Religious Behavior of Students UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Ay Maryani
and Santi Yustini
Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Ir.H.Juanda Street, South Tangerang, Indonesia
Keywords: Religious behavior, habluminallah behavior, habluminannas behavior, internal environment and external
Abstract: This study describes the religious behavior of students UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The variables used
are internal, external environment and religious be-havior. The internal environment variable consists of
gender factor, (male and female). The external environ-mental variables comprise the faculty environment,
the present resident and the place to grow. The present resi-dent consist of dormitories, boarding houses and
parents' homes and the place to grow consist of urban and rural environment. Religious behavior variables
consist of habluminallah behavior and habluminannas behavior. The methodology used was (1) Statistical
descriptive, (2) MANOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Variance) and (3) Independent sample t-test. The
results showed the reli-gious behavior UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students has a very good category.
Habluminallah and habluminannas behavior are different for each faculty. Habluminallah and
habluminannas behavior are the same for respondents who live in dormitories, boarding houses and parents’
homes. Habluminallah and habluminannas behaviors are similar for urban and rural respondents.
Habluminallah and habluminannas behaviors are similar for male and female. The results of this study are
expected to be used to develop university policies that can enhance the Islamic values of UIN Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The change of State Islamic Institute (the
“IAIN”) to Islamic University State of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta (Mahfudz, 2012) brought many
changes including the increasing number of
faculties, and study programs. This change provides
opportunity for the general faculties and study
programs to be established at UIN of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta. As a result of the increase in
the number of faculties and study programs it will
certainly have an impact on the increase of the
number of students. Every year the number of
candidates of students continues to increase.
According to UIN News online, there were around
15,000 candidates of students in the 2016/2017
academic year, and while in 2017/2018 there were
16,000 candidates of students (
Abdullah, 2016).
With the increasing number of candidates of
students from years to years, the UIN of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta in 2017 opened 7 selection
lines, which previously it was only 6 selection lines
in 2016 (Administrator UIN Jakarta, 2017). These
various selection lines are the entry points for the
candidates of students from various provinces both
from urban and rural areas, from general education
and religious education, from families with different
economic and education levels education.
In order to accommodate students from outside
the area, UIN of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
provides a dormitory that functions as a residence
for students during their studies (
Amin, 2012). In
addition, the environment around UIN of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta has many boarding houses that
have the same function as dormitories. Not often
students also choose to live with their closest parents
and relatives.
In general, at present, students of UIN of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta come from the urban and rural
Muslim communities, but in reality, their religious
behavior is not the same. This is because urban and
rural communities have different habitudes and
characteristics (
Solikhin, 2014). Starting from the
level of understanding, level of practice, and the way
they handle cases around them based on Islamic
values and teachings (
Shah et al, 2013). These various
backgrounds of environment, education, residence
that are different can influence the behavior of
students themselves, both in terms of their religious
Maryani, A. and Yustini, S.
Religious Behavior of Students UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009928102680274
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 268-274
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
behavior and their social behavior (Shah et al, 2013).
Therefore, researcher have desire to find out the
religious behavior of students of UIN of Syarif
Hidayatullah Jakarta, which are influenced by
gender, the environment of the faculty, the
environment in which they live and the environment
from which students grew.
2.1 Study of Theory
2.1.1 Definition of Religious Behavior
According to (Magill 1993) religiosity is a person's
attitude toward religion in general or the way a
person becomes religious (Aisyah, 2014), (2014),
(2106), and according to (Jalaluddin, 2002) religion
generally has rules and obligations that must be
carried out which all of them function to bind and
require oneself or a group of people in their relation
with God, fellow human beings and the natural
surroundings (
Azizah, 2005). According to (Shihab
1998), (Rahayu 2003), religion is a relationship
between creatures and the Creator which is
manifested in his/her inner attitude and in the
worship performed as well as in the overall attitude
Tat, 2004). Implementation of religion is an activity
or behavior of a person against the religion itself.
According to (Boston and Gray 1981), (Hair and
Bowers 1992), (McIntosh et al 1993), (Rahayu
2003), religious activities not only occur when
someone performs rituals (religious worship),
however it is also when someone does other
activities; it not merely related to activities that can
be seen with the eyes, but it relates as well to the
invisible activities that occur in one's inner heart
Tat, 2004).
In the Holly Qur’an Adz-Dzariyat (51) verse 56,
which has meaning “and I (Allah) do not create jinn
and humans but that they serve Me (Allah)”. As the
representative of Allah, he was aware of the amazing
task he was carrying out, namely managing the earth
based on the message of Allah. In line with human
functions according to Islam, the expected behavior
of a Muslim is to have hablumminallah and
hablumminannas behaviors (Aisyah, 2014), (2014),
2.1.2 Behavior of Habluminallah
In the Islamic perspective, habluminallah behavior
is human behavior that is built on the framework of
human relations with God (hablumminallah) through
agreements that are regulated in the Shari’ah of
Allah regarding the obligation to fulfill the
commands or rights of Allah Ta'ala. (Aisyah, 2014),
(2014), (2106). According to (Mansoer, 2008)
(Aisyah, 2014), (2014), (2106), hablumminallah
behavior of a Muslim can be measured through, (a)
knowledge of faith and worship (b) attitude towards
faith and worship and (c) practice of faith and
2.1.3 Behavior of Habluminannas
Habluminannas behavior is a human relationship
with each other (hablumminannas) through the
obligation to fulfill the rights of fellow human
beings both Muslims and apostates (kafir) (Aisyah,
2014), (2014), (2106) and (
Almu’tasim, 2016). (Yusuf
1995: 154) (Aisyah, 2014) explained that in line
with human function as the khalifah of Allah, the
Muslim should have a main character such as: doing
tadzakkur, tafakkur, ikhtiyar, jihad, ijtihad,
istiqamah, ta`awun, tawasau, tasamuh, deliberation,
ukhwah, and fastabiqul khairat. Those personal
characters that form the behavior of
Hablumminannas behavior of a Muslim can be
measured from (Mansoer, 2008: 112) (Aisyah,
2014), (2014) (a) Islamic behavior towards oneself
(b) Islamic behavior towards fellow human beings
(c) Islamic behavior towards the surrounding
2.1.4 Factors that Influence the Religious
In Islam, human behavior is the result of the
interaction of factors of external (external
environment) and internal (from within the
individual itself). (Aisyah, 2014), (2014) and
Munawar, 2011).
Internal Factors
The internal environment includes aspects of
genetics (gender), structure and body functions as
well as psychological (
Munawar, 2011). According to
the socialization gender theory proposed by
(Zelenzy et al 2000) in (
Miranti, 2012) behavior is
determined by the process of socialization in which
Religious Behavior of Students UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
individuals are shaped by cultural norms and
expected values in a particular gender.
External Factors
External factors, namely, factors that influence the
behavior of individuals who come from outside the
individual itself, such as the community, family and
education environments (Aisyah, 2014), (2014).
External factors include, (1) the environment
where the individual grows. The environment where
the students grow in this research is divided into two
categories: rural (Rural Society) and urban (Urban
Society); (2) the current living environment. Current
living environment include dormitories, boarding
houses and parents’ house (
Shah et al, 2013) and (3)
college environment (Aisyah, 2104).
2.2 Research Hypothesis
The hypothesis in this research are:
1. H1 : Religious behavior of students of UIN of
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has reached the
category of “good”.
2. H2 : There is no difference in the religious
behavior of students among the faculties.
3. H3 : There is no difference in the religious
behavior of students, in relation to respondents
that are living in dormitory, in a boarding house
and in parents’ house (current living
4. H4: There is no difference in the religious
behavior of students, in relation to respondents
that come from rural and urban areas (factors of
environment where they are grown).
5. H5: There is no difference in the religious
behavior of students, in relation to male
respondents and female respondents (gender
This research includes descriptive quantitative type
with descriptive statistical approach and comparative
test (Sugiyono, 2014). The variables in this research
consist of habluminallah behavior (Y1) and
habluminannas behavior (Y2). Habluminallah
behavior variables consist of (1) knowledge of faith
and worship, (2) attitude towards faith and worship,
and (3) practice of faith and worship. While the
habluminannas variable consists of (1) Islamic
behavior towards oneself, namely: honesty,
discipline and work / study ethics, trustworthy and
compliant with applicable laws / regulations, (2)
Islamic behavior towards others, namely: generous,
cooperative, caring, respecting the rights of others
and tolerance and (3) Islamic behavior towards the
surrounding environment, namely: love for nature
and the efforts of nature conservation (Aisyah, 2014)
(2016). The factors that influence religious behavior
consist of (1) internal environment (X1), namely
gender factors that are interpreted by male and
female), (2) external environment (X2), namely the
environment in which they are grown (rural and
urban), current residence (dormitory, boarding house
and parents’ house) and faculty environment (Shah
et al, 2013). The sample in this research is the
students of UIN of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The
number of active students populations as of
November 2015 as much 22.134 students.
( Base on Isaac and
Michael tabel of population (Sugiyono, 2014:71),
we can determine sum of sample with α 5% that are
342 students. And then we can determine sample
each faculties with below formulas:
Base on above formulas, we can calculate sum of
sample each faculty, see table 1 below:
Table 1. Sample each Faculties
The instrument used to test the data in this research
are (1) descriptive statistic test, (2) MANOVA
(Multivariate Analysis of Variance) test and (3)
Independent t-test sample (Ghozali, 2013).
Sample =( P / P) x 342
S = Sample
P = Population
P = Sum of population
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
4.1 General Description of Religious
4.1.1 Religious Behavior based on Mean
Table 2. Weighting and Categorizing Score Indicators
Categories in tabel 2, to measure mean statistic of
religious behavior in the tabel 3 below. For example,
if mean of statistic in the value range at 0-36,
(habluminallah behavior) and 0-41 (habluminannas
behavior), both religious behavior have categories
“very badly”.
Table 3: Descriptive Statistic of Religious Behavior
Descriptive Statistics
Based on table 3, the mean for haluminallah and
habluminannas behaviors are respectively 158.85
and 178.76 (tabel 2). The mean of habluminallah
behavior is in the range of 145-180 with the category
of “very good”. While the mean of habluminannas
behavior is in the range of 165-205 (tabel 2) with the
category of “very good”.
4.1.2 Religious Behavior based on Mean
The mean of the habluminallah behavior variable
indicator is knowledge of faith and worship, attitude
towards faith and worship and practice of faith and
worship. Of the three aspects of habluminallah
behavior the best aspect is the aspect of attitudes
towards faith and worship with an average value of
55.91. The aspect of knowledge against faith and
worship is an average of 52.08, and the lowest is the
aspect of practice against faith and worship, which is
51.04. (table 4).
Table 4: Religious Behavior Based on Mean
Habluminallah Behavior Indicators Statistics
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is
While the mean of the variable indicator of
habluminannas behavior is Islamic behavior towards
oneself, Islamic behavior towards others and Islamic
behavior towards the surrounding environment. Of
the three aspects of the behavior of habluminannas,
the best aspect is the aspect of Islamic behavior
towards others, with an average value of 84.06, then
the second-best aspect is the aspect of Islamic
behavior towards oneself, with an average of 61.15
and finally the aspect of Islamic behavior towards
surrounding nature which is 33.39. (table 5).
Religious Behavior of Students UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Table 5: Religious Behavior Based on Mean
Habluminannas Behavior Indicators
4.2 Description of Religious Behavior
based on Faculty
Table 6: Manova Test Result Multivariate Test
a. Design: Intercept + Faculties
b. Exact Statistic
c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower
on the significance level
In table 6, the decision is analyzed by Pillai Trace,
Wilk Lambda, Hotelling Trace, Roy’s Largest Root
and F test. The results of all faculties are significant
at 0.00 (<0.05) so that they can be concluded to
receive H0, meaning that habluminalah behavior
and habluminannas behavior are different for each
The difference in the mean of habluminallah
behavior and habluminannas behavior in each
faculty are:
Table 7: Mean of Religious Behavior Among the Faculties
Based on Table 7, it shows that students of the
Faculty of Dirasat and Islamiyah (FDI) have better
habluminallah behavior than other faculties. As for
the behavior of habluminannas, the Faculty of
Science and Technology (FST), is better than other
4.3 Description of Religious Behavior
based on Current Living
Table 8: Manova Test Result Multivariate Test
a. Design: Intercept + Current Living Environment
b. Exact statistic
c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a
lower bound on the significance level.
Based on table 8, the F test and significance scores
on Wilk’s Lambda are 2.055 and 0.085 (> 0.05),
respectively. So, it can be concluded that rejecting
H0 means that habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior are the same for
respondents who live in dormitories, boarding
houses and parents’ house.
Although having habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior are the same, but they have
different mean. This can be seen in table 9 below.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 9: Mean of religious behavior Among Current
Living Environment
Based on table 9, habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior of the students who live in
dormitory have the best mean than students who live
with parents and in boarding houses. This is caused
by education and supervision in the dormitory that
are more stringent than in boarding houses and at
4.4 Description of Religious Behavior
based on Growing Environment
Table 10: Independent Sampel T-test Result Independent
Sample Test
Based on table 10 above, the output of Levene test
for equality of variance can be seen from the results
of the F test, calculated levene test of habluminallah
behavior and habluminannas behavior is
respectively 0.522 and 0.272 with probability 0.470
and 0.602 (> 0.05). Because the probability value
>0.05, it can be concluded that the variance of
habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior for respondents living in urban and rural
areas have the same variance. It is strengthened by t-
test different test analysis that uses assumption of
equal variance assumed. From table 8, it can also be
seen that the value of equal variance assumed is
equal to the level of sig. (2-tailed) for habluminallah
and habluminannas behaviors of 0.317 and 0.245 (>
0.05), respectively, so that H0 is rejected. This
means that habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior for respondents from urban
and rural areas do not have a significant difference.
Although habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior are the same, however it is
different in terms of its mean. This can be seen in
table 11 below.
Table 11: Mean of Religious Behavior Among
Enviroment Where Students Grows Group Statistics
Based on the table 11, students who live in rural
areas have habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior which is better compared
to students who live in urban areas.
4.5 Description of Religious Behavior
based on Gender Factors
Table 12: Independent sampel t-test results Independent
Samples Test
Based on table 12, the output of levene test for
equality of variance can be seen that the F test
results calculate the levene test of habluminallah
behavior and habluminannas behavior, respectively
0.480 and 0.191 with probability of 0.489 and 0.662
(> 0.05). Considering that the probability value is >
0.05, it can be concluded that the variance of
habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior for male and female respondents have the
same variance. This result is also strengthened by
the results of different test t-test using assumption of
equal variance assumed that contained in table 10
which can be seen that the value of equal variance
assumed is equal to sig. level (2-tailed) for
habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior, respectively 0.950 and 0.307 (> 0.05), so
H0 is rejected. This means that habluminallah
behavior and habluminannas behavior for male and
Religious Behavior of Students UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
female respondents did not have a significant
Although habluminallah behavior and
habluminannas behavior are the same, however it is
different in terms of its mean. This can be seen in
table 13 below.
Table 13: Mean of religious behavior based on the type of
gender Group Statistics
Based on the table 13, female students having
habluminallah behavior better compared to the male
students, while habluminannas behavior of male
student is better compared to the female students.
Based on the results and discussion of the research
described the results of the study can be summarized
as follows:
1. In general, the religious behavior of students of
UIN of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta does not have
a “very good” category.
2. Habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior are different for each faculty.
3. Habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior are the same for respondents living in
dormitories, boarding houses and parents’ house.
4. Habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior are the same for respondents from
urban and rural areas.
5. Habluminallah behavior and habluminannas
behavior are the same for male and female
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation