Modern Exegesis of Dhâllun in Indonesia: A Case Study on Evie
Effendi’s Controversy
Faris Maulana Akbar
and Kusmana
Graduate School, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Indonesia
Keyword: Polemic, al-Dhuâ: 7, social media
Abstract: This study discusses the case of the viral video of Evie Effendi’s talk show. In his talk show he argued that
the prophet Muhammad had been astray. His opinion was based on his understanding of the word ‘dhâll’ in
Sura al-Dhuâ verse 7. It is interesting to discuss further how his opinion was reacted by the public. By
using descriptive analytical methods, this study answers how the problems occurred and turned out to be a
controversy. This study finds that the use of the word ‘sesat’ as a translation of the word ‘dhâll’ is not new
because the debate on the meaning of ‘dhâll’ in Sura al-Dhuâ verse 7 has occurred since classic period.
Another, the study finds that it is understandable if Evie received harsh criticism from the public since the
interpretation of the Qur’an requires high requirements to meet before one could interpret it.
On August 8, 2018 a viral video was taken of a
talk show delivered by Evie Effendi on social media.
In his talk show Evie interpreted the word ‘dhâll’ in
the Sura al-Dhuâ verse 7 with the meaning of
‘sesat’. Based on this meaning, he said that the
prophet Muhammad had gone astray. He also stated
that commemorating ‘maulid’ (the Prophet’s
birthday) was commemorating his error. (M. Alvin
Nur Choironi, 2018)
The presence of Evie’s video was in the spotlight
and received serious reactions from the Muslim
community in the social media community. Most of
them wanted him to clarify his talk. They also asked
him to apologize to Muslims for alleged abuse of the
Prophet Muhammad.
On the evening of August 8, Evie Effendi
clarified and apologized for his oversight. He
claimed misinterpretation and reasoned that he was
tired when was giving a preaching. That reason
caused him to interpret the word ‘dhâll’ literally as
‘sesat’. In fact, he did not mean to say the prophet
Muhammad was misguided. (Choironi, 2018)
In the 9
of August 2018, the video of Evie’s
clarification was spread fast. His case became a
polemic in Muslim communities. Starting from the
illusion world, in the 11t
of August the case ran into
the reality world by reporting Evie to the police. He
was reported and accused on insulting religion. In
fact, people claimed his case seriously more than
Ahok’s case. (Redaksi Mojok, 2018) By that report,
the police invited him to confirm. (Jawa Pos, 2018)
The polemic of Evie’s talk show on dhâll
meaning is closed to interpretation studies. Hence, in
this study, the researchers were interested to know
further the case. In addition, this study also tries to
construct an academic construction of the case as an
attempt to clarify it.
The term tafsir refers to Quranic studies which
means “an explanation of the purpose of the words
of God according to human abilities”. Tafsir is the
result of a truly sincere and repetitive effort from the
interpreter to draw and find the meanings of the
verse of the Qur’an in accordance with the ability
and tendency of the interpreter. (M. Quraish Shihab,
Sura al-Dhuâ is the 93
of the Qur’an which
consists of 11 verses. This Sura is among the
Makkiya Sura. The context of the nuzul was as
consolation for the Prophet after he did not receive it
for a while, and as a rejection over the accusation of
the idolaters of Mecca who said that Allah had
abandoned His Prophet. (A.A. Dahlan and M. Zakia
Alfarisi, 2000)
Akbar, F. and Kusmana, .
Modern Exegesis of Dhâllun in Indonesia: A Case Study on Evie Effendi’s Controversy.
DOI: 10.5220/0009938219841991
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1984-1991
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The term ‘social media’ refers to online media
where users can easily participate, share and create
content including blogs, social nerworks, wikis,
forums and virtual worlds. The term refers to the
definition given by Andreas Kaplan and Michael
Haenlein. They said that social media is a group of
internet-based applications that build on the basis of
Web 2.0 ideology and technology and which allows
the creation and exchange of user-generated-
content. (Anang Sugeng Cahyono, 2016)
The term ‘ustadz medsos’ refers to preachers
who preach through social media and are popular
among social media users. Usually ‘ustadz medsos’
has thousands of followers. His da’wah is done
online and will switch to face to face when his
popularity increases. This popularity can be
measured by how many followers, likes, and posts
that are shared. (Syahirul Alim, 2017)
This qualitative research focuses on the reaction
over Evie Effendi’s viral video case. Its main data
depend on Evie Effendi’s video talk show and social
media users’ response to it. Supporting data is taken
from several media in the form of news,
interpretation articles, or public opinion. All data
will be presented descriptive-analytically, in order to
describe the case comprehensively. (Lext J.
Moleong, 2016)
In this study, the authors divide the study into three
stages, borrowing Jujun S. Suriasumantri’ scheme of
analysis. (Jujun S. Suriasumantri, 1996) The first is
ontology which describes data and facts related to
the profile of Evie Effendi and the interpretation of
the word ‘dhâll’ in the Sura al-Dhuâ verse 7. The
second is epistemic which reviews the pattern of
Evie’s case and aligns it with similar case. The third
is axiological which finds solutions to the problem
4.1 Evie Effendi’s Profile
Evie Effendi is a preacher who was born in
Bandung on January 19, 1976. He has a wife and
three children. He routinely hosts the program at
“Mutiara Pagi Hits Radio 103.9 FM Bandung”. He
was also the speaker at “Damai Indonesiaku” on TV
One West Java bureau. He also participated as
preacher at the program “Islam Itu Indah” on Trans
TV. (Muhammad Nurdin, 2017)
Evie had been a thief before preaching. In 2000
when he was 24 years old, he even spent three
months in jail for injuring his friend’s stomach using
a cutter. When he was in prison, he repented and
emigrated. (Baban Gandapurnama, 2017)
After leaving prison Evie, who only graduated
from junior high school, continued to study religion.
He also began to dare to spread Islamic knowledge
to his friends. He diligently visited studies and
recitation in mosques. He admitted to studying
religion and learning Islam independently by reading
books and magazines, watching youtube videos,
lecturing tapes, then comparing them. He did not
learn from one teacher. He claimed his teacher were
the Messenger of Allah and his companions. (Anwar
Siswadi and Heru Triyono, 2018)
Evie’s eccentric fashion style and slang style of
speech makes him accepted among teenagers and
youth. (Asep Triana and Siddik Sembada Eka
Saputra, 2018) By carrying out the ‘Hijrah Youth
Movement’ he is able to embrace young people,
criminals, drug addicts and motorcycle gang leaders
in Bandung who want to emigrate (hijrah). The
movement is intensively implemented through social
media. (Gandapurnama, 2017)
4.2 Tafsir Dhâll Sura al-Dhuâ Verse 7
The following is the result of the search of the
authors from several books of classical to
contemporary interpretations:
No Name Book Tafsir
1 Ibnu
‘Abbâs (d.
78 H)
Tafsîr Ibn
Be among
the heretics
2 Al-abarî
(d. 310 H)
Jâmi’ al-
Bayân fî
Ta’wîl al-
Be among
the heretics
3 Al-abrânî
(d. 360 H)
Tafsîr al-
matters and
Modern Exegesis of Dhâllun in Indonesia: A Case Study on Evie Effendi’s Controversy
4 Al-
(d. 373 H)
Bar al-
holy books
and an
invitation to
5 Al-Qushairî
(d. 465 H)
Laâif al-
Lost on the
hill roads in
6 Al-Wâidî
(d. 468 H)
fî Tafsîr
the laws of
the Qur’an,
and the
7 Al-
(d. 510 H)
Get no
divine and
8 Ibn
(d. 542 H)
Do not
know the
holy book
and faith
9 Al-Râzî (d.
604 H)
Tafsîr al-
Fakhr al-
No meaning
10 Al-Qurubî
(d. 671 H)
li Akâm
11 Al-Nisfî (d.
710 H)
Do not
know and
and sharia’s
12 Ibn Kathîr
(d. 774 H)
Tafsîr al-
Do not
know the
holy book
and faith
13 Abû al-
Su’ûd (d.
982 H)
Irshâd al-
‘Aql al-
Salîm ilâ
from the
14 Al-
(d. 1250 H)
Fat al-
Qadîr al-
Fannî al-
wa al-
min ‘Ilm
15 Al-Alûsî
(d. 1270 H)
from the
cannot be
reached by
16 Al-Sa’dî (d.
1376 H)
Taisîr al-
Karîm al-
fî Tafsîr
Do not
know the
holy book
and faith
17 Ibn ‘Âshûr
(d. 1393 H)
wa al-
about the
18 Wahbah al-
from the
laws of the
shari’a and
about the
true creed
fî al-
wa al-
wa al-
Wrong in
the laws of
the shari’a
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
19 Al-Marâghî Tafsîr al-
from the
shari’as and
with the
condition of
his people
20 M. Quraish
Tafsîr al-
Based on the above interpretations illustrated on
the above table, it can be concluded that there are at
least five opinions about the meaning of the word
‘dhâll’. Those are (1) negligence from prophetic
matters and shari’a, (2) not knowing the book and
faith, (3) misguided people, (4) confused the case of
the polytheists, and (5) lost on the road to Mecca.
The majority of commentators (mufassir) chose
the first opinion. The second opinion is actually
included in the first opinion. The third opinion was
represented by two first generation exegetes (Ibn
‘Abbâs and al-Thabarî). The modern commentators
choose the fourth opinion. The last opinion was
adopted by al-Samarqandî. As an exception,
Wahbah al-Zuailî and al-Marâghî gathered the third
and fourth opinions.
Meanwhile, al-Râzî did not choose one of those
opinions. In his interpretation, he told that there
were a few people who interpreted the word ‘dhâll’
with the meaning ‘infidel’. They assumed that at
first the Prophet Muhammad was an infidel then
Allah gave him His guidance and made him a
prophet. Some of the people called al-Râzî are (1)
al-Kalbî who stated that Allah found the Prophet
Muhammad unbeliever among the heretics then He
gave him His guidance to believe Him; (2) al-Siddî
which stated that the Prophet used to embrace his
people’s religion for 40 years; and (3) Mujahid who
stated that the Prophet Muhammad was lost from his
religious instructions. (Muammad al-Râzî, 1981)
They based their ```````
“I am then grateful to have migrated.
Because every one of us is stupid. There is
in the Qur’an sura al-Dhuâ dhâllan
fahadâ. Every person is misguided at first
place. Dhâllan fahadâ. Muhammad is
included. So, if anyone celebrates maulid,
what does this commemorate?
Commemorating Muhammad’s error?
Ustadz is very brave to say the Prophet was
astray? Uh, whose name is still a baby
doesn’t know anything.
Yatîman fa awâ. Wa wajadaka dhâllan fa
hadâ. Ustadz, what is the meaning of
wajadaka dhâllan fa hadâ?” (asked the
Wa wajadaka dhâllan fa hadâ. And when
Allah found you in a misguided state, then
Allah gave instructions.” (the host
“So that is the word of God if Mr. Evie says
tonight Muhammad was a heretic. There it
is. There is a basis. Wa wajadaka dhâllan
fa hadâ. So when celebrating maulid, what
does it commemorate? The problem at that
time (Muhammad) was not yet a prophet.
Yes, he was just a baby. Ana basharun
mithlukum. Even in that verse he’s still lost
and didn’t know anything yet. When he
already knew everything fahadâ’, he was
given guidance.”
There are a lot of responses from social media
users on Evie’s talk show in viral videos as well as
the transcript above. What highlighted their spotlight
was the statement that the Prophet went astray when
he was born and the commemoration of maulid was
to commemorate the Prophet’s error. So, the author
concludes that the context of ‘heretical’ meant by
Evie is the condition of the Prophet Muhammad
when he was still a baby and certainly before
becoming a prophet. Based on observations, the
authors divide their reactions in three groups: (1) the
con (blame, ridicule, and scorn), (2) the pro (giving
a positive response and defense), and (3) the
moderate (giving wise response).
Example of the first group:
@aji_nugraha15: Evie Effendi, you are not
clear. Can you just not mention his name.
Use the name of the Prophet. Use the
designation of the Messenger of Allah. Is
he your niece? (450 likes)
Example of the second group:
@bangzar96: There is something strange
with people who like to criticize when they
see the mistakes of others. We should pray
for each other so that we all survive the
slander of the world and the hereafter. Not
necessarily you are better than the people
you sneered and cheated. People like to
criticize the clergy with just a mistake. It
seems that the person has been looking for
a gap to attack for a long time. And when
Modern Exegesis of Dhâllun in Indonesia: A Case Study on Evie Effendi’s Controversy
the gap is opened, attack after attack is
launched on the clerics who are slipping
with words. This incident did not happen
once or two times but repeatedly every time
there is a mistake of the words of the
clerics…Let our friends pray, may Allah
always protects our teachers from slanders,
from the mistakes of words and also from
distress and catastrophe. Amen. Keep on
spirit, O ustadz! Hopefully with this event
Alah will elevate your rank. (764 likes)
Example of the third group:
@damar_tea: Apologizing and realizing
mistakes are far better than humans who
feel themselves the smartest and most
understandable. (1974 likes)
@rbayuaji: Remembering the advice of
cleric Sofyan Chalid Ruray afizhahullâh
regarding the 3 conditions of da’wah: 1. the
knowledge of preacher, 2. knowing the
audience of da’wah, 3. knowing how to
deliver da’wah. So the preacher is heavy.
It’s really hard. The size is not only to
convey goodness but truth. Hopefully this
incident will make you learn again before
talking on the pulpit. (1145 likes)
In addition to the comments above, comments
were also made by several religious figures through
their social media accounts. Among them were
Nadirsyah Hosen, Abdul Moqsith Ghazali, and
On the Facebook page, Nadirsyah posted an
article entitled “Is It True That The Prophet
Muhammad Was Astray Before Becoming A
Prophet?” In his writing, Nadirsyah compared Evie’s
translation with a translation made by the Ministry
of Religion of the Republic Indonesia. The Ministry
of Religion translation uses the meaning of the word
‘dhâll’. According to Nadirsyah, the translation of
the word ‘dhâll’ with the meaning of ‘heresy’ is very
dangerous. To strengthen his argument, Nadirsyah
quoted the interpretation of al-abarî, Sayyid Qub,
Ibn Kathîr, Mâwardî, and al-Alûsî. He also quoted
from other references such as the book of hadith and
fiqh. Based on various references he concluded that
there were no scholars who said the Prophet was
born in a heretical or heretical state before being
appointed as a prophet.
Regarding the Evie case, Nadirsyah was very sad
because Evie only understood the verse through
textual meaning only. At the end of his writing, he
wrote, “O, God…Why do the cleric denounce Your
Prophet? Please forgive us all. Nastaghfirullâh wa
natûbu ilaik. This post has been shared up to 4200
times. (Nadirsyah Hosen, 2018)
Meanwhile, Abdul Moqsith Ghazali through several
posts on his Facebook page also responded to Evie’s
case. The first, dated 08 August 2018 at 10:59 a.m.,
he posted a status entitled ‘Ulama Deficit’. Although
it does not touch on the interpretation of Sura al-
Dhuâ, Moqsith implicity criticizes the phenomenon
of the mention of ulama which is not in accordance
with the understanding of the Qur’an and hadith.,
According to him, a ‘muballigh” or preacher should
pay attention to these requirements. The second, at
06:06 p.m., Moqsith posted a status, “The ulama is
still limping on reading the Qur’an. Not only
makhraj (proper Koran recitation) which is
problematic but there is still a lot of short lengths.
But he dares to say, the Prophet was still misguided
when he was young.” Finally, at 07:13 p.m. Moqsith
posted, “A few months ago there was ulama who
said the prophet’s parents went to hell. Now there is
ulama who say the Prophet was deviant when he
was young. Duh!” (Abdul Moqsith Ghazali, 2018)
Meanwhile, also through Facebook page, Ahmad
Ishomuddin cautioned that Muslims learn Islamic
knowledge directly from the experts: ‘ulamâ, kyai,
cleric, teacher, which their chain of knowledge
isnâd) has been popular with the depth of their
knowledge and piety. He regretted that some
Muslims are easy to give the title ‘ustadz’ (cleric) to
anyone who is smart at religious talk show. This
post has been shared around 1800 times. (Ahmad
Ishomuddin, 2018)
Based on the discussion above, it seems very true
that the main problem is Evie’s authority and
capability in conveying an understanding of the
Qur’an. As for other problems such as the pros and
cons it is the subjectivity of each who responded.
But the best is indeed like what is done by scientists
who remain elegant in expressing their opinions
without including racist or hateful words and giving
enlightenment and solutions to clarify the polemic.
5.1 Two Main Issues
There are at least two main issues in the Evie case.
Those are the use of the word ‘sesat’ and the
authority od Evie Effendi.
Firstly, related to Evie’s understanding, if it is
observed more closely, actually the word ‘sesat’
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
which is spoken by him still contained several
meanings. In the KBBI, the word ‘sesat’ has two
meanings: 1. not through the right path; wrong way
and 2. wrong right; do indecent things; deviate from
the truth (about religion and etc.). (KBBI, 2008) So,
the word ‘sesat’ in Indonesian is the same as the
word ‘dhâll’ in Arabic which has several meanings.
It was considered so because the use of the word
‘sesat’ related to religious meaning that is to ‘to
deviate from the truth.’ It is therefore Evie’s
statement becomes polemic. However, what must be
emphasized here is that Evie did not use the word
‘kafir’ (infidel) at all as al-Kalbî said.
Secondly, another thing that must also be considered
in this case is to classify Evie Effendi’s position. He
is better known as a social media cleric. He is known
as a preacher. Suppose there is an assumption that he
is a ulama, this assumption is lacking in clarity
because he is not famous for his religious
scholarship. He is not a faqîh, nor is he a muaddis
or mufassir. Therefore, when viewed from his
background, he is classified as preacher. It’s just
that, as said by Moqsith, Indonesians consider the
preacher to have mastered the science of religion in
depth so that whatever comes out of them will be
considered as truth.
Actually there are some interpretative or translated
literatures of the Qur’an that can be used by Evie.
For example is Al-Amin Al-Quran Tarjamah Sunda,
a translation of the Sundanese-language Qur’an.
There the word ‘dhâll’ was meant as ‘confused’.
(Qamaruddin Shaleh and others, 2003) Evie can also
use Mahmud Yunus’s translation which interpreted
the word ‘dhâll’ by ‘not getting a clue’ (Mahmud
Yunus, 2002) or the translation of Hasbi ash-
Shiddieqy which illustrates ‘dhâll’ in the sense of
‘not knowing the way to go’. (Teungku Muhammad
Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy, 2000)
Of course, if a preacher makes a right choice of the
intended meaning of the word discussed, the
polemic will not occur. Therefore, a preacher at least
has a scientific basis for all his words.
5.2 The Phenomenon of ‘Ustadz
Medsos’ and Religious Polemic
Mentioned in a hadith, Ballighû ‘annî wa lau
âyatan! (Hadith narrated by al-Bukhârî) (al-Bukhârî,
1987) Convey from me even though one verse!
The hadith is popular among preachers and is used
as legitimacy by them to carry out da’wah. By
strong encouragement and talent, some people then
competed to practice it. So it’s no wonder that then
many preachers are popping up. Especially in the era
of social media where communication facilities are
more sophisticated and practical, they are present to
enliven the social media universe so that it presents a
religious nuance in cyberspace. In the end, people
who preach through social media are known by
social media users as ‘ustadz’ (religious teachers)
who are religious experts.
The presence of ‘ustadz’ social media in the modern
era has turned out to be able to attract the public
interest. In addition to the ease of access, the
religious teachers are eager to disseminate massive
religious teachings on social media. (Nadirsyah
Hosen, 2017)
Now religion is one of the staple consumption that is
sought after by social media users. This can then be
captured by some people as an ‘opportunity’ to
practice the hadith mentioned above. By capitalizing
on the ability to use devices and social media as well
as the strong desire for da’wah, finally a handful of
people plunged into the world of da’wah.
Unfortunately, this spirit of da’wah is often not
accompanied by qualified scholarship in the field of
religion. (Ahmad Zaenuddin, 2017)
Meanwhile, the same conditions were also seen in
social media users. In general they cannot filter the
content they receive. As a result, the da’wah done by
preachers sometimes becomes a blunder to
themselves. Even worse than that, it can plunge the
audience into unintentional error. (Hosen, 2017)
Evie Effendi is one of the concrete forms of
religious phenomena that occurred at this time. In
fact, there are still many social media ‘ustadz’ such
as in the world of social media. The number of
followers is thousands. It’s just that, hopefully
similar case don’t happen again.
In addition, based on the observations, the messages
of da’wah should be delivered without
discrimination. (Eko Sumadi, 2016) It’s okay to
preach the truths that are believed to different people
as long as they are polite and wise, not
discriminatory, confrontational or even provocative.
(Sumadi, 2016)
Based on the results of the study, this study finds
at least two main problems in the Evie Effendi’s cae.
The first is the use of the word ‘sesat’ as the
translation of the word ‘dhâll’. This is not a new
problem because the debate on the meaning of
‘dhâll’ in Sura al-Dhuâ verse 7 has occurred since
Modern Exegesis of Dhâllun in Indonesia: A Case Study on Evie Effendi’s Controversy
classic period when Muslim scholars had debated it.
The majority of them agreed that its meaning was
not infidel. Regarding the second problem is the
authority of Evie Effendi in interpreting the Qur’an.
Scientifically, he does not have it. His case is one of
the religious phenomena in the millennial era.
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