Revitalization of Falsafah Shaykh Ja’far Shodiq
in the Development of Inclusive Tafsir Method and Its Function
to Minimize the against Radicalism in Social Media
State Islamic Institute of Kudus
Keywords: Revitalization, Falsafah, Inclusive Tafsir Method, Radicalism, Terrorism and social media.
Abstract: Indonesia is known as the largest Muslim population country in the world that promotes Islamic
moderation. But from March 28 1981 to May 16 2018 the Indonesian nation was shocked by 41 bomb blasts
carried out by terrorists in the name of religion and jihad. Dozens of people died and hundreds were injured.
There are terrorists who are members of the Command Jihad, Jamaah Islamiyah, Laskar Jihad, Eastern
Indonesian Mujahidin, Western Indonesian Mujahideen, Jamaah Ansharut Daulah, and Daulah Islamiyah
Nusantara, and those affiliated to ISIS. The development of terrorism in Indonesia is due to many factors,
such as ethnicity, nationalism, separatism, poverty, economic inequality, globalization, non-democracy,
violations of humanity, dissatisfied intelligence, and religious radicalism. Nowadays the terrorists use social
media as tool of radicalism and terrorism spreading, thus it spreads quickly and can be accessed by all
groups individually and in groups. The problems start with selecting certain verses to justify their
movements, misinterpreting of religious texts methods, there was goals to be achieved, and actions beyond
religious and humanitarian values.To minimize the occurrence of religious radicalism required of inclusive
tafsir method, which put forward the values of pluralism, harmonism and humanism. This study discusses
the revitalization of Syekh Ja'far Shodiq's philosophy in developing inclusive tafsir methods to minimize the
development of radicalism in social media. The author used the religious concept of Cliffort Geertz and
Glock and Stark, concept of religious texts reading of Paul Ricoeur, concept of religion function of Joachim
Wach, and the concept of religious attitude Richard Niebuhr. Design of this study were field research and
qualitative approaches with socio-anthropological perspectives. There were four main finding: (a) the
falsafahof Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq, (b) revitalization of the Sheikh Ja'far Shodiqfalsafah, (c) the
functionalization of Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq falsafahin the development of inclusive tafsir methods, and (d) the
function of inclusive tafsir methods in minimizing the development of radicalism on social media.
Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq was included in the second
period of the Walisongo who came to Java in 1436
replacing Sheikh Malik Isro'il who died in 1435 AD
(Meinsma, 1903) (Azizy, 1989) (Kapanjani, 1992)
(Graff, 2004). The name Walisongo taken from
Arabic word Waliyun Tsanaun means noble
guardian, was given by Sultan Mehmed I Sulaeman
Celebi (1402-1411) from Turkey in 1404.They are:
(1) Maulana Malik Ibrahim (w.1419) from Persia,
the state administrators, (2) Maulana Ishak (14th
century) from Samarkand, the physician; (3)
Maulana Ahmad Jumadil Kubra (born 1376) from
Egypt, debate master, (4) Maulana Muhammad al-
Maghribi (1310-1453) of Morocco, an orator, (5)
Maulana Malik Isro'il (14th century) from Turkey,
the state expert, (6) Maulana Muhammad Ali Akbar
(7) Maulana Hasanuddin (14th century) from
Palestine, an orator, (8) Maulana Alayuddin (14th
century) from Palestine, arguing expert, and (9)
Shaykh Subakir (14th century) of Persia, bruise
experts, geologists, ecologists and rukyah
land.These scholars set out and started da’wah
islamiyah on Java in 808 Hijriyah or 1404 AD
(Berg, 1886) (Abidin, 2016).
Arriving on Java, they assembled their
respective da'wah areas in accordance with the
situation and conditions of the field, such as
Maulana Malik Ibrahim (w.1419), Raden Rahmat
(1401-1481), Sunan Drajat (1470-1522), Sunan Giri
(1442-1506 ) and Sunan Bonang (1465-1525)
preached in Surabaya, Gresik, Lamongan and Tuban
in East Java. Shaykh Ja'far Shadiq (w.1550), Raden
Mu’min, M.
Revitalization of Falsafah Shaykh Ja’far Shodiq in the Development of Inclusive Tafsir Method and Its Function to Minimize the against Radicalism in Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0009937219101918
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1910-1918
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Said (born, 1450) and Raden Umar Said (16th
century) preached in Semarang, Demak, Kudus,
Jepara, Pati, Blora, and Rembang in Central Java.
Syarif Hidayatullah (1450-1569) and Maulana
Hasanuddin (king of Banten 1552-1670) preached in
Cirebon and Banten in West Java (Muljana, 2015)
(Ambary, 1990). Today their name well known
based on location of their preaching, like Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq (w.1550) was called Sunan Kudus
because he preached in Kudus, Raden Umar Said
(16th century) was called Sunan Muria because of
his da'wah in Muria Colo Kudus, and Raden
Maulana Makdum Ibrahim (1465-1525) was called
Sunan Bonang because he preached in Bonang
Rembang (Abdullah, 2015).
Originally their da'wah mission centered along
the Pantura and Majapahit Kingdom inland (1293-
1500) and the Pajajaran Kingdom inland (1030-
1579) that were Hindu and Buddhist. Then the area
extended to Madura, Sumatra, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi, Maluku and surrounding (Saksono, 1995).
According to van den Berg (1884-1886) (Berg,
1886) (Meinsma, 1903), Walisongo preaching was
conducted peacefully and acculturated Islamic with
Java culture so the presence of Islam was easily
accepted by Javanese Hindu and Buddhist society
(Mu’min, 2012). Therefore the allegations of
orientalists that da’wah islamiyah was conducted
with violence and sword, as alleged by Golda Meil
Teacher (1896-1978) from Israel and Samuel
Marinus Zwimer (1867-1952) from America (Rama,
2007), could be denied. According to De Lacy
O'Leary (1872-1957) from University of Bristol
stated: "The charge of Islam was spread by sword
and violence was myth, the fact was spread in
peaceful and friendly way” (O'Leary, 1923) (Geertz,
1981) (Lombard, 1999) (Hirokoshi, 1987) (Masroer,
According to British philosopher Thomas
Carlyle (1795-1881), Islam was full of value
humanism, compassion, brotherhood and right
equality" (Carlyle, 1998). Commenting on Q.S. al-
Baqarah verse 177, the French legal expert,
Douminique Sourdel (1921-2014), stated, "Islam
was the religion that spread of the essential good in
the social sphere. The realization of the Quran and
hadith teachings and was sourced from Allah which
reveal the continuity of goodness in the world"
(Bruisnessen, 2012). According to Adam Spencer
Metz (born 1969)(Metz, 1957)(Abel, 1983),
Christians could coexist with Muslims. Dutch
historians, such as LWC van den Berg (1845-1927),
H.J. de Graaf (1641-1673), Theodore G.Th. Pigeud
(1899-1988), MC. Ricklefs (born 1943)(Graaf,
1997), and Martin van Bruinessen (born 1946)
(Bruinessen, 1996), responded positively to the
preaching of Walisongo. According to them, Islamic
preaching was conducted tolerantly and accultrated
Islamic with Java culture, as embodied in the form
of mosque buildings, kenduren, and Islamic arts
Related to the opinion of these historians, there
was a scholar namely Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq or Sunan
Kudus in Kudus who performed da'wah Islamiyah
through cultural acculturation approach. Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq combined Islamic values with the
Hindu-Buddhist tradition in Kudus by harmonious,
pluralist and inclusive approach. After the death of
the Shaykh, the Kudus scholars developed this
philosophy through tafsir recitations in Masjid al-
Aqsa Kudus to this days, such as Panembahan
Kudus, Kyai Haji R. Asnawi, Kyai Haji Arwani
Amin, and Kyai Haji Sya'roni Ahmadi. Through this
way Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq philosophy was developed
into Muslim Kudus community which are
harmonious, pluralistic, and inclusive, and is useful
to counter radicalism which is currently developing
on social media.
The problem is how to revitalize Shaykh Ja'far
Shodiq philosophy in developing inclusive tafsir
methods to minimize radicalism development on
social media? This study aims to provide an
understanding of socio-anthropological analysis of
Syekh Ja'far Shodiq's philosophy in developing
inclusive tafsir methods to minimize the radicalism
development on social media.The study used field
research method with qualitative approach and used
multiple perspectives in studying some social
Studies related to the life philosophy of Sheikh Ja'far
Shodiq associated with the development of
interpretation methods, such as inclusive tafsir
method, and linked with its function to minimize the
development of radicalism in social media not
conducted by previous researchers. The studies
raised the figure of Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq was usually
associated with the method and model of da'wah.
Here can be mentioned, such as:
First, Mas'udi, in a study entitled: Geneology
Walisongo: Humanization Strategy of Sunan Kudus
Da'wah (2014) (Mas’udi, 2014). In this study, he
raised three problems: (a) the relation of Javanese
Islamic histology to the humanization of Sunan
Kudus preaching, (b) the genealogical framework in
Revitalization of Falsafah Shaykh Ja’far Shodiq in the Development of Inclusive Tafsir Method and Its Function to Minimize the against
Radicalism in Social Media
the tracking of the historical ordinance, and (c) the
humanist ordinance of the Sunan Kudus propagation
strategy in the life of Kudus community. This study
used contemporary Islamic historiography from
Azyumardi Azra (Azra, 2013) combined with the
concept of atlas walisongo Agus Sunyoto (Sunyoto,
2016), and the concept of genealogy of Adam Kuper
and Jessica Kuper (Kuper, 2000). This study used
field research design and qualitative approach. In
this study Mas'udi concluded that: (a) the
development of the Sunan Kudus religious model
was based on unwritten rules or ordinances and the
holistic agreement of the walisongo da'wah system
in Java, (b) the pattern of da'wah implementation
was conducted through the assimilation of Hindu-
Buddha, and (c) the existing historical relations
became an integral part of Kudus culture locally.
Second, Erik Aditia, et al., In their study The
Meaning and Values of Buka Luwur Sunan Kudus:
Contribution of Thought for Cultural Campus Vision
(2017) (Settiawan, 2017). In this study Erik et al.
Focused on two issues: (a) Sunan Kudus's outlying
meanings for the Muslim Kudus community, and (b)
Sunan Kudus's outlying values for the Muslim
community of Kudus. The research used qualitative
approach and field research design. In this study
Erik, et al., concluded that: (a) Buka Luwur Sunan
Kudus is a honor to Sunan Kudus who meritorious
of shaping Kudus religious life, and (b) Buka Luwur
Sunan Kudus has high values for Kudus ie to imitate
the values of Sunan Kudus's struggle.
Third, Ma'mun Mu'min, in a study entitled:
Living the Inclusive Hadis in Kyai Telingsing,
Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq, and Raden Umar Said
Perspectives (2016) (Mu’min, 2016). In this study
Ma'mun raised two problems (a) Living Hadith of
Kyai Telingsing, Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq and Raden
Umar Said models, and (b) the meaning of living
Hadith Kyai Telingsing, Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq and
Raden Umar Said for Kudus moslems. This study
combined the concept of living hadith from Fazlur
Rahman (Rahman, 2002), Muhammad Mushthofa
Azami (Azami, 1977), and Yusuf al-Qardhawi
(Qardhawi 1999). This study used library research
with qualitative approach. In this study Ma'mun
concluded that: (a) Kyai Telingsing's, Sheikh Ja'far
Shodiq’s and Raden Umar Said’s living hadith
models, was conducted da’wah islamiyah through
tolerant dakwah, building of work spirit, preserving
art-culture, fellow believers, and preserving
ancestral traditions. (b) living hadith of Kyai
Telingsing, Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq and Raden Umar
Said have the meaning of life philosophy for Kudus
Moslem community.
Fourth, Nur Said in the study with the title:
Spiritual Entrepreneurship as Sunan Kudus Heritage:
Cultural Capital of Sharia Economic Development
in Coastal Communities (2014) (Said, 2014). In this
study Said wanted to prove the thesis that religious
community cultures are influenced by three
phenomena: modernity, religion and culture of the
ancestors. To analyze the three variabels, Said used
ethno-archeological perspectives combined with the
semiotic approach of Roland Barthe (Barthe, 1967).
This research used library research and qualitative
approach. Said concluded that: (a) the existence of
Sunan Kudus also construct the identity of Kudus
Moslem community, (b) the spirit developed by
Sunan Kudus, that is GusJiGang, and (c) the spirit of
GusJiGang became the cultural capital of Kudus
Moslem community to build spiritual
enterpreneurship in the development of shari'a
The studies of social media use by radicals and
terrorists carried out by Iman Fauzi Ghifari (Ghifari,
2017), Andang Sunarto (Sunarto, 2017), Nafi
Muthohirin (Muthohhirin, 2015), Rosmaya
(Rosmaya, 2016), and Achmad Sulfikar (Sulfikar,
2018). This study is different from the above four
studies: (a) this study is historical study in an
anthropological perspective, (b) this study focuses
on revitalizing the philosophy of Sheikh Ja'far
Shodiq in the development of inclusive tafsir
method, (c) study inclusive tafsir methods developed
are expected to be functioned to minimize the
development of radicalism in social media, (d)
temporally the study was conducted in 2018.
3.1 The Concept of Inclusive Tafsir
In the developing of inclusive tafsir method, the
author combine several concepts, the concept of
classical tafsir method by al-Farmawi, tahlilitafsir
method, ijmalitafsir method, muqarantafsir method
and mawdlu'itafsir method (Hay, 1994), that is
combined with the concept of religion according to
Burhanuddin Daya (Daya, 2009) and Haryatmoko
(Haryatmoko, 2003), the religious function
according to Joachim Wach (Wach, 1994), the
concept of religious attitudes according to Richard
Niebuhr (Singgih, 2000), and the concept of
distance-taking in understanding religious concepts
and texts according to Paul Ricoeur (Ricoeur, 1986).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
By combining the classical method of tafsir
with some religious concepts and understanding of
religious texts, the author believes that this method
can be developed into inclusive tafsir method which
give more contribution, such as: (a) giving
fundamental concept for harmonious, pluralist and
inclusive relationship creation among religious
believers, (b) become basis of constructing intact,
integral and universal theological thinking, thus
minimize the confusion of theological doctrine
aspects with historical culture and religious affairs in
human empiric and historical areas to be simpler, (c)
putting forward the equality rather than diversity
values of many religions, and (d) become foothold
on building harmonious, pluralist and inclusive
tradition among religious followers.
3.2 The Concept of Radicalism
According to Sartono, radicalism is a social
movement that rejects the whole social order and is
characterized by moral aggression to oppose and
hostile the privileged and powerful (Kartodirjo,
1985) (Ahab, 2015). Radicalism is often interpreted
differently among interest groups. In the religious
sphere, according to Rubaidi (Rubaidi, 2007),
radicalism is a religious movement that seeks to
completely overhaul the existing social and political
order by resorting to violence. Sociologically
radicalism can also means view that having goal to
make fundamental change in accordance with its
interpretation of social reality or ideology
(Naipospos, 2010). Thus radicalism is common
phenomenon that can occur in a society with diverse
motives, both social, political, cultural and religious,
characterized by violent, extreme and anarchic
actions as rejective action of the existing system.
Some above definitions can be concluded that
radicalism is a movement that put forward the action
of violence, fundamental, extreme, anarchist and
tend to justify all means with the intention to change
a system or old order that has been established and
deemed incompatible with the value system it
embraces. The radicalism movement intends to build
a new socio-cultural system, a new order different
from the pre-existing order.
Viewed from its characteristics (Ahab, 2015)
(Sunarto, 2016), radicalism is formed from the
response to the ongoing conditions, is realized in the
form of evaluation, rejection, and even resistance. In
general, the movement of radicalism has
characteristics: (a) never stopping in an attempt to
reject before revolution change in the desired
condition, (b) very strong belief in the program they
are going to run, (c) using violence in realizing their
desires, d) consider guilty to all contradict them, and
(e) regard kafir to people with other belief.
Meanwhile according to Rubaidi, radicalism
groups have the following characteristics: (a)
making Islam as the final ideology in regulating life
and human life both social and state politics, (b)
Islamic values is adopted from Middle Eastern
Islamic model without local social-cultural aspects
(c) understanding the Qur'an and hadith textually,
(d) radical group movements often opposed to ruling
societies and governments, and (e) rejecting non-
Middle Eastern ideologies which is considered
infidel and misleading (Rubaidi, 2007) (Qodir,
3.3 Social Media Concepts
Social media is a channel or means of online social
interaction in cyberspace. Social media users
communicate, interact, intercept message, share and
network (Haag, 1996) (Sunarto, 2016). Social media
is a tool designed to facilitate social interaction and
two-way communication. Through the information
technology provided by this social media, the
dissemination of information from one individual to
another becomes easier (Rahayu, 2011). Today the
rapid development of social media, along with the
development of internet and mobile phone
technology, so that parties involved in social media,
both information senders and recipients of
information, should always adjust to these
developments (Evans, 2008).
Social media is an online media where users
can easily participate, share and create content, such
as blogs, social networks, wikis, internet forums,
weblogs, social blogs, podcasts, images, videos and
virtual worlds. Blogs, social networks and wikis are
the most common form of social media used by
people around the world. According to Kaplan and
Haenlein there are six types of social media: (a)
collaborative projects, such as wikipedia, (b) blogs
and microblogs, such as twitter, (c) content
community, such as youtube, (d) social networking
sites, such as facebook and instagram, (e) virtual
games, such as world of warcraft, and (f) virtual
social, such as second life (Haenlein, 2010)
(Lesmana, 2015).
According to McQuail (McQuail, 1992), social
media has major function for communities as
follows: (a) as information, such as innovation,
adaptation and progress, (b) as correlations, such as
explaining, interpreting, commenting on event and
information meaning, (c) as continuous, such as
Revitalization of Falsafah Shaykh Ja’far Shodiq in the Development of Inclusive Tafsir Method and Its Function to Minimize the against
Radicalism in Social Media
expressing dominant cultures and recognizing the
existence of a particular culture, as well as new
cultural developments, (d) as entertainment, such as
providing entertainment, diversion and recreation, as
well as easing tension, and (e) as mobilization, such
as campaigning for community goals in the field of
politics, economics, health, education and religious
Today, social media also has functions as a tool
or place to build self-image, create one's popularity
and existence, publish an ideology to the general,
and be used to build an online business (Nisrina,
2015). Through social media, every people feel
satisfied and helped of facing problems (Puntoadi,
4.1 Falsafah of Syekh Ja’far Shodiq
Syekh Ja'far Shodiq was born on September 9, 1400
AD, coinciding with 808 H. He was son of Sunan
Ngudung (Salam, 1977) (Rinkes, 1911). The 24th
descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (Kudus,
2000). He married Dewi Rukhil – the daughter of
Sunan Bonang – hada son Amir Hasan. From
another wife, he has eight children: Nyi Ageng
Pembayun, Panembahan Palembang, Panembahan
Mekaos, Panembahan Kodhi, Panembahan Joko,
Ratu Pakojan, and Queen Prodobinabar (Mas’ud,
1990). Before moving to Kudus, Sheikh Ja'far
Shodiq, was a Senopati and qadhi and meritorious in
buliding the Demak Empire to defeat Majapahit's
supremacy. According to H.J. de Graaf, Syekh Ja'far
Shodiq washigh qualified spiritual leader and an
expert in the strategy field (Azizy, 1989) (Mas’ud,
1990) (Salam, 1959). Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq passed
away in 1550 AD (Salam, 1959).
In preaching, he acculturate Islamic culture
with the Javanese Hindu-Buddhist tradition
harmonious, pluralist and inclusive. According to
Mas'ud, this method based on the Al-Qur'an Surat
Nahl:125 (Mas’ud, 1990). The acculturation could
be seen as follows: (a) repairing the gate of the
Majapahit Palace from the Hindu-Buddhist or Shiva
Buddha heritage (Mas’ud, 1990), (b) recommending
not to slaughter cows (Suryo, 1989-1990), (c)
respecting Hindus-Buddhists as religious people
(Mas’ud, 1990), (d) changing Mijil and
Maskumabang composition from Hindu-Buddhist
relics to Islamic da'wah (Munthohar, 2005) (Salam,
1959), (e) building al-Aqsa Kudus Mosque similar
to Jago Temple in Malang (Sury0, 1989-1990)
(Mas’ud, 1990), (f) building harmonious life
between Muslims and Hindus-Buddhists (Mas’ud,
1990), and making eight ablution place with statue
heads as analogous to Buddhism, namely Asta
Sanghika Marga or eight-fold road (Salam, 1959).
Hindu-Buddhists in Kudus admired Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq’s preaching method, and converted to
Islam. According to Kyai Haji Sya'roni Ahmadi, the
purpose of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq's mission is
Menang Tanpo ngasoraken (win without demeaning
others). He did not eliminate the old tradition, but
filled the old tradition with Islamic tradition, like
Mitoni tradition that exist from Hindu-Buddhism era
and undergone the process of Islamization to this
day. According to Kyai Sya'roni and Mas'ud
(Mas’ud, 1990), propagation of Sheikh Ja'far Shodiq
method very relevant to the present community
needs. What's more Indonesia is threatened by the
development of radicalism and terrorism that
endangers the nation's persistence.
Nowadays the philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far
Shodiq is developed through the tafsir recitations
carried out every Friday morning at the Masjid al-
Aqsho Kudus. According to Kyai Haji Munfa'at
Abdul Jalil, the tafsir recitation was originally
conceived by Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq and maintained
regularly in same approach, preaching bil hikmah
and mauidloh hasanah, by promoting the philosophy
of living in harmony, pluralism and inclusiveness.
4.2 Revitalization of the Sheikh Ja’far
Shodiq Falsafah
According to the scholar in Kudus, Kyai Haji
Sya'roni Ahmadi, stated that the goal of da’wah
islamiyah by Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq was menang
tanpo ngasoraken, means winning without
condescending the other. Sunan Kudus did not taken
away the old tradition but acculturated it into Islamic
tradition. Kyai Sya’roni pointed out, mitoni was
exist since Hindu-Buddhist. If previously filled with
incantations hindu, then changed to Islamic prayers.
From Kyai Haji Sya'roni Ahmadi view, da’wah
islamiyah by Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq has been
preserved to the present. The method used by Sheikh
Ja'far Shodiq was full of the democratic,
harmonious, pluralist and inclusive values that
needed by the society, because people are easily
plundered and involved in conflict. This happens
because of the decrease of togetherness value,
mutual cooperation, care and respect in Indonesians.
The values of the life philosophy inherited by
Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq according to Kyai Sya’roni
Ahmadi was maintained and developed through the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
tafsir recitation on every Friday morning at Al-
Aqsho Mosque Menara Kudus and every Tuesday
Night at Wisma Muslimin Haji Nur Kholis
Janggalan Kudus. According to Kyai Haji Munfa'at
Abdul Jalil, tafsir recitation in the al-Aqsa Mosque
Menara Kudus originally conducted by Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq was maintained to the present without
any changes. He stated the model of Kyai Sya’roni
Ahmadi in teaching tafsir generally have in common
with that carried by Shaykh Ja’far Shodiq. Both of
them teach in classical method and the contain full
of philosophy lesson, democratic, harmonious,
pluralist and inclusive values.
If studied deeply, the life philosophy of Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq which he developed through his
method of da'wah, then preserved by the scholars in
Kudus through the tafsir recitation in the Al-Aqsho
Mosque Menara Kudus to the present, can be
developed to build the method of inclusive
interpretation. This conclusion is corroborated by
several reasons as follows (Mu’min, 2013): First,
the life philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq is
believed as the basis of pluralism and inclusiveness
development for the Muslim community. Second,
historically there is no religion conflict in Kudus.
Third, the life philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq,
as the result of Islam, Hindu and Buddhism
acculturation that are universal. Fourth, life
philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq was teached and
developed through the tafsir recitation in the al-
Aqsho Mosque Menara Kudus, and the fifth, model
and method of the tafsir recitation still preserved to
the present.
4.3 Revitalization of Sheikh Ja'far
Shodiq's Philosophy in the
Development of Inclusive Tafsir
The philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq was
developed through da'wah, and preserved by the
scholars in Kudus through the tafsir recitations in
Masjid al-Aqsho Kudus to this day, could be
developed on inclusive tafsir methods. This is
corroborated by the following facts (Mu’min, 2013)
(a) the philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq is
believed to be the basis for the development of the
tradition of pluralism and inclusiveness for Muslim
community in Kudus; (b) there was no conflict from
religious background in Kudus, (c) philosophy
Syekh Ja'far Shodiq is universal combination of
Islamic teachings with Hinduism and Buddhism, (d)
the philosophy of Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq was
developed through tafsir recitations in Masjid al-
Aqsho Kudus did not change in the essence, and (e)
methods and material of tafsir recitations in Masjid
al-Aqsho Kudus has been maintained until this day.
Effort to revitalize the philosophy of Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq in the development of inclusive tafsir
methods must be preceded by an understanding of
religion nature and religious texts. In each religion
there are two kinds of teachings that appear to be
contradictory: (a) tendency teaches that one's
religion is the most true and shield religion, while
other religions are not true and misleading, and (b)
religion teaches everyone must respected, loved, and
not impose religion to others (Daya, 2009). Religion
also often appears in two conflicting faces, religion
is a place of peace life with great hope, but religion
is also often associated with the phenomenon of
violence, as happened in Indonesia today
(Haryatmoko, 2003).
Religion cannot be separated from the behavior
of its adherents, because the behavior of adherents is
basically a response from the religion they adhere to
(Kadir, 2003). Because religion is absolute and
universal, violence and conflict occur because of
people abuse their teaching. Religion is real form of
empirical religion, namely factual religion in
struggling and social realities (Boy ZTF, 2002).
Although often misused, religion have to maximize
its function in creating peace brotherhood, building
harmonious and pluralist relations, building dialogue
between religious communities, and developing
inclusive understanding so peace could be realized
(Schumann, 1980). Religion must be able to place
this basic demand in the praxis of a harmonious,
pluralistic and inclusive people's life (Kung, 2002).
In order for religion not to be misused, the
mechanism of religious texts interpretation is
crucial, because interpretation products will
influence religious thought patterns, actions and
alliances (Wach, 1994). There are three roles of
religion that explain the relationship between
religion and the phenomenon of violence occurs in
society, namely: (a) religion as framework for
religious interpretation of social relations
(idiological functions), (b) religion is positioned as
symbolic behavior (identity function), and (c)
religion is positioned as tool of ethical legitimacy of
social relations (legitimacy function) (Haryatmoko,
If the religion understanding dominated by
these three functions, then developing religious
fanaticism, exclusive, rigid and unfriendly behavior.
Religious people are often tempted to make religion
an ideology which leads to religious fanaticism
(Haryatmoko, 2003). Usually one of the five
Revitalization of Falsafah Shaykh Ja’far Shodiq in the Development of Inclusive Tafsir Method and Its Function to Minimize the against
Radicalism in Social Media
attitudes taken by religious people when encounter
outside their religious perspective are radical,
accommodative, synthetic, dualistic or
transformative attitudes (Wiryotenoyo, 1991).
The development of inclusive tafsir methods is
closely related to the method used by commentator
(mufassir) on religious texts. Inclusive tafsir method
will be realized if mufassir has open attitude towards
all parties, building harmonious, pluralistic and
inclusive relations. An open attitude is assisted by
the ability to take distance, be critical of beliefs,
uphold justice, wise, rely on objectivity, and
aesthetics behaving (Popper, 1947). If the
interpretation provides an opportunity for critical
attitudes, certainly will contribute to the universal
peace creation (Davies, 2000).
There are three forms of distance taking that
help to build critical and inclusive attitude towards
interpreting religious texts, namely ideological
criticism, demolition and game analogy (Ricouer,
1986). The relevance of taking distance which takes
game analogy form in the interpretation of religious
texts, lies in the effort to create new method in the
interpretation of religious texts, thus opening up
opportunities for the creation of harmonious,
pluralist and inclusive relations.
4.4 Functions of Inclusive Tafsir
Methods in Minimizing the
Development of Radicalism in
Social Media
Radicals and terrorists use social media as a tool to
develop their understanding. Study of Ghifari
concluded that the presence of technology, internet,
and social media contributed greatly in spreading
radicalism, propaganda media for intolerant actions,
tool for recruitment, training, education, fostering
member networks to spread terror and suicide
bombings in nusantara (Ghifari, 2017). Rosmaya's
study concluded that the factors shaping radicalism
and terrorism students' perceptions through websites
and social media are continuously seeing and
observing, no family attention, and false religious
understanding (Rosmaya, 2016). This finding is
corroborated by Andang Sunarto's study stated that
besides positive meaning, social media also has
negative impact, which threatens the integrity of the
nation by information about radicalism and terrorism
and other crimes. According to Sunarto, this
negative impact must be taken seriously by taking
preventive measures (Sunarto, 2017).
A study of tracking conversations in
cyberspace found the fact that the spread of radical
teachings is easier in social media. Rendra
Radjawali, data observer based in Germany, traced
Twitter using software that could filter internet
algorithms, using 300 keywords related to
radicalism, such as ISIS, jihad, infidel, and Syria,
Radjawali managed to map the hot spots of
conversation related to radicalism in Indonesia in
September 2016, concentrated in Sumatra and
several cities in Java.
Technically, social media is used as strategic
material for terrorist to carry out its actions, other
media are also used to spread their understandings.
Deputy for Prevention BNPT , Agus SB, stated that
social media opened closed spaces to be open. No
wonder some teenagers between the ages of 18-25
join ISIS because of the influence of propaganda on
social media. Indonesian citizens who left for Suria
joined the ISIS group network, becoming victims
radicalism spreading on social media.
According to Agus, the trend of terrorism seeds
because of studying religion from the internet
(around 47%). This fact illustrates that social media
is used as effective propaganda tool and produces
sympathizers for radical groups. From the terrorists
perspective, such as Agus Abdillah – in the Bali
case, which was captured on September 17, 2012 by
Tim Densus 88/AT National Police Headquarters –
proved that he called to jihad after studying through
the internet. Fungki Isnanto, the terrorist of the
Lumajang bomb on June 1, 2013 claimed to have
learned how to make bombs and plan their bombings
through the internet.
These phenomenon prove that social media is
catalyst for radicalism and terrorism spreading.
Based on that fact also be explained that the spread
of false religious teachings and understandings
through social media is also very dangerous. The
spread of false religious teachings and
understandings on social media could be overcome
through the development of inclusive interpretation
methods also on social media. The dissemination of
this inclusive tafsir method is basically an attempt to
deradicalize religion and religious through
understanding religion and inclusive religious texts.
Through this method hoped an harmonious, plural
and inclusive understanding of religion and religious
texts will be built.
First, the philosophy of Syekh Ja'far Shodiq is
reflected in the harmonious, pluralist and inclusive
behavior of life, such as: Fixing the Gate of the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Majapahit Palace, Hindu-Buddhist or Buddhist
Shiva inheritance, advocating not slaughtering cows,
respecting Hindus-Buddhists as religious people,
changing Mijil and The maskumabang music
composition from Hindu-Buddhist relics to Islamic
da'wah, building the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque similar
to the Jago Temple in Malang, building harmonious
life between Muslims and Hindus-Buddhists, and
making eight ablution places with arca-headed as
analogous to Buddhism, namely Asta Sanghika
Marga or eight-fold road.
Second, revitalizing the Philosophy of Shaykh
Ja'far Shodiq in development of the inclusive tafsir
method: (a) the life philosophy of Shaykh is
believed as the basis of pluralism and inclusiveness
development for the Muslim community. (b)
historically there is no religion conflict in Kudus. (c)
the life philosophy of Shaykh, as the result of Islam,
Hindu and Buddhism acculturation that are
universal. (d) the life philosophy of Shaykh was
teached and developed through the tafsir recitation
in the al-Aqsho Mosque Menara Kudus, and (e)
model and method of the tafsir recitation still
preserved to the present.
Third, the effort to revitalize the philosophy of
Shaykh Ja'far Shodiq in the development of
inclusive tafsir methods begins by building
understanding religion and religious texts method
critically and open mind to all parties, as well as
building harmonious, pluralist and inclusive
relations. To build critical and inclusive attitude
could be helped by distance taking techniques,
namely ideological criticism, demolition and game
analogy. Not making religion as ideology because it
will lead to religious fanaticism. This critical and
open attitude will contribute to the creation of
universal peace.
Fourth, today social media has become a
catalyst for the radicalism and terrorism spreading.
The spread of false religious teachings and
understandings through social media is very
dangerous. Inclusive tafsir methods againts
radicalism through social media. The dissemination
of this inclusive tafsir methods is basically an
attempt to deradicalize religion and religion, through
understanding religion and inclusive religious texts.
So that an understanding of religion and religious
texts will be built harmonious, pluralist and
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