Optimization of Handling Problems in Medan City based on
Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2003
Husni Thamrin, Agus Suriadi and Fajar Utama Ritonga
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keyword: Beggar, Handling Optimization.
Abstract: From the results of various studies of Medan City Regulation Number 6 of 2003 and North Sumatra
Provincial Government Regulation Number 4 of 2008 did not run optimally and could not completely solve
the homeless and beggar problems. Handling through a community empowerment approach (Social
Development that explains the social and economic approach) in order to restore the social functions of the
Homeless and a Beggar Handling Model is required a comprehensive and holistic in the cities / regencies
of North Sumatra Province especially in Medan City. The hope is that the model handlers can be
implemented in other Cities/Regencies in North Sumatra Province. These beggars handling are urgently
Since the Medan City Regulation Number 6 of 2003
enacted has not had a significant impact on the
existence of beggars, and North Sumatra Governor
Regulation Number 4 of 2008 concerning Handling
of Homeless and Beggars in Medan has not been
maximized by the Social Welfare Office of North
Sumatra Province.
Several studies have been carried and give
intresting information. A research by Anggriana and
Dewi (2016) concluded that there were a number of
problems experienced by homeless people and
beggars at the homeless and beggar social
rehabilitation institution, these problems were
related to: economic problems, educational issues,
socio-cultural problems, environmental problems,
legal and citizenship issues, mental attitude that is
less healthy.
Research conducted by Nurita (2016) with the
title Implementation of Medan City Regional
Regulation No. 6 of 2003 concerning the Prohibition
of Bums and Beggars and the Practice of Tuna
Susila in Medan City (Case Study at the
Dinsosnaker Medan City) shows that Medan City
Regulation No. 6 of 2003 is not optimal enough to
deal with the problem of homeless and beggars in
the city of Medan.
Kesuma (2014) with the title Implementation of
Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2008 concerning
Handling of Homeless and Beggars in the City of
Medan in the Social Welfare Office of North
Sumatra Province found that those regulation can be
implemented and also accepted in the community.
Furthermore, supervision of this regional regulation
is carried out in an integrated manner under the
coordination of the regional head
The results of research Evaluation of Policy
Implementation and Order Management of
Homeless and Beggars in Pekanbaru City (Study of
Regional Regulation Number 12 of 2008) by Junaidy
and Sujianto (2014), shows that the local regulation
of Pekanbaru City number 12 of 2008 concerning
social order cannot be implemented optimally. The
effectiveness criteria for evaluating social order
policy in the city of Pekanbaru are not achieved.
Furthermore, the result of Thamrin, Masril, &
Sembiring (2017) research states that the cause of an
individual/group becomes vagrants and beggars is
divided into two factors: internal factor and external
factor. The external factors are: economy,
persuasion by others, indifference of neighborhood
in case there are people being vagrants or beggars,
indifference of family in case there are family
members being vagrants or beggars.
Mechanism of Social Culture in Developing
Assets for the Poor in Local Organizations in Medan
by Thamrin (2018) states that Medan city is the city
Thamrin, H., Suriadi, A. and Ritonga, F.
Optimization of Handling Problems in Medan City based on Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2003.
DOI: 10.5220/0010001800180022
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 18-22
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
with the most intensity of begging arrest operations
between Binjai City and Deli Serdang District. But
in the regulatory aspect, Medan City does not have
regulations that specifically regulate the procedures
for implementing repression of begging activities
Based on the results of research and discussion
of Cutting off Beggars Spread in Medan by Thamrin
and Ritonga (2018), found that there are factors
caused to be beggars: no expertise, no skill, and no
enough venture capital to survive after getting out of
The Social Unit for the Prosperous Pungai Binjai
and NGO KKSP and PKPA Medan City that
provides services to homeless and beggars; a sense
of comfort into a beggar than other jobs.
The City of Medan requires the handling of
homeless people and beggars which is more
integrated with the principle of partnership between
elements of society, both local governments,
communities, security forces, non-governmental
organizations. Tackling the social problems of
homeless people and beggars is carried out
thoroughly and integrated across sectors, both the
city government and the regional government.
The existence of beggars in urban areas is very
disturbing for the people, besides disturbing the
activities of the people on the highway, they also
damage the beauty of the city. A few criminal cases
committed by them, such as pickpocketing even
stealing and others. Therefore, the research model of
handling homeless people and beggars in Medan
needs to be done.
The method used in this research is descriptive
method with a qualitative approach. The descriptive
analysis method is one of the research methods for
solving problems, which is done by describing and
analyzing. Basrowii (2008) suggested qualitative
data developed by Milles and Huberman that in
principle qualitative data analysis was carried out in
conjunction with the data collection process. Miles
and Huberman's views on qualitative research are:
Data that appears is in the form of words and not a
series of numbers. The data may have been collected
in various ways (observations, interviews, document
essence, tape tapes), and which are usually
"processed" before they are ready to be used
(through recording, typing, editing, or transcribed),
but qualitative analysis keep using words, which are
usually organized into expanded text.
The informants selected is represented Medan
City Social Service and the Medan Municipal Civil
Service Police Unit that handled the homeless and
beggars, social workers/community workers,
academics, and practitioners / community workers of
non-government organizations (NGOs) who work in
the field of handling homeless people and beggars.
Data collection techniques using observation, in-
depth interviews and Focus Group Discussion
(FGD), data analysis used is qualitative data analysis
(Sugiono, 2009).
Medan City development has never been free from
problems homeless and beggars even though in the
process of handling it has been formulated in Medan
City Regulatio Number 6 of 2003 concerning the
Prohibition of Bums and Begging and Decency
Practices in Medan City. The regulation has been
counted for sixteen years since stipulation by the
Mayor of Medan. Of course, the hope of establishing
these regulations intended to solve homeless and
beggar problems occur in the city of Medan.
In Chapter II article 1 it is clearly written that the
activity of homelessness and begging in groups or
individuals or in any way by influencing / arousing
the mercy of others is prohibited by the Medan City
Government, the Prohibition shows that from 2003
the City Government and the House of
Representatives had paid attention to homeless and
beggar problems. The ban is aimed at individuals
and groups. The current condition shows that the
prohibition is still being violated in private and in
The results of an interview with a Medan
member of House of Representative, OK
Ubaydillah, provided information that in its history
Medan City Regulation Number 6 of 2003 is the
spirit to give a better appearance of Medan City, it's
just that its implementation until now is not as
expected. The prohibition mandated in these bylaws
has been violated and not carried out in accordance
with what is regulated.
In article 2 paragraph 2 deliberately manipulating
others such as infants, young children and / or
bringing someone/several people for the purpose of
begging also still occurs in Medan City. One case
that has just happened police in Medan City has
exposed the crime of exploitation of minors. As
many as 20 children and 5 adults were secured and
submitted to the Medan Social Service. Head of
Medan Social Services, Endar Sutan Lubis, said that
his office had conducted an assessment and would
continue with family visits including parents
Optimization of Handling Problems in Medan City based on Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2003
responsible or not. If not, we will adopt as a state
child to be educated in an institution that handles
abandoned children.
Observation results in the field show the
exploitation of children, disabilities, sick people and
other deficiencies. Regarding Jalan Setia Budi, there
are still often beggars who bring a person with a
disability in a wheelchair, visually impaired, holding
a baby and so on. At the crossroads there are still
many child beggars, leprosy and mothers holding
babies. This fact shows that Medan City still needs
to solve the beggar problem.
In Chapter III Supervision and Guidance in
Article 4 it is very clearly written that the Medan
City Government through the Medan City Social
Service conducts homeless and beggars and
prostitutes in the form of activities in the form and
includes other skills and expertise.vSome of the
solutions made by the Medan City Government are
implementing economic empowerment by forming a
Joint Business Group, by increasing skills that
support their economy such as the Family Hope
Program, BPJS, or Smart Card for their children.
The problem of beggars is a social problem and
is like a disease in society. Some problems are
factors that exist in the internal; individual/family
and from the external. Internal factors causing
1. poverty; is a major factor in the emergence of
beggars. Basically beggars are really poor or
pretend to be poor. Some beggars admit that they
become beggars because they are poor and have
low incomes that are not enough to meet the
needs of their families, so they are forced to
become beggars.
2. low education; It makes sense if education
influences a person to become a beggar, having a
low educational background results a person not
having special expertise. Person with low
education cant absorbed by the employment
3. mental attitude; this condition occurs because
they consider that the profession they are
undertaking is a natural thing, like other jobs that
have the same goal, namely to earn income, so
that they are comfortable with the profession as
beggars. Lack of income sources and limited
mastery of productive facilities and limited skills
cause them to make begging as work
External factors causing beggars:
1. permissive conditions in the city; the people
permissive attitude can be seen from the attitude
that easy to give something. The compassion and
care of the community is a teaching of good
morality. While on the other hand, this view is
put to good use by beggars to continue to draw
mercy from good people
2. urbanization and development gaps; the
emergence of beggars is a negative impact of the
development gap in urban and rural areas. The
rapid development in urban areas is an attraction
for rural communities to move to cities with high
salary motivation without realizing the
limitations of their potential. Based on the
author's interview with one of the beggars who
had followed coaching but still continued his
profession as a beggar said that after attending
coaching he had a few months as a cobbler.
Becoming a cobbler has less satisfactory and
sallary, then he returned to his profession as
The role of the Medan City Government in
resolving the problem of beggars in the City of
Medan is to develop beggars in 3 (three) ways,
namely Prevention, Mitigation Efforts, and Social
3.1 Prevention
Prevention efforts are carried out by the government
and or the community to prevent the spread and
complexity of the problems that cause children on
the streets, homeless people, and beggars. Business
as referred to is carried out among others by:data
collection, monitoring, control, supervision, and
3.2 Mitigation Efforts
Mitigation efforts are efforts to minimize or to free
public places from street children, homeless people,
and beggars addressed to individuals or groups.
Countermeasures referred to include: raids, carried
out by civil service police officers, and formed by a
joint team. Control is done at any time in a
coordinative by the relevant agencies and an
integrated team consisting of the Social Service,
Pamong Praja Police elements, and can also with the
POLRI elements, in order to provide protection to
street children, homeless, and beggars as well as
groups or individuals on behalf of social institutions
in the name of pay attention to human rights, child
protection, and the purpose of coaching
Temporary shelters are carried out in the context
of fostering with the government social care system
which includes social guidance, mental spiritual
guidance, legal guidance, and social adaptation
games (outbound) by protecting and guaranteeing
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
human rights, child protection, and the purpose of
coaching according to applicable laws.
Protection carried out by the Social Service in
cooperation with the unit of Pamong Praja Police
and elements of the National Police and or related
community elements and non-governmental
Organizations (NGOs) to prevent street children,
homeless people, and beggars from going down the
street by creating street-based posts that are carried
out with campaign activities and temporarily due to
the limitations of the Social Service that are not have
a shelter for long distances, to accommodate beggars
given from Pamong Praja Police can only be
accommodated one to two days.
Social assistance is carried out through
individualized guidance of street children, homeless
people, and beggars and their families on a regular
and ongoing basis, the implementation can be
carried out by government social workers and
private social workers and or community social
institutions that have a concern for the recipient of
3.3 Social Rehabilitation
The social rehabilitation effort is a process of re-
finalization in the way of community life and
improvement of the level of social welfare of street
children, homeless people and beggars which is
carried out through the orphanage system and
outside the orphanage. Social rehabilitation efforts
for beggars of productive age, carried out to obtain a
decent and dignified life and life by means of mental
and spiritual guidance to foster awareness and
attitudes so that they no longer carry out begging
activities in public places.
The hope for the Medan City Government is to
have its own rehabilitation center, not to rely on the
property of the existing provincial government to be
realized immediately. Medan City Government has
made and sent the Detail Engineering Design (DED)
to the Department of Housing and Settlements,
because it is they who will later build it. The
construction of this orphanage was ordered by the
Mayor and is expected to be realized soon.
3.3.1 Handling Coordination
As one of the Work Unit (SKPD), the Medan City
Social Service, has a role in the implementation of
regional regulation Number. 6 of 2003, namely
providing social services to homeless people and
beggars as well as practices of prostitutes raided by
municipal police in the Social Service and
Manpower, then in the data and entered into the
archive of social services and labor.
To carry out main functions, the Social and
Manpower Office also involves several related
agencies such as the pamong Praja Police, the North
Sumatra Province Social Service and the Military
Police in implementing policy enforcement such as
raids, policing, and others.
The Medan City Pamong Praja Police also has a
large role in this policy, as a regional regulation
enforcer, cooperation between social services can be
seen when controlling they will work together there
and form a team for operations in the field, raids on
prostitute women or immoral acts in hotels. The
Social Service also cooperates with several non-
governmental organizations (NGOs).
1. The handling of beggars should be carried out in
synergy with all relevant agencies, and should
not be the responsibility of the Social Service
alone. This synergy becomes very necessary to
be understood as an integral part of the handling
of beggars in the city of Medan
2. The optimization of beggar handlers based on
Perda No. 6/2003 is carried out through the pema
regulation, which includes acts of supervision,
guidance and punishment. In the context of the
implementation of supervision, guidance and
accounting still need to be improved so that it
can run according to the regulation
1. There needs to be friendship between agencies to
work together in the handling of beggars in the
city of Medan. Beggar remembrance must be
carried out across sectors with reference to the
2. Need to design standard operational procedures
as a process of supervision, guidance and
provided the research funding in the scheme of
Optimization of Handling Problems in Medan City based on Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2003
PENELITIAN DASAR 2019 so that this research
can be conducted and published.
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