Number 8 of 2015 concerning
Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors
Becoming Laws. While Law No. 9 of 2015
concerning Regional Government (detiknews,
05/26/2015). Since the law was passed, there have
been three (3) times that Indonesia has conducted
simultaneous local elections, namely 2015
simultaneous local elections held in 269 regions,
simultaneous regional elections in 2017 which were
implemented in 101 regions and simultaneous local
elections in 2015 2018 which was held in 171
The election of the Governor of North Sumatra
must be recognized as one of excellent in 171
regions that will hold the 2018 elections
simultaneously, consisting of 17 provinces, 39 cities,
and 115 districts. Because, in terms of population
the number of voters in the Province of North
Sumatra ranks number 4 in the largest in Indonesia
after West Java, East Java and Central Java. The
uproar that colored the news related to dynamics,
issues and political constellation related to the
election of the Governor of North Sumatra became
an interesting discussion to be discussed by
academics, practitioners, researchers and the public.
Do not miss the hectic discussion related to 2018
Pilgubsu not free from debates on various social
media, such as; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and
whatsApp groups.
Situmorang, T., Saragih, A. and Pasaribu, I.
Violations and Administrative Disputes Completion in the Local Election: A Case Study of Crossing a Candidate Pair of JR Saragih-Ance Selian Candidates in 2018 North Sumatra Election.
DOI: 10.5220/0010012301060111
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 106-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In 2018, there were 3 prospective candidates who
registered with the General Election Commission
(KPU), first, the couple Edy Rahmayadi-Musa
Rajeckshah who was promoted by the parties;
Gerindra, Golkar, PKS, PAN, Nasdem, Hanura (60
seats in the parliament of North Sumatra). Second,
couples Djarot Saiful Hidayat-Sihar Sitorus carried
by the PDI-P and PPP (20 seats) and third, the pair
Jopinus Ramli Saragih-Ance Selian promoted by the
Democratic Party, PKB and PKPI.
However, on February 12 2018, the pair of
prospective JR Saragih-Ance Selian candidates
failed to qualify as candidate pairs because
administrative requirements were declared ineligible
(Simatupang, 2018a). The reason was that JR
Saragih did not attach a photocopy of the high
school diploma that had been legalized by the
authorities. Because JR Saragih's school when he
was attending senior high school at Iklas Prasasti
High School, Central Jakarta was closed in 1994, the
authority to legalize JR Saragih's diploma rested
with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office.
Furthermore, according to the Republic of
Indonesia Election Commission Regulation (PKPU
RI) Number 3 of 2017 concerning the Nomination of
the Election of the Governor and Deputy Governor,
the Regent and Deputy Regent and / or Mayor and
Deputy Mayor Article 4 paragraph 1 Letter c which
states that "the lowest educated school advanced
level or equivalent ".Then corroborated by article 42
paragraph 1 letter P said that the conditions for
candidates for governor/deputy governor are
"photocopies of diplomas / graduation certificates.
which have been legalized by the competent
authority, as proof of fulfillment of candidate
requirements as referred to in Article 4 paragraph
(1) letter p".
After the stipulation of General Election
Commissions, the candidate pair of JR Saragih-Ance
Selian did not meet the requirements. The JR
Saragih-Ance Selian legal team then reported to the
North Sumatra Bawaslu, then the JR Saragih
problem entered the Governor Election Deliberation
Assembly with the applicant JR Saragih-Ance
Selian. This refers to Article 142 b of Law Number 8
Year 2015 which discusses disputes between
Election Contestants and Election organizers as a
result of the issuance of General Election
Where the Bawaslu's task is to compile and
stipulate technical guidelines for resolving election
disputes (Law Number 8 of 2015 Article 22B letter
a) and Bawaslu is also the most authorized
institution to resolve election disputes (Law No.1 /
2015 Article 143 paragraph 1) by deciding on
election disputes no later than 12 (twelve) days from
the date of receipt of the application.
After going through 5 (five) trials, on March 3
2018 the North Sumatra Bawaslu decided to grant
part of the JR Saragih-Ance Selian petition with the
substance of the decision namely the applicant (JR
Saragih) to legalize the photocopy of the high school
diploma owned by the applicant together with the
relevant authorities together with Respondent (North
Sumatra General Election Commissions) and
supervised by North Sumatra Bawaslu then submit it
to the North Sumatra KPU no later than 7 days after
the decision of the Governor Election Deliberation
Assembly as administrative requirements become a
candidate for the Governor of North Sumatra 2018.
However, on March 15, 2018 the North Sumatra
Regional Police (North Sumatra Regional Police)
named JR Saragih as a suspect because of a
suspected forgery case legalizing a diploma and the
signature of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Education
This paper will substantially explain empirically
administrative violations and disputes of candidate
pairs of JR Saragih-Ance Selian in Pilgubsu 2018.
Then explain the facts about how ultimately JR
Saragih was determined as a suspect and entered the
criminal realm for violating Law Number 10 of 2016
Article 184 regarding Regional Head Election.
This paper is a qualitative research with descriptive
research type. The primary data of this study
determined 3 (three) key informants; one from North
Sumatra General Election Commissions, one from
North Sumatra Bawaslu commissioner, and one
lecturer from the Political Science department of the
Universitas Sumatera Utara. Secondary data came
from journals, books and other documents
concerning administrative violations and disputes in
the elections. Collecting research data is also done
through a review of the results of interviews,
journals and reports relating to the focus of research.
3.1 Law Enforcement Theory
Enforcement of justice is inseparable in the
democratic process. In theory, law enforcement has
Violations and Administrative Disputes Completion in the Local Election: A Case Study of Crossing a Candidate Pair of JR Saragih-Ance
Selian Candidates in 2018 North Sumatra Election
3 (three) elements that must be considered, namely
legal certainty (Rechsichercheit), expediency
(Zweckmassigkeit) and Justice (Gerechtigkeit)
(Sumaryono, 2002).
Legal certainty is a definite condition, provisions
or has a legal determination. The law must be
absolutely certain and fair. It must be a code of
conduct and fair because the code of conduct must
support an order that is considered reasonable. Only
because it is fair and implemented with certainty the
law can carry out its functions. Legal certainty is a
question that can only be answered normatively, not
sociologically (Kusumohamidjojo, 2004).
According to Kelsen in Rato (2010), law is a
norm system. Norms are statements that emphasize
the aspect of das sollen (supposedly), by including
some rules about what must be done. Norms are
deliberative human products and actions. Laws that
contain general rules serve as guidelines for
individuals behaving in society, both in relations
with fellow individuals and group relations in
Related to law enforcement in the context of
democracy in particular elections or elections is a
process in an effort to enforce or function of legal
norms as a real guideline for state behavior.
Moreover, looking at election compliance and law
enforcement standards is certainly very important to
ensure fair elections.
Specifically, the legal framework must provide
every voter, candidate and political party with an
opportunity to submit an objection to the General
Election Commissions when violations of electoral
rights occur including administrative disputes. The
law requires the court as a follow-up to provide an
immediate decision to avoid the aggrieved party
losing his electoral rights. The law also provides an
opportunity to file a lawsuit with a higher KPU or
court with the authority to review and make
jurisdictional decisions regarding a dispute or
particular case.
Because legally the election legislation protects
the political process from violations, obstacles, bad
influences, certain interests, fraud, fraud,
intimidation, and all forms of illegal actions, and
corrupt practices.
Non-criminal and criminal sanctions are imposed
for violations by election administrators and law
enforcement. Opportunities to challenge election
results and resolve problems for aggrieved parties
must be provided by law. The process for filing
complaints and reporting violations must be
The impact of violations on election results must
also be regulated in law. Any party who raises an
objection, denies the election results or the rights of
other political parties has access to justice and
resolution of the problem for the realization of law
enforcement. (Surbakti, Supriyanto and Santoso,
3.2 Electoral Integrity Election
Electoral integrity election is the most ideal
condition of a country aspired by many groups in
democracy. Despite efforts to achieve an ideal
democracy and elections with integrity are very
difficult to implement. Specifically, elections in the
context of consolidating democracy require just
conditions (Heywood, 2014).
This means that holding democratic elections
requires elections with integrity. Election organizer
with integrity means that the organizer contains
elements that are honest, transparent, accountable,
careful and accurate in carrying out their duties and
authorities. The integrity of election organizers is
important, because it is an indicator of the election
with integrity. There are several main points in
realizing elections with integrity, namely:
1. Respect the principles of democratic elections.
2. The code of ethics, the integrity of elections also
depends on the ethical behavior of the election
organizers, candidates, parties and all
participants in the election process.
3. Professionalism and accuracy, elections with
integrity are often assumed to originate from
honest election practices.
4. Protection of EMBs. To guarantee an election
with integrity, it is better if the EMB is
independent and independent in carrying out the
electoral process.
5. Supervision and law enforcement. The function
of supervision and the legal framework is for
election administrators and participants to be
responsible for the election process.
6. Transparent and accountable, the transparency of
the organizer in providing information to the
public about all electoral processes is one of the
efforts in realizing elections with integrity
(Nurahwati, 2017).
Meanwhile according to Norris (2017), integrity
of elections needs to be seen from various aspects,
such as legislation, because through elections with
integrity, public trust in various political institutions
will be built. Likewise, aspects of political behavior
are measured by increasing public participation in
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Community involvement in the administration of
government and able to reduce community protest
activities related to the election results process.
Furthermore, the integrity of elections can facilitate
the strengthening of the quality of political
representation, overcoming conflicts and improving
the political system. Moreover, the integrity of
elections is correlated with regime transitions, the
process of democratization and reform of
bureaucratic institutions which will result in the
future (Norris, 2017).
Not only that the holding of democratic elections
in the context of elections with integrity can be
categorized based on justice with several key
conditions: (1) high integrity; (2) involving many
residents; (3) based on high certainty law; (4)
impartial and fair; (5) professional and independent;
(6) transparent; (7) on time according to plan; (8)
without violence or free from threats and violence;
(9) regularly; (10) election participants accept fair
losing or winning (Fukuoka and Thalang, 2014).
4.1 Missing Candidates for JR
Saragih-Ance Selian
The elimination of a candidate for the governor of
North Sumatra, Jopinus Ramli Saragih (JR Saragih)
- Ance Selian by General Election Commissions was
one of the unique and interesting issues to be
discussed during the 2018 simultaneous elections.
Because, the pair JR Saragih-Ance Selian was
the only pair of prospective candidates who were
crossed out by the KPU after the support met the
minimum requirements of political party support and
had registered themselves with the KPU of North
Sumatra. The pair of JR Saragih-Ance Selian was
supported by 3 political parties which in total had 20
seats in the North Sumatra Parliamentary, namely
the Democratic Party (13 seats), PKB (3 seats) and
PKPI (3 seats).
Procedure related to simultaneous voting that
was held on June 27, 2018 related to Stages,
Programs and Schedule for the 2018 Regional
Election contained in General Election Commissions
Regulation No. 1 of 2017. Where the registration
process of candidate pairs of candidates promoted by
political parties to North Sumatra General Election
Commissions was carried out on 8 - January 10,
2018. The pair of JR Saragih-Ance Selian entered
the administrative requirements file on January 10,
2018. There were 19 (nineteen) items that must be
completed by the pair of candidates in accordance
with P General Election Commissions Regulated
Number 3 of 2017 concerning the Nomination of the
Election of the Governor and Deputy Governor, the
Regent and Deputy Regent and / or Mayor and
Deputy Mayor. Where is the post date determined by
the General Election Commissions as the
registration deadline.
If there are incomplete files, they can be fulfilled
and completed administratively on January 20, 2018.
This means that the General Election Commissions
has a 10-day deadline for repairs and completes the
administrative documents before being factually
examined before the General Election Commissions
determines the candidate pair. .
Furthermore, the process of determining
candidates was carried out on 12 February 2018. The
North Sumatra General Election Commissions then
determined 2 pairs of candidates who fought in the
2018 Election Governor Election candidate
candidate Edy Rahmayadi-Musa Rajeckshah and
candidate pair Djarot saiful Hidayat-Sihar Sitorus.
Meanwhile, the JR Saragih-Ance Selian pair was
declared Not Eligible (TMS) for not attaching the
legalized diploma.
The team of candidates for JR Saragih-Ance
Selian then reported and sued the North Sumatra
General Election Commissions. Where North
Sumatra General Election Commissions then held a
deliberation session of nominating dispute resolution
(applicant) prospective North Sumatra Governor JR
Saragih was held at the North Sumatra General
Election Commissions.
4.2 Deliberation on Nominating
Dispute Resolution
In accordance with article 143 paragraph (3) b of
Law Number 8 Year 2015 concerning Election
Dispute Settlement through consensus agreement to
reach an agreement. The trial was then carried out
with a request for dispute was JR Saragih on the
decision of the General Election Commissions of
North Sumatra related to the determination of the
candidate pairs of election participants.
This was confirmed by the North Sumatra
election oversight body Aulia Andri who said;
"The process of deliberations on the nomination
dispute resolution process was proposed by JR
Saragih as the petitioner. Where in accordance
with the regulations, the applicant is a candidate
pair who registers or is registered with the
provincial General Election Commissions, which
is a political party or a combination of political
parties supporting the candidate pairs and
Violations and Administrative Disputes Completion in the Local Election: A Case Study of Crossing a Candidate Pair of JR Saragih-Ance
Selian Candidates in 2018 North Sumatra Election
prospective pairs who feel disadvantaged. The JR
Saragih case yesterday was tried 5 (five) times,
where the last hearing was held on February 28,
2018". (Interview 1/8/2018)
Furthermore, the Commissioner of North
Sumatra General Election Commissions, Benget
Silitonga said
"After the deliberation session on the nomination
dispute settlement, the decision was announced on
March 3 2018 with the General Election
Commissions decision canceling the Decision
issued by North Sumatra KPU namely General
Election Commissions Decree No.
07/PL.03.3Kpt/12/Prov/II/ 2018 regarding
determination of the status of Not Qualifying Jr
Saragih-Ance Selian pair and granting some of the
election dispute requests submitted by Jopinus
Ramli (JR) Saragih-Ance Selian status”
(Interview) , 3/8/2018).
Related to the decision granted by Election
Oversight Body related to the applicant, in this case
the prospective JR Saragih-Ance Selian, namely
first, ordered the applicant (JR Saragih) to legalize
the photocopy of the applicant's high school diploma
to the authorized agency. In accordance with
applicable laws and regulations related to the
procedure for legalizing diplomas, together with the
respondent (North Sumatra General Election
Commissions) and overseen by the North Sumatra B
Election Oversight Body.
Second, instructing the applicant to submit a
copy of the high school diploma certificate of the
applicant that has been re-legalized to the respondent
with a special receipt signed by the applicant and the
Third, instructing the respondent to carry out the
legalization of the photocopy of the applicant's high
school diploma from the competent agency into the
minutes signed by the applicant, the respondent and
became the basis for the respondent to determine the
status of fulfillment / completeness of the applicant's
educational requirements document in the election
of the governor and deputy governor of 2018
(Simatupang, 2018b).
4.3 Handling JR Saragih
Administrative Violations
Supervision of the electoral process after reform was
instituted the formation of the Election Oversight
Body . Besides there is also supervision of the
electoral process carried out by the public towards
the election monitoring activities. Election watchers
and observers are equally needed for the
implementation of honest and fair elections.
Substantially the differences between election
observers only monitor violations, while election
supervisors have a broader role, namely resolving
violations and election disputes (Simanjuntak,
According to the Political Science lecturer
Fernanda Putra Adela at the University of North
Sumatra related to the JR Saragih case said;
"In the administrative violations committed by JR
Saragih who in the end named him a suspect by
the North Sumatra Regional Police (North
Sumatra Regional Police). Because JR Saragih
was suspected of faking a diploma and the
signature of the Head of the DKI Jakarta
Provincial Education Office, Sopan Andrianto. By
law the JR Saragih case has entered the criminal
domain because it was determined as a document
forgery when registering to become a candidate for
governor of North Sumatra”. (Interview, 5/8/2018)
It means that JR Saragih violated the Criminal
Code Article 263 paragraph (1) of the Criminal
Code related to falsification of signatures reads as
"Whoever makes a false letter or falsified a letter,
which can issue something rights, something
agreement (obligation) or something debt relief, or
which may be used as information for something
done, with the intention of use or order others to
use the documents as if they were authentic and
not falsified, so using them can bring about
something to be punished for falsification of the
letter, with a sentence of up to six years in prison".
With regard to violations, obstacles, ill effects ,
certain interests, fraud, cheating, intimidation, and
all forms of illegal action al, and corrupt practices.
Non-criminal and criminal sanctions must be
imposed on the offenders. This provision focuses on
the law of substance or material such as the types of
violations, and sanctions against violations.
The aim to be achieved is law enforcement to
prevent violations or fraud that threaten the integrity
of the election. Every violation must be corrected.
Institutions that differ from their respective
mechanisms can be responsible for upholding that
integrity, which is specifically contained in the legal
JR Saragih committed an administrative
violation due to falsifying the signature of the
administrative file attached when registering as a
candidate for the Governor of North Sumatra. The
existence of the provisions of election violations in
the electoral law becomes very important because
the motives and opportunities to violate the electoral
law remain a potential threat like the case committed
by JR Saragih.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Empirically the law enforcement for the JR
Saragih violation case shows the quality of the
democratic process, creating losses for other parties
and the public in general because JR Saragih is
running to become a public official. If the law is not
enforced according to existing laws, bad behavior
during the election process will violate public trust
and illegal actions.
This means that enforcement of strict sanctions
in particular has entered into the realm of crime is
carried out to face the problem. institutions that have
the authority in terms of the mechanism for
resolving these cases should be able to be
responsible for upholding elections with integrity as
mandated by the legislation and legal framework in
Settlement of disputes and violations of election
administration is a separate challenge for election
organizers, both Election Oversight Body and
General Election Commissions. Because,
administrative disputes and administrative violations
become one of the legal problems that often arise
from every election organizer's decision regarding
election participants.
This dispute occurs between parties who feel
disadvantaged either political parties or prospective
candidates with the election organizer who issued
the decision.The candidate pair of Governor and
Governor of North Sumatra, JR Saragih-Ance Selian
was dropped from the 2018 Pilgubsu's participation,
which had gone through stages by stage of dispute
resolution, such as a deliberation session on dispute
resolution. On the journey the Integrated Law
Enforcement Team of North Sumatra Regional
Police determined JR Saragih a suspect because it
was proven to falsify the signature of the Head of
the DKI Jakarta Education Office for administrative
purposes registering with the North Sumatra KPU.
However, there is still no certainty about the legal
decision regarding JR Saragih. This is because the
regulation of administrative violations is still very
weak because it is set too general, the types of
administrative violations and types of sanctions are
not regulated, and how the resolution is done. That
is, learning from the JR Saragih case is still a lot of
improvements and arrangements that must be
addressed to deal with violations and the
implementation of elections.This condition becomes
very important to be considered again for the sake of
integrity of law enforcement related to general
elections (elections). That the objective of electoral
regulation with integrity must be carried out
immediately in order to ensure that elections are fair
and fair if weak law enforcement cannot be
overcome to the maximum. This means that it is in
this context that election evaluation is important for
the sake of improving our democratic system, which
of course is accompanied by improvements in
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Violations and Administrative Disputes Completion in the Local Election: A Case Study of Crossing a Candidate Pair of JR Saragih-Ance
Selian Candidates in 2018 North Sumatra Election