The Implementation of Villages’ Financial System
or (SISKUDES): Case Study in Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province,
Sri Wahyu Handayani
Teuku Umar University Meulaboh, Indonesia
Keywords: Financial System, Village, Implementation.
Abstract: The implementation of village’s financial system or SISKUDES is aimed to facilitate village’s fund or Dana
Desa to be reported in transparent and accountable approach. According to Law Number 6/2014 on village,
there is the obligation that is delivered by village to be able to manage its domestic affair including financial
aspect. Therefore, it is a necessary to develop a system that can afford to build an accountability and a trust
in local level. This research aims to examine the current system that being implemented in Nagan Raya
Regency, Aceh. A qualitative method will be used to describe the implementation. There is a framework
developed by George C Edward as a policy implementation analysis. The research will be useful to policy
maker to evaluate the system. Moreover, the results of this study will indicate the implementation of the
village financial system application. There are several aspect of the implementation that will be examined
such as the communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structures. The use of the system will be
beneficial to monitor the fund and the link of the fund on the project in the village. Yet, the lack of skill of the
operators and hardware issues such as viruses may interrupt the system.
Based on the Implementation of Law No. 6 of 2014
the National development program which was made
into the National RPJM 2015-2019 means that the
development of Indonesia from the periphery will
strengthen regions and villages in condemning the
Republic of Indonesia. In article 1 paragraph 1, the
village is a unit of the legal community that has
territorial boundaries that are entitled to regulate and
manage their own government or household affairs,
the right to adat, and the right of origin or initiative of
the community itself which is recognized and
respected in the NKRI government system . Law
Number 6 Year 2014 Article 1 paragraph 2 states that
villages have developed in various forms, so that legal
protection is needed to be stronger, independent,
advanced, and democratic in order to create a better
foundation in the implementation of governance and
development towards a prosperous, just society and
The implementation of village government
certainly cannot be separated from financial factors
for the continuation of government operations in the
village. Village financial management is very much
needed transparency and good accountability so that
it can surprise the transparency of the village
government so that the performance of the village
government is better. If the preparation of village
financial reports can be well made, the performance
of village governments can improve and be
independent in the management of government from
various natural resources and natural resources
owned by the village. The role of the village
government is very large along with the great
responsibility of the village apparatus, so the
government must be able to apply the principles of
transparency and accountability in managing village
Based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning
villages, starting in 2015 the central government
directly transfers 10% of the funds from the APBN
source to the funds directly into the village treasury
without going through intermediaries as before. In the
2015 Revised State Budget, village funds have been
allocated as much as 20.776 trillion for 74,093
villages spread throughout Indonesia, in the current
year the number of funds continues to increase even
reaching more than 1 billion for each village, in
Handayani, S.
The Implementation of Villages’ Financial System or (SISKUDES): Case Study in Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010011900800086
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 80-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
addition to village funds in accordance with Law
Number 6 Year 2014 concerning village article 72,
the village also manages finances sourced from
Regional Original Revenues and transfer revenues in
the form of Village Fund Allocation (ADD), Portions
from Regency/City Tax and Restrictions Results, and
financial assistance from Provincial/Regency/City
Policy implementation according to Mulyadi (2015:
12) is referring to actions to achieve the goals set in a
decision. Which decision can change into operational
patterns and try to achieve big or small changes as
previously determined. The implementation of public
policy is basically the government's effort to carry out
one of the main tasks to provide public services.
Implementation according to Anderson's opinion in
Hariyoso (2002) is essentially related to the
functional activities of carrying out the objectives of
the public so that they are truly on target. Whereas
Griendle in Hariyoso (2002) implementation of
public policy is a complex activity or choice because
it has an administrative and political horizon.
According to Zainal Abidin in Mulyadi (2015) states
that the implementation process is related to two main
factors, internal factors and external factors. The main
internal factor is the policy to be implemented. The
second factor is external environmental conditions
and other related parties.
Policy implementation is basically a change or
transformation that is multi-organizational, in which
changes implemented through a policy
implementation strategy will link various layers of
society. Therefore, the success of a policy strategy
depends on the ability to accommodate different
views and interests in the wider community. Based on
the views of experts on the implementation of policies
it can be concluded that in the implementation of a
policy not only highlights the behavior of
administrative institutions or agencies that must be
responsible for a program in its implementation of
target groups, it should also be noted in terms of
political power, social, economic which directly or
indirectly can be affected by the behavior of various
parties involved in it, both positive and negative
impacts that are not expected by the program. Policy
experts are also fixated on several policy models for
research and analysis purposes, models used to
analyze increasingly complex policy problems, in
addition to the need for theories that are able to
explain the relationship between variables that are the
basis of the focus of analysis.
2.1 The Merilee S. Grindlee Model
Implementation according to Merilee S. Grindle in
Mulyono (2015: 66) is influenced by policy (content
of policy) and the policy environment (content of
implementation). Basically the policy is transformed
first before it can be implemented in a policy that will
be carried out. Its success can be seen from the degree
of implementability of the policy.
The results of the policy cover several things.
1. Interests that are influenced by policies
2. Types of benefits generated
3. The degree of change desired
4. Position of policy makers
5. Who is the program implementer
6. Resources mobilized
While the scope of the policy (context of
1. The power, interests and strategies of the actors
2. Characteristics of ruling institutions
3. Compliance and responsiveness
2.2 Geoge C. Edward III Model
George C. Edward III in Mulyono (2015) argues that
there are 4 (four) variables that influence the
implementation of policies such as communications,
resources, dispositions or attitudes and bureaucratic
structure. Of the four factors must be simultaneously
carried out between one and the other has a close
relationship. The aim is to increase understanding of
policy implementation.
2.2.1 Communication
Measuring the success of policy implementation
requires that the implementor knows what needs to be
done, so that the goals and objectives of the policy
can be transmitted to certain groups, thereby reducing
the distortion of implementation. If the goals and
objectives of a policy are not clear or even not known
at all by the target group then there is a possibility of
resistance from the group.
Implementation will be effective if the measures
and objectives of the policy are understood by
individuals who are capable of being responsible for
achieving policy objectives. The objectives and
policies must have proper communication with the
implementers so that the consistency and uniformity
that is the basis of the communication size with the
The Implementation of Villages’ Financial System or (SISKUDES): Case Study in Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia
implementor knows the exact size and purpose of the
Communication is needed in the organization
because it is a very complete and complicated
process. Like the process of delivering information
each person will vary in understanding or arguing in
a policy that is made, so that the implementation runs
effectively, the partiesresponsible must dare to take a
decision to be understood by those who do.
Policy implementation must be easily accepted by all
groups and easily understood clearly and accurately
about the objectives of a policy. If policy makers see
that there is no clear policy specification then they
themselves do not understand what should be directed
at the implementers. If the policy implementers feel
confused with what they have to do the results that
they will not be optimal, then one of the implementers
of communication must seriously affect a policy.
2.2.2 Resources
Resources are very influential on a policy even
though communication has been carried out clearly
and consistently, if the implementator feels lack of
resources for implementing a policy then the
implementation will not run effectively. Human
resources can be as implementator competency
resources, financial resources, and human resources
this factor is very important for the implementation of
policies to be effective. Without resources, the policy
is only as paper and documents only.
It does not matter if the clarity and consistency of
the implementation of the program how it can be
accurate in a communication sent. If the personnel
responsible for implementing the program feel that
there is a lack of resources in an agency, such as staff,
expertise of the implementers, irrelevant and
insufficient information to implement the policy and
fulfillment of the resources involved in the
implementation program, there must be authority that
can guarantee that the program can be directed how
expected, fulfilled supporting facilities that can be
used to carry out both the funds and infrastructure
Human resources which are inadequate will have
an impact on the implementation of a program
perfectly then it will not be able to be properly
monitored, if the number of policy implementing staff
is limited then things that must be done improve the
skills / abilities of the implementers to carry out the
program, for that there must be an HR management
both in order to improve program performance. The
reality in the field is that the central level does not
know the needs that are needed by the implementers
in the field, such as lack of information or knowledge
on how to implement the policy has direct
consequences such as implementers who have no
responsibility so that it creates inefficiencies.
Implementation of the policy really requires
compliance from individuals and organizations to a
policy made by the existing government. From other
sources also need the authority to determine how the
program is implemented, such as the authority to
spend or manage finances either the provision of
money, the procurement of staff, and the procurement
of supervisors. The facilities provided must also
suffer so as not to obstruct the implementation of
policies or programs that must be met such as offices,
equipment, and funds that must be available, without
these facilities the program will not run effectively.
2.2.3 Disposition
Disposition is the character possessed by the
implementor, such as commitment, honesty,
democratic nature. If the implementer has a good
disposition, then he can run a policy properly and as
desired by policy makers, then the process of policy
implementation becomes effective. Factors that
influence the effectiveness of policy implementation
can be seen from the attitude of policy implementers
if they agree with parts of the contents of the policy it
will be happy to carry out, if their views differ from
policy makers, the implementation process will
become a lot of problems. There are three indicators
that must be owned by the implementor, namely the
form of attitude/response, direction or direction to the
program, whether or not to accept it.
A leader greatly influences the implementation of
programs to achieve goals effectively and efficiently.
The support of a leader in a policy becomes a program
priority, the placement of implementers with people
who support the program must also look at the
balance of the region, religion, ethnicity, gender and
other demographic characteristics. A leader must
support the total set of programs in government.
2.2.4 Bureaucratic Structure
The organizational structure in implementing a policy
has a very significant influence on the
implementation of policies from the important
structural aspects of each truck in the presence of
standard operating procedures (SOP). SOP which is a
guideline for an implementor in acting in every
organization, organizational bias that is too long will
tend to weaken in the supervision system. Complex
and complex bureaucratic procedures cause
organizational activities to become inflexible. The
executing agency of the policy cannot be separated
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
from the organizational structure, characteristics,
norms, and patterns of relationships that occur within
the executive bodies who have both potential and real
relationships with them running in policy. Policy
variables relate to objectives that are explored with
available resources, such as implementing agencies
including formal and informal groups, while
communication between organizations and activities
related to the political system environment with the
target group, which is a concern of the attitude of the
implementers must be orientation in operating
programs in the field. This picture is about model of
implementation Edward III:
Figure 1: Model of Implementation (Edward III, 1980).
2.3 Model of Donald S. Van Meter and
Carl E. Van Horn
The policy implementation model developed by Van
Meter and Van Horn in their theory about an
argument about differences in the implementation
process will greatly affect the nature of the policy to
be carried out. Furthermore, the approach that
connects the issue of policy with implementation in a
conceptual model with work performance
(performance). The second also suggests a way to
connect between policies of separate work
performance by the number of independent variables
that are interrelated.
Van meter and van horn analyze the
implementation of top-level policy decisions.
1. Acting officials towards the implementation of
the policy.
2. Consistency of groups to decisions in a policy.
3. The extent to which the objectives to be achieved
against the policy.
4. The main factors that influence the outcome of
relevant and official policies in accordance with
the objectives.
5. Policies must be in accordance with what has been
formulated from time to time based on existing
experience. (Hill and Hupe 2002). And this
bellow is model of Van Meter and Van Hord
Implementation Policy:
Figure 2: The Policy Implementation Process
2.4 Implementation Model According
to Brian W. Hogwood and Lewis A.
This model is often referred to as the top down
approach. Perfect implementation of state policy has
certain conditions (Wahab, 2016).
1. External conditions faced by implementing
agencies cannot cause serious obstacles.
2. Implementation of the program with sufficient time
and resources
3. The resources needed must really be there
4. Policy implementation has a reliable causality
5. Causality relationships are direct
6. The relationship of interdependence must be
7. Understanding must be deep towards the policy
8. Tasks must be detailed in the right place
9. Communication must have coordination
10. The party that has the power of authority has high
2.5 Model of Implementation of Daniel
Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier
The implementation of the policy identifies the
formal objectives of the implementation process.
The Implementation of Villages’ Financial System or (SISKUDES): Case Study in Nagan Raya Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia
According to Wahab (2016) there are several
variables as follows:
1. Easily or whether a problem is addressed
2. Policy decisions must be structured properly in
the implementation process.
3. The influence of political variables in policy
decision objectives
Implementation of policies in different positions
names in principle every public policy must be
followed up with policy implementation. The form of
policy implementation at the main stage is crucial in
the policy process. As stated Edwards III that without
implementation it will not be effective and successful
2.6 Overview of the Village
According to Kansil (1983) the village is a legal entity
area where the people in power hold their own
government. According to article 1 chapter 1 of Law
number 6 of 2014 Village is an area that has the
authority to regulate and manage government affairs
in the village, both the interests of the local
community, original rights and traditional rights
which are recognized and respected in the Indonesian
government system. Based on the concept of the
village of an area occupied by a number of
communities has the authority to regulate their own
households based on the customs of the candidate
recognized by the indosesia government and district
2.7 Overview of the Village Financial
Based on Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning villages
given the opportunity to take care of their own
household and governance, including managing their
own finances and development to improve the
welfare, quality of life of rural communities. The
village government must have the principle of
transparency, accountability to the community in
managing village finances.
2.8 Village Financial Management
1. Planning:
a. The alignment of RPJM and RKP Desa
planning with the central government
b. DPD participation rate
c. Village RKP Quality
2. Budgeting:
a. Village Budget Arrangement
b. Harmonization of Village Heads & BPD
c. Evaluation of Village APB
3. Implementation:
a. Goods/services procurement
b. Tax obligation
c. The authority of the village head
4. Administration:
a. Bookkeeping Administration
b. How to SPJ
c. Recording village wealth
d. The concept of capital expenditure is still
5. Reporting and responsibility:
a. Number of reports to be made
b. Reporting Standards
6. Supervision:
a. Effectiveness of supervision
b. Readiness of the supervisory apparatus,
especially APIP districts and cities.
This study was conducted using a qualitative
approach with descriptive analysis that refers to the
theory of Van Matter and Van Horn theory. The
location of the study will be carried out in Nagan
Raya Regency, Aceh Province. Simeulue has 10 sub-
districts that have the potential to be developed and
have 222 villages, moreover the area is one of the
areas that is called Baru Pemekaran in Aceh Province.
The purpose of research is to determine the way
research in analyzing solving problems that exist.
Research type, research focus, type of research, type
of research, type of data, data collection techniques,
data management techniques, data analysis
techniques and data validation techniques. According
to Raco (2010) research defines scientific activities
that are planned, structured, systematic and have
specific goals theoretically and practically.
According to Danandjaja (2012) descriptive
research aims to provide an overview of an actual
problem without drawing conclusions. This research
analyzed descriptive and tested hypothesis. The
reason for this research is to find out the extent to
which the implementation of the village financial
system in Nagan Raya district (SISKUDES) is going
well or not in accordance with the actual and
conceptual nature.
In this study the focus of researchers is how the
village financial system in Nagan Raya district. Any
activities undertaken by Nagan Raya Regency to run
the existing financial implementation system in
Nagan Raya Regency such as constraints and
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
determination processes as well as advantages and
disadvantages in the application. In this study the
analysis uses the George C Edward III
implementation model because the variables are
simultaneously and interact with each other to help
policy implementation
According to Fathoni (2011) research objectives
must be able to represent the entire population of
informants using the sampling method as an actor and
the target group of implementing village financial
applications (SISKUDES) so that the sampling
researchers are very appropriate to be used for
research on the implementation of the village
financial system in the District Nagan Raya. One
BPM employee informant, village treasurer.
a. The primary data source is the result of an interview
with one of the speakers from BPM Nagan Raya's
b. Secondary data source
This study is based on Law No. 6 of 2014
concerning villages, presidential regulation no
192 of 2014 concerning village financial
oversight bodies and development, and
pemendagri numbers 113 and 114 concerning
village financial management.
Conclusions that can be summarized in the
implementation of public policies, standards and
objectives should always be clearly stated in each
program. Because if there are clear standards and
objectives, the policy will be easier to implement, but
on the contrary there will often be failures if the
standards and objectives are not clear. The
performance of policy implementation can be
measured by the level of success of the standard and
policy objectives that are realistic with the socio-
cultural existing at the level of implementing the
The size and objectives of the policy in the
successful implementation of the law in Nagan Raya
Regency include:
1. Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional
2. Law number 6 of 2014 concerning villages
3. Nagan Raya regent regulation number 3 in 2018
concerning procedures for allocating and
determining the amount of village fund allocation
(ADD) for each village in Nagan Raya district in
2018 budget year
4. Nagan Raya regent regulation number 3 of 2019
regarding technical guidelines for the use of ADG
village fund Nagan Raya district.
In the implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014
in Nagan Raya Regency, the size and objectives of
policies in every activity/program have always been
done. The Regent of Nagan Raya succeeded in Law
number 6 of 2014 concerning villages in Nagan Raya
district so far that some regulations have been issued
to further clarify the policy objectives, for example
relating to the procedures for allocating and the
amount of the budget given to each village in Other
Nagan Raya district areas. The informant also said the
same thing:
"As a village assistant, we have been coordinating
with village officials, and companion in the
District. For each program there must always be
information relating to the objectives of the
program, the benefits of the program and how the
process to realize the program.”
Based on the informant's explanation, basically all
of them already knew about Law Number 6 of 2014
concerning villages along with the regent's
regulations on villages in Nagan Raya district area.
But sometimes the obstacle in the field is that there
are still village officials who do not stick to the
standards and objectives that have been made in
implementing the program.
1. The implementation of the village application on
the first indicator, namely communication as a
benchmark for the success of the transmission of
information clarity has not been maximized due to
lack of maximum technical training.
2. Existing human resources in the Nagan Raya
Regency, such as staff and expertise that are
marked by the presence of a PTKD team in
operating the village financial system in the
Nagan Raya Regency.
3. Disposition in the form of village government
understanding of the village financial system
program is better and universal implementers in
understanding the government and facilitating
village government performance.
4. The bureaucratic structure must be in accordance
with the village SOP at the user level, the district
admin, the user reports to the new admin at the
central level. For the village bureaucracy and the
PTKD team.
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