The Role of Civil Society in Maintaining Communal Peace between
the Sunni Group and the Ahmadiyyah Followers in Lenteng Agung,
South Jakarta
, Chusnul Mar'iyah
and Fajar Fachrian
Doctoral Programe Students of Political Sciences Department, FISIP UI;
Departement of Political Science, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Communal Peace, Civil Society, Ahmadiyyah, Sunni
Abstract: This article explains the active role of civil society in maintaining communal peace between Sunni groups
and Ahmadiyyah followers in Lenteng Agung. Factually followers of Ahmadiyyah often get discriminatory
treatment from society, especially from the Sunni group. The community rejection toward the existence of
Ahmadiyyah congregations often leads to violence such as burning the worship places, beatings and
expulsions. This paper observed the reasons for the maintenance of the communal peace between the Sunni
group and the Ahmadiyyah Followers in Lenteng Agung by using interview and observation method. The
findings of the research revealed that there had been an excellent social interaction among the Ahmadiyyah
group in LentengAgung. There is no rejection or horizontal conflict that occurs in the community related to
Ahmadiyyah followers. Several factors determine the public peace in Lenteng Agung. First, the active role
of the citizens from both sides can synergize the community. Second, the existence of similar identity
between Ahmadiyyah leader and the elders of community. Third, social activities can create a positive
interaction and mutual interest among each other.
Ahmadis are divided into two groups; Ahmadiyah
Lahore and Ahmadiyah Qadian. The difference lies
in the belief of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(Adamson,
2010).Ahmadiyya Qadian argues that Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad is a prophet because they believe that
prophethood will remain after Muhammad(Amir
Jemaat Ahmadiyyah Indonesia, 2015).Ahmadiyya
Lahore claims that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is not a
prophet but a religious reformer [mujaddid] because
prophethood after the Prophet Muhammadwas no
longer exists(Kenang-Kenangan 20 Tahun Gerakan
Ahmadiyyah Lahore Indonesia 1928-1979, 1979).
The existence of the JamaatAhmadiyya in
Indonesia, and in some Sunni-majority areas, often
leads to rejection leading to social conflict. In
Jakarta, June 2008, there was a mass attack of
celebrating the birth of Pancasila using
IslamicDefenders Front (FPI) symbols against the
National Alliance for Freedom of Religion and
Belief [AKKBB] in Monas(Hutabrina, 2008).
The Minister of Religious Affairs, the Attorney
General and the Minister of Home Affairs On July 9,
2008,issued a Joint Decree [SKB] containing
warnings and commands to adherents members and
administrators of Ahmadiyya Jamaat Indonesia and
citizens. Maarif Institute in 2010 also noted that
violence against the Ahmadiyah congregation
occurred in many provinces of West Java. The
regionis regarded as a reasonforthe violence against
the Ahmadiyya community with a total of 117 cases
of abuse by mid-September 2010. Violence against
the Ahmadiyah community increased compared to in
2009 by 114(Kasus Ahmadiyah). The most violent
incident of public interest was the attack on the
Ahmadiyya community in Cikeusik on February 6,
2011; the latest event was the attack and expulsion
of the Ahmadiyya congregation in East Sakra, East
Lombok on May 20, 2018,making about 300
Ahmadi were evacuated.
Out of Jabodetabek area, from five branches of
Ahmadiyah Indonesia in Jakarta as the chapter of
Balikpapan, Kebon Bawang, Ciputat, Bukit Duri,
and Lenteng Agung, Only Lenteng Agung did not
experience any severe conflict with the Sunni group;
Suryani, ., Mar’iyah, C. and Fachrian, F.
The Role of Civil Society in Maintaining Communal Peace between the Sunni Group and the Ahmadiyyah Followers in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009934917611768
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1761-1768
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
there was never any attempt to expel and violate the
Ahmadiyya Community, peaceful communal
relations reflects cooperation in various activities.
That is interesting to examine in depth how the
public peace between SUNNI and Ahmadiya can be
well preserved in Lenteng Agung area in the midst
of the continuing denial of the Ahmadiyya
community throughout Indonesia
2.1 Civil Society
Alexis de Tocqueville has a view of the Civil
Society derived from his observations of American
culture and considers the Civil Society as a
counterweight to state power. According to
Tocqueville, political power and civil society have
high endurance, because it has a plural, independent,
and politically mature.
Anwar Ibrahim describes a civil society with
different terms (MasyarakatMadani) which is a
social system based on moral principles and ensures
a balance between individual freedom and the
stability of society. The initiative of the individual in
the form of thinking, art, the implementation of
government based on the Act, and not individual
desire or desire. Ibrahim also states that Civil
Society has distinctive features: cultural plurality,
reciprocal relationships, and mutual understanding
and respect.
AS Hikam says that Society in the concept of
Civil Society is a mediocre society,therefore, it
cannot separatethe internal contradictions.The inter-
class, ethnic, and gender issuesare potentially
damaging the Civil Society at some level(Hikam,
2000).The embryo of the emergence of civil society
is a community group that is bound in the
organization and havea specific goal objective
depending on the policy of the organization.
The main features of the Civil Society are self-
reliance and volunteerism, independent and
independent of any party. As a tool for democracy,
civil society becomes a check and balances that
actively oversees the social dynamics that flourish in
society(Hikam, 2000). Puan Amal Hayati,
Khudamul Ahmadiyah and Lajnah Immaillah are
some civil society that plays an active role in
maintaining the social interaction of Agung Lenteng
community so that the conflict is avoidable.
2.2 Communalism: Primordial Identity
Communalism is a grouping of people based on
identity similarity; itrefers to the political and
conflict based on the religiousgroup(Varshney,
2009). The term of identity is interpretedas (a)
condition or reality about the same thing, or a
situation similar to each other; (b)circumstances or
facts that describe something equal between two
persons [individuality] or two groups or objects, can
be concluded that the identity is a symbolization or
characteristic that means having a
difference(Varshney, 2009).
Identityis divided into three forms:
1. Cultural Identity: is a feature that arises
because a person is a member of a particular
ethnic group, including acceptance of tradition,
innate nature, language, religion, and descent
from a culture.
2. Social Identity: are similarities and differences,
about personal and social in general, about
what distinguishes you from others.
3. Self Identity: identity is generally a distinction
that distinguishes the person from others and is
at the same time integration of the stages of
development that have been passed before.
Personal identity is based on the uniqueness of
one's characteristics. Cultural behavior, sounds,
gestures of body parts, color clothing, and hair
clippings show the features of someone who is
not owned by someone(Varshney, 2009).
This paper uses the concept of identity as Alo
Liliweri stated that In her study, the primordial
factor is also one of the supporting item that
maintenance of communal peace in Lenteng Agung.
Primordial means tribal identity, that is Betawi,
where the average resident of Lenteng Agung is a
native of Betawi tribe.
2.3 Conflict Management and Peace
Conflict is a relationship between two or more
parties [individuals or groups] who have, or who feel
that they have objectives that are not aligned.
Conflict occurs when community goals are not
equidistant. From a micro-level, interdisciplinary
group, organizations, communities, countries and all
forms of humansocial, economic and power
relations-experience growth, change, and
conflict,Conflict occurs because of the imbalance
between those relationships which creates problems
such as discrimination, unemployment, poverty,
oppression,resulting crime. Each of these levels is
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
interconnected, forming a chain of potential
strengths to bring about both constructive and
destructive change(Kartikasari, 2001).
Conflicts that are vertical between the
community and the government as well as the
horizontal among the people due to political factors
or SARA systematically become a barrier for
development. Therefore, the handling of the conflict
becomes a grave concern for the government to
make progress run properly. Here are the terms that
show the various approaches to dealing with
conflict, which is also considered as stages in the
process. Each phase will involve the previous step
[e.g., conflict resolution will include conflict
prevention measures](Kartikasari, 2001):
1. Conflict Prevention: Aims to prevent the
emergence of violent conflict that refers to
strategies to resolve potentialdisputes in the
hope of avoiding increased violence.
2. Conflict Resolution: Aims to end behavioral
violence through a peace agreement.
3. Conflict Management: Aims to limit and avoid
violence by encouraging positive behavioral
change for the parties involved.
4. Conflict Resolution: Addresses conflict causes
and attempt to build new and lasting
relationships between hostile groups that
address strategies for addressing open conflict
in the hope of reaching an agreement to end
5. Conflict Transformation: is the most
comprehensive and broad strategy, which is
also a strategy that requires the most extended
and most extensive commitment that seeks to
tackle the broader sources of social and
political conflict and instead attempt to
transform the negative forces of warfare into
power social and political rights.
Peace is believed to be a never-ending process of
multidimensional intervention and fighting in an
attempt to transform violence whether those who
agree with the use of force including violence or
those who embrace nonviolence wholeheartedly
agree that peace should be upheld. The development
of peace is more focused on the underlying contexts
and behaviors that promote violence such as unequal
access to employment, discrimination, unrecognized
and unforgivable past misconduct, unskilled,
unbelieving, fear and inter-group hostility. Therefore
this peace-building is inconspicuous but continues at
all stages of the conflict. Peace-building is most
often used to describe work that results in peace-
building and the importance of the
process(Kartikasari, 2001).
The United Nations [UN] distinguishes several
ways of intervening to achieve peace(Kartikasari,
1. Creating Peace: They are forms of intervention
to end the hostility and produce the agreement
through diplomatic, political, military, and
other means.
2. Maintain Peace: Monitor and enforce
agreements, use force if necessary. The tricks
include supervision of respect for the
agreement and the implementation of agreed
self-development activities.
3. Raising Peace: implementing programs
designed to address the causes of past conflicts
and suffering and improve long-term stability
and equity.
This paper uses the concept of conflict
management as suggested by SN Kartikasari
because in the prevention and prevention of conflict
involving all levels of society both from civil society
groups from SUNNI and Ahmadiyah, also engaged
in apparatus such as neighbourhood(RT) and Hamlet
(RW) which consistently respond quickly on any
potential conflict that arises.
2.4 The History of Ahmadiyyah at
The Ahmadiyyah of Lenteng Agung is part of
Ahmadiyya Qadian. Ahmadiyya first entered
Lenteng Agung brought by Haji Sya'ban, a native of
Betawi descent Engkong Sakam, who is a Defender
(landlord who is quite respected by society because
of his wealth and proximity to the
government)(Encep, 2017). But at that time Haji
Sya'ban was still part of a network of champions in
Lenteng Agung who had lack of knowledge
regarding religion(Idris, 2017). The conversion of
Haji Sya'ban to Ahmadiyya members is inseparable
from the role of the Ahmadiyya preachers in Batavia
back then. Initially during the struggle, many
champions of Jawara who seek knowledge of silat.
At the beginning of the independence day, Haji
Sya'ban heard of a great man living in Jalan
Gerobak, Petukangan [now Jalan Balikpapan], His
original intention was to study martial arts, but after
some time he studied there, instead of the martial
arts he got religious knowledge. From this
beginning, he was familiar with Ahmadiyah
After several years of Hajj Sha'ban studying
Ahmadiyya teachings, he brought and tried to share
knowledge with his family and close relatives in
Lenteng Agung. Initially the wife of Haji Sha'ban
The Role of Civil Society in Maintaining Communal Peace between the Sunni Group and the Ahmadiyyah Followers in Lenteng Agung,
South Jakarta
who first followed Bai'at to Ahmadiyah, supported
by other figures such as Haji Suparmanthe
headmaster and Mi'at the original merchant Babakan
village. They are the first champions who
participated in Ahmadiyah teachings in 1935. The
official of Ahmadiyya was in 1960, although
Ahmadiyya in Lenteng Agung existed from 19 35.
The number of Ahmadiyya followers in Lenteng
Agung is about 80 families or just 0.26 percent of
the population of Lenteng Agung(Encep, 2017).
The development of Ahmadiyya in Lenteng
Agung started from the study of Ahmadiyya groups
in Lenteng Agung which is divided into several
study places such as Pasar Minggu, Ragunan and
Camat Gabun. Ahmadiyah also always hold Jalsah
Salanah [Annual Meeting] held in several branches
in turn.
2.5 Religiosity in Lenteng Agung
LentengAgung is one of the six urban villages in
Jagakarsa Sub-district, South Jakarta Administrative
City formed based on Local Government Regulation
No. 60 of 1990 dated December 18, 1990 Article 12
covers: urban village LentengAgung,
SrengsengSawah, Tanjung Barat, Cipedak,
Jagakarsa, and Ciganjur. The population of
LentengAgung is 60,803 people(Laporan Bulanan
Kelurahan Lenteng Agung, Kecamatan Jagakarsa,
Residents of Lenteng Agung are Betawi people,
so the customs applied is Betawi culture. The
majority of residents in Lenteng Agung are
Moslems. In organizing the government,
development and community in Lenteng Agung
generally run well and smoothly. The success of the
task is because of the integration of Muspikal,
Lembaga Musyawarah Kelurahan, Community
Leaders, the Heads of RT and RW, Karang Taruna
and PKK(Laporan Bulanan Kelurahan Lenteng
Agung, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, 2017).
2.5 The Picture of SUNNI Lenteng
The SUNNI community in Lenteng Agung itself has
the majority of NU and is a Betawi tribe. In Betawi
societies themselves, various commitments are
ideological dimensions of the highest value,and
ritual aspects are in the final sequence. For the
Betawi people,everything grows and develops in the
middle of cultural life is perceived as its own
without questioning where the culture comes. The
life motto of the Betawi people is not bothering the
polemic of that originality(Purbasari, 2010).
The influence of Malay is strong enough
amongthe Betawi society. Europe, China, and
Arabia influenced Betawi culture, but Betawi culture
also changed these three cultures when they
developed in Indonesia, so based on the difficulty of
determining the authenticity and authenticity of the
Betawi tribe. The mixed character in Betawi dialect
is a reflection of Betawi culture in general, which is
the result of the marriage of various kinds of
ethnicity, both from other regions in the archipelago,
as well as foreign cultures. It means that Betawi
people can absorb foreign cultures adapted to their
environment and culture(Purbasari, 2010).
As explained earlier, since the inception of
Ahmadiya in Lenteng Agung, there has never been
any conflict of Ahmadiyah existence with SUNNI
people in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. Therefore,
in addition to threats coming from outside such as
that of FPI against the Ahmadiyah community in
Lenteng Agung, there has never been a dispute. The
element of religious differences that have occurred
in the community has ended since the time of the
elders and the elderly who have made the present
society protect each other against the threats that
come from outside. The behavior of the people in
Lenteng Agung is called Civil Society which
according to Muhammad AS. Hikam declared it as a
modern society of various independent and
independent citizenship-oriented with respect for
human rights.
The strength of civilization and brotherhood
cannotbe separated from some Civil Society groups
as initiators of creating communal peace in society.
This can be seen as reflected in the excellent
relationship between Lajnah Imaliah and Khudamul
representing the Ahmadiyya Community with
Yayasan Puan Amal Hayati formed by Sinta
Nuriyah Wahid and the local government officials as
well as RW officers who play an active role as the
initiator of the creation of Communal Peace between
Ahmadiyah - SUNNI at Lenteng Agung.
3.1 Civil Society Contribution in
Maintaining Communal Peace in
Lenteng Agung
Hikam stated that civil society should be a check and
balances that actively oversees the social dynamics
that flourish in society(Hikam, 2000).Puan Amal
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Hayati, Lajnah Imaillah and Khudamul Ahmadiyah
carry out the functions of civil society by
maintaining the balance of society by carrying out
social programs that are plannedcarefully and
carried out in a synergistic manner involving the
community of two different groups.
3.1.1 Puan Amal Hayati Foundation
Puan Amal Hayati Foundation is a non-
governmental organization engaged in social and
humanitarian affairs which concerns about the
empowerment of women and children, especially in
the effort to eliminate violence against women and
children whichestablished in Jakarta July 3, 2000.
The foundation headquarter is in Jalan Warung Silah
number 32A Complex Al-Munawwaroh Ciganjur;
the distance is only about 20 kilometer from Al
Mubarak Mosque belonged by Ahmadiyya Lenteng
Agung. Mrs. Dra Hj. Sinta Nuriyah A. Wahid, M.
Hum,andsome academics founded the foundation.,
civitas pesantren,and other social activists.
Ibu Sinta Nuriyah as the founder of Puan Amal
Hayati Foundation initially got to know Ahmadiyya
Lenteng Agung from Neneng. Neneng is a
chancellor as well as Leaders of Lajnah Imailah
Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia. At first, Neneng
started a good relationship with Sinta's mother
because she often came to her residence for advice.
They meetregularlybecome closer. Ibu Sinta usually
holds religious and humanitarian events with
Neneng(Sinta Nuriyah Wahid, 2017). Not only that,
the relationship between the two was initiallya
personal relationship, and became the relationship
between organizations since Puan Amal Hayati
Foundation in cooperation with Ahmadiyah through
Lajnah Immailah in various events like Sahur around
every Ramadan, Haul Abdurahman Wahid [Gus
Dur], and Halal Bihalal at the celebration of Idul
Ibu Sinta also stated that he and Yayasan Puan
Amal Hayati are ready to do advocacy if the
Ahmadiyya mosque in Lenteng Agung is sealed. He
explained that he always helps Ahmadiyyatopen
their sealed mosques such as in Cirebon,
Manislor,and Bekasi because he thinks Ahmadiyya’s
problem is not a matter of different beliefs and
religious understanding but about a humanitarian
issue(Sinta Nuriyah Wahid, 2017).This is in line
with what Tocqueville said that civil society has a
strongendurance because it has a plural,
independent, and politically mature.
As a Civil Society, Puan Amal Hayati
Foundation has a vast network. Especially with other
social organizations that are partners of Nahdatul
Ulama [NU], which is the largest religious
organization in Indonesia. Every event held by
Yayasan Puan Amal Hayati in Ciganjuris always
packed by hundreds of people who not only come
from around Ciganjur but from all regions in
Indonesia. In each event, Puan Amal Hayati always
invites interfaith, trans-tribal, local government and
other community organizations including the Jemaat
Ahmadiyah congregation.
Puan Amal Hayati Foundation is always
campaigning to against violence in the name of
religion in every moment of the event that she
attended. So the citizens who participate in the event
with Puan Amal Hayati also always keep in mind
that there is no conflict in the name of religion.
Through effective communication between Yayasan
Puan Amal Hayati, local officials and the
Ahmadiyya Community board, Lenteng Agung
Community is given the freedom to use Ahmadiyya
owned facilities such as Ahmadiyya mosque and its
equipment to conduct social activities. It becomes an
effective social interaction and can combine a way
to maintain communal peace in the area of Lenteng
3.1.2 Lajnah Imaillah and Khudamul
Besides Puan Amal Hayati Foundation which
actively initiated the communalunity of Ahmadiyya
- Sunni Community in Lenteng Agung society. The
initiation of communalpeace also came from
Ahmadiyya congregation, Lajnah Immaillah,and
Khudamul. The participation of Lajnah Immaillah
and Khudamul in initiating communal harmony in
the community was reflected when the Jalsah
Salanah [annual meeting of Ahmadiyah Muslim
Community undertaken by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
lasted for three days](Anis, 2017). At the meeting
Ahmadiyah Lenteng Agung invited Sinta Nuriyah
Wahid, the leader of the Puan Amal Hayati
Foundation movement, elements of the surrounding
community as well as some NU figures such as
Zuhairi Misrawi, Guntur Romli, and Dawam
Raharjo(Anis, 2017).
In addition to Jalsah Salanah, Ahmadiyah
Lenteng Agung congregation in several occasions
also invited Yayasan Puan Amal Hayati and NU
elements in the study held by Ahmadiyah. Lajnah
Immaillah and Khudamul also participated actively
in neighborhood RT / RW at Lenteng Agung. As in
the activities of Independence anniversary
celebrations, Maternal and Child Health Care,
community service,and other gathering activities.
Besides participating in RT / RW activities,
Ahmadiyya Jama'at in Lenteng Agung also attended
in PKK management at district level(Salim, 2017).
The involvement of Puan Amal Hati Foundation,
Lajanah Immailah, and Khudamul Ahmadiyyah in
The Role of Civil Society in Maintaining Communal Peace between the Sunni Group and the Ahmadiyyah Followers in Lenteng Agung,
South Jakarta
Lenteng Agung helps to create communal peace. SN
Kartika Sari mentioned that the elements of civil
society are trying to establish peace with other forms
of intervention to end hostilities by implementing
programs designed to address the cause of the
conflict and suffering from the past and enhance
long-term stability and justice as Lajnah Immaillah
and Khudamul Ahmadiyya did.
3.2 The Dinamic of Intercommunal
Since the inception of Ahmadiyya in Lenteng
Agung, there has never been any conflict of
Ahmadiyya. Resistance to Ahmadiya only emerged
in 2008 after the issuance of the 3 Ministerial Decree
on warning and order to Ahmadiyya and citizens. On
June 1, 2008, after the mass of the Islamic Defenders
Front and the National Alliance for Religious
Freedom were involved in a clash in Monas. Several
times the Islamic Defenders Front walked to
Mubarak Mosque belonging to Ahmadiyah branch
of Lenteng Agung. Arriving FPI mass at Jalan
Lenteng Agung, FPI masses have been intercepted
by some young men from around Lenteng Agung to
stem the FPI masses that will go to Mubarak
Mosque belonging to Ahmadiyah Jamaat.
In 2016, FPI held a Tabligh Akbar for the
dissolution of Ahmadiya led by Habib Selon at Jalan
Raya Lenteng Agung, FPI masses who were holding
Tabligh Akbar then walked to the Ahmadiyah
Mosque Branch Lenteng Agung to seal the mosque.
But not yet reached the mosque owned by
Ahmadiyah, the masses of the youth of the mosque
that exist in Sebrang Ahmadiyya mosque have
gathered to form a line to save the mosque. Habib
Selon went to the local RW chair to help unsealedthe
mosque, but the chairman of the RW rejected the
invitation, he argued that the Ahmadiyya in Lenteng
Agung had existed since he was a child. He even
claimed that FPI should have gone from Lenteng
Agung because FPI is a migrant in its territory.
Saih acknowledged as the chairman of RW 01
who is also an NU citizen that religion is a personal
matter respectively and cannot be forced(Babakan),
2017). Puan Amal Hayati Foundation also
contributed to fortifying the attitude of Sunni
Lenteng Agung residents in solving the nuanced
problem of violence that concerns the issue of
Ahmadiyah Jamaah with the residents of Lenteng
Agung who are Sunni majority.
The mosque of Ahmadiyyain Lenteng Agung in
the recent yearshas always been a center of activity
for residents, has been a center of HUT RI activities,
maternal and child health care, a regular social
gathering of RT, and work of devotion. Misman
adds, if every community activity exists, the
residents of RT 007 are always in unity, except
when they are running religious activities,they run
together. Misman also participated in mediation
between Ahmadiyah and FPIwhen there was anti-
Ahmadiyya demonstration in Lenteng Agung.
Misman also appreciated his people for not
participating in the FPI.
Ahmadiyyah and Sunni in Lenteng Agung reflect
intercommunal relations their daily interactions,
such as work in the neighborhood of Lenteng
Agung, social services in Ahmadiyah mosque and
seasonal activities such as breaking fast together and
sharing sacrificial meat(Encep, 2017), as well as a
bazaar of wearable clothing. The increasing number
of people packing the courtyard of the Mubarak
mosque shows high enthusiasm.
The conflict between Sunni and Ahmadiyya
followers in Lenteng Agung has never been a severe
problem in other places because the officials take the
preventive steps. Potential conflicts can arise at any
time as Kartikasari said that preventive measures in
anticipating battle must be carried out so that the
community situation can be adequately controlled.
Preventive action is the main thing that must be
considered as Kartika said: "Conflict Prevention is
the prevention of increasing violence."(Anis, 2017)
Thelocal government authorities such as RT and
RW participated in the split which, as explained by
Kartikasari, local environmental authorities such as
RT and RW contributed to the conflict resolution as
described above. Also, Ahmadiyya Community in
Lenteng Agung itself also conducts conflict
prevention by avoiding violence and prioritizing
3.3 Identity in Primordialism
Alo Liliweri says that identity is a symbol of
distinctive features that contain differentiation and
represent an organizational image that can be
derived from history, philosophy or vision or ideals,
mission or function, strategic or program
objectives(Liliweri, 2007). This is reflected in the
people of Lenteng Agung is generally a Betawi
society. It is this factor of cultural identity that
makes the communal relationship between the
Ahmadiyya community and the Sunni majority in
Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta.
The FPI demands the closing of Al-Mubarak
Mosque ofAhmadiyya. The existence of the
Ahmadiyah community in Lenteng Agung which is
considered to have a blood relation with the
surrounding community leaders makes the
hereditary ties between communities keep each other
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
one another as stated by Pak Misman who rejects
violence in his region(Misman, 2017).
The similarity of identity as Liliweri said, about
cultural identity, social identity and self / personal
identity(Liliweri, 2007), people in the area of
Lenteng Agung who are both followers of Sunni and
Ahmadiyya followers can coexist, support and look
after each other because this isthe basis of the
formation of public peace in Lenteng Agung.
3.4 The Ahmadiyyah Humanism
One uniqueness of the Ahmadiyya is their struggle
to assert themselves as Muslims, especially for
Ahmadis living in Islamic countries. The slogan
"Love For All Hatred For None" became the basic
principle of their da'wah and humanitarian
values(Ahmad, 2013). The mission to create peace is
believed to be the ultimate goal of this slogan. In
Lenteng Agung community, the presence of Lajnah
Immaillah and also Khudamul Ahmadiyah who
participated in maintaining peace and contributing in
helping Lenteng Agung society both in social and
economy make the existence of Ahmadiyah
Community in Lenteng Agung well received.
Coupled with the presence of Ahmadiya figures who
are the original residents of Lenteng Agung who
have been hereditary to live and settle and have a
family relationship with the Sunni community, in
this case, NU make the existence of Ahmadiyah
Congregation is well received and recognized as part
of the community Lenteng Agung.
One of the social movements conducted by the
Ahmadiyya Congregation is the holding of
humanitarian cooperation programs such as blood
donation, health care for the poor, and compensation
for orphan education. Even Ahmadiyah members in
Indonesia as stated by Fazal have registered
themselves as eye donors in eye banks that also
establish Ahmadiyah institutionally included in the
record of Indonesian Record Museum [MURI] as the
biggest eye donor. The large board widely initiated
this movement until the Ahmadiyah branch
office(Jakarta), 2017).
From the above explanation can be concluded that
the role of Civil Society and public relations exist in
Lenteng Agung able to maintain peace between
SUNNI and Ahmadiyah. These factors explain how
existing communal relationships can function to
keepthe peace. First, the closeness of the relationship
between Ahmadiyah both Lajnah Immaillah and
Khudam with NU's great figures as well as Sinta
Nuriyah Wahid as the initiator of the foundation of
Puan Amal Hayati Foundation made the Ahmadiyah
community relationship with the people of Lenteng
Agung that the SUNNI majority understand well
preserved. Also, the Puan Amal Hayati Foundation
movement regarding initiating tolerance and non-
violence contributed to the maintenance of
communal peace and good relations of the Sunni
community - Ahmadiyah community in Lenteng
Agung. Second, the ability of actors to utilize the
network of primordialism / tribal identity.
Ahmadiyyah Humanism movement that carries
Love For All Hatred For None which the spirit of
this movement to make fragrant not only Ahmadiyya
but also able to reduce the fears of western society
will Islamophobia that occurred.
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