Subjective Norm Representations to Patient Intention to Use National
Health Service in out Patient Services RSIA Sammarie Basra
Yeni Yuliani
, Supriyantoro
, Rokiah Kusumapradja
and Kemala Rita Wahidi
Hospital Administration Program, University of Esa Unggul Jakarta
Keywords: intention, patient characteristics, patient perception, subjective norm.
Abstract: The intention of patients to try to use new services in hospitals are the first thing the hospital needs to know
to create new service products or to work with third parties that are expected to attract more patients.The
patient's intention to utilize the National Health Insurance (JKN) program should also be measured before
the hospital provides the National Health Insurance (JKN) service.This study aims to determine the
relationship of patient characteristics to the patient's perception of JKN program and to know the relation of
patient characteristics, patient's perception and subjective norm about JKN program to patient's intention to
utilize JKN program if RSIA SamMarie Basra provides JKN service.The type of research used is Causal
Research. The number of samples was 105 respondents taken using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
calculation with a population of 618 patients per month.Data analysis using Path Analysis.The result of
hypothesis test showed that the patient characteristics that influence the perception of the benefit for the
patient about the JKN program are education level and the patient characteristic which influence the
perception of ease for the patient about JKN program that is also education level.While the variables that
influence the patient's intention to utilize JKN program issubjective norm about JKN program, that is
encouragement from the government side. The implication of theresearchby giving correct
information and education about the JKN program. While agovernment can shift the trend of
patients to utilize JKN program in service facilities that provide JKN program.
The intention of the patient to try to use new
services in the hospital is the first thing that the
hospital needs to know to create a new service
product or to cooperate with a third party that is
expected to be of great interest to the patient. The
intention of utilizing health care is often used to
analyze patient behavior. Before getting health care,
consumers will usually collect information about
health services based on personal experience as well
as information coming from their environment. Once
the information is collected, the patient will begin
assessing the health service, evaluating and making
decisions on utilizing the health service after
comparing similar health services and considering
The patient's intention to utilize the National
Health Insurance (JKN) program should also be
measured before the hospital in cooperation with the
National Health Insurance Administration (JKN) in
this case the Social Security Administering Body
(BPJS) of Health. Referring to Theory Reasoned
Action (TRA) proposed by Fishbein and Ajzen
(1975, that intention is influenced by internal factors
through attitudes and external factors that are
subjective norms. The attitude is influenced one of
them by the perception that is the earliest stage of a
series of information processing, in which there is
the process of detecting and interpreting information
by using knowledge inferred in the memory which
the process includes sensory recording, pattern
recognition and attention (Suharman, 2005: 63).
Whereas external factors of subjective norms can be
seen as the dynamics between the perceived
impulses of those around them with the motivation
to follow their view of doing or not doing those
behaviors (Abraham, 1997) or one's perception of
social pressures to do or not doing the behavior
(Ajzen, 2005).
Prescilla Roesalya (2014) found that there was a
relationship between the socialization of the BPJS
Health program and the community's decision as a
participant of the BPJS Kesehatan program. There is
a relationship between public attitudes on BPJS
Health program with community decisions as
Yuliani, Y., Supriyantoro, ., Kusumapradja, R. and Rita Wahidi, K.
Subjective Norm Representations to Patient Intention to Use National Health Service in out Patient Services RSIA Sammarie Basra.
DOI: 10.5220/0009953228272834
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2827-2834
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
participants BPJS Health. This shows that there is a
connection to how society is behaving towards a
program with the decision to be taken.
SamMarie Basra's mother and child hospital with
class Care located in Pondok Bambu area, Duren
Sawit, East Jakarta. RSIA SamMarie Basra has 20
beds, is a hospital that not only provides mother and
child services but provides several other services
such as reproductive engineering (in vitro
fertilisation, insemination, sex selection of fetus),
comprehensive skin care, dental polyclinic,
internistpolyclinic, general surgical polyclinics,
urology surgery clinic and polyclinic andrology.
RSIA SamMarie Basra currently has not provided
National Health Insurance (JKN) service.
The motivation to do this research is; First, RSIA
SamMarie Basra was chosen because RSIA
SamMarie Basra is a hospital with excellent service
of reproductive engineering (in vitro fertilisation,
insemination, sex selection of fetus) which has been
operated starting in 2010, and continuously carried
out the process of change and development, services
and facilities. Second, perceptions, subjective norms
and patient intentions are valuable inputs to the
hospital business so that hospitals must create and
manage a system to gain an increasing segment of
patients and the ability to retain patients. Third,
subjective perceptions and norms regarding patients
about JKN and the intention to utilize JKN services
are important to patients and hospitals. Patients will
get the necessary and expected health services to get
the best service, and the hospital will get loyal
customers. Fourth, the subjective perception and
norms of the patients towards JKN and the intention
to utilize JKN service in RSIA SamMarie Basra as
one of the inputs in determining the preparation of
service of National Health Insurance program
The objectives of this research are to obtain
empirical study evidence on the analysis of the
effect of patient characteristics (age, sex, education
level and income level) on perceptions of benefits
and convenience perceptions about the National
Health Insurance program (JKN) and subjective
norms about the National Health Insurance program
(JKN) on the patient's intention to utilize the
National Health Insurance (JKN) RSIA SamMarie
Basra if providing National Health Insurance (JKN)
The contribution of the research is to provide
information for RSIA management SamMarie Basra
in preparation to serve the participants of National
Health Insurance (JKN) program, to develop science
in Intense Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) theory so
that it can give additional scientific discourse about
factors that can affect the patient's intention to take
advantage of the National Health Insurance (JKN)
program at the hospital and become one of the
reference materials for similar hospitals that have
not provided National Health Insurance (JKN)
The research method used in this research is
Cause or Causal Research. The research design that
emphasizes more on the determination of cause and
effect relationship. That is the independent variable
(independent variable) in the form of perception and
subjective norm of the patient about the National
Health Insurance (JKN) as well as the patient
characteristic which will cause changes in the
dependent variable in the form of the patient's
intention to utilize the National Health Care (JKN)
service at RSIA SamMarie Basra.
The variables to be studied are patient
characteristics, patient perception and subjective
norm of National Health Insurance program (JKN)
in RSIA SamMarie Basra as an independent
variable. While the patient's intention to utilize the
service of National Health Insurance (JKN) as the
dependent variable.
The samples studied were all outpatients on the
1st floor, who had visited more than 2 times, with
full conscious and self-sufficient conditions in filling
out the questionnaire. The unit of analysis is the
individual,ie RSIA SamMarie Basra patient. Data
analysis using Path Analysis.Based on the source of
data are primary data and data type is qualitative
data quantized.
Data distribution of respondents in the study as
shown in the table below:
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 1. Distribution of Respondents in Outpatient
Services RSIA SamMarie Basra
3.1 Testing Requirements Analysis
Validity test and reliability test performed on 3
variables. Variable perception of patient benefit
about JKN Program with 6 statement and variable
perception of patient ease about JKN Program with
6 statement got the result of the entire valid
statement. Variable subjective norms with 4
statements obtained the results of all valid
statements. In the variable intentions of patients to
utilize JKN program with 5 statements obtained the
results of all statements are valid. Reliability test
results obtained results with the value of Cronbach
alpha above 0.60 and declared reliable, then the
statements can be used in the questionnaire.
3.2 Descriptive Statistics Analysis
In the result of descriptive analysis indicator of
benefit perception about JKN program obtained
average value for each statement which already
high. The lowest value in the description obtained is
the perception of benefits on PM1 and PM2 which
means that the patient feels the lowest to give the
perception of benefits according to the patient is on
the statement if RSIA SamMarie Basra provide
services JKN it will create faster service and on the
statement if RSIA SamMarie Basra provide JKN
services then it will create better service
performance with average value of each rating
3,4095 and 3,4667. Thus it can be said that the
patient disagrees that the JKN program will create
service faster and will create better service
In the results of descriptive analysis of
perceptions of convenience indicators about JKN
program obtained average value for each statement
which is also high. The lowest value in the
description obtained is the perception of
convenience on PK1, PK2 and PK3 which means
that the patient feels the least influential is the
statement if RSIA SamMarie Basra provide JKN
services then the service JKN will be easier to learn
the patient, will be easily controlled patients and will
be easily understood by patients with an average
score of 3.5619 respectively. Thus can be said that
patients less agree that JKN program will be easier
to learn the patient, will be easy to control the
patient and will be easily understood by the patient.
In the results of the descriptive analysis of
indicators of subjective norms about JKN program
obtained the average value for each statement which
is also high. The highest value in the description that
is on NS4 is a boost from the government with a
mean value of 3.8381. Moreover, the lowest value is
on NS2 in the form of encouragement from friends
with a mean value of 3,600. Thus the patient states
that the greatest encouragement to utilize the JKN
program is the encouragement of the government.
While the encouragement of the lowest friends
encourages to take advantage of JKN program.
In the result of descriptive analysis of subjective
norm indicator about JKN program obtained average
value for every statement which also has high. The
highest value in the statistical description is on the
NMJ1 is a statement of the possibility of patients to
take advantage of JKN program if the JKN program
is available at RSIA SamMarie Basra with a mean
value of 3.7810. Moreover, the lowest value is in
NMJ4 in the form of statements the patient will
consider to utilize the JKN program if the JKN
program is available at RSIA SamMarie Basra with
a mean value of 3.6095.
Thus the majority of patients stated that it is
possible to utilize the JKN program.
3.3 Hypothesis Test Results
From testing the research hypothesis obtained the
following results:
Frequency Percentage
19-25year old
26-35year old
36-45year old
46-55year old
56-65 year old
>65 year old
Level of education:
<High school
Average Revenue
> 50 million
51-100 million
101-150 million
> 150 million
Subjective Norm Representations to Patient Intention to Use National Health Service in out Patient Services RSIA Sammarie Basra
H1: Relationship of Patient Characteristics to
Patient Benefit Perception of JKN Program.
Table 2. Results of Hypothesis Testing of Patient
Characteristics on Perception of Benefits of JKN Program
Influence Signific
H1a Patient's age to
benefit perception
about JKN program
Sex of the patient
on the perception of
benefits about the
program JKN
The level of
education of the
patients to the
perception of
benefits about the
program JKN
The level of patient
earnings to the
perception of
benefits about the
program JKN
Based on the results of the first hypothesis
testing found that the characteristics of patients who
affect the perception of the benefits of the National
Health Insurance program (JKN) for patients is the
level of patient education. The higher the level of
patient education, the perception of the benefits for
the patient about the JKN program will increase. In
other words, the patient's ability to collect, absorb
and analyze information about the JKN program has
an effectto establish a good benefit perception for
the patient about the JKN Program itself. The other
patient characteristics of age, gender and average
income per year in this study did not affect to
establish the perception of benefit for the patient
about the JKN program.
This is less in line with the theory of Jacobalis.S
(2000) which says that the patient's perception and
patient intentions are influenced by the patient's
characteristics of age, gender, education level and
average income per year. This may be due to the
patient's intention to utilize the JKN program equally
at all age, sex, educational level and average income
per patient per year.
The result of the hypothesis about the patient's
perception on the patient's intention to utilize the
National Health Insurance (JKN) is also in
accordance with the research result of Davis (1989)
which has two constructs namely perceived
usefulness and perceived ease of use. Perceived
usefulness is defined as the extent to which a person
believes that using a technology will improve his or
her performance ("as the extent to which a person
believes that by technology will enhance his or her
performance.") Based on the definition, it is known
that the benefits perceptions of a result of
perception, a belief (beliefs) about the decision-
making process (Hartono, 2008). A technology that
will benefit a user, then a user will use it.
Conversely, if a perceived technology does not
provide benefits then, the technology will not be
used. It may also apply to the JKN program, in
which case if the JKN program is perceived not to
benefit the patient then the patient may tend not to
exploit the JKN program if the JKN program is
available at RSIA SamMarie Basra.
H2: Relationship of Patient Characteristics to the
Patient's Convenient Perception of the JKN
Table 3. Results of Hypothesis Testing of Patient
Characteristics on Easy Perception of JKN Program (H2)
Influence Signific
H2a Patient's age to
perception of ease
about JKN
Sex of the patient
on the perception
of ease about the
program JKN
The level of
patient education
on the perception
of ease about the
program JKN
The patient's
income level on
the convenience
perception about
the JKN
Based on the results of the second hypothesis
testing found that the characteristics of patients who
affect the perception of ease of the National Health
Insurance program (JKN) for patients is also the
level of patient education. The higher the level of
patient education, the perception of ease for the
patient about the JKN program will be increasing. In
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
other words, the patient's ability to collect, absorb
and analyze information about the JKN program has
an effectto establish a good patient perception of the
JKN Program itself. The other patient characteristics
of age, gender and average income per year in this
study did not have an effect to establish perceptions
of convenience for patients about the JKN program.
Perceived ease of use is defined as the extent to
which a person believes that using technology will
be free of effort. "Just like the construct of perceived
benefits, the construct of ease of use of perceptions
is also shaped by a belief (beliefs) about the
decision-making process (Hartono, 2008). Someone
will use technology when one feels confident that
the information system is easy to use and vice versa
one will not use technology when he/she believes
that the technology is not easy to use. It may also
apply to the JKN program, in which case if the JKN
program is perceived not to provide convenience for
the patient then the patient tends not to take
advantage of the JKN program if the JKN program
is available at RSIA SamMarie Basra.
H3: Relationship of Patient Characteristics,
Patient Perception and Subjective Norms to Patients'
Intention to Utilize JKN Program.
Table 4. Results of Hypothesis Testing Patient
Characteristics, Patient Perception and Subjective Norms
on JKN Program on Patient's Intention to Utilize JKN
Program (H3)
Influence Signific
H3a Patient's age to
perception of ease
about JKN program
Sex of the patient
on the perception of
ease about the
program JKN
The level of patient
education on the
perception of ease
about the program
The level of patient
income on the
perception of ease
about the program
Perception Benefits
about the JKN
program on the
patient's intention
to utilize the JKN
perception about
the JKN program
on the patient's
intention to utilize
the JKN program
The subjective
norm regarding the
JKN program on
the patient's
intention to utilize
the JKN program
Based on the results of testing the third
hypothesis as shown in table 4 are obtained the
following results:
Patient characteristics consisting of age, sex,
education and average income per year in this study
did not affect the patient's intention to utilize the
JKN program. Thus it can be said that the patient's
intention to utilize the JKN program is independent
of age, gender, patient education level and patient's
average per year income. This is less in line with the
theory of Jacobalis.S (2000) which says that the
patient's perception and patient intentions are
influenced by the patient's characteristics of age,
gender, education level and average income per
year. This may be due to the patient's intention to
utilize the JKN program equally at all age, sex,
educational level and average income per patient
The perception of the patient whether the
perception of the benefit and the perception of ease
for the patient about the JKN program does not
affect the patient's intention to utilize the JKN
program if the JKN program is available at RSIA
SamMarie Basra. This can be due to the patient's
intention to utilize the JKN program is more caused
by external factors that are not derived from the
internal patient, a strong impetus to utilize the JKN
Based on the results of subsequent hypothesis
testing also found that the subjective norms of
patients affect the patient's intention to take
advantage of the National Health Insurance (JKN)
program. The subjective norm, especially the NS4,
is encouragement from outsiders, in this case, the
encouragement of the government or regulator
against JKN's programaffects the patient's intention
to utilize the JKN program with a significant value
of 0,000.
The results of the study are in accordance with
the Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) which states
that the behavioris preceded by intent and intention
Subjective Norm Representations to Patient Intention to Use National Health Service in out Patient Services RSIA Sammarie Basra
determined by the attitude of behavior and
subjective norms individually. In this study, the
perception of patients who are internal factors has no
effect on the patient's intention to take advantage of
the National Health Insurance (JKN) program
compared to the subjective norm that significantly
influences (ρ = 0,000) on the patient's intention to
utilize the National Health Insurance (JKN)
program. The intention of the patient to utilize the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program in this
caseis influenced by the subjective norm, especially
the government encouragement to utilize the JKN
program rather than the influence of self-perception
of the patient himself to utilize the National Health
Insurance (JKN) program.
The results of this study in accordance with
previous research conducted by Maradona (2009)
which states that the attitude variable has a
significant positive effect on customer compliance
intention variable. The subjectivevariable has a
significant positive effect on customer compliance
intention variable. Behavior control variable has a
significant positive effect on Customer compliance
intention variable. There is a positive correlation
between attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral
controls with customer compliance intentions in
paying home phone bills.
3.4 Intervening Test
Indirect test result characteristic of patient
through perception of benefit that is equal to -
0,66263 and indirect test result characteristic of
patient through perception of ease that is -0,146595,
then in absolute indirect test result more benefit
perception great value from indirect test results
characteristics of patients on the patient's intention to
utilize the program JKN through perception of ease.
Thus, it can be concluded that the perception of the
benefit of the patients regarding the JKN program is
an indirect variable or intervening variable on the
patient's intention to utilize the National Health
Insurance (JKN) program.
3.5 Research Findings
In this research, some of the findings are a
subjective variable that is in the form of external
impulse is a variable that influences the patient's
intention to take advantage of JKN program,
especially the most significant influence on the
patient's intention to exploit the JKN program is in
the form of encouragement from the government.
The encouragement of the government proves to be
the most powerful factor that is mandatory for
patients to take advantage of the JKN program.
Then from the intervening test results obtained
the result that the perception of benefits about the
JKN program is an indirect variable or intervening
variable on the patient's intention to take advantage
of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program.
The results of this study are in accordance with
the Theory Reasoned Action (TRA) which states
that the behavioris preceded by intent and intention
determined by the attitude of behavior and
subjective norms individually. In this study, the
perception of patients who are internal factors has no
effect on the patient's intention to take advantage of
the National Health Insurance (JKN) program
compared to the subjective norm that significantly
influences (ρ = 0,000) on the patient's intention to
utilize the National Health Insurance (JKN)
From the results of research, several things can
be concluded, among others, as follows:
The characteristics of patients (age, sex,
education level and income level) in this study,
which influenced perceptions of benefits and
perceptions of patients' convenience on the National
Health Insurance program if RSIA SamMarie Basra
provides the service of the National Health
Insurance Program (JKN) level of education of
patients with significant value (ρ = 0.005). It is
related to the distribution of respondents where as
many as 73% included in the category of higher
education so that the response to the perception of
benefits and perceptions of convenience about the
program JKN quite well. Moreover, in general,
respondents with high levels of education have a
good level of income so that financially not too
much effect on the availability of the National
Health Insurance (JKN) program if available at
RSIA SamMarie Basra.
The characteristics of patients (age, sex,
education level and income level) and patient
perceptions about the JKN program in this study,
have no effect on the patient's intention to utilize the
JKN program if RSIA SamMarie Basra provides the
JKN program. While subjective norms about the
JKN program affect the patient's intention to utilize
the JKN program if RSIA SamMarie Basra provides
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
JKN program. The subjective norm that most
influence the patient's intention to utilize the JKN
program is in the form of encouragement from the
government. This can be due to the patient's
intention to utilize the JKN program is more caused
by external factors that are not derived from the
internal patient, a strong impetus to utilize the JKN
program. Internally, the patient feels less influential
if the JKN program is available at RSIA SamMarie
Basra, but encouragement from the patient's external
factors is influential in encouraging patients to take
advantage of the JKN program if the JKN service is
available at RSIA SamMarie Basra.
The findings on the results of this study are in
accordance with the Theory Reasoned Action (TRA)
which states that behavioris preceded by intentions
and intentions determined by perceptions that shape
the attitude of behavior and subjective norms
individually. In this study, the perception of patients
who are internal factors has no effect on the patient's
intention to take advantage of the National Health
Insurance (JKN) program compared to the
subjective norm that significantly influences (ρ =
0,000) on the patient's intention to utilize the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program.
4.1 Implications
The implications are the logical consequences of
the research conclusions that can be followed up
with corrective measures and interventions, among
others, as follows can imply that RSIA SamMarie
Basra patients with patient characteristics include
high education category and 85% are both insurance
and corporate insurance patients, internally too much
influence on the patient's intention to utilize the JKN
program if the JKN program is available at RSIA
SamMarie Basra. It is not very influential on the
intention of patients to keep getting services at RSIA
SamMarie Basra,so it is estimated the number of
patient visits to RSIA SamMarie Basra if JKN
program is available at RSIA SamMarie Basra will
not be a decline.
The subjective norm that significantly influences
the patient's intention to take advantage of the
National Health Insurance (JKN) program if RSIA
SamMarie Basra provides National Health Insurance
(JKN) service can imply that the patient's intention
to utilize JKN program if RSIA SamMarie Basra
provides National Health Insurance (JKN), which is
caused by a push from the government. This is why
the patient likes dislikes will take advantage of JKN
program and can shift the trend of society to take
advantage of JKN program in health facility where
patient get health service.
The implications for health facilities, especially
RSIA SamMarie Basra from the amount of
encouragement from the government for the patients
to utilize the National Health Insurance (JKN)
program that can impact on the decrease in the
number of visits of patients with treatment criteria or
actions guaranteed in the JKN program such as
consultation to specialist clinic, certain laboratory
examination, radiology examination, pharmacy
service, inpatient service and service of action like
partus and operative like cesarean section. As for
fertility services in this case pregnancy
programme/insemination program / in vitro
fertilisation, which is the flagship of RSIA
SamMarie Basra service, in accordance with
Presidential Regulation no. 12 Year 2013 Article 25,
health services to overcome fertility are not
guaranteed by JKN payor,so it is assumed not to
reduce the number of patient visits with fertility
services to RSIA SamMarie Basra.
4.2 Suggestion
Providing information and education to the
patient about JKN program among others about:
a. The criteria of treatment or action guaranteed in
the JKN program such as consultation to a
specialist clinic, certain laboratory examination,
radiology examination, pharmacy service,
inpatient service and action service such as
partus and operative such as seksiosesaria.
b. Services that are not guaranteed in the JKN
program,i.e. fertility services in this pregnancy
programme/insemination / IVF program
c. a tiered referral procedure from the First Level
Medical Facilitybefore the patient receives
services at the Advanced Health Facility.
The encouragement of the government which is
the dominant factor influences the patient's intention
to utilize the JKN program so that the possibility of
patients tend to get services in health facilities that
have been conducting JKN services become larger
can be one of the considerations for RSIA SamMarie
Basra to prepare the implementation of the program
JKN in a planned and gradually simultaneously by
still formulating strategies to maintain the segment
of patients who have been the target market.
In this research is not known the influence of
National Health Insurance program (JKN) to the
provider in this case for internal RSIA SamMarie
Basra. For that needed further research to know the
effect of JKN program to provider service provider
Subjective Norm Representations to Patient Intention to Use National Health Service in out Patient Services RSIA Sammarie Basra
of JKN program if RSIA SamMarie Basra provides
JKN program.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation