Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher
Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung
East Jakarta
Aang Darsono
, Rosmeinita
and Basri Kamal
Ph.D Student Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Effect of certification, teacher’s work motivation, teacher performance
Abstract: Improved performance through certification of teachers is needed in order to develop the professionalism of
teachers, thereby contributing to improve the quality of education. The purpose of writing this scientific
work is specifically aimed at the following: 1) Obtain performance data teacher at SMA Islam PB Sudirman
Cijantung East Jakarta, 2) Obtain data on job motivation of teachers in SMA Islam PB Sudirman Jakarta
Cijantung Timur. As for problems that become the object of research in research is about the influence of
teachers' certification and motivation to work on teacher performance, research conducted at SMA Islam PB
SudirmanCijantung East Jakarta. The method used in this research is survey method with correlation
techniques. The population in this study consisted of the target population and the population affordable.
Target population was all teachers of subjects SMA Islam PB Sudirman some 43 people, while the entire
population of inaccessibility is subject teachers who are already certified a number of 30 people.
Mechanical sampling using saturated sample. Data teacher certification, teacher work motivation and
performance of teachers collected using a likert scale shaped instrument. RESULTS: (1) there is a real effect
between the certification of teachers' performance, (2) there is a real influence between work motivation of
teachers on teacher performance, (3) there is a real effect between certification and motivation of teacher
work together on performance teacher.
The education process aims to produce qualified
human resources in accordance with the demands of
today's development needs. The main supporter for
the attainment of these goals is to implement quality
learning process under the guidance and supervision
of professional educators as well as the
implementation of all components of an integrated
quality management. Teachers play a very
important, especially in preparing students to be
students who have the advantage of being a
formidable figure, creative, independent and
professional in their respective fields. The success of
the learner as a subject of study related to the
personal (individual and process) in internalize the
knowledge, values, personality traits, attitudes, and
skills that exist in the vicinity. While success as a
teacher to teach a subject other than determined by
the quality of teachers in private (individual quality)
is also determined by the standards of competence
possessed by the teachers, which includes
pedagogical competence, personality, social and
The success of a country has significant
relevance to the quality of education held. While the
quality of education is directly proportional to the
performance of educators that directly contribute
greatly in determining the quality of education
produced. Efforts to improve the performance of
educators has developed quite well in the last few
years, both in terms of normative and conceptual.
Normatively, the birth of Law No. 20 Year 2003 on
National Education System, educators have been
recognized as professionals and the right to receive
income and social welfare are appropriate and
Academic qualifications and professionalism of
teachers as educators play an important role to
achieve educational goals. Quality education is a key
condition for realizing the nation's life advanced,
modern and prosperous. Meanwhile, quality
Darsono, A., Rosmeinita, . and Kamal, B.
Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung East Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009942022932303
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2293-2303
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
education is very dependent on the capacity of the
education unit in transforming students to get added
value, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Of
a number of components of education, teachers and
lecturers is a factor that is very important and
strategic in efforts to improve the quality of
education at any educational institution regardless of
the amount invested to improve the quality of
education, without the attendance of teachers and
lecturers who are competent, professional, dignified
and prosperous can be ascertained will not achieve
the expected goals (Depdiknas, 2007 : 2).
Factors teachers are believed to have a strategic
role in improving the quality of education. The
results showed that quality teachers greatly affect the
effectiveness of learning, which in turn affect the
achievement of learners, (Suherman: 2007).
Teachers have pedagogical competence, personal
competence, professional competence, and
competence of social is an absolute requirement for
quality education, policies developed by the
government of welfare education through the
application of teacher certification.
Performance or achievements of teacher
professionalism in carrying out tasks such as
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess,
and evaluate an essential aspect of increasing the
intelligence of students who carry on improving the
quality of education held. Performance is defined as
the level or degree of execution of one's duties on
the basis of its competence. The term performance
can not be separated from work due to its
performance is the result of the work process.
2.1 Itself Teacher Certification
2.1.1 Definition Certification
Before discussing the notion of teacher
certification first need to explain the terms of
certification. According to BSN in the Authority
(Wibawa, 2005 : 167) expressed in relation to the
certification of the graduates of the Institute of
Education Personnel (LPTK), the certification
comes from the word certivication which means
diploma or "official acceptance of the competence of
a person to assume something professional
positions" Then he explained, the certification is a
series of publishing activities certificates for goods,
services, processes, systems and personnel, which
aims to provide written assurance of certification
bodies, training institutions, inspection bodies and
laboratories, to declare that goods, services,
processes and personnel have met the required
Certification is the process of competency testing
for prospective or teachers who wish to acquire or
improve the recognition and competence in
accordance chosen profession (Mulyasa,
2011:4).Also stated in the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 Article 1,
paragraph 7 of Teachers and Lecturers, said that
certification is the process of granting certificates of
educators for teachers and lecturers. Furthermore
Mulyasa argued that, educator certificate is a formal
proof of recognition given to teachers and lecturers
as professionals.
National Commission on Educational Services
(NCES), provides a more general understanding of
the certification. Certification is a procedure
whereby the state evaluates and reviews a teacher
candidate's credentials and Provides him or her a
license to teach. In this case the certification is a
procedure to determine whether a prospective
teacher feasible given the permission and authority
to teach. .(Mulyasa, 2011:34). This is necessary
because the graduates of educational institutions of
teacher personnel is very varied, both in the public
and private universities.
Based on the description above theory, the
authors conclude that the teacher certification
process can be interpreted as an acknowledgment
that someone already has the competence to carry
out educational services in a particular educational
unit, having passed the competency test conducted
by the certification body. In other words, the teacher
certification process competency test is designed to
reveal a person's mastery of competencies as a
foundation educator certification.
2.1.2 Basic Law Teacher Certification
The main basic teacher certification
implementation of Act No. 14 Year 2005 on
Teachers and Lecturers (UUGD) adopted on 30
December 2005. Article that states are listed in
article 8 which reads: "teachers must have academic
qualifications, competence, teaching certificate,
physically and mentally healthy, and have the ability
to realizing national education. "Another article that
could serve as the basis for certification, namely
article 11 paragraph (1) states that:" the certification
referred to in Article 8 is given to teachers who have
met the requirements. " another legal basis is Law
Number 20 of 2003 on National Education System
and PERMEN DIKNAS No. 18 Year 2007
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
regarding teacher certification for teachers in
positions that had been established on May 4, 2006.
2.1.3 Objective and Benefits Teacher
A. The purpose of teacher certification
Teacher certification process can be
interpreted as an acknowledgment that someone
already has the competence to carry out educational
services in a particular educational unit, having
passed the competency test conducted by the
certification body. According to the Ministry of
Education (2007: 2) certification process conducted
thus has the following objectives:
1. Determining the feasibility of teachers in
performing the duties of a learning agent and
realize national education.
2. Implement processes and the quality of
3. Promoting the dignity of teachers, and
4. Increase professionalism of teachers.
According Wibowo in Mulyasa (2011:35),
revealed that the certification is aimed at such things
as the following:
1. Protecting the profession of educators and
education personnel
2. Protect the public from practices incompetent,
thus damaging the image of teachers and
education personnel.
3. Assist and protect the providers of education,
by providing guidelines and instruments to
make the selection of qualified applicants.
4. Public perception of the teaching and education
5. Providing solutions in order to improve the
quality of education and educators.
Certification has a purpose that leads to the
professionalism of teachers that preceded the
achievement of standards of competence of teachers.
Besides technical certification become a reference
for quality improvement of the competence of
educators who work together to quality education.
From the description of the purposes of
certification that has been disclosed, basically
certification aims to improve and or stimulate in
order to increase the competence of teachers or
reach the standards that have been set. So with the
increasing competence of teachers will affect the
quality of education. However, teachers are at the
forefront in education, where teachers have a central
role in the achievement of quality education.
2.1.4 Teacher Certification Benefits
With regard to the benefits of certification,
Mulyasa (2011:35-36) , suggests that certification in
general has two benefits. First, for quality control,
both for quality assurance. In detail, with regard to
both the benefits of certification according to
Mulyasa are as follows:
a. Quality Control
1. Certification bodies have been identified and
determine a set of competencies that are unique
2. For any kind of potential can lead practitioners
to develop a level of competence in a sustainable
3. Increased professionalism through a selection
mechanism, either at the time of initial entry
professional organizations as well as further
career development.
4. The selection process is better, better training
programs as well as independent learning efforts
to achieve increased professionalism.
b. Quality Assurance
1. The process of professional development and
evaluation of the performance of the practitioner
will lead to the perception of the public and
government for the better of the professional
organizations and their members. Thus the
parties concerned, especially the customers /
users will increasingly appreciate the
professional organizations and vice versa
professional organizations may guarantee or
protect the customer / user.
2. Certifications provide valuable information for
customers / users who want to employ people in
a particular area of expertise and skills.
While the benefits of certification according to
MONE (2007:2) are as follows:
1. Protecting the teaching profession from the
practices that are not competent, which can
damage the image of the teaching profession.
2. Protect the public from educational practices that
are not qualified and not professional, and
3. Improve the welfare of teachers.
B. Itself Work Motivation Teacher
For a broader understanding of motivation, below
dikutif some expert opinions from various sources.
Donald in Hamalik defines motivation is self-
employment changes preformance (private) person
who is marked by the emergence of feelings and
reactions to achieve the goal. (2001:158)
Duncan in Wahjosumidjo, motivation is a conscious
effort to influence a person's behavior that leads to
the achievement of organizational goals. (1981:176)
Greenberg and Varson in Djatmiko that
motivation is a process that encourages, directs and
maintain human behavior toward the achievement of
a goal. (2002:67). Berelson and Steiner in
Wahjosumidjo defines motivation is a state of
psychiatric and mental attitude of man to provide the
Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung
East Jakarta
performance, encourage or directing or channeling
behavior towards the attainment of the needs of the
member satisfaction or reduce imbalances.
After discussing the notion of motivation, then
the discussion continued to question what is
motivation to work? According Purwadarminta,
work is the act of doing something, something that is
done (done). Work is doing a deed(2002:492).
From the description it can be concluded that the
definition of work motivation is something that
raises the spirit or the drive to work. Teachers' work
motivation is something that raises the spirit or
encouragement to teachers to work with the best.
C. Itself Teacher Performance
To understand the concept of performance
(performance) more deeply, need to clarify the
definition performance or work performance, some
of the terms used in connection with the
performance, and performance assessment
indicators. It is intended to limit the expansion of the
meaning of the performance which has been
developed by a variety of disciplines. Performance
in this study only revolve around the issue of
learning that serves to facilitate the creation of
learning conditions that can build a good quality of
Sastrohadiwiryo defining job performance is the
performance achieved by a workforce in
implementing the tasks and the work given to him.
According Mangkunagara term performance
comes from the Job Performance or Actual
Performance (actual job performance or
achievements attained by someone). Understanding
job performance or achievement is the result of the
quality and quantity of work achieved by one's
employees in carrying out their duties in accordance
with the responsibilities given to him. (2002:67)
From some of these definitions, the author can
draw a conclusion that teacher performance is the
capability of the teachers featured in learning
process activities to achieve the teaching objectives
effectively and efficiently.
D. Relevant Research
In connection with the theoretical foundation, it
will put forward the relevant research that has been
done by other studies before, that has to do with the
variables in this study as a reference for the
formulation of hypotheses.
According Ikin Solikin a researcher from the
Research Institute UPI, said the results of
observations are titled: Effect of Teacher
Certification on Performance Implications Teachers
and Student Achievement At SMK in Bandung and
Bandung regency. The problem of this study was the
effect of teacher certification on teacher
performance. More details of the problems described
in the following research questions: (1) How is the
implementation of teacher certification SMKN
Bandung and Bandung District; (2) How is a picture
of student achievement SMKN Bandung and
Bandung District; (3) Describing the performance of
teachers SMKN Bandung and Bandung District; (4)
How to Influence on Performance Master Teacher
Certification SMKN Bandung and Bandung District;
(5) How to Influence teacher performance to student
achievement SMK SMK Kota Bandung and
Bandung regency. The method used in this research
is survey explanatory. the method of research
conducted on large populations and small, but the
data studied are the data from a sample drawn from
the population, so it found a picture and
relationships between variables. The results showed
that the relationship between teacher certification
and teacher performance is very low indicated by the
correlation coefficient of 0.164.
There is an influence of teacher certification on
teacher performance, as shown by the coefficient of
determination 2.7%. The relationship between
teacher performance and student achievement
indicated by the low correlation coefficient of 0.279.
There is the influence of teacher performance on
student achievement, the coefficient of
determination is indicated by the calculation of
7.8%. There are differences in the average value
before and after the certification of teachers.
A survey conducted by the Indonesian Teachers
Association (PGRI) to 28 provinces found that the
performance of teachers who have passed the
certification or pass a competency test is still low
(Kompas, 2010: 1)
E. Thinking Framework
1. Effect of certification Against Teacher
Performance Improvement
Teacher certification is a teaching certificate, in the
form of a letter given a procurement agency
education personnel accredited as a formal proof of
the feasibility of the teaching profession, and has the
ability to achieve national education goals, coupled
with increased prosperity decent and has fulfilled
requirements, namely, ( 1) academic qualifications,
(2) education and training, (3) teaching experience,
(4) the planning and implementation of learning, (5)
assessment by the employer, (6) academic
achievement, (7) professional development work, (8)
participation in scientific forums, (9) the experience
in the field of education and social organizations,
(10) the relevant awards in education.
Teacher certification, is a policy that is very
strategic, because the certification program has clear
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
objectives and benefiting. If the destination is a
teacher certification; (1) determining the eligibility
of teachers in performing the duties of a learning
agent and achieve national education goals, (2)
improve the process and quality of education, (3)
increase the dignity of teachers, and (4) improving
the professionalism of teachers. While the benefits
are teacher certification; (1) protect the teaching
profession from the practices that are not competent,
which can damage the image of the teaching
profession, (2) protect the public from practices of
the unqualified and unprofessional, and (3) improve
the welfare of teachers.
The quality of teachers through the certification
program as an effort to improve the competency of
teachers. The rationale is if the teacher has good
competence followed by a good income, it is
expected that the performance of teachers is
increasing. If the performance is good, the teaching
and learning activities (KBM) is also good.
Teaching and learning activities (KBM) Nice
expected to increase the competence of learners who
Based on the above frameworks, teacher
certification is thought to have a real impact on
teacher performance. So that teachers will be more
professional and capable of carrying out their
profession in accordance with the various demands
in carrying out its duties.
2. Effect of Motivation Work to Teacher’s
Performance Improvement
Motivation is the drive, needs or other driving forces
that cause people to do something. Every man has a
job to do motivation. Motivation can give direction
and purpose to human behavior. Motivation as a
state in a person that drives enable or moving and
directing or channeling behavior towards the goal.
While work is the act of doing something,
something that is done (done). Work is doing a deed
job as a sustainable business that is planned to
produce something of value or benefit to others.
Work motivation is the impetus of work both
from within and from outside of human beings to
behave in achieving the objectives in a series of
jobs. Work motivation is very important in order to
improve the performance of teachers to achieve
educational goals. Any work done by teachers in
addition to requiring the ability, also requires
motivation. Because the performance is the result of
interaction between the ability and motivation,
people who have high ability and high motivation to
work well it will produce a good performance.
People who have the ability but low motivation is
going to produce work that is low, as people who
have high motivation but low ability.
Based on the description said that, if the
higher work motivation of teachers, the more
powerful impetus arising to work harder and can
improve its performance. So, it can be said that the
teacher work motivation is a factor influencing the
increase in teacher performance. So, it is strongly
suspected that the motivation to work the teacher
can give a real impact on teacher performance.
3. Effect of Teacher Certification and Work
Motivation Against Teacher Performance
As discussed earlier, that the teacher certification
and teacher work motivation, alone believed to be
the variables necessary and crucial for improving the
performance of teachers.
Improved performance of teachers is done
through improving the quality of teachers. law
teachers and lecturers stated that the certification as
part of improving the competence of teachers and
increased welfare. Therefore, it is expected to pass
the certification of teachers can improve their
competence and become professional educators.
Teacher certification is a teaching certificate, in the
form of a letter given a procurement agency
education personnel accredited as a formal proof of
the feasibility of the teaching profession, and has the
ability to achieve national education goals, coupled
with increased prosperity eligible and have met the
requirements, namely, (1) academic qualifications,
(2) education and training, (3) teaching experience,
(4) the planning and implementation of learning, (5)
assessment by the employer, (6) academic
achievement, (7) professional development work, (8)
participation in scientific forums, (9) the experience
in the field of education and social organizations,
(10) the relevant awards in education.
Teacher certification, is a policy that is very
strategic, because the certification program has clear
objectives and benefiting. If the destination is a
teacher certification; (1) determining the eligibility
of teachers in performing the duties of a learning
agent danj achieve national education goals, (2)
improve the process and quality of education, (3)
increase the dignity of teachers, and (4) improving
the professionalism of teachers. While the benefits
are teacher certification; (1) protect the teaching
profession from the practices that are not competent,
which can damage the image of the teaching
profession, (2) protect the public from practices of
the unqualified and unprofessional, and (3) improve
the welfare of teachers.
Motivation is the drive, needs or other driving
forces that cause people to do something. Every man
has a job to do motivation. Motivation can give
direction and purpose to human behavior.
Motivation as a state in a person that drives enable
Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung
East Jakarta
or moving and directing or channeling behavior
towards the goal.
While work is the act of doing something,
something that is done (done). Work is doing a deed
job as a sustainable business that is planned to
produce something of value or benefit to others.
Work motivation is the impetus of work both from
within and from outside of human beings to behave
in achieving the objectives in a series of jobs.
Work motivation is very important in order to
improve the performance of teachers to achieve
educational goals. Any work done by teachers in
addition to requiring the ability, also requires
motivation. Because the performance is the result of
interaction between the ability and motivation,
people who have high ability and high motivation to
work well it will produce a good performance.
People who have the ability but low motivation is
going to produce work that is low, as people who
have high motivation but low ability.
Based on these descriptions, that in order to
produce learning effectiveness is essentially a
reflection of the effectiveness of the management of
the learning process carried out by the teacher, this
expectation must be supported by teachers who are
professionals in this case the teachers who have
received certification and have a high motivation to
work as a teacher, so it can be said if teachers who
have received certification and motivation have a
nice work, then eventually give assurances can
improve its performance as a teacher. Thus that,
certification and motivation of teachers is a factor
that determines the performance improvement of
teachers, either individually or jointly alleged to
have real influence on teacher performance.
F. Hypothesis
Based on a frame-thinking that has been presented, it
can be formulated hypothesis of the study as
1. a. There is no real effect between the teacher
certification teacher performance.
b. There is a real effect between the teacher
certification teacher performance.
2. a. There is no real effect between work
motivation of teachers on teacher performance.
b. There is a real effect between work motivation
of teachers the performance of teachers
3. a. There is no real effect between certification
and motivation employment of teachers on
teacher performance
b. There is a real effect between certification
and motivation of teachers on teacher
The research method used in this research is survey
method. According Sugiyono (2009: 11) the survey
method used to obtain data from a particular place is
natural (not artificial), but the researchers did
treatment in data collection. This research was
conducted to obtain data on the effect of teacher
certification and motivation of teachers to increase
teacher performance. This research is expected to
provide an overview, explaining about the influence
and to test the hypothesis of the study, and can
acquire meaning and implications of the issue-the
problem in this study. The constellation of the
problem is as follows:
Figure 1. The constellation between X
and Y
= Teacher Certification
= Motivation of teachers
Y = Performance of teachers
The picture above is a double paradigm with two
independent variables X
and X
and one
dependent variable Y. for influence premises Y and
by Y, using a simple correlation technique.
To find the relationship X
together towards Y
using double correlation.
3.1 Population and Sample
1. Population
Population is the subject of research (Arikunto,
2006: 130). Meanwhile, according Sugiyono (2009:
115) population is defined as the area generalization
which consists of object / subject that has certain
qualities and characteristics defined by the
researchers to learn and then draw conclusions.
The target population in this study are all
subject teachers in secondary schools Islam (SmaI)
PB Sudirman Cijantung which is under the auspices
of the Mosque Foundation Commander Soedirman
Cijantung East Jakarta, totaling 43 people. While the
affordability of the population in this study is all
teacher of secondary school subjects on Islam
(SmaI) PB Sudirman Cijantung numbered 30 people
who have passed the certification test.
2. Samples
Samples are partly or representative of the
population studied (Arikunto, 2006: 131).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Meanwhile, according Sugiyono (2009: 116) sample
is part of the number and characteristics possessed
by the population.
The sampling technique in this study using
saturated sampling. Sampling is saturated sampling
technique when all members of the population used
as a sample or if the population is less than 30
people (Sugiyono, 2009: 122). And, observed
sample as an object in this research is the subject
teachers at the secondary school level Islam (SmaI)
PB Sudirman Cijantung have passed the certification
test, starting from the year 2007 until the year 2012
amounted to 30 people. This amount was taken as a
sample. The method used in the decision as it is a
method sampel. Sampel census, where all members
of the population made
4.1 Description of Data
Description of data each variable includes a general
overview of the price or value of the arithmetic
mean (mean), standard deviation, mode, median, and
frequency distribution histogram with graphs.
Respectively for variable data descriptions
Certification, Teacher Work Motivation and teacher
performance are as follows:
1. Certifications
Data on certification of SMA Islam PB Sudirman
Cijantung East Jakarta by Likert scale questionnaire
results are as follows:
Highest Score Lowest Score = 145 = 71 Mean =
The standard deviation = 22 946 Mode = 119, 106
Median = 104,000
The frequency distribution of the certification of the
30 teachers, in general score is between 109-119
certification Or if presented by 20% while the
highest score is between 142-157 reached 3.3%.
The frequency distribution of the Certification
shown in Table 9 and Figure 2 below.
Table 1: Frequency Distribution Certification
No. classInterval Frequency Relativefrequency
76- 86
30 100%
2. Work motivation
Data on job motivation of teachers SMA Islam PB
Sudirman Cijantung East Jakarta by Likert scale
questionnaire results are as follows:
Highest Score Lowest Score = 147 = 71 Mean =
Standard deviation = 23.46543 mode = 119 Median
= 104.5000
The frequency distribution of the motivation to
work 30 Master SMA Islam PB Soedirman show, in
general score of motivation to work is between 74-
84, or if presented by 20% and 118-128 or if
presented by 20%, while the highest score is
between 140-150 achieved at 6.7%. The frequency
distribution of the Work Motivation Teacher shown
in table 10 and figure 3 below
Table 2: Frequency Distribution of Work Motivation
No. Class interval Frequency Relativefrequency
74- 84
96- 106
118- 128
140- 150
30 100%
3. Teacher performance
Data on teacher performance SMA Islam PB
Sudirman Cijantung East Jakarta by Likert scale
questionnaire results are as follows:
Highest Score Lowest Score = 147 = 71 Mean =
109.77 The standard deviation = 22 937 Mode = 119
Median = 113.0000
The frequency distribution of the performance of
teachers 30 Teachers SMA Islam PB Soedirman
show, in general, work motivation score is between
118-128, or if presented amounted to 26.7%, while
the highest score is between 140-150 reached 6.7%.
the frequency distribution of the Work Motivation
Teacher shown in table 11 and figure 4 below
Table 3: Frequency Distribution of Work Motivation
No. ClassInterval Frequency RelativeFrequency
74- 84
96- 106
118- 128
140- 150
30 100%
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
Before testing the hypothesis, first performed the
testing requirements analysis. Testing requirements
analysis include: testing sample normality.
Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung
East Jakarta
Normality Test Samples
Sample normality test done by Chi-squared. Testing
is done each score Certification (X
), teacher work
motivation score (X
) and the performance scores
of Teachers (Y).
Normality test is intended to determine whether
the symptoms to be examined which influence the
certification, and work motivation, teachers and
teacher performance samples had the same
symptoms of the total members of the population.
Further testing this hypothesis was tested by
statistical methods through a simple correlation and
regression testing of hypotheses one and two.
Correlation and multiple regression for hypothesis
three, with a significance level of 0.05.
1. Effect of certification on teacher
The first hypothesis proposed in this study as
a. There is no real influence among certified
teachers on teacher performance.
b. There is a real influence between teacher
certification to the performance of teachers.
Based on data collected on the variables X
and Y are then analyzed, shows that the regression
coefficient b of 0.828 so as to form the regression
model Y = 24 207 + 0.828 X
Based on the test results F, it turns out that the
linear regression model. This is evident from the
calculation of the F test shows that F
amounted to 61 074. This figure is smaller than F
of 4.20 (0.05: 1/28).
The dependence of the performance of teachers
(Y) on the certification of teachers (X
) is
expressed by the calculation that shows F
amounted to 61 074. F
at significant level (α =
0.05) of 4.20. It turns out that F
. This means
that the regression of Y on X
The strength of the influence of variables X
the variable Y is expressed by the correlation
coefficient of 0, 828. The correlation coefficient
significance test showed t
= 7815 bigger than t
1.701 at significant level. Coefficient of
determination Y to X
y of 0.686). This
means that 68.6% inclination (variance)
Certification determine teacher performance
(complete calculation in Appendix 7).
Meanwhile, if taken control of the other
independent variables (X
), then the partial
correlation X
(certification) to Y (the teacher's
performance) obtain partial correlation coefficient of
0, 828.
The level of significance of correlation between
and Y can be determined by comparing the price
of t
with t
based on data in the table
Table 4: Partial Correlation X
With Y
dk coefficient
t test
with Y
28 0.828 7815 1.701
According to the table above, we see that the price t
= 7815 is greater than t
= 1.701. Thus the
correlation between X
and Y is a highly significant
With the results of these calculations there is
apparently a real influence between the certification
of teachers on teacher performance. Thus the
performance of a high school teacher of Islam PB
Sudirman Cijantung can be increased, among other
things, the certification of teachers.
2. Effect of Work Motivation Teacher
Performance Against Teachers
The second hypothesis proposed in this study as
a. There is no real influence between work
motivation of teachers on teacher performance.
b. There is a real influence between work
motivation of teachers on teacher performance.
Based on the analysis of the variables X
Y b regression coefficient of 0.812 so as to form the
regression equation Y = 25 482 + 0,812 X
(Attachment 9).
To the degree of significance and regression
linearity test performed with Anova F following
Table 5 : Table of ANOVA Regression of Y on X
at α =
Regression 1 10521.504 10521.504 62 207 4.20
rest 28
4735.863 169 138
Total 29
Values obtained F
> F
, namely 62 207>
4.20 (1/28; 0.05), the regression of Y on X
significant (F table in attachment 10 pages).
It can be concluded that the regression equation
Y = 25 482 + 0, .812 X
is very significant. The
strength of the influence of variables X
with a
variable Y is expressed by the correlation = 0.830.
Based on the correlation coefficient t test means as
seen F
62 207 is greater than the F
4.20 at
the significance level. Coefficient of determination
Y to X
of 0, 690). This means 69% inclination
(variance) Teacher Performance determined by
teacher work motivation (complete calculation in
Appendix 9)
If done controlling the other independent
variables, the partial correlation between X
(teacher work motivation) to Y (the teacher's
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
performance) obtaining a correlation coefficient of
Furthermore, the significance test decorating X
* with Y (the performance of teachers to get the
correlation coefficient) obtained correlation
coefficient of 0.690
Degrees of significance correlation between X
and Y is done by comparing the price of t
with t price
. If the price of t
greater than t
, then the correlation between X
and Y means
that (significant), otherwise if the price t
smaller than t
, then the correlation between the
two variables were not significant.
Table 6: Partial Correlation X
With Y
t test
with Y
28 0, 830 7,887 1.701
According to the table above, we see that the price t
is 7,887. This figure is greater than the price of t
1.701 at the 0.05 level. This means that the
correlation between X
(teacher work motivation) to
Y (the teacher's performance) is the correlation
exhibited significantly.
Based on the analysis above, it can be
concluded that the hypothesis which says "There is a
real influence between work motivation of teachers
on teacher performance" unacceptable.
3. Multiple correlation between certification (X
) and Work Motivation Master (X
) with
the Teacher Performance
From the calculation results of multiple regression
with a significance level of α = 0.05 was obtained
multiple regression equation between Y on X
is Y = 30 672 -2 775 X
+ 3,525 X
To determine the degree of dependence of
Variable Y for variables X 1 and X 2, it is stated by
F test based on data contained in the following table.
Table 7: Table of ANOVA Regression of Y on X
and X
at α = 0.05
10609.164 5304.582 30 813 3.35
Rest 27
4648.203 172 156
Total 29 15257.367
From the table of analysis of variance (ANOVA)
above seemed priced F
was 30 813 is greater
than the F
3.35 at the level of 0.05 (0.05: 2/27).
Thus the equation is very significant. In other words,
the performance of teachers (Y) has a dependency to
certification (X
) and work motivation of teachers
Directions strong influence of variables X
with a variable Y is expressed from the
calculation of the plural correlation rx
y =
based on F test results, the correlation
coefficient was very meaningful F
30 813> F
at the level of 0.05 ( 0.05: 2/27).
In addition the results of partial correlation
analysis shows that the partial correlation between X
and Y with regard X
fixed (controlled) shows the
correlation coefficient rx
y at 0.828. and partial
correlation between X
by Y with regard X
(controlled) yielded a correlation coefficient rx
y of
0, 830.
Thus it turns out either individually or together
there is significant influence between certification
) and work motivation of teachers (X
) the
performance of teachers (Y). Partial correlation
coefficient of determination between X
and Y at
Coefficient of determination rx
0.695. That is jointly certification (X
) and work
motivation of teachers (X
) will affect the
performance of teachers (Y) of 0.695 x 100% =
69.5%. This means that 69.5% of teacher
performance SMA Islam PB Sudirman Cijantung
determined jointly certification and motivation of
4.3 Discussion
Based on the results of the third test the hypothesis
proposed in this study, all of them proved to be
acceptable. Thus the teacher certification have real
influence, either individually, or together and work
motivation of teachers on teacher performance.
Overall contribution gained 69.5%.
Their real influence of independent variables
namely certification (X
) and work motivation of
teachers (X
) with the dependent variable is the
performance of teachers (Y) and the effect can be
expressed as follows:
First, the results of regression analysis and
correlation between teacher certification (X
) with
the performance of teachers (Y), regression equation
is: Y = 24.207 + 0,828X
with the correlation
coefficient (r) = 0.828 at significant level α = 0.05.
Thus, the teacher certification can predict the
performance of teachers, these two variables are
positively correlated and very meaningful, which is
68.6%. Variance competence of a teacher can be
explained by the teacher certification. From the
research SMA Islam PB Sudirman teachers who
pass the certification from 2007 to 2012 totaling 30
people either passed through the portfolio and
through PLPG stage.
The findings show that the improved
performance of teachers, it should be noted and
Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung
East Jakarta
improved teacher certification, meaning that if
someone has a good teacher certification and trying
to improve it, it allows the teacher can improve its
Second, the results of regression analysis and
correlation between work motivation of teachers (X
) the performance of teachers (Y) regression
equation Y = 25.482 + 0.812 X
with a correlation
coefficient (r) = 0.830 at significance level α = 0.05.
Thus, the job motivation of teachers to predict
the performance of teachers. These two variables are
positively correlated and very meaningful, in which
69% of the variance of the teacher's performance can
be explained by the teacher work motivation.
The findings suggest that to improve the
performance of teachers, it should be noted and
improved job motivation of teachers, meaning that if
a teacher has a good motivation to work and try to
improve it, it allows the teacher can improve its
Third, the analysis results between teacher
certification (X
) and work motivation of teachers
) the performance of teachers (Y), regression
equation Y = 30.672 to 2.775 X
+ 3,525X
with a
correlation coefficient (r) = 0.834. Taken together
that components of the certification (X
) and work
motivation of teachers (X
) can be explained
together with these two variables.
These findings suggest that to improve the
performance of teachers, need to be considered and
improved teacher certification and motivation of
teachers are good and trying to improve it, then it is
likely that teachers can improve its performance.
Furthermore, the contribution of the two
independent variables showed the teacher
certification (0.69) compared to the same
contribution teacher work motivation (0.69) in
improving teacher performance.
Based on a description and a frame-thinking theories
proposed, the conclusions of this study are as
follows: on conclusion research, we found influence
positively the certification of teacher performance.
There are positive influence between work
motivation of teachers on teacher performance.
There are positive influence between certification
and motivation of teachers on teacher performance.
On conclusion Hypothesis Testing Results: The
first hypothesis testing results reveal that there is a
real effect between teacher certification (X
) with a
teacher's performance (Y). This is indicated by the
correlation coefficient of 0, 828 with the regression
equation Ŷ = 24.207 + 0.828 X
. Donations teacher
certification (X
) on the performance of teachers (
Y) is indicated by a coefficient of determination of
0.686 means that certification contributed 68.6% to
the performance of teachers. This means, that the
better the teacher certification, the better the
performance of teachers. And conversely, the
teacher is not certified, then the lower the
performance of teachers. Therefore, the certification
is one of the variables that need to be considered to
improve the performance of teachers. Certification
of teachers have a strong influence on teacher
performance, as shown by figures correlation
coefficient (ry
) 0,828.Dengan Thus, the
performance of teachers is determined by a certified
teacher. The findings could be used by teachers that
to improve the performance of teachers, then
teachers need to improve the results of teacher
certification, teacher certification so the better.
Improved results of the certification, by itself can
improve teacher performance.
Results of testing the second hypothesis states that
there is real influence between work motivation of
teachers (X
) the performance of teachers (Y),it is
shown by the correlation coefficient (ry
) of 0.830
with a regression equation Ŷ = 25.482 + 0.812 X
then obtained by 0.830. Donations of work
motivation of teachers (X
) the performance of
teachers (Y) is indicated by a coefficient of
determination of 0.690 means that motivation of
teachers to contribute = 69% on teacher
performance. This means that the better the work
motivation of teachers, the better the performance of
teachers. and vice versa, the teacher work motivation
is not good, then the lower the performance of
teachers. Therefore, motivated teacher work is one
of the variables that need to be considered to
improve the performance of teachers. Work
motivation of teachers have a strong influence on
teacher performance, as shown by figures correlation
coefficient (ry
) 0.830 with the effective
contribution of 69%. Thus, the teacher's
performance is determined by the teacher work
motivation, the findings can be used by teachers to
improve teacher performance that it needs to
increase the motivation of teachers so that the
teacher's performance is getting better. Increased
motivation of the teacher work, by itself can
improve teacher performance.
Results of testing the third hypothesis states that
there is a real effect between teacher certification (X
) and work motivation of teachers (X
) together on
teacher performance (Y), it is obtained from the
correlation coefficient r equal to 0.735 with
significance level 0, 05, multiple regression equation
Ŷ = 30672-2775 X
+ 3,525 X
.ini showed that two
independent variables, namely certification and
motivation of teachers have an impact on teacher
performance, in respect of both variables is shown
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
by the coefficient of determination (r
) = 0.695.
This means that the certification of teachers and
teachers' motivation to work together members of a
donation of 69 , 5 % on teacher performance. The
research result shows that the certification and
motivation of teachers working together have an
influence on teacher performance. This means, that
the better teacher certification and teacher
motivation to work well together, then the better the
performance guru.dan conversely, the lower the
teacher certification and motivation of teachers, the
lower the performance of teachers. Therefore,
certification and motivation of teachers are two
variables that need to be considered for the
performance of teachers, the findings can be utilized
by the teacher, that teacher certification and teacher
work motivation, will eventually be able to improve
the performance of teachers.
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Effect of Teacher Certification and Work Motivation against Teacher Performance: Surveys in High School Islam PB Soedirman Cijantung
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