Education and Sustainability: A Case Study on Environmental Care
for Early Childhood at Cikeas Nature School Bogor
Siti Kholilah
and Hamdani Anwar
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jl. Kertamukti No. 5, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15419
Keywords: Education, Environmental Care, Early Childhood, Cikeas Nature School
Abstract: This study discusses on the best practice of Cikeas Nature School (Sekolah Alam) in applying an
environmental care program for early childhood classes at Cikeas Bogor. This study is important because
Cikeas Nature School has been considered as one of the similar school which is successful in carrying out this
program. As far as I have searched, I do not find yet another researcher focused his or her study on this issue
at the this site. Deploying descriptive-analytic method, this study discusses on how Cikeas Nature School
came to this level of best practice in developing an environmental care program. The study finds is an
educational institution that focuses on character building. Character building in Cikeas Nature School starts
from an early age by implementing habituation programs. Environmental care program early on is seen as an
effective and efficient strategy to shape children's character. The eco-friendly culture that has become a habit
and is consistent with the Cikeas Nature School has become a positive value that continues to be developed
by the school. The development carried out by Cikeas Nature School is by fostering empathy for the
environment taught from an early age. Early on children have been trained to care for the environment by
building habits from the smallest things such as conducting ant operations, sorting garbage, and prohibiting
the use of food packages made from materials that are difficult to decompose. This is an important agenda for
the Cikeas Nature school in an effort to preserve nature so that it becomes a trendsetter in various fields and
is able to inspire others.
Indonesian Act Number 23 Year 1997 Article 1 states
that the environment is the unity of space with all
objects, power, circumstances, and living things,
including humans and their behavior which affects
the survival of life and welfare and other living
Environment is defined as a surrounding situation
that influences human development and behavior.
Concern for the environment is a psychological state
of a person in the form of attention, awareness, and
responsibility for environmental management, both
the physical environment, the biological
environment, and the social environment. currently in
the international world issues regarding the
environment have become the main focus. This is
triggered by the behavior of people who are less
concerned about the preservation of their
environment so that the environment becomes
increasingly alarming. According to (Wiyani, 2012)
stated that one of the efforts to improve the quality of
human resources was the emergence of the idea of
character education in the world of education in
Indonesia. The importance of character education
carried out in the world especially Indonesia aims to
foster a caring attitude towards the environment since
an early age. Educational institutions in Indonesia
immediately build and foster the mindset of their
students to be able to maintain and preserve the
environment. Concern for the environment is the
nature of humans created as leaders in the world that
can benefit the environment and not only consist of
humans but also animals, plants, rivers, air and so on.
Human behavior can affect the surrounding
environment. Positive behavior can cause the
environment to remain sustainable and negative
behavior can cause damage to the natural
environment. This integrity causes every human
being to have a role and responsibility to behave well
in the surrounding environment. (Mulyana, 2009)
states that natural damage that occurs such as floods,
landslides, illegal logging, mounting plastic waste,
and pollution of factory waste is a result of human
Kholilah, S. and Anwar, H.
Education and Sustainability: A Case Study on Enviromental Care for Early Chidhood at Cikeas Nature School Bogor.
DOI: 10.5220/0009945525022507
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2502-2507
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
actions. This started because of the lack of awareness
of each individual in maintaining ecosystems and the
sustainability of natural life. Given the state of the
environment or nature is now in a critical condition
that causes disasters and changes that occur
everywhere. Regarding human behavior towards the
condition of natural resources and the environment
that tends to be ignorant, changing behavior is a top
priority in overcoming the environmental crisis.
overcoming the environmental crisis.
The Ministry of Environment in 2005 stated that
"environmentally friendly or caring behavior has
become our commitment, given the very clear
correlation between the sustainability and welfare of
human life with the quality of its environment". the
meaning contained in the statement is that if the
quality of the environment is getting better, the
welfare and life expectancy of humans will be better
too. However, on the contrary if the quality of the
environment gets worse then the less guaranteed the
welfare of human life on this earth. This is what must
be instilled in every student in educational institutions
both formal and non-formal so that being equipped
with attitude and behavior towards the environment
will have a positive impact on later adulthood.
The attitude of not caring about the preservation of
the natural environment must get a serious response
from all parties. Especially for educational
institutions, starting from the kindergarten level to
higher education institutions must be called and play
an active role in the environment care movement. The
efforts taken are to foster an environmentally caring
character in all levels of education in order to create a
continuity and sustainability of the environmentally
conscious cultural movement. The role of the school
which is the place where education takes place has a
function to shape character and one of them in the
formation of caring behaviors. Environmental care
behavior is something that must be instilled
continuously through habituation. Environmental
care aspects developed in the school include the habit
of maintaining cleanliness and preservation of the
school environment, available waste disposal sites,
making habit of separating types of organic and
inorganic waste, providing cleaning equipment, and
programming clean environment. The awareness and
awareness of students about the importance of
protecting the environment will create a healthy and
comfortable school environment. A healthy and
comfortable school environment can improve the
achievement and creativity of students.
2.1 Education and Sustainability
In the large Indonesian dictionary (2002) states that
the process carried out to foster awareness of the
importance of natural sustainability is through
education. (Djumransyah, 2004) states that Education
is a human endeavor to grow and develop the
potentials of carrying out, both physically and
spiritually according to the values that exist in society
and culture. efforts made to instill these values and
norms, and pass them on to the next generation to be
developed in life and life that occur in an educational
process. Therefore, however, a society's civilization,
in which it takes place and an educational process
takes place as a human effort to preserve its life. (Ki
Hadjar Dewantara, 1987) said that education is a
cultural endeavor that intends to provide guidance in
the life of the growth of the child's body so that in his
personal nature and environmental influences, they
gain inner and outer progress toward the human
civilization. According to (Novan Ardy Wiyani,
2018) Education in an Islamic perspective is
universal, namely divinity, humanity and the whole
as a whole and integrative. In other words, education
must be objectively (human and natural) paradigm of
transcendence (divinity) in an integrated manner.
(Arifin, 1984) Said that education is fostering
personality (personality) and instilling a sense of
responsibility. (Ahmad, 1989) provides a definition
of education is guidance or leadership consciously by
the educator on the physical and spiritual
development of the educated towards the main
Thus the main purpose of education is to form
noble students. Character education that is carried out
optimally can give birth to children of character.
Early childhood education is the right period to instill
the importance of awareness in maintaining natural
preservation. This period is the initial foundation for
character building, this period is also the best
absorption period for children because it has a unique
capacity that is extraordinarily great for learning
some skills. (Yusuf, 2012) stated that childhood
experiences have a strong influence on subsequent
developments. In a sense, if good experience and
understanding of the environment are introduced
from an early age, it will have a positive impact and
will shape the character of the students'
environmental care in the future.
Lickona defines people who have character as a
person's nature in responding to moral situations that
are manifested in real action through good behavior,
Education and Sustainability: A Case Study on Enviromental Care for Early Chidhood at Cikeas Nature School Bogor
honesty, responsibility, respect for others and other
noble characters. Character education according to
Thomas Lickona can be described through the
following concept maps:
Figure 1: Thomas Lickona's Character Theory of Educatio
From the picture above it can be concluded that
good character is the right behavior when dealing
with other people and with yourself. Good character
consists of knowing goodness, wanting goodness, and
doing good (habits of mind, habits of heart, and habits
of action). Teaching moral values needs to be done to
realize the three character dimensions above through
the process of character education.
2.2 Enviromental Care
(Hamzah, 2013) explained that environmental
awareness is a manifestation of the individual's
mental attitude reflected in his behavior.
Environmental education is an inevitable need to
realize civil society as aspired. Environmental
education has a mission to shape this human character
in relation to its environment which is useful for the
benefit of humanity on earth.
(Jumadil, Kahar Mustari, Alimuddin Hamzah,
2015) in his study explained that the cognitive,
affective and psychomotor abilities of students in
Adiwiyata schools were higher than those of schools
that were not yet adiwiyata. This is the collaboration
of all school members, so that the character and
environment-friendly culture for the school
community are formed everywhere. According to
(Barlia, 2008) specifically the objectives of
environmental education are as follows: Awareness,
Attitude, Skills, and Participation. The Ministry of
Environment in 2006 developed an environmental
education program at the elementary and secondary
education levels through the Adiwiyata program.
Adiwiyata is one of the programs of the State
Ministry of Environment in order to encourage the
creation of knowledge and awareness of school
residents so that it becomes a character of
environmental care in efforts to preserve the
environment. Initially this program was implemented
in 10 schools in Java as a model school involving
universities and NGOs engaged in the field of
environmental education (Cooperation between the
Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of
Education and Culture, 2011: 2) (Mulyana, 2009)
with the Title of Planting Environmental Ethics
Through Care and Environmental Culture Schools,
which was published through he found that
environmental education carried out in caring and
cultured schools was considered effective in instilling
care for the preservation of natural and environmental
Based on the explanation above, it can be
concluded that the importance of environmental care
character education needs to be instilled in students
from an early age with daily habits.
2.3 Early Childhood
Undang Undang No. 20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System Article 1 point 14
explains that early childhood education is an effort
aimed at providing guidance to children from birth to
the age of six years, by providing educational stimuli
to help growth and physical and spiritual
development so that children have preparation in
entering further education. Early age is an important
period in one's character education. Early age is the
initial foundation for character formation. Maria
Montessori (2016) mentions that this period is also
the best absorption period for children because it has
a unique capacity that is extraordinarily great for
learning some skills. If the early childhood has been
built in a healthy soul according to psychological
conditions, it will affect the appreciation and practice
of characters throughout his life. Education and
psychology experts argue that the early stages of a
child's life is a very important time to lay the
foundations of personality that will give color to
adults later. At this age it is necessary to establish the
Nilai Moral
10 Strategi
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
basic sensing, thinking, and growth standards of
religious values and morals as the initial achievement
of a child's identity. Zubaedi (2017) The attitudes,
habits and behaviors that are formed in the early years
of a child's life greatly determine how far he has
succeeded in adjusting to life as an adult.
According to Nashih Ulwan (1997) Every child
who was created, that is, since they were born in the
world, has fulfilled pure tauhid, namely a straight
religion, having faith in Allah.
2.4 Cikeas Nature School
Alam Cikeas School is a nature-based school, which
has the vision to become a leading school that prints
the generation of leaders and noble characters, and
has a mission to build a natural-based education
system with international standard learning while also
conserving nature in the surrounding environment.
Anshori (2008) states that substantially nature-based
schools are school systems that offer how to invite
students to be more familiar with nature, while
making it a spirit to carry out teaching and learning
activities. Cikeas Nature School has a high
biodiversity. Flora and fauna can live in a sustainable
ecosystem environment. Ecosystems managed in
Cikeas natural schools are learning media and
environmental learning media for students in the
learning process. One of the efforts made by Cikeas
Nature School is to educate students, facilitators,
parents of students and residents around the school
about the importance of protecting the environment
and its ecosystem for the survival of the biodiversity
The habituation program instilled in the Cikeas
Nature School in fostering concern for the
environment is by building empathy for the
environment. According to Kunti Indra Karmadewi
(2016) who served as director of the Cikeas Nature
School explained that there were three points in
building empathy for the environment. First, from an
early age, every individual needs to be invested as
part of an environment that interacts with each other,
needs each other and benefits each other. Second,
from the very beginning, they must be trained so that
they care about the environment from the smallest
things. In the Cikeas Nature School, they are used to
carrying out ant operations, sorting waste such as
plastic bottles of drinks and bottle caps is saved in the
waste bank that has been provided, and the
prohibition on using food wrap from materials that
are difficult to decompose. Third, a consistent
example from parents at home.
Picture 1: Recyling Garden Cikeas Nature School
From the picture above it can be seen that the
Cikeas Nature School trains school residents
(students, facilitators / teachers, school guards,
gardeners and parents) to reduce the use of plastic
waste which is very difficult to decipher by recycling
used items to be creative and innovative so that the
establishment of a recyling garden in the Cikeas
Nature School which can be enjoyed by all school
members. Schools do not focus on achieving value
alone, but the most important thing is to encourage the
formation of an environment of leadership that is
environmentally sound. The learning process
approach that uses a direct line between educators and
students creates a positive correlation in character
Education and Sustainability: A Case Study on Enviromental Care for Early Chidhood at Cikeas Nature School Bogor
Picture 2: Purified and Sterilized Drinking Water
Cikeas Nature School is one of the schools that
managed to get an award from the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry as a National-level
Adiwiyata school on December 13, 2016. The
adiwiyata school is an award for schools that are
already cultured. The habit of environmentally
friendly learning carried out by students in the Cikeas
Nature School became an advantage as a school that
is culturally cultured.
This study uses a qualitative research approach,
which is arranged in descriptive analytical form. The
location of this study is the Cikeas Nature School
Bogor which is a nature-based school as a learning
facility and is an Adiwiyata status school. The subject
of this research was specifically focused on early
childhood. By using primary data sources and
secondary data. The primary data source is empirical
data about environmental care character education for
early childhood in the Alam Cikeas School, which is
obtained through observation, interviews, documents,
manuscripts, archives, and so on. While secondary
data sources are journals, papers, seminars, articles,
school bulletins. for early childhood at the Alam
Cikeas School, which is obtained through
observation, interviews, documents, manuscripts,
archives, and so on.
Experience is the best school, this is the basic motto
of the Cikeas Nature School, namely experience and
nature. One method used in learning activities at the
Cikeas Nature School is:
1. Experiential learning is a method of
learning by doing where there is a process of meaning
or reflection on what has been done. So, whatever
learning activities at school, facilitators always reflect
with their students.
2. Nature. In the Sekolah AlamCikeas, use the
universe as the best learning media. Experience with
nature is a form of positive collaboration full of
3. Alam Cikeas School was one of the schools
that had won an award from the Ministry of
Environment and Forestry as Adiwiyata School on
December 13, 2016. The Adiwiyata School was an
award for schools that were already cultured.
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