Labor, Participation and Local Election:
Analysis the Defeat of Obon Tabroni as Independent Candidate in
Bekasi Local Election on 2017
Ana Sabhana Azmy
and Fikry Maulana Hidayatullah
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Trade Union, Political Participation, Pilkada 2017, Bekasi Regency.
Abstract: This study discusses the defeat of ObonTabroni in the simultaneous elections held in Bekasi District in 2017.
In a local election, there were five candidates for regent and vice regent, and two of them through independent
path. ObonTabroni was the representative of the trade union FSPMI who used the independent way. However,
unions and laborers who support the ObonTabroni partner in the regent's nomination in Bekasi 2017, did not
guarantee that all support and votes were given to Obon. It is evident that when the election ended on February
15, 2017, Obon and his partner declared their failure. This article uses the qualitative method to find out what
factors make the laborers' representatives lose in the 2017 election in Bekasi Regency. As the conclusion, four
factors influence the defeat of ObonTabroni as labor representatives in election 2017. First, less popularity of
ObonTabroni among Bekasi regency community. Second, the fraud of other candidates used money politics.
Third, the number of voters who did not vote. Fourth, the voice of the union was divided and the lack of solid
voice of the workers and also lack of political experience from the workers.
The trade union movement was undergoing
significant changes, one of it was the shift from a
more democratic political environment. Since the
beginning of the 1998 Reformation era, the
movement of the trade unions in Indonesia has
become one of several powerful political forces
toward the election in Bekasi regency, West Java. The
era of workers in politics has already begun, this time
was a total workforce entirely into the political world
by appointing Obon Tobroni as his candidate in the
elections through an independent (individual) path.
The reason Obon used the independent path was to
avoid the interests of political parties. Obon Tabroni
as a representative of the workers in the elections of
Bekasi Regency got some support from several
unions in Bekasi Regency. This support came from
Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union
(FSPMI), National Workers Union (SPN), Federation
of Industrial Workers (FKI) and other unions under
the Indonesian Trade Union Confederation (KSPI).
The support of the four unions to Obon as the
nomination of the Regent in Bekasi Regency 2017 did
not guarantee the victory of Obon and Sumaryono.
From the total number of voters, 3,958 voting place
(TPS) in Bekasi, Obon, and Sumaryono split into the
third place with 207,940 total votes. Based on the
above problem statement, some questions arise; First,
why the union could not win Obon Tabroni in the
local elections of Bekasi in 2017? Second, what
factors caused the defeat of Obon Tabroni in the local
elections of Bekasi in 2017?
The defeat of ObonTabroni which was the
representative of the workers can be profoundly
analyzed by using several concepts and theories;
2.1 The Concept of Political Power and
Interest Groups
In its understanding, political power is a socio-
cultural group that tries to influence the process of
making and political decisions made by the
government. This group will influence the decisions
Azmy, A. and Hidayatullah, F.
Labor, Participation and Local Election: Analysis the Defeat of Obon Tabroni as Independent Candidate in Bekasi Local Election on 2017.
DOI: 10.5220/0009932003880395
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 388-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
made regarding their interests. The effort carried out
by this group is usually by using all sources of power
owned through available and effective channels.
Groups that have political power will usually
mobilize all sources of power to the maximum and
choose the right channel as a platform to channel their
aspirations and interests. According to Miriam
Budiardjo, political power is an individual or an
organization that is an actor and capable of playing a
role in political life. these people are individuals or
groups that have an element of interest and aim to
influence the decision-making process in the political
system. One group belonging to the political power
group is a trade union. Basically, trade unions are
organizations formed from, by, and for workers or
laborers both in companies and outside companies
that are free, open, independent, democratic and
responsible for defending the rights and interests of
workers and their families (Budiardjo, 2008.)
While the interest group is a structural group or a
political institution that functions as a delivery of
demands that have an interest. According to Almond
and Powell the interest group is a group of individuals
who are connected with a bond of interests or benefits
who consciously share the interests. The form of an
interest group can be in the form of unions,
associations, ties or community organizations. The
effectiveness of an interest group in channeling its
interests depends on issues that are being developed
by the government. In addition, the success of the
interest group depends on how the group directs the
support, energy and strength of the members of the
group. Examples include financial strength, number
of members, political skills, organizational unity, and
group achievements in the eyes of the general public
or in the eyes of the government. Therefore, at least
representatives of these interest groups must struggle
to raise the interests and demands of the group so that
they can be made into the State agenda. Because each
group has different interests Gabriel A. Almond
Bingham G. Powell divides the interest group into
four types. First, the anomic group, this group formed
spontaneously and only immediately, so the activities
carried out by this group were only fleeting and did
not have clear rules. The two non-associational
groups, this group is not neatly organized and its
activities are only sometimes. The three groups are
associational, this group is a neatly organized group
and through clear procedures. And the fourth is the
institutional group, this group is formal, organized
and organized. This group consists of professionals in
their fields and has a clear working structure (Haniah
& Azmy, 2016).
2.2 Political Participation
Political participation is an activity of an individual
or group of organizations, participating in political
activity by choosing a state leader directly or
indirectly to influence government policy by voting
in an election. Some factors that affect political
participation are; first, political awareness of the
government or its political system of citizens' rights
and duties, in particular, political rights, economic
rights, legal protection rights, economic obligations,
and social obligations. Second, concerning how is the
assessment and appreciation of government policy
and its implementation. The high and low of these
two factors are influenced by other factors such as
social status and economic status, political affiliation
of parents and organizational experience. What is
meant by social status is the position of a person in
society based on wealth, it can be known from
income, expenditure, or ownership of valuable
objects. Someone who has a high social status and
economic status not only has political knowledge, but
they also have political interest and attention and trust
in the government (Ramlan, 1992). Milbarth and Goel
share three forms of political participation, the first
categories are Gladiators, those who are actively
involved in a political process as communicators with
the particular task of making face-to-face contact,
party or organizational activists, and campaign
workers. Second, is the Spectator, meaning those who
have at least voted in the elections. Third is apathy; it
is the people who do not participate and withdraw
from the political process (Ramlan, 1992).
Furthermore, according to Myron Weiner, there
are five factors that can influence one's political
participation, namely first, Mordernization in all
fields that have implications for the
commercialization of agriculture, industrialization,
rising levels of education, increasing urbanization
flows, widespread role of mass media and
communication media. second, changes in essential
class structures such as the emergence of the middle
class and new workers are increasingly widespread in
the era of industrialization. Their emergence, of
course, will be accompanied by the arrival of new
demands that will influence the policies of the
government. Third, the influence of intellectuals and
the role of the mass media. The ideas of nationalism,
liberalism, and egalitarianism arouse demands to
participate in determining decision making.
Widespread mass media communication facilitates
citizen participation in political life. Fourth, there is
conflict between political leaders. political leaders
fighting over power, often seeking mass support. In
Labor, Participation and Local Election: Analysis the Defeat of Obon Tabroni as Independent Candidate in Bekasi Local Election on 2017
this case, there is often participation and mobilization.
Fifth, there is government involvement in social,
economic and cultural affairs. Widespread scope of
government often stimulates the growth of organized
demands to participate in influencing any public
policy making (Sudjono, 1995).
The political participation of the workers in this
pilkada is influenced by many factors, the current
situation makes the workers feel aggrieved by the
policies made by the government. With the mediocre
conditions of the labor economy and increasing
urbanization and the emergence of many new forces
within the trade unions, the workers are stimulated to
participate in political activities.
2.3 Voter Behaviour
The beginning of the emergence of sociological
approaches in the tradition of voter behavior
developed in Europe and America in 1950 and was
built on the assumption that voter behavior was
determined by the sociological characteristics of
voters. Especially seen from the existence of social
classes, religion, education and ethnic groups. In the
sociological approach there is a core that influences
voter behavior, namely that every voter has an
awareness of his rights in an election. Because the
results of this election will determine a public policy
that will affect him and the community at large. But
unfortunately most of these people are usually
relative to educated people or business people. This
means that on average Indonesian people will choose
their prospective leaders by looking at the candidate's
educational background. The more titles or the more
titles held by the candidate pair will influence the
choice of the voter. Conversely, educated voters will
study the candidate pairs they will choose so that they
are not mistaken in choosing the candidate for the
regional head. In addition to educated people, what
affects a person to participate in the election is the
existence of work, because most people who do not
have a job tend to be more focused on how to find a
job than to participate in the election. In addition,
voter behavior is determined also by the existence of
religion and internal and external organizations,
because with the existence of this organization they
are easier to get information. With these
organizations they will be more easily contacted and
communicate with people or groups who have these
interests. Because it is impossible for a candidate or
member of the House of Representatives to come to
the residents one by one of their homes to collect their
votes. Moreover, most of the Indonesian people,
religion is the most important thing in the course of a
life and politics. Especially in this case is choosing a
prospective leader, and the first thing that is usually
seen by the community is the religion adopted by the
candidate. Is it the same as the majority community
in general, or vice versa. As a country with a high
population level of Muslims, of course people who
are predominantly Muslim will certainly prefer
candidates for officials who are also Muslims.
Similarly, if seen from the sociological approach, a
voter can be seen from his background, for example
like a worker. In Europe workers prefer socialist
parties or labor parties to other parties, because they
believe that the workers' party will pay attention to
the socio-economic conditions of the workers. So,
basically social approaches ranging from education,
work, background and religion greatly influence the
formation of voter behaviour (Agustino & Yusoff,
Second, The psychological approach is a model of
approach that is seen from the personality of a person
who is a variable that can determine its political
behavior. In the psychological approach emphasizes
on several aspects that affect a person's psychological
impact on politics, these aspects are emotional in a
political party or class and orientation towards the
candidate. In the psychological approach itself, the
behavior of choosing a voter can be detected using the
following two concepts. Namely: First, the concept of
Political Involvement, is a feeling that assesses itself
as an important factor or not to be involved in general
political issues. Second, is party identification (party
indentification) which is a feeling of liking an
individual towards one political party or one
particular group.
In the psychological approach can be seen the
behavior of voters who do have an interest that comes
from the bottom of their hearts, meaning that
someone has a high awareness of the importance of
elections and tends to see the positive meaning of
involvement in the election can affect public policy.
Conversely, someone who does not have interest in
politics tends to be an apathetic citizen. Apathy here
is intended that the citizen will not care about the
election, because for him the election only benefits a
few elites and does not benefit him the reality is very
different from the daily reality.
In addition, partisans are also very influential in a
psychological approach to voter behavior.
Participants are a state of psychology in which a
person feels close and has a responsibility for a
particular party or group. In partisan, voter behavior
will tend to choose a party or group where he is,
therefore he tends to follow the election.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
In elections, voters usually also see a candidate or
candidate to be elected. Usually voter behavior sees
the candidate from a vision and mission or the
existence of a social closeness between the voter and
the candidate. The behavior of voters usually tends to
choose candidates that he knows or indeed have blood
relations with the candidate compared to other
candidates. However, most people who have public
problem information will be more inclined to choose
candidates compared to people who are less
informed. (Aminudin, Perilaku Politik Indonesia,
2011). Furthermore, partisan are also very influential
in a psychological approach to voter behavior.
Participants are a psychological state in which a
person feels close and has responsibility for a
particular party or group. Partisan voter’s behavior
tends to choose a party or a group where he is
involved; he tends to follow the election.
The third choice In political science, it is known
as the rational choice approach or what we often hear
as Rational Choise. A rational choice is a voter's
behavior by calculating maximum profits by issuing
minimal fees. So, if someone gets the same result
from the election, even if he or she does not
participate in the election, the citizen will not follow
the election. Because in principle they assume that if
you can get the same thing with other citizens without
wasting time and energy, why does warus issue it.
This approach model gives attention to the dynamics
of political economy in terms of personal and
collective aspects. For example, if the condition of the
voting household is below the current government
with good conditions, then the voters will take part in
the election and re-elect the candidate to return to
office. But on the contrary, if the condition of the
voters under the administration of the candidate
deteriorates, then voters tend not to care about the
election or will reject the government for the second
time by choosing other candidates. Unlike the
previous assumption of Rational Choice Theory. In
this model, participants are people who learn
adaptively from their previous experiences, so they
choose or do not choose based on previous experience
in the election whether it is beneficial or not for
themselves. This was a revision of the Rational
Choice Theory about Voting which was developed by
the Riker and Ordeshook in 1973. According to the
Riker and Ordeshook one would participate in the
election if the cost of C to do that was less than the
profit B obtained from the participation. Then
multiplied the perception of the importance of her
participation in winning candidates who supported
her and the obligation of a citizen to participate D. If
not, then the person might not participate in the
Because basically in this rational approach, voters
will choose candidates who benefit themselves if they
are seen to be able to fulfill or help their interests
(siteally). This means that voters will choose
candidates who are considered promising benefits to
themselves and their families. A rational voter is not
interested in the political concept of the candidate or
party, but the voter sees the biggest advantage he gets
from the candidate or party. Voters will know how the
party or candidate has helped achieve the desires of
the voters and does not need information that is too
detailed and accurate, but enough to perceive the
economic situation of himself and his family during
the reign of the government. Conversely, if voters feel
that their social and economic conditions are worse
than before, then voters tend to punish the
government by not re-choosing it and choosing other
potential opponents.(Saiful, Liddle, & Ambardi,
The defeat of ObonTabroni and his partner in the
2017 election in Bekasi is an interesting phenomenon.
Throughout 2014 the total number of workers in
Bekasi Regency was 1,295,552. Based on the data,
the type of livelihood of Bekasi society is mostly in
the industrial sector which reaches up to 468,883
people(Establishment of Government Regulation in
Lieu of Law On the Election of Governor, Mayor,
Regent, 2016). From the analysis of the authors,
shows that the political participation of the workers is
still somewhat less. ObonTabroni who became the
representative of the workers advanced as a candidate
for regent by using an independent path. However,
not all unions agree with the nomination of Obon as a
candidate for the election of the local regent. It is
obvious when Obon was declared lost in the electoral
last time. There are several reasons why the union
voice could not win ObonTabroni.
3.1 Lack of Solidarity between Trade
The lack of solidarity between the unions in Bekasi is
the main reason for the defeat of ObonTabroni and his
spouse in the elections of Bekasi Regency in 2017.
Labor, Participation and Local Election: Analysis the Defeat of Obon Tabroni as Independent Candidate in Bekasi Local Election on 2017
Based on the results of the interview with Timboel
Siregar as observers of labor politics (Siregar, 2018),
he explained that the division of trade union voices in
Bekasi Regency was due to the ego of each union
leader. In Bekasi District, not all unions join the
confederation that followed by FSPMI. There are
about 14 confederations, 112 federations, and
thousands of enterprise-level unions that each has a
different ideology. From the fragmentation of the
union's voice made the workers seem solid. It makes
the voice of the workers weak, the weak approach of
the workers' position to democracy-based politics,
leaving the workers in decline and unable to
effectively take advantage of the existing political
space. The impact of this disagreement resulted in the
division of the Obon voice which was quite large at
the time of the vote.
Amir Mahfuzh as the winning team of the Obon
pair explained that the difference of opinion was the
reason why the voice of the workers was unable to
win the Obon and his partner. If only during the 2017
elections, the workers' voices were united, it was not
impossible to win the Obon and their partners.
Because basically the voice of workers in Bekasi
regency is almost around 30% who have voting rights
in the 2017 elections, so it is quite high and is
considered capable of winning the Obon pair.
However, in reality in the last 2017 election some
unions chose not to choose Obon and their partners.
If only Obon Tabroni and pairya were elected as
regents, there were at least representatives of workers
who could influence public policy so that the access
of trade unions to the welfare of their members would
be more easily accepted in the government. So it is
very unfortunate, the workers do not understand this
(Mahfuzh, 2018).
3.2 Split of the Unions
Agus Ahmad Sudrajat as a chairman of Federal
Industrial Workers (FKI) (Sudrajat, 2018), Agus
Ahmad Sudrajat as general chairman of the Federal
Industrial Workers (FKI). He stated that the vote split
from the trade union was one of the factors that made
Obon Tabroni lose in the 2017 elections. This is
because the workers in the 2017 elections then have
their respective affiliations that cannot be regulated or
contested by anyone. In the 2017 pilkada, the
psychological approach emphasizes on several
aspects that affect the psychological impact of some
workers on politics, these aspects are emotional in a
political party or class and orientation towards the
candidate. One of the causes of workers' voices is
divided, that is, first because of the existence of labor
activists who become party activists. The intention of
labor activists as well as party activists is that many
members of the trade unions should vote for the Obon
pair, but because they are also members of their party
they also have to secure the votes of the parties they
follow. Because, the workers themselves recognize
that party doctrine is earlier than the trade union
doctrine itself. For example in the South Tambun
region where the FSPMI union is the basis of the PKS
party, it is possible that the workers around Tambun
Selatan are members of the PKS, the PKS party is the
party that nominates Sadudidan Ahmad Dhani. So, it
is not impossible for workers to tend to choose their
party rather than their union. This is due to
psychological and sociological factors.
In addition, Agus Ahmad Sudrajat also stated that
in fact the lack of solidarity of the workers had been
seen from the collection of KTP, because the
regulations stipulated by the KPU for nomination as
independent candidates must have approximately
6.5% of the total number of votes. ID cards collected
from the workers themselves are only about 30% of
the votes of workers who have the right to vote in the
election. This clearly shows an indication of the lack
of solidarity of the workers. Although in theory the
trade unions will not lose, because from the
discussion of Obon-supporting unions, target 400
thousand votes for the Obon pair from the voices of
the workers alone. However, in reality the lack of
solidarity of the workers made Obon's voice lost in
the third rank. This weakness is an obstacle for trade
unions in Indonesia, especially in Bekasi Regency.
(Establishment of Government Regulation in Lieu of
Law On the Election of Governor, Mayor, Regent,
2016). Timboel Siregar, a political observer of labor,
said that if the unions in Bekasi district can build a
high level of cooperation and solidarity for the
common good, then it is impossible for
ObonTabronito lose to the 2017 election (Siregar,
3.3 The Existence of the Betrayal of
FSPMI Itself
Third, there is a betrayal factor from the body of
FSPMI itself. This was stated by Obon to the author
during the interview. Obon stated that there were
indeed several members who had betrayed him in the
voting process. This is due to the issues of the
opponent's candidate pair who made the vote from
FSPMI lost around 2-3%. The following is a short
excerpt from Obon. "There are, but if there is no
publicly available, the name of the supporter is in the
lure of something, the person just wants it. So,
yesterday the team was a lot because they saw me. If
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
the rest, there is an intention to nominate the voice
and I also know who the person is. If I am not a
problem, the sound convolution means that it is not
true and not a vision and mission anymore.
Based on the statement of Obon Tabroni above we
can see the Rational Choice approach or the rational
choice of the workers. Rational choice is a voter's
behavior by calculating the maximum profit by
issuing minimal fees. Rational voters are not
interested in the political concept of the candidate or
party. No matter whether Obon is a labor
representative or not, from this rational approach,
voters only see the biggest advantage he gets from the
candidate or party he chooses. As a result, this factor
is a significant factor in its impact. Because this not
only results in loss of voice for the Obon pair and
moves the voice of the independent candidate to
another candidate pair. However, it was also seen that
the voices of the workers themselves were divided
and less solid until the voice of the trade unions was
unable to win the Obon Tabroni pair who became
representatives of the workers in Bekasi Regency
(Tabroni, 2018).
3.4 The Lack of Political Education
among the Workers
Muhamad Noor as chairman of the national trade
union (SPN) stated that most of the worker's routines
are; going to work, going home, taking rest until the
next day, back to work and repeat. Because most of
their time spent in the factory for work, they have less
understanding of the importance of politics. Their
concern for political participation is low that it tends
to be apathetic (Noor, 2018). According to
RamlanSurbakti, there are two essential variables
influence the level of political participation. First,
political awareness of the government or it is political
system regarding the rights and obligations of
citizens. Such as political rights, economic rights,
legal protection rights, economic and social
obligations. Second, concerning how to assess and
appreciate government policies and their
implementation. This factor becomes ineffective
because influenced by other factors such as social
status, economic status, parental political affiliation,
and organizational experience. What is meant by
social status is one's position in society by wealth;
from income, expenditure, or possession of precious
objects. Someone with high social and economic
status has not only political knowledge but also have
political interests and concerns (Ramlan, 1992).
In addition, mostly the community and workers in
Bekasi Regency see the candidate from sociological
factors. It is because the voters are more familiar with
the background and the results of its performance like
Sadudin as a former Regent in the period 2007-2012
and Neneng who became the previous regent. It is the
reason of Obon and his partner lost the third rated of
the votes from the two pairs of the other candidates.
We can see from the number of voters who voted
Obon; the majority come from the workers, especially
labor unions FSPMI.
Beside several reasons above, some factors
caused the defeat of ObonTabroni in the local election
of Bekasi on 2017 are;
3.4.1 Lack of the Existence of ObonTabroni
among Society and Workers
Based on the results of the interview with the author
of the source ObonTabroni, Obon is the first
candidate regent in the history of elections in Bekasi
District carried by the workers. Obon is famous
among the workers and trade unions. However, in his
candidacy as a candidate, Obon regent charged to
existence in the eyes of the public of Bekasi because
a selection process needs publicity from the
candidate. The relevance popularity pairs of
candidates can promote the candidates to the
community. When people have already known the
candidates, the trust from the voters will arise. Track
Record of the candidate pair is also able to increase
public confidence in the candidate (Tabroni, 2018).
3.4.2 Money Politics among Workers and
Money politics in the election is like thorns in the
flesh. Almost everyone knows that money politics
often exists in every election, but it is difficult to
eradicate its existence. Also, it takes hard work to
minimize money politics in every election in
Indonesia. The issue of money politics is no stranger
to be heard in Indonesia; even this phenomenon has
often occurred in Indonesia with their respective
levels. Based on interviews with Yanto as a chairman
of the political desk of FSPMI, he stated that in
Bekasi regency, money politics and the distribution
of basic foods at the time of general election is still
prevalent and demanding to be eliminated. It means
that people in Bekasi Regency tend to be pragmatic
in this local election.
Pragmatism is the behavior among the public as
well as workers voicing their interests over a moment
that rationally benefits them and their families
(Yanto, 2018). Based on the results of the interviews
it is obvious that the community and the workers
Labor, Participation and Local Election: Analysis the Defeat of Obon Tabroni as Independent Candidate in Bekasi Local Election on 2017
prefer the candidate who gives money or another kind
of it if they can get what they want they will give their
votes to the prospective couple. The form of money
politic also diverse; some give subtly such as giving
public facilities, the distribution of basic foods, shirts,
some even openly give cash to voters on the grounds
as a substitute for food, transport, and support.
3.4.3 Voters Who Decide to Did Not Vote
Based on the data taken by the writer, one of the
factors of Obon Tabroni's defeat in the 2017 election
in Bekasi was the number of voters who did not use
their voting rights. It can be seen from the calculation
results of the Bekasi District Election Commission
which stated that around 39.1% of the people of
Bekasi regency did not use their voting rights (KPU
Kabupaten Bekasi, 2017). Based on the results of the
author's interviews with the speakers, several factors
influenced the low political participation of the
community and workers in Bekasi Regency which
made the community and workers apathetic. The
interviewee stated that: First, separate invitations
made voters reluctant to come to the polling station.
Second, voters who did not want to vote because they
felt disadvantaged by the existing candidate pairs.
Third, community and labor apathy emerged from the
disappointment in the absence of significant changes
in the effort to improve their welfare. In the end, the
disappointment of society and workers gave to the
candidates, political parties, and organizations by not
choosing anyone. Neither the candidates nor the
proponent could influence the voters to give their
votings rights (Tabroni, 2018).
There are several reasons why union votes could not
win ObonTabroni and his spouse in the 2017 election
in Bekasi Regency:
First, the lack of solidarity between trade unions
in Bekasi Regency. It is because the ideological
differences between trade unions are mainly among
the leaders of the trade union itself. Also, the workers
on 2017 election have their respective affiliations that
cannot be regulated or inviolable by anyone. Coupled
with the sound bombing factor or the betrayal of the
body of FSPMI itself. Second, the lack of political
experience of the workers in Indonesia, especially in
Bekasi Regency. The political behavior of the
electorate of the workers is still largely not
determined by his interests as a worker but rather of
other factors such as sociological, psychological and
rational choice.
In addition to the above reasons, there are also
factors that led to the defeat of ObonTabroni as an
independent candidate carried by the workers. First,
the lack of ObonTabroni popularity among Bekasi
regency community. ObonTabroni is less well known
among the people of Bekasi Regency so that people
tend to choose the couple they already know;
societies are more likely to see a candidate from
sociological factors. Second, money politics among
workers and society in Bekasi Regency. Money
politics and the distribution of foods at the time of the
general election still happened and difficult to
eradicate. Third, voters who did not vote or abstain.
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