The Role of Entrepreneurship in Increasing Income for the
Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic
Diyah Yuli Sugiarti
, Ramdani Murdiana
, Rita Aryani
and Nurdelima Waruwu
Universitas Islam 45, Cut Mutia Raya Street, Bekasi, Indonesia
Ibn Haldun University, Ulubatlı Hasan Street, Istanbul, Turkey
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Raya Hankam Street, Bekasi, Indonesia
Islamic State Syarif Hidayatullah University, Ir. H. Djuanda Street, Tangerang, Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Income, Operational Costs of Enforcement, Islamic Boarding School.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of entrepreneurship in increasing the income for the Operational Costs
of Enforcement Islamic Boarding School Sulaimaniyah in Turkey. This research uses a qualitative approach
with descriptive narrative methods. Data is taken from document analysis, servations and interviews with
leaders, staffs, teachers and student in Islamic boarding school Sulaimaniyah. This Islamic boarding school
is an institution that harmonizes education, life skill, social, entrepreneurship, proselytizing and religion. It
was founded by for the Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic Boarding School Sulaimaniyah in Turkey.
Now this Islamic boarding school has spread in 130 countries with 7,000 branches. Their centre is in Istanbul.
In carrying out its operational activities this Islamic boarding school cannot be separated from the support of
donors and the role of entrepreneurship. Various businesses are run as a form of independence.
Entrepreneurial management carried out professionally generates income for the operational costs of
enforcement education in the Islamic Boarding School Sulaimaniyah in Turkey. Then their success in
entrepreneurship is able to help the financing of branches boarding schools in various countries.
As an education system that grows and
develops in society, Islamic boarding school
education institutions is used as a foundation and
hope to be an educational model as another variation
and even could be used as an alternative in the
development of society in order to address the
challenges of urbanization and development
problems today. Therefore, the boarding school with
its function must be in the midst of human, that make
possible for Islamic boarding school education
institution to provide basics knowledge of both the
aqeedah and shari'ah problem in every development
in society. The knowledge taught in Islamic boarding
schools are able to provide foundation for religion
insight that because basically Islamic boarding
schools educate students with the knowledge of Islam
so that the students will grow with Islamic character,
faithful and live according to the rule of Allah the
Almighty creator, they will have deep knowledge of
Islam and behave according to their religious
The economy of developed nation will bring
prosperity to its people, this statement should
encourage people to keep developing their
entrepreneurship. This also gives a signal to an
institution to be active in entrepreneurship in order to
be able to improve its welfare. Both education and
non-education institution can actively play role in
developing entrepreneurship.
Da'wah education institutions or better known
as Islamic boarding schools which were once only
identical with the preaching activities and were not
familiar with the terms entrepreneurship and
technology. It used to very common for students who
study in Islamic boarding school institution. But as
the technology and the society haved changed the
Islamic boarding schools also have improved their
roles in the society. It is globalization era where
development of technology could not be stopped, the
rapid and significant development of technology such
as the improvement of mobile phone users,
notebooks, laptops, the internet, and so on. This helps
people understand more about technology and follow
the development of its.
Sugiarti, D., Murdiana, R., Aryani, R. and Waruwu, N.
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Increasing Income for the Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic.
DOI: 10.5220/0009940922102217
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2210-2217
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The technology that used to be only for
communication media, now become multifunctional.
These days, sophisticated technology can be used as
an entrepreneurial medium. Therefore, Islamic
boarding schools institution welcome the
development of sophisticated technology, because it
can facilitate and accelerate the pace of education in
obtaining students by using technology as a medium
for promotion and communication. Salafi scholars
have said "take something new while it's good, and
don't leave the old ones that are still relevant to use".
In this case the Islamic Boarding School can develop
entrepreneurship for economic progress in order to
support the rate of prosperity for all students,
teachers, employees and the entire academic
community. However, this does not eliminate the
habit of existing activities in Islamic boarding schools
in general, such as study religion, recitation and other
activities that aim to build Islamic character of
The objective Islamic boarding school is not
only the studetns will be good at Islamic knowledge
and preaching, but also good at entrepreneurship in
order to prepare them to be back to thier society,
religious knowledge as a provision for the afterlife
and safeguarding their Islamic character while
entrepreneurship educates students to become
independent individually, these two things will
always be go hand in hand to make disciples and
success in the world and the hereafter.
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School is a
boarding school that harmonizes education, lifeskill,
social, entrepreneurship, da'wah and religion which
has been initiated since 1936, has spread in 130
countries with 7,000 branches based in Istanbul,
Turkey. The institution under the Sulaimaniyah
Foundation was established by Sheikh Sulaiman
Hilmi Tunahan (1988-1959), one of the descendants
of the Messenger of Allah. In carrying out educational
operational activities, these educational institutions
are inseparable from the support of donors and the
role of entrepreneurship which is carried out as a form
of institution’s independence to finance educational
operational activities in all existing branches.
2.1 Understanding Pesantren
Pesantren or Islamic boarding schools are the
oldest traditional Islamic education institutions in
Indonesia. According to experts, this educational
institution existed before Islam came to Indonesia.
Therefore, the name comes from two different foreign
languages. Pondok comes from the word Funduq
which means place of stay or dormitory, while the
boarding school with the prefix pe- and end-is,
derived from the word santri (student), tamil
language which means the claimant of knowledge or
interpreted as a teacher of recitation.
According to Nurkholis Madjid, in terms of
history, the language of the pesantren is not only
identical with the meaning of Islam, but also contains
the meaning of Indonesian authenticity. Because an
institution similar to this pesantren has actually
existed since the time of Hindu-Buddhist rule, so
Islam only continues and Islamizes existing
educational institutions. While the khalafi or modern
pesantren are pesantren which continue to preserve
the main elements of the pesantren and add modern
elements which are characterized by classical systems
or schools and the existence of general science
material in the curriculum content, thus modern
pesantren is a renewed pesantren education certain to
be adapted to the school system.
Islamic boarding school in the implementation
of education in the form of dormitory which is a
special community under the leadership of clerics and
assisted by clerics who live together with santri with
mosques as the centre of teaching and learning
activities, as well as huts or dormitories as a place of
residence for students and life is creative, like one
family. Islamic boarding schools are a form of Islamic
education institutionalized in Indonesia. In their
development, revealed the existence of a qualified
Islamic education institution, in which schools were
established, both formally and non-formally, even
now pesantren have a new trend in order to renew the
system that has been used, namely:
Start to be familiar with modern activity
More oriented towards functional education,
meaning that it is open to developments
outside of itself.
Diversification of programs and activities
more open and absolute dependence with the
clerics and at the same time can equip students
with a variety of knowledge outside of
religious subjects, as well as skills needed in
employment. It can be function as a
community development centre.
2.2 Pesantren Goals
The purpose of the Islamic Boarding School
According to Muhaimin is divided into two, namely:
Specific purpose
Preparing students to become pious people in
the science of religion that taught by the kyai
(teacher’s call in Islam) and practice it in
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Increasing Income for the Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic
General purpose
Guiding students to become human beings
with Islamic personality who are capable of
becoming Islamic scholars in their local
communities through their knowledge and
2.3 Characteristics of Islamic Boarding
The existence of Islamic boarding schools and
the community are two sides that cannot be separated,
because they influence each other. Most pesantren
develop from community support, and simply the
emergence or establishment of pesantren is an
initiative of the community both individually and
collectively. Likewise, social change in society is the
dynamics of Islamic boarding school activities in
education and society. Based on the conditions of
pesantren in such a way, the concept of pesantren is a
reflection of people's thinking in educating and
making social changes to society. A clear impact is
that there has been a change in the orientation of
pesantren activities in accordance to the development
of the community. Thus, the boarding school
becomes an educational institution engaged in social
education. Even further than that the pesantren is the
concept of social education in Muslim communities
in the village and in the city.
Basically, the boarding school will not be
separated from the 5 components, namely kyai, there
are huts, the existence of mosques, the existence of
students and the existence of yellow book teaching.
And if there is an institution that develops and has 5
components, it will change its status to a boarding
school. While the type of boarding school proposed
by Kafrawi was cited by Ahmad Tafsir. Whereas the
type of Islamic boarding school proposed by Kafrawi
which was quoted by Ahmad interpretation tried to
identify pesantren into 4 patterns, namely:
Pattern 1: Islamic boarding schools have activity
units and elements in the form of mosques and
kyai houses.
Pattern 2: Same as pattern 1 plus the existence of
lodgings for students.
Pattern 3: Same as pattern 2 plus madrasas. There
has been a classical study.
Pattern 4: Same as pattern 3 plus units of skills such
as livestock, handicrafts, business unit, fields and
The dimensions of the educational system
activities carried out by the pesantren lead to a main
target, namely change, both individually and
collectively. Therefore, Islamic boarding schools can
also be said to be agents of change, meaning Islamic
boarding schools as religious education institutions
that are capable of making changes to society.
2.4 Definition of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship refers to nature, character,
and characteristics inherent in individuals who have a
strong will to realize and develop their creative and
innovative ideas into valuable activities.
Entrepreneurial souls and attitudes are not only
owned by entrepreneurs but also everyone who thinks
creatively and acts innovatively. Entrepreneurship is
a creative and innovative ability that is used as a basis,
tips, and resources to seek and utilize opportunities to
The term entrepreneurship comes from the
word entrepreneur (Francis language) which is
translated into English with the meaning of a taker or
go-between (Ministry of National Education
Republic of Indonesia, 2007: 9). According to
Suparman Sumohamijaya (2003), the term
entrepreneurship is the same as the term entrepreneur.
Entrepreneur means courage, virtue and courage in
meeting the needs and solving the problems of life
with the strength that is in itself (Munandar, 2006).
According to Raymond (1987) quoted by the
Education Administration Lecturer Team, the
Indonesian Education University believes that
entrepreneurship is the process of creating something
new or innovation in order to obtain individual wealth
or wealth and gain added value for the community
(Indonesian Education University Lecturer Team,
2009: 354). The welfare or added value of the
community as the goal of entrepreneurship is carried
out through the disclosure of new ideas, extracting
resources, and realizing that idea into a profitable
In fact, the definition of entrepreneurship
changes according to the period of time, meaning that
there is no definitive definition of entrepreneurship.
Some say that entrepreneurship is seeking and
promoting a combination of new production factors,
and some say that entrepreneurship is a reduction of
efficiency organizations or activities to identify
markets opportunities for entrepreneurship is a new
organizational building.
Soul, entrepreneurial attitudes and behavior
have the following characteristics: (1) full of
confidence, with indicators full of confidence,
optimistic, disciplined, committed and responsible;
(2) has initiative, with indicators full of energy, deft
in acting and active; (3) having a motive for
achievement with results-oriented and forward-
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
looking indicators; (4) having a dreaming spirit with
indicators daring to be different, trustworthy and
strong in acting; and (5) dare to take risks with full
The axiom underlying the entrepreneurial
process is the challenge to think creatively and act
innovatively so that the challenges are overcome and
solved. Entrepreneurial creative and innovative ideas
are not a few that begin with a process of imitation
and duplication, then develop into a development
process and lead to the process of creating something
new, different and meaningful. This stage of creating
something new, different and meaningful is what is
called the entrepreneurial stage.
According to the Hakim, there were four
elements that formed the right and noble
entrepreneurial pattern, namely: (1) mental attitude,
(2) leadership, (3) management and (4) skills. Thus,
entrepreneurs must have certain characteristics or
characteristics so that they can be called
entrepreneurs. In general, an entrepreneur needs to
have the characteristics of self-confidence, task-
oriented and results, dare to take risks, have a
leadership spirit, originality and future-oriented
(Hakim, 1998: 34).
Entrepreneurial characteristics involve three
dimensions, namely innovation, risk taking and
proactivity. Innovative nature refers to the
development of unique products, services or
processes that include conscious efforts to create
specific goals, focusing changes on the
socioeconomic potential of the organization based on
individual creativity and intuition. Risk taking refers
to active willingness to pursue opportunities.
Whereas the proactive dimension refers to the
assertive nature and the continuous implementation
of market opportunity search techniques and
experimenting to change the environment.
From the definition above it can be concluded
that entrepreneurship is an attitude or ability to make
or create something new that is valuable and
beneficial for himself and others.
2.5 Pesantren Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship in the context of Islamic
boarding schools is a decision maker that helps the
formation of an institution's activity system that is
free from the attachments of other institutions. Most
of the drivers of change, innovation, and progress in
the dynamics of activities at pesantren will come from
kiai who have an entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs
are people who have the energy and desire to engage
in innovative adventures. Entrepreneurs also have the
willingness to accept personal responsibility in
realizing their chosen desires.
An entrepreneur has high innovation power,
which in the process of innovation shows the ways
that are better at doing work. In relation to the work
of kiai, most of them are not aware of the diversity of
their actions in order to advance the pesantren.
Achieving excellence in planning is the ideal in
pursuing goals, but not realistic goals for most
entrepreneurial principals. For realistic scholars,
acceptable results are more important than perfect
results. Everyone including creative and innovative
scholars is unique and specific individuals.
Kiai who have an entrepreneurial spirit
generally have certain goals and expectations that are
outlined in a realistic vision, mission, goals and
strategic plan. Realistic means the goal is adjusted to
the supporting resources they have. The clearer the
goals set the greater the chance to be able to achieve
them. Thus, scholars who are entrepreneurial must
have clear and measurable goals in developing their
pesantren. To find out whether these goals can be
achieved, the vision, mission, goals, and objectives
are developed into more detailed and measurable
indicators for each aspect or dimension. From these
indicators can also be developed into programs and
sub-programs that make it easier to implement in the
development of Islamic boarding schools.
Being an entrepreneur means having the
chance to find and evaluate opportunities, gather the
resources needed and act to benefit from those
opportunities. They dare to take calculated risks and
like challenges with moderate risks. Entrepreneurs
believe and are firm in their ability to make the right
decisions. This decision-making ability is a
characteristic of entrepreneurs.
Confidence are translated into the character
of independence, individuality, and optimism.
Characteristics of the need for achievement include
profit-oriented character, perseverance and fortitude,
determination and hard work, great motivation,
energetic and initiative. Being a leader means being
able to get along with others (subordinates), respond
to suggestions and criticisms, be innovative, flexible,
have lots of resources, are versatile and know a lot. In
addition, entrepreneurs have a forward-looking and
advanced perspective.
Islamic boarding school is not only a religious
education institution to create generations of Islamic
character, but at the same time is able to prove itself
as an economic institution for the welfare of students
and the wider community. This step has been proven
by the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School in
Turkey. Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School is a
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Increasing Income for the Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic
boarding school that harmonizes education, lifeskill,
social, entrepreneurship, da'wah and religion which
has been pioneered since 1936, has spread in 130
countries with 7,000 branches based in Istanbul,
The Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School
succeeded in developing the concept of
entrepreneurship in running its educational
The purpose of this study is to be useful as a
reference for private education institutions to
continue to exist and develop in the era of
globalization. The research methodology uses a
qualitative approach. The researcher observed
carefully the object of the study to obtain data about
this research, the researcher went directly to the field.
The presence of researchers in this study acted as a
key instrument that directly involved themselves in
the lives of subjects in the research time that
researchers have determined to obtain data in
accordance with the characteristics of qualitative
Data collection used observation techniques that
were carried out according to certain procedures and
rules so that the researcher can repeat them again and
the observations provided space for scientific
interpretation. In addition, researchers analyzed with
deductive analysis that described events that were
general in nature and then collect them with special
4.1 Enterpreneurship of the Sulaimaniyah
Islamic Boarding School
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School
entrepreneurship develops its economy by opening
travel for Hajj and Umrah, restaurants, magazines,
ice cream, fresh meat, bookstores, non-governmental
organizations and hospitals as a form of pesantren's
concern to build pesantren independence economic.
This is proven by the efforts made by Sulaimaniyah
Islamic Boarding School to support the welfare of
students and their academic community. Besides that
it can also help to accelerate the construction of
Islamic boarding schools.
Figure 1: Entrepreneurship Belongs to the Sulaimaniyah
Islamic Boarding School.
4.2 The Role of Pesantren in Economic
Pesantren as "Agent of Change" Pesantren is a
community of civilizations. Pesantren alumni are
accustomed to be adapting to the outside world,
starting to engage in the world of education, politics,
social-culture, entrepreneurship and so forth. The
existence of pesantren in the midst of society has a
very strategic meaning, especially if the pesantren has
a general education institution (formal education).
Islamic boarding schools that are rooted in society,
they have power in generating spirit and enthusiasm
the community to achieve progress towards more
prosperous life.
In facing the era of globalization that has an
impact on various changes, community need support
from every element of the society include pesantren,
especially in the economic and socio-cultural fields,
and also need to pay attention that Pesantren
movement in appreciating the globalization and
modernization that is becoming stronger these days.
The flow of globalization and modernization is a
transformation process that cannot be avoided,
therefore all community groups including the
pesantren community must be ready to face it and
need to respond its impacts openly and critically.
Because Pesantren has a strong characteristic in
the soul of the community because they teach
foundations of religion and tradition that make
Pesantren have the power to be resistant toward
negative cultural influences from outside. Islamic
boarding schools are considered as a stronghold of
basic values in society towards foreign cultural
intervention. That is the source of interconnection
between pesantren and its community and it is
reflected in strong traditional and cultural ties and
forms a functional relationship pattern and mutual
complement between the two.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Islamic boarding schools have a clear social
base, because their existence is integrated with
society. In general, Pesantren live from, by and for the
community. This requires the role and function of
Islamic boarding schools that are in line with the
situation and conditions of the people, nation and
state that are constantly developing. And some others
as a community, pesantren can play a role as a driving
force for efforts to improve community welfare.
Considering that pesantren is a large enough social
force. In general, the accumulation of values and
spiritual life in pesantren is basically a deepening
institution and mastery of religious science, namely
by preserving the teachings of Islam and
implementing it in the socio-cultural context. To
transform pesantren’s role in community
empowerment, certain institutions need special steps
to carry out in producing students as "agents of
change" who are sensitive to the flow of
modernization and socio-cultural problems.
The biggest challenge in facing globalization and
modernization is the empowerment of human
resources (HR) and the economy. In life, there has
been transformation in all aspects, especially social
and cultural, which is very fast and fundamental in all
aspects of human life. These changes require strong,
efficient mental attitudes, life productivity and
community roles. Quality and strong human
resources are able to anticipate the changes that occur
and overcome the problem with it. HR
development will naturally occur as a result of the
interaction between economic growth, socio-cultural
changes, and including the depth of practice of
religious teachings and religious values and the
development of modernization and technology.
Improving the quality of human resources and
economic growth must be directed by strong
personality, ethics and spirituality.
That cause balance between worldliness and
religion. In other words, pesantren must be able to
contribute to the realization of people who are
IMTAQ (faithful and devoted), people that are
knowledgeable and charitable and also modern,
humanist and sensitive to social reality. And that is in
accordance with the rules "al muhafadotu 'ala
qodimish sholih wal akhdu bi jadidil ashlah"
(maintaining good old things and taking new things
better). There are several strategic steps that need to
be carried out namely; science, entrepreneurial spirit,
work ethic and independence.
Knowledge, in this case religious knowledge and
general knowledge. The teachings of religion are the
basis of spiritual values to remain firm in carrying out
religious teachings. General scientific knowledge
keeps developing all the times every human being
must be able to follow it. And HR is the key to human
civilization itself.
So, it is necessary to live in harmony in modernity
by remaining faithful to religious teachings.
Entrepreneurial spirit, entrepreneurial ethos is
used to develop and motivate people in carrying out
economic activities. Its movements are to develop the
nation's entrepreneurship, especially from the Islamic
boarding school area and the community. And it can
create entrepreneurs who are able to compete in the
local to international markets. Islamic boarding
schools can produce entrepreneurs from small and
medium to big businesses.
Work ethic and independence, in the society,
work culture is not yet suitable for modern life.
Pesantren starts with its own environment that could
inspires the community to build work culture
according to demands of modern life. Modern culture
requires a person to be independent, to be able to
handle challenges and intense competition. Modern
life force everyone to have certain competencies in
order to compete and to be dignified in the midst of
Figure 2: SWOT Analysis of Sulaimaniyah Islamic
Boarding School
4.3 SWOT Analysis of Sulaimaniyah
Islamic Boarding School
SWOT analysis for business activities unit at
the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School, as
The business unit of the Sulaimaniyah
Islamic Boarding School is very effective
because each unit business is located in
densely populated and strategic area, it makes
it easy to promote products.
Some of the weakness of the business
activities unit of the Sulaimaniyah Islamic
Boarding School that the number of businesses
The Role of Entrepreneurship in Increasing Income for the Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic
engaged in the same field so that competition
in marketing products is becoming more
stringent and competitive.
The activity of business unit of
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School which
located in the city centre provide great
opportunities, innovative places and very
crowded consumers. the place is also
accessible by any kind of transport.
Challenges faced by entrepreneurship at
the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School,
including; threat of imitation products from
outside parties, competition from previously
well-known brands and challenges in finding
experts in their fields.
Transformation of knowledge carried out at
the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School itself
emphasizes efficiency in terms of delivery, the right
method in providing science materials. The
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School itself has
more capacity for intervention in the community as
an agent of change development. Starting from the
issue of environmental governance to the realm of the
social system, the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding
School has accepted by the community. Da'wah
carried out by the Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding
School is Top and Bottom pattern. The measure is the
partnership established by the boarding school with
various elements in fulfilling the vision and mission
of the Islamic boarding school.
In general, it can be described that the
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School Education
Institution has succeeded in developing
entrepreneurship and managing various fields of
business units. This is a real effort from the
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School leaders in
applying entrepreneurial values in managing their
educational institutions such as the ability to see
opportunities, courage and be responsible for the
efforts carried out, as well as utilizing the potential
possessed by the pesantren (Sulaimaniyah Islamic
Boarding School) to become economic activities to
make profits that can use to support the existence of
pesantren. In addition, the business units of the
Sulaimaniyah Islamic Boarding School have
expanded widely, not only in the surrounding
environment but they have grown in 130 countries.
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The Role of Entrepreneurship in Increasing Income for the Operational Costs of Enforcement Islamic