Questioning Identity Politics in Multicultural Community:
Evidence in Kota Tangerang (2009-2013)
Khoirun Nisa
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Akhlaqul Karimah Symbol, Identity Politics, Politics of Multiculturalism
Abstract: The regional autonomy has opened more rooms for political identity. This study examines how majority
and minority groups respond to dominant identity politics promoted in public space by a local government
in the multicultural community. Examining Tangerang City as a case study, this study gathered data through
interviews from 30 respondents consisting of religious leaders, colleg students, and government employees
from various religious backgrounds along with observation and local policy analysis. This study shows how
identity politics in a multicultural community is perceived difeerently by respondents in two main
respondents. One, identity politics is positively perceived as it is a form of public education and supporting
tools for the government to convey their messages. On the other hand, it invites injustice to those of
minority groups. The identity politics used by local government showcases exclusivism and discrimination
overlooking those of minorities. The identity politics practice undermines pluralism as a character of a
place. It shows how government regressively accepts differences. This study reveals how the Indonesian
community needs to be treated equally in public places to represent their rights as citizens as Indonesia’s
spirit of Multiculturalism. This study also suggest that the politics of multiculturalism can be an alternative
to response the injustices and does not eliminate the goodness of identity politics practice.
Diversity is a dominant character of Indonesia as a
nation, and is in the country’s motto, 'Unity in
Diversity' and Pancasila (Indonesia’s five
principles). Islam is the religion of the majority, but
Indonesia has never become an Islamic state. The
state form is based on the agreement on the founding
fathers when formulating Pancasila as the national
principles. However, attempts to include Islam in
politics and public lives continue to persist. Regional
autonomy in 1999 as transfer power from the central
government to regional leaders provides more
spaces for those of who in power to incorporate
Islam, as identity politics, in many regions in
Moreover, identity politics practice is becoming a
trend in many parts of Indonesia, the practice,
however, triggers inequality and discrimination
against minority groups.
This study provides an
overview that use interpretation and public opinion
as a measuring tool to understand whether the
identity politics practice can nurture the diversity.
This research is a case study of Islamic Identity
Politics practice in Tangerang City during the
government of Wahidin Halim period 2009-2013.
Tangerang city with the nickname of a thousand
industrial city is a gathering place of various
religions and ethnicities. Tangerang City
Government uses the word 'akhlaqul karimah'
(Respectful Behavior) which originated from Arabic
as the motto and listed in Tangerang’s local vision.
The government implements akhlaqul karimah as a
motto of the city into several forms. There is the
policy,and the symbols of Islam spread out in city
public space. The word Allah (God) and Al Asmaul
Husna (The names of God) are used in many public
signs in main roads. A mosque is used as the city
icon for the city government next to the local
government offices. Akhlaqul Karimahis as well
manifested in city regulation on Muslim dress code
for students and government employee, no-alcohol
and no prostitute regulation.
This study uses the symbolic interactionism
approach with qualitative methods of in-depth
interviews, focus group discussions, observation,
field notes, and documentation. The use of this
method is based on the reason for the depth and the
Nisa, K.
Questioning Identity Politics in Multicultural Community: Evidence in Kota Tangerang (2009-2013).
DOI: 10.5220/0009933416591666
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1659-1666
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
details of data obtained. It is important because the
main source of data is from the results of the
opinions, interpretations, attitudes, and actions of
several important community groups. The
Interviews were conducted with 30 respondents
from 6 religious leaders -Islam, Protestant
Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Confucianism- 18 religious activists of each religion
(each consisting of 3 males and 3 female activists), 3
Muslim and non-Muslim students, and 3 government
employees of Tangerang City Muslim and Non
Muslim. Data collection took five months from
March to July 2010. The number of respondents
mentioned above is limited and certainly can not
generalize and represent all the people of Tangerang.
However, this research can capture the narrative or
voice of people who have similar characteristics to
the respondents, and the findings of research can be
applied in similar contexts.
This study interpretes that the identity politics
practice as an educative and progressive policy for
the city of Tangerang. However, Arabization
attached to the symbols in public spaces is
interpreted as exclusive and discriminatory against
minorities. Politics of multiculturalism can be an
alternative policy in responding to the injustice of
the identity politics practice and does not eliminate
the positive side of the identity politics practice.
The literature reviews is devided into two categories,
the studies about implementation the identity politics
and the studies about the implementetion of politics
multiculturalism. The debate of implementation of
politics multiculturalism can be found in Amy
Gutmann (ed) (2017), Multiculruralism: Examining
The politics of Recognition. (al, 2017) This book
compares how the politics of multiculturalism define
into some different ways by multiculturalist and
libertarian scholars. The multiculturalist is
represented by Charles Taylor who emphasizes that
the politics of recognition is the most appropriate
way for the state to response plurality. He shows
how Canada is become a success country in
applying the politics of recognition. While
libertarian scholars are represented by K. Anthony
Appiah, Jurgen Habermas, Steven C. Rockfeller,
Michael Walzer and Susan Wolf. They emphasize
neutrality is the best way for the state in responding
the plurality. At least, the are five discussion which
become the subject of debate between them. First,
The concept good of life of society. Second, basic
recognition of community equality. Third, public
sphere of plural society. Fourth, the best role of
government in responding the diversity. Five, the
life foundation that is applied in plural society.
The other literature is used by the authors is
Bikhu Parekh (2017), with the title Rethinking
Multiculturalism,Cultural Diversity and Political
Theory. (Parekh, 2017) Parekh describe deeply
about multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is not only
about differences and identities, but involves things
are embedded and supported in culture, such as how
a group of people understand themselves through a
set of beliefs and practices from culture.
Multicultural society involves three types of cultural
diversity, such as subcultural diversity, perspectival
diversity and communal diversity. The
implementation of politics of multiculturalism can
be seen when Pareks takes an examples of
multicultural society form from a few countries
(England, France, Turkish, Canada, India, etc). The
dialog amongst cultural groups is the key of
successful of realizing multiculturalism in harmony.
Another study is Will Kymlicka (1996) in
Multicultural Citezenship: A Liberal Theory of
Minority Right. (Kymlicka, 1996) Unlike the other
contemporary libertarian, who consider the politics
of recognition is contrary to the concept of
liberalism. In his book, Kymlicka emphasizes that
the concept of politics of recognition in line with
principles of liberalism, such as individual freedom
and social justice. This can be seen in the
determination of three rights of minority groups that
should be accomodated by the state, such as self-
government rights for sub-state national groups, no
discrimination rights for minority polyetnic groups,
and special representation rights for minority groups
in state legislature. For Kymlicka, citizenship rights
are a central issue in the future of liberal traditions in
all parts of the world.
There are studies examining identity politics in
Indonesia. One of them is the study has been
conducted by CSRC (Center for The Study of
Religion and Culture) UIN Jakarta (2007) with the
title Syariat Islam dan HAM, Dampak Perda
Syari’at terhadap Kebebasan Sipil, Hak-hak
Perempuan, dan Non Muslim. (S. Kamil, 2007)This
study explores the impact of the implementation of
politics islamic identity in six regions in Indonesia.
There are Bireun Districts, Tasikmalaya Districts,
Bulukumba Districts, Bima Districts, Indramayu
Districts and Tangerang City. This study focuses on
how the identity politics impact to the human rights
(expression freedom right, religion freedom right
and fear freedom right) of three groups, namely
women, non-Muslims and civil liberties. This study
shows that identity politics bring positive impacts to
society, such as increasing piety and public security.
Besides, the identity politics threaten the civil
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
liberties, women and non Muslims rights. The
identity politics is also considered to be less
procedurally democratic and it is only political
agenda. The regulation of identity politics has
invited intolerance and exclusiveness in society.
Moreover, some law in identity politics frame also
raise doubts in the community regarding the
reflection of sincerity in worship, because worship
affairs are imposed by the state.
The other study of contestation of identity
politics also conducted by CSRC UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta (2011). They concluded that
the penetration of Islamic symbols in public space
does not threaten democracy in Indonesia (N. Hasan,
I. Abubakar, U. I. N. S. H. J. C., 2011). Ahmad
Syafi’I Ma’arif (2011) also stressed that the practice
of identity politics in Indonesia would not risk
pluralism (Maarif, 2010). However, there has not
been a study on the politics of multiculturalism as a
response to the practice of identity politics. The
study, therefore, will highlight how identity politics
can create multiculturalist politics practice. The
diverse community in Indonesia requires a policy
that acknowledges the plurality. The government
considers the identity politics as anaccommodation
towards the majority groups. On the other hand,
identity politics leads to injustice against minority
groups. The politics of multiculturalism is an
alternative to response to the injustices and does not
eliminate the goodness of identity politics practice.
The existence of akhlaqul karimah symbol in public
spaces of Tangerang City invites two different
responses, between those who support and refuse.
There are three positive opinions posted by the
respondents. First, the symbol of akhlaqul karimah
is a form of education for the community. 13
respondents stated that the launching of akhlaqul
karimah as Tangerang’s local vision along with the
Islamic symbols in the public space aims to create
noble behavior amongst citizens. Six respondents
from 13 respondents above assessed the
performance of government employees positively.
For example, government employees are no longer
in public places during working hours, such as
markets, restaurants, or malls. Four respondents also
added that the government is capable of providing
good examples to the public. For example, the
government issued a ban on smoking regulations for
government employees and students. Creating a
positive image in the eyes of society is important as
a prerequisite for the realization of excellent service.
Excellence public services will affect the supportive
collective action of society to the government
because awareness and volunteerism are not
coercive (Yuningsih, 2004). Successful government
programs bring progress to the performance of
government employees are one of the things that
people are looking forward to seeing.
Second, the symbol of akhlaqul karimah gives
the religious image of Tangerang City. For eight
respondents, the spread of akhlaqul karimah
symbols in public spaces create an atmosphere city
of Islamic nuances. This statement is based on the
assumption that the symbol of akhlaqul karimah is a
reminder of society to increase the piety. However,
this assumption seems to require further research to
prove it. Based on research CSRC UIN Jakarta
(2011) on the implementation of Islamic Sharia in
six cities in Indonesia, stated that the formalization
of religious by the state resulted in compulsion and
false obedience towards religious laws (S. Kamil,
2007). The symbolization of religion cannot be used
as a benchmark for the piety of society so that the
government is expected to be able to internalize
religious values into the soul of society not only in
the form of symbols.
Third, akhlaqul karimah as the motto of
Tangerang City is a form of response to the social
deviation. Local regulation No.7/2005 on alcohol
bans and local regulation No.8/2005 on prostitution
are two of the most popular policies in Tangerang
society as a concrete action of the akhlaqul karimah
symbol. Five respondents from Muslim and non-
Muslim are optimistic toward the application of two
regulations on alcohol and prostitution ban while the
remaining respondents are skeptical. For those who
feel optimistic, two regulations are a response to the
anxiety of the people over the years. They feel that
the atmosphere of Tangerang City is more secure
after the implementation of these two regulations.
For example, at night, sex workers are no longer seen
on the main roads of Jl. TMP Taruna and Jl. Veteran.
Respondents feel safe when walking after 10 PM.
Furthermore, these respondents demand a higher
penalty sanction for the perpetrators of irregularities
a more deterrent effect. The political conception of
Islamic identity uses mechanism and completion as a
defense for all the nation's crisis that works to cure
all diseases caused by the multidimensional crisis
that befall Indonesia (Z. Kamal). On the other hand,
the expectations of the respondents on the
effectiveness of the law are to prove the weakness of
the police as the state apparatus in providing security
to the community.
Questioning Identity Politics in Multicultural Community: Evidence in Kota Tangerang (2009-2013)
Skeptics -consisting of Muslim and non-Muslim
respondents-, argue that the implementation of the
prostitution law threatens ignites anxiety in civil
society. For four respondents, the law application is
not appropriate in industrialized societies such as
Tangerang City. The implementation of the local
regulation causes fears,in particular for women to go
out at night. They worry about being suspected as
prostitutes. This fear is based on the provisions in
the regulations -paragraph 1 article 4- on which the
referral to arrest on suspicion. The provision does
not uphold the principle of the presumption of
innocence which should be guaranteed by the
legislation. The legislation stressed the importance
of everyone's right to be presumed innocent until
proved guilty legally in a court (Hak Asasi Manusia,
1999). It shows that the Tangerang City prohibition
regulation issued a conflict with some law that was
higher above it (Media Indonesia),. For example,
Law No.7/1984 on Ratification of the Convention on
the elimination of all forms of discrimination against
women, Law No.39/1999 on Human Rights, Law
No.112/2005 on Civil Rights convention and Law
No.10/2004 on the Establishment of Legislation.
Tangerang City is an industrial city, where most of
the population is urban people who come from
different regions. Women working late into the night
are inevitable. Thus, the application of local
regulations to the provisions of article 4, paragraph 1
is not appropriate.
The skeptics also assume that the concept of
akhlaqul karimah does not bring significant change.
The enforcement both regulations do not eliminate
the practice of prostitution and liquor in Tangerang
City, but it only creates an unclear definition to
those of perpetrators. Even for three non-Muslim
respondents from four respondents above added that
the impact of the implementation of the law is
repressive. Furthermore, respondents commented on
how prostitute ban regulation is a catchphrase and is
not the solution of the real problem. This assumption
is supported by Rida Hesti Ratnasari (2009) in her
thesis, that the implementation of regulation in
Tangerang City has not been able to combat
prostitution, as a practice of prostitution still
operates in secret. The regulation does not make sex
workers lose their jobs. They even practice
prostitution outside the Tangerang City, such as
Daan Mogot West Jakarta, Kampung Melayu, Teluk
Naga and other borders (Ratnasari, 2009).
The interpretation controversy comes from the
using of Arabic word in ‘akhlaqul karimah’ symbol.
First, those who do not have a problem with the
Arabization symbols, and second those who disagree
of it. Seven respondents from Muslim religious
leaders, Confucian and Hindu religious leaders, are
unwilling to engage in controversy over the use of
the language. For them, the use of Arabic with the
majority language is intended for people to
understand the meaning of symbols better. The most
important thing is the substance not in the language
used. Nor did the Confucian people question the
language used in symbols, even assuming the
Islamic language has acculturated them. The Islamic
religious leaders even ask the government to
continue to improve and spawn various other
policies within the framework of akhlaqul karimah.
The emergence of such views indicates the
agreement and support to the government policy in
applying the symbol of the majority religion. The
above fact also implies the apologetic attitudes of
some minority groups of a public understanding that
majority groups have a larger portion to present their
beliefs than any other group exclusively.
As for some other respondents, both Muslims
and non-Muslims put forward the opposite
interpretation. The use of the majority language in a
city symbol indicates and causes opposite behaviors.
First, the government is exclusive, 13 respondents
stated that the symbol of the city by using the Arabic
language indicates that the government only
represents a particular religion (Islam) and does not
consider other religions. They opt to replace
akhlaqul karimah words with Indonesian term. For
example, good manners or good behavior. They add
that the application of Islamic symbolization to the
public sphere raises the desire for minority groups to
meet their religious needs, such as the permit for the
construction of the Catholic church, where
Tangerang City has only one Catholic church. As
Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im pointed out, one of the
dominant traits of religion is to be exclusive, where
its adherents tend to negate other religious traditions
(shari'a), assuming their religious traditions are
superior (An-Na'im, 1996). Government
exclusiveness causes minority groups to feel second
class citizens. The use of symbolic language using
Indonesian language creates a better public
understanding of the meaning of symbols and does
not cause ambiguity.
Secondly, six respondents from minority groups
feel alieniated and do not understand the meaning of
symbols. This alienation causes them to be unable to
define the meaning of symbols and to assume that
the symbol of akhlaqul karimah is directed only to
Muslims. The symbol of the city is a public
agreement that should be understood meaning and
usefulness by society (Charon, 2010). This fact
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
becomes important requirements in the existence of
a symbol of the city. First, the meaning and
representation of symbols are not well conveyed to
some people. Second, the symbol of the city should
be a profound meaning for the collective life of a
Third, the use of language majority in symbols is
discriminatory, thus raising the assumption for four
respondents that minority groups can not eradicate
social problems in society. On the other hand, the
assumption suggests that the Muslim group as the
majority has a greater responsibility to provide good
examples to other communities.
The disapproval of some of these people
showsthe form of silent violence. Eight respondents
from 23 respondents who disagreed added that they
did not dare to express their disapproval in public as
they feel like a minority group. For them, they can
only talk within their limited circles who they know
have the same attitude or mumble to themselves.
The attitude shown by these minorities leads to the
government's tendency to be hegemonic. In a
hegemonic perspective, the global culture that the
government represents is singular. All cultural
expressions including their symbolic expressions
refer to the dominant expression (Ismail, 2012).
Government exclusivism causes minority groups to
have limited freedom because they accept and agree
on something that the state elite persuades. Even the
imposition of a system of symbolism and meaning
towards other groups, so that its legitimate part is the
symbol of violence (Jenkins).
Associated with the influence of symbols for 30
respondents, 21 respondents feel the influence,
whilethe other nine respondents did not feel any
significant change. For the first group, the akhlaqul
karimah symbol is more influential in the condition
of Tangerang City as a whole than to themselves as
citizens. Regarding policy, the government issued
local ordinance (Perda) No.7/2005 on the
Prohibition of Liquor, local ordinance (Perda)
No.8/2005 on Prohibition of Prostitution, Regulation
No. 5 Year 2010 on Non-Smoking Area, and other
regulations on education, health, and religion. The
government has also succeeded in increasing
significant development and achievement in
education, regional finance, environment, health,
infrastructure, etc. The government is more open by
providing communication media for the community
through “Sms Walikota.” Answers to community
suggestions and criticism are published on a local
daily every Monday. The government opens a line of
communication through the official website of the
Tangerang City Government. On the other hand, 9
of 30 respondents stated that the progress made by
Tangerang City government indirectly succeeded in
closing down the resistance that occurred in the
counter against the phenomenon of Islamic
symbolization. The government's hegemonic attitude
is considered a price to be paid for the progress that
has taken place in Tangerang City.
The politics of multiculturalism emphasizes a policy
that recognizes and accommodates diverse identities
within a plural society. By nature, human beings are
strongly related to their cultural identity,and human
beings are culturally different. Two key words in the
application of multicultural politics are recognition
and accommodation. In the context of Tangerang
City, the injustice of the practice of Islamic
symbolization in the public sphere is proved by the
disagreement of 23 people from 30 respondents to
the use of Arabic in the city’s motto and the
symbols. They declared the government to be
exclusive, discriminatory and some of them did not
understand the meaning of symbols. In the
multiculturalism, the government is not justified to
legalize a concept of goodness possessed by one
identity (al, 2017). Public spaces are an appropriate
means for governments to reflect recognition and
accommodation of cultural diversity. There is no
doctrine or political ideology that can reflect the full
truth about human life. Each of the individualsis
embedded in a particular culture that has differences
in the concepts of kindness and also has limitations.
Therefore, each culture requires another culture to
better its understanding and broadens intellectual
and moral horizons (Parekh, 2017). Realizing the
dialogue can be mutually beneficial between
Dialogue is one way for governments to facilitate
equality of identity groups. The research findings
show that there is a demand of minority groups to be
recognized and accommodated for their needs as
identity groups. The value of the equality of society
is not seen through uniformity, but equal treatment
must is the basis of human differences. The same
treatment only forms humans in one particular
direction and is blind to differences (Parekh, 2017).
Accomodation of cultural differences is a step
towards achieving a tolerant and inclusive
Questioning Identity Politics in Multicultural Community: Evidence in Kota Tangerang (2009-2013)
democracy (Kymlicka, 1996). The government is
required to identify and acknowledge the needs of
identity group through dialogue and negotiation.
Thus, the government can establish a flexible and
sensitive policy based on the plurality.
Therefore, the practice of Islamic symbolization
is a form of government accommodation to one
majority group. One of the most important values in
the politics of multiculturalism is the provision of
accommodation to identity groups, especially
minorities. (Kymlicka, 1996). The results showed
that 26 people from 30 respondents stated that the
presence of Islamic symbolization uses the public
space as something educational towards the
community. This statement shows the goodness of
identity politics. In other words, the application of
Islamic symbolization is a step toward the practice
of further multicultural politics. The government can
achieve equity if it can accomodate other cultural
needs to other identity groups.
The needs of identity recognition in public spere
more demanding. Recognition is a basic need of
humankind. For Kymlicka, the social justice can be
applied by realizing three rights for the minority
groups, such as self-government rights for sub-state
national groups, no discrimination rights for
minority polyetnic groups, and special
representation rights for minority groups in state
legislature. Citizenship rights are a central issue in
the future of liberal traditions in all parts of the
world. (Kymlicka, 1996) Canada is one of the
country which can be mentioned as a success
country in applying the politics multiculturalism.
There are three groups as the main subject of the
application of the politics of multiculturalism in
Canada, including the national minority groups (sub-
state national groups), such as the Quebec
community, indigenous ethnic groups and immigrant
groups. That three groups get special rights to fulfill
the cultural aspirations they did not get before. For
example, Quebec people get special autonomy to
develop themselves in terms of managing their own
government affairs -federalism-. The other
accommodation for Quebec people is special
representative rights to the state legislature.
Likewise for indigenous groups, indigenous
assimilation policies are changed into policies that
can accommodate their cultural needs, such as
territorial rights agreements, language rights, self-
government rights, fishing rights, hunting rights and
so on. As for immigrant groups, the Canadian
government also provides accommodation as well as
restrictions. Accommodation provided by the
Canadian government includes, among other things,
anti-discrimination legal protection, a financing
program. Likewise there are cultural boundaries
given by the state to immigrants, such as the use of
sharp weapons at religious ceremonies, wearing
veils, voting rights in elections, and placing religious
symbols on public institutions. The specific policies
above are a way to improve their equality before the
public. In addition to specific policies, the Canadian
government implemented several provisions, such as
the provision of religious schools -Catholic and
Protestant-. Besides, Britain and France become the
official languages of Canada by considering the
position of the majority in their society. (Bertrand,
The key of politics multiculturalism practices in
Canada is the flexibility and state’s ability to adapt
the identity differences. Canada's success should be
exemplified by the government to be implemented in
Tangerang City. For example, Muslim dress
regulations for government employees and school
children can still be applied as an accommodation
for the needs of Muslim groups. Some respondents
show a goodness Akhlaqul Karimah regulation.
However, the Tangerang City government is also
required to be flexible towards non-Muslims. The
government needs to issue a written policy of
dispensation or exemptions for non-Muslims and
those who consider that Muslim dress is not part of
belief. This kind of policy can prevent exclusivity
and discrimination for minority groups.
Likewise with Regional Regulation No. 8/2005
concerning the Prohibition of Prostitution as the
implementation of the akhlaqul karimah. There are
words in that regulation considered as multiple
interpretations and discriminatory. This case invited
many critics and demands to replace the biased
words with clearer and easier words. At this point,
government flexibility is needed by replacing the
words in the contents of the law that can be accepted
by all circles. However, the practice of prostitution
is a form of social deviation. Flexibility is the right
way to implement Perda in a total manner based on
justice. Flexibility also can be applied in
implementation of Regulation No.7/2005 concerning
Prohibition of Liquor. For example, Hindus who use
alcoholic elements in upakara (ritual means) - as
embodiments of Panca Tattwa - are given exceptions
and legal protection during religious rituals. It will
show that the government respects the sacredness of
the cultural traditions of cultural group. As Bhikhu
Parekh emphasized that the concepts of respect,
equality and opportunity need to be interpreted in
culturally sensitive behavior. Facilities, resources or
a series of actions only become silent and passive
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
opportunities if they do not get cultural impetus or
cultural knowledge. (Parekh, 2017)
Basically, the symbolization of Islam in the
public sphere and its policies is a cultural expression
of the majority. This needs to be respected with the
note that the Tangerang City government issued a
special policy aimed at other cultural groups as a
form of government flexibility and sensitivity. The
ability of the government to guarantee the plurality
and differences is an important value in the policy of
multiculturalism. Thus, the government can be fair
to the majority and minority groups at once. As
Parsudi Suparlan stated that the application of
multiculturalism can be carried out if political
decisions are able to guarantee equality of plurality.
This is base on the concept of justice by eliminating
steriotypes and prejudices in implementing policies
and law enforcement. (Suparlan, 2008)
The Islamic symbols in the public sphere of
Tangerang City basically has same meaning as other
religions belief. Unfortunately, the arabization which
attached in symbols invite suspicions, debates and at
same time close the value of goodness which are
contained of the symbols. The universalization of
symbols in the city public space is the right step to
eliminate public distrust to the government. The
government has to rethink the characteristics of
Tangerang City that can be felt, admittedly even
proudly shared by every citizen. Thus, the
government becomes a unifying agent of society that
is friendly to the diversity in terms of tradition,
religion and ethnicity.
In the broader context, Indonesia has the
potential for the continuity of multicultural politics.
The diversity of identity is something that has been
interpreted appropriately by the motto of Bhinneka
Tunggal Ika (Different State Remains One Purpose).
Indonesia is also a country that adopts a multi-party
system in the democracy. This system allows
minority groups to have a party to voice their
aspirations. Likewise, regional autonomization can
serve as an opportunity for local governments to
issue policies by the characteristics of their
respective regional diversity.
The majority and minority groups interpet the
identity politic practices in Tangerang City in
several ways. First, a form of education for the
community. Second, giving a religious impression to
the community. Third, a form of government in
responding to the positive social deviation. While
other respondents consider the policy is repressive,
Arabization in symbols also raises both approval and
scepticism from the respondents. For those whop
agree, the using of majority language in symbols is
meant to make people understand more about
symbols. While the sceptics considered that the
government was exclusive and discriminatory, even
some non-Muslim respondents did not understand
the meaning of the symbols. This fact shows that
there is the value of goodness as well as a weakness
in the practice of identity politics. The identity
politics is capable of bringing regional progress but
against the plurality. Thus, the politics of
multiculturalism can be used as a policy for local
governments in responding to the good and the
drawback of the practice of identity politics. This
study aims to be a recommendation for local
governments in making policies that are a plurality
friendly, and contributing to other researchers who
want to investigate the same study.
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