Online Shopping Behavior in the House of Household Productive Age
Sri Widiyanti
and Nina Dewi Lashwaty
STMIK Cipta Darma Surakarta, Veteran street, Notosuman, Singopuran, Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia
Keyword: online shopping, attitude, trust, user behavior
Abstract: In community behavior in the e-commerce business ease is a challenge for companies to meet the needs and
desires of their customers. The purpose of this study is to determine consumer behavior among productive
housewives to shop online. The sample used in this study is housewives in the school environment. This
research method uses a survey method with the number of respondents 30 housewives in a school environment
who have made online purchases on the market place. Data analysis techniques use Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM), component based pastial least squares (PLS). The results showed that attitudes toward
online shopping were more influenced by vendor selection and consumer confidence in vendors. For this
reason, online business people need to introduce their web trust to various media, as well as the completeness
of information and the attractiveness of web design is also very influential on consumers. The completeness
of the website design, and the information and convenience in it is a marketing strategy so that it can be a
determinant in making online shopping decisions.
The development of information technology and
computers, in this case the internet led to the
formation of a new world which is often referred to
as cyberspace. So every individual has the right and
ability to interact with other individuals without any
restrictions that can prevent him. The impact of the
presence of internet information technology is that the
business sector is the sector that most feels it.
Through e-commerce, a lot of people use it both
by selling and shopping online. The ease of access to
the internet both via wifi and mobile devices makes it
easy for the public to access information about a
product or service that they are looking for plus the
promotion conducted by e-commerce companies in
offering goods and services, (I putu Agus Eka
Pratama, 2015)
Changing people's behavior in the e-commerce
business is a challenge for companies to meet the
needs and desires of their customers. Based on data
released in article in 2017, the number
of internet users in Indonesia reached 143.26 million
people. This figure increased compared to the
previous year, namely in 2016 which recorded 132.7
million people. The data is the result of a survey
conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service
Providers Association (APJII).
When it comes to the most commonly used devices
for online shopping, the use of mobile phones is
increasingly popular. Indonesia is in the top ranking
globally in terms of mobile phone use for online
shopping together with the Philippines, Vietnam and
Thailand; and all countries in the Southeast Asia
region score above the global average. More than six
in ten Indonesian consumers (61%) said they would
use the most mobile phones to shop online, while
more than half (58%) of consumers said they would
use computers. The use of tablets as a means to access
online retail sites is also increasing, with more than a
third (38%) of consumers saying they will use it to
shop online. This can be seen in the following graph.
Figure 1. The most frequently used device to shop online
Source: Nielsen Global Survey of E-Commerce, Q1 2014
Indonesia is one of the countries that has the
largest online market in the world which is inhabited
by 104 million internet users. The large number of
internet users has placed Indonesia as one of the sixth
largest countries in the world to access the internet.
Widiyanti, S. and Lashwanty, N.
Online Shopping Behavior in the House of Household Productive Age.
DOI: 10.5220/0009946630603065
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 3060-3065
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The following data shows the position of internet
Figure 2. Amount and projection of the number of internet
Source :
2.1 Internet Technology
The internet is a revolution that changes our
economic and social world. For this reason various
studies have attempted to uncover the factors that can
accelerate the adoption of the internet, (Candra &
Dadang, 2013). The internet is also a global network
that connects computers spread throughout the world.
Indirectly the internet has a major influence in the
development of knowledge and worldview.
Initially, the internet was a computer network
formed by the United States Department of Defense
in 1969, through the ARPA project called
ARPANET. The initial purpose of the construction
project was for military purposes. At that time the US
defense department made computer network systems
spread by connecting computers in vital areas to solve
problems in the event of a nuclear attack and to avoid
the occurrence of centralized information, which in
the event of a war can be easily destroyed.
2.2 Web Technology Development
It is a page of information provided through the
internet so that it can be accessed throughout the
world as long as it is connected to the internet
network. The website is also a collection of pages that
display information on text data, still or motion
picture data, animation data, sound, video, and / or a
combination of all of them, both static and dynamic
which form a series of interrelated buildings where
each is connected with page networks (hyperlinks).
The website became known in Indonesia around
1998, where only large companies were able to own
it. Website functions are not only as a means of
promotion, but also as an effort to increase the
prestige of a company, so that it has made many
entrepreneurs dare to spend high enough to have this
online media.
2.3 Promotions and Advertising Media
Promotion is a one-way information created to direct
a person or organization to take action. Each form of
promotion is used to provide information, persuade or
invite to take actions according to the wishes or goals.
The reason for advertising on e-commerce (internet)
is because now consumers are starting to move to the
internet, because they move then the advertising
media must follow it, assuming that the goal of
advertisers everywhere is to reach their targets
effectively and efficiently.
The types of advertising media on the internet
include (1) banners are the most common type of
advertising used on the internet, (2) rectangular
advertising, shaped like a banner but larger, (3)
skyscraper ads, stretched horizontally, (4)
sponsorship ads are sponsorships on web pages, (5)
interstitials are dynamic advertisements on the
internet, (6) classified ads are opportunities for local
advertisers with limited access, (7) Meta
advertisements displayed on search results pages,
specific to those searches , (8) E-mail by buying e-
mail addresses and sending information to people in
the list, and (9) Chat rooms are virtual meeting rooms
where groups come regularly to chat. (Suyanto,
2.4 E-Commerce
Sale or purchase of goods and services, between
companies, households, individuals, governments
and other communities or organizations, which are
carried out through computers on network media.
Through e-commerce, a lot of people use it both by
selling and shopping online. The ease of access to the
internet both via wifi and mobile devices makes it
easy for the public to access information about a
product or service that they are looking for plus the
promotion conducted by e-commerce companies in
offering goods and services, (I putu Agus Eka
Pratama, 2015).
The advantages and risks of transacting in e-
commerce are: a) revenue stream, which may be more
promising, which cannot be found in traditional
shopping systems, b) can increase market share, c)
Online Shopping Behavior in the House of Household Productive Age
reduce operating costs (operating costs ), d) widen the
reach, e) increase loyal customers, f) shorten
production time and production range, g) improve
supplier management. While the risk gained when
transacting in e-commerce, in terms of business, there
are system abuse and failure, including: a) financial
loss directly due to fraud, b) theft of valuable
confidential information, c) loss of business
opportunities due to service interruption, d) use of
access to sources by other parties who are not entitled.
2.5 Online Shop
Shopping online is an activity to purchase products
either goods or services through internet media.
Online shopping activities include Business to
Business (B2B) and Business to Consumers (B2C)
activities. While the research on online shopping
activities is associated with B2C because the intended
purchasing activities are purchasing activities used by
consumers themselves, not resold. Online shopping
activities here are retail transactions with individual
buyers, so online shopping here is a purchase decision
made by individuals online. One of the benefits of
online shopping is that prospective buyers can see
first (products) that they will buy through the web
offered by the seller. This activity is often called
Kotler and Armstong (2004) explained that
purchasing decisions are actions or behavior of a
person in making a decision to choose a product both
in terms of the type and quantity of the product itself.
The decision process itself has at least five stages
including need recognition, information seeking,
evaluating alternatives, determining purchases and
buying behavior which are generally satisfaction with
the choice of decisions taken. Factors that influence
purchases are generally related to feelings and
emotions. Kotler and Keller (2013) explain that the
decision-making process is always related to
unexpected situations and attitudes toward
2.6 Online Shopping Attitude
Attitude is a form of feeling that is favorable or
unfavorable. Thus, the attitude basically shows a
mental condition or certain rationality that reflects a
personal view of an object or concept. This view can
be a positive view (useful) and a negative
(destructive) view. Online shopping attitude here is a
very important factor in the process of making online
purchasing decisions.
Breckler (1984) identifies three dimensions of
attitude, namely the cognitive dimension, the
affective dimension and the conative dimension.
Cognitive dimension is a dimension that refers to an
individual's belief in an object. Affective dimension
is a dimension that involves feeling by a stimulus
from the individual's heart. Meanwhile, the conative
dimension relates to the tendency of an individual to
behave on an object.
This attitude of online shopping is basically a
person's response to a purchase transaction activity.
This response may be beneficial or even harmful.
Keller (1993) further adds that the attitude towards
online shopping is to reflect consumer responses to
the online shopping system offered. The strong or not
desire of someone to shop online will depend on the
size of the benefits received when shopping online
compared to the risks that might be experienced (Yu
& Wu, 2007). From this explanation a hypothesis can
be put forward with regard to the attitude of online
shopping with the reliability of online purchasing
2.7 Internet Users based on Housewife
APJII (Indonesian Internet Service Providers
Association) has announced the results of a survey of
Indonesian Internet User Statistics in 2016. Most
internet users are either Workers or Self Employees
of 82.2 million or 62%. The next order of internet
users is housewives (IRT) of 22 million or 16.6%.
Online shop is actually similar to an offline shop
or a real world shop in general. The trend of online
stores is indeed an alternative business choice in the
internet era, people are very interested and have
online stores on the internet. The process of buying
and selling transactions in the online shop is carried
out by giving requirements to prospective customers,
namely registration as a member who can then order
products. After that consumers pay for products
purchased using bank transfers or credit cards.
Owners or providers of online stores will send these
products to consumers (Wicaksono, 2008).
The survey results from APJII (Indonesian
Internet Service Providers Association) showed that
in 2016 internet users who were housewives were
16.6%. According to (2018) In this all-
digital era, mothers are increasingly getting various
conveniences. Not only looking for info about health
and child development, through the internet, today's
mothers can buy various needs with just one click or
click. Of the many online shopping platforms, Shopee
is the main choice for mothers (73% of respondents
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
selected), followed by Tokopedia (54%), Lazada
(51%), and although they cannot fully enter the e-
commerce category, Instagram is also explored.
mothers for online shopping (50%).
From the survey above it is seen, mothers choose
to shop online, one of the biggest reasons is to avoid
the hassles of shopping outside the home with
children. In addition there are 3 other main reasons
mothers shop online, which can be done anytime and
anywhere, save time, and compare prices easily.
Besides comparing prices, I also like the ease of
comparing the quality of goods through reviews on
the internet. As many as 94% of respondents made a
purchase after seeing recommendations online, and
28% made a purchase after seeing reviews from the
parenting site, (2018). Shopping
online also has several risks. According to Turban et
al. (2004) there are 5 risks faced by consumers. First,
the incompatibility of the product ordered with the
photo or picture displayed, both the damage to the
item received, the third mistake in the packing that
raises the order error, the fourth item is not sent
because it is damaged or lost, the fifth appearance of
fraud. To minimize the risk that there are sellers and
buyers need to check the security of existing online
Based on the explanation above, there are many
factors that influence buyers in making decisions in
online shopping. Shim, Shin & Nottingham (2002)
explained that online buying behavior is very
dependent on the availability of information, the
attractiveness of website design, and the ease of
transaction. This attitude will lead to someone's
decision to make an online purchase. In this study the
formulation of the problem proposed is how online
shopping behavior among housewives, and the
influence of the use of e-commerce web contained in
it which includes the completeness of the website,
vendor selection and customer satisfaction.
The focus of the problem taken in this study
was online shopping behavior among housewives
aged 25-40 guardians of Al Huda Surakarta
kindergarten students, most of whom were waiting
for their son or daughter in the school environment.
They spend their free time using their gadgets to shop
online or just look - see promos.
Respondents in this study were those who had done
online shopping transactions that were consumed /
used alone in this year. Online products purchased are
products offered by sites from Indonesia. Distribution
of questionnaires using People-Assisted-Method ie
respondents assisted in filling out questionnaires, so
that there were no questionnaires that were missed or
returned. The number of online buyers is 30
respondents. From these 30 questionnaires, it can then
be detailed based on demographic aspects (gender,
age, educationand work) as well as motive aspects of
buying reasons and methods of purchase).
Table 1: Respondents According to Demographics
Gender Ammount
Female 30
17-25 10
26-35 15
36-45 5
>=46 0
Diploma III 10
S1 8
Table 2: Results According to Products Purchased
Types of products Amount
Household appliances 10
Clothing, accessories 12
Electronic equipment 2
Computer equipment 3
Others 3
Table 3: Buying Behaviour
Equipment used Amount
Handphone 27
Laptop 3
Purchase Reasons
Vendors are known 5
Cheaper price 18
More choices 5
More information 2
Payment method
Internet banking 12
ATM 15
Credit card 3
Online Shopping Behavior in the House of Household Productive Age
This research under study is an online product offered
by sites originating from Indonesia. Suppose shopee,
tokopodia, olx and many more. The population of this
study is everyone who has made an online purchase
This study in data collection using survey
methods. In this survey information was collected
from respondents through questionnaires.
Questionnaires are designed for housewives who
have made transactions at least twice.
In filling out this questionnaire using a Likert
scale to determine the level of student assessment
which consists of choices (optional) and scores,
namely: 4 (strongly agree), 3 (agree), 2 (disagree),
and 1 (strongly disagree). Distribution of this
questionnaire is people assisted survey, in this case
the researcher waits in filling out the questionnaire,
the purpose of this technique is if there is no clarity in
the filling, even the questions submitted in the
questionnaire can be immediately informed
according to instructions.
This study uses a survey method. In this survey
information was collected from respondents through
questionnaires. This sampling technique is based on
several criteria, namely; 1) Housewives among
guardians of Al-Huda Surakarta kindergarten
students aged 25-40 years, 2) Willing to fill out the
questionnaire provided, 3) have done online shopping
transactions. Respondents taken in this study
amounted to 30 people, they filled out the
questionnaire provided.
After obtaining the results of the questionnaire, then
the data is processed and analyzed. All data has been
recapitulated in Ms Excell then saved with CSV
format. After the data is stored then it is imported into
the SmartPLS program that has been installed on the
computer. Then the paperwork storage will appear by
creating a folder to create data related to activities that
are run with smartPLS.
After the questionnaire data along with the
indicators that have been determined appear on the
PLS worksheet, the next step is to create a research
model that displays the variables, each of which is
illustrated by each indicator. The indicator here is
symbolized by x and y, while the variable consists of
complete website (KW), complete website (KP), and
shopping attitude (SB).
Construction or variable KW are each measured
using 3 indicators namely X11, X12, X13. KP
variables are measured using indicators X21, X22,
X23. The variable SB is measured using the indicator
X31, X32, X33. The direction of the arrow between
the indicators and the construct shows that research
uses reflective indicators that are relatively
appropriate to measure perception.
Testing with PLS begins with testing the
measurement model to test the construct validity and
After the data were analyzed through validity and
reliability tests using the Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) model and the results of its
processing with the help of SmartPLS, the results
obtained are as follows.
Figure 3. Results of the SEM model
Based on the results of the model, the results of the
analysis are as follows:
Table 4. Analysis results
Symbol Results
PVSB 0,810
PVKB 0,847
KWSB 0,660
KWKB 0,680
KPSB 0,712
KPKB 0,942
SBKB 1,814
Based on the table shows that the online shopping
behavior of housewives in the Al-Huda kindergarten
environment shows that vendor selection (PV) e-
commerce or market place has a very direct effect on
online shopping decisions, namely 0.847. As for the
completeness of the website (KW), the online
shopping decision is 0.680. Customer satisfaction
(KP) also affects shopping decisions (KB) with a
value of 0.942 so that the attitude to shop online (SB)
is 1.814.
The results of this analysis attitudes towards
online shopping are more influenced by vendor
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
selection and consumer confidence in the vendor. For
that, online business people need to introduce their
web trust to various social media such as Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and so on. Besides
that, it can also be equipped with blogging so that the
marketing strategy can be broadly reached by various
groups. Likewise, the completeness of information
and an attractive web design also have a very
significant impact on consumers.
The consumers will see the first time from the web
design, how the tool is used, the writing on the
website. Besides that in the marketing strategy how
to maintain reputation, the quality of a product is also
very influential in the trust in a web provider. The
completeness of the website design, and the
information and convenience in it is a marketing
strategy so that it can be a determinant in making
online shopping decisions.
After this research was held, conclusions can be
drawn from the attitude of online shopping for
consumers among housewives in the Al-Huda
kindergarten environment as follows:
1. The choice of e-commerce vendors has a high
value, related companies must make a lot of
improvements in various things, because it
influences the shopping decisions.
2. Complete website design along with the ease and
information in it. Web designers make it as
attractive as possible to face competition in
various vendors
3. Customer satisfaction also shows someone's
attitude in shopping online.
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Online Shopping Behavior in the House of Household Productive Age