Effect of Service Stigmatization to Patients Loyalty Moderated by
Service Quality
, Supriyantoro
, Rokiah Kusumapradja
and Suryanti T. Arief
Departement of Hospital Administration, Esa Unggul University
Departement of Law, Esa Unggul University
Keywords: Healthservice Stigmatization, Quality of Service, Patient Loyalty
Abstract: Leprosy is considered a terrible disease and discriminated by society. Dr Sitanala Leprosy Hospital
Tangerang also suffered the impact of stigmatization. The purpose of this research was to obtain empirical
evidence of the effect of service stigmatization on patient loyalty moderated by the quality of service in
inpatient service ofDr Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerang. The study was conducted in the inpatient wards.
The researchwas using casualty design with survey methods. Itwas conducted in January 2018. Samples
were 92 respondents by random. Variables werehealthservicestigmatization, service quality as a moderation
variable and patient loyalty. Instruments used questionnaires with Likert Scale. The analysis used a
moderate regression analysis.The result of the research shown: that health service stigmatization had a
significant negative effect on patient loyalty,thatservice quality influenced to patient loyalty, that service
quality was moderatinginfluence of health service stigmatization to patient loyalty. Quality of service was
moderating health service stigmatization hence increased patient loyalty. The dominant dimension of
stigmatizationwas fear of disclosure, quality dimension was empathy and loyalty was recommend a friend.
Health promotion improvement strategies can be done related to individual and institutional stigmatization,
thus lowering the stigmatization rate. A strategy is required on the dimension of tangibility by completing
high-tech facilities according to public health needs and strengthening the empathy dimension by improving
competence. Efforts to reduce stigmatization by paying attention to perceived service quality as a strategy
mechanism to increase patient loyalty.
The ability of hospitals to meet service standards
will provide satisfaction for patients as users of the
service, thereby generating a feeling of reusing
services and patients will be loyal to the services
provided by the hospital. Customer loyalty is a
condition in which the customer has a positive
attitude towards a product, is committed to the
product and intends to repurchase in the future. The
creation of customer loyalty allows companies to
develop long-term relationships with customers.
Also, the cost required to attract new customers is
also greater than the cost of maintaining a loyal
customer in the company (Kotleret al., 2016)
The hallmark of patient loyalty and attitudes in
the hospital is based on the patient's attachment to the
services provided by the hospital that is cross-linked
with the pattern of repeated use of services. As for
the presence of patients with loyal attitudes and
attitudes, they are not only willing to use services
when the patient is sick, but also willing to suggest
the product or service to others, friends, or relatives,
and their family members and colleagues. Long-term
and cumulative loyalty profits, which increased
patient loyalty can lead to increased sources of
income or profits, higher employee retention, and a
more stable financial base. Besides other advantages
of loyalty are to lower marketing costs, shorten the
time and transaction costs, lower turn over costs, and
positive word of mouth (Tjiptono, 2011). By
providing quality services and meet customer
expectations it will create a positive brand image in
the minds of consumers, so the brand can be more
trusted and able to increase customer loyalty. Quality
of service is a benchmark in determining the quality
or quality of the service provided in accordance with
customer expectations (Lewisand Boom, 2005).
Consumers assess quality based on five factors:
reliability (reliable and accurate); responsiveness
Nurbaiti, ., Supriyantoro, ., Kusumapradja, R. and T. Arief, S.
Effect of Service Stigmatization to Patients Loyalty Moderated by Service Quality.
DOI: 10.5220/0009949704710478
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 471-478
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(helpful, timely); assurance/trust/confidence
(competence, trust); empathy (caring, individual);
and tangible (presentation, appearance) (Lupiyoadi
and Hamdani, 2009).
Dr. Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerang has
developed services and qualities in public services in
various fields of specialization. Dr. Sitanala Leprosy
HospitalTangerang has an integrated service
building which also serves general non-leprosy
patients with general inpatient care facilities, ER,
ICU, surgical services, rehabilitation services and
other support services. Improving the quality of
servicesare expected to provide customer
satisfaction, in this case, is the patient of leprosy or
general health service.
Research on Patient Service Quality and Loyalty
(Study at Private General Hospital in Singaraja City-
Bali) which aims to find out the influence of patient
loyalty service quality dimension at private hospital
in Singaraja-Bali, shows that service quality consists
of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
and empathy have a significant influence on patient
loyalty not only partially but also simultaneously;
and the dimensions of reliability have a dominant
influence on patient loyalty (Gunawan, 2011)
Research on Factors Underlying Perception of
Patients to Stigma of Leprosy with respondents
(leprosy patients) amounted to 8 people of 14 - 51
years. The results have shown leprosy patients
perceived, the community around the residence and
his friends do not know that the patient is
experiencing leprosy, the patient assumes that
neighbors and friends suspect other diseased
patients. Patients with leprosy perceived, self-
limiting attitude, covering the deficiency/
disabilityare actions to reduce/overcomebad stamp.
Leprosy patients perceived that leprosy is a
dangerous and seriousdisease can cause death or
disability for life. Lepers perceived, behave
negatively such as not wanting to seek treatment
because it is disgraceful, isolating themselves, and
feeling despair (Soedarjatmi et al., 2009)
Leprosyspeciality hospitals are impacted by the
stigmatization of individuals and communities on
the health services provided. The inherent stigma
that Dr. Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerangonly
provides services to leprosy patients. People also
tend to seek general health services outside the
hospital can be caused because they do not want to
be stigmatized as a leper. It can also be said that Dr.
Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerangalready has a
branding as a special service provider for leprosy
consumers feel satisfied with the services
provided, it will create loyalty and can make
consumers use the product again. Furthermore,
consumers recommend this to others with pleasure.
The results of research in the communications
industry in Australia that by providing a consistent
service and focus on consumer needs and provide
added value to consumers, it will create loyalty to
the company (Dean, et al., 2007) It is expected that
the improvement of services conducted by Dr.
Sitanala Leprosy Hospital can replace negative
stigma with positive stigma formed from experience
in its ministry.
The contribution of research to analyze the
influence of stigmatization of service to patient
loyalty moderated service quality at inpatient service
Dr. Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerang.
This research is a type of hypothesis testing on the
effect of service stigmatization on patient loyalty
Dr. Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerang. THE Type
of research conducted in this research is causality
research with survey method.
The study population were all patients treated in
general health service at Bougenville, Mawar,
Anyelir, Asoka, Melati, Wijaya Kusuma and Tulip
Dr. Sitanala Leprosy HospitalTangerang with 120
patients. Sampling by Proportionated Stratified
random sampling.
Independent variable is service stigmatization,
thedependent variable is patient loyalty and
moderation variable is service quality. The data
analysis use moderate regression analysis.
Researchers prepared instruments by developing the
theory of Brourad & Willis (2006), Parasuraman,
(2009), and Zeithmnal, (1986).
3.1 Descriptive Analysis
The sample is adjusted to the situation and the
inclusion of respondents in the specified inclusion
criteria so that the disseminated is obtained from 92
respondents who meet the criteria specified with the
characteristics of the sample in table 1.
Descriptive distribution of respondents' answers
is used to evaluate the responses of respondents to
the variables studied, by looking at the minimum
value, maximum value, average value, and standard
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 1: Characteristic of Respondents at Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang in 2018
Respondent Criteria Frequency Percentage (%)
Age (years)
15-20 3 3,3
21-40 45 48,9
41-59 32 34,8
60-74 8 8,7
75 4 4,3
Female 54 58,7
Male 38 41,3
Educational Level
SD 32 34,8
SMP 12 13,0
SLTA 28 30,4
University 19 20,7
Uneducated 1 1,1
Private employees 16 17,4
Civil servant 7 7,6
Entrepreneur 16 17,4
Student 6 6,5
Unemployed 38 41,3
Others 9 9,8
Table 2. Range at Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang in 2018
Variables Range Mean Actual Range Actual Mean
Stigmatization of Services 5-25 15 11-25 17,29 3,022
Service quality 18-90 54 61-90 76,07 6,771
Patient loyalty 10-50 30 27-50 40,59 4,227
Source: Results of Data
Based on these descriptive statistics then
determined the proportion of values for research
variables stigmatization services, service quality and
patient loyalty.
Table 3: Stigmatization Categoric Descriptive at Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang in 2018
Dimension Intervals Frequency Percentage (%)
Perception of self
80 86,9
12 13.1
82 89,1
10 10,9
73 79,3
19 20,7
Over compensation
42 45,6
50 54,4
Fear of disclosure
87 94,5
5 5,4
Source: Results of Data
Effect of Service Stigmatization to Patients Loyalty Moderated by Service Quality
In the stigmatization of service variables (table
3), the majority showed high stigma in service with
the fear of disclosure dimension having the highest
score, as many as 87 respondents (94.5%).
Thisindicates the respondent conceals that he or she
is treated in a leprosy hospital by telling others that
the respondent is being treated in another hospital
and does not need to visit the respondent.
Table 4: Service Quality Categoric Descriptive at Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang in 2018
Dimension Intervals Frequency Percentage (%)
0,00-4,00 0 0,0
1 1,1
2 2,2
12,01-16,00 58 63,0
31 33,7
0,00-4,00 0 0,0
0 0,0
1 1,1
12,01-16,00 43 46,7
48 52,2
0,00-3,00 0 0,0
0 0,0
1 1,1
9,01-12,00 56 60,9
35 38,0
0,00-4,00 0 0,0
0 0,0
0 0,0
12,01-16,00 47 51,1
45 48,9
0,00-3,00 0 0,0
0 0,0
3 3,3
9,01-12,00 47 51,1
42 45,7
In the variable of service quality (table 4), the
majority shown high respondent's recognition of
service quality with empathy dimension with the
biggest value between 12,01-16,00 of 47
respondents (51,1%). This shows that Dr. Sitanala
Leprosy Hospital Tangerang provides individual
services, trying to understand the wishes of
respondents. The dimension of empathy is the
dominant dimension in this study, evidenced by no
respondents showing a negative response to this
dimension (all values above 12.01).
Table 5: Patient Loyalty Categoric Descriptive at Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang in 2018
Dimension Intervals Frequency Percentage (%)
Say Positive Thing
0,00-3,00 0 0,0
0 0,0
5 5,4
9,01-12,00 56 60,9
31 33,7
Recommend friend
0,00-4,00 0 0,0
0 0,0
1 1,1
12,01-16,00 55 59,8
36 39,1
Continue purchasing
0,00-3,00 0 0,0
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Dimension Intervals Frequency Percentage (%)
0 0,0
6 6,5
9,01-12,00 53 57,6
33 35,9
In the variable of patient loyalty (table 5), the
majority indicate high respondent's loyalty with the
highest score on indicator recommend friends, the
majority of respondents be in the range of values
between 12.01-16,00 of 55 respondents (59,8%).
This shown that respondents do not hesitate and
recommend the service of Dr. Sitanala Leprosy
Hospital Tangerang.
3.2 Hypothesis Test
Table 6: Results of Multiple Linear Regression Stigmatization Interaction Services and Service Quality
Variable Regression Coefficient t
Sig t
Konstanta 91,205
matisasi Pela
anan (X
) -4,442 -3,712 0,000
Kualitas Pelayanan (X
) -0,651 -2,217 0,029
Moderasi (X
) 0,057 3,623 0,000
F 0,000
Source: Results of Data
Table 6 stated that the formula of the interaction
regression equation as follows:
Y = 91,205 – 4,442X
+ 0,057X
4.1 Effect Health Service of
Stigmatization on Patient Loyalty
Research shown Service Stigmatization had an
average value of 17.29, means that the average
patient treated in Public Inpatient Service
stigmatization of public services or can be
saidstigmatization of services inpatient is high. The
dominant dimension determines whether the patient
gives negativestigmatization of the service appears
to the dimension of fear of disclosure states that the
respondent informs others that the respondent is
treated in another hospital and no need to visit the
respondent. Respondents tend to be afraid to tell
other people that the respondents are hospitalized for
leprosy patients while the respondents are people
with other diseases.
Stigmatization had a significant effect on patient
loyalty, indicated by a significant level (p-value) of
0.00 which was smaller than 0.05. This indicated
that Service Stigmatization had a significant effect
on Patient Loyalty of Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital
Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerangdoes not
regard Leprosy Hospital as a hospital that is
marginalized because of the stigma of this disease.
This may be due to increased knowledge of the
patient both about leprosy disease and also other
services provided by Leprosy Hospital. Judging
from the number of visits in 2016,76% of general
service patients compared with 24% of leprosy
patients. For inpatient services, 84% of general
service patients and 16% of leprosy patients. This
number indicates that leprosy patients have
decreased more than in previous years. Number of
general service patients who seek treatment at
Dr.Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang can
gradually eliminate the stigma against leprosy
Thisis supported by research on Community
attitudes towards leprosy affected persons in
Pokhara municipality of western Nepal. A sample of
281 people in the community, the median stigma
score perceived was 12 ranging from 0-30. People
who lack information about leprosy have higher
stigma scores than those who have information
about leprosy (p = 0.002). Well informed people had
lower stigma compared to people with leprosy, so do
not hesitate to use the service in Dr. Sitanala
Leprosy Hospital, for understanding the
transmission of leprosy and the separation of
services in hospitalization.
Effect of Service Stigmatization to Patients Loyalty Moderated by Service Quality
Leprosy-related stigma, including those in health
care systems and among health care providers,
creates serious barriers to quality access and care. It
is also a major concern of health practitioners
themselves, both as a cultural issue, a workplace and
a barrier to seeking health assistance.
4.2 Effect of Service Quality on Patient
Based on the hypothesis that good or low
stigmatization increased the loyalty of patients to use
general inpatient services moderated by service
quality. In this study, the moderation between
Service Stigmatization and Service Quality had a
positive effect on Patient Loyalty, with a regression
coefficient of 0,024. Based on the test with simple
linear regression and moderation regression that the
coefficient of determination (R2) in simple linear
regression had a value of 0.016 which its value
smaller than the coefficient of determination of
0.474. Its meant that the quality of servicewas a
moderation variable that strengthens the influence of
service stigmatization on patient loyalty. Based on
theR2value that was equal to 0,474 or 47,4% shown
the effect ofstigmatizationservice, service quality,
and interaction between stigmatization of service
and quality of service to patient loyalty was 0,474 or
47,4% and the rest equal to 52,6% influenced by
other variables outside the research model. Based on
a significance value of 0.000 (p< 0.05) indicates that
the effect was significant. Its meant that the
hypothesis stated that quality of service was able to
moderate stigmatization of services to patient loyalty
on inpatient general in Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital
Tangerang was proved.
Research on the stigma of addiction and mental
illness in healthcare: the case of patients' experiences
in dental settings explored how stigma experienced
in health care and dental care by patients with a
history of addiction and mental illness. The method
used audio-taped and semi-structured interviews
with samples from two community-care centers in
Vancouver, Canada. The interview guide contained
questions about the experience while seeking health
care and dental care and was based on the existing
labeling, stereotyping, exclusion, discrimination, and
imbalance patterns of strength. Interviews were
verbatim for coding and thematic analysis. 25
respondents aged 23- 67 years were interviewed; 17
is male. Most had a history of depression with
alcohol and cocaine use; Most only seek dental
treatment for emergency purposes. A textual
analysis of over 300 pages of written interviews
revealed that respondents felt stigmatized when they
were stereotypically 'inappropriate', labeled
'different', excluded from the decision-making
process, discriminated against, 'treated unfairly' and
felt helpless when interacting in health care systems.
When associated with stigma, mental illness and
addiction had negative implications for accessing
health care and dental care. Likewise, leprosy
patients hadnegative access to health care.
Dr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital already had
integratinga general healthservice into theirprovided
servicesby not distinguishing the quality
improvement between the two services. Integration
of leprosy health services into general health
services had considered as core strategies. Leprosy
services should be provided with the same quality
(no more and no less) as general health problems, to
ensure the similarity of quality of care for leprosy
This integration reduced the level of
stigmatization of leprosy patients and health
services. Hoped that improved service quality for
leprosy patients and other health problems will
decrease stigmatization and increase patient loyalty
to reuse services provided by Dr. Sitanala Leprosy
Hospital Tangerang.
4.3 Findings
Stigmatization of health service hada negative effect
on patient loyalty, meant that the higher
stigmatization of service would decrease loyalty
patients. Health service Stigmatization had a
significant effect on patient loyalty at Dr.
Sitanala Leprosy Hospital of Tangerang. Service
quality hada negative effect on patient loyalty,
meant that if the quality of service decreased,
patientloyalty tends to decline. Service Quality had a
significant effect on patient loyalty at Dr.
Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang. Moderation
between service stigmatization and service quality
had a positive effect on patient loyalty. Service
quality was able to moderate the influence of
healthservicestigmatization to patient loyalty.
Stigmatization of health service, quality of
service, and moderation of service stigmatization
with the quality of service jointly affectedpatient
loyalty ofDr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang.
The influence of stigmatization service, service
quality, and moderation of service stigmatization-
service quality to patient loyalty was 0.474 or 47,4%
and the rest 52,6% influenced by other variables
outside the research model. Based on the coefficient
of determination (R
) value, quality of service was a
moderation variable that will strengthen the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
influence of stigmatization of service to patient
Based on the research, service stigmatization had a
significant effect on patient loyalty at Dr.Sitanala
Leprosy Hospital Tangerang. Stigmatization service
hada negative effect on patient loyalty, meant that
themore stigmatization of service, the more
decreasing patient loyalty.
Service quality had a significant effect on the
patient loyalty ofDr. Sitanala Leprosy Hospital
Tangerang. Service quality hada negative effect on
patient loyalty, meant that The less quality of
service, the more decreasing patient loyalty.
Service qualitywas able to moderate the
influence of stigmatization of service to patient
loyalty. Moderation between service stigmatization
and service quality had a positive effect on patient
loyalty. Based on the coefficient of determination
) value, quality of service was a moderation
variable that strengthens the influence of
stigmatization of service to patient loyalty.
Results confirm that the stigmatization of
services had a significant negative effect on patient
loyalty. This means that stigmatization can lead to
the increased loyalty of patients in using services in
hospitals. Patients who are leprosy stigmatizedcan
affect their perspective on a health institution that
specializes in treating the disease. Efforts that can be
done by the hospital was to promote hospital
services either locally or nationally. A
promotionsuch as community-centered real
activities, enhancing the promotion of superior
services and reducing stigma by directly educating
and advertising community service related to leprosy
negative stigma and services.
Quality of service had a significant effect on
patient loyalty. This means improving the quality of
service can increase patient loyalty. The implication
is that patient loyalty can be improved by improving
service quality. Efforts are to improve the services of
the five aspects of quality, tangible, reliability,
responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, either by
equipping facilities and equipment with high
technology and in accordance with the public health
needs, make improvements and increase the
competence of employees, especially the profession
carers through education and training.
Quality of hospital services moderates the effect
of service stigmatization on patient loyalty. Overall
service quality weakens service stigmatization.
Patients pay more attention to the overall service
dimension than the stigmatization that occurs in their
service. Service quality dimensions play an
important role in moderating stigmatization of
services in general inpatients. The patient will
change his stigmatization view on the services and
bring a feeling of loyalty to hospital services. Patient
loyalty is based on the willingness to recommend
hospitals to others, willingness to inform about
hospital benefits and to consider the same hospital as
the first choice in future medical care. In this study,
empathy is the most dominant factor in service
quality. The hospital should maintain good
relationships between patients and staff, improve
communication skills and provide motivation to
provide good service to patients so they can work
efficiently, especially in the treatment of patients.
Furthermore, another important aspect is tangible
regarding facilities, such as equipment and facilities.
A better understanding of patient loyalty building
will improve the manager's knowledge of how to
improve patient loyalty. The strategy of reducing
stigmatization by paying attention to perceived
service quality as a mechanism that will increase
patient loyalty.
The hospital needs to re-develop information
programs on leprosy to further reduce the level of
stigmatization of individuals and hospital
services.The high stigmatization of services can be
reduced by providing quality service quality.
Patients will return to use services that show
improvement of patient loyalty to the service of Dr.
Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Tangerang. So Hospitals
need to continuously improve and maintain the
quality of service so that the Hospital Bed
Occupation Rate will increase, along with
lesserstigmatization to service.
This study only examines the concept of
stigmatization of hospital services, service quality
and patient loyalty from a patient perspective.
However, this study does not explore from a service
provider's perspective. Results are limited to
considering the patient's point of view, which may
differ from the view of the service provider. It is,
therefore, necessary to develop research that
measures both from the perspective of patients and
service providers so that the implications of the
research are more described and become inputs for
service providers developing strategies for
improving patient loyalty.
Effect of Service Stigmatization to Patients Loyalty Moderated by Service Quality
The research was supported by Departement of
Hospital Administration, Esa Unggul University.
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