Protection Model and Fulfillment of Patient Rights on the
Implementation of Informed Consent in Indonesia
and Arif Rohman
Law Faculty, University of Borneo Tarakan, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Keyword: Model, Protection, Patient Rights, Informed consent
Abstract: Due to the cases that occur related to the practice of medicine, the law contributes in providing solutions for
both physicians and patients as consumers of health, although medicine has a code of professional ethics as
the basis of doctors in carrying out their work. This study focuses on, how judges assess the express consent
on the implementation of informed consent and secondly, how the model of protection and fulfillment of
patient rights in the implementation of informed consent in Indonesia. The research method used is normative
legal research, based on health law and the health minister’s regulation as the main benchmark in analyzing.
The results of the discussion illustrate that, the main point of doctors and health workers in carrying out their
duties is the implementation of concrete agreements both written and oral. Second, the model for protecting
patient rights in law enforcement is applying reverse evidence to doctors as defendants of malpractice in
relation to the fulfillment of informed consent. From several cases, it appears that the judge’s decision is not
fundamental to informed consent, but tends to the negligence aspect of the doctor or medical personnel use to
Article 359 of the Criminal Code.
The existence of a medical code-ethics is one of the
non-penal efforts for medical profession in carrying
out medical practice. The effort shows that the
protection of professions is very important that based
on science (Faden & Beauchamp, 1986). This is not
sufficient for society as well as health consumers,
thus it needs a regulation to be a legal device as a
legitimacy for patients to fulfil their basic needs.
Eventually, the existence of the health law and several
health minister regulations not only affect the
community as consumers of health services, but also
a strong legal basis for the implementation of medical
practice. Notwithstanding, there are still violations
committed by doctors and medical personnel, both
based on mistakes and negligence, so that it gives
negative impact to the patient (Muhammad, 2004).
Some cases were entered the realm of law and
handled by courts related to medical malpractice are
Judgment Number 46 K / Pdt / 2006, Judgement
Number 90 / Pid.B / 2011 / PN.MDO and Judgement
Number 1110 K / Pid.Sus / 2012. Some of these cases
are representatives of the implementation of health
law enforcement in Indonesia. Meantime, 2
investigations of this research, namely how is the
judge assesses the express consent on the
implementation of informed consent and how is the
model of protection and fulfillment of patient rights
in the implementation of informed consent in
Indonesia (Teguh, 1992).
The importance of this research is to find out the
model of legal protection for patients in the
framework of implementing informed consent in
Indonesia (Budianto, 2012).
The study reviewed is a study with document study
categories, namely court decision analysis on medical
malpractice based on the judge's decision text
(Budianto, 2012). To achieve the desired results, the
way is done is to construct a case, identify the parties
to the conflict, sit down the case, the parties'
arguments, the judge's judgment and the decision.
Syafruddin, . and Rohman, A.
Protection Model and Fulfillment of Patient Rights on the Implementation of Informed Consent in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009939520852092
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2085-2092
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
3.1 Judge Appraisal of the Expressed
Consent on Implementation of
Informed Consent
Basically, law enforcement contains: (1) legal
material (regulations / legislation); (2) law
enforcement officers (judges, prosecutors, police,
lawyers and correctional institutions); (3) legal
facilities and infrastructure and (4) legal culture. The
process of law enforcement itself is closer to the
general adage, which is like a currency that has 2
(two) sides. Whereas between quality instruments and
legal instruments must not prioritize one thing in line
with the concept of the legal mind (justice) (Emanuel,
The process of law enforcement actually does not
occur at the application / law enforcement stage, but
can be started at the formulation stage (the law-
making stage). Meanwhile, law enforcement is an
effort to bring ideas and concepts into reality. Law
enforcement is a process to realize legal desires into
reality. Legal desires are the thoughts of the
legislature that are formulated in legal regulations
(Afandi, 2009).
Regarding law enforcement in the settlement of
criminal cases, there is an invalidity of the principle
of legality, even though, the principle of legality is
recognized as a fundamental principle by countries
which is using criminal law as a media of countering
crimes, but the enactment is not absolutely, in the
sense, the actor can equate an act that has occurred as
a criminal offense and can be punished as long as such
acts are contrary to written law which in international
criminal law is called the principles of general law
that recognized by nations (Jaya & Serikat, 2004).
To facilitate on understanding of the judge's
assessment of the Expressed Consent, several cases
are described as follows (Satjipto, 2009):
a. Judgement-number; 90 / PID.B / 2011 / PN.MDO
This case is a criminal act due to negligence that
caused the death of someone, Siska Makatei (Article
359 of the Criminal Code Jo. Article 361 of the
Criminal Code, Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st
Criminal Code. Defendant from Dr. Dewa Ayu
Sasiary Prawani (Defendant I), Dr. Hendry
Simanjuntak (Defendant II) and Dr. Hendy Siagian
(Defendant III) and Plaintiff of the Public Prosecutor.
At the Manado District Court Number 90 / PID.B /
2011 / PN.MDO dated September 22, 2011 the
complete amendments are as follows: 1. Declare
Defendant I Dr. Dewa Ayu Sasiary Prawani,
Defendant II Dr. Hendry Simanjuntak and Defendant
III dr. Hendy Siagian, was not proven legally and
convincingly guilty of committing a crime in the First
Primary and Subsidies indictment, Second Indictment
and Third Primary and Subsidiary’s indictment. The
primary indictment charged to the Defendants
violates Article 359 of the Criminal Code Jis Article
361 of the Criminal Code Jo article 55 paragraph (1)
to the Criminal Code which is a weighting article of
the article charged in the first subsidiary charge which
violates Article 359 of the Criminal Code Jo Article
55 paragraph (1 ) to the 1st Penal Code of Jis, the
acquittal of the defendants from the first primary
indictment is violating Article 359 of the Criminal
Code. Article 361 of the Criminal Code Jo Article 55
paragraph (1) to the Criminal Code, then the
Defendants must also be released from the first
subsidiary charges, namely violating Article 359 of
the Criminal Code Jo Article 55 paragraph (1) to the
Criminal Code. Release Defendant I, Defendant II
and Defendant III therefore of all charges, and
Recover the rights of the Defendants in their abilities,
position and dignity.
Furthermore, at the level of appeal at the Supreme
Court based on Decision Number 365 K / Pid / 2012,
stated that the Defendants were respectively Dr.
Dewa Ayu Sasiary Prawani (defendant I), dr. Hendry
Simanjuntak (defendant II) and dr. Hendy Siagian
(defendant III), was proven legally and convincingly,
was guilty of criminal acts as referred to in article 359
of the Criminal Code in conjunction with article 55
paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code, sentenced the
defendants, respectively. Dewa Ayu Sasiary Prawani
(defendant I), dr. Hendry Simanjuntak (defendant II)
and dr. Hendy Siagian (defendant III), with
imprisonment for 10 (ten) months, with consideration
of the judge, namely:
Judex Fact misappropriates the law, because it
does not properly consider juridically relevant
matters, namely based on the results of
medical records Number 041969 which has
been read by expert witnesses dr. Erwin
Gidion Kristanto that when the victim entered
the General Hospital (General Hospital) Prof.
R. D. Kandou Manado, the general condition
of the victim is weak and the victim's status is
The Defendants before carrying out the cito
section cesarean operation against the victim
were carried out, the defendants without
conveying to the victim's family the possibility
that could occur to the victim;
The actions of the defendants carried out an
operation against the victim Siska Makatey
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
which then occurred an air embolism that
entered the right ventricle of the heart which
prevented blood from entering the lungs and
then failed lung function and subsequently
resulted in heart failure;
The actions of the defendants have a causal
relationship with the death of the victim Siska
Makatey according to the Certificate from the
General Hospital Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou
Manado Number 61 / VER / IKF / FK / K / VI
/ 2010, dated April 26, 2010. Based on the
review returned to the Supreme Court in the
Judgment Review No. 79
PK / PID / 2013, dr. Ayu and friends were released
from the indictment. Decision of the judicial review
chaired by Mohammad Saleh and consisting of Prof.
Surya Jaya, Syarifuddin, Margono, Maruap Pasaribu.
However, this decision was not taken unanimously.
One member of the assembly, Prof. Surya Jaya, gave
a dissenting opinion. Ridwan cited the consideration
of the decision that the applicant reviewed again did
not violate the Standard Operating Procedure in
dealing with caesarian cito surgery. The Judicial
Review considers the judex factie (district court)
consideration to be correct and correct. "Ordering that
the convict be expelled from the correctional facility
and restore the good name of the convicts in the
verdict. The decision handed down against Dr. Ayu et
al, both the first level, appeal, and cassation were to
do negligence. The acts of the Defendants as
regulated and threatened with Article 76 of the
Republic of Indonesia Law Number 29 of 2004
concerning Medical Practices Jo. Article 55
paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code, it is fulfilling
other inter-elements. The element of “person” is a
personal pronoun, which is usually used in each
formulation of the articles of a criminal act from the
relevant legislation or in other words can also be
interpreted as the subject of the offender. The offense
subject was Defendant I Dr. Dewa Ayu Sasiary
Prawani, defendant II dr. Hendry Simanjuntak and
defendant III dr. Hendry Siagian where the identity of
Defendant I, Defendant II and Defendant III.
2. The element “due to his/her error becomes caused
of the death of another person”
At the time before the cito section cesarean
operation against the victim was carried out the
defendants had never told the family about the worst
possibilities including death that could have occurred
to the victim if the cito section surgery was carried
out on the victim and the defendants as doctors who
carried out the cito surgery section sesaria on the
victim does not conduct investigations such as chest
photorontgen heart examination and other
investigations, etc. Hence, this is the negligence of
In medical action carried out by Dr. Ayu there are
several things, namely:
Julia was declared in an emergency at 6:30
p.m., even though it should have been declared
an emergency since she was hospitalized in the
Some of the medical actions of Ayu and her
colleagues were not included in the medical
Ayu did not know the infusion and the type of
infusion drug given to the victim.
Although Ayu assigned Hendy to inform the
patient and his family of the action plan,
Hendy did not do it. He instead handed over
the approval sheet of the action that Julia had
signed to Ayu, but it turned out that the
signature on it was fake.
There is no good coordination in Ayu's team
when taking medical action.
There is no preparation if the victim suddenly
experiences an emergency.
Some of the court decisions above are related to
informed consent which has implications for medical
malpractice on medical action, in patient relations and
doctors / health personnel. The position of the patient
in a condition that is very weak, helpless, and does
not get legal protection, specifically the Health Act,
the Law on Health Workers, the Medical Practice
Law, and the Law on Hospitals, clearly places the
patient in the object that needs care, so there is no
legal gap to claim their rights, related to procedural
errors, permanent disability and disability, even death
due to medical action. Here, the informed consent that
is the basis for approval in medical action has been
Sanctions contained in the legislation in the health
sector itself do not appear to be strict, because the
judge refers more to the provisions in the Criminal
Code article on negligence. Judges should be able to
refer to the informed consent arrangement in the
Minister of Health Regulation No. 290 / MENKES /
PER / III / 2008 concerning Approval of Medical
Actions, even though this regulation is the
implementation of Article 45 of the Medical Practice
law. All parties involved in the allegation of medical
malpractice always ignore the provisions in this
However, in the Judicial Review of the Supreme
Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 76 PK /
Pid / 2013, on behalf of defendants Dewa Ayu Sasiary
Protection Model and Fulfillment of Patient Rights on the Implementation of Informed Consent in Indonesia
Prawani, Hendry Simanjuntak and Hendy Siagian,
the Supreme Court declared and ruled that the
convicted were not proven legally and convincingly
guilty committing a criminal act that is charged,
therefore the panel of judges at the Judicial level
cancels the Supreme Court Decision Number: 365 K
/ Pid / 2012 dated 18 September 2012 which cancels
the Manado District Court Decision Number: 90 /
Pid.B / 2011 / PN.MDO.
The above case shows that aspects of informed
consent are ignored by doctors. This can be proven in
the form of the signature of the victim in the special
action approval letter and the surgical and anesthetic
approval submitted by Dr. Hendy Siagian to be signed
by the victim is different from the signature of the
victim who is in the Identity Card (KTP) and the
Askes Card. Then after being examined by the
Makassar Branch Forensic Laboratory and based on
the results of the Criminal Laboratories examination
on June 9, 2010 NO. LAB: 509 / DTF / 2011 Criminal
Laboratory stated that the signature on behalf of Siska
Makatey aka Julia Fransiska Makatey on the
document was an autograph signature / "Spurious
From this evidence, the aspect of informed
consent and the existence of therapeutic transactions
are the basis for a doctor to take medical action. With
the ignored aspects of informed consent and
terepeutik transactions, the criminal law teachings are
included in negligence on medical action. To be able
to get a doctor, a doctor who performs a medical
action without being preceded by the informed
consent aspect and the related transaction, the
authorized party must be able to prove it. Without the
aspect of informed consent in a medical action, it can
enter the element of error in accordance with Article
359 of the Criminal Code.
Juridically, the binding basis of the Regulation of
the Minister of Health No. 290 / MENKES / PER / III
/ 2008 for which there are no sanctions against
ignorance of informed consent is detrimental to the
patient. In medical action, patients and doctors /
health workers should be in a balanced position,
namely the legal relationship between patients and
doctors / health workers is contractual with each other
in the law. This must be understood in medical action,
so that actions that are suspected to be malpractice of
medicine to patients can be avoided. Keep in mind
that approval in medical action that contains high risk
must obtain written approval signed by the right of
consent. Whereas if a medical action that is not at risk
can be given with verbal consent. Essence of approval
from informed consent in medical action between
patient and doctor / health worker.
For this reason, informed consent by looking at
the facts of the court decision which is allegedly
malpractice conducted by medicine can be
minimized, by placing an informed consent
arrangement for everyone's rights (Kansil, 1991). By
placing informed consent as a right inherent in a
person, whether patient, doctor / health worker, a
balanced relationship pattern will be maintained,
parallel to each other. Appreciation of patient rights
by placing informed consent rights on patients' rights
that must be respected, respected, and given strict
sanctions if not done (Sudra & Pujihastuti, 2016).
This places informed consent on the pillar of the
essence of the recognition of the right to health for
everyone. There has been a fundamental change in the
informed consent perspective in the health sector as
part of the patient's rights that are protected, valued,
and safeguarded for the benefit of all, as well as
improving health status in Indonesia (Mulyo, 2006).
3.2 Model of Protection and
Fulfillment of Informed Consent in
Building a concept in the form of a law enforcement
model related to informed consent, the Decision
Number 46 K / Pdt / 2006 must first be elaborated.
The Siloam Gleneagles Hospital malpractice case on
circumcision without the consent of the patient. In
this case the Plaintiff is Abraham Lodewyk Phaseary,
residing in the Binong Permai Blok EE 11/13
Housing, Curug Tangerang, and the Defendant is
PT.Siloam Healthcare, cq. Siloam Gleneagles
Karawaci Hospital, having its address at Jalan Siloam
Number 6 Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang consisting of
dr. Rudi Hartanto, dr. Nanda Romli, dr. Rizal s.
Pohan. In consideration before total anesthesia is
carried out, the Plaintiff gives oral and written
approval by signing an informed consent letter
offered by the nurse only to undergo surgical removal
of the pen above the left ankle which will be carried
out by Defendant IV as a bone surgeon.
Before the total anesthesia was carried out, the
Plaintiff had never discussed, never requested, and
never gave oral or written approval for circumcise
surgery (circumcision surgery on the penis) against
the Plaintiff in Defendant I by Defendant II,
Defendant III, Defendant IV. Because the Plaintiff as
an Ambonese Protestant Christian has never had the
intention and plan to be circumcised by anyone,
anywhere and anytime.
After the Plaintiff gave oral and written approval
by signing the informed consent referred to in point 3
above, then Defendant III as the anesthetist carried
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
out a total anesthesia of the Plaintiff, so that due to the
total anesthesia the Plaintiff lost consciousness and
did not remember anything else; Whereas when the
Plaintiff was unconscious and did not remember
anything due to the general anesthesia of item 5
above, in addition to the operation of pen extraction
in the ankles carried out by Defendant IV as a bone
surgeon, it turned out that Defendant II had carried
out invasive actions ( medical which can directly
affect the integrity of body tissue) illegally against the
Plaintiff, which is to perform circumcise surgery
(circumcision surgery on the penis) against the
Plaintiff's penis without giving an explanation to the
Plaintiff, and without written or oral approval from
the Plaintiff to the Defendants, both before and after
the circumcise operation, the Defendant II's action
was known and approved by Defendant I, Defendant
III and Defendant IV.
The act of circumcise operation without the
consent of the Plaintiff committed in Defendant I by
Defendant II which was known and approved by
Defendant I, Defendant III and Defendant IV has
been proven and recognized by Defendant I in Letter
Number 093 / RSSG / CS / XII / 98, dated 8
December 1998, which in essence Defendant I
acknowledged and apologized for having carried out
a circumcise surgery without the consent of the
Plaintiff; Whereas the actions of circumcise
operations without the approval of the
aforementioned Plaintiff have violated Article 2
paragraph (1), (2) and (3) of the Minister of Health
Regulation Rl Number 585 / Men.Kes / Per / IX /
1989 concerning Approval of Medical Measures. The
agreement based on Article 8 paragraph (1)
Regulation of the Minister of Health Rl Number 585
/ Men.Kes / Per / IX / 1989 must be given by adult
patients (Plaintiff) in a conscious and mentally
healthy condition. The act of circumcise surgery
without the approval of the Plaintiff also violated the
Code of Ethics of the Indonesian Hospital
(KODERSI) Article 2, Article 9, Article 10 and
Article 11, Chapter III of the Hospital Obligations
Against Patients.
In addition to the actions of circumcise operations
carried out illegally by the Defendants without the
consent of the Plaintiff, it turned out that Defendant I
was also not willing to provide a copy of the
Plaintiff's medical record requested by and be the
right of the Plaintiff based on Article 10 paragraph (2)
and Article 14 Minister of Health Regulation Rl
Number 749A / Men. Kes / Per / XII / 1989, regarding
medical records / medical records, where medical
records / medical records are required by the Plaintiff
in the interests of basic health maintenance and
treatment of the Plaintiff, as well as material for
verification in lawsuits.
Article 55 of Law Number 32 of 1992 concerning
Health regulates that: Every person has the right to
compensation due to errors or negligence committed
by health personnel Explanation of Article 55 of Law
Number 32 of 1992 concerning Health expressly and
clearly regulates that "The granting of rights to
compensation is a efforts to provide protection for
every person for a consequence, whether physical or
non-physical due to errors or negligence of health
personnel ". This protection is very important because
due to negligence or error it may cause death or cause
permanent disability.
He actions of the Defendants who have carried out
circumcise operations without the Plaintiff's approval
and are not willing to provide a copy of the Plaintiff's
medical/ medical record which is the right of the
Plaintiff, is an unlawful act as referred to in Article
1365 BW which has caused a very large loss to the
material good Plaintiff/ physical or immaterial/ non-
physical. The plaintiff in person and through the
previous attorney, has repeatedly asked for
accountability and demanded compensation, but there
was no response and there was no good faith from the
Defendants, to compensate the Plaintiff.
The Tangerang District Court has taken the
decision, namely Number 221 / PDT.G / 2004 /
PN.TNG. dated March 3, 2005, the arguments are as
follows: IN THE EXCEPTION, the Defendant's
Exception cannot be accepted; in the principal case
(1) Refusing the Plaintiff's claim for the whole; and
(2) To sentence the Plaintiff to pay court fees in the
amount of Rp. 514,000 (five hundred and fourteen
thousand rupiahs). Then in an attempt to appeal, the
Plaintiff's District Court verdict was confirmed by the
Banten High Court with the decision Number 54 / Pdt
/ 2005 / PT. Banten, dated September 1, 2005.
Subsequently based on a special power of attorney
dated March 16, 2005 an application for an appeal
was filed orally on October 26, 2005 as evident from
the cassation deed No. 221 / Pdt.G / 2004 / PN.TNG,
made by the Court Clerk Negeri Tangerang, an
application accompanied by a memorandum of
cassation containing the reasons received at the
Registrar's Office of the District Court on November
9, 2005.
It was seen that throughout the evidentiary event,
the Plaintiff did not prove the act of general
anesthesia or the failure of local anesthesia by
Defendant III against the Plaintiff, according to the
Panel the assessment of this case which became the
starting point of the problem was the verification of
the new anesthesia action then there would be a truth
Protection Model and Fulfillment of Patient Rights on the Implementation of Informed Consent in Indonesia
assessment whether or not the permit granted by the
Plaintiff to Defendant III. Based on the denial
evidence from the Defendant in fact the Plaintiff did
not succeed in proving his claim, in which case the
Defendant III did not carry out general anesthesia but
local anesthesia.
The Judex Facti does not at all consider the fact
that the Cassation Appellant during medical
treatment, when anesthetized by the Cassation
Defendant III or while in the operating room, is a
patient in a helpless condition who entrusts himself to
the Cassation Defendants in full. All parties other
than the Cassation Appellant at that time were only
Cassation Respondents and nurses working for the
Cassation I Respondent so that all information from
the Cassation Defendants and existing documents
were made unilaterally by the Cassation Defendants.
Whereas the legal fact that occurs is that the
Cassation Petitioner is unconscious, even before
entering the operating room, so that it is not possible
for the Cassation Appellant to know whether any of
the Cassation Defendants really explained that they
would carry out the circumcise action, let alone to
give consent to circumcise actions that will be carried
out by the Cassation Defendants; So it is very unfair
and impossible to prove Judex Facti's legal
considerations which essentially argue that the
Cassation Appellant must prove that the Cassation
Appellant has been totally sedated.
Instead it was the Cassation Defendants who were
supposed to prove that the Cassation Appellant in a
conscious and fully understood condition would be
carried out by the circumcise action. For this reason,
the Cassation Defendants should prove their
argument by providing a Medical Record / Medical
Record of the Cassation Applicant requested by and
become the right of the Cassation Appellant, thus
violating Article 10 paragraph (2) and Article 14 of
the Minister of Health Regulation Number 749A /
Men.Kes / Per / XII / 1989, concerning Medical
Decision of the Supreme Court on March 15,
1972, Number 549K / Sip / 1971, stated: "Based on
jurisprudence, the Judge is free to give the burden of
proof, more precisely if the evidence is charged to
those who are better able to prove it". This is in
accordance with the theory put forward by R. Subekti,
the Judge should be able to share the burden of proof,
in the last level emphasizing the consideration of
justice R Subekti, 2001). Instead it must be
maintained not to let the Judge order proof of
something negative.
If the Judge absolutely follows these rules, namely
that the one who argues is burdened with proof, then
the author believes that it will cause a burden of proof
that is biased for him. Thus in the end it will not reach
a good goal or outcome, because on one side it is told
to prove something negative” (Teguh Samudera,
The Civil Law Renewal states that the judge who
is aware of the meaning of his position will not forget
that in dividing the burden of proof, he must act
honestly and sportsmanship, will not impose on a
party to prove things that cannot be proven. So, it is
wrong and contrary to the law of Judex Facti
consideration which states that the Cassation
Appellant cannot prove the existence of an act of
general anesthesia against the Cassation Applicant
because the Cassation Defendants should prove
otherwise by submitting a medical record / medical
record of the Cassation Appellant, which the
Respondents did not Cassation. Likewise, regarding
the granting of permits to carry out circumcise actions
that have never been conducted by the Cassation
Appellant, so what happens after the Cassation
Appellant is sedated is beyond the knowledge and
awareness of the Cassation Appellant (Teguh
Samudra, 1992).
Judex Facti has been mistaken in applying the law
and violating the applicable legal rules (schending
van het recht) by making a consideration: "that the
Defendant I is not available to provide a medical
record / medical record copy to the Plaintiff in the
opinion that the Assembly is given or not given a
medical record copy also does not cause Defendant I
to exist or not to commit unlawful acts in connection
with the Plaintiff's objection to the medical
record/medical record's actions"; "Circumcise action
is a medical action while not giving a copy of a
medical record is an administrative action, therefore
the objection or problem is not an act that qualifies as
an unlawful act in the sense of civilization"; Judgment
of Judex Facti has violated the law because Article 10
paragraph (2) Regulation of the Minister of Health Rl
Number 749A/ Men.Kes /Per / XII /1989, regarding
medical records / medical records explicitly regulates
that: "Fill in the patient's medical record. Medical
records can be used as: a. Basic health care and
treatment of patients; b. Material of evidence in law
cases, c. Material for purposes research and education
and d) the basis for payment of health service fees,
materials for preparing health statistics.
It turned out that the Cassation Defendant I was
not willing to provide a copy of the medical record /
medical record of the Cassation Applicant requested
by and be the right of the Cassation Applicant based
on and Article 14. Therefore it is not excessive if the
Cassation Appellant argued that the Petitioners'
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Cassation filed to provide a medical record / medical
record is to conceal the actual facts considering that
the medical record contains all records and
documents which include, among other things,
examination, treatment, actions and other services to
the Cassation Appellant while receiving medical
services from the Cassation Defendants, who cannot
/ are prohibited to be deleted, as regulated Article 6 of
the Regulation of the Minister of Health No.
749A/Men.Kes/Per/XII/1989, as follows:
Correction of error of note is made on the
wrong writing and given initial by the officer
Abolition of writing in any way is not
permissible "; Then the Judex Facti
considerations which state that a copy of a
medical record is an administrative action are
therefore erroneous because the objection or
problem is not an act that qualifies as an
unlawful act in the sense of civilization,
because it is clearly regulated in the above
provisions that medical records are documents
that are very important for the basic interests
of maintaining the health and treatment of the
Cassation Appellant, as well as for evidence in
legal proceedings.
Errors or omissions of the Cassation Defendants
are strictly a violation of the law, namely:
The previous Cassation Appellant had never
received an explanation, information from the
Cassation Defendants regarding circumcise
actions violating Article 2 paragraph (3) and
(4) Regulation of the Minister of Health Rl
Number 585 / Men.Kes / Per / IX / 1989
concerning Medical Agreements;
The Cassation Appellant never gives consent
or permission in any form, to anyone to be
carried out circumcise action against the
Cassation Applicant violating Article 2
paragraph (1) and (2) Regulation of the
Minister of Health Rl Number 585 / Men.Kes
/ Per/ IX/1989 concerning Approval Medical;
Until the Cassation Appellant is injected with
drugs, the Cassation Appellant is never given
an explanation and also gives approval for
circumcise action, which has been
acknowledged by the Cassation Defendants. If
it is true that quod non, the arguments of the
Cassation Defendants that there has been an
explanation and approval of the Cassation
Appellant before the circumcise, explanation
and approval actions for circumcise actions
are given under conditions of anesthesia or
unconscious, violating Article 8 paragraph (1)
of the Regulation of the Minister of Health Rl
Number 585 /Men.Kes/Per/IX/1989
concerning Medical Agreements;
Doctors who carry out surgical / surgical
medical procedures (Respondent Cassation II)
have never provided any explanation or
information, while it is stipulated that
information must be given by the doctor who
will perform the operation violates Article 6
paragraph (1) of the Regulation of the Minister
of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 585 / Men .Kes / Per / IX / 1989
concerning Medical Agreements;
The Cassation Defendant III knew that there
was no approval from the Cassation Appellant
but still allowed the Cassation Defendant II to
circulate the Cassation Applicant in violation
of Article 12 paragraph (1) of the Regulation
of the Minister of Health Rl Number 585 /
Men.Kes / Per / IX / 1989 concerning Medical
The Cassation Defendant I is also not willing
to provide a copy of the medical record /
medical record of the Cassation Applicant
requested by and becomes the right of the
Cassation Appellant and can prove the
unlawful conduct of the circumcise act
without permission to violate Article 10
paragraph (2) and Article 14 of the Minister of
Health Regulation Number 749A / Men.Kes /
Per / XII / 1989, regarding medical records /
medical records.
Thus, it becomes clear and clear that the Court of
Appeal has been mistaken by taking over the
consideration of the District Court which violated the
law and therefore the appeal petition of the Cassation
Appellant on this matter was considered reasonable
enough to be granted. So that the decision of the
Banten High Court, dated September 1, 2005 Number
54/Pdt/2005/ PT. Banten and Tangerang District
Court Decision March 3, 2005 Number, 221/ PDT.G
/2004/PN.TNG. must be canceled.
Considering, that for these reasons the Supreme
Court is of the opinion, objections cannot be justified
because the High Court ruling that upholds the
District Court's ruling has been correct and correct,
that is not wrong in applying the law, objection
regarding an award-proof evaluation of an the fact
cannot be considered in the examination at the
cassation level, because the examination at the
cassation level only relates to not being implemented
Protection Model and Fulfillment of Patient Rights on the Implementation of Informed Consent in Indonesia
or there is an error in the implementation of the law
(Rahardjo, 2003).
Informed consent is the main door of doctors /
medical personnel in carrying out their duties, so the
role of informed consent is very important. From
several cases it was found that the informed consent
influence was made the main basis by the judge in
assessing the causality of an act. Approval in medical
actions that contain high risks must obtain written
approval signed by the right of consent (P. R.
Indonesia, 2004). Whereas if a medical action that is
not at risk can be given with verbal consent. Essence
of approval from informed consent in medical action
between patient and doctor / health worker.
The model of protection and fulfillment of patient
rights at the level of law enforcement (the court) is to
apply the principle of inverse evidence to doctors /
medical personnel, because it is more effective and
open opportunities for patients to obtain justice. Keep
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation