Effect of Audit Knowledge, Work Experience, and Gender on Audit
Quality in Jakarta City
Yosevin Karnawati
, Ahmad Sururi Afif
, Sri Handayani
and Jusuf
Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keyword: Audit knowledge, work experience, gender, audit quality
Abstract: Auditor quality is an important thing in maintaining the reliability of financial statements. This study aims
to analyze the factors that affect the quality of audits on Public Accountants and to determine the most
dominant factors affect audit quality. The subject of this research is auditors who work in anaccountant
public company in Jakarta Barat. This study uses data from questionnaires. Data collection using purposive
sampling where there are certain criteria in sampling research. The analysis tool used is multiple regression
analysis with consists of F test and t-test. The result of this research concludes that the variable of audit
knowledge affects audit quality while work experience and gender do not affect audit quality. A person with
more experience in a substantive field has more things stored in his memory and can develop a good
understanding of events. If the auditor understands well the profession, then the auditor will be free to
perform audit tasks properly.
Today the company needs the preparation of good
financial statements. However, in order to have a
good financial report, an auditing section is required
because a good financial report must meet auditing
standards established by the Indonesian Institute of
Accountants (IAI). Auditing for the company is
quite important because it gives a big influence on
the activities of the company concerned. At the
beginning of its development, auditing is only
intended to find and find fraud and mistakes, then
developed into the examination of financial
statements to provide opinions on the correctness of
the presentation of corporate financial statements
and also become one of the factors in decision
As the company grows, the audit function
becomes increasingly important, and the need arises
from governments, shareholders, financial analysts,
bankers, investors and the public to assess the
quality of management's operating results and
achievements of managers. To address these needs,
management audits arise as a reliable means of
assisting the implementation of their responsibilities
by providing analysis, assessment, recommendation
on activities that have been undertaken. To produce
a good financial report, the quality of the audit
should be considered. Audit quality is defined as the
probability that an auditor finds and reports about a
violation in its client's accounting system. The
probability of finding an offence depends on the
auditor's ability and level of auditor independence.
In Indonesia, in November 2013 the Directorate
for Economic and Special Crimes of the Police
Bareskim summoned five auditors of customs and
duties related to the bribery case of the Head of
Customs and Excise Sub Directorate, Heru
Sulastyono.In a similar case, Finance Minister Sri
Mulyani suspended permits 2 public accountants
Rutlan Effendi and AP Muhamad Zen and 1 public
accounting firm Atang Djaelani for violating
Auditing Standards - Accounting Standards of
Public Accountants (SPAP) during an audit at PT.
Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS).
Audit quality can be achieved if the auditor has
good competence. Competence consists of two
dimensions of experience and knowledge. Auditors
as the spearhead of the implementation of audit tasks
should always improve the knowledge that has been
owned for the application of knowledge can be
maximized in practice. Application of maximum
knowledge will certainly be in line with the
increasing experience owned.
The public accountant has the responsibility to
determine each competency or to assess whether the
Karnawati, Y., Sururi Afif, A., Handayani, S. and Jusuf, .
Effect of Audit Knowledge, Work Experience, and Gender on Audit Quality in Jakarta City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009951905190524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 519-524
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
education, experience and considerations required
are adequate for the responsibilities it must fulfil.
Competence indicates the achievement and
maintenance of a level of understanding and
knowledge that allows a member to provide services
with ease and ingenuity, in the case of professional
assignment exceeding the competence of a member
or company, a member shall consult or deliver the
client to a more competent competitor. Competence
consists of two dimensions of experience and
knowledge. Auditors as the spearhead of the
implementation of audit tasks should always
improve the knowledge that has been owned for the
application of knowledge can be maximized in
practice. Application of maximum knowledge will
certainly be in line with the increasing experience
The level of knowledge that the auditor has is
very important that can affect the auditor in making
decisions. With a high level of knowledge owned by
an auditor, the auditor will not only be able to
complete an audit job effectively but will also have a
broader view of things. Auditors with a high level of
knowledge can detect an error. Experience also
gives impact to every decision taken in the
implementation of the audit so that expected every
decision taken is the right decision. It indicates that
the longer the work of the auditor will be the better
the quality of audit generated. Previous studies
related to audit quality include Harvita and Pamudji
(2012) research, on independence giving results that
independence has no significant effect on audit
quality, while from Alim et al. (2007) research that
independent, Gender and biological sex are
fundamentally differentiated. Gender is divided into
two that is male and female which is absolute at
human being when born. Gender as an illustration of
the nature, attitudes and behavior of men and
women. A personality and behavior differentiated
between masculine and feminine types. Feminine
has characteristics such as warm in interpersonal
relationships, affiliation, compromise, sensitivity,
taste, pleasure in group life while masculine has less
characteristic to express warmth, less responsive,
The purpose of research conducted in this
research is as follows: 1) To analyze whether Audit
Knowledge, Work Experience, and Gender jointly
affect the Audit Quality Improvement; 2) To analyze
whether Audit Knowledge has an effect on
Improving Audit Quality; 3) To analyze whether
Work Experience has an effect on Improving Audit
Quality; 4) To analyze whether Gender affects
Quality Audit Improvement.
2.1 Audit
The audit is an activity to collect and evaluate
evidence from information to determine and report
the level of suitability between information and
predetermined criteria (Staciokas and Rupsys, 2005;
Skaerbaek, 2009; Popović et al., 2015). The audit
process must be carried out by competent and
independent people
2.2 Quality Audit
It is a probability that an auditor finds and reports
about infringement in the client's accounting system.
The results of his research indicate that large KAPs
will seek to present greater audit quality than small
2.3 Audit Knowledge
Audit knowledge is defined by the level of the
auditor's understanding of a job, conceptually or
theoretically (Sari and Mardisar, 2007; Yanti et al.,
2018). Differences in knowledge among auditors will
affect the way auditors complete a job. Further
explained that an auditor would be able to complete a
job effectively if supported by the knowledge it has.
2.4 Work Experience
The more experience, the auditor can generate more
assumptions in explaining the audit findings. A
person with more experience in a substantive field
has more things stored in his memory and can
develop a good understanding of events. Meaningful
work is a fundamental aspect of workplace
spirituality that consists of having the ability to feel
the deepest meaning and purpose of one's work. This
dimension represents how workers interact with
their work day by day on an individual level.
2.5 Gender
Gender and biological sex are fundamentally
differentiated. We are born as women or men who
are the absolute gift, then the biological interpretation
by culture gives way that makes us masculine or
feminine. Gender is thought of as a costume and
mask in a theatre that describes to others about
ourselves feminine or masculine. It forms the gender
roles that include appearance, dress, attitude,
personality, work inside or outside the home,
sexuality, family responsibilities and so on.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Figure 1: Research Model
Based on Figure 1 and the existing theoretical basis,
the hypothesis proposed to be tested is as follows:
Ha1: There is a positive and significant influence
between audit knowledge, work experience, gender
with audit quality.
Ha2: There is a positive and significant influence
between audit knowledge and audit quality.
Ha3: There is significant influence between work
experience and audit quality.
Ha4: There is significant influence between gender
and audit quality.
The population in this study is a senior auditor who
works in a public accounting firm in West Jakarta.
The population was taken as many as 19 offices,
with a total population of 95 senior auditors.
Determination of this sample is done by purposive
sampling, the population to be sampled this study is
to meet the criteria of a particular sample by the
desired researcher, and then selected based on
certain considerations tailored to the purpose of
research. The criteria for the sample are senior
auditors who work in West Jakarta Public
Accounting Firm. Selected sample of 19 public
accounting firms and by using Slovin formula
(Tejada and Punzalan, 2012; Khalifa and Alswailem,
2015), the total sample size used in this study was 77
While the operational definition of variables is
a. Independent Variables
In this study, the independent variables are:
1) Audit Knowledge (X1)
Audit knowledge is the level of the auditor's
understanding of a job on a conceptual or
theoretical basis.
2) Work Experience (X2)
Experience is a skill and knowledge acquired
by someone after doing something.
Experience variables will be measured using
the length of working indicators, the
frequency of inspection work, and more.
3) Gender (X3)
Gender is one of the non-technical factors
that affect the quality of the audit. According
to Mikkola (2005) Gender is defined as a
description of the nature, attitudes and
behavior of men and women. A personality
and behavior differentiated between
masculine and feminine types. Feminine has
characteristics such as warm in interpersonal
relationships, affiliation, compromise,
sensitivity, taste, pleasure in group life while
masculine has less characteristic to express
warmth, less responsive, risk-taking.
b. Dependent Variable (Y)
Audit quality is the attitude of the auditor in
performing its duties as reflected in the results of its
reliable examination by applicable standards. In the
operationalization of variables, researchers identify
dimensions and indicators of each variable
The multiple regression equations for testing
this hypothesis are:
Y = β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ε (1)
β0 = constants
β1-3 = regression coefficient
X1 = audit knowledge
X2 = work experience
X3 = gender
ε = error
To analyze the above model using a multiple
linear regression technique. Furthermore, in testing
the hypothesis will be used F test and T-test,
Audit Knowledge
Audit Quality
Effect of Audit Knowledge, Work Experience, and Gender on Audit Quality in Jakarta City
whether an independent variable (audit knowledge,
work experience and gender) simultaneously or
partially have a positive influence in becoming a
predictor of the dependent variable (audit quality).
Multiple linear regression analysis is used to
measure the influence between the independent
variable and the dependent variable. Basic decision
a. if P-Value (sig) <α (5%), then Ha is accepted
b. if P-Value (sig)> α (5%), then Ha is rejected
4.1 Descriptive Statistics Variable
From the results of descriptive statistical tests known
that audit knowledge has the lowest value of 1.22;
the highest value of 5.00; the average value of
3.9617 means that when viewed from the average of
the highest and lowest score of 31.1% and compared
with the resulting average of 39.6% it can be
concluded that many auditors in KAP West Jakarta
have extensive audit knowledge. This is because the
auditor handles many cases in audit firms.
Work experience has the lowest score of 1.00;
the highest value of 5.00; the average score of
4.0024 means that when viewed from the highest
and lowest average of 30% and compared with the
generated average of 40% it can be concluded that
auditors in KAP West Jakarta have many audit
experience. This is due to high auditor flight hours.
The gender that has the lowest value of 0.00; the
highest value of 1.00; an average score of 0.5862.
The number 1 shows the number of the feminine as
many as 34 respondents with the percentage of
58.6% and number 0 indicates the masculine number
of 24 respondents with the percentage of 41.4%.
Then it can be concluded that auditors are more
likely to have femininity properties. This is because
when auditors conduct an audit, they also consider
personal assumptions in making decisions.
Audit quality that has the lowest value of 1.21;
the highest value of 5.00; the average value of
3.9353 means that when viewed from the average of
the highest and lowest value of 31.05% and
compared with the resulting average of 39.35% it
can be concluded that the auditor auditing quality in
West Jakarta KAP good. This is because the quality
of audits achieved have the good competence and
can compete with the KAP outside West Jakarta.
4.2 Test Data Normality
From the normality test by One-Sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, showed the significance
level of several variables greater than 0.05, can be
seen from the sig value of 0.492. If sig value> 0,05
then data is said normal. Thus, based on the results
of testing the normality of data proved that the data
in this study is normally distributed.
4.3 Multicollinearity Test
From the calculation results obtained that on the
collinearity statistics, the Variance Inflation Factor
(VIF) on the independent variable audit knowledge
2.689 <10, work experience 2.627 <10, and gender
1.045 <10. Can be concluded all the independent
variables in this study there are no symptoms of
4.4 Heteroscedasticity Test
In the scatterplot image, it is seen that it cannot be a
particular pattern in the image. The point on the
image also spread randomly (random) either above
or below the number 0 on the Y-axis. So it can be
concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity on this
regression model.
4.5 Autocorrelation Test
The Durbin-Watson test results show a value of
2.005, α = 0.05 n = 58, k = 3, yielded du = 1.6860,
with the criteria du <dw <4 - du, ie 1.6860 <2.005
<2.314. From the results of this test can be said that
this regression model is free from autocorrelation.
4.6 Test of Validity and Reliability of
Research Instruments
While the reliability test used Cronbach alpha
(Santos, 1999; Tavakol and Dennick, 2011). Test
results validity of each item in the questionnaire
declared valid with a value above 0.3 and reliable
with the value of Cronbach alpha above 0.7.
4.7 Hypothesis Testing
Audit knowledge has a regression coefficient of
0.668 states each increase of audit knowledge of 1
value hence, audit quality increased by 0.668 but a
significant level of audit of 0, this indicates that the
coefficient of audit knowledge variable has a
positive effect on audit quality with a significant
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
level of 0.000. This means that the more knowledge
owned by auditors, the higher the quality audit.
Work experience has a regression coefficient of
0.11 denotes each increase in work experience of 1
value hence, audit quality increases by 0.11 but a
significant level of work experience of 0.147;
thisindicates that the variable of the work experience
does not affect the quality of the audit because the
significant level of0.147 is far from the significant
level of 0.05.
Gender has a regression coefficient of 0.101
stating each gender increase of 1 value hence, audit
quality increased by 0.101 but gender significant
level of 0.205; this indicates that the gender variable
does not affect audit quality because the significant
level of 0.205 is far from the significant level of
Table 1. F-test (ANOVA)
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 13.364 3 4.455 69.774 .000
Residual 3.384 53 .064
Total 16.748 56
a. Predictors: (Constant), work experience, gender, audit knowledge
b. Dependent Variable: auditquality
Based on the F test result as shown in Table 1, F-
test value 69,774 and obtained probability (level of
significance) 0.000. Therefore, the probability is
0.000 <0.05. So, from the results obtained can be
said that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. So that it
can be interpreted audit knowledge, work experience
and gender together affect the quality of the audit.
Table 2. Multiple Linier Regression (Coefficients
T Sig. B
Error Beta
(Constant) -0.004 0.033
-0.127 0.899
Audit _knowledge 0.668 0.085 0.798 7.881 0.000
work_experience 0.101 0.078 0.128 1.284 0.205
Gender 0.11 0.075 0.093 1.472 0.147
a. Dependent Variable: audit quality
Based on Table 2, the result of T, it is known that
the value of audit knowledge significance of 7.881>
1.673 then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted.
Significance value for work experience is 1.284
<1.673 then Ho accepted and Ha rejected and
significance value for gender equal to 1,472 <1.673
then Ho accepted and Ha rejected.
Table 3. Coefficient Determination
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the
Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 .187
.035 .017 .54705 2.005
a. Predictors: (Constant), audit knowledge, work experience, gender
b. Dependent Variable: audit quality
Effect of Audit Knowledge, Work Experience, and Gender on Audit Quality in Jakarta City
Based on the results of data processing in Table
3, the value of the adjusted coefficient of
determination (Adjusted R Square) is equal to 0.017.
This means that 1.7% of the dependent variable of
audit quality is explained by the independent variable
consisting of audit knowledge, work experience and
gender. The rest of 98.3% is explained by other
variables outside the variables used.
From the research that has been done, obtained the
result that audit knowledge has a significant
influence on audit quality. Influence of 0.000 which
means that the knowledge possessed by an auditor
affect the quality audit, while the work experience
does not have a significant effect on audit quality.
Influence caused by 0.205> 0.05, so the experience
of an auditor does not affect the audit quality
generated by the auditor.
Gender variables do not have a significant effect
on audit quality, the effect of 0.147> 0.05; masculine
characters are basically more rational, use more logic
while feminine characters are more emotionally
oriented, this can be linked to gender with audit art
and science gives the meaning that audit as a craft
(art) and as a science. So the gender character of an
auditor does not affect the audit quality generated by
the auditor.
From the result of the research simultaneously it
is known that audit quality at auditor at Public
Accountant Office in Jakarta can be determined by
audit knowledge factor, work experience and gender
in determination coefficient R2 is 1.7% and the rest
98.3% is determined by other factors outside
research model this.
The results can be understood that to improve the
quality of the auditors. If the auditor understands
well the profession, then the auditor will be free to
perform the audit tasks properly.
The subject of the study is an only limited auditor
who works in the public accountant firm of Jakarta
Barat, so for further research is expected in doing
further research to expand the sample area and in
subsequent research is also expected to add other
variables that allegedly affect the quality audit
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation