Development of Piconet Pervasive System through Bluetooth
Network as Learning Media in Higher Education
Andi Hasad
, Abdul Hafid Paronda
and Dindin Abidin
Electronic Department, Universitas Islam 45, Jl. Cut Meutia 83, Bekasi, Indonesia
Health and Physical Education Department, Universitas Islam 45, Jl. Cut Meutia 83, Bekasi, Indonesia
Keywords: Development of Piconet Pervasive system, transmission of data streaming video rate, quality of service.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a Piconet Pervasive system using a client-server connection point
to multi-point topology using the Android operating system on the client side and optimize data rate
transmission (throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss values) that meet Cisco's standard video streaming QoS,
on video streaming via Bluetooth networks. Research methods include Piconet Pervasive Bluetooth network
system analysis, system design, audio-video compression, track hints, system testing, system performance
measurement, analysis of measurement results, expert performance assessment, system optimization and
implementation of learning activities. The results expected through this study are generated systems that
produce the best performance and best parameters on data streaming video rates that meet Cisco's standard
video streaming QoS for throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss values. This study produces the smallest
packet loss value of 3.50% in an environment that does not have Wi-Fi and 4.01% in an environment that has
Wi-Fi, at a client-server distance of 5 m, namely by analyzing and optimizing the performance of the Piconet
Pervasive system. The results of this study can be implemented as learning media in universities based on
Bluetooth technology that is low power, low-cost and easy to use.
Research on Bluetooth networks in the field of
information and communication technology or the
field of electrical engineering as a supporting learning
infrastructure has been developed. Wang X. (2004)
conducted a study to develop communication
between cellular phones and computers, finding that
the main thing that became the biggest challenge on
Bluetooth networks was the limited bandwidth,
which was 732 kbps. In 2008, Catania and Zammit
tested streaming video using a Bluetooth network on
a computer with a Linux operating system, resulting
in the time needed for streaming video transmission,
the greater the size of the data packet sent. This study
also resulted in the difference in the Bluetooth version
on the cellular phone side, having an influence on the
number of data packets that could be received by the
cellular telephone.
Gupta, Singh and Jain in 2010, developed a
system to make it easier for students to understand the
working principle of video transmission using
Bluetooth networks, by testing various video
streaming transmissions using Bluetooth networks on
cellular phones to stream video clips and real-time
videos from cellular phones to computers and from
computers to cellular phones, using the Java platform.
As a result, the quality of the video sent decreases
with increasing distance and the presence of Wi-Fi
interference. In a study conducted by Jung C., Kim
K., Seo J., Silva BN, and Han K. in 2017,
recommending that for peer-to-peer and client-server
communications carried out on 1 channel, the
protocol that can be used is RFCOMM, while for
many clients, using point to multi-point topology, the
protocol used is L2CAP.
Some ways to deal with the weakness of video
streaming using Bluetooth networks include video
compression, QoS control, and intermediate
protocols. Video compression is used to eliminate
excess video data information, thereby increasing
efficiency in Bluetooth network transmission. QoS
which includes congestion control and error control is
used to handle packet loss, reduce delay and improve
video quality, while intermediate protocols are used
to split video data into packets before being sent
(Banerjee et al., 2010).
Hasad, A., Hafid Paronda, A. and Abidin, D.
Development of Piconet Pervasive System through Bluetooth Network as Learning Media in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009947530873091
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 3087-3091
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Margaret T. and Kathrine SA (2012) conducted
research to collect data through investigations to their
students about their perception of Bluetooth security,
resulting in communication via Bluetooth can be safe
but still careful in its use. This study suggests that
learning about Bluetooth communication technology
be included in the college curriculum.
Research conducted by Mahajan, Verma, Erale,
Bonde and Arya (2014) resulted in a Bluetooth
system that can be integrated into Android, which is
the main cellular phone operating system as a mobile
communication tool today. This study also developed
a chat application using 2-way communication on a
Bluetooth network, without other infrastructure. This
research is used to develop learning processes based
on Bluetooth networks.
Previous research conducted by Hasad A. and
Paronda AH. (2016) on a Bluetooth Piconet Pervasive
system, it produces the best performance from the
system in transmitting data rates via Bluetooth
networks. But the research still runs on the symbian
platform on the client side. Therefore, in this research
Piconet Pervasive system was developed, which runs
on the Android open source operating system on the
client side; which is a cellular phone operating system
that is widely used today. The system produces the
best performance on the transmission of real-time
video streaming data rates through the Bluetooth
Piconet Pervasive network, according to Cisco
streaming video standards.
The purpose of this study was to develop a
Piconet Pervasive system that uses a client-server
connection point to multi-point topology using the
Android and Symbian operating systems on the client
side (cellular phones), which meet the video
streaming QoS standards, both when transmitting
video streaming data rates and on the system Piconet
Pervasive, in environments that have Wi-Fi
interference or that do not have Wi-Fi interference.
The results expected through this research are a
system that has the best performance and best
parameters for video streaming data rate transmission
that meets Cisco standard video streaming QoS for
throughput, delay, jitter and packet loss values for
video streaming applications on the environment.
which does not have Wi-Fi interference or in an
environment that has Wi-Fi interference.
The results of this study can also be implemented
on Bluetooth technology-based learning that is low
power, low-cost and easy to use in the teaching and
learning process in universities can improve student
skills so that it is in line with the demands of the
business world and industry..
This research was conducted in the laboratory of
Electrical Engineering Telecommunications of
Universitas Islam 45 in Bekasi and in the laboratory
of the Network Computer Centric (NCC) Department
of Computer Science, Bogor Agricultural University
which runs from January to April 2018.
The material used in this study is a video with a
.3gp format with a data rate of 8 kbps. Video encoding
resolution is 176x144 pixels. The tools used in the
server-side development environment include
computers that have Intel Core i5 CPU processor
specifications, 8 GB RAM, system type: 64 bit OS,
Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System, USB
Bluetooth Generic, Intel (R) Core (TM) computers i3-
3110 M 2.40 GHz CPU, 4 GB RAM, 32 bit system
type, Windows 10 Operating System, Wireshark
Software and Darwin Streaming Server. In the client-
side development environment cell phones are used
which have specifications for Android OS and
Symbian OS, Bluetooth v 4.0. Supporting software
used include GnuBox, AnalogX, and MP4Box.
The research method includes several stages of
research, including Piconet Pervasive Bluetooth
network system analysis, system design, audio-video
compression, track hint, optimization, system testing,
performance measurement, and analysis of
measurement results, system optimization, and
1. Piconet Pervasive Bluetooth System Analysis
The Pervasive Piconet system is a piconet system
that connects two different devices so that the
existence of these different devices is no longer felt
(Arnaldy, 2010). At this stage, identification of the
needs of the Bluetooth Piconet Pervasive network
system. Needs identification is based on literature
studies and literature on hardware and software
needed during the research. Literature studies also
include multimedia on cellular phones, audio video
processing, Bluetooth connections from cellular
phones to computers, and from computers to cellular
2. System Design
At this stage, prototype design and construction is
carried out for Bluetooth connections from the
computer (server) to the cellular telephone (client).
The design and configuration carried out on the server
side consist of software and hardware. On the server-
side, the software used is Darwin Streaming Server
and AnalogX, DSS is an open source version of
Quicktime Streaming Server (QSS) and can run on
Windows, Linux and Mac OS operating systems
(Klingsheim, 2004).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Configuration on the client side (cellular
telephone) has done by installing the Gnubox
software, then configuring the access point. After that
proceed with the configuration on Gnubox.
3. Audio Video Compression
The compression process is used to reduce the
video data rate. Data must be compressed before
sending it via a Bluetooth network (Banerjee, 2010).
The compressed data consists of two parts, namely
audio and video, including frame size, frame rate,
codec, audio rate, sample rate and channels. The
video compression format used is 3gp, while audio is
amr. The video that has been compressed is then sent
via a Bluetooth network with a limited bandwidth of
732 kbps (Wang, 2004).
4. Hint Track
Before the video is sent, the hint track process is
first done so that the video can be run/played on the
client video player. The hint track process is needed
to give information to the video so that it is ready to
be sent and can be recognized by the client
(Austerberry, 2005). In this study, the hint track
process has done by using open source tools called
MP4Box. Bandwidth obtained from this process is
the limit of videos that can be sent (Arnaldy, 2010).
5. Optimization
This stage has done when the system can work but
has not yet produced the expected value based on
Cisco's standard video streaming QoS. Optimization
on the server has done by tuning up the DSS by
installing Active Perl to maximize DSS performance,
while on the client side optimization was done by
minimizing running background, which consumes
memory on cell phones (Hasad A., 2017).
6. System Testing
System testing aims to determine the ability of the
Bluetooth network as a video streaming media and to
find out the quality of the video received on the client
side. Testing has done using the Darwin Streaming
Server, and AnalogX proxy on the server and
GnuBox side as well as the real player on the client
side. The protocol used is RFCOMM with an
intermediate protocol in the form of Internet Protocol
Testing has done on the size of the video data rate
and different distances. The video data rate tested is 8
kbps with a resolution of 176 x 144 pixels encoding,
while the distance to be tested is 5 meters.
7. Performance Measurement
The parameters used in measuring the
performance of this Bluetooth network are
throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss.
Measurement of this parameter uses capture network
traffic, namely Wireshark.
The measurement starts with sending a video that
is 5 m away from the server, in an environment that
does not have Wi-Fi (-100 dBm), and an environment
that has Wi-Fi signal strength of -78 dBm and -58
dBm. After each video is measured, then a
comparison and analysis of the measurement
parameters between the videos are carried out. The
results of measuring video streaming at 8 kbps data
rate and 5 m client-server distance as shown in Table
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that in an
environment that does not have Wi-Fi (-100 dBm),
the highest value for throughput parameters is 4.59
packets / second and the lowest value is 4.52 packets
/ second with an average of 4.56 packages/second.
The delay parameter has the highest value of 0.29
milliseconds and the lowest value is 0.25
milliseconds with an average value of 0.27
milliseconds. For the jitter parameter, the highest
value is 0.02 milliseconds and the lowest is 0.01
milliseconds with an average value of 0.01
milliseconds. The packet loss parameter has the
highest value of 3.52% and the lowest value is 3.50%
with an average value of 3.51%.
In the delay parameter, the value obtained is in
milliseconds, with the highest value of 0.29
milliseconds, this is in accordance with Cisco's QoS
standard which allows a maximum of 5 seconds to
stream video streaming. While the jitter parameters in
video streaming do not have standard standards
because streaming video is not a jitter sensitive based
on criteria issued by Cisco (Szigeti and Hattingh,
2004). The Jitter parameter is closely related to the
delay parameter, the jitter parameter can be used to
determine the stability of the data packet
transmission, the closer the value of 0 is the more
stable data transmission.
In packet loss parameters, the highest value of
packet loss is 3.52%, where the average value is
3.51%. This value is still included in the standard for
streaming video based on Cisco QoS, where the
standard value that is still allowed is <5%.
In environments that have Wi-Fi (-78 dBm and -
58 dBm), the highest value for throughput parameters
is 4.45 packets / second and the lowest value is 4.26
packages / second with an average of 4.43 packets /
second in the environment with Wi-signal Fi -78 dBm
and 4.29 packets / second in an environment with a
Wi-Fi signal of -58 dBm. This shows that the stronger
the Wi-Fi interference, the lower the throughput
Development of Piconet Pervasive System through Bluetooth Network as Learning Media in Higher Education
Table 1. The measurement results carried out on the client-server distance are 5 m
Wi-fi : -100 dBm Wi-fi : -78 dBm Wi-fi : -58 dBm
M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 Ave M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 Ave M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4 Ave
4.52 4.54 4.58 4.59 4.56 4.44 4.42 4.45 4.39 4.43 4.33 4.29 4.26 4.29 4.29
0.25 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.27 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.57 0.55 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.62
0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
Packet Loss
3.50 3.52 3.51 3.51 3.51 4.01 4.01 4.01 4.02 4.01 4.20 4.21 4.26 4.27 4.24
Figure 1. Comparison of measurement results at 8 kbps and 16 kbps data rates
The delay parameter has the highest value of 0.63
milliseconds and the lowest value is 0.52
milliseconds with an average value of 0.55
milliseconds in an environment with a Wi-Fi signal
of -78 dBm and 0.62 milliseconds in an environment
with a Wi-Fi signal of -58 dBm. These results indicate
that the stronger the Wi-Fi interference, the greater
the delay. For jitter parameters, the highest value is
0.04 milliseconds and the lowest is 0.01 milliseconds
with an average value of 0.02 milliseconds in an
environment with a Wi-Fi signal of -78 dBm and 0.04
milliseconds in an environment with a Wi-Fi signal
of -58 dBm.
The difference in the numbers obtained by the
relatively small difference in value indicates the
stability of the network used. It can be seen that there
is a decrease in the average value of the jitter in an
environment that has a higher Wi-Fi interference that
is 0.04 milliseconds on the Wi-Fi signal of -78 dBm
to 0.02 milliseconds in the Wi-Fi signal of -58 dBm.
In an environment with Wi-Fi signal of -78 dBm,
packet loss parameter values obtained have the
highest value of 4.02% and the lowest is 4.01% with
an average value of 4.01%, while in environments
with Wi-Fi signal -58 dBm, the value packet loss
parameters obtained have the highest value of 4.27%
and the lowest is 4.20% with an average value of
4.24%. This shows that the stronger the Wi-Fi
interference on the network, the greater the value of
packet loss.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
In this research, the Piconet Pervasive system was
successfully developed from earlier research
conducted by Hasad A. and Paronda AH. (2017)
which analyzed the data rate and the effect of W-Fi
interference on video streaming from server to client
on the Bluetooth Piconet Pervasive network, by
adding the use of Android OS and Symbian OS on the
client side.
All data delay and packet loss, which was
obtained in this research have met Cisco streaming
video standards; with a standard maximum packet
loss is 5%.
This research produces the value of the smallest
packet loss of 3.50% and the largest packet loss of
3.52% in an environment that does not have Wi-Fi
and the smallest packet loss value of 4.01% and the
largest packet loss of 4.27% in an environment that
has Wi-Fi, the client-server distance 5 m, that is by
doing optimization to get the best performance on the
Piconet Pervasive system.
The results of this research have implemented as
a learning media in universities, based on Bluetooth
technology that is low power, low-cost and easy to
use. hope you find the information in this template
useful in the preparation of your submission.
This research is supported by Indonesian Ministry
of Research and Technology, General Directorate of
Higher Education, Institutional National Strategy
Research scheme.
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Development of Piconet Pervasive System through Bluetooth Network as Learning Media in Higher Education