HR Planning using the McKinsey 7S Model Concept for Start-Up
Maternity Clinic
Aminatuz Zuhriah
, Tantri Yanuar R. Syah
, Deddy Dewanto
and Ratna Indrawati L
Postgraduate Magister Management, ESA UNGGUL University, Jl. Arjuna Utara No.9, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Maternity Clinic, Star Up, Human Resources, McKinsey 7S Model
Abstract: Market competition certainly can’t be avoided considering the number of similar companies that have
appeared. That is the way human resource planning (HR) using the McKinsey 7S Model Concept at the
Start-Up maternity clinic in the face of that competitor. This study resulted in conceptual modelling of
human resource development strategies of stakeholders with increased productivity in realizing the
establishment of the Start-Up Clinic that will compete to serve the Community, especially Mothers. This
HR concept strategy is a strategic action to give produce the competence and health industry of the human
resource capacity development program meaning. Human Resource Investment is an intellectual investment
that has significance for the business development of Start-Up Clinic and improves services to the society,
especially mothers.
In carrying out the process of healthcare services
alone by the Start-Up Clinic, the company considers
that the need for participation in improving the
company's operations, especially in terms of Human
Resources, for that by approaching a management
model as a basic benchmark, is expected to establish
the company's operations to be more effective, and
in this case the approach uses a 7S framework from
McKinsey or better known as McKinsey 7S
Framework (Hanafizadeh and Ravasan, 2011; Singh,
2013; Alshaher, 2013; Gyepi-Garbrah and Binfor,
2013; Chen and Liu, 2010). McKinsey 7S
Framework is a management model to see how
effective the organization is in achieving its goals by
using the seven main elements of Strategy, Skill,
Shared Values, Skills, Style, Staff, System and
Structure. These seven elements have interdependent
relationships with each other, and the changes in one
element will affect other elements. This model can
be applied to a variety of situations and is an
excellent tool in designing the shape of an
organization, improving organizational performance,
testing organizational change factors, aligning
departments and processes during acquisitions and
mergers and determining the best strategy for the
organization. Therefore, the Start-Up Clinic looks at
the seven elements for the implementation of the
strategy to succeed within the company; it is also
expected to be run to achieve success. Limitations of
This article only describes/exposes the
implementation of McKinsey's 7S, including
Strategy, Skill, Shared Values, Style, Staff, System
and Structure in an organization, especially a start-
up Clinic that will run/operate today.
McKinsey 7S Framework was introduced by Tom
Peters and Robert Waterman who worked as a
consultant in McKinsey & Company in the 1980s.
According to them, the alignment of the seven
elements in the organization is a key factor in the
success of a company (Ilmu Manajemen Industri,
2017). McKinsey's 7-S concept, consisting of
Strategy, Skill, Shared Values, Style, Staff, System
and Structure.
2.1 Strategy
The strategy is the target and long-term goals of a
company and the direction of action and allocation
of resources needed to achieve goals and objectives
Zuhriah, A., Yanuar R. Syah, T., Dewanto, D. and Indrawati L., R.
HR Planning using the McKinsey 7S Model Concept for Start-Up Mater nity Clinic.
DOI: 10.5220/0009951004990505
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 499-505
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Craig and Grant, 1996). Maternity Clinic Start-Up
which is the main facility clinic established in the
city has a market penetration strategy by offering
competitive prices or cheaper than hospitals and
educate about the painless birth process that focuses
on building a fast delivery and good service quality
(service excellent) to reach the market in the nearest
society. In the fast delivery process emphasizes the
administrative bureaucracy process in the company
accelerated with the booking system. Also, what is
meant in quick delivery is the rapid implementation
of operational procedures standards, from patients
entering the clinic, consultation process, drug
delivery to the patient out of the clinic, or when the
patient is already in the process of giving birth.
2.2 Skill
Skill is the ability to operate a job easily and
carefully requires basic skills (Robbins, 2000; Baum
and Locke, 2004). As a healthcare company oriented
to delivery services, Maternity Clinic Start-Up
provides professional and competent medical
personnel in their field by standard operational
procedures with minimum 2 – 3year experience as
well as having suitable and valid competence
certificates. Also, can educate prospective patients
about painless delivery, as most people are still don’t
know of the painless delivery. Non-medical
personnel in the Start-Up Clinic also can serve
patients professionally, able to follow the value of
Excellent service culture that has the ability of
Human Resources by very specific needs, which
means will be based on the ability of doctors, nurses
and support personnel are experts.
2.3 Shared Value
Shared value is a guide for members of the
organization to grow and develop that can be formed
from the organizational culture that is in the Start-
Up Clinic. Organizational culture is the norm,
values, assumptions, philosophy of an organization
developed by organizational leaders and applied in
the organizational behavior of members of the
organization. In general, organizational culture is
defined as the vision, mission, strategic objectives
and strategic values. Organizational culture
is taught
to members of the organization and supervised its
implementation systematically (Wirawan, 2007).
According to Schein (2010), culture as a basic
assumption pattern created, discovered or developed
by certain groups as learning to address external and
external issues of internal adaptation and formal
integration is well executed. Three things support
this Schein theory, namely:
2.3.1 Artifact
The artifact is an organizational culture that can be
seen and describes the values and vision of the
mission that the organization believes.
2.3.2 Beliefs/Values/Attitude
Beliefs are beliefs related to what is right and what
is wrong. Values are values associated with ethical
and moral codes that determine what a person
should do.
2.3.3 Basic Underlying Assumptions
Basic underlying assumptions is the relationship
between humans and what's in their environment.
The basic assumption can also be defined with belief
if something that is not visible but is present.
2.4 Style
The style is meant here is a leadership style owned
by clinical leaders. The ideal leader is a leader who
is willing to be a social service, not just ask to be
served by society as it is so much happening.
Character leaders must meet the criteria of behavior
such as honest, responsible, convey what should be
conveyed and intelligent. Servant leadership is a
new theory or view of leadership initiated by Robert
K. Greenleaf and developed in the 1960s and 1970s.
The theory of leadership that serves is a theory that
emphasizes the improvement of service to others. A
holistic approach to work, promoting a sense of
togetherness and sharing power in decision making.
Therefore, this serving leadership theory has a
reversed pyramid
image when compared to other
leadership concepts. This leadership theory of
service is oriented towards the flexibility of
organizational structure delegation to subordinates
and future-oriented. Principles and values of a leader
are considered key long-term interests for the service
of the organization. The leadership behavior that
exists in a ministering leader grows from the inner
valuesand beliefs of individual leaders in which
personal values such as fairness and integrity are
independent variables that engage servant leadership
The motivation of serving leadership is by the
way senior leaders in leadership serve to instill their
personal values throughout the organization through
a modelling process which shows an observable
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
action. This means that leaders in their leadership
activities show their values to their subordinates
through actions and direction that contain positive
leadership values planted from time to time in
organizational behavior. Therefore, personal values
that exist from a leader is considered as a source of
influence to bring change to his organization.
2.5 Staff
In running the health service operational, the Start-
Up Clinic that employs Doctors and Nurses must
also be able to carry out work with existing job
descriptions, and as a benchmark assessment to be
able to match the expected company with the
assessment of work made twice a year, it also
supported by supporting staff / Expert Staff as
advisory board, who is also responsible in handling
Clinic, which can provide technical operational
advice and assistance in the clinic.
With the Human Resource Planning which is the
management process in determining the movement
of human resources from the desired position in the
future, while the human resources a set of processes
and activities alone jointly by human resources
manager with line manager for solving
organizational problems related to humans.
2.5.1 Training and Development of Human
Training and development is an important
organizational investment in human resources.
Training, involving all human resources to gain
knowledge and learning skills so that they will soon
be able to use them in work. Training is required
Due to the gap between current employee skills and
the skills required to occupy new positions. Training
and human resource development are increasingly
becoming a strategic problem for various reasons.
2.5.2 Maternity Clinic Performance
Assessment Start-Up
Understanding performance appraisal is the process
by which individual performance is measured and
evaluated. Performance appraisal answers the
question, how well workers perform for a certain
period (Bacal, 2001).
2.6 System
A system is a regularly interacting or interdependent
group of units forming an integrated whole
(Merriam-Webster). The system is a logical and
rational procedure to perform or design a series of
related components to each other (Havery, 2009).
Every system is delineated by its spatial and
temporal boundaries, surrounded and influenced by
its environment, described by its structure and
purpose and expressed in its functioning
2.7 Structure
In general, each company has an organizational
structure that is the first step in starting the
implementation of corporate activities, in other
words, the preparation of organizational structure is
a planned step in a company to perform the
functions of planning, organizing, directing, and
supervision. The organizational structure can be
defined as a formal work organizational framework
with which the work tasks are divided, grouped, and
coordinated (Robbins and Coulter, 2007).
The function of the organizational structure in
the Start-Up Clinic is to provide clear information to
all employees so that they know who should be
responsible and what should be accounted for and
the extent of the capacity or authority of these
Mckinsey 7s model concepts in industry
maternity clinic using epidural analgesia.
McKinsey's 7-S concept, consisting of Strategy,
Skill, Shared Values, Style, Staff, System and
Structure. Figure 1 describes description of each
Figure 1: Mckinsey 7s Model
HR Planning using the McKinsey 7S Model Concept for Start-Up Maternity Clinic
3.1 Strategy
The quality of service at the Start-Up Clinic remains
in good quality because the services provided are
still by the operational standards and accordance
with the accreditation set by the government as well
as the authorized institution. This process is closer to
the way to provide services to patients when before
entering the example of a greeting of friendly
employees, being disciplined for example like a
friendly officer while serving, to get out of the clinic
to feel comfortable and feel cared for by officers
who are in the clinic. Also, patients who enter to
carry out the process of childbirth, free of saturation
and bored with the availability of television to watch
the entertainment in the waiting room and avoid the
feelings of anxiety because of a loyal family to
accompany and the availability of a Therapy-scented
3.2 Skill
In the Start-Up Clinic also can serve patients
professionally, able to follow the value of Excellent
service culture that has the ability of Human
Resources in accordance with very specific needs,
which means will be based on the ability of doctors,
nurses and support personnel are experts. Doctors
and nurses as main shields in this smooth business,
because in general this Clinic will employ sub-
specialist doctors who have ACLS certificate,
ATLS, and Hyperkes and general doctor who
understand and have ACLS certificate, ATLS,
Hyperkes, family medicine, and have insurance
private profession for all doctors, while midwives
and nurses with experience in their field with valid
STRs and certification of competency test and good
skill in the field of handling help mothers give birth
without pain and have BTCLS certificate. For non-
medical staff must have skill in operating computer
program, and in the short term in the second year, it
is expected that Clinic has been able to provide
special training for Medical and Nonmedical
workers. Start-Up Clinic also has marketing staff
who have good digital marketing skills by using
communicative, friendly, good at negotiating and
able to work in teams.
3.3 Shared Value
At the beginning of the establishment of Start-Up
Clinic, values and culture should be inculcated early
to all clinic staff by providing Excellent Service to
prospective patients or expectant mothers who want
to give birth normally without pain. The introduction
of values will be given at the beginning of the new
employee orientation along with the introduction of
the company's vision, mission and objectives.
According to Schein (2010), culture as a basic
assumption pattern created, discovered or developed
by certain groups as learning to address external and
external issues of internal adaptation and formal
integration is well executed. Three things support
this Schein theory, namely:
3.3.1 Artifact
At the Start-Up Clinic Medical Clinic, medical
personnel use neat uniforms, clean, wearing makeup
and hair neatly arranged. For medical uniforms get 3
pairs of clothes consisting of 2 clothes for the
polyclinic and 1 shirt for the birthing handling room.
3.3.2 Beliefs/Values/Attitude
The first value that is in the Maternity clinic the
Safety that always gives priority to the security of
mother and baby. The second is Respect and
Professionalism is always supports to realize the
productive work for the patient for the quality of
maternity services without the pain of quality. The
third is Integrity, which always upholds the value of
honesty and company commitment
. The last is
Excellent Service that always gives perfection of
health service by giving maximal action with a
friendly attitude, quick response (fast response),
smile, greeting inpatient service.
Attitude reflects the concept of values believed,
personal characteristics and employee motivation
involved in activities in the Start-Up Maternity
Clinic. Attitude becomes one of the most important
selling points in hospital services where patients will
feel comfortable with the medical personnel who
have a high attitude like hospitality inpatient service
by making the patient as an asset for patients to feel
comfortable, responsible and have a feeling of
wanting to go back again to conduct a checkup at the
Start-Up Maternity Clinic.
3.3.3 Basic Underlying Assumptions
The relationship built in Start-Up Clinical Clinic is a
good inter-employee relationship that makes it easy
to coordinate between departments, both medical
and nonmedical. Any suggestions and criticisms also
good work done by employees for the advancement
of the company or otherwise will be included in the
performance appraisal of employees who will get
rewards and punishment. Generally, the above
culture illustrates the main behavior depicted from
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the Start-Up Clinic, reflected as a means of health
that can create a real action of that culture. Because
organizational culture is a characteristic that is
upheld by the organization and the role model of the
organization as a differentiator between one
organization with another organization.
Alternatively, organizational culture can also be
interpreted as values and norms of behavior accepted
and understood jointly by members of the
organization as a basis in the rules of conduct
contained within the organization. Culture as a
foundation in running the company can create good
relationships of patients, able to run maximum the
operational, and able to create the culture as a shared
value that affects all aspects of 7S in this company.
3.4 Style
The Start-Up Maternity Clinic adapted Robert K.
Greenleaf's 1970s leadership style to be a leader
starting from the natural feeling that a leader wants
to help who has 10 characteristics of which are
Listening, Empathy, Healing, Awareness,
Persuasion, Conceptualization, Foresight,
Stewardship, Commitment to the growth of people
and Building community.
3.5 Staff
In running the health service operational, the Start-
Up Clinic that employs Doctors and Nurses must
also be able to carry out work with existing job
descriptions as shown in Figure 2, and as a
benchmark assessment to be able to match the
expected company with the assessment of work
made twice a year, it also supported by supporting
staff / Expert Staff as advisory board, who is also
responsible in handling Clinic, which can provide
technical operational advice and assistance in the
Figure 2: Staff
In this process, candidates applying to the Start-
Up Clinic will go through the stages according to the
procedures they have in accordance with the flow as
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Start-Up clinic stages
Unlike recruitment for doctors, especially in the
recruitment of specialist doctors, the recruitment will
be more straightforward, but for the process to be
run by searching for various activities, one of them
is by attending seminars. This is done as a step to
filter the potential of existing doctors in Indonesia,
especially the fresh graduate doctor to be a partner
or a doctor who can work together with Start-Up
3.5.1 Training and Development of Human
The training and development of employees at the
Start-Up Clinic are aimed at improving medical
science, for example through reproductive health
seminars related to childbirth and skills of doctors
and staff through workshops. Studies on business
education and management for non-medical
employees are also worth following. As for fund
development and training of employees at the Start-
Up Clinic is set aside annually from the 10% salary
increment earned by an employee with 8% salary
distribution for development fund and 2% training.
At the beginning of the opening of the clinic,
employees will receive orientation training to deliver
the vision, mission and goals of the Start-Up Clinic
and how to serve patients well.
3.5.2 Maternity Clinic Performance
Assessment Start-Up
According to Gibson et al. (1987) there are three
important factors that affect the performance of a
person, among others individual factors include
ability, skills both physical and mental, family
background, experience, social level and
demography; Psychological factors include
individual perceptions, roles, attitudes, personality
HR Planning using the McKinsey 7S Model Concept for Start-Up Maternity Clinic
(personality), motivation, willingness to learn, and
job satisfaction; Organizational factors include
organizational structure, leadership, human
resources, job village, reward system.
3.6 System
Clinic that focuses on operational of health service
especially for participants of mothers who want to
give birth has several ways in which the process is
implemented able to provide maximum services,
such as by applying lean management function in
service blueprint, where the purpose is as a simpler a
process, and waste in the process in order to be able
to provide better service from other places that have
been there. In support of the process and the system,
Maternity Clinic Start-Up Childbirth without Pain is
also assisted by a marketing system which one way
is by using CRM (Customer Relationship
Management) where the system is a goal is a
marketing tool that builds a relationship between the
clinic and the patients. In the existing system is
expected various things related to planning,
implementation, control and evaluation, budget, and
rewards can be run maximally by the clinic.
3.6.1 Goals and Objectives of Human
Resource Management
The short-term goal (1-3 years) is to have an
experienced sub-physician and general practitioner
family medicine and improve the competence of
employees in the Start-Up Clinic by involving them
to workshops or seminars that can develop the skills
of employees in serving patient and for the progress
of the development of Start-Up Clinic.
The medium-term goal (3-5 years) is to have an
experienced specialist and general practitioner
family medicine, to increase employees by seeing
the number of requests to serve patients, as well as
building good family relationships or loyalty in
employees at the Start-Up Clinic, expected by the
establishment of a sense of ownership among
employees of the Start-Up Maternity Clinic can
create a good and mutually beneficial relationship
from the side of the clinic owner and the employees
who there.
The long-term goal (5-10 years) is expected with
the higher competence and skill of the Clinic Officer
Start-Up staff combined with good relationships
among employees and leaders with employees,
having a primary care specialist primary specialist,
in accordance with long-term goals Maternity Clinic
Start-Up is to open branches in big cities in
Indonesia, the employees can be a leader or leader in
the branch of other Start-Up Clinic scattered
throughout Indonesia.
3.7 Structure
The function of the organizational structure in the
Start-Up Clinic is to provide clear information to all
employees so that they know who should be
responsible and what should be accounted for and
the extent of the capacity or authority of these
employees. The organizational structure at the Start-
Up Clinic as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: organizational structure
The structure used in the Start-Up Clinic is a
functional structure, in which clinic leaders can
easily give instructions to their subordinates or in
other words can easily coordinate with each other.
This is as one form of effort to cut operating costs
and salaries of employees by using an effective and
efficient structural system.
Alignment of the seven elements of Strategy,
Structure, System, Shared values, style, Staff and
skills within the organization is a key factor in the
success of a company. The seven elements have
interdependent relationships with each other, and
changes in one element will affect the other. This
model can be applied to a variety of situations and is
an excellent tool in designing the shape of an
organization, improving organizational performance,
testing organizational change factors, aligning
departments and processes during acquisitions and
mergers and determining the best strategy for the
organization. Therefore, the start-up Clinic pays
attention to the seven elements in order to execute
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the strategy to succeed in the company, it is also
expected to run to achieve success.
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HR Planning using the McKinsey 7S Model Concept for Start-Up Maternity Clinic