Promoting Social Justice through Management of Zakat
M. Taufiq Rahman
, Iding Rosyidin
and Moh. Dulkiah
SGD State Islamic University Bandung, Indonesia,
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Zakat, Management, Social Justice
Abstract: This study focuses on analyzing the transformation of zakat (alms) management from the viewpoint of the
capital and its institutional relation to empower the society. An in-depth study regarding this topic has its
relevance to enrich theoretical discussions in economic sociology on the types and function of the capital in
an institution with its institutional relation. This study displays a discussion on zakat management in West
Java in order to finalize social analytics more comprehensively in its relation to enact social justice. This
study emphasizes more on the LAZ capitals in transforming the management of zakat in West Java,
Indonesia. Studying the reality of zakat in West Java has its attraction, mainly because there are prolific
growing private zakat institutions in the area. This study finds a theoretical view of capital based
institutional relation in real life. A capital based institutional relation is a part of a continuation of the
institutional relation theory potential to be a theory to analyze capital matters in an institutional relation
way. This theory can enrich the established sociological theory of organization and could give explanations
concerning the power and the weakness of capital in an institutional relation way.
The internalization and socialization of the religious
concept of trust are provided through a platform
such as a zakat collection and empowerment, which
serves as a communication medium between amil
(zakat collectors) and muzakki (zakat payers) and as
an effort to transform zakat management. Zakat
itself is the obligation of all Muslims to issue a
portion of the wealth in order to cleanse (tathir) and
purify (tazhir) the soul and the total property as
stated in QS. 9: 103. As for the recipient, zakat can
fulfill the material requirements, such as eating,
drinking, clothing, housing and so on whose
distribution goals are mentioned in QS. 9: 60.
LAZ's transformation in Islam becomes a
manifestation of the implementation of community
economic management practices, especially in the
welfare of the weak. Moreover, the economic
management practices of the people prioritize the
aspects of trust. Trust in Islam is also taught in a
different sense; the trust is a spiritual capital. Robert
J. Barro gives an analogy to this spiritual capital
such as human capital in conventional systems
(Barro, 2004). Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002)
distinguishes between spiritual capital and religious
capital. The first covers a broader aspect of a more
diverse society, carried out by a more complex
(extra-institutional) pattern of production,
consumption, exchange, and consumption. In
contrast with the second, which is produced in a
hierarchical institution (Verter, 2003). Victor Nee
through his New Institutionalism only continued the
concept of social capital which had been introduced
previously by several scholars such as Robert D.
Putnam (Nee, 2003).
In the general context, spiritual capital seems to have
a more positive image than religious capital because
spirituality is often associated with secularity (non-
religious activities), more flexible, and therapeutic.
Meanwhile, religious activities, for example,
Protestant Christianity in the United States, are often
associated with conservative characters. Spiritual
capital also has various similarities with religious
capital, especially the social and economic impacts
generated by religious beliefs, activities, and
institutions. For example, some of the believers in
churches in the United States are members of
Rahman, M., Rosyidin, I. and Dulkiah, M.
Promoting Social Justice through Management of Zakat.
DOI: 10.5220/0009933916991706
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1699-1706
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
associations, philanthropy, and volunteerism
(Putnam, 2000). Thus, they develop social and
religious and spiritual capital.
People do not need to find meaning and purpose
in life or insist on wanting to be a good person.
Spiritual capital has nothing to do with the 'right' or
to depend on the ultimate truth. Our conception of
the Almighty is spiritual capital that allows us to
relate to all the meanings of values and
understanding of the purpose of life. In short,
spiritual capital reflects the core values, systems of
one's value and the inward thrust of humans.
Genuine social capital must include the spiritual and
mental dimensions, which add to the main goals in
building long-standing relationships with people
from different backgrounds (Haddorff, 2000).
First, Ranti Wiliasih et al. (2011), Relationship
between Quality of Life and Regular Zakah
Exercise, International Journal of Business and
Social Science Vol. 2 No. 16; September 2011, this
study examines the relationship between regular
zakat and quality of life by using aspects of
spirituality and altruism as intermediary variables.
This research was conducted with surveys and
interviews using a questionnaire on 110 respondents
from 356 zakat payers. By using Structural Equation
Model (SEM) analysis and Partial Least Square Path
Modeling (PLSPM) analysis, this study successfully
tested the relationship between regular zakat
implementation and quality of life through altruism
and spirituality as an intermediary variable. The
choice of spirituality and altruism based on
intervening variables in research. Their findings
indicate that there is a relationship between regular
zakat testing and quality of life, although altruism
and spirituality affect the quality of life, and there is
a relationship between spirituality and quality of life.
It means that regular zakat testing does not
automatically improve the quality of their lives,
especially if they do not know the meaning for
Second, Geoffrey A. Jehle, "Zakat and
inequality: some evidence from Pakistan." Review
of Income and Wealth 40.2 (1994): 205-216. Jehle
tried to analyze the impact of zakat on inequalities
and inequalities that occur in Pakistan. By using the
AKS Gap Index (Atkinson, Kolm, and Sen), Jehle
was able to construct two types of income using data
from 1987-1988, namely: Data on income without
including zakat and income data that included zakat.
He found that zakat was able to channel the income
from the middle class to the lower groups, even
though the amount was still minimal.
Third, Nasim Shah Shirazi (1996), Targeting,
coverage, and contribution of zakat to household’s
income: the case of Pakistan." Journal of economic
cooperation among Islamic countries 17.3/4: 165-
186. Shirazi analyzes the impact of zakat and ‘ushr
on poverty alleviation efforts in Pakistan. Using
FGT (Foster, Greer, and Thorbecke) Index, he found
that in 1990-1991, 38 percent of households in
Pakistan lived below the poverty line. However, this
figure will be 38.7 percent if the zakat transfer
mechanism does not occur. He also concluded that
the poverty gap decreased from 11.2 percent to 8
percent with the presence of voluntary zakat transfer
Forth, Ibrahim Patmawati, Economic Role of
Zakat in Reducing Income Inequality and Poverty in
Selangor. Diss. Ph. D. thesis, University Putra
Malaysia, 2006. Here Patmawati tried to analyze the
role of zakat in reducing poverty and income
inequality in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. Using
the Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficients, he found
that the bottom 10 percent of the community
enjoyed 10 percent of the public's wealth because of
zakat. This figure increased from 0.4 percent when
the transfer of zakat did not occur whereas 10
percent of the top groups of people enjoy wealth by
32 percent, or down from 35.97 percent in the
previous position. It shows that the gap between
groups can be reduced. He also concluded that zakat
could reduce the number of low-income families,
reduce the level of depth and severity of poverty in
Fifth, Niswatun Hasanah (2013), ANALISIS
MUZAKKI (Studi Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat
Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta). Diss. Universitas
Gadjah Mada. This study looks at zakat management
from a trust perspective. The management of zakat
which used to be still in the form of charity has
shifted to zakat institutions that manage zakat funds
creatively and innovatively in the form of productive
zakat. It makes every zakat institution requires
muzakki who believes in the performance of the
institution so that many teachers channel their funds
through institutions. The management is inseparable
from the marketing strategy in management applied
by an Amil Zakat Institution. This research was
conducted to find out and understand the strategies
used by Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta in marketing its
services and analyzing respondents' responses and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
strategies used through CARTER service quality to
Sixth, Umah, U. K. (2011), Penerapan Akuntansi
Zakat Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat (Studi pada LAZ
DPU DT Cabang Semarang). VALUE ADDED|
study situates Indonesia as demographically and
culturally has the potential to be developed into an
instrument of income distribution, especially the
Indonesian Muslim community, namely the
institution of zakat, infaq, sadaqah (ZIS).
Demographically, the majority of the Indonesian
population is Muslim, and culturally the obligation
of zakat has an effect, and Sadaqah in the way of
Allah SWT has been deeply, rooted in the Muslim
tradition of life. In managing zakat, the management
institutions must have accountability and
transparency. Therefore, it is important for zakat
management institutions to be able to prepare good
and transparent financial statements. Still, there are
many BAZIS and LAZIS who have not used zakat
accounting, especially the amil zakat agencies
operating in the village / kelurahan or mosque. They
still use conventional accounting. Even though
PSAK (statement of financial accounting standards)
has been issued no. 109 concerning zakat
accounting. This phenomenon is the reason for
conducting research on the implementation of zakat
accounting by zakat management institutions, the
mechanism of zakat management in the Amil Zakat
Wallet Caring for the People of Darut Tauhid (LAZ
DPU DT) Semarang Branch became the topic in this
study. Data Collection Techniques are carried out
by: 1) Direct Observation, 2) Interview (Interview),
and 3) Documentation. Data analysis consists of
description and content analyses. The collected data
is analyzed using the description method, with
qualitative analysis. In this case, the analysis is
carried out by explaining matters relating to the
conditions at the LAZ DPU DT Semarang branch,
especially in describing how the application of zakat
accounting to the Semarang branch of LAZ DPU
DT. Accounting for zakat funds carried out by LA
Semarang DPU DT Branch is carried out based on
the cash basic value where the accounting
transaction recording model records all revenues that
have been received. And in the reporting process
LAZ DPU DT Semarang Branch only reports
sources and uses of funds and reports on receipt and
use of funds. This is because that LAZ DPU DT
Semarang Branch does not have its own assets such
as land and buildings. Here LAZ DPU DT Semarang
Branch has not conducted five financial reports
according to PSAK No. 109 of which are balance
sheets, reports on sources and uses of funds, reports
of changes in funds under management, cash flow
reports, and notes to financial statements. Therefore,
the LAZ DPU DT Semarang Branch has not been
audited by a public accountant and not in accordance
with SFAS No. 109.
Seventh, Rouf, M. A. (2011), Analisis faktor-
faktor yang mempengaruhi minat masyarakat
membayar zakat di Rumah Zakat cabang
Semarang (Doctoral dissertation, IAIN Walisongo).
This study begins with a rationale that to empower
zakat funds optimally, a professional, trustworthy
and transparent zakat management institution is
needed. It is so in fostering a sense of public trust in
the interest in paying zakat in zakat institutions. In
addition to trust in zakat institutions, interest in
paying zakat can also be influenced by the level of
religiosity and income. The level of one's religiosity,
especially the understanding of the obligation of
zakat greatly influences one's awareness to issue
zakat. While income has a relationship regarding
whether the property has reached the nisab (obliged
amount) or not. This study explains the problem of
whether there is an influence of trust, religiosity and
income on the interest of the public to pay zakat.
This study aims to examine partially and
simultaneously how trust, religiosity and income
influence the interest of the public to pay zakat in
the Semarang branch of Zakat House. The technique
used for sampling in this study is a probability
sampling. The method used to collect data were
questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The
data analysis technique used in this research is the
validity, reliability and multiple regression analysis.
The results of research processed with SPSS Version
16.0 for Windows shows that the influence of
independent variables (trust, religiosity and income)
on the dependent variable (community interest) is
57.4%, while 42.6% is influenced by other variables
not included in this research. This means that the
ability of variables of trust, religiosity and income is
very large in explaining interest variables. The
empirical test results of the influence between trust
in community interests, showed a value of t count
3.323 and p value (sig) of 0.001 which was below
5%. This means that trust affects people's interests.
The effect of religiosity on community interest
shows a value of t count 3.945 and p value (sig) of
0.000 which is below 5%. This means that
religiosity affects people's interests. While the
influence of income on public interest shows a value
of 7.430 t count and 0.000 p value (sig), using the
Alpha level of 5%, the position of the probability
value is below its Alpha. This means that there is a
significant influence between income and public
Eighth, Sidiq, H. A. (2015), Pengaruh
Pengetahuan Zakat, Tingkat Pendapatan,
Religiusitas Dan Kepercayaan Kepada Organisasi
Pengelola Zakat Terhadap Minat Membayar Zakat
Promoting Social Justice through Management of Zakat
Pada Lembaga Amil Zakat:(Studi Kasus Terhadap
Muzakki Di Fakultas Agama Islam Dan Fakultas
Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta) (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Surakarta). This study aims to
analyze the influence of the knowledge of zakat,
income level, level of religiosity, and the level of
trust in the interest in paying zakat on the institution
of amil zakat at Muhammadiyah University
Surakarta. The population in the study were
lecturers, employees and students at the Faculty of
Economics and Business and the Faculty of Islamic
Religion, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
The sample in this study taken Case Study Against
Using Convenience Sampling method, while
determining the number of samples using the
Slovin’s formula. There are 98 questionnaires that
can be processed in this study. The primary data
collection method used is by survey method using a
questionnaire media. The data analysis method used
in this study is multiple regression analysis (OLS).
Based on the results of the analysis carried out then
the conclusions obtained based on the effect validity
test (t test) at significance (α) of 0.05. Knowledge of
zakat (PZ) has a significant effect on the interest in
paying zakat to the institution of amil zakat with a
coefficient of 0.274670. The level of trust (TK;
Tingkat Kepercayaan) also has a significant effect
on the interest in paying zakat to the amil zakat
institution with a coefficient of 0.199615. Whereas
for the income level variable (TP; Tingkat
Pendapatan) and the level of religiosity (TR; Tingkat
Religiusitas) does not have a significant influence on
the interest in paying zakat at the amil zakat
institution at the level of α up to 95%.
Ninth, Tho’in, M. (2017), Pembiayaan
Pendidikan Melalui Sektor Zakat. Al-Amwal: Jurnal
Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syari'ah, 9(2). This study
aims at finding out how educational financing
program done, to know the criteria of students who
will get educational scholarship, and to know the
flexibility in allocating zakat funds for education at
the zakat Al-Ihsan Institute of Central Java. This
research use descriptive, qualitative approach. Data
collection in this study was conducted by
observation, interview, and documentation. Data
analysis techniques in this study were interactive
data analysis techniques consisting three
components of data analysis, that is, data reduction,
data presentation, and conclusion. This study found
that there are two educational financing programs
undertaken by this institution, that is, an integrated
scholarship program and orphaned pesantren. Both
programs are financed from the utilization of zakat
funds that have been collected. The criteria of the
students receiving educational scholarships are
classified by priority scale: 1) the poor, orphan,
mosque takmir (employees); 2) the orphans; 3) the
poor. In addition, there is the flexibility of the
budget in allocating zakat funds for education
Tenth, Lestari, P., Pratiwi, U., & Ulfah, P.
(2015), Identifikasi Faktor Organisasional dalam
Pengembangan “E-Governance” pada Organisasi
Pengelola Zakat, MIMBAR, Jurnal Sosial dan
Pembangunan, 31(1), 221-228. This study aims to
identify organizational factors which focused on the
SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats) in order to develop e-
governance to strengthen transparency and
accountability in the management of zakat in Zakat
Management Organization in Banyumas. Data were
collected through interviews and focus group
discussion (FGD) technique. With snowball
sampling, nine zakat management organizations in
Banyumas were selected. The analytical method
used is descriptive qualitative. The results showed
that the organization of zakat in Banyumas have
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and obstacles in
managing zakat. Other results showed the lack of
using of internet-based media in the dissemination of
programs and accountability in managing of zakat.
Eleventh, Siswantoro, D., & Nurhayati, S.
(2012), Factors affecting concern about zakat as a
tax deduction in Indonesia, International Journal of
Management and Business Research, 2(4), 293-312.
Historically, the Islamic state collected zakat
(similar to the tithe of other regions) as national
income. In Indonesia, the private sector can
raise zakat funds more effectively than the
government. In 2010, zakat became tax-deductible
income. This paper tries to analyze some factors that
affect preference for zakat as a tax deduction in
Indonesia. The effectiveness of the regulation is also
investigated. In addition, zakat can deduct tax as a
plan for next regulation proposal. This research also
aims to see for further action, zakat can deduct tax.
Research methodologies were hard copy and online
questionnaires and phone interviews with the tax
office’s customer service. Samples were taken from
April through June 2012. The results showed that
motivation and trust factors affected the preference
for tax-deductible zakat, while most tax officers
were not aware of the popular concern
about zakat as a tax deduction. This study proposes
involving human resources departments in
companies’ deductions of taxable income and
promoting awareness of the issue among tax officers
as solutions to this problem.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Twelfth, Satrio, E., & Siswantoro, D. (2016),
Analisis Faktor Pendapatan, Kepercayaan Dan
Religiusitas Dalam Mempengaruhi Minat Muzakki
Untuk Membayar Zakat Penghasilan Melalui
Lembaga Amir Zakat, Simposium Nasional
Akuntansi XIX. This research explains some factors
such as individual income, trust and religiosity of
zakat payer preference on profession zakat through
Zakat Institution. The research method used is by
questionnaire with 164 sample at Indonesian Stock
Exchange. It uses SMARTPLS to test the
relationship of variables. The results show that
individual income, trust and religiosity have
significant effects to zakat payer preference payment
through zakat Institutions.
Thirteenth, Trisnawati, D. M. F. (2015),
Penerapan PSAK 109 Tentang Akuntansi Zakat dan
Infak/Sedekah pada BAZ Kota Pekanbaru, Kutub
khanah, 17(1), 40-59. Zakat management
organization (OPZ) in Indonesia is growing by leaps
and bounds, even among OPZ competing for the
collection of zakat, donation/charity to attract the
sympathy of the Muslim community in particular
muzakkis and donors. Many ways to do that is by
making the program amil zakat distribution of
creative and innovative as mustahiq economic
empowerment so that the program can improve the
status of mustahiq (alms receivers) into a minimal
muzakki munfiq (people who could pay zakat).
However, the important thing is the publication to
the public as well as to implement transparency and
accountability in the management of zakat. The
authors are interested to further investigate the
application of PSAK 109, Accounting for Zakat,
Infaq/BAZ Alms in the city of Pekanbaru. BAZ
Pekanbaru which has been confirmed by Walikota
Pekanbaru since 2001, experienced a significant
development in terms of the collection of zakat since
last 2 years with a period of management the period
2011 till 2013. This is a descriptive and comparative
study between zakat management accounting
practice in the field with the provisions of PSAK
109. The results showed that the BAZ Pekanbaru has
applied PSAK 109 on its financial reporting since
2011 are listed in the annual report 2011 and 2012.
The embodiment of transparency and accountability
is a positive impact on the increase in the collection
of zakat, donation/charity. Finally, it could increase
public confidence in government and the city of
This research uses the method of soft systems
methodology (SSM) developed by Checkland and
Scholes. SSM is an approach to solve an
unstructured complex problematical situation based
on holistic analysis and system thinking. The use of
SSM is to describe problems consisting more
significant social and political effects and analyses
by using the concept of human activity as a tool to
know a problematical situation to produce actions to
raise the situation (Checkland & Scholes, 1999).
The present writers assert seven levels to solve
the SSM problems that is; first, determining and
understanding the problematical situation. Second,
affirming problematical situation. Third, choosing a
viewpoint to see the situation and producing a
definition of problematical roots. Fourth, developing
enough conceptual models to describe all of the
problematical roots. Fifth, comparing the model with
reality. Sixth, declaring an expected and possibly
performed the change. Seventh, doing an action to
raise the situation of the real world (Checkland &
Scholes, 1999).
This research takes the analytical study of
analyzing the capital capacity of zakat management
institutions in West Java and performed in various
locations. Those are the offices of: The House of
Zakat (Rumah Zakat, RZ), The Wallet of the Needy
(Dompet Dhuafa), Daarut Tauhid, the Center of
Zakat of the People (Pusat Zakat Umat, PZU) of the
Islamic Union (Persatuan Islam, Persis), and other
places agreed by the researcher and the informants.
Data analysis derived at the same time from the
processes of data gathering. The inductive analysis
is departed from the raw data in the field. The
process of data management involves theme
identification and emerging patterns after doing data
selection, classification, and data analysis. After
categorizing interview transcripts, there is an effort
of codification of essential points including
keywords and sentences.
LAZ is an organization that has its own corporate
culture built by all its employees, especially
regarding values, perceptions, and behavior of all
elements in the organization. The cultural conditions
of the organization will influence any forms of
activity that applied to internal or external circles.
Promoting Social Justice through Management of Zakat
Table 1: The Values Applied by the Amil Zakat Institutes
No LAZ Core Values
1 RZ
- Trusted
- Humanitarian
- Progressive
2 Dompet Dhuafa
- Independence
- Accountability
3 DPU DaarutTauhid
- Pray
- Think
- Endeavor
4 Pusat Zakat Ummat
- Trustworthy
- Professional
- Transparent
Source: Field Study, 2015
There are positive and negative values; the
positives include: First, the principle of
transparency. LAZ develops this transparency
principle to guarantee access or freedom for
everyone in obtaining information about the
organization, namely information about its
implementation and the results achieved. According
to IM, Director of DD Jabar, that transparency is
applied to provide openness for everyone both from
the elements of muzakki and the general public to
conduct surveillance. Nevertheless, IM stated that
transparency must be balanced, too, with the need
for confidentiality of institutions and information
that affects the rights of individual privacy (IM,
The role of the media recognized by IM as very
important in this transparency, for the reason of an
opportunity to communicate to the public and
explain various relevant information, as well as a
watchdog for various LAZ actions and deviant
behavior from the officers. The media will not be
able to carry out this task without the freedom of the
press, free from government intervention even if it
influences business interests. IM also realizes that
openness has consequences for the excessive control
of society and even the mass media. Therefore, the
obligation for openness could hand in hand with the
value of the limitation, which includes clear criteria
from the officers about what kind of information
they provide and to whom the information is given.
IM stated that three main factors could encourage
and accelerate the realization of transparency above,
those are the availability of data/information that is
accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date; the ease of
accessing data/information; and the uniformity of
data/information submitted (IM, 2015).
Information and activities that must be
transparent include managing funds that cover the
system, amount and source of funds, and the
distribution. IM explained that the organization and
the personnel include the structure, tasks, and
management systems. Planning includes short and
medium-term plans; implementation includes
progress reports and obstacles faced; procurement of
goods and services includes integrated information
on its implementation; and the distribution of
humanitarian aid funds includes the amount and
value of available funds, criteria, and number of
recipients, sources and forms of assistance, as well
as accountability mechanisms (IM, 2015).
The second principle is professional. Many
problems that arise from traditional zakat
management should be a reflection of us together as
a country with the largest Muslim population in the
world. IM states:
At present, there are many zakat individual and
traditional management, especially in rural and small
cities. Many risks arise from this management
system. In addition to the deceased victim, other
things that might happen such as the uneven
mustahiq (object of zakat) who gets help, the justice
system and lack of proper coordination. The
distribution of zakat does not spread to
empowerment after assistance has been done. As a
result, mustahiq only is only helped for a moment
and not on target. Even sadder, it seems like a
parade is possible because mustahiq becomes an
object of spectacle (IM, 2015).
A large number of people who distribute their
zakat directly to direct recipients can be an
indication of their lack of trust in the existing amil
zakat institution. Therefore, if LAZ does not
professionally manage the zakat, it will cause the
public to be more distrustful of the zakat channeling
institutions. The above indications designate the
level of professionalism of LAZ as it has several
requirements. These conditions include having valid
muzakki and mustahiq data, submitting financial
reports to the public, supervised by a public
accountant, and having professional amil or
Professional zakat management should also use
information technology. Some officials from LAZ
stated that this technology is necessary to facilitate
the organization of zakat. The existence of a system
integrated with information technology will facilitate
the management of zakat. By using technology, the
zakat management process will be faster and more
comfortable. Technology could overcome distance
barriers that have often been a barrier to data
exchange and information on zakat institutions.
Integrated information technology makes it easier
for zakat managers to control each zakat fund
entrusted by the muzakki right to the mustahiq.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The use of sophisticated information technology
infrastructure will make LAZ more efficient in
collecting funds from the muzakki and easier in
storing various data. The use of technology can
strengthen the database needed by zakat managers.
The data includes data on zakat recipients, data on
zakat recipient area, data from the zakat institutions,
data on institutions that receive support from zakat
funds, data on obligatory zakat, and others. The use
of this technology can also make it easier for
muzakki to pay zakat. For example, the muzakki can
pay zakat via SMS, calculate their zakat through the
internet, get information about reports on the use of
zakat funds via the internet, and others.
LAZ also utilized banking technology with the
help from banking technology; donors will be
facilitated with banking transaction facilities, for
example, the method of paying zakat by using a
credit card or known as recurring. Sharia payments
through credit cards are valid with commitments
from credit card holders to pay off payments before
maturity, credit cards for payment of zakat, infaq,
sadaqah, and cash waqf. Banking services like are
expected to provide convenience for people who
have a busy life.
The third is accountability; some LAZes
promoted the principle of accountability as an
obligation to account for the management and
control of the resources and the implementation of
policies. It includes the success or failure in
achieving the goals and targets set through the
accountability media in the form of implementation
reports (performance accountability), period
submitted to related institutions both at the central
and local levels.
Zakat institutions that have the trust to
accommodate alms and alms donations must channel
the funds according to their designation. Especially
for zakat funds, the distribution is determined by the
Qur'an so that it is clear. Regarding utilizing infaq
and alms funds to provide significant benefits, it is
necessary to have the right strategy. For that reason,
the funds collected do not run out in a relatively fast
time, but the funds can develop and benefit many
people. Zakat, infaq, and alms funds are given to the
poor in various programs related to social,
education, health and economics.
All programs that are carried out are based on
careful consideration so that they can be efficient
and avoid excessive use of funds but lack the
benefits. Financial institutions are essential for zakat
management institutions. Banks become a vital part
of zakat funds collection.
At LAZ, values tend to be communally related to
one another to form patterns and value systems in
society. If there is no integral harmony of social
values, social problems will arise. Each value can
have a different effect on individuals and society as
a whole. Values can affect personal development in
society positively and negatively.
However, as stated by some LAZ officials from
Dompet Dhuafa, RZ, PZU, and DPU Daarut Tauhid
stated that they are trying to implement good
governance. According to SJ from Dompet Dhuafa,
today, the goal of development is directed to create
an ideal society, known as civil society. Islamic
Shari'a is the potential to support development
because it has several possible functions towards it.
First, religion is a source of motivation for
development, which is a factor that encourages and
inspires people and society. Secondly, Islamic law is
a source of inspiration for development, namely
factors that can contribute value and ideas for
development. Third, Islamic Shari'ah is a source of
evaluation for development. It can be used as a
measuring tool and even as a tool of criticism for the
good of the development process. The Shari'ah
prophetic mission of Islam is to direct life to an ideal
ethical and moral paradigm, overseeing deviations,
irregularities, developing ethics and morals in
various aspects of social life by the dynamics of
culture (IM, 2015).
The implementation of Islamic Shari'ah in the
current context of humanitarian, and social
movement, is also required to pay attention to its
fundamental principles. Those principles are: human
rights (huquq al-insaniah) in the framework of
upholding legal justice and social, economic and
political justice; the principle of elasticity, the
principle of evolution (tadarruj al-tashri’) and other
principles (Nee, 2003).
Technically, the implementation of zakat is
transformed in the public policy process through
legislation or in the action program, with the
executive, legislative and judicial bodies as the
pioneers of the formulator, implementer, and
dynamism. It implies that the implementation of the
management of zakat requires cooperation and
cohesiveness between the elements of the
government and elements of society, including with
scholars of various skills. Because of the problems
that develop in the community, it often cannot be
solved by the government alone, or by just ulama
groups. It means that between the government as the
formulator and implementing the policy
(policymakers and administrative policy) in this
case, the executive body and the legislative body, as
Promoting Social Justice through Management of Zakat
well as scholars as agents of social change, and the
community as policy targets must be interdependent.
So that, in turn, the elements of the government,
both executive, legislative and judicial, play a role as
the formulator and implementer of zakat, the
scholars with various skills play a role as initiators
and motivators who provide inspiration and
contribution of thought to the formulation and
implementation strategy.
The forms of support and obstacles faced by the
alms institution of Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) in
empowering the businesses of the poor came from
external and internal supports. Outstanding external
support was in the form of the increasing public
awareness, which spurred the enthusiasm of zakat
workers (amil) in maximizing capital accumulation
and its utilization. The obstacles in zakat
management were in the forms of operational costs,
human resources, technology utilization, and
coordination with other parties, especially the
The results of the study of LAZ's success in
empowering mustahiq businesses resulted in at least
two theoretical findings, namely the Theory of
Religious Capital and the Theory of Capital-Based
Institutional Relations. Religious Capital Theory is
presented as another variant of social capital,
economic capital, cultural capital, and symbolic
capital; while Capital-Based Institutional Relations
is a part or continuation of Institutional Relations
theory that has the potential to become a theory for
analyzing capital issues in institutional relations. It is
through these efforts that social justice developed by
zakat management could deliver to the community.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation