Religious Learning, Social Media, and the Emergence of Religious
Intolerance in Social Relations
Cucu Nurhayati
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Religious Learning, Social Relations, and Intolerance
Abstract: Religious learning influences and determines the attitudes of its adherents. A religion which primarily
teaches to maintain the peaceful and harmonious relationships between people in society sometimes creates
intolerance and is used as a justification for the attitude taken. Along with technological advancement and
easier internet access, often people in learning religion take a fast path by learning religion through social
media. Ironically, it is sometimes not based on the primary reference sources that lead to a
misunderstanding. This study aims to see the process of religious learning through social media in
interpreting diversity and building social relations. Some individuals learn religion from social media and
then apply it in social life. People with an erroneous understanding of religion tend to blame those who have
a different opinion from them. From the literature review, it can be found that studying about religion by
using only social media sources have given birth to intolerance in social relations among people.
The development of information technology at this
time has made it easier for the public to search for
resources and references by relying on internet
One of the fastest growing technologies
is social media technology, as a means for people to
interact with each other through the technology they
hold every day. Social media in Indonesia is loved
by various groups and ages. In the search for
information, not everyone is careful and rechecks to
the primary sources, both the Quran, the hadith, the
study of interpretation and fiqh written by experts in
their fields. Due to time constraints, people
sometimes respond and understand the knowledge
gained from social media rigidly. Along with the
rapid development of information technology and
social networking sites, the spread of Islam is
growing rapidly to the realm of social media. When
attempting to understand a religion, social media can
only be used as a tool; there is still a need to observe
to check the source to ensure the truth of the
teaching. Social media is a medium on the internet
that allows users to represent themselves and
interact, collaborate, share, communicate with other
users and form virtual social bonds. Studying
religious material through social media requires
precision in choosing content and accounted sources.
Errors in choosing content will result in
misunderstanding, intolerance and even radicalism.
When religion is rigidly understood without
checking the original and comprehensive study, the
essence and function of religion as the bearer of
peace turns into hateful teaching. Learning religion
is ideally done through kyai or ustadz who
understand religion based on the study of al Quran
and hadith in depth in a relatively long period so that
their understanding is mature. There are cases where
the preachers in social media are not religious
scholars who comprehend religion comprehensively
but only someone who understands and explains
about religion based on their understanding. Their
popularity is not due to the high knowledge they
have, but a large number of followers and the
frequent people who access the material it conveys.
The use of massive social media in every life of
society cannot be avoided because it has become the
lifestyle of modern society. At this time the public
must be good at controlling themselves to be able to
avoid the fake news, hoax and hate speech.
Conducting religious propaganda by using social
media has become a trend, the preach is delivered
through Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or Youtube.
Even some preachers like Yusuf Mansur, Abdullah
Gymnastiar or Arifin Ilham have social media
Nurhayati, C.
Religious Learning, Social Media, and the Emergence of Religious Intolerance in Social Relations.
DOI: 10.5220/0009932315821589
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1582-1589
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
accounts with millions of followers. People can
easily follow religious lectures delivered through the
social media of preachers. The follower then uploads
religious picture or script on social media and also
uses chat application to spread the message. The
original writer of the content is usually unclear. With
the many phenomena of religious learning through
social networking in the digital era will significantly
facilitate the community in learning religious values.
So, how the influence of religious understanding in
building relationships in the community?
This study has several objectives, first to see the
phenomenon of religious understanding in the
religious community with the development of the
networking community. Second, to provide an
overview of social relationships built by the
community based on the understanding of the gained
through the media. As we know that social media
has a positive and negative impact that always
together. On the one hand, social media helps
facilitate the community in the learning process, but
one side of learning conducted social media running
only one direction, and there is no social interaction
built between teachers and students in the process of
religious understanding.
Several things can be done as a problem-solving
plan such as by giving an understanding to the
public that social media is only as a tool used to
facilitate the searching of specific content but cannot
be used as a single reference. Religious learning
through social media must be accompanied by the
teaching from religious teachers who master certain
areas of expertise gained through education and
intensive and in-depth learning process.
This research begins with some literature or research
studies that have been done by previous researchers.
First, Malik and Chairani's (Malik & Chairani)
research on Social Media Usage as Islamic Learning
Media to 46 respondents at 12 universities in urban
areas shows the result that 58.7% of respondents
follow the Islamic issue happened in Indonesia
through social media. Islamic social media accounts
that respondents follow as many as 52 accounts.
Examples of accounts that are followed by many
respondents are @islamicfreedom, @QURAN dan
SUNNAH, @felixsiauw, @gadisberjilbabb,
@sabdarosul, @Yusuf_Mansur, @TeladanRasul,
@quraishihab, @aagym.
52.2% of respondents said
that the reason they followed me was because they
knew the characters. As many as 82.6% of
respondents said that they always follow the issue of
Islam which is being discussed and the same number
shows that when they hear the issue of Islam they
always look for the truth of the issue.
A small amount was found when researchers asked
about their direct involvement. Only 28.3% of
respondents often post status related to Islam and
only 32.6% of respondents often discuss Islam on
social media. All respondents have a social media
account that distinguishes them from the many
social media accounts they have.
From the results of
the study showed that 85% agreed that the younger
generation believes that social media is effective to
be a medium of da'wah. This suggests that the
method of spreading Islam in cyberspace, especially
on social networking sites is more likely to be
accessed by Muslims, especially for those who are
young and have solid activities, but this does not
mean that the conventional method of da'wah done
in places of worship such as mosques and mushola
are no longer interesting. One of the advantages of
Islamic learning methods on social networking sites
has the advantage that there is no compelling
element. this shows that the stigma of coercion,
indoctrination, and the imposition of coercive
dogmatism does not occur in Islamic learning
methods through social networking sites.
Respondents assume that the learning of Islam
through social media indirectly, with no coercion, so
that it is so easy to accept and can be read when
there is spare time. An interesting finding from
respondents indicates that the young Muslim with a
better education tends to pay more attention to the
references and validity of the literature presented in
social media. Thus, the learning of Islam through
social networking sites also need to be collaborated
with selecting the accounts that will be used as a
reference; this is to avoid anonymous accounts that
sometimes just spread hate virus. The role of
religious leaders still has an important position
because the tendency of Muslim communities in
Indonesia which shows dependency on the religious
leaders. Therefore, the religious leaders need to
adjust to this condition so that it can become a
decent figure to be a role model. the context of
Islamic da'wah should be non-patronizing, not too
rigid and standard, using light language, connected
with daily life and the issues that are happening,
considering the psychology of the younger
generation, concerned with aspects of tolerance that
is not offending other religions and containing
motivation and invitations to value of goodness.
Religious Learning, Social Media, and the Emergence of Religious Intolerance in Social Relations
Second, Adam et al. (2015) on the new media as
a medium of learning media of religion and its
completion of Islamic perspective (Adam, Ali,
Anuar, & Ali, 2015), analyzes the issues related to
the phenomenon of social media usage within
Malaysian Islamic society.
A new problem arises in
studying religion through the internet, namely the
emergence of religious issues such as religious
propaganda, religious liberalization and the issue of
religious syncretism. Islamic society must realize
that the use of internet technology in preaching has
the aim to facilitate the delivery of religious advice
globally to the world community in various regions.
Preachers on social media can be categorized into
three groups. First, genuine preachers who have
scientific authority known to the public. Secondly,
preachers from religious groups who have scientific
authority but are not known by the public. Third, not
from religious groups but have the desire to carry
out da'wah and provide knowledge through social
media. Thus internet users must make comparisons
in gaining knowledge through social media by
investigating the original source as a tabayun
concept. In the context of religious teaching and
learning, sometimes not all problems can be
answered directly; this is where the importance of
the role of the teacher can communicate directly to
the problems faced. The results of this study showed
that social media has a vital role in learning Islam
for Malaysian society and become a tool in
For Muslim society, the use of social
media as a medium of religious learning is very
useful as a da'wah media that is relevant in the
present context. The internet is a media that cannot
be removed in the delivery of information, content
and thoughts to people who want to convey and
obtain religious information. The Internet can be a
medium of knowledge, study, and thinking for the
community. Some harmful elements that appear
cannot be used as a barrier for the community in its
use as a medium of religious learning. Feelings of
phobia in internet usage coupled with the attitude of
distancing technology will cause the group alienated
and get rid of technology because it is considered
not to give goodness and blessing, not practicing the
rules of learning and so on can cause the Islamic
community to lag in actualizing thinking and being
marginalized in religious innovation.
Third, Rokiah (Rahman et. al., 2015), et al.
(2015) on the use of Youtube as a medium of
Religion Learning in Generation Y in Terengganu,
Malaysia. Generation Y is a generation born
between 1980 and 2000 who were born in the
technological era. Youtube is a social media that is
very popular and is often used by generation Y to
get useful information in various forms of images,
videos or animation. You tube is an interesting
medium for generation Y because it combines audio
and visual elements that provide innovative and
creative benefits in the learning process.
This study
was conducted on 100 respondents and showed the
results of the usefulness factor and usefulness of
Youtube in religious study. Youtube is a medium
that is often used in finding information that
combines audio and visual innovatively and
creatively in the learning process. As many as 47%
of respondents said using youtube media to watch
religious lectures, religious issues as much as 20%,
religious entertainment 17%, learning Qur'an 5%,
watching religious film 85% and studying prayers or
worship was only 3%. The use of media in the
learning process has a relationship with the level of
education of users. The higher the level of education
the higher the level of media use because they feel
the benefits of the internet in studying religion. In
the context of youtube usage, the benefits of youtube
are important in providing religious input for users.
To ensure users do not fall into errors and
misunderstandings in internet use, religious
knowledge is key in decision making. In other
words, studying religion from the internet is not in a
position from the start but previously has knowledge
as a filter of information obtained.
Fourthly, Sadida (Sadida, 2017) on studying
Islam in social media mentions that studying religion
through social media should be supported with a
policy in choosing content and religious site.
Today's social media is considered to be able to meet
many people's needs. Starting from the need to find
information, communicate, interact, self-disclosure,
even to religious needs. Activities on social media
that fulfill a person's religious needs are browsing
religious material, discussing religion, and also self-
disclosures about religion as outlined in writing,
drawing, or video status. In an unstructured survey
on Facebook social media, some social media users
felt that with the rise of Islamic material on the
social media timeline, they were increasingly
interested in studying Islam, felt they had an
improved understanding of Islam, and felt their daily
behavior was more appropriate. with Islamic
guidance. Islamic materials on social media are also
considered helpful for those who feel they have
limited time to attend the study forum. Positive
impacts will be given when netizens choose an in-
depth study and have a particular study of
religiosity. But on the other hand, there are also
concerns about the growth of religious extremism,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the rise of hate speech, to the lies on social media.
Based on these concerns the government issued a
regulation on hate speech, until a discourse on
monitoring religious activities in Islamic schools and
organizations emerged. Negative impact will be
acquired when studying religion is not thorough but
intensely follow the learning in social media without
reference to the primary source. Hence, the use of
the Internet in developing countries has the impact
on the advancement of science development but
negatively affect the moral formation of the young
generation. social media as one of the effective
media to study Islam cannot be used as the main
media to fulfill all aspects of one's religious needs.
in order to gain a more comprehensive
understanding, it is proper to study Islam directly to
religious leaders, by following formal classes, and
text literature from trusted scholars.
Fifth, Sari (Sari, 2017) about the phenomenon of
the use of social media called Instagram as a
communication media among the Muslim students
in Social and Politics faculty, the University of Riau
showed that the use of Instagram in following
Islamic learning affects student behavior be it the
cognition, affection and psychomotor elements of
their behavior at university. This change can be seen
from how to dress, talk and commence activity on
campus. Some students follow religious studies and
tablig akbar by obtaining information and
communicating through Instagram. The owners of
da'wah accounts serve as teachers by providing
informative and motivational messages of
educational background derived from religious
sources. The authors use a qualitative framework,
specifically, using the phenomenology theory of
Alfred Schutz. There are two kinds of the motive of
using Instagram as the communication medium of
religious learning, namely in-order-to motive
(motive of the future) and causal motives (past
motives). These motives explain the reason why
students learn do not learn about the religion by
using study or religious lecture on the forum study.
Second, the message is shorter, more precise and
less confusing compared to those taken from the
Quran and hadith. Third, the posts made on
Instagram motivate students to improve. In-order-to
motive can be seen when the students use social
media to get know more about the religion as it is
part of their responsibility as a Muslim, invite others
to realize the norms of religion based on the Qur'an
and hadith, the last as information in getting the
knowledge of Islam.
This study uses a qualitative
method with a phenomenological approach that aims
to find in-depth understanding to explain the
meaning of life experiences of some people about a
concept or symptom. Communication information
messages from Islamic da'wah accounts contained in
the captions and uploaded photos as visual media
provide convenience for users in understanding the
contents of the message. The learning process that
changes informants begins with changes in
cognition, based on knowledge and understanding of
the application of information conveyed by Islamic
da'wah accounts on Instagram. Such as the
knowledge of the obligations of a Muslim woman in
veiling, how to dress well according to Islam, the
way of praying performed by the prophet
Muhammad SAW, and regarding Islamic laws.
Nowadays, social media becomes so close to the
community, because, in addition to providing
information, it is also used to interact. It becomes the
media to proof self-existence as well as to study
religion. Studying religion by using social media is
done by searching for religious material, discussion
or question and answer about religion. Experience or
knowledge of one's faith is poured through writing,
picture or video so the netizen can access that. The
use of social media becomes an exciting thing
because it can present various information needed in
the various life of society. As explained by Adam et
al. (2015) social media is used as the medium of
da'wah by various religions such as Judaism,
Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
Today's mass media has become the largest
refinery for religious propaganda, and this space
has been used as a means of spreading religion and
communication among people, especially by western
society (Camphell, 2006: Helland, 2000; 2005;
Bunt; 2003).
Along with the increasingly massive
development of information technology and the
growing popularity of several social networking
sites, the spread of Islamic teachings through social
media is also increasing. According to Malik and
Chairani (2017), there are two most popular social
networking sites used as a medium for spreading
Islam. The first one is Facebook; this media is often
used as a medium of da'wah, for example by
creating a group, one of the most popular groups of
discussion groups "Learning Islam." This group
provides quite rich information about Islam from
Religious Learning, Social Media, and the Emergence of Religious Intolerance in Social Relations
some competent sources. The second is Twitter,
Islamic teaching is spread through personal accounts
of preachers like @ShihabAlwi, @Haidar_Bagir,
and other personal accounts, and group accounts,
such as @FaktaAgama @Nasehat_Islam or
In the case of Indonesia, the uploaded religious
material is sometimes associated with a political
motive aimed at encouraging or dashing one
another's popularity. During the national and local
election, Qur'anic verses are adapted and used in the
context of the election. This phenomenon can
sometimes lead to resentment and mislead the
society to believe in false news, especially for
netizens who are just learning and knowing religion
in passing through social media. With the rise of
Islamic material in social media has a positive and
inseparable negative impact such as two sides of the
coin. On the one hand with the number of religious
sites, it becomes easier for people to learn Islam
teaching that is adapted to their time without having
to come directly to the study forum. However, on the
other hand, the "instant" understanding of religion
often results in anarchism, hate speech to the
increasingly widespread fake news without checking
on the primary source that has the authority of its
The question that arises is, what the danger of
studying religion through social media is?
According to Lin & Utz (Lin & Utz, 2015) in his
study of the influence of the use of social media
facebook on emotions, as quoted by Sadida (2017)
mentions that Facebook users have more positive
feelings when reading the positive status but if too
intense it will impact on sudden sorrow feeling and
depression. Another study conducted by PEW
Global (2015) revealed that internet use in
developing country societies would have a positive
impact on knowledge but on the other hand, will
also bring a negative impact on moral formation.
The positive influence of studying Islam through
media when doing direct interaction with the
positive material (Bobkowski & Pearce, 2011).
From the perspective of Islam da'wah can be
done locally as long as it is not on the contrary to
religious beliefs. Learning religion through the
media needs to be discussed in more detail. Religion
is closely related to belief and self-belief in Allah the
Almighty. These beliefs need to be realized with
worship, morals, and good social behavior. Social
media as a means of delivering information has
differences with previous religious learning media.
Therefore there are some things to note (Adam et al.:
2015), the first is, the rules of teaching and learning
of Islam which previously followed a tradition that
is full of religious values, the delivery of information
is based on muktabar books and delivered by
mutawatir. The learning of religion through the
internet is too open and free without limitation and
can be carried out by anyone. This situation indeed
ignores the concept of mutawatir and the integrity of
religious teaching in Islam. Secondly, in addition to
ignoring the concept of mutawatir the internet is so
open and free that there is a huge number of
religious knowledge, so it becomes harder to find a
reliable source. Third, religious learning through
social media requires integrity and should be
delivered more careful. Social media has the good
and bad sides that coexist because there is no
provision of what is wrong and what is right. Fourth,
Islam is a religion that emphasizes the
communication between students and teachers.
Islamic Education requires the process and
involvement of teachers to ensure and maintain the
learning of adab in accordance with the will of the
Shari'a in providing education to students. While
learning through social media does not describe the
direct relationship between students and teachers as
emphasized by religion. Fifth, social media users
have different backgrounds. For users who have
religious knowledge, they can compare several
opinions and find the most important source, but for
users who have common religious knowledge will
result in misunderstanding of understanding due to
difficulties in finding valid sources.
Despite the various impacts that it brings,
learning religion through social media seems to be
effective in reaching people from various regions
with relatively cheaper cost, for example, to learn
from the great scholars such as Dr. Yusuf Al-
Qaradawi, people can do it easily by only watching
it from Youtube. Many of the books written by the
great Islam scholars can also be accessed on the
internet. However, it is also necessary to be careful
in studying religion through social media because
the teacher does not directly guide the students.
There is no dialogue and discussion which aims to
maximize understanding. Everyone can post their
religious opinion even some of them feel the most
knowledgeable and accurate just by reading one of
the sources and then upload the opinion of social in
media that can be accessed by everyone. This is the
dangers of religious learning without going through
formal learning institution such as boarding school,
school or college because students do not get to see
qualified teachers in the field of Hadith, Fiqh or
Tafsir. When we learn directly understanding will be
better as there will be a discussion especially when
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
teachers and students have different interpretations.
Thus, learning directly with the teacher becomes a
necessity because the teacher will reprimand when
students misunderstood the teaching. Teachers will
also provide tests and exams to see the students'
understanding of what is being learned.
According to Syarwat (Sarwat, 2017) as
delivered in the house of fiqih some things must be
considered when studying religion from the internet,
namely: first, expert teachers. Preachers in social
media often have no related educational background;
they do not even master Arabic, nahwu, sharaf,
balaghah, which are the necessary tools when
reviewing religious teaching. These instant
preachers only study the religion through the Quran
and the hadith of the translation, attending the
recitation forum then productively making posts on
the internet. They copy and pasted translation from
unreliable source without doing a separate study on
it. Hence, making it dangerous for those who read
their posts. Second, studying religion should be a
more interactive dialogue between teachers and
students. This interaction can be done with email,
chat or video conference. One of the obstacles
encountered are some scholars who have excellent
knowledge are not familiar with using social media
and other information technology skills. Third, the
quality of scientific writing concerning the source of
science that muktamad. For example, the matter of
fiqh should refer to our fiqih, not the book of hadith.
Looking at the reference, we can distinguish fiqh
writings that have high scientific quality and or the
low one.
Instant religious community understanding with
religious learning through media has established a
firm understanding. Improper source selection
affects the social relationships that are built in the
community. One of the impacts is the arrogance of
those who feel that their view is the right one. There
is also a tendency to blame others and spread the
message of hatred. This condition can lead to the
assumption that Islam is repressive, intolerant and
frightening. This hate-based and criminal acts
tarnished the image of Islam as a religion of love
and tolerance. In a discussion held by the Tifa
Foundation (TIFA Foundation, 2016) and LTN
PBNU in October 2017, NU online director Saviq
Ali mentioned that the media has a high level of
visits so that an improper reference can have a bad
impact for people who are just learning religion. The
radicalization of religion through the media needs to
be done by communities, governments, and religious
leaders simultaneously and integrated into two ways:
1. Build a friendly and peaceful Islamic face and
increase the traffic of Islamic friendly sites.
This can be done by enriching the content of
the site by involving the scholars by
contributing articles containing peaceful
Islamic values to the Islamic media to enhance
the credibility of the Islamic media.
2. The National Agency for Combating Terrorism
(BNPT) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs
can embrace the Islamic media and invite them
always to disseminate information that can be
justified. Both can also help improve the
capacity and network of Islamic media to be
able to compete until finally defeating radical
Islamic media.
Learning through social media without control
can result in intolerance and extremism by spreading
hatred and hoax filled with racist sentiments, hatred
and religious and political nuances. The Tetra Pak
Index 2017 (Paramitaratri, 2017) report records that
there are approximately 132 million internet users in
Indonesia with over 106 million people using social
media every month and 85% of them access social
media via mobile devices. Thus by this figure, it
seems that Indonesia could be a potential target in
spreading hatred and radicalism. Laras Sekarsih, a
lecturer of Media Psychology from the University of
Indonesia stated to that people tend to
believe in hoax if the information is in accordance
with opinion or attitudes. Likewise, when one likes a
particular group, product and policy, if it receives
information according to what is believed, then there
is less desire to check the truth. Based on research
by World's Most Literate Nation in 2016, Indonesia
ranked 61 out of 62 countries studied in terms of
literacy. As a result, with the lack of knowledge,
most people in Indonesia easily accessible
information received without wanting to re-check or
evaluate the truth. Anticipating the harmful impacts
of the internet, it is necessary to educate the public
on how to use social media wisely and correctly.
Furthermore, increasing the media literacy, so
that people can select the right and wrong
information. Thinking independently, intelligently,
not easily influenced by a particular group or group,
and have sufficient knowledge so as not to be easily
provoked and carried away the flow of alignments.
One of the steps taken by the police is by enacting
Law Number 19 the Year 2016 on the amendment to
Law no. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic
Transactions (UU ITE).
The advancement of information technology has
enabled hundreds and even thousands of information
in seconds can be spread through social media and
Religious Learning, Social Media, and the Emergence of Religious Intolerance in Social Relations
can be accessed by all internet users. Social media as
a place to express themselves, the views of life,
attitude, and opinions wearer depends on the use of
positive or negative. However, it is unfortunate
when social media serve as a place of spreading
hatred and religious provocation. The modes used by
sharing news, image quotations or statements whose
origins are not clear and some even add their own
sentences. The spread of provocations and hate
speeches of religious nuance can affect anyone
without considering the age, social status, and
education level, so it is hazardous in the life of
society. The solution is to learn how to interact with
others in social media with self-control and
clarification. Another step is to mark sites that are
proven to have repeatedly disseminated information
hoax, lies and ignore any information submitted the
As a concrete step in tackling the hoax news and
hate speech of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI)
published Fatwa MUI Number 24 of 2017 on
Penalties and Guidelines of social relations through
Social Media on Monday, June 5, 2017, which aims
to prevent hostility and hatred that is rampant in
social media. The prohibited material are slander,
racist hate speech, fake information, pornographic
material, and other inappropriate material. The
prohibited act is to produce and distribute content
that twists facts, disseminates personal content that
is not publicly consumable, as well as buzzer
activity that spread lies and hatred.
The learning of Islam through mass media cannot be
separated from the life of modern society, especially
in urban areas. Limitations of time and intensity of
the community in using social media become the
main thing to use religious learning through social
Social media can be accessed by the public
whenever it is a time fill between busy work and
activities undertaken by the community. In fact,
often individuals spend more time in cyberspace
than the real world. Thus for people who have
limited time and want to learn religion practically
will use social media as a means of meeting the
needs of the religious values being studied.
Social media is one of the media that can be used
in the religious study but not as the primary source
of reference; people still have to refer to the primary
source or religious experts who have particular
expertise comprehensively and deeply. The amount
of information obtained through social media
requires the ability of users to be able to compare,
choose religious resources that have a high level of
validity and authority. For people who have more
ability in religious science can check directly on the
main source and provide clarification when there is
information that troubles and confuses people in
understanding a religious phenomenon.
The occurrence of a firm religious understanding
because it only studies the religion that focuses on
the media alone can lead to misunderstandings of
religion and the occurrence of relationships that are
not harmonious in building social relations. This
condition occurs when receiving information in full
without checking the source directly and does not
compare with other sources. Thus, it is necessary for
religious leaders who have the function to provide
explanations and clarifications on religious
understanding that is controversial and minimizes
conflict in society.
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Religious Learning, Social Media, and the Emergence of Religious Intolerance in Social Relations