Slips of Tongue in Net TV Talkshow
, Lisnu Afiah
and Rohmani Nur Indah
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang, 65145 Indonesia
Keywords: slip of tongue, television talkshow; features of error
Abstract: Slip of the tongue occurs as common mistake when a speaker unintenionally produced error in speech. It is
identified from several sides of the phonemes, syllables, and words. In a talkshow the host is required to
speak properly and straightly but in practice there are many mistakes in speech, as in the “pagi-pagi” at Net
Tv. The purpose of this study is to identify and explore their slip of the tongue at the event, remembering
slip of tongue is a reasonable error and frequent. The data were obtained through observation on video
recordings published in Youtube. The slips of tongue on the show “pagi-pagi” at showed several
types which include errors on distinctive features, phonetic feature, syllable error, and errors on diction.
Slips of tongue is a common phenomenon in speech
where the speaker produced speech comprising
unintended words. (Dardjowidjojo, 2008). It may
happen in any occassion including in talkshow.
Talkshow is a television or radio program that is
guided by a moderator impressing audience, both
personal and group to discuss various topics in a
relaxed but serious atmosphere. Guests are
sometimes presented to share their great experiences
(Hendra, 2009).
During the talkshow sometimes a moderator can
experience speech errors without realizing it,
because in the talkshow they are required to explain
something spontaneously. In this case the production
of utterances expressed can experience speech
errors. The speech error may be light, occurring
from the exchange of the word place to the
distinctive feature of a sound. Broadly speaking,
these units are distinctive features, phonetic
segments, syllables, and words (Ahmadi, 2015).
Talkshow events often lead to speech errors but
in this case the speaker can overcome the error by
repeating his words correctly. Such a slip in speech
production often occurs, therefore speech errors
need to be studied in depth. Because every human
being has a different speech production system,
there are those who can express utterances correctly
and some who experience disruption in the process
of issuing the speech. Then the speech errors can
occur at the Talkshow.
The study of speech errors has been done in
several context including the political speech in
debate of president candidate. The study showed that
the slips of tongue may occur during the
replacement of vowel phoneme as well as consonant
phoneme. The speaker also produced several
syllable exchange and word replacement (Sari, 2016).
While in the context of job interview, the slips may
cover phoneme anticipation, affix deletion, phoneme
deletion, word exchange and substitution (Poulisse,
. On slips in talkshow, it needs more empirical
bases. Therefore, this study concerns with the slips
of tongue in talkshow Net TV particularly on the
Morning show pagi-pagi Tv Net program released in
2.1 Language Production
Speech production is the process that expresses
uterances or sentences. There are four levels in the
process of producing speech, namely message level,
functional level, positional level and phonological
Encoding level is to process the message to be
delivered. An example in the sentence Tutik is
feeding her child. In this sentence, a message can be
retrieved. first, Tutik as a mother, second, she has
child and is feeding her child, etc. The next level is
Agustini, ., Afiah, L. and Indah, R.
Slips of Tongue in Net TV Talkshow.
DOI: 10.5220/0009935918201824
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1820-1824
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
functional where the lexical form is selected and
given the role and semantic function. Tutik is the
subject and the word her child is an object. Next is
the positional level of forming constituents and
affixing. This level has the purpose of sorting the
lexical form for the utterances to be issued. To be a
hierarchical meaning. In the example, the utterance
word is formed so that it can be meaningful. Next is
the level of phonology, which is to realize the
structure of phonology (Ahmadi, 2015).
The details of speech production are divided into
three: discourse production planning, sentence
production planning, constituent production
planning. Discourse production planning has several
parts. First is dialogue discourse, which has some
elements, namely: personnel (in dialog discourse
there must be a speaker and the person to talk to),
shared background (between the speaker and the
person invited to speak has the same knowledge),
and the same act (the speaker and the person invited
to speak has the rules they know together (Ahmadi,
In addition, dialogue discourse is influenced by
the structure of the conversation where someone
knows when he must speak, answer or be silent.
Second, monologue discourse generally has one
participant, namely the speaker himself. There are
several factors that must be considered by a
participant, namely the amount of time available, the
level of knowledge of the audience in that field,
paying attention to the relationship between one
element and the other, and the order of presentation.
These four factors will realize appropriate discourse
in terms of meaning. The main difference in of
discourses lies in whether there is an interaction or
not. If the dialogue contains interaction with other
people, the monologue does not.
Sentence production planning concerns with
three categories that need to be processed, namely:
propositional content, in this phase the speaker
determines what proposition he wants to state.
Illocution act, in this stage the speaker determines
the meaning and form to be conveyed and the
method chosen. It involves several factors, namely:
social position, differences in age, kinship, and
degree of familiarity between the speaker and the
person invited to speak. While in thematic structure,
it is related to grammatical/semantic functions in
After planning the sentence is carried out, it is
then continued to the level of the constituents that
will form the sentence. Here a word is chosen which
has the exact meaning as desired. For example, if the
reference is a man, and he hates the man, then the
choice of the word he may be is a jerk or that bastard
(Dardjowidjojo, 2008).
2.2 Speech Errors
Speech error is a phenomenon in the utterance of
speech in which the speaker may have slips of
tongue so that the words produced are not the
intended words (Dardjowidjojo, 2008). This fact is
found more in mother tongue than in foreign
languages. This is because a stronger language
monitor is found in the process of producing foreign
languages so as to suppress the appearance of
flashes (Chen, 1999). There are two kinds of slips of
tongue caused by wrong selection of words and slips
caused by assembling words.
Slips of tongue caused by erroneous selection are
divided into three, namely semantic errors, mistakes
at this stage are based on a group of names of
objects, for example in vegetables there are cabbage,
cabbage, mustard greens, spinach. Then the error
here comes from the same semantic field. For
instance, please buy me mustard in the market, I
mean spinach. Malaproprism, which is described as
someone who wants to look high-class by using a
grandiose word, but the words that he forms are
wrong. For example, the word anticipation becomes
antisisapi. Mixed words (blends), this type of error
appears when someone is in a hurry so he takes one
or more syllables from the first word and one or part
of the tribe again from the second word then
becomes one.
The slips of tongue caused by assembling words
is a form of error where the words chosen are
correct, but the assembling is wrong. This kind of
mistake is to move the word or sound from one
position to another. For example: I need a glass of
water, but it is said to be a water of glass.
2.3 The Units on Slips of Tongue
There are various units in the slips of tongue, from
exchanging the place of the word to the distinctive
feature of a sound. Broadly speaking, these units are
distinctive features, phonetic segments, syllables,
and words. The error of the distinctive feature is
theslips of tongue whose unit is a distinctive feature
occurs when the dislocated is not a phoneme, but
only the distinctive feature of the phoneme. Like the
example of Paris becomes Baris. Errors that occur
as a result are due to errors in distinctive changes.
The fallacy of phonetic features, ie errors that are
more than one or many are common mistakes.
Sound errors that are more than one distinctive and
Slips of Tongue in Net TV Talkshow
interchangeable feature are called phonetic features.
For instance ring is read into wing. Syllable errors,
in this case syllables are also not impossible if
exchanged or mistaken as the first consonant of a
tribe with the first consonant of another tribe.
Example: pa-la becomes la-pa. Word errors,
mistakes at this level occur if the place is exchanged
is the word. Like the example of a tank of gas being
a gas of tank (Ahmadi, 2015).
Errors or flashes of the tongue in each language
have their own peculiarities. For example, in
Mandarin there are moreslips of tonguees in
segmental phonemes or phonemes in syllables as
well as stressing the pronunciation of the English
lexicon (Chen, 1999). Furthermore, the slips remains
acceptable for listeners or readers in a variety of
contexts, whether social, cultural or political.
Opponents talk assuming the flash is out of the
speakers' will. In the era of information technology
that helps the process of translating or grammar
examinations, lapsus can still be found (Brancher,
The research method used is the observation method
to obtain the data accurately and factually about the
real events of the phenomenon as the focus in this
study. Further, this research is categorized as group
observation and unstructured observation (Bungin,
This study aims to reveal and identify the host’s
speech errors at the pagi-pagi program at in
2015. This study used a qualitative approach for
analyzing and identifying speech errors in the actual
speech production. The TV program consisted of
four sessions of pagi-pagi, namely: part 1, extreme
weather. part 2, detergent & milk. part 3, predicting
characters. and part 4, the largest photo in the world.
Research The data on slips in speech production are
in the form of words, sentences, phonemes, and
In this study the observation on speech errors is
not done on live Talkshow, but it is carrried out by
observing the video recordings of the Talkshow
published in Youtobe. This study also uses the
referring method, namely the method used in the
study by listening to the use of language (Mahsun,
The validity of research data needs to be done to
obtain objective data so that the results of this study
is accountable. The researcher conducted three data
checking techniques, namely, the first research
persistence that researchers observed and identified
carefully and listened repeatedly to video recordings,
to obtain accurate data needed. Second,
triangulation, the researcher observes by
documentation and observation on video recordings.
Third, reference adequacy is the existence of
reference books and reference sources that are in
accordance with the focus of this study (Moleong,
The steps used in this study are: first, analyzing
the problems related to phonemes, syllables, and
words. Second, discuss the results of the analysis.
Third, conclude and describe the problem. Fourth:
report the results of the study.
The hosts of the Talkshow program are Hesti and
Andre Taulani with a guest star named Sule. Based
on the observation on the sessions of Pagi-pagi, the
finding shows there are some types of speech errors.
4.1 Errors of Distinctive Features
The error of the distinctive feature is the slips of
tongue which has a distinctive feature occuring
when the dislocated part is not a phoneme, but only
the distinctive feature of the phoneme. The utterance
having slips of distinctive feature is:
“Aku juga pernah sih pasang kuku aklirik
The speaker utters the sentence "I have also had
the acrilic nails". This error is not as clear / vague as
the speaker was not not aware, nor making
correction. It occurred in fast speech that tends to
cause errors. As for the closeness of the letters
between Aklirik - Acrylic has a very thin difference,
therefore it is called the distinctive feature error.
Another utterance shows distinctive feature:
Ternyata kalau kita demeng apa seneng”
The speakers says the phrase "it turns out if we
are fond of it or like it" The word demeng is a
mistake from the word liking, this error has a very
thin letter closeness so it belongs to distinctive
feature. This mistake occurs when the speaker is
explaining about a young man's pleasure when
having selfie with an elephant. As for the efforts
made by speakers to overcome this mistake by
repeating the correct word, that is, seneng. As with
speakers in English, this error was immediately
corrected and followed by an apologist because they
thought that tongue flashes were a natural
phenomenon that anyone could experience (Rice,
2017). This awareness of speaking (self-detection) is
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
commonly encountered especially in the context of
public speaking.
Speaker’s awareness for doing self repair mostly
concerns with lexical, grammatical or prosodic
coherence of the produced discourse (Podlesskaya,
2015). It is as shown in the television talkshow pagi-
pagi. Such awareness is basically dependent upon
ones ability to use language-specific links among
auditory processing and linguistic prosody
awareness (Chung, 2017). This is due to the fact that
during speech, speaker applies high or low self
monitoring. More slips occur whenever the speaker
implment low self monitoring such as those happen
in the context of informal conversation. In this case,
the speakers in the live talkshow regard their
conversation as casual as everyday discourse that
need less self monitoring.
Another example of the slips in this feature is:
Gak sadar kamera yang dia fegang itu diambilnya
(He didn't realize that the camera he was holding
was taken).
The speaker uttered the word fegang is a slip
from the word grasp, this error occurs when the
speaker explains quickly, but the speaker does not
make improvements to overcome this error, perhaps
the error occurred which is not fatal or not repaired
the listeners understand. The proximity of the letters
between the words fegang to grasp has a very thin
difference, therefore it is called the distinctive
feature error.
Errors that occur due to fast speaking are very
common in the first language compared to slip of
tongue in foreign languages. When talking fast there
is a decrease in self monitoring in the first language
speech. As for when speaking in a foreign language,
monitoring is higher so as to minimize the
occurrence of slip of tongue flashes (Broos, 2016).
In bilingual context verbal monitoring often causes
conflict as the person might think in mother tongue
but then produce the word in second language
(Acheson, 2012).
4.2 Errors of Phonetic Features
The slips of phonetic features, ie errors that are more
than one or many phonemes which are common
mistakes. The phonetic errors may have more than
one distinctive and interchangeable feature. For
Jadi seandainya dicetak
The speakers uttered "if it is printed". The sound
/e/ in dicetak should be pronounced /é/..In this error
the speaker does not make improvements to justify
the phoneme of this error, because the speaker is not
aware of this error. This kind of error often occue as
the speaker has particular regional background using
unique phonetic variation in native language
concerning the sound /e/ (Risdianto, 2017).
Another utterance showing this type of error is:
“Ada yang mau nonton bolo malah berantem”
The host uttered "anyone who wants to watch
Bolo actually fights". Bolo was said that it was
actually means bola or ball, this error occurred when
the speaker explained the incident on the topic of the
conversation about football. While the error
occurred because the speaker was too eager to
explain the topic. Therefore the speaker does not
justify the error. The mistakes that occur in the word
bolo is called the error of phonetic features. In this
case speech error on phonetic feature occurs as a
result of the rapid spontaneous error contributed by
the retrieval of the word phonological property
(Levelt, 1999). The preserved /o/ from nonton bo-
results in this kind of error.
1. Syllable errors.
The syllable error occurs when the first
consonant of a syllable is changed with the first
consonant of another syllable. The example is in the
Iya lagi rame banget diomongongin
The speakers wanted to say the phrase "yes,
people are busy talking about it". The error was
obvious inpronouncing diomongin into the syllable
error diomongongin but the speaker left it without
word repair. The word may be felt not too fatal, no
wonder if you leave it alone.
2. Word error.
Errors at this level occur if the place is
changed. The example found in the data is the
Jadi air-air Artikel air mata darah
The host repeat the word air-air instead of
pronouncing Artikel air In this sentence the speaker
anticipates air mata but it seems that the speaker
focuses on the word air so that it is firstly repeated .
As the speaker is aware of the error, so that it is
repaired and pronounced immediately slowly
correctly with the word "Artikel air mata darah" or
article on blood tears.
The presenters of Pagi-pagi TV program had several
patterns in conveying the speech in the Talkshow.
They intended to present the shown to be relaxing,
Slips of Tongue in Net TV Talkshow
describing and expressing an event related to the
topic aired on However, as it is presented
live and the hosts might utter the dialog fastly, some
slips of tongue occured.
Speech errors in the Net.Tv morning program
occur several times, which include errors in
distinctive features, for example: Aklirik (Acrylic),
phonetic features, for example: Demeng (Seneng),
syllable errors, for example Dicetak and mistakes in
repeating word for anticipation, for example Air-air
Artikel Air
Speech errors in the pagi-pagi program
occurred due to several factors, including: the
speaker was too enthusiastic and too fast in
explaining the topic. While the effort carried out by
the speaker is to repeat the word to improve his
speech errors. Yet, there are also some words that
are not corrected because they are considered slight
error and still understandable.
Further studies can explore more the variety of
speech orrurs in spontaneous speech context by
emphasizing on several aspects such as the
perceptual confusion among consonants
(Christiansen, 2012) where in Indonesian context as
bilingual community can show different pattern of
slips compared to other contexts. As shown in this
study, correct production require phonetic planning
to eliminate the occurrence of slips of tongue
(Lange, 2016). Therefore, as the implication public
speaker especially those performing in media like
television should concern with high self monitoring
in their speech to avoid segmental phonetic errors or
errors in distinctive features.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation