The Current Evaluation of Implementation on Sharia’ Sharia Policy
in Aceh Province, Indonesia: Bottom-up Approach
Nellis Mardhiah
, Said Achmad Kabiru Rafiie
and Rahma Hidayati
Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh,
2Department of Comunication, Faculty Social and Political Science, Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh, Indonesia
Keywords: Bottom-Up Approach, Sharia’ Sharia Policy, Aceh.
Abstract: The implementation of Sharia’ policy in Aceh was imposed by central government of Indonesia. Aceh has
been granted a special autonomous province that can issue a local policy or Qanun. There is a necessary to
evaluate the implementation of Sharia’ policy trough a bottom-up approach. This a model of development to
integrate the local people into the policy. This paper is aimed to investigate a current status of sharia policy
implementation in Aceh. This research will be carry on qualitative method. The interview with key
stakeholder in implementation of sharia policy will be conducted. A content analysis will examine to
capture a conclusion. This research will be useful to understand the problem of the policy implementation
sharia policy in Aceh Province. Therefore, the solution will be presented to improve the current policy.
Aceh is a region of the Republic of Indonesia. The
presence of Aceh in the scope of Indonesian as a
very unique part of the region, Aceh in the
beginning became a region of conflict from the new
order to the order of reform. However, the conflict
ended in peace after Aceh experienced a tsunami
disaster in 2004 ago. The inauguration of peace is as
it has been enshrined in the Helsingki MoU
agreement and is now a draft law No. 11 of 2006
concerning the Aceh government.
Therefore, Aceh at this time has become an
obligation and demand for the implementation of
overall development of policy elements from various
dimensions both political, social and cultural that are
based on Sharia’.
Development of the Aceh region in social and
cultural aspects in the perspective of Sharia’ has
been carried out which aims to improve the
competitiveness of the nation. This increased
development has become a good momentum for the
Aceh region in promoting economic growth, as well
as advancing community welfare. Strategic and
quality regional development is the hope for the
Indonesian State. Likewise, hopes for the people of
Aceh, besides developing regional competitiveness,
regional development also seeks a balance of
development between regions in accordance with
their respective potential. The development of key
indicators in regional development including
economic growth, unemployment reduction and
poverty reduction can illustrate the achievement of
regional development performance in general.
The Aceh region is a part of the Indonesian
government that has the obligation to carry out
autonomous development for harmony in people's
lives. Alignment in the implementation of
development in Aceh is carried out by the Aceh
government based on the memorandum of
understanding of the Helsinki MOU as mandated in
UUPA No. 11 of 2006 concerning the Government
of Aceh. The argument as carried out in the 2006
Law on the Government of Aceh is fostered from
five factors, namely:
i. That the government system of the Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia according to the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
recognizes and respects special or special
regional government units that are regulated by
ii. That based on the constitutional journey of the
Republic of Indonesia, Aceh is a regional
government unit that is special or special related
to one of the historical characteristics of the
Mardhiah, N., Rafiie, S. and Hidayati, R.
The Current Evaluation of Implementation on Sharia’ Sharia Policy in Aceh Province, Indonesia: Bottom-up Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0010002500600066
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 60-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
struggle of the Acehnese people who have high
resilience and struggle;
iii. That high resilience and fighting power is
sourced from a view of life that is based on
Sharia’ which gives birth to a strong Sharia’
culture so that Aceh becomes an area of capital
for the struggle to seize and defend the
independence of the Unitary Republic of
iv. That the administration of governance and the
implementation of development in Aceh have not
been able to fully realize the people's welfare,
justice and the promotion, fulfillment and
protection of human rights so that the Aceh
Government needs to be developed and
implemented based on the principles of good
v. That the natural disasters of the earthquake and
tsunami that occurred in Aceh have fostered the
solidarity of the entire potential of the Indonesian
people to rebuild the people and territory of Aceh
and resolve conflicts peacefully,
comprehensively, sustainably and with dignity
within the framework of the Unitary State of the
Republic of Indonesia Invitation to Aceh
Government 2006.
The development of the Aceh region which was
carried out based on the understanding of the
Helsinki MOU that had been paralleled by the
memorandum was Law Number 11 of 2006
concerning the Government of Aceh in the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia. The location of
the Aceh region can be stated in the following map:
Figure 1: Location of Aceh (
Based on the tattoo list shows the location of the
Aceh region is an archipelago in the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia. The implementation of
development in Aceh can explain that the
development model adopted is based on five (5)
benefits based on an explanation of the LoGA (the
Law on the Governing of Aceh) as follows:
1. Aceh is a special region of the Indonesian
archipelago, a province of Aceh located in the
western region of the Sumatara island, which has
the authority to carry out development in an
autonomous manner which is special in carrying
out the development of Aceh based on Law
Number 44 of 1999 concerning Aceh Privileges
which are based on peace in the implementation
of Sharia’ Sharia as a derivative of the Regional
Regulation on the Special Region of Aceh
Number 5 of 2000 concerning the
Implementation of Sharia policy’ in the Special
Territory of Aceh;
2. Aceh is a region that implements development
based on a special autonomy law that has been
held by the Aceh government based on the
authority of the central government based on
Law Number 18 of 2001 concerning special
autonomy for the Aceh special region as the
territory of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Based
on this law shows that the Acehnese government
has redesigned it through regional regulations,
namely the Qanun of the Nanggroe Aceh
Darussalam Region Number 10 of 2002
concerning Sharia’ Sharia Courts and the Qanun
of the Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Region
Number 11 of 2002 concerning the
Implementation of Sharia’ Sharia in the Field of
Aqidah, Worship and Symbols of Islam;
3. Development of Aceh that has been carried out
Resilience and high fighting force is sourced
from a view of life that is based on Sharia’ sharia
which gave birth to a strong Sharia’ culture as a
cultural civilization that has a spirit of high
fighting value globally;
4. The development of Aceh that has been carried
out by the Aceh government in the
administration of government has not been able
to fully realize the people's welfare, justice and
the promotion, fulfillment and protection of
human rights. So in this case the implementation
of development that has been carried out can not
be maximized properly in accordance with the
best practices and innovations of governance
based on good governance in creating peace
based on Sharia’ policy. At point four (4) this
makes the center of attention in the analysis of
Aceh's integrated development model in a
sustainable manner in the implementation of
Sharia’ policy;
The Current Evaluation of Implementation on Sharia’ Sharia Policy in Aceh Province, Indonesia: Bottom-up Approach
5. The tsunami disaster that has occurred in Aceh
can instill the solidarity of the lives of the people
of Aceh in planting a dignified personality in
maintaining sustainable peace in Aceh.
The development of Aceh that has been
implemented which is a capital of cultural value
integrity that must be associated in maintaining
peace as an area that is influenced by the
development of the economic life of the people in
the life of the nation in an area that receives the
effects of the state as a suburb in the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the approach
of development planning in the perspective of
Sharia’ Sharia in a bottom-up planning approach
becomes a measure in the success of Sharia policy in
Indonesia's Aceh Province.
Situation implementation of Sharia’ law in Aceh
is generally acknowledged to exist many challenges
and shortcomings in its implementation. This fact
can be observed from the many challenges faced by
the government in a number of cases classified as
severe cases or even mild cases in violation of
Sharia’ policy in Aceh. What is meant by serious
cases is that cases in society require debate and legal
comparison in solving problems. Whereas with the
light case it is the deviation of behavior in daily life
that is contrary to Sharia’ policy.
The objective of the discussion in this paper is to
find out the bottom-up playning planning method in
enforcing the power of Islamic policy. And can
understand the obstacles in the implementation of
Islamic Sharia policies in Aceh in the order of the
presence of various Islamic Sharia regulations in
2.1 Bottom-up Playning Approach
National development in Indonesia is directed at all
sectors and in all regions, including rural areas.
Village development is important because most of
the Indonesian population live in the countryside. So
therefore the Bottom-up Playning approach. This
concept is a bottom up development in a concept
that is strong enough, because small areas manage
their resources independently and are integrated with
other regions that allow local areas to build
themselves. However, in a world economic trend
without limits, the concept offered is centralized
(Solihin, 2005).
The bottom up playning approach was pioneered
by Elmore (1978), Lipsky (1971), Berman (1978),
Herjn and Porter (1978). The focus of attention on
the bottom up approach is on the role of street level
bureaucrats and target groups. The bottom-up
approach believes that implementation will succeed
if the target group is involved from the beginning
from the process through to policy implementation.
According to Solihin (2005) The steps in the bottom
up approach in community development planning
can be explained as follows:
1. Mapping stakeholders involved in implementing
policies at the lowest level
2. Looking for information from these actors about
understanding policy
3. Mapping the relationship between actors at the
lowest level and actors at the level above
4. Researchers move up by mapping the actors at a
higher level by looking for the same format.
5. Mapping continues to the highest level.
According to Muhammad (2004) the approach in
bottom-up playning develops from small units or
subordinates to larger or more important units, such
as in organizations or processes. "Isn't it ironic that
the definitions already show that subordinate units
are less important when in fact the opposite. as can
be seen in diagram 1.1 above the bottom-up
approach to community playning is that the main
actor can interact with the government, not only
emphasizing the focus on public service standards,
but also that knowledge about sustainable
development planning from planning and
implementing and controlling the community must
Involved in a participatory manner. Large potential
that lies in "collective expertise and creativity of all
government organizations" is utilized, because the
bottom-up approach creates a foundation for sharing
knowledge and collaboration.This approach can also
create individual involvement because individuals
with knowledge are involved in identifying and
providing optimization. This approach also increases
job satisfaction and motivation through higher
commitment and identification by being part of the
solution,as presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the “bottom-up” approach
compared to the “top-down” approach (Ebbs, 2000).
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
2.2 Policy Implementation Model
The policy implementation phase can be
characterized and distinguished from the policy
making stage. Policy making on the one hand is a
process that has a bottom-up playning logic, in the
sense that the policy process begins with the
delivery of aspirations, requests or support from the
community. Whereas policy implementation on the
other hand has a top-down logic, in the sense of
decreasing abstract or macro policy alternatives into
concrete or micro actions (Wibawa, 1994: 2).
According to Sabatier (1986: 21-48), there are
two models that race in the policy implementation
stage, namely the top down model and the bottom up
model. Both of these models are present in every
policy making process. The elite model, the process
model and the incremental model are considered as a
picture of policy making based on the top down
model. While the bottom up model can be seen in
the group model and institutional model.
Grindle (1980: 6-10) introduced the
implementation model as a political and
administrative process. The model describes the
decision making process carried out by various
actors, where the final output is determined by both
the program material that has been achieved and
through the interaction of decision makers in the
context of administrative politics. The political
process can be seen through the decision making
process that involves various policy actors, while the
administrative process is seen through the general
process of administrative action that can be
investigated at a particular program level. The policy
making process in implementing a policy can be
summarized in Figure 2 regarding the
implementation of the policy administrative and
political processes.
Figure 3: Implementation as a political and administrative
sharia’ Islam in Aceh(Grindle, 1980. p. 11).
The study is available from the perspective of
policy formulation in Aceh which leads to
challenges during the period that need to be taken in
the process of formulating policies in Aceh. Looking
at policy references in Aceh in the context of the
development of Islamic values and civilization as
well as Indonesian socio-culture and Pancasila
ideology and the 1945 Constitution (UUD 1945)
which are about Islamic Sharia is a process of
structuring policies during the reformation period in
1998 between the central kingdom Indonesia and the
Aceh region (Siregar, 2008). According to the
reviewer from Australia, Hooker (2008) stated that
in the process of implementing Islamic Sharia policy
in Aceh encountered many challenges in which the
Sharia law that wanted to be applied must be "in line
and consistent" with the national legal system. But
in reality, the mention of the word "Shari'a" cannot
be given with a clear definition.
Likewise in the statement Arskal (2004) explains
that the formulation of Islamic sharia policies in
Aceh is the fruit of a prolonged vertical conflict that
occurred between the central kingdom to the Aceh
region. Arskal (2008) also added that Islamic law is
an alternative policy choice given to the Aceh region
by the Indonesian central government judging that
there are inconsistencies, contrary to national
legislation, meaning ambiguity and impermanence
in material formulation of the Islamic Sharia Qanun
on the power held to regional ranks in enforcing
regional ranks in upholding the regions Islamic law
(Arskal, 2008).
Syafingi's (2012) study shows that the
Indonesian constitution of the 1945 Constitution also
recognized the granting of regional autonomy from
central government to regional government. Among
its goals is autonomy. That is, it provides more space
at the district level to plan, make arrangements or
implement various administrations within the
framework of national needs (Syafingi, 2012). In
addition, the perspective of implementing the
implementation of Islamic Shari'a as in the study of
Latief (2013); Muhibbuthtabary (2012) and Isa
(2012) also explained that Islamic law is the result of
a political compromise and negotiations with the
central government conflict Aceh government that
was established in the reform era in 1998. In this
context, they explain that formulation instituted
policies of the central government basic legislative
Indonesia Aceh province based on these laws is
through Act No. 44 of 1999, Act No. 18 of 2001 and
Act 2006 Indonesian law also recognizes the
autonomy in terms of enforcement of Islamic law.
Third of this legislation was approved in a number
The Current Evaluation of Implementation on Sharia’ Sharia Policy in Aceh Province, Indonesia: Bottom-up Approach
of Qanun in accelerating the implementation of
Islamic law in Aceh province.
Review Latif (2009) implementation of Islamic
law in Aceh as a political and legal transformation in
the form of Islamic Sharia law in the state with
either Canon or Government is a political product
that has been produced. Martyrs (2012) examined
formulation Islamic law in Aceh policies that take
into account the views of scholars and translated by
the existence of Regional Regulation (PERDA) in
various areas of Islamic law in Aceh. The results of
the study describes the policy formulation Islamic
law in Aceh-based theory of the relationship
between religion and state, the symbiotic paradigm.
The argument is that religion needs a country and
that is how a country needs religion. Martyrs (2012)
also argues that the application of Islamic law in
Aceh highlighted more symbolic than real. Although
there are legal provisions on the application of
Islamic law, the value of Islamic law in its
application is very weak. This is why the main
purpose of implementing Islamic law is not fully
Aziz's (2012) study emphasized the demands of
applying Islamic law that can be influenced by
domestic politics, including elements of
liberalization. According to him, this is the basis of
politics at present among the Indonesian
government. Fahmi's (2012) study revealed that
decision making in the PERDA and argues that the
scenario of implementation of the PERDA or
Regulation Regulations is difficult to implement
because of the political importance of decision
makers in both institutions.
According to Denzin & Lincold (1994) qualitative
research is a data collection technique with natural
data techniques with the intention of assessing the
phenomena that occur. Sampling and data sources
are done purposively and snowball. And data
collection techniques performed by data
triangulation are data merging techniques that will
be carried out with generalized data analysis
techniques. According to Cathain (2008) qualitative
research can contribute to the problem from various
aspects which will be conducted in-depth interviews
through interviews and documentation. Thus Asfi
(2017) qualitative research methods have an
intervertive, critical and postmodern paradigm in
understanding truth through structured stadar of the
process flow in accordance with the paradigm and
application rules used by researchers.
Data collection techniques in this study were
conducted by in-depth interviews with informants.
The speakers in this study are those who are
involved in making Islamic Sharia regulations 7
elements of representation, namely the Aceh Islamic
Sharia Service, Legislation, Wilayatul Hisbah,
NGOs and community leaders at the level of village
authorities in the Aceh region.
The data analysis method will be encoded by
analyzing the data and well organized according to
the research instruments. The intended data analysis
that has been run with N Vivo 10.
4.1 Bottom-up Playning Planning in
Upholding the Strength of Islamic
Sharia in a Participatory Manner
and Community-based
Participatory planning in the ranking of village
government in upholding the strength of this practice
consists of applying the overall community
agreement in all walks of life to foster the provisions
of existing laws and political actions based on
dynamic results of groups thought in realizing
Islamic law. Considering the value of Islamic law
based on the existing law and as a political action is
the implementation of Islamic law as the desire of
society as a whole. As well as supporting the
prevention of social problems according to Islami
law is built rather than the existing law and as a
political action is a conflict prevention measure in
Rather than the law available and as a political
measure is a conflict prevention measure in Aceh.
When in political action in applying an
agreement is a dynamic result of group thought
consisting of:
i) Fiqh perspective clothing, human rights and
legislation in Indonesia;
ii) Clothing in the perspective of Islamic civilization
and culture;
iii) Women's participation in the diversity of Islamic
fashion models;
iv) The strategy of socializing the application of
Islamic dress and the formation of formal
education commodity pathways.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
Considering the value of Islamic law is the desire
of society as a whole. This consideration is based on
the law which is available:
i) Law Number 44 of 1999 concerning
Implementation of Aceh Privileges;
ii) Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning Aceh
The two laws mentioned above show that:
i) "Islamic Sharia policy is a requirement of Islamic
teachings in all aspects of life" (Chapter 1 Law
No. 44 of 1999: 1);
ii) "The implementation of Islamic law can be
further regulated in the form of a Qanun (Article
125 of Law Number 11 of 2006: 87).
Political action in considering the value of sharia
is the desire of the community as a whole that the
implementation of Islamic law has become a
consideration of the lives of the people of Aceh in
upholding Islamic law. And the public wants to
realistically use Islamic clothing as a necessity in
daily life.
Political action in considering the value of
Islamic Sharia is as conflict prevention in Aceh is a
support for positive actions that have been in effect
before the issuance of the 2006 Act as the position
of the Aceh legislation as an autonomous region in
upholding Islamic Sharia. These prevention
recommendations are as follows:
i) Prevent the occurrence of actions or activities
that arise due to drinking rooms in the
community (Article 3 Qanun of Nanggroe Aceh
Darussalam Province Number 12 of 2003: 4);
ii) Preventing community members from carrying
out actions that lead to Maisir or gambling
(Chapter 3 Qanun of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Province Number 13 of 2003: 3);
iii) Prevent members of the community as early as
possible from committing acts that lead to
adultery (Article 3 Qanun of Nanggroe Aceh
Darussalam Province Number 14 of 2003: 2).
Community Based Partnership: Implement
community agreements reached through the value of
compromise. Implementing community agreements
is the dynamic result of various group thoughts in
making policy decisions. The second interpretation
of this is based on the existing law that is, the
Regent's Decree No. 1111 of 2009 concerning the
Establishment of the National Seminar Committee
for Enforcement of Islamic Sharia in the Use of
Islamic Clothing in the Teuku Umar Region of West
Aceh in 2009. The statement of the law states that
i) Dynamic thinking that develops in group
discussions with the community;
ii) The formulation of each group will be read out at
the plenary discussion that took place on Sunday,
dated 20 December 2009;
Supporting prevention of social problems
according to Islamic law is an act of conflict
prevention in Aceh. This action is built from existing
laws, namely:
i. Qanun of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Number 12 of 2003 concerning Khamar
Beverages and the Like;
ii. Qanun of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Number 13 of 2003 concerning Maisir
iii. Qanun of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province
Number 14 of 2003 concerning Seclusion or
The above legal statement asserts that:
i) "Drinking wine or liquor drinks and the like is a
violation of Islamic law" (Qanun Aceh Province
Number 12 of 2003 on Alcoholic Drinks
Production: 1);
ii) "Maisir or gambling including one wrong act
forbidden in Islamic law" (Qanun Aceh Province
Number 13 of 2003 on Gambling Maisir: 1);
iii) "Seclusion or Meusum including one wrong act
forbidden in Islamic law (Qanun of Nanggroe
Aceh Darussalam Province Number 14 of 2003
on Seclusion or Meusum: 1).
4.2 Implementation of Policy Barriers
or Weakness of Islamic Law in
Aceh in the Process of Political and
The weaknesses in practice are technical barriers and
political constraints. Technical constraints can be
built on existing laws, and political action is the
policy decision to achieve the goals of the interest
group. While political constraints show that politics
is a reflection of poor socialization in action -
education and service delivery to the public
understanding of Islamic law in Aceh.
Technical constraints indicate that policy
decisions to achieve the goals of the interests of the
group While in the political perspective technical
constraints indicate that policy decisions to achieve
the goals of the group can be expressed as follows:
i) Increasing costs in policy planning, such as due
to budgetary allocation in other cost allocations;
ii) Determination of criteria model garment worn by
Muslim women in West Aceh. This situation
tends to conflict with fellow decision-makers;
iii) Refusing to think openly in the pursuit of policy
goals Therefore, the implementation of policy
The Current Evaluation of Implementation on Sharia’ Sharia Policy in Aceh Province, Indonesia: Bottom-up Approach
decisions is valued less professionally in the field
and thus less confidence in the implementation
by the authorities.
Political constraints indicate that the barriers to
socialization are weak in the delivery of education
services to the community regarding Islamic law.
There are two ways in which the perceived
weaknesses aresumbernya?: First; The role of media
in the transmission of information. This can be
understood as a symbol of the obligatory symbol
wearing a skirt in upholding Islamic law. Second:
Obtaining consensus or coercion in the use of
Islamic clothing. It is a fine for cutting pants in order
to achieve the stated policy goals.
Enforcement of Islamic law in Aceh can be done
through a bottom-up approach should playning must
be carried out with the involvement of the
community in a participatory and community-level
governments in the village into a major partnership
for relentless in understanding the meaning of
Islamic law in Aceh. Barriers to the implementation
of Islamic Shari'a politically and administrative
processes of government resource capabilities in
upholding Islamic Shari'a in the field.
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