Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Startup Business:
Fruit Combining
Ribut Yuliantoro
, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah
, Semerdanta Pusaka
and Arief Kusuma Among
Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Marketing Strategy Planning, Marketing Mix.
Abstract: Nowadays, business rivalry in the food and beverages industry is going tightly and push the company to
planan innovative marketing strategy. To capture the market needs, the company should have added value to
their product. Also, the company must also have a good marketing strategy to attract potential consumers.
Fruit combining is one of creative innovation product that combines the original fruit and jelly in one
package, which combines the need for vitamins in fruits and fibers in the jelly. Fruit combining are expected
to be the solution in modern society to savor the fruit. Not even in the flavor of fruit, but it can also
represent an alternative for daily fruit consumption society. Urban family activities are indeed heavy, if they
did not have time to cut and to process fresh fruit at home, fruit combining products could be a good
alternative to substitute the need for fiber and vitamins needed by the body. In order to compete and hold
out, focusing activity and company business process have to concentrate on dynamic customers’ needs until
the purpose of filled customers needs and customers satisfaction will be completed. Because of that, our
start-up business focusing on how to sell their new product fruit combining. The purpose to be achieved are
to give more innovative marketing strategy based on dynamic society changes to arrogate the fruit
combining market. Analyze and information obtained and limited in Banten and Jakarta area. Result and
conclusion from these researches are about information of consumer behaviors concerning fruit combining
products and information about strengths and weakness of the product see based on current marketing
concepts. Moreover, the end, based on received and refined data, we conclude that a strategic marketing
planning will arrogate market, brand awareness and market educated from fruit combining special quality.
Nowadays, the competition in the food and
beverages industry is getting tight. It can be seen
from the number of products in circulation quite a
lot, so consumers should be selective. To capture the
desired market, the company should have added
value to the product being sold. Also, the company
must also have a good marketing strategy to attract
potential consumers.
Fruit combining is one of creative innovation
product that combines the original fruit and jelly in
one package, which combines the need for vitamins
in fruits and fibers in the jelly. Fruit combining are
expected to be the solution in modern society to
savor the fruit. Not even in the flavor of fruit, but it
can also represent an alternative for daily fruit
consumption society.
Urban family activities are indeed heavy, if they did
not have time to cut and to process fresh fruit at
home, fruit combining products could be a good
alternative to substitute the need for fiber and
vitamins needed by the body.
Having this opportunity, PT Redceri Indonesia tried
to launch a fruit combining products: Redceri Pure
Fruit Jelly with two variants,i.e. Orange and Carica.
This product is trying to enter a niche market which
is currently in the domination by import products
such as Tarami from Japan, Korea and of Tutto Sun
Moon from Singapore. Although other similar
Yuliantoro, R., Yanuar Rahmat Syah, T., Pusaka, S. and Kusuma Among Praja, A.
Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Startup Business: Fruit Combining.
DOI: 10.5220/0009949604620470
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 462-470
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Total Pengeluaran Per
Tahun (Rp)
Buah (%)
Konsumsi Buah Per
Tahun (Rp)
2010 1.416.358.027.032.000 2,46% 34.842.407.464.987
2011 1.723.934.003.097.600 2,46% 42.408.776.476.201
2012 1.865.042.051.745.600 2,46% 45.880.034.472.942
2013 2.100.704.535.049.200 2,46% 51.677.331.562.210
2014 2.348.255.448.883.200 2,46% 57.767.084.042.527
2015 2.664.432.341.415.940 2,46% 65.545.035.598.832
2016 2,46% 74.342.446.819.806
2017 3.426.378.625.141.230 2,46% 84.288.914.178.474
2018 3.883.326.569.827.500 2,46% 95.529.833.617.757
2019 4.399.533.773.714.140 2,46% 108.228.530.833.368
2020 4.982.470.086.779.580 2,46% 122.568.764.134.778
products havebeen circulated, PT Redceri Indonesia
gives added value of this new product. Competition
entered quite large, the company tried to do a
marketing strategy planning to sell this product so
that the community or consumer can accept it.
A description of the marketing strategy planning and
marketing mix PT Redceri Indonesia refers to the
organizational planning framework as follows:
Figure 1. Three Levels of Organizational Planning
(William J. Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing, 10th
In the company marketing plan includes 5 (five)
stages of the process,i.e. as follows:
Conduct a situation analysis.
Develop marketing objectives.
Choosing a target market and measuring
market needs.
Determining the position (Positioning).
Designing a marketing mix strategy.
4.1 Conduct a Situation Analysis
Situation analysis is conducted by the company to
understand the marketing environment towards the
products offered. The marketing environment
consists of fruit combining business people and
outside marketing forces that can influence
marketing management's ability to develop and
sustain successful transactions with its targeted
The intensity of rivalry, not only PT Redceri
Indonesia which produces food or beverage types of
fruit combining in packaging to customers in
Indonesia. Based on the analysis of strategic groups,
there are currently 3 (three) fruit combining
manufacturers who areselling their products in
Indonesia such as Tarami Corporation Japan, Tutto
Company Ltd. Korea, and Sun Moon Food
Company Ltd. Singapore. Refers to the analysis that
makes them a major threat to PT Redceri Indonesia's
market segment. Some of the strategies that the
company performed to win the competition and
surviveis to determine how to improve the quality of
products that produced, taste, and service to
consumers well by trying new ways and new
product innovations that increasingly more to attract
customers. Also, the company pricing strategy by
pressing product prices through the utilization of
distribution cost increment issued by the competitors
to attract as many consumers in the market without
lowering the quality of the product.
Currently, many local producers who only focus on
producing jelly potentially become a competitor for
PT Redceri Indonesia. However, this does not
necessarily make jelly producers easily enter the
fruit combining industry because it will get much
difficulty in entering the market, especially the
problem of processing technology.
The availability of many substitute products will
limit the flexibility of players in the industry to
determine the selling price of the product. The
substitute product will be one of the threats to the
products offered by the company such as fruit
yoghurt, fruit juice, and candied fruit.
Market growth, the growth of per capita fruit
consumption value in Indonesia each year has
increased by 14.85%. In 2016, the projected value of
money circulating in the community for fruit
consumption reaches more than 74 trillion Rupiah.
As illustrated in the following table:
Table 1. Projected Expenditure Increasing per Capita
Consumption of FruitYear 2015 2020
Processed from the results of the National
Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas)
Quarter I-2012, I-2014, BPS
This is a great potential in the utilization of fruits
offered to the community in different forms. With
Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Startup Business: Fruit Combining
Geografis Wilayah Jakarta dan Banten
Luas Wilayah
7.659 Km
dan 9160 Km
Populasi 9.988.329 dan 10.469.523 jiwa
Pemerintah Propinsi
Iklim Kemarau dan Penghujan
Demografis Umur 5 - 49 tahun
Jenis Kelamin Pria - Wanita
Ukuran Keluarga 1-2, 3-4, 5+
Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar - Perguruan Tinggi
Psikografis Kelas Sosial Menengah ke atas
Gaya Hidup Achievers
Kepribadian Suka berteman
Perilaku Kesempatan Belanja Kesempatan tetap
Manfaat Yang Dicari Kualitas dan Ekonomis
Tingkat Kesiapan Menyadari
Sikap Terhadap Produk Antusias dan Positif
such growth value and with the abundant supply of
fruit and not yet utilized, is an opportunity for
companies to run this business.
The fruit combining industry has an important role
in the national food industry, especially in fulfilling
the fruit demand, especially the need for vitamins.
The percentage of fruit as a source of the vitamin is
4.26% of all common food ingredients consumed.
The level of consumption of fruit is very large, this
is a potential market for PT Redceri Indonesia. The
availability of fruit combining is still limited because
the existing producers are still limited from abroad
or imported products. Also, the public difficulty in
finding fruit combining that can assure the quality,
halal and affordable prices. Fruit combining that
existing today is still quite expensive and has a taste
that is less suitable for the people of Indonesia.
Market access, the company as effectively as
possible managing access strategy enters the market
for the success of the company's overall business
model. Applying the right market access strategy is
supported by the specific tools needed to manage the
sales network in the company's distribution system.
Also, the success rate of entry into the market really
depends on the competitive advantage of the fruit
combining products offered by the company.
In the early stages of production, PT Redceri
Indonesia entered the market through two ways of
marketing, namely indirect sales and direct sales.
Indirect sales, the company sell the products through
food and beverage distributors, while the direct sales
through cooperation with Indomaret retailers or
4.2 Develop Marketing Objectives
Determination of the marketing objectives to be
achieved by the company must be in harmony with
the vision, mission and strategy that the company
sets and must be able to translate the strategy and
goals of the company's organization. The first
objective is within the next five years to become a
market leader in the food and beverage industry that
creates natural products in the marketing areas of
Jakarta and Banten, has a strong distribution channel
and builds strong brand awareness, and reaches
15.52% Return of Investment in the first year (Y-1)
of the total sales revenue and change the salary
payment system of all sales marketing employees
from salary compensation base to sales commission
base, it aims to motivate the increase of selling rate
of products offered.
4.3 Market Segmentation
Market segmentation and market diversity are two
interrelated concepts. Without a diverse market of
people with different backgrounds, countries of
origin, interests, needs, and desires, there is little
reason to market segmentation.
Before the acceptance of the broad marketing
concept, the common way to do business with
consumers is through mass marketing, which is the
same product offering or marketing mix to everyone.
Market segmentation follows as a more logical way
to meet consumer needs.
Figure 2. Market Segmentation Steps
(Source: William J. Stanton, Fundamentals of
Marketing, 10th Edition)
Market segment, buyers have unique needs and
desires, potentially, each buyer is a separate market.
To that end, the company determines the market
segment based on income groups and age groups.
In the group of earnings, the company takes the
market segment for groups of people with middle
income upwards. As for the age group the company
sets the market segment for the age group of 5 (five)
to 49 (forty-nine) years. The variable determination
of market segments of the company can be classified
as follows:
Table 2. VariableDetermination of Market Segments
Geographical segmentation, in the early stages of
marketing the company, set the market share in the
Jakarta and Banten areas. With the population
growth rate in the region reaching 2.1% per year.
Also, the company determines the effect of climate
on its marketing mechanism. Based on market
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Sosial Ekonomi
Gender Pria Wanita Pria Wanita
Kelompok Umur :
5-9 9.423,80 4.735,46 4.688,34 4.711,90 2.367,73 2.344,17
10-14 9.030,84 4.538,00 4.492,84 4.515,42 2.269,00 2.246,42
15-19 8.864,40 4.454,36 4.410,04 4.432,20 2.227,18 2.205,02
20-24 8.627,60 4.335,37 4.292,23 4.313,80 2.167,68 2.146,12
25-29 8.364,56 4.203,19 4.161,37 4.182,28 2.101,60 2.080,68
30-34 8.198,80 4.119,90 4.078,90 4.099,40 2.059,95 2.039,45
35-39 7.974,60 4.007,24 3.967,36 3.987,30 2.003,62 1.983,68
40-44 7.443,72 3.740,47 3.703,25 3.721,86 1.870,23 1.851,63
45-49 6.662,80 3.348,06 3.314,74 3.331,40 1.674,03 1.657,37
behavior, for food and beverage products with the
content of fruit or juice will increase demand during
the dry season and tend to decline during the rainy
Demographic segmentation, on this assignment the
company offers its products for the 5-49 years age
segment, because the products offered are designed
to suit the particular needs of a particular age
segment. Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly products use
native fruit instead of fruit juice,so it is not suitable
for under 5 years old who have not been able to
chew. Also, this product also uses pure sugar that is
not suitable for the segmented market age over 49
years related health issues about excess sugar
consumption that causes diabetes. Also, the
company does not include or specific designation of
segmentation based on gender, educational level and
family size. This is because Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly
products offer general products with the benefit of
consuming fruit and fiber consumption.
Psychographic segmentation, people's purchasing
power dependence still has a strong influence in
preference to the desire to buy a product. To that
end, the company sets its market segment for upper-
middle-class social class by building traits that can
attract the interest of the class society such as
strengthening brand awareness in the form of
packaging or display and the quality of class
products. When compared with the original fruit, the
culture of the people in consuming fruit combining
fruit is still not popular. However, with the modern
lifestyle changes that want practicality, there is a
special market segment that is large enough to work
on. This is evident from the number of fruit
consumption from year to year increased and
reached the number of tens of tons. The specific
market segment in question is the market segment
that does have a passion and taste to consume fruit
with more practical and easy to get (Customer
Familiarity). Also, the attraction of people to the
goods is influenced by lifestyle and the goods can
express the lifestyle. Companies are trying to
improve market segmentation based on consumer
lifestyles as well as certain community groups.
Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly is positioned as the ideal
food product for healthy, natural, halal and active or
mobile lifestyle. Finally, PT Redceri Indonesia is
targeting achievers as a marketing appeal of its
Segmentation of behavior, consumers, can be
grouped according to knowledge, attitude, use, and
response to a product. Of the trusted behavior
variables are the best starting point for building
specific market segments. Indonesian people have a
habit of consuming fruit only at lunch, for that
company needs to build a brand image that the
product offered can be consumed throughout the
day. Also, the company uses the benefit
segmentation to position the Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly
product as halal, healthy and economical. This is
useful for building consumer awareness of healthy
living as well as enthusiasm and positive responses
to the products that the company has to offer.
Target market, based on market segmentation that
has been done, the company set the main target
market is age group of 10-29 years with middle
social class and above. This is set to simplify the
marketing communication pattern of Redceri Fruit
Jelly products at an early stage. The target setting is
described as in the table as follows:
Table 3. Target MarketRegion DKI Jakarta-Banten
(in thousands)
Processed from BPS data in 2014
From table 3, the age group of 10-29 years (yellow
mark) reached 62.36% of the total market segment
5-49 years age group with middle and upper social
class. Companies in the early stages of using an
undifferentiated marketing strategy with one offer to
enter the market. Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly's product
offerings will focus on the general needs of
consumers, not to differentiate. This is done by the
company at an early stage to make cost savings such
as similar product lines keeping production,
inventory and transportation costs low.
However, the company will keep in mind the
product lifecycle stage, for which the company
strengthens the Research and Development Division
to conduct market research and product development
based on the segmentation that has been done.
Currently, competitors in the market still use all-
around marketing.
Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Startup Business: Fruit Combining
4.4 Determining the Position
Positioning is an action in shaping the image in the
minds of consumers (Kotler, 2006). In the
positioning statement there should be a formula
established on: Target Segment - an explanation of
the segment targeted by the company, Brand Name -
the name of the product offered, Frame of
Reference. The product category offered, Point of
Differentiation - the uniqueness of the offered
product compared to Products of the same category,
and Reason to Believe - evidence to reinforce the
uniqueness of the product offered (Tybout &
Calkins, 2005).
Based on it, the company tries to shape the product
image with product Tagline for Redceri Pure Fruit
Jelly's is 'Your Pure Fruit Jellycious', while its
Positioning Statement is ‘Untuk masyarakat
Indonesia yang sehat, Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly
adalah fruit combining kombinasi jelly dengan buah-
buahan segar sebagai asupan vitamin yang halal,
praktis dan rasa yang berbeda karena hanya Redceri
Pure Fruit Jelly produk dalam negeri yang di proses
secara higienis dan modern'. Positioning this
statement is formed on:
Target Segment : Healthy Indonesian.
Brand Name : Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly
The frame of Reference : Fruit Combining combination of
jelly and fresh fruits
Point of Differentiation : As a halal vitamin intake,
practical and different flavors.
Reason to Believe : Hygienic and modern processed
domestic products.
Figure 3. Positioning Statement
4.5 Designing a Marketing Mix
The marketing mix is a marketing strategy used by a
company to market Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly
products. As for the marketing of its products, the
company establishes two marketing mechanisms
namely direct sales through cooperation with
retailers or hospitals with the concept of business to
customer (B2C) and sales through cooperation with
distributors with the concept of business to business
(B2B). To be able to enter into the sales of fruit
combining to such parties, the company notices
several things such as product - hygienic and gives
clear benefits and prices - as a substitute product no
higher price of substituted goods.
Marketing strategy for direct sales through
cooperation with retailers or hospitals or B2C
concept using 4P (Product, Place, Price, Promotion).
The translation of these strategies are:
The product, according to Kotler: in planning
product offerings to customers should have five
levels that each level gives more value to customers.
Five levels are Product Core Benefit, Basic Product,
Expected Product, Augmented Product and Potential
Figure 4. Five Levels of Product
(Source: Kotler 2003:408)
For Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly are as follows: Product
Core Benefit: Fruit Combining fruits and jelly; Basic
Product: natural, halal and practical in enjoying the
fruit; Expected Product: the freshness of the fruit is
maintained,and the taste fits with the tastes of the
people of Indonesia; Augmented Product: attractive,
clean and hygienic packaging; Potential Product:
Orange and Carica flavors.
Product specification form, Redceri Pure Fruit Jelly
is packed in a natural PP (polypropylene) cup.
Product weight per cup is 110 grams, and each
product comes with a spoon of jelly. Redceri Pure
Fruit Jelly is marketed there are two types of flavor:
Orange and Carica.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Website itu diartikan sebagai rumah Anda. Pembuatan website juga
akan dilakukan dengan tujuan utama peningkatan imej. Website bisa
juga sebagai media untuk pasar sasaran mencari informasi seputar
perusahaan dan produk PT Redceri Indonesia. Menu-menu yang ada di
website adalah profil perusahaan, info produk, tempat penjualan,
pembelian online, dan kritik & saran.
Membangun Online Presence
(Branding Online)
Untuk ini PT Redceri Indonesia menggunakan Native Advertising,
sebuah bentuk iklan berbayar yang bentuknya menyerupai media di
mana iklan tersebut ditempatkan dengan memperhatikan pengguna agar
tidak merasa terganggu display banner saat menggunakan internet.
Search Engine
Agar website PT Redceri Indonesia dapat mudah "ditemukan" dan
"dicari" oleh Search Engine, maka perusahaan menargetkan kata kunci
yang relevan sehingga website perusahaan dapat muncul sesuai dengan
kebutuhan pengguna internet seperti : Food Combining, Fruit
Combining, Jelly, Diet Sehat, dan lain-lain.
Social Media
PT Redceri Indonesia menggunakan sosial media yang banyak di
gunakan seperti Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedln dan media
sosial lainnya memudahkan perusahaan dalam melakukan digital
Direct Email
PT Redceri Indonesia mengirimkan Direct Email kepada target audience
mengenai brand, portofolio, services dan hal penting lainnya dari
Product packaging, Redceri products will be packed
in a natural PP (polypropylene) cup and covered
with lid cup PE (polyetylene) in printing the logo
and product type. The Redceri product is packed in a
corrugated carton with the contents of each carton
24 cups.
Product advantages, Redceri products compared
with fruit combining others is more fruit content,
halal, and taste that suits the tastes of the majority of
Indonesian people.
Logo design, so that the product is easy to remember
and give a positive impression so that the company
can communicate the right promotional strategy
target, to create high brand awareness. The Redceri
product logo design is as follows:
Figure 5. Logo Design
Place, for B2C's Redceri product marketing, the
company will distribute itself from direct production
to parties such as a retailer or a particular hospital
using its distribution fleet. Based on the purchase
order of the parties, the company will process the
existing request and make direct delivery using the
prepared distribution fleet.
Price, in setting product prices using Cost Plus
Pricing Methode pricing strategy, i.e. pricing based
on total cost by adding profit. This is done by the
company to penetrate the market that is currently
dominated by imported products at a relatively high
price. This can provide more value through
improving the quality of products and services better
than competitors, and also later with the brand will
add value to the product even if the price set is not
higher than the competitors. The price set by the
company is Rp 7,450, - / cup including Vat. The
price is for the first year and made fixed (not
fluctuating), for the second year and subsequently
adjusted for inflation plus other factors because the
fruit combining Redceri has become known by the
public. The company also applies HET (Highest
Retail Price) with the aim of the consumer can get a
reasonable price. The highest retail price currently
applied is Rp 7,450, -/cup and Rp 178,800, -/box.
Also, the company offers discounts for cash
discounts of up to 3% of total purchases. Being for
decision makers at these agencies, in order to create
long-term relationships the company provides a
budget of 5% of total purchases in the form of
entertainment and the provision of fees (incentives).
Promotion, promotional activities are aimed at
informing, persuading, or influencing consumers to
use the products produced by the company.
Promotional activities undertaken by the company is
the spread of flyer, radio advertising and digital
One of the promotional activities undertaken by
the company through digital marketing that is by
utilizing electronic media to promote, marketing,
and others. Increased internet users today become
something that should not be ignored by the
business. The advantage of going through digital
marketing is many people can recognize the product
or service that we sell.
Based on the description, the company will
implement some promotional strategies through
digital marketing as follows:
Table 4. Digital MarketingStrategy
Marketing strategy for indirect sales through
cooperation with food and beverage distributors or
B2B concepts using NICE approach (Networking,
Interaction, Common interest, Experience). The
translation of these strategies are:
Networking, by establishing networks between
companies and distributors in each region to
facilitate the opening of distribution channels in the
target market area. To that end, the company to
explore the distributors who are in Jakarta and
Banten region with mutually beneficial cooperation.
The food and beverage distributors such as PT
Intrasari Raya in Jakarta and PT Era Gading Baharu
in Tangerang become partnership company to build
marketing network of Redceri Fruit Jelly products.
Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Startup Business: Fruit Combining
Distributor distributors become parties that will
distribute to third parties up to end customers.\
Interaction, the company creates communication
and a good relationship with the distributor in
introducing the products that the company has to
offer. This communication is also related to the
service to the order and ease of handling the claim of
the product defect.
The marketing and sales team of the company
will communicate the product of Redceri Fruit Jelly
by the direct door to door product exposure to every
foodand beverage distributors that are the target
partners in opening the marketing network.
Common Interest, the company tries to establish
relationships and mutual relationships with
distributors, especially decision makers through
personal approaches. One of them is the provision of
sales commissions and annual rewards against sales
targets given to each distributor.
To build a long-term partnership with
distributors, the company has prepared a total budget
of 8% of the related sales budgeted from 3%
discount cash sales and 5% of the cost of
entertainment. This budget is issued for the
achievement of sales targets in the form of
commissions, fees and annual rewards.
Experience, strategy in deepening product
knowledge of products offered to support product
introduction process to the distributor. Every sales
and marketing personnel from PT Redceri Indonesia
should be able to understand the products offered
both in terms of product benefits, benefits gained,
and product handling.
To maintain and keep customer loyalty, PT Redceri
Indonesia needs to design a sales blueprint in
serving customers. Sales blueprints are sales guides
to consumers systematically illustrated, from first
time in touch with brands to after sales. Sales
blueprints can be developed for brand owners who
are just getting started or for improvisation.
Sales blueprint can be a reference or standard
operation procedure (SOP). In the sales blueprint,
the company measures the sales success of the five
dimensions of sales effectiveness:
(1) Company Results,
(2) Customer Results,
(3) Activities,
(4) Salespeople, and
(5) Sales Effectiveness Drivers.
Figure 6. The relationship between DimensionsSales
Organization (Source: Andris A. Zoltners, Prabhakant
Sinha,Sally E. Lorimer, Building A Winning Sales Force,
2009 page 7)
5.1 Company Results
Company Results, on this dimension the company
focuses on goals or outcomes for the company. The
results to be achieved are as follows:
Market share in the first year of 5% of the total
fruit demand in the area of Banten and Jakarta,
with a sales value of 71, 6 billion.
Target profit in the first year of 4.8 billion or
6.69% of total sales.
Return of Investment which become target
company is 15,52% per year.
Marketing cost of 31% of total sales per year.
The sales proceeds will be evaluated and rewarded
for the achievement of the goal, and the result is the
most visible and objective indicator of success.
Company results are the organization's financial
results, in which the sales force's efforts play a major
role. These results can be measured using sales,
profits, market share, return on investment, or some
other metric, and can be expressed as absolute
levels, the percentage of goal achievement, or
growth over the past year. This is useful for
evaluating outcomes from short and long-term
perspectives, as decisions involving salespeople
affect both.
5.2 Customer Results
Customer Results, in this dimension the company
focus on the results or benefits to be gained by
consumers. Salesforce activity at this stage is to
build good relationships and customer trust, as well
as build a loyalty based on the products offered. The
steps taken are:
Establish communication and good relationships
with distributors when introducing the products that
the company has to offer. Providing services to
orders and ease of handling claims for problematic
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Figure 7. Sales System PT Redceri Indonesia
Direct door to door product exposure to each
distributor of food and beverage that is the target
partner in opening the marketing network.
Promotion of products, to inform, persuade, or
influence consumers to use products produced by the
Personal approach by giving sales commissions and
annual rewards to sales targets given to each
distributor and giving gifts to end users such as
sweepstakes or prizes directly.
The results of the customer affect the company's
results. Therefore the company measures customer
outcomes by using customer satisfaction scores and
customer retention rates or repeat sales to assess
how customers view sales organizations. Customers
will not buy from people they do not like.
5.3 Activities
Activities, in this dimension, the company
emphasizes salespeople to effectively allocate their
time and ensure that every activity is of high quality
and value. The steps taken by PT Redceri
Indonesia's sales force are as follows:
Salespeople serve our best customers well.
Salespeople spend much time with customers and
keep the administrative work to a minimum.
Quality of sales force activity is as important as
Salespeople activities are usually organized into a
multistep process that includes steps such as lead
generation, needs analysis, solution development,
proposal presentation, negotiation, installation,
customer service, and maintenance and marketing
expansion. Salesforce activity encourages customer
5.4 Salespeople
Salespeople, in this dimension PT Redceri
Indonesia's sales force is formed to have the ability
and mindset as follows:
Salespeople are the spearhead of the company.
Salespeople must know about products,
customers, and competitors very well.
Have the right values, attitudes, and abilities.
Want to learn and develop new skills.
Be able to adapt when new sales process arises.
High-performance turnover is very low.
Companies seek to employ competent and motivated
salespeople and build a 'success' culture to direct
them to demonstrate effective behavior and engage
in effective activities. Salesforce PT Redceri
Indonesia is a strong revenue driver for the
company, so salespeople is the most important asset
of the company because of its relationship with the
customer that determines the company's success.
5.5 Sales Effectiveness Drivers
Sales Effectiveness Drivers, in this dimension the
company focuses on decisions, processes, systems,
and work programs of salespeople. The drivers of
PT Redceri Indonesia's sales force are:
Definer Drivers
These drivers determine the organizational structure
of sales force, number of the sales force and territory
design. In the early stages of production of PT
Redceri Indonesia the marketing focus in Banten and
Jakarta. Based on that territory marketing of PT
Redceri Indonesia product is divided into two
marketing areas namely Banten and Jakarta. The
number of marketing personnel for each region is 1
person sales force and 1 person marketing staff. For
Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Startup Business: Fruit Combining
the marketing,divisionis headed by a Manager,
namely Marketing and Sales Manager. Structurally,
the manager is responsible for the performance of
the marketing personnel. Sales and marketing
personnel will provide performance reports, market
developments, and matters related to the company's
marketing to managers.
Shaper Drivers
These drivers form the skills, abilities and values of
salespeople / key person through (1) Recruiting, for
marketing personnel and sales force at least D-3
education while for minimal manager of S-1
education with technical skills such as computer
mastery, communication, Selling skills and good
analytical skills. (2) Learning and development, to
support the personal abilities of corporate
salespeople provide training such as interpersonal
skills, effective communication skill, business law
and other related training. (3) Culture, embedded
culture: 'Quality first, working hard and family
number one' from a sales standpoint. (4) Sales
Management Team, it aims to create High Impact
Sales Management and Strategy. (5) Coaching,
training by bringing in marketing or senior sales to
become a role model, and sharing the real
experience of why he/she can be the best (in terms
of sales). (6) Leadershipcan lead, firm in making
decisions and responsible for the decisions taken.
Enlightener Drivers
In these drivers, the company seeks to provide and
provide useful and supportive information for
salespeople such as consumer research, target
markets, data and sales tools, and CRM (Customer
Relation Management). The company also provides
a budget in supporting marketing process such as
market surveys, impact studies and corporate
branding by cooperating with third parties.
Exciter Drivers
These drivers aim to motivate and encourage
salespeople to work hard and achieve company
goals. To encourage and motivate the sales force, the
company does several ways such as providing
compensation and incentives when sales targets are
achieved, as well as providing motivational
programs to salespeople.
Controller Drivers
PT Redceri Indonesia needs a control system to
support its marketing process. The control system is
used to ensure that salespeople, most of whom work
unattended, continue to do what they should do from
time to time. These drivers direct the activity and
behavior of sales force, to determine sales
performance by setting targets, forecasting, reporting
mechanisms, coordination and communication.
The overall picture of the activity of marketing
strategy implementation of PT Redceri Indonesia is
depicted in the picture (Fig.7) of the company's sales
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation