The Mental Construction Model through Islamic Spirituality
Direction in Cipinang Penitentiary
Siti Rahmi
, Dedi Djubaedi
and Farhana
Islamic University of Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: mental, model, Islamic, spirituality, penitentiary, prisoners, Cipinang
Abstract: The purpose of punishment is to make people aware and also prevent to do the crime. The execution of
punishment for the perpetrator or criminal is imprisonment, not inhuman treatment. The punishment is a
guidance or personal development expecting they are able to improve themselves and build good morality
after finishing sentences. To achieve the target, well-planned program is the necessary, and one of the
program is an Islamic spiritual and mental construction. Improving the attitude and faith quality are the ideal
activities for the convict during running the term of imprisonment. The research was using the qualitative
and descriptive method by having study case approach. It was concerned on how the management of Islamic
spiritual and mental construction in Cipinang penitentiary. The result of the research showed the program in
Cipinang penitentiary is well-implemented. This program is demanded to have more various guidance
program, more directed and fascinating method related to the professional counselors. Teaching method is
necessary to make delivering process run well and smoothly.
Crime is connected to criminal sanctions, for people
who already did the crime, they are submitted to the
courts and take the acceptable punishment, related to
the provisions of applicable law.
An inhuman punishment is not supposed to be
applied for criminal, but coaching and guidance in
hope he can maintain, develop and build good moral
after having the guide. This is in line with the duties
and functions of the Messenger sent by Allah as
mentioned in one hadith: “Indeed, I was sent to
perfect noble character” Hadith from. Ahmad and
Tabrani from Abu Hurairah (Al Suyuthi, 1967).
In Law No. 12 of 1995 on Corrections in Article
1 No. 2 states that: the penitentiary system is an
institution focused on direction and limits and how
to coaching prisoner based on Pancasila related to in
an integrated manner among the coach, the fostered,
and communities in order to improve the personal
quality, realize the mistakes and return to God’s
way, so that he is appreaciated and accepted in his
community, can be actively involved in
development, and live as good and responsible
citizen. (Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
Affairs, 2001.5).
Correctional system is focused on careness,
guidance, education and counseling for inmates who
restore the relationships between inmates and
The protection is not only for ordinary people,
but criminal perpetrators is sheltered and given
guidance as a provision for later life after being
released from penitentiary. The other interesting
view is that;" Repentance is done by a guidance, not
torture." (Harsono, 1995.3).
Therefore inmates require intensive religious
guidance and direction. Religious formation has a
dual function, to fulfill the obligation as the religious
people, and a form of personal therapy related to the
norms of religion and life.
On the other hand, some of them are tend to
return to crime they used to do. Since they think
criminal is useless people, abandoned, and will not
be accepted by their society, the particular guidance
and counseling services are necessary for them.
Rahmi, S., Djubaedi, D. and Farhana, .
The Mental Construction Model through Islamic Spirituality Direction in Cipinang Penitentiary.
DOI: 10.5220/0009941822762282
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2276-2282
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
They are a group of people who really need the
program, therefore to let the prisoners return into a
real human as they used to be, and welcomed in
society, they require the directions, especially the
Islamic spirituality direction.
During this time the prisoners in Cipinang are
given Islamic spiritual direction, which is one type
of activities that is absolutely needed as a provision
for their faith. The purpose of religious guidance to
inmates is to make them understand and to
implement teaching of religion as the conditioning
lives, and also restore the confidence, to have hope
and a strong motivation to become a man that can be
beneficial for himself, families and society after the
sentence finished.
It may appear that the spiritual direction of Islam
is one type of activities that is extremely needed to
rebuild prisoner faith. Therefore, to make a further
understand how direction is implemented, the author
intends to conduct research as a thesis with title:
Spiritual Islamic Model in Cipinang Penitentiary.
2.1 Islamic Spirituality Direction
The definition of a direction presented as: "coaching
is a process of helping people through their own
efforts to find and develop the ability to obtain
personal happiness and social benefit." (Djumhur
and Surya, 1975.25). Guidance is a continuously
helping process from a supervisor to convict to
develop the potential optimally by using various
media and guidance technique through careness and
love to rebuild his confidence so that he can be
useful for himself and society. (Hallen, 2002.9).
In other way, the term of spiritual is the overall
name from the inner part of the human. Sayid Sabiq
in his Aqidatul Islamiyah said “Man can find,
remember, think, know, have a desire, chose and
love by having spiritual." (Zaini, 1975.11). Spiritual
human has the ability elements include; thought,
feeling, live and desire. The other is a potential
fundamental ability such as: "(1) to (hear), (2)
analyze (seeing with any devices or mind support),
and (3) live (heart or Af'idah, with the support of
heart with a sense)" (Faqih, 2001.26). According
Hallen (2002.35) through his Islamic Guidance book
and Counseling that: Islamic guidance is the process
of providing an ideal assistance, continuous, and
systematically. So they can have potential
development or religion in optimal way by
internalizing the values contained in the Qur'an and
hadiths of the Prophet into themselves, so they can
live in harmony and in accordance with the demands
of the Qur'an and hadiths. To develop the potency on
people’s body, Allah completes human with several
sense like hearing, sight and heart.
Thus Islamic spirituality direction is a counseling
process as one activity to convicts to take spiritual
abilities aligned by rules and instructions of God
(Allah), so they are able to achieve the happiness to
live in the world and hereafter.
Nevertheless, the purpose of spiritual direction
of Islam can be defined as "helping people to return
to be good human beings in aim to achieve
happiness of living in the world and hereafter."
(Faqih, 2001.35). The direction is to help convicts
“to adapt the condition such as personal feeling, a
lesson matter, a job, and to help people to be able to
direct themselves and achieving a good life."
(Hanna, 1978.55).
The purpose of direction and counseling is "the
process to cure any mental disorder or spiritual and
able to solve the problem by spiritual strength that
comes from the values of religious teaching that
have been implemented into life." (Arifin, 1982.39).
2.2 Islamic Spirituality Model
According to Sagala (2003. 176) in the book
Concept and Importance of Learning, the model
taught by Joyce and Weil is a description of the
learning environment that describes the planning of
curriculum, courses, teaching design and learning
units, school supplies, books lessons, workbooks,
multimedia programs, and learning support through
a computer program. The conclusion in the religious
direction to inmates can use various approaches in
accordance with the objectives, conditions of
inmates, environment, and also the coach cability
The Islamic Direction for Prisoners and
Detainees some religious direction include several
methods such as:
Lecture method.
Question and answer method.
Method discussion.
Methods demonstration.
The Mental Construction Model through Islamic Spirituality Direction in Cipinang Penitentiary
Method of providing duty.
Andragogy method.
Problem solving method.
Special method for short Islamic
From many methods, there are own strengths and
weaknesses from each of them. No guarantee that
one method is fit for a person. So taking various
methods in coaching process is applicable. Each
coach can select the approach and methods
appropriate to the purpose, objectives, the material
given and the environment as the teaching location.
Moreover, in accordance to the program
guidelines and Islamic education for inmates in
correctional Institute and State Prison the material
provided has been compiled into a curriculum
module. The attachments include General
Instructional objectives, subject, description of
materials and the number of sessions for each
subject. The subject matter is given as follows:
Qur'an and Hadith
Reading and writing the Qur'an
History of Islam
Introduction of Islamic studies
Formal counseling
These materials are given fundamentally.
However, the essential of material related to each
other in purpose to shape a personal good Muslims,
devout in worship and able to fix all mistakes and
return to God (heartily repentance).
Finally, implementation of Islamic spiritual
direction is designed to achieve the inmates as
Increase the knowledge and understanding of
religion, especially Islam.
Increase the spiritual soul.
Showing good character in daily life.
No violation into the religious life, society
and state.
Being a pious and patient man and running
their lives in a way blessed by Allah SWT.
2.3 Residents Patronage
The purpose of punishment is prevent people of
doing crime. Implementation of the penalties in
shape of confinement in a correctional institution.
Inmates are people who are undergoing the term
of punishments because of committing violations of
applicable law or based on judge's decisions.
Moreover, inmates are human beings, like other
human beings, simply for abuse they are sentenced
by a court decision that has obtained permanent
legal force. Inmates is an individual, also member of
community, accepted in society and integrated
(Soedjono, 1971.154).
The punishment is determined by type of crime
they have done. There are various penalties such as
the short term, long - term penalties, sentence to life
imprisonment and the death penalty. The severity of
the penalties is determined by the size or seriousness
of offenses under the applicable law. The
psychological condition of inmates is very labile and
sensitive depends on the environment they live on.
Inmates’ guidance system known as correctional,
became known in 1964 when the prison service
conference in Bandung on April 27th, 1964, "Dr.
Sahardjo SH shared the idea changes the purpose of
fostering inmates from the prison system to the
penitentiary system.”(Harsono, 1995. 3).
Problem of Islamic spiritual guidance include:
Correctional officer human resources:
Residents patronage
Elements coordination with related
Lastly, the expectation in future is that all
inmates who are Muslims can be get a spiritual
direction, such as: religious activities, Islamic moral
education, religious education and can celebrate the
religious holidays of Islam. This work is not easy to
implement due to get optimal results, the necessary
correctional officers were really professional and
have the educational background that corresponds to
the field. Coordination of relevant stakeholders such
as the Ministry of Religion, private organizations,
religious charities, boarding schools, religious
schools, as well as potential elements in society
needs to enhance the cooperation.
To achieve the optimal results in the implementation
of the program should be regulated carefully,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
effective and efficiently and involve all relevant
elements directly related to the implementation of
the guidance program.
Referring to the science management for the
objectives that we hope to achieve, then the steps as
outlined elements or management functions
supposed to be implemented.
Management taken for a correctional institution can
adopt management functions as general, namely:
Planning, Organizing, Executing, Coordinating and
Assessment (Sihombing, 2000. 58).
The purpose of this research is to find a model of
proper direction and in accordance with the inmates
in Cipinang Penitentiary and to determine the factors
that can be a support and obstacles to build the
quality of inmates who have followed the program.
In compiling this study, the authors use
descriptive analysis method with case study
approach that is based on data or achieved
information through Field Research and Library
Correctional Institution class 1 in Cipinang was
established by the Dutch government in 1918. At
first the Class I Cipinang Prison building stood on
land area of 12 hectares, and now it is just about 10
hectares with zone division namely Cipinang Prison,
Detention of Cipinang, Cipinang Hospital, and
Jakarta Narcotics Prison. Especially at Cipinang
Prison occupancy capacity is for 1789 people. It also
consists of 3 blocks, each block consists of 3 levels.
Each room blocks contains 1, 3, 9, 17 inmates.
Social conditions in the regional around Class I
Penitentiary is very heterogeneous, there are offices,
trade, housing residents, even street vendors. The
capacity of Class I Prison is about 1,789 people, who
are inhabited for 3657 people on December 1st,
Based on data of occupants number showed the
biggest case involved the theft, robbery and
narcotics that they are relatively in low education
levels. In general, people who are involved in this
case are the unemployment, idlers, immoral and less
in faith, so that if the counselors or coach are less-
active in teaching process, the inmates are passive
and indifferent as well.
The several penalties is determined on how bad
offense of law they did. In this case the inmates
expect to realize to return to be good citizen. So, it
can be reached by following the program during
running a sentence in prison.
On the other part, the employee of Class I
Cipinang Prison is about 470 people, with the
following compositions:
Employees of administration is 65 people
Employee safety Section is 312 people
Employees guidance section is 74 people
Employees section of working activity is 19
Security officers on guard are divided into 4
(four) platoons, the number of each platoon is for 61
people, plus four (4) teams officer porter, each team
consists of 3 people.
4.1 Implementation of the Islamic
Spirituality Direction
Direction to inmates in Cipinang penitentiary is
divided into three aspects of counseling, including
development of personality, fostering independence,
and development of assimilation and integration.
Islamic spiritual direction is one of the activities to
develop the awareness of religion for prisoners. The
direction is organized through a well- cooperation
between both the Islamic spiritual direction officers
and security guards in Cipinang Penitentiary.
So, before the Islamic spiritual direction officers
deliver the direction, the first step we supposed to do
is asking permission from the security officer on
every block to remove inmates out of their own cells
temporarily to follow the activities of Islamic
spiritual direction in accordance with a
predetermined time. And for the first permitting
application was submitted in the form of a letter
signed by the Head of the Guidance Section of the
community and known by the security unit of
Islamic spiritual direction in the shape of
boarding was applied in Cipinang penitentiary every
day. The direction is regularly held from 7 a.m. to
5:00 pm every day and held at Baiturrahman
mosques in the neighborhood of Cipinang Prison.
Meanwhile, especially on Friday, the penitentiary
The Mental Construction Model through Islamic Spirituality Direction in Cipinang Penitentiary
gives the direction shaped the ordinary lectures. The
services are provided regularly based on daily,
weekly, monthly activities, including incidental and
annual events such as Ramadan rituals.
4.2 The Role of the Islamic Spirituality
Based on the research results achieved from various
sources regarding the role of spiritual direction of
Islam in mental and moral development of inmates
can be identified by their presence of a guide,
particularly Islamic spiritual direction is so
beneficial for prisoners who follow the guidance.
Because the program train the inmates to control the
nervousness, anxiety and stress during running the
sentence. And also they can optimally develop their
personality based on their potency and able to do
adaptation around penitentiary.
Based on interviews with prisoner named
Jamaludin with lifelong detention period of
November 9, 2006 in the library of Baiturrahman
Mosque known that the motivation of inmates to
following the Islamic spirituality direction entirely
come from their own will, without any coercion
from outsiders. Islamic spiritual direction is
implemented without any element of force, resulting
a guidance activities that set up the democratic
cooperation between counselors and inmates.
Institution expects that during and after the
punishment finished, they are not doing repetitious
action anymore, apathetic or pessimistic. To avoid
unhealthy mentally of inmates some steps taken by
officers and Islamic spiritual advisers are doing the
various approaches. That approaches are made in
person or group.
So based on the author's observation, the spiritual
direction of Islam in Cipinang is implementing well,
so the religious activities are so beneficial in mental
and moral development.
One of the exertions that is made is to organize
all direction activities by welcoming resource
persons of community leaders. In aim to serve the
various and interesting direction.
Supporting factors for the success of Islamic
spiritual direction in Cipinang, as follows:
The cooperation with external parties in
the implementation of Islamic spiritual
Well- establishment program of Islamic
spiritual direction activity.
Welcome the religious leaders coming
from fellow- inmates
There is a mosque in every block and
Hard volition of prisoners to follow the
Islamic spiritual direction.
Families are able to give the moral and
material support and careness to inmates.
The inhibiting factors are below:
The absence of awareness and high
loyalty from all prisoners in Cipinang the
importance of Islamic spiritual direction.
Less traction from part of surrogate
agencies to urge citizens to follow the
Islamic spiritual direction.
Over capacity of the occupants 35%, this
can lead this activities become less
The presence of inmates are not
The unbalanced amount between Islamic
spiritual direction officers and occupants.
The difference in receiving the direction.
The inmates' economic factors.
Variations in their mood.
4.3 Islamic Spirituality Model
The strategy is used to make the program run
successfully is arranging the daily board of inmates
with direct guidance from prison officers. The
purpose is to make inmates can actively involve in
that activity and expect to be more independent and
responsible both while in prison and after.
Implementation of this program is not simply
through religious lectures, but it needs a planned
program, designed to achieve the goals and
objectives that is determined in effective and
efficient. Therefore, it is necessary to outline the
target material in detail and systematic way so that
each activity can be evaluated by the program for
further development.
The model taught by Joyce and Weil is a
description of the learning environment that
describes the planning of curriculum, courses, units
teaching and learning design, school supplies, books
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
lessons, books, workbooks, multimedia programs,
and computer learning support (Sagala, 2003. 176).
Joyce and Weil (2000) suggest four important
categories for teaching model, such as: the model of
information, personal model, interaction and
behavior model. According to the researcher said
that the models can be adopted and being
implemented to the Islamic spiritual direction.
The direction and preaching concept in wisdom
is intrinsically implemented and capable to create a
conducive environment for the process of
recognition, understanding and observation of
prisoners’ religion. Moreover, evaluation is also
intended to determine the objectives in the outline of
the achieving material and the success of all
Islamic spirituality direction also include related
facilities, and infrastructure that entirely is provided
by the prisons such as follows:
Health care facilities
Means of transportation
Sport and art
Means of worship
Means of legal education
Means of skills
Means skills are provided include: carpentry,
sewing, and welding room and workshop and
screening (clothes).
Discussion of various issues, the results of research
and analysis can be concluded as follows:
Spiritual direction based on Islamic sharia is
one activity that is absolutely given to
prisoners in Cipinang prison. The direction
role is not merely for mental and moral
development, but it is also added by religious
insight for prisoners by applying the
programmed activities, both routine and
incidental nature.
The presentation delivers a various materials.
They are included: monotheism, worship,
morals, fiqh, hadith, reading and writing
Qur'an, and other religious matters,
The direction model for inmates and
counselors are required to improve the
program to be more various, more focused,
integrated and interesting. The model in
correctional Institution is known as a Socio-
Religious theory. Socio-religious is defined as
a model that emphasizes the prisoners to be
welcomed in a society, improve the skills and
religious insight, so that they can be good
people in social life, independent and useful
for religion, nation and state.
Supporting factors in this activity is a
cooperation with the organization of Islamic
society, accompanied by cooperative
evidence from each respective religious
organization, the activities program is drafted
well, there is a help of religious leaders that
come from fellow prisoners, their prayer
room in each block and a library, a strong will
from prisoners to attend the program, getting
a support and attention from the family of
inmates both in moral and material.
The inhibiting factors to implement this
activity is all prisoners are a lack of
awareness and loyalty for following the
program continuously, lack of direction from
the officers to urge inmates to follow the
spiritual direction, over capacity of residents,
the unbalanced number among Islamic
spiritual direction counselors and inmates, the
difference, and factor in receiving the
direction, such as; economic factors of
prisoners, and their mood variability.
Direction is conducted by Islamic spiritual
builder in an attempt to nurture a mental
inmates besides providing materials, it is
directing prisoners to return to God’s way and
help inmates in solving the problem.
Moral development is intended to give them
the second chance to become good citizens
and religious people.
So Islamic spiritual direction is potential in
fostering mental and moral inmates who is
followed the direction with expect the
implementation is successful.
The Mental Construction Model through Islamic Spirituality Direction in Cipinang Penitentiary
We would like to thank Aries Susanto for his
valuable comments and directions during the writing
process of this manuscript.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation