The Effect of Pesantren Educational Patterns and Attention of
Parents on Learning Results Fiqih Class IX in Pondok Pesantren
Daar El-Qolam 2 Banten
Saripudin Hamzah
, Muhammad Nizom Chotib
and Andrian Aziz Widodo
Islamic University Jakarta
Keywords: Pesantren Educational Patterns, Attention Of Parents, Learning Results.
Abstract: This study aims to assess, analyze, and formulate the influence Pattern Education Pesantren (X1)
with the Learning Results Fiqh Pupils (Y), Effect of Attention Parents (X2) with the Learning
Results Fiqh Pupils (Y), and Influence Patterns of Education Pesantren (X1) and Attention
Parents (X2) together with the Fiqh Pupils Learning Outcomes (Y) The research method used in
this research is quantitative descriptive. With The sample totaled 80 students were taken using
simple random sampling technique (Simple Random Sampling). The methods used to collect
research data is documentation and questionnaires / instruments Likert model. References in all
instruments is calculated using the formula Pearson Product Moment and Alpha-Cronbach.
Influence Patterns Education Pesantren (X1) with the Learning Results Fiqh (Y) is positive and
significant, with ry1 = 0.228 at the alpha level of 5%. Attention Parents Influence (X2) with the
Learning Results Fiqh (Y) is positive and significant, with ry2 = 0.022 at the alpha level of 5%
which indicates a low correlation. Positive sense that if the attention of parents increases, the
Fiqh Learning Outcomes will increase, and vice versa if the attention of parents down, the
Learning Outcomes Fiqh be correspondingly reduced. Patterns Influence Education Pesantren
(X1) and Attention Parents (X2) together with the Learning Results Fiqh (Y) is positive and
significant, with Ry.12 = 0.56 at alpha level of 5% which indicates a high correlation. Positive
sense that if the pattern of Education Boarding School and Caution Parents together rise, the
Fiqh Learning Outcomes will increase. Vice versa, if the pattern of Education Boarding School
and Caution Parents together down, the Learning Outcomes Fiqh be correspondingly reduced.
Obviously means a significant 95% occur in the population with a strong influence. Meanwhile,
the coefficient of determination or R2 = 56.0% contribution Learning Outcomes Fiqh variation
can be explained by the pattern of Pesantren Education and Attention Parents together.
Pondok Pesantren is an educational institution
that has an important role in the development and
advancement of education in the country of the
republic of Indonesia, the term cottage comes from
the sense of boarding the santri called cottage or
residence made of bamboo, or the word "pondok"
derived from Arabic " funduq "which means hotel or
hostel. While pesantren "comes from the word santri
with prefix" pe "and the ending" an ", which means
the residence of the santri. Prof. Johns argues that
the term santri comes from the Tamil language
which means teacher of the Koran. Meanwhile,
according to the term Pesantren is a traditional
Islamic educational institution to study, understand,
deepen, live, and practice the teachings of Islam by
emphasizing the importance of religious morals as a
guide everyday behavior.
Pesantren education pattern is one of the
factors that influence the learning achievement of
external factors Or factors that come from outside
the individual. Educational Patterns Pesantren that is
education totality of education 24 hours which
divides in the first two lines in the field of the
teaching track and the second in the field of foster
care. Pesantren education pattern is full of activities
and discipline that is so tight that some students run
discipline there are forced because the education of
modern pesantren famous for forced to be
Hamzah, S., Chotib, M. and Widodo, A.
The Effect of Pesantren Educational Patterns and Attention of Parents on Learning Results Fiqih Class IX In Pondok Pesantren Daar El-Qolam 2 Banten.
DOI: 10.5220/0009943604180424
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 418-424
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
๎€ 2020 by SCITEPRESS โ€“ Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
accustomed and become so regular that some santri
run discipline only in boarding school but outside is
not obey in education life Islamic boarding school.
In every activity must be disciplined because the
education boarding school famous for military
education so that any violation would have no
punishment but often the punishment given is not in
accordance with the rules or rules of boarding school
like the existence of punishment that is not
appropriate academically.
Pesantren or boarding school is an Islamic
educational institution that is quite unique because
has elements and characteristics that are different
from other Islamic educational institutions. The
family is the decisive process in learning success. As
expressed by Malik Fadjar that parents are said to be
first and foremost educators because the education
provided by parents is the basis and determine the
development of the next child. Education is done by
parents to their children in order to achieve
predetermined goals. One of the goals is to provide
supplies of intelligence to children to use la Parents'
concern for children can be realized by providing
children's learning facilities, giving motivation,
giving guidance, reminding children of their
obligations, reminding children of their needs and so
As happened at the pesantren booth Daar el-
Qolam Gintung Banten there are some high
achieving santri whose parents give more attention
but there are also some santri in Daar el Qolam who
are achievers but their parents give little attention to
their children. In the initial observation santri initials
R is a santri who achievement but his parents less
attention to him so vice versa happening in Ghifa is
a santri who excel and her parents give extraordinary
attention but there are also parents very very pay
attention to result of learning its child by always
communicate with homeroom guardian and guardian
but the child is underachieving. So the authors
consider the need to be researched because the
results of good learning is influenced by the
attention of parents, the cause of the low value of
jurisprudence in the odd semester exam is caused by
the low sincerity of learning santri to these subjects
and the low attention of parents to the learning
outcomes of students. So, it needs to be discussed
and researched. Based on the above description,
encouraging researchers to examine the above issues
in this study.
2.1 Pesantren Education Pattern
Pesantren is a traditional Islamic educational
institution to understand, appreciate and practice the
teachings of Islam (tafaqquh fiddin) by emphasizing
the morality of Islam as a guide to daily community
life.(M. Tidjani Djauhari:2008:9) Etymologically,
the term pesantren comes from the word "santri",
which with the prefix of the suffix -an means the
residence of the santri. The word "santri" is also a
combination of syllables sant (human good) and tra
(like help), so the word pesantren can be interpreted
as a place to educate a good human. Meanwhile,
Dhofier said that according to Professor Johns, the
term "santri" comes from the Tamil language which
means the teacher is reciting, (Ali Anwar:2011:22)
while CC Berg argues that the term comes from the
term shastri which in Indian means people who
know the Hindu religious books, or a person scholar
of the holy book of Hinduism. The word shastri
comes from the word shastra meaning holy books,
religious books or books on science.
In other words, the term santri has the
understanding of a student studying holy books /
Islamic sciences. Thus, pesantren is understood as a
place for teacher-student interaction to take place,
kyai-santri in a relatively permanent intensity in the
context of the transfer of Islamic sciences.
Meanwhile, according to Mastuhu, as quoted by
Hasbullah in his book "Capita Selekta Islamic
Education," the pesantren is a traditional Islamic
educational institution to understand, live and
practice the teachings of Islam by emphasizing the
importance of the morality of Islam as a guide to
daily community life.
Mastuhu, as quoted by Hasbullah in his book
"Capita Selekta Islam Education," the pesantren is a
traditional Islamic educational institution to
understand, appreciate and practice the teachings of
Islam by emphasizing the importance of the morality
of Islam as a guide to daily community life.
Some of the definitions above, may provide an
overview of the meaning of Islamic boarding
schools and finally it can be concluded that what is
meant by Islamic boarding schools is traditional
Islamic education institutions to study Islamic
teachings to be practiced by emphasizing the
importance of religious morality as a daily behavior
The Effect of Pesantren Educational Patterns and Attention of Parents on Learning Results Fiqih Class IX In Pondok Pesantren Daar
El-Qolam 2 Banten
guide. Pesantren has a mission to develop Islamic
da'wah. In learning, pesantren huts have
characteristics that are not practiced in educational
institutions generally have a pattern of education for
24 hours through the path of teaching and parenting.
2.2 Attention of Parents
Attention according to Suryabrata is
concentration of psychic energy focused on a certain
object While other opinion suggests that attention is
concentration or concentration addressed to
something or object.
Parents are informal education institutions.
Although parents have the status of informal
education institutions in Islam, he is the first and
foremost educator for his children. Everything that is
done by parents is an educational process that is very
influential on the child's next life, religious attitudes,
character, reason, social behavior and Child culture
is largely shaped by education from people old. In
line with this, Thomas Gordon argued that: "Parents
are responsible individuals towards the personal
formation of children and children's education, so he
must be consistent in feeling love children, be
tolerant, convey children's personal needs and being
fair. As Allah says in A-Tahrim verse 6 children's
From some opinions the authors conclude that
attention is the focus in thinking that is directed to a
particular object or done by consciously giving
stimulation to the individual, so that he only focuses
on the object that stimulates it.
2.3 Learning Result: Fiqh
Achievement is basically the result obtained from an
activity. While learning is basically a process that
results in individual self-change, namely behavior
change. Thus learning outcomes are the results
obtained in the form of impressions that result in
changes in the individual as a result of learning
Besides this, also in the Indonesian dictionary
explained that achievement is a result that has been
achieved (which has been done or done). From the
above definition can be observed the existence of the
same meaning, which in essence is the result that has
been achieved from an activities, therefore it can be
understood that achievement is the result of an
activity that has been carried out, created, and
pleasing to the heart obtained by work individually
or in groups certain fields.
Learning outcomes are events that are internal in
the sense of something that happens within a person.
The event begins with a cognitive change or
knowledge to influence behavior. Thus, a person's
learning behavior is based on the level of something
that is learned which can then be known through
tests and ultimately bring learning results in the form
of real and non-real values. Based on the above
description it can be synthesized that learning
outcomes are mastery of knowledge and skills
developed by subjects commonly indicated by the
test scores or numbers given by the teacher.
3.1 Research Methods
In this research the method used is quantitative
method with the type of regression test. Quantitative
research methods can be interpreted as a research
method based on philosophy of potivism, used to
examine the population or a particular sample,
sample sampling techniques are generally done
randomly, data collection using research
instruments, quantitative / statistical data analysis
with the aim to test the hypothesis that has applied.
So in this research is intended to know three
variables that influence the pattern of pesantren
education and attention of parents to the results of
class IX study of Pondok Pesantren Daar El-Qolam
2 Jayanti, Tangerang, Banten.
3.2 Research Variables
In this study Researcher determine the following
1. Independent variable: Pesantren
Educational Patterns (X1) and Attention of
Parents (X2)
2. Dependent variable: Learning Results
Fiqih (Y).
The relationship constellation of the three variables
is illustrated in the scheme below.
Figure 1: Variables scheme.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3.3 Population and Sample
The population in this study is all students of
class IX junior high school in boarding school Daar
el Qolam 2 which amounted to 322 consists of: 2.
Sample The sample is part of the number and
characteristics possessed by that population. When
the population is large, and researchers may learn
everything that exists in the population. In this
study, the population amounted to 322 students. The
sample is a partial or representative of the
population to be examined if the subject is less than
100, better taken all so that the study is a population
research. However, if the number of subjects is
large, it can be taken between 10% - 15% or 20% -
25% or more.
After knowing the number of populations that exist,
so this research take sample 25% from 322
population so that will be used as sample all 80
santri that will become sample of research (322 x
25% = 80 santri)
3.4 Data Collection Technique
For data collection of variables of Pesantren
Education Pattern (X1) and Attention parents (X2)
researcher use Likert scale questionnaire. While the
variable of learning result Fiqih (Y) researcher use
value rapot.
3.4.1 Method of Analysis and Testing
1. Simple linear regression (Y = a + bX)
2. Multiple regression (Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2)
For hypothesis with t-test is used to determine
whether the variable is significant or incomplete to
the dependent variable individually for each
variable. After the value of t is obtained through the
formula, then to interpret the results apply the
following provisions:
If t
> t
, then H
is rejected (no significant
If t
, then H
is accepted (no significant
3.4.2 Instruments Research Variables
In this study, the variables of pesantren education
pattern and the attention of parents were measured
by questionnaire instrument. Variable learning
outcomes of jurisprudence that is a variable in this
study, is the value of report
4.1 Data and Analysis
Based on the results of research that has been
done on 80 respondents through the spread of
questionna multiple-choice The results are shown:
1. Educational Pattern of Pesantren (X1)
From the calculation data of pesantren education
pattern consisting of 15 questions answered by 80
respondents All calculations and statistical tests
performed using the help of computer applications
SPSS 22.0. Has produced the lowest score 46, the
highest score 73, the average score of 61.78 median
by 62.50 mode of 58, and standard deviation of
6.424. In accordance with the guidelines to provide
interpretation of the correlation coefficient. From the
calculation results obtained the average value
average of 61.78, So it can be said Pattern of Islamic
Boarding School in Daar el Qolam 2 Gintung
Tangerang in Good category.
2. Attention of Parents (X2)
From the data of the questionnaire, based on the
above data, it can be seen that the lowest score is 59
and the highest value is 90, then to analyze the data
All the calculations and statistical tests done using
the help of SPSS 22.0 computer applications. From
the calculation data of parents attention consisting of
18 questions answered by 80 respondents resulted
the lowest score 45, the highest score 90, the average
score of 77.1 median of 8.25 mode of 9, and
standard deviation of 1.311. Attention Parents (Wali
Santri) class IX Pondok Pesantren Daar el Qolam 2
Gintung Jayanti Tangerang Banten. From the
calculation results obtained an average value of
6.424. then it can be said the attention of parents
class IX in Pondok Pesantren Daar el Qolam 2
Gintung Tangerang in Good category.
3. Learning Results Fiqh (Y)
From the calculation data of parents attention
consisting of 18 questions answered by 80
respondents resulted the lowest score 45, the highest
score 90, the average score of 77.1 median of 8.25
mode of 9, and standard deviation of 1.311. All
calculations and statistical tests are performed using
the help of SPSS 22.0 computer applications. From
the calculation and the above diagram obtained an
average value of 77.1. Guidelines to provide
interpretation of the correlation coefficient then it
can be said the results of fiqih learning class IX
The Effect of Pesantren Educational Patterns and Attention of Parents on Learning Results Fiqih Class IX In Pondok Pesantren Daar
El-Qolam 2 Banten
students in Pondok Pesantren Daar el Qolam 2
Gintung Tangerang in the Good category.
5.1 Product Moment Correlation Test
Decision Criteria for Product Moment
Correlation Test, if the value of significance <0.05
then there is correlation, otherwise if the value of
significance > 0.05 then there is no correlation. After
the correlation test found the following results:
1. The correlation coefficient between Learning
Strategy (X1) and PAI Learning Outcomes (Y) is
equal to 0.492 with a significance value of 0.000.
Based on the above decision criteria, it can be
concluded that the correlation of both variables is
the significance (0.000 <0.05).
2. The correlation coefficient between prior
knowledge (X2) and PAI Learning Outcomes
(Y) is 0.780 accompanied by a significance value
of 0.000. Based on the above decision criteria, it
can be concluded that the correlation of both
variables has a significance smaller than 0.05
(0.000 <0.05).
5.2 Hypothesis Testing
The study also included a partial test (t test) to
find out whether the independent variables of
Pesantren Education Pattern (X1) and Attention of
Parent (X2) were partially or independently
associated with the fiqih learning outcomes (Y).
From the test results found :
1. Pesantren education pattern (X1) The
relationship with the results of learning
jurisprudence (Y)
Based on the data analysis of SPSS version 22.0 it
can be seen that the pattern of pesantren education
has correlation with the result of learning fiqih santri
characterized by the acquisition of correlation
coefficient 0.228 more than 0.219 which has the
meaning that the pattern of pesantren education has
a relationship with the results of learning santri fiqih
very strong. Meanwhile, the coefficient of
determination (r2 y1) of 0,552 has meaning that
55,2% have meaning that happened in the tendency
of the correlation of education pattern of Pesantren
(X1) with Learning Outcomes.
Regression equation Y = 4.668 + 0.490 X1. which
means that the increase of one score of pesantren
education pattern (X1) will give an increase of 0,490
to result of learning fiqih (Y).
From the above data, it can be said that if the results
of learning santri want to be improved optimally, it
is necessary to increase the pattern of higher
education pesantren. Providing a good pattern of
boarding education will provide encouragement for
students to improve the learning outcomes of
Based on the above research, the result of this
research is in line with the submission of hypothesis
contained in chapter II =, namely that the pattern of
pesantren education gives a positive relationship
with the result of studying the santri fiqih in Pondok
Pesantren Daar el Qolam 2 Tangerang.
2. Attention parents (X2) relationship With
Results Learning fiqih (Y)
Based on SPSS version 22.0 data analysis can be
seen that the attention of parents have a relationship
with students learning outcomes are characterized by
the acquisition of correlation coefficient (ry2) of
0.148 Less than rtabel of 0.219 has the meaning that
the relationship of parental attention with learning
outcomes is not strong. Meanwhile, the coefficient
of determination (r2 y1) of 0.022 has the meaning
that 2.20% has a meaning that occurs in the
tendency of low attention of parents Against Class
IX Study Results in Pondok Pesantren Daar el
Regression equation Y = 5,329 + 0,030 X2. Which
means that the increase of one scores of parental
attention (X2) will give an increase of 0.030 to the
score of learning result (Y). From the above data, it
can be said that if the results of learning santri want
to be improved optimally, it is necessary to increase
the attention of parents is high. With good parents
attention will provide encouragement for santri to
improve the results of The correlation coefficient
(ry1) of 0.148 less than the r tabel of 0.219 has the
meaning that the relationship of parental attention to
learning outcomes is not strong. Meanwhile, the
coefficient of determination (r2 y1) of 0.022 has the
meaning that 2.20% has a meaning that occurs in the
tendency of low attention of parents With Class IX
Study Results in Pondok Pesantren Daar el Qolam
Based on the above research, the results of this study
is not in line with the submission of hypotheses
contained in chapter II, namely that the attention of
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
parents provide a positive relationship to the results
of studying fiqh students in Pondok Pesantren Daar
el Qolam 2 Tangerang.
2.Pesantren education pattern (X1) and attention
of parents (X2) relation with learning result of
fiqh santri (Y)
Based on the results of SPSS version 22.0 data
analysis can be known pattern of pesantren
education and the attention of parents to influence
the results of learning fiqih marked by diporoleh
double correlation coefficient (ry12) of 0.236 from
rtabel of 0.219 has the meaning that the relationship
pattern of pesantren education and attention of
parents with the results study fiqih strong.
Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination double
(r2y12) of 0,560 has 56.0% meaning that occurs in
the tendency of the correlation of increasing of
education pattern of pesantren (X1) and Parents
Attention (X2) together with result of Learning of
Fiqh class IX in Pondok Pesantren Daar el Qolam 2
Tangerang Banten.
Double regression equation Y = 3,943 + 0.043
X1 - 0,014. Which means that the increase of one
score of pesantren education pattern (X1) and
together will give an increase of 0,043 for X1 and
0,014 for X2 on result score study fiqih santri (Y).
From the above data, it can be said that if the
learning outcomes want to be improved optimally, it
is necessary to increase the pattern of pesantren
education and high attention of parents. With the
pattern of pesantren education and good parent
attention will be able to improve the learning
process better and have an impact on improving the
results of learning Santri
The Learning Outcomes of Santri Fiqh Daar el-
Qolam Islamic Boarding School, Gintung, Jayanti,
Tangerang, Banten with the group reference rating,
generally included in the category of good enough
with an average value of 70.1 as well as the
Educational Pattern of Islamic Boarding Schools in a
fairly good category with an average value of 61.78.
Parent's attention is also in a pretty good category
with an average value of 64.24.
The Effect of Pesantren Education Pattern (X1)
with Learning Outcomes Fiqh (Y) is positive and
significant, with ry1 = 0.228 at the 5% alpha level
indicating sufficient correlation. The positive sense
that if the Pattern of Islamic Boarding School rises
then the results of Fiqh Learning will increase, and
vice versa if the Parent Education Level down or
low, then the results of Fiqh Learning will decrease
as well. Significant meanings are apparent 95%
occur in the population. The partial correlation
between X1 and Y is considered constant, the value
of r y1.2 = 0.236 which means the partial correlation
is significant. Meanwhile, the coefficient of
determination or contribution r2 = 55.2% variation
of Fiqh Learning Outcomes can be explained by the
Pattern of Pesantren Education.
The Influence of Parent Concern (X2) with Fiqh
Learning Outcomes (Y) is positive and significant,
with ry2 = 0.022 at the 5% alpha level indicating
low correlation. The positive sense that if the
attention of parents rises then Fiqih Learning
Outcomes will increase, and vice versa if the
attention of parents down, then the Results Fiqih
Learning will decrease as well. Significant meanings
actually occur 95% in the population with low
influence. The partial correlation between X2 and Y
with X1 is considered constant, the value of ry2.1 =
0.022 which means the partial correlation is
significant. Meanwhile, the coefficient of
determination or contribution r2 = 2.20% variation
of Fiqih Learning Outcomes can be explained by the
Attention of Parents.
The Effect of Pesantren Education Pattern (X1)
and Parents Attention (X2) together with the
Learning Outcomes of Fiqh (Y) is positive and
significant, with Ry.12 = 0.56 at the 5% alpha level
indicating high correlation. The positive sense that if
the Pattern of Education of Pesantren and the
Attention of Parents together rises, the results of
Fiqh Study will increase. Similarly vice versa, if
Pattern of Education of Pesantren and Parent
Attention together down, then result of study of
Fiqih will also decrease. Significant meanings are
apparent 95% occur in populations with strong
influence. Meanwhile, the coefficient of
determination or contribution R2 = 56.0% variation
Fiqih Learning Outcomes can be explained by the
Pattern of Education of Pesantren and Attention
Parents together.
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