The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method and
Motivation toward the Results of English Learning
, Athith Outhay
, Sri Sundari
and Etiyasningsih
Jakarta Islamic University, National University of LaosVientiane, Gresik University, East Java
Keywords: Contextual Learning and Teaching, Learning Motivation, Learning Outcomes
Abstract: This study has the objective to obtain scientific information on the English learning effectiveness through
contextual teaching and learning method (CTL) and motivation, and its influence on learning outcomes. In
this study, there are three variables namely CTL learning method (X1) obtained from the posttest and
motivation (X2) obtained from the questionnaire as independent variables and the dependent variable is the
result of English learning (Y) obtained from the results of tests. This study used the 2x2 factorial design.
The populations in this study were all students of second semester of Jakarta Islamic University totaling 432
students. The research samples were 70 students who were second semester students of Islamic Educational
Faculty, Jakarta Islamic University The results showed 1) Therewere significant differences of English
learning outcomes between students who were taught with CTL and with conventional method, CTL
method was better. 2) There were significant differences of English learning outcomes between students
who have high motivation taught with CTL and with conventional method, where students who have high
motivation learned better with CTL. 3) There were significant differences of English learning outcomes
between students who have low motivation taught with CTL and with conventional method, where students
who have low motivation learned better with CTL. 4) There was no significant interaction effect between
the use of CTLand motivation toward English learning outcomes, however the CTLand motivation are both
have relationships with students and significant impact on outcome variables studied.
The task of a teacher is attempting students
to have an interest and desire to learn constantly.
The efforts of the teacher can be done by providing
the motivation in learning process, i.e. at the stage
apresiation, exploration, consolidation,
establishment of competence, and assessment. But,
there are still many students who have low
motivation shown by tend to come late, lazy, leave
class room for various reasons or can not even
complete the task on time.
For the successful of the study, teachers
must implement a quality learning process.
Adequate facilities, professional educators, media
utilization and learning appropriate methods make
the advantages for the school. The success of
learning will be very effected by teaching methods
as well as other aspects relating to the learning
While the method of learning is a technique or
ways used by teachers that functionally can be used
to assist in the optimization of the results of the
study. It can be viewed not only from the learning
results (output) but it is also seen from the process in
the form of the interaction of students with various
learning methods which can stimulate and accelerate
learning for understanding and mastery of the
lesson. Implementation of the learning method of
utilization in the process of learning is already listed
in the curriculum. Effective learning is a learning
process that uses a variety of learning methods.
Teaching and learning activities emphasized on the
activity of students by observing the objects or
situations that exist in the surrounding environment.
Further more in the process of learning required a
teaching method that suits the purpose of education,
students' level of maturity, circumstances, private
facilities, and teacher as well as his professional
ability in teaching, in the process of interaction
between teachers and students.
A good teacher must be able to master the
various teaching methods, so as to choose a method
of learning which should be applied in a particular
Mulyadi, ., Outhay, A., Sundari, S. and Etiyasningsih, .
The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method and Motivation toward the Results of English Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009944024312438
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2431-2438
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
class and on certain subjects. One of the methods
that can be used as the basis of learning is
Contecxtual Teaching and Learning (CTL).
Contextual Teaching and Learning approach is the
concept that helps teachers relate the material being
taught with real world situations, students encourage
to make connections between knowledge assets with
application in daily activities. With the concept of it,
learning outcomes expected more meaningful
because the process is more important than seeing
the results. In this context students need to
understand the meaning of learning, what its benefits
and how it aims to make aware that they learned, it
was a useful thing in the life of the future.
The formulation of the problems are as follow:
1. Are there any differences on the English
learning results between the students who taught
with contextual teaching and learning method and
those who taught with conventional method?
2. Is there any differenceon the English learning
results between students who have high motivation
taught with contextual teaching and learning method
and those who taught with conventionalmethod?
3. Is there any difference on the English
learning results between students who have low
motivation taught with contextual teaching and
learning method and those who taught with
conventional model?
4. Is there any interaction effect between
contextual teaching and learning method and
motivation on the English learning results?
3.1 Learning Achievement
3.1.1 Understanding of Learning
The learning achievement is the results achieved by
learners after learning a certain time, after the end of
the semester. According Mulyasa, "an achievement
of learning outcomes of learners as a whole are an
indicator of the degree of competence and behavior
change". The learning achievement is the "level of
success achieved from an activity that can provide
emotional satisfaction, and can be measured by a
tool or a specific test. 'Learning is the process by the
which an activity originates or is changed through
training procedures as distinguished from change by
factors not atributable to training' (Hilgard, E.R,
1948: 4). Learning is something changes in behavior
through exercise and be with the changes caused by
factors that can not be classified to exercise itself ".
'Learning is defined as the modification or
strengthening of behavior through experiencing'.
Romine revealed that: 'learning is a process
or learning activities not only remember, but
learning is a modification or reinforce attitudes
through experience. So change the behavior of
individuals obtained as a result of interaction with
the environment. Learning is a whole series of
activities done consciously by a person and lead to a
change in him in the form of knowledge or skills
that are less permanent. Learning can also be
interpreted as an activity that produces behavioral
changes in the individual that is being studied,
potential or actual. Based on some understanding of
the learning at the core of learning has the following
key aspects: (a) Learning brings changes in behavior
(behavior change) actual or pontensial (b) That
change was principally obtained with new skills or
upgrading skills. (C) That the change occurred
because students actively doing the activity /
activities to build their own knowledge.
Achievement is a result that has been
achieved. Learning outcomes assessment conducted
by educators, educational and governmental units.
Learning outcomes assessment conducted by
educators and educational units including internal
assessment, while the organized government,
including an external assessment. Internal
assessment is an assessment of planned and carried
out by the teacher in the learning process takes place
in the framework of quality assurance. External
assessment is an assessment carried out by the
government as quality controllers, such as the
national exam.
Class room evaluation is an internal
assessment process conducted by the teacher in the
classroom on behalf of the school to assess the
competence of learners at a certain level at the time
and the end of the lesson. Therefore, this class
evaluation done specifically for the implementation
of the assessment of learning outcomes by educators
and educational units. Classroom assessment is a
form of teachers' activities associated with making
decisions about the competence or the achievement
of learning outcomes of students who follow a
particular learning process. The decision-making
activities, required the data as the information is
reliable as a basis for decision making. The decision
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
relates to or may not be successful learners in
achieving a competency.
In the classification according to Bloom's
taxonomy of cognitive domains are as follows:
1. Knowledge (knowledge, memory), that is
studying and considering the facts, words,
terms, events, concepts, principles, rules,
categories, methodology, theory, and so on.
2. Comprehension (understanding,
explaining), ie interpreting something,
translate it in another form, express it in
their own words, conclusions based on
what is known, suspected due to something
based on knowledge.
3. Application (apply), which uses what is
learned in a new situation, transfer.
4. Analysis (decipher), describes something
the whole into parts to see the nature of the
5. Synthesis (organizing, planning), which
combine parts and creative form something
6. Evaluation (judge), which uses criteria to
judge anything.
Based on the description, it can be
concluded learning achievement is outcomes of a
learner in the form of changes / additions and the
improved quality of the behavior of cognitive,
affective and psychomotor achieved through the
activities of learners in the learning process.
3.1.2 Factors Affecting the Achievement of
There are several factors that affect the achievement
of learners, they are internal factors and external
factors and the factors of learning approaches.
Internal factors, such as factors that come from
inside a person that can affect academic
achievement. Among the internal factors that can
affect a person's learning achievements are, among
others: 1) intelligence, 2) talent; 3) interest; 4)
motivation. As for external factors, such as factors
that can affect one's learning achievement that are
coming from the outside oneself. Which included
these factors are, among others: 1) the family
environment; 2) the school environment; and 3)
3.2 Contextual Teaching and Learning
Contextual Teaching and Learning is a concept of
learning that helps teachers link between the
learning materials with real-world situations,teacher
encourages students to make connections between
the knowledge possessed by students in their lives
day-to-day, involving seven major components
effective learning, namely constructivism, ask
(Questioning), find (Inquiry), learning community,
modeling, and actual (authentic} assessmentTrianto
CTL system is an educational process that aims
to help students look for meaning in academic
material, they learned how to connect the academic
subjects in the context of their daily lives. To
achieve this goal, the system includes the following
eight components: create linkages-linkages are
meaningful, do meaningful work, do a self-regulated
learning, cooperation, critical and creative thinking,
helps individuals to grow and thrive, achieve high
standards and using authentic assessment.
In this context, learners need to understand what
it means to learn, what are the benefits, what their
status, and how to achieve it. They are aware that
they are learning useful for later life. Thus theymake
themselves as requiring a provision for later life.
They learn what is beneficial to him and try to reach
it. In that effort, they need teachers as counselors.
In contextual, the task of the teacher is to guide
learners to achieve its objectives. Futher more
teachers to deal with strategy rather than giving
information. The task of teachers manage the class
as a team work to find something new to the class.
Something new kind of knowledge and skills come
from "finding themselves" instead of "what the
teacher said." That's the role of teachers in the
classroom which is managed by a contextual
approach. Contextual only as a learning strategy. As
with any other learning strategy, contextual learning
was developed in order to be more productive and
meaningful. Contextual approach can be
implemented without having to change the
curriculum and the existing contents.
There are a few things to consider for any
teacher when using CTL
approachDepartemenPendidikanNasional (2003):
a. Students in learning is seen as a growing
individual. The learning ability of a person
to be affected by the development and
breadth of experience they have. Kids are
not adults in miniature, but organisms that
The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method and Motivation toward the Results of English Learning
while being in the developmental stages.
Ability to learn will be largely determined
by the level of development and their
experience. Thus, the role of the teacher is
not an instructor or "ruler" which forces the
will but the teacher mentor students so they
can learn at their development stage.
b. . Students have a tendency to learn new
things and challenging. Craze child is
trying things that are considered strange
and new. Therefore learning for them is to
try to solve every problem that is
challenging. Thus, teachers play in
selecting learning materials that are
considered important for the students to
c. Learning for students is the process of
looking for a relationship or
connection between the new things with
things that are already known. Thus, the
role of the teacher is to help each student is
able to find a link between the new
experiences with previous experience.
d. Learning for children is the process of
perfecting the existing scheme
(assimilation) or the formation process or
queen scheme (accommodation), thus the
task of the teacher is to facilitate (simplify)
that students are able to perform the process
of assimilation and accommodation
The role of teachers in English with
ainstructional model CTL is as a facilitators. They
should be able to motivate so that students play an
active role in discovering or proving the concepts of
the problems in their everyday lives. According to
Ibrahim (2003) ,"One of the theories or views are
very well known with regard to constructivism
learning theory, that is Piaget's theory of mental
development. This theory also called theory of
intellectual development or the theory of cognitive
development. The learning theory with regard to the
child's readiness to learn, which is packaged in a
stage of intellectual development from birth to
adulthood. Each stage of intellectual development is
equipped with certain characteristics in constructing
knowledge. For example, at this stage of the motor
sensory children think through the motions or
actions ".
In connection with this, Ibrahim (2003) stated
that there are some things that must be considered
for each teacher when using CTL approach, namely:
1. Students in contextual learning is seen as a
growing individual. The learning ability of a
person to be influenced by the level of
development of its experience and flexibility.
Kids are not adults in miniature, but organisms
that were at different stages of development.
Ability to learn will be largely determined by
the level of development and their experience.
Thus the role of the teacher is not an instructor
or "ruler" who impose their will, but the
teacher is a mentor, so students can learn at
their development stage.
2. Every student has a tendency to learn new
things and solve any problems that
challenge. Thus teachers play in selecting
learning materials that are considered
important for the students to learn.
3. Learning for students is the process of
looking for a relationship or connection
between the new things with things that are
already known. Thus the role of the teacher
is to help each student is able to find a link
between the new experiences with previous
4. Learning for student is a process of
establishing new schemes
(accommodation), thus the task of the
teacher is to facilitate (simplify) that the
student is able to process asmiliationand the
accommodation process.
3.3 Motivation
3.3.1 Understanding Motivation
The word "motive" is defined as "efforts that
encourage someone to do something". or as
Sardiman in his book Understanding of Human
Behavior Psychology quoted M. NgalimPurwanto:
'motif is the behavior or actions of a goal or
WS Winkel, "motivation is the driving force
that has become active, the motive becomes active at
a given moment, even the need to achieve the goal is
perceived or internalized".
Understanding these motivations contains three
key elements below.
1. Motivation that led to a change in energy at
the individual human being, whose visibility
regarding human physical activity;
2. Motivation is marked by the emergence of a
person's sense of feeling affection. Motivation
matters relevant to psychiatric affections and
emotions that can determine human behavior;
3. Motivation will be stimulated for their
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Motivation is not a problem that can be
observed, but a problem that can be concluded is.
Motivation is something that we see every activity a
person does something that is driven by power from
within oneself, the driving force that is called
The conclusion is that the motivation is an
issue that is very important for every human being to
achieve a success or a desire to achieve what is
coveted by everyone. If someone already has the
motivation, it is in tension, and he is ready to work
on the necessary aspects in accordance with what he
Motivation in the view of Hamzah (2008) is
"internal and external encouragement to students
who are learning to hold a change of behavior".
Another suggestion by Mc. Donald (2008) asserts
that "Motivation is the energy change of a person
characterized by emerging feeling and preceded with
the response to their destination". Motivation in the
classroom to give effect to both the learning process
and the students' behavior. The students are
motivated to learn, which raised interest in what they
have to do, then these students will learn better. The
students were active in their learning, in general,
able to avoid him of deviant behavior.
Motivation expected and developing of self-
esteem, is self motivation. In the sense of a student
or students themselves who develop their own
interest in learning. But how efforts to develop self-
motivation on the sisiwa? Here's the opinion
presented by experts, including: Flow Humanism.
Carl Roger argued that "there is a natural or innate
predilection of the students to learn, so teachers can
develop and push for further improved". While the
flow of behaviorism. As B.F. Skiner argues that:
"the classroom environment should be arranged so
that can mereinforce behavior as an indication of
3.4 Hypothesis
The research hypothesis is formulated in the form of
these statements.
1. There is a difference between contextual
teaching and learning methodand conventional
method onEnglish learning results
2. There is a difference between students who
have high motivation taught with
contextualteaching and learning method with
conventional method on Englihlearning results.
3. There is a difference between students who
have low motivation taught with contextual
teaching and learning method and with
conventional method on English learning
4. There is an interaction effect between
contextual teaching and learning method
andmotivation toward English learning results.
3.5 Research Methodology
3.5.1 Methods
Methods used in this study were experiment
methods, the statistical approach used is descriptive
analysis, comparative and correlative.
High A1B1 A2B1
Low A1B2 A2B2
Figure 1: Experimental research design
A = Learning Methods
A1 = a group of students were given the contextual
teaching and learning method as an experimental
A2 = group of students were given conventional
method as a control or comparison class
B1 = High motivation
B2 = Low Motivation
A1B1 = Groups with highly motivated students who
use the learning contextual teaching and learning
A1B2 = group of students with low motivation who
use learning contextual teaching and learning
A2B1 = group of highly motivated students with the
use of thecontextual teaching and learning
contextual method
A2B2 = group of students with low motivation that
use conventional method
a. Population and Sample
1. Population
The populations in this study were all
second semester students ofJakarta Islamic
University totaling of 432 people.
2. Samples
The sample set is taken 70 second semester
students of IslamicEducational
Faculty,consisit of two classes as
The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method and Motivation toward the Results of English Learning
experimental class and control class, each
class has 35 students.
b. Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques used in this study in two
ways: using thetest and non-test. Test is used to
measure the results of Englishlearning (Y), and
Contextual Teaching and Learning (X1). Non-
testtechniques in the form of questionnaires for
learning motivation (X2).
Table 1: Answer on likert scale
5 4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4 5
Considerations using Likert scale model in this study
are as follows:
1. Likert Scale has a high reliability based on the
intensity of certain attitudes.
2. Likert Scale is extremely flexible and versatile,
more flexible than other measurement techniques.
c. Hypothesis testing
The formula used to test hypotheses is the test
formula t testStatisticsSugiono (2010)
d. Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis 1
After conducting the posttest for the experimental
class and control class, the data obtained were
analyzed. The following are the results of the
posttest analysis using the SPSS version 19 program.
Tabel 2: Result of t test forPosttest experiment and control class
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
Lower Upper
29,243 ,000 -
68 ,000 -
,66452 -
not assumed
46,608 ,000 -
,66452 -
Based on the table above obtained information that
the Fcount value of 29.243 is greater than Ftable of
3.98 at the real level of 0.05, thus the variance of the
data of the two groups is the same or homogeneous
therefore H0 is accepted, thus reading the table is
aimed at Equal variances assumed. Then it can be
seen that t count (-4,515) is smaller than t table
(2,000) at the real level 0,05 and df = 68, then there
is a significant difference in the posttest results of
the two groups. Therefore H1 is accepted and μA1>
μA2, meaning that the experimental class average is
greater than the control class mean.
Hypothesis 2
Tabel 3: Variant analysis test effect of variable
interactions of X1 and X2 on Y
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:Hasbel
Source Type III
of Squares df
Square F Sig.
2 78,841 10,056 ,000
Intercept 27103,797 1 27103,79
Motivasi ,181 1 ,181 ,023 ,880
Metode 153,426 1 153,426 19,569 ,000
Error 525,305 67 7,840
Total 36391,000 70
682,986 69
a. R Squared = ,231 (Adjusted R Squared = ,208)
Based on the table above, it is obtained information
that there is a significant effect between the
application of learning methods and learning
motivation together on English learning outcomes,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
this is indicated by the value of Sig. = 0,000 is
smaller than the real level 0,05 and Fcount is 10,056
is greater than Ftable (3,13) at the real level 0,05 and
d denominator = 2 and the numerator = 69 or 9,754>
3,13. In the learning motivation variable the value of
F is 0.023 is smaller than Ftable (3.98) at the
significant level of 0.05 and dk = 69 or 0.023 <3.98;
thus H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected
Hypothesis 3
From the results of the calculation analysis obtained
the following data:
Table 4: Comparison of high motivation variables test results against CTL learning methods with conventional
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df
Std. Error
95% Confidence
of the Difference
Lower Upper
46,240 ,000 -4,822 50 ,000 -3,83333 ,79495 -5,43004 -2,23663
not assumed
-4,522 26,9
,000 -3,83333 ,84777 -5,57295 -2,09371
Based on the table above obtained information that
the two groups of data came from the same or
homogeneous variants, because the Fcount value
(46.240) was greater than Ftable (4.03) at the
significance level of 0.05 and dk = 50, therefore
the reading of the analysis was shown at equal
variances assumed and the result is
that there is a significant difference between the
CTL method and the conventional seen from the
tcount smaller than ttable (-4.822 <2.009) at the
0.05 level with dk = 50, therefore H1 is accepted
meaning μA1B1> μA1B2 or the average group of
students who have high motivation with the CTL
method is greater than the average group of
students who have high motivation with
conventional methods.
Hypothesis 4
The following is the result of data analysis of
differences between groups with high motivation
through the use of CTL learning methods with
conventional learning using the SPSS version 19
Table 5: Comparison of low motivation variable test results to the CTL method with conventional
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test for
Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df
Std. Error
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
Lower Upper
MRendah Equal variances
3,887 ,066 -
16 ,697 -,42857 1,07919 -
Equal variances
not assumed
15,810 ,672 -,42857 ,99268 -
Based on the table above, it is obtained information
that the two groups of data come from the same or
homogeneous variants because the value of Sig.
greater than the probability value at the level of 0.05
(0.066> 0.05), therefore the reading of the analysis is
aimed at equal variances assumed and the result is
that there is a significant difference between the
CTL method and the conventional seen from the
value of tcount<t table (-0.397 < 2,120) at the level
of 5% with dk = 16, because H1 is accepted meaning
that μA2B1> μA2B2 or the average group of
students who have low motivation with the CTL
method is greater than the mean group of students
who have low motivation with conventional
The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Method and Motivation toward the Results of English Learning
The results of the research hypothesis analysis
showed that the experimental class had higher
learning outcomes compared to the control class.
Based on the difference in mean scores between the
experimental class and the control class, the
difference is 3, and this is a fairly high difference.
This means that with this CTL learning method,
students in the experimental class are much more
interested and attentive to the material being taught.
In learning in the experimental class, classroom
conditions are directed at the reality that occurs and
the learning method is adapted to the material to be
taught. Thus there is a new atmosphere in the
teaching and learning process in the classroom, and
this makes students do not feel bored and gain new
experience in the process of receiving learning
Piaget, known as the first constructivist,
asserted that this knowledge was built in the mind of
children through assimilation and accommodation.
Piaget further stated in DadiPermadi
that:"Knowledge is not passively obtained by
someone, but through action. In fact, children's
cognitive development depends on how far they
actively manipulate and interact with their
environment. Meanwhile, cognitive development
itself is a continuous process about the state of
imbalance and equilibrium. From Piaget's view of
the stage of cognitive development of children can
be understood that at some stage the way and ability
of the child to construct science varies based on the
intellectual maturity of the child. Learning is an
activity that takes place interactively between
internal factors in the student's self and external or
environmental factors, giving birth to behavioral
changes. That is, that students must be mentally
active in building their knowledge structures based
on their cognitive maturity. In other words, students
are not expected to be small bottles ready to be filled
with various knowledge in accordance with the
teacher's will.
From the results of the study, the researchers then
provide conclusions as a target of the problems and
hypotheses raised in this study, following the
5. There are significant differences in the learning
outcomes of English subjects between students
who tought CTL learning methods and those
who were taught conventionally, where CTL
learning methods are better.
6. There is a significant difference between
students who have high learning motivation
towards CTL learning methods and
conventional, where students who have high
learning motivation towards CTL learning
methods are better.
7. There is a significant difference between
students who have low learning motivation
towards CTL learning methods and
conventional, students who have low learning
motivation towards CTL learning methods are
8. There is a significant interaction effect between
the use of learning models and learning
motivation on English learning outcomes.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation