Teaching Arabic Language and Sustainability: A Case Study on
Improving Student Awareness over Environmental Care at SMAN 1
Cikande Serang Banten
Aceng Komarudin
and Kusmana
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Arabic Language, Sustainability
Abstrak: This paper discusses the effort to improve student awareness over environmental care at SMAN 1 Cikande,
Serang, Banten. This matter is considered important due to its new practice in improving student
environmental care awareness through the teaching processes of Arabic language. In Indonesian context,
learning Arabic is always associated to learning the teachings of a religion. Using descriptive analytic
method, the paper discusses how far the students learn environmental care through learning Arabic language.
The study finds that Arabic lessons become one of the lessons that has important roles in improving student
environmental care, because while they are learning Arabic, they are also learning Islamic teachings in which
they are taught to always maintain cleanliness, reinforced by the school maketh Adiwiyata.
As a nation with a majority Muslim population,
Arabic language becomes a necessity to learn in
various levels because Muslims use it to read the
Qur’an as well as to study the teachings of Islam. In
Indonesia, may Muslims learn it from primary school
to higher education level. The problem lies on the fact
that many students fell difficult to study Arabic dur to
various reasons. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
create programs and activities to improve their skill
in Arabic language and at the same time improve their
environmental care awareness through leaning a
language it requires activeness and tenacity and
support from all parties to be able to arouse students'
enthusiasm in learning Arabic.
One indicator to generate motivation and
enthusiasm the students in learning Arabic is to
increase students' interest to learn it. Because the
interest of someone who has great interest will bring
the tendency to get along closer to the object of
interest. This fact applies in the learning process,
students who have a great interest in learning Arabic,
then automatically the students can play an active role
in learning Arabic. Therefore, interest is an urgent
factor in the learning process.
Nature and life are human environments in the
universe system. With a certain system of values and
norms, humans can transform nature into a positive
(beneficial) and negative (mudarat) source of life,
which then has an impact on nature. The impact of
benefits will bring people to happiness, prosperity or
glory. The impact of harm can cause the destruction
of human life itself.
Research on environmental sustainability was
conducted by Ellen Landriany, she concluded that
adiwiyata policy was one of the relevant factors that
could make the school more beautiful, neat, peaceful
and comfortable. Because the program is very related
to environmental sustainability that makes students
feel more "alive" with a healthy environment (Ellen
Landriany, 2014). Correspondingly, Azhar in his
research said that knowledge about the environment
can change students' attitudes and behavior in
preserving the environment. In this case, of course
there are religious subjects (Azhar, 2015).
Komarudin, A. and Kusmana, .
Teaching Arabic Language and Sustainability: A Case Study on Improving Student Awareness over Environmental Care at SMAN 1 Cikande Serang Banten.
DOI: 10.5220/0009945825242532
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2524-2532
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is a qualitative research by describing
and analyzing the phenomena that occur in the
process of learning Arabic in class. Data collection
method by observing the learning process, interview
with students, Arabic teacher and headmaster, then
conduct questionnaires to students and collect
documents relating to research problems. Sources of
primary data in this research were students and
teachers of the Arabic language and the principal of
SMAN 1 Cikande. While the secondary data in this
research were obtained from litelatur-litelatur,
journals and previous research.
4.1 Definition of School
School is a very important thing in human life.
Without school undoubtedly there will never be
anyone who became a smart human, intelligent, noble
and so forth. Without school the life that a person
lives will not be guaranteed because of the large
number of unemployed because of his knowledge was
not able to bring it to an established and prosperous
life. Because automatically the higher education a
person gets, is expected to better the employment that
it generates.
School is the site of the educational process, in
which education is important to us as the future
generation, because education essentially does not
only transferring knowledge to students to become
smart people, but must help students to develop
themselves so that they have the ability to manage
their lives well in realizing a happy life (I Ketut
Sudarsana, 2016).
Generally, schools are an educational institution
that is formal or non-formal which was established by
the state of private institutions that are designed to
give a teaching for the student under the supervision
of teachers. School is a significant place for students
in the development stage and also a social
environment that influences their lives.
According to Indonesian Dictionary school is an
institution or buildings used for teaching and learning
activities as well as being the place to give and receive
lessons according to their level.
School becomes one place for someone to do
learning activities, where learning is an activity to
change a person's behavior, these changes occur
through practice or experience. Changes in behavior
are related to various aspects of personality both
physically and psychologically, such as changes in
the understanding of solving a problem / thinking,
skill, skill or attitude (Sudarman Darnim, 2011).
The school is the place where the education
process takes place, wherein that is where people
form to become someone who will create their own
success. Without schools the process of nation
building will be hampered. Because education
development is part of nation-building which is
directed at increasing human dignity through
increasing human resources. In the learning process
there are several components of learning, including:
educators, students, methods, available media,
facilities, material to be taught, and the results of the
process. Some of these components are then built in a
systematic and systematic way, this makes a close
relationship between teaching and learning activities
so that there are interrelated conditions, mutual
interaction and mutual influence.
In relation to the environment, the school is a
suitable place to provide teaching to the school
community about the importance of protecting the
environment. Every individual should not pollute the
environment. For example, not throwing waste into
any place, but into the trash. Cake wrappers, sweets
or other things are put first into the bag/pocket before
finding a trash can. Thus, it is expected that the school
community has environmental ethics.
The most important hope of environmental
education is that the school community is aware of
the values contained in the protection of nature. At
least, there are three values that must be understood,
namely : scientific value, economic value and cultural
value. In detail, the values held in the protection of
nature can be explained as follows :
1. Scientific Value, namely natural wealth. For
example, botany, plant protection, and
ecological research.
2. Economic Value, namely the protection of
nature shown for economic interest. For
example, empowering recycling plastic waste.
This certainly will bring income and
3. Cultural Values, namely the unique flora and
fauna and the results of human culture in an area
can give rise to pride. For example, Borobudur
temple and Indonesian plants (jasmine and
No less important than the three values mentioned
above, namely mental and spiritual values. For
example, with the protection of nature, humans can
appreciate the beauty of the universe and draw closer
to God Almighty.
Teaching Arabic Language and Sustainability: A Case Study on Improving Student Awareness over Environmental Care at SMAN 1
Cikande Serang Banten
4.2 Understanding of Arabic
Language is a verbal tool used to communicate.
Language is an interaction tool or communication
tool in society (Abdul Chaer, 2009).
Language is the main key to knowledge. Holding
the primary key to the language means holding the
keys to the world window. Because, a million
knowledge, a thousand civilizations that are created
all exist and are revealed, even history will not take
the form of history if there is no language. Language
is the only key to open the path of enlightenment for
the future of mankind (Fathul Mujib, 2010).
Language has a very big role in human life.
Because by learning the language means that humans
themselves have realized that humans are actually
social beings who need each other (Ba>sim ‘Ali
Mahdi, 2009). With language as a unifying tool, it can
lead someone to express their intentions to each other.
To realize this, not only the first language must be
learned. But it is the second language or foreign
language that has more roles compared to the first
language (Brown, 2011). Because each region and
region has different languages. Therefore, a foreign
language or a second language is an urgent matter to
learn in order to interact with one another.
Realized or not, the specialty of language in
education is that success in the mastery in all fields of
study very much depends on mastery of spoken and
written language or literacy, because learning in all
fields of study should be using the medium of
language. Thus, language education (mother,
national, and foreign) must be taken seriously for the
success of national education (A. Chaedar Alwasilah,
Language is a system. In the large Indonesian
dictionary the word system means; 1) elemental
devices that are regularly interrelated so that it forms
a totality, 2) an orderly arrangement of views,
theories, principles and so forth, and 3) method.
Language consists of elements or components that are
regularly arranged according to a certain pattern, and
form a unity (Ahmad Zaki Mubarok, 2007).
Thus, learning languages is a very important thing
to do. This is because language is an aspect that
cannot be separated from human life. Language is a
reality that grows and develops in accordance with
the growth and development of human users of that
language. The language specifically is stringing
words into a sentence, in other words language is
speaking (Suryanto, 2013).
Language is an arbitrary (Arbitrary words can be
interpreted as 'arbitrary, changing, not fixed,
whichever likes'. What is meant by the term arbitrary
is the point of a mandatory relationship between the
symbol of language (which is sound) and the concept
or definition referred to by the symbol. For example,
between (horse) and what it symbolizes, namely "a
kind of four-legged animal that is usually driven". We
cannot explain why the animal is symbolized by
sound (horse). Abdul Chaer, 2003) verbal symbol
system that is used by members of a community to
communicate and interact with each other (Soenjono
Dardjowidjojo, 2010). Through language, humans
can interact with each other. Furthermore, Bouman
argues that new humans can become humans because
they live together with other humans (society) (What
is meant by language society is a group of people who
feel they use the same language. Thus if there is a
group of people who feel they are using Sundanese
together, then they can be said to be Sundanese
people; if there is a group of people who feel they are
using the Mandailing language, they are called the
Mandailing language community; and if there is a
group of people using English, then they can be called
the English community) which is a combination of
individuals in it (Ujianto Singgih Prayitno, 2014).
Language is the main key to knowledge. Holding
the primary key to the language means holding the
keys to the world window. Because, a million
knowledge, a thousand civilizations that are created
all exist and are revealed, even history will not take
the form of history if there is no language. Language
is the only key to open the path of enlightenment for
the future of mankind (Fathul Mujib, 2010).
Many factors determine the success of learning
including learning the language. These factors
include: teacher quality, curriculum, teaching
materials, student interest and motivation, level of
student intelligence, and learning facilities, school
environment, attention of parents, socio-cultural
background, and living environment (Abdul Chaer,
Arabic is a foreign language for the Indonesian
people, but the existence of Arabic is certainly very
necessary considering the Indonesian nation is a
nation with a majority of the population embracing
Islam. All elements of worship in Islam relate to
Arabic, therefore learning Arabic is something that is
important to be done by students, especially those
who are Muslim.
Arabic entered the archipelago can be ascertained
along with the entry of Islam, because Arabic is very
closely related to various forms of worship in Islam
in addition to its position as the language of the Holy
Qur'an. So the first Arabic teaching in the archipelago
is to fulfill the needs of a Muslim in performing
worship (Ahmad Fuad Effendy, 2005).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Over time, the Arabic language is now not only a
tool for worship. But Arabic is much learned because
it is a source for social life. A person cannot live in
Egypt for example without knowledge of Arabic.
Then the development of culture and others also
become one of the causes of the development of
Arabic in Indonesia. Everyone cannot escape the fact
that language is an integral part of every culture.
Therefore there is no proper and broad understanding
of culture of every person without knowledge of their
language (Tarik Sabry, 2012). Thus it can be
concluded that language will also develop together
with the development of social conditions of the
community (This means that he experiences the
process of growth and development in the same way
as the community in which he is spoken. Mustapha
Benkharafa, 2013), both related to the advancement
of culture, economics, social order, belief and
economy, thought orientation and others (Irfan Aziz,
2013). Humans must learn to live and learn in humans
is the process of social interaction and socialization
where culture is transmitted (Wendy Griswold,
In the process of learning Arabic in class,
students need to be given a stimulus that the Arabic
language needs to be used as "opportunities"
especially in exploring Islamic sciences such as: fiqh,
interpretation, history of Islam, Islamic philosophy
and so forth (Muhbib Abd Wahab).
4.3 Environmental Sustainability
Conditions which include natural resources such as
water, minerals, soil, flora, fauna and so on with an
institutional structure in the form of human creation.
Environment has two main components, namely
biotic and abiotic. Biotic environment components
include all living (animate) such as humans, animals,
plants and micro-organisms. While the abiotic
environmental components include everything that is
lifeless such as light, air, climate, soil, sound,
humidity and others.
The environment includes all conditions and
objects, for example humans and their activities,
which are included in aspects of how humans play a
role in influencing a process of survival, both to
fellow humans and other living beings.
The environment is divided into two, namely 1)
natural environment; namely a system that moves
dynamically and includes a unitary space with all
conditions, organisms, objects and other abioti
elements without any interference from humans. The
interaction that takes place between the natural
environment and its surroundings then forms a unit
called ecosystem; 2) artificial environment; that is the
result of human domination of the natural
environment. The formation of this artificial
environment is generally based on human needs. One
reason is the increase in population which makes
humans forced to change the natural environment.
However, in this formation process it will usually
produce a negative product in the form of waste.
According to Law No. 23 of 1997 concerning
Management of the Environment, the environment is
the unity of space with all objects and the unity of
living things including human beings and their
behavior to establish the livehood and welfare of
humans and other living beings. Environmental
elements can be divided into three, namely:
1. Biological Elements (biotic): it’s an element of
the environment consisting of living things,
such as humans, animals, plants, and
2. Socio-cultural Elements: social and cultural
environment made by humans which is a system
of values, ideas, and beliefs in behavior as social
3. Physical Elements (abiotic): namely elements of
the environment which consist of non-living
things, such as land, water, air, climate and
Humans living on earth are not alone, all living
things are created by pairs, there is day and night,
there is a left and there is a right, there is a sky and
there is earth and others. Besides that, humans live on
earth also not only with fellow humans themselves
but with together with other creatures, namely plants,
animals and microorganisms (Microorganisms or
micro organisms are living things consisting of one or
several sets of cells measuring several microns (1
micron = 0.001 mm). Because of its extremely small
size, these creatures can only be seen through an
electron microscope. Microorganisms are not only in
the form of bacteria, but also in the form of molds or
fungi, yeasts, protozoa, and viruses). Other living
creatures are not just friends of life only in a neutral
or passive way towards humans, but human life is
closely related to them. Without them humans cannot
live (Otto Soemarwoto, 1987). Included also in it we
must maintain the habitat of wildlife.
development will having difficulty without wildlife,
especially the animals can meet human needs for
meat, skin and fur for clothing, horns for machete
handles or knives and others (Hadi S. Alikodra,
Because humans live in the world not only alone,
but live together with other living beings, indirectly
ordering humans to be able to preserve the
Teaching Arabic Language and Sustainability: A Case Study on Improving Student Awareness over Environmental Care at SMAN 1
Cikande Serang Banten
environment. Humans as rulers of the environment on
earth play a major role in determining environmental
sustainability. Humans as creatures of God who are
mindful are able to change tha face of the world from
simple life patterns to modern life forms like today.
But unfortunately, often what is done by humas is not
balanced with thinking about the future life or the
next generation. Many human advancements
achieved by humans have a negative impact on
environmental sustainability.
Some forms of environmental damage due to
human factors include:
a. The occurrence of pollution (both air, water, soil
dna sound pollution) as an impact of the
b. The occurrence of floods, as a result of poor
drainage or drainage systems and errors in
maintaining river areas and the impact of forest
c. The occurrence of landslides, as a direct impact
of forest destruction.
Figure 1: Plants, animals and microorganisms can live
without humans. But humans cannot live without plants,
animals and microorganisms. Therefore, plants, animals
and micro-organisms must be kept alive for our own
Islam certainly does not require or encourage
adherents to eat plants only, but animals can also be
used as food for survival. But Islam also does not
allow its adherents to eat meat of any kind. Because
Islam explicitly prohibits eating several types of
meat, especially pigs. Therefore, animals or animals
that are allowed to be consumed are certainly animals
that have been determined in Islam and also cut or
slaughtered according to Islamic law (S. Nomanul
Haq, 2001). Because essentially slaughtering animals
is a requirement to make the animal halal for
consumption. Then if a Muslim does not do these
things then it is considered against the teachings of
4.4 SMAN 1 Cikande
This school is located in Serang Regency precisely on
the st. Otonom Situterate-Bandung, RT/RW 6/2,
village Situterate districts Cikande regency Serang
province Banten 42186. This school was founded in
2012. School mission vision, vision: PERCEKA
(Smart Character Students), school vision indicator:
1) Students have intellectual intelligence (Intelegensi
Quotient/IQ), emotional intelligence (Emotional
Quotient/EQ), and spiritual intelligence (Spiritual
Quotient/SQ); 2) Students have 18 character values
(religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work,
creative, independent, democratic, curiosity,
nationalism, patriotism, respect for achievement,
communicative, peaceful love, love of reading, social
care, and responsibility) as a provision for building
the nation's character.
While the mission of SMAN 1
Cikande is: 1) Developing attitudes and behavior
based on the religion and cultural character of the
nation; 2) Encourage, help and facilitate students for
achievement and can continue to college; 3)
Encourage, help and facilitate students to develop
their talents, interests and abilities optimally in order
to have competitiveness amid global competition; 4)
Making adiwiyata school clean, beautiful, healthy,
friendly and fun.
Figure 2: Vision and mision of SMAN 1 Cikande
Based on this vision and mission, SMAN 1
Cikande made this school an adiwiyata school where
the programs in the adiwiyata school are closely
related to beauty, environmental cleanliness and
friendliness. By making adiwiyata school, it is
expected to be able to attract students to be able to
join and study at SMAN 1 Cikande. Then, in 2016 the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
school received an award from the Regent of Serang
District as an adiwiyata school at the Serang district
level. With the award given, it added to the public's
trust to enroll their children in the SMAN 1 Cikande
to continue their education. And at a relatively early
age, currently there are more than a thousand students
registered with each class consisting of 10
Adiwiyata school is a government program which
in 1996 agreed on the first collaboration between
Ministry of National Education and State Ministry of
Environment, No. 0142/U/1996 and No Kep:
89/MENLH/5/1996 about Coaching and
Development of Environmental Education on 21 May
1996which was renewed in 2005 (number: Kep No
07 / MenLH / 06/2005 No 05 / VI / KB / 2005 dated
July 5, 2005) and 2010. As a follow-up to the 2005
agreement, in 2006 the Ministry of Environment
developed a program environmental education at the
primary and secondary level through the Adiwiyata
The aim of this adiwiyata program is to create
ideal conditions for schools as a place of learning and
awareness of school residents (teachers, students and
employees) so that later the school can be responsible
for efforts to save the environment and sustainable
development (Rahmat Mulyana, 2009).
The existence of adiwiyata schools will be able to
provide benefits for schools in the form of: 1)
increasing efficiency in the use of funding and power
sources; 2) improving the atmosphere of learning
more comfortable and more conducive; 3) increasing
togetherness of all school members; 4) avoidance of
negative impacts from the environment; and 5)
growing the values of environmental maintenance
and management.
To realize the school's vision and mission as an
adiwiyata school, students are invited to always keep
environmental cleanliness both in the classroom and
around the school environment. To support success in
maintaining school hygiene, every corner is placed in
trash bins so that students always throw garbage in its
place and do not throw or collect it in plastic. Because
originally plastic was considered as an answer to
human needs, in reality it actually became a source of
disaster, the culprit of pollution and threatening
human safety and health (Anies, 2015). Besides that,
the school collaborates with environmental education
subject teachers always program study tours to places
related to the environment such as the Ministry of
Environment, Ragunan zoo, and so on.
4.5 Islam, Arabic and the Environment
Religion as a source of values, morality and
spirituality for its supporting community is one of the
strategic factors that also influences people's views
about the environment. Therefore, the concepts and
teachings of religion in turn have an important
meaning for the development of awareness of
environmental sustainability. In this connection,
Islam as a religion embraced by some people will also
influence the concept of views on the environment.
As the above description, the Arabic language has
always been associated with Islam, especially the
foundation of Islamic law, namely al-Qur'an and al-
Hadith both in Arabic, certainly make Arabic as a
force so that someone understands Islam with all
forms of orders and prohibitions. With a deep
understanding of religion, human beings with all their
abilities will strive to always maintain good relations
with God, humans and all of their creation. Because
religion is the foundation of a person to be able to
maintain tolerance or good relations with fellow
human beings (Bryen S. Turner, 1999).
As the statement above states that the
environment is a system that is a unit of space with all
objects, power, circumstances, and living things,
including human beings and their behavior that affect
the survival and welfare of humans and other living
beings as the Qur'an in the Qur'an an Surat Al-
Baqoroh verse 164 "Indeed, in the creation of heaven
and earth, alternating nights and days, the ark that
sailed on the sea brought what was useful for humans,
and what Allah sent down from the sky in the form of
water, then with the water He turned the earth after
death (dry) it and he spread on the earth all kinds of
animals, and the range of winds and clouds that are
controlled between heaven and earth; indeed there are
signs (oneness and greatness of God) for those who
There are many commands or prohibitions of God
relating to environmental sustainability, including:
"And do not you make mischief on earth after
(created) by either". From this verse we can quote
that all forms of God's creation are entrusted to us as
His servants. Every mandate should be maintained.
Every deposit must be delivered. On this basis
humans are also responsible for plant and animal life
(Fachruddin M. Mangunjaya, 2007).
To understand correctly about Islamic law, it is
definitely necessary to deepen Arabic so that we can
fully understand Islam. Because actually religious
morality became the beginning before then worldly
ambitions became the determinant of the destruction
of the environmental order on this earth. Because in
Teaching Arabic Language and Sustainability: A Case Study on Improving Student Awareness over Environmental Care at SMAN 1
Cikande Serang Banten
fact all forms of damage are carried out by the hands
of humans themselves "There has been visible
damage on land and in the sea due to the actions of
human hands; God wants them to feel part of their
(actions), so that they return (to the right path)".
Thus, protecting the environment is an obligation that
must be carried out by humans, because the
environment can be a factor in the occurrence of
disease. The environment can be classified into 4
components, namely the physical, biological, social
and economic environment. The physical
environment including weather, air and seasons can
affect a person's susceptibility to certain diseases.
Social factors such as overcrowding, recreational
facilities. While economic factors such as poverty,
availability and affordability of health facilities
(Sarjana, 2007).
There are several things that must be known in
preventing pollution in the environment. In
prevention this is not only done outwardly but also
from the human consciousness itself which cannot be
separated from faith. Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar are
two general words, the first includes all actions that
benefit and bless them back to the person and society
and in which there is no coercion and other bad
things. All prohibitions mentioned in the Qur'an and
Sunnah are included in the meaning of munkar. Like
the Word of God in Q.S. An-Nisa 'verse 114, Q.S. Al-
A'raf verse 119, Q.S. Luqman verse 27, it is clear that
in carrying out this obligation there is a great benefit
for the Muslims. No one should avoid this obligation
and no one should not implement it, because by not
implementing this mandatory task, the whole
community will be caught up in the arena of sin,
maddi and meaningful disaster (M. Muhtarom Ilyas,
One of the advantages of maintaining the
environment is that humans are always in a healthy,
so that all activities can be done either to worship to
God or carry out other activities. How can a person
worship and work if the person has an illness. People
who get the disease, and do not feel pain (disease but
no illness) of course it will not act anything against
the disease. But if they are attacked by illness and also
feel pain, then new behaviors and actions will arise
(Soekidjo Notoatmodjo, 2010). That's why different
people (both behavior and others) are called people
who are suffering from an illness (Haliza Mohd. Riji,
2000). Besides that, inputs of natural resources are
always recognized as something very important in
production activities in the economic system.
Meanwhile, the quality of the environment is also
seen as a productive asset for a community. The
productivity of the natural environment lies in its
ability to support and enrich human life (Addinul
Yakin, 2015).
In the process of maintaining the environment.
The government in this case has provided a regulation
of the maintenance and fostering of the environment
expressed in the Principal provisions of
Environmental Management in RI Law No. 4 of 1982
and has been in effect since March 11, which
explains: environmental management based on the
preservation of harmonious and balanced sustainable
developmet for improving human welfare. Likewise
about RI Goverment Regulation No. 29 of 1986
concerning the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA)
which was set on June 5, 1986 and began to take
effect on the June 5, 1987 ladder should be taken
seriously. From the provison, it is expected that the
public will realize that a good and healthy
environment has a great benefit for the community
itself (Widyoiswoyo, 1999)
Preserving the environment is a necessity that
cannot be postponed anymore and is not the
responsibility of the government or leader of the state,
but rather the responsibility of all human beings on
earth, from toddlers to seniors. Everyone must make
an effort to save the environment around them in
accordance with their respective capacities. No matter
how small the business we do is very beneficial for
the realization of a liveable earth for our next
generation or grandchildren.
As a good citizen, the community must have a
high concern for the preservation of the environment
around the in accordance with their respective
abilities. Some efforts that can be made by the
community related to environmental conservation
include: soil preservation and air preservation, one of
which is with concern for the management of
household waste independently.
Based on the discussion above, there is a relation
between school, Arabic and environmental
sustainability. Arabic, which is a language that is
always related to Islam, is one of the factors to arouse
students' motivation and interest in learning Arabic.
Students of SMA 1 Cikande have interests that are
quite high in learning Arabic. This is indicated by the
entry of several students who continued their studies
at Islamic colleges majoring in Arabic Language
Education and the results of questionnaires and
observations as well as the results of interviews with
students and teachers, all of which showed that there
was motivation and interest in learning Arabic. There
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
are several factors that influence this, including:
Teacher experience, Student interest in Arabic
language learning, motivation and teacher relations
with students, School curriculum, Method by the
teacher in the process of learning Arabic.
Moreover, in learning Arabic there are
lessons related to the environment. Knowing a lot of
things related to natural sustainability makes students
more active in following the process of learning
Arabic. Because besides getting knowledge of
Arabic, they are also able to protect themselves from
bad deeds and can be students who are healthy,
friendly and also have ethics towards the
environment. This is caused by school that is included
in the Adiwiyata school environment.
Adiwiyata school is a government program
which in 1996 agreed on the first collaboration
between Ministry of National Education and State
Ministry of Environment, No. 0142/U/1996 and No
Kep: 89/MENLH/5/1996 about Coaching and
Development of Environmental Education on 21 May
1996which was renewed in 2005 (number: Kep No
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